Convert file - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

Hi Guys,
I am trying to flash my rom from Asia to Qtek. I have read that i need to convert the exe to usable form. I have been reading the wiki but, just cant seem to be able to do so.

just extract the exe file with a zip program

ermm.. extract from any zip program ?? i dont get u dude.. I have got the
.exe file btw, when i run the baupgrade.exe, it says device data error. i have edited my editfix.bat. When i run the .exe file direct, it says country id error.

i also used the new type I tools still, no luck

Whats meant by "convert the exe to usable form", is the exe file you download, well the upgrade exe file
I-Mate_PDA2k_French_14002_167_11200.exe this you can extract with zip.
If you download a TypeII rom, you should be able to use the MaUpgradeUt_noID file descriped here
If you download a TypeI rom, then use the xda3nbftool.exe to modify the rom to match your devicedata.exe.
Note that you must have the correct Rom password to get correct out come using xda3nbftool.exe.
Search Forum for password for the desired Rom


Upgrading to Jashar Rom, HOW!!!!!

Trying to figure out how to upgrade but I am missing something.
I downloaded the file JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
When I run it it gives me a country ID Error 120
Following other posts I downloaded the file MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe which gives me the error missing run.dll.
In another post it says to put the MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe in the same directory of the JASJAR_WWE_11353_137_10301.EXE.
P.S. What a nightmare.
I don't want to be rude but if you don't know how to unpack those files - you shouldn't be doing this.
And why do want to put a JJ rom on a wizard?
no offence...are you on crack or somethin?
jasjar ROM into k-jam device?! :?

Extracting nk.nbf

How could i extract nk.nbf from the underground WM6 rom.
Because it is needed for all Cid locked G4 and it will be helpful to everybody.
Can anybody tell me how to? I tried searching it but i didnt find any good answer.
I think you can just right click and extract it.
You wont see it unless you are able to view hidden files.
You may have to change it from hidden to read only in order to use the file.
Hope im not spoiling anybody's secret.
Hope this helps you.
if you've downloaded a self-extracting exe you can in most cases just rename it to rar and then open the file. Otherwise just get the nk.nbf from the temp directory that the exe is extracted to...
208 error
do i need a seperate application to get NBD 8.3 to extract to phone keep getting 208 file in use error I am noob but succsefully sim and cid unlocked 8125 and have had severall different ROMs on phone. Flashed back to button love ipl/spl and then flashed TMO 2.26 rom and really want to try NBD's latest and hot new ROM any help greatly appreciated. the info on here made me think I had a grip on flashing until I hit this hurdle
This site and the chef's awsome
If you have been successfully uploading several ROMs before the NBD8.3 with the RUU works in the same way.
Included in the rar file there is also a readme explaining pretty much in detail how to run the RUU to install. Moreover you will also find some explaination on the different error codes.
You may want to download the rar file again and have a second try.
File error
Sorry bout that I was not extracting to a folder and then running the RUU that's how I kept getting the error Thanks for your help
it´s simple download the magic program called wizard service tool (WST) by mestrini, you have a icon named nbf actions, press extract nbf open the rom you want, choose the destiny folder and voilá, you have the nbf file extracted, after you haved to cook then! with all you want S.O. radio ipl or spl..

Cannot unzip the ROM image

I would like to follow the procedure for customizing the splash screen as described here
At first, I didn't know where to get the program ROMUpgradeUt.exe, then I found (quite difficultly - sometimes the obvious for one is so obfuscated for the other one) that is contained in any ROM image. And that any ROM image is an archive. Well, I downloaded 2 Dopod ROM images, renamed them from .exe into .zip (and .rar) , but neither WinZIP, nor WinRAR is able to open the archive.
I remember doing it, could you please help with this issue ?
If you have any other advice on how to customize the splash screen(s), I would be very grateful.
Thank you all.
Please, could somebody help me with this ?
It is not clear what you want!
You should not be renaming any .exe files to .zip or .rar.
Try right clicking on the .exe file (dopod rom downloaded) and if you have winzip installed you will have a winzip menu in the context sensitive menu. - Choose Extract to - and extract the contents of the .exe to a folder.
You also will have extract to as an option on your right click menu if you have 7-zip (free) installed.
Once you extract the ROM you will have all the ROM and upgrade files. You can Now delete the .nbh file (the ROM) and replace it with the splash ROM .nbh file that you created using the instructions that you are following. (Use the same file name to be sure).
Now use the RUUtility.exe to flash your splash
Hi, thanks for the reply. I remember that last time I did the same operation I had to rename the file. I might be wrong. Anyhow, I'll try to do as you said.
Thanks again.

how to upgrade cooked rom .rar?

All the cooked roms end with .rar. After I downlod the cooked rom (bepe) the file ends with rar. According to the trinity giude it should have ended with zip so that I would be able to extract the files (see section 4, upgrade rom - Open the folder where you unzipped the files and click on ‘ROMUpdateUtility.exe’). However, there is no exe file but only rar. How do I upgrade then? I m a beginner in this and I need your help!!!!!
Download WinRAR and extract the Files.
RAR is like ZIP only other compression
thanks a lot!

problems with RRU file

I am trying to upgrade my radio for the first time (HELP)
I have downloaded the zip file for the RRU,
put the file the same folder as the diamond radio file,
when i click on the RRU to open it, it says to run i need to install something called NET framework????
Can anybody please helpøgning&meta=
give it a go

