No Sound - PDA2, XDA IIi, 2020i General

I have no sound whats so ever?
I think i know the answer to my problem - i'm just not sure how to fix it.
Basically part of my headset is stuck in the headset port. It's the little tiny tip section of the jack end. I think the phone thinks there is a headset plugged in and thats why the speaker is not working - also when taking calls i cant hear the other person and they cant hear me.
Problem is, what do i do about it? It's an awful small jack fitting in the first place - never mind trying to get the smallest part out of that hole?
Any idea's? I want to avoid returning the phone to O2 because when they last had it (the touch screen stopped working) it took 4 weeks before i got it back and I need the phone for GPS everyday!

OOooooo errrr.
Thats got to be the worst of luck.
I can only siggest two possible things to do and they're nasty, very nasty!
1. Get a cocktail stick and dip the smallest possible amount of SuperGlue on the end(and I mean the smallest dribble.) Infact put a drop on a ceramic tile and dip the cocktail stick into it for a really small amount. Then insert and hold for a few minutes. You may have enough bond to ease out the remains.
2. If you dont use the jack you could shove a nail in there and gently wiggle if for quite a while to break the solder points carefuly and then pull the jack off, thus disconnecting the headset.
Sounds rough and nasty but thats what I'd do and then if it failed I'd put the jack on the remaining headset and send it back to O2 for replacement.


speaker lose

Hi all,
I think my internal speaker has come lose inside my alpine as I can hear a rattle and the sound comes and goes, has any one taken one apart or are there any pdfs about on how too dismantle one
Sorry to hear about that.... I had same problem too.....
Yeah, I have a rattly speaker - I think it's because the middle bit which goes over the speaker to protect it has become partially pushed out of its little holes on the inside of the front case - the problem is, the gap is so small I can't get my finger around it to push it back into its holes, so I'll have to take the case off.
It's not so bad at the moment, but I'll give it a go when I get a new phone (September, when my contract renews) - I imagine that dropping my phone a few times hasn't helped it

Phone stuck in "headphone mode" (PLEASE HELP)

For somereason, my phone is stuck in Headphone mode.
like on the top corner, it shows that my phone is still in headphone state.
the problem is that even when my headphone is unplugged my phone is still in that state...
...meaning that, without my headphones plugged in, the other party cannot hear me and i cannot hear them.
i tried soft and hard resetting the phone, but nothing works.
Everything else is working phone, it just that i cannot make a call, answer a call, listen to music without my headphone....
Any help or tips is greatly appreciated.
Thanks alot!!
it already happend to my phone.. what i did is i connect the headset again and did remove my battery and remove the headset then turned on the phone again and the headset icon disappears.
if your problem still continues, i guess you should go to sony ericsson for replacement it seems your jack is grounded or alike. i heard that the jack is somewhat tight and could put a groove in you headset male jack.
apparently its a hardward problem...
I had the same problem. This is what i did put your headset back in turn windows media player on now start a song and pull out the headset. Now it should get out of headset mode. Thats what has been working for me twice.
The other thing to watch for too, and this was a big problem with the older model HTC/SPV Devices, is that the detection switch inside the socket gets stuck.
I had this happen many times on my various SPV's up until HTC Started producing models where the headphones plugged into the mini USB.
If it does happen to be the switch getting stuck, you can try plugging in the headset and wiggling it about a bit, or i found that a wooden cocktail stick was a rather good device, to just poke in and rattle about a little bit.
shawty said:
If it does happen to be the switch getting stuck, you can try plugging in the headset and wiggling it about a bit, or i found that a wooden cocktail stick was a rather good device, to just poke in and rattle about a little bit.
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the stylus is good too.
Hi there,
got the same problem. Tried everything, soft- and hard-reset, cleaned the connector with some alcohol....
Just before i got in the mood to open the case to have a deeper look at the connector, i stumbled over here
This is what i did put your headset back in turn windows media player on now start a song and pull out the headset. Now it should get out of headset mode. Thats what has been working for me twice.
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This also worked for me
As a conclusion, i think there are several reasons (as usual ) that lead to this problem.
It may partly rely on the connector itself, e.g. bad "on" resistance of the contacts or mechanical twisted in any way.
Maybe some of the internal pull-up resistors are to weak also.
Additionally the software driver may have some issues, to indicate the "plug out" properly.
I also had such issue on HTC universal once upon a time.
It was also partly software related. In other words some "plug-in-plug-out" loops while playing some music solved the issue on that device.
Anyway, this maybe called another weird bug on a winmob platform.
Thanks for the hint again!!!
Best regards,
It's me again
I wonder if these headphone problems had gone with the latest firmware.
With R1AA017 the "headphone mode" issue could be reproduced a 1000 times.
1. Today screen, plug in the headphone
2. plug out headphone, headphone symbol stays active
3. plug in headphone again and start WM player
4. start some music, plug out headphone, symbol is gone, sound from the speaker
As it seems with R2AA006 the "headphone mode" issue is gone.
1. Today screen, plug in the headphone, headphone symbol appears
2. plug out headphone, headphone symbol disappears
Works as it should!
Anyway, please report if you ever got these problems and what kind of firmware you are using.
Let's try to concentrate on stock images (R2... , R3...), otherwise this would get very confusing
sent it back for repair ... this happened to me twice and i sent it back for repair and the problem was with the headphone not the phone itself
Hi it happened to me as well. so after few times i was pi.... off and i send it to back to SE repair centre. and i also claim a crack in case. and believe or not they fix it in 12 days. That means SE knows those problems very well. my advise is dont be shy and send it there , they will fix it without any hassle.
try to drain the battery and charge it back up.
I also sent it back. After 5 weeks the idiots at SE Service returned it unrepaired, charged me 40 €, and claimed that the phone was once opened (it was not).
Will now buy an HTC or Nokia. Never ever again an SE.
It Got Solved
Hi It's very simple take your stylus and insert it into the headphone socket and move very gently, It will solve the problem.
For me it had worked always.
Weird but works
Hi all
ive been having the same prob here ... :
phone remains in headset mode even after jack is unplugged.
have been trying:
turning registry entry
blowing (worked at very rare times )
stylus/ pin playing ..
till now, no good solution
my request:
is there a way ( cab install, registry hack) so as to disable the whole of the headset.. its ok if i dont use it anymore.. ! i want it software, like some sort of software to disable the headset module completely ...
awaiting reply.
thanks & Regards,
Yeah I think there is a way. If you search for when I posted about this last year I think someone says how to do it in the comments.
Lots of people seem to be claiming that software tricks can solve this problem. If that worked for you, that's a co-incidence. Even re-flashing a different ROM won't sort out a mechanical fault. Just go get a safety pin.
my experience about the headphone problem
First time, when happaned I was crazy, because I coudn't answer a call and the phone looks like was broken. I suggest,(not a big deal) to close the player program prior you disconnet you headphone or in radio panel mode, to swicth to speaker listenig first and then plug off headphone. Nothing else, don't worry
Well, since I'm using a new phone I've decided I'm going to open my phone up to manually fix this problem as for me, what happened was, a very tiny screw got lodged within the headphone jack. I managed to get the screw out but I think I damaged the connector responsible for signaling that a headset is plugged in.
I have one problem however, I dont have the security screwdrivers nessary to gain access so I'm wondering, if anyone know any tricks to open the phone up. I've heard I can use locktite to bond the screw to whatever I want to use however that would be something I'd consider if I cant think of anything else. Until then I'll try using a screw driver just large enough to wedge itself in place and unscrew but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please if you would be so kind.
In the meantime if I make any headway I'll let you know what happens. (Does anyone want to know anything if I do open it up?).
Ok I opened it up... Let me tell you it certainly was difficult. My phone had suffered the cracking problem which made it somewhat hard to take apart without it falling to bits but I managed nevertheless.
As I peeled away parts of the phone to get to the small headphone jack, I instantly found the problem, the little clip that performs as the switch to headset mode was buckled... I got some really tiny pliers and I managed to re-bend it however, the clip wasn't touching the contact switch! *RAGE*. So I play around with it a little more and realise hang on... it's moving too much, I then noticed that the clip was actually cracked *ANGER*.
So I decided... ok, off goes the clip. I permanently soldered the connection instead and hey presto, no more headset mode, of course this means, I can never use headset mode but that's not a problem for me.
If anyone wants any help, please feel free to ask . I managed to give the keyboard a clean also! (No more double presses or keys that dont respond either!).
With this goddamn problem, is it possible to connect stereo bluetooth with sound?
Hammerhead89 said:
With this goddamn problem, is it possible to connect stereo bluetooth with sound?
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Answering the last question: YES it should work as bluetooth audio has nothing to do with the headphone jack and I normally used bluetooth headset with the headphone mode stucked
coming back to topic It seems it is depending on case more soft or hardware-related. in my case it was rather hardware, no mediaplayer/radio method helping and putting stylus in helped only two times.
So I used compressed air to blow through the jack and then cleaned it with the earbud head/material ONLY (as the bud does not fit in) on a wooden stick (but then you might have hard times to pull the rest of the budhead out)
Anyways it worked, so far after many tries to make sure it doesn't get stucked !
I guess in future WD40 may be even better
Man this phone is so good and yet so full of bugs !!

(HELP) xperia stuck in headset mode

its been a few months now and still no parts for my xperia so i cant get it fixed.
i have been wondering if its possible for someone to make a cab to turn off/on hardware headset jack or forcibly use handset speaker when in a call orsomething?
BTW i have tried all possible fixes using the "search feature"
Are you describing the problem where even though there is nothing plugged into the 3.5mm jack, the XPERIA thinks you've got something plugged in? If so, I'm having the same issue and have found that a quick way to fix this is to take the stylus and wiggle it about at the bottom of 3.5mm jack. This clears it up.
well yeah that worked before but my jack is kinda broken but working
some of the metal in the jack is really loose and the jack has a small broken part.
I had the same issue where my headphone jack reported that there was a constant headphone plugged in, it happened after I plugged a damaged headphone port into the phone.
It took many hours of research and a very intricate and careful dissasembly to fix the issue. I meant to take photos, but my primary camera ( my X1 ) was in pieces at the time..
Anyway, there's a little connector inside the headphone jack that makes contact with a pad, closing a circut, if the connector is bent too far out of the way, it doesn't make contact, and the phone thinks there is a headset inserted.
If your connector is actually broken, you'll have to jerry-rig a wire or something between the two plates to force it to know there's nothing in, but then you lose all headphone functions.
I had to bend the strip of copper to -exactly- how it should be, and it worked out for me, my phone is back how it used to be.
I hope this is of some help to someone, if it happens to me again, I'll document it properly, unfortunately I was in a rush this time, so I didn't have time to prepare properly, I went gung-ho and ripped it to pieces to get it right again.
what about a "software" method of fixing this problem?
doesn't windows mobile support turning headset off, from the registry, for example?
while using radio you can still redirect the sound to the main speaker, (this option is available on the radio panel) something like this feature can help us, i think..
Same problem here. I have tried some suggestion over here but didn't work. You may try it:
I'm tired with annoying wire headset and now using a BT headset to be able make/receive calls.
Hope somebody can help us before we send back for repairing.
It happened to me, simply insert a clean "cotton buds" and pull it out again. I think, a dirt just got stuck causing some hardware short circuit or something. Don't know....but it definitely worked for me. I have tried those hardresets, softresets, tweaks and unfortunately none of them worked.
try to drain the battery and charge it back up.
Sometimes would be nice to combine some of the threads because they refer to the same problem
Anyway from my knowledge there are two reasons for this problem.
You may guess
1. Hardware:
This issue had been described very often. Of course the jack is a delicate piece of hardware, which could be damaged physically due to some bad plug or violent force.
2. Software:
It's obvious that the connection is controlled by a piece of software.
I realized that the problem had gone with the latest update.
Maybe it would be helpful to know about the firmware version you got on your phone.
P.S.: Anyone out there who may add this issue to the wiki?

[Q] Headphone jack cutting out

Ok im listening to music when all of a sudden the music cuts out, so w/e i unplug and plug in the headphones and it works again. But lately the earphone jack cuts out with any little movement to the earphone at all, i cant listen to music with the phone in my pocket because it cuts out when i take a step.
If anyone has any easy fix for this weird problem, please tell me.
*note: just to be sure it wasnt software based, i went to stock rom and just to make sure it wasnt the earphones i tried it with 5 pairs
any advice?
i've got the same problem, tried using headset blocker, but that didn't help
edit: If someone know how to delete this function out of android, i would be very pleased, because i dont use it!
i fixed it with a little piece of plastic i put between the headphonejack and the case like this:
How did you get the plastic in there? i tried biting off a piece of plastic straw but it wont go in all the way
Mine used to do that, but changing to new set of headphones (where the male connector wasn't so worn) fixed the issue for now.
I think the headphone jack is just a little sloppy on tolerances (and a little bit weak too). You might need to send it in for repair.
Markolic said:
How did you get the plastic in there? i tried biting off a piece of plastic straw but it wont go in all the way
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i used a part of a plastic straw.
but it was 15 minutes work but it was worth that cause the jack is working like before.

[Q] Headphone jack not working correctly

More recently the headphone jack on my Note has not been working correctly unless I push the cable into the jack and then pull with my hand towards the screen (if you can imagine that)
If I dont do this I can still hear something but alot of the sound is muffled and it is a lot quieter, making the music impossible to listen to with out getting frustrated and wanting to throw it at the ground. Sometimes I can get it stuck in the right position and it works fine and I dont need to hold it.
Do you think it is broken or just dirty? I can take it apart and clean it, but I dont think I could replace it?
Any ideas? Have you had this before?
jonny00707 said:
More recently the headphone jack on my Note has not been working correctly unless I push the cable into the jack and then pull with my hand towards the screen (if you can imagine that)
If I dont do this I can still hear something but alot of the sound is muffled and it is a lot quieter, making the music impossible to listen to with out getting frustrated and wanting to throw it at the ground. Sometimes I can get it stuck in the right position and it works fine and I dont need to hold it.
Do you think it is broken or just dirty? I can take it apart and clean it, but I dont think I could replace it?
Any ideas? Have you had this before?
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As far as I believe, it may not b just dirty, but the headphone jack has some issues..may b it was only dirty in the beginning, but now headphone jack would have become loose/not fitting the headphone pin correctly, because u are pulling the headphone jack with ur hand towards the screen, better option would be service center
Hope I didnt confuse u..
May be 3.5 mm jack has become loose show it to a service center
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium

