How to make O2 connect and Autoconfig work in WM5 ? - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

I installed the "" file in my WM5. I use unloacker to get it from Extened ROM folder when I still used WM2003SE.
But When I start it, it informed that "O2 connect application is designed for O2 devices, which can't run on other devices". Is there anyone know how to fix it ?
The Autoconfig also not come with the WM5. How to install it to WM5? I have seen a lot of cab in Extended ROM folder about Autoconfig. I must travel around the world, so it is convinient to me to have this autoconfig. Please help me


Official i-mate ROM release (1.40.176 & 1.12.00)

It's too good to believe:
I'm downloading now.
39.6MB (their server is really slow today)
From i-mate site:
The details of the new ROM image are:
For the Worldwide English Build:
ROM version: 1.40.00 WWE
ROM date: 03/10/05
Radio version: 1.12.00
Protocol version 1337.42
ExtROM version: 1.40.176 WWE
I think they waited until the pros on this site figured everything out first...then they just piggy-backed on their findings. Kudos to the real pros on XDA-devel!!!
How to install this rom in Spanish Qtek 9090, i'm new and y don't now very well to change the language.
Thank you!
imate update
I just got the update from the I-mate site and am working it with the XDA tools but I'm getting a checksum errors on the radio, NK, and MS filles. Should I be using a different tool? My device is a MDA III T-mobile german flashed to english. Any Ideas???
Downloaded, installed and running. No problems....yet. I can't find a config file in the extrom in order to make some changes, but there's a setup.exe file now. Not sure what that's about.
No idea how to change the language...I'm not good enough to know that.
More later.
So far so good. A couple issues. 1) the phone off (or flight mode on) is no longer activated by the Call End button. Shame...I loved that feature. 2) I have a problem turning the phone on (flight mode off) after a soft reset. I think it may be caused by the Contacts Button addin. The only way I can turn on the phone is to go into the keypad and then turn it on. All other methods cause the system to lockup.
Temporary copy...
Until someone puts it up on xda-developers / cooks it,
a MUCH faster loading copy is at
I'm downloading it right now!!
i-mate finally released it after 1000's of unkept promises!
FINALLY!!! Here's to hoping it will be better than the Qtek version!
Again, I would like to ask why there is no config file??? I take it setup.exe has the config file built in? If any of the pros can give me some feedback as to this, I would appreciate it. I'd like to drop in several cab files incase I fubar something down the road.
P.S. almost 6 hours and only the "turning on the phone" problem.
yes... config is missing...
will try out some combinations .
skype is taking 3.8 megs... i don't need it there.
sunish said:
skype is taking 3.8 megs... i don't need it there.
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Ture...true. Skype was fun the first couple times, but with VOIP at home, I really don't need it anymore. Still, kind of cool to show people...if you have someone that you can connect to.
Tried some combos, including, using the old config and setup files... nothing wrorks,
only thing is that any additional file found in ext rom is treated as a carrier customization file, and on selecting one file , that particular file will be installed..
also, i noticed that there is one config file in the windows directory.
Just take the Autorun.exe and config.txt from another rom, add in the cabs from the i-mate rom, and there you go.
Yeah, I will be removing Skype ASAP myself. I can understand how it could be useful, but for my purposes, it just takes up space.
The Setup.exe is way better then the config
Leave the setup the exe it is better then the config. with the config you have to site the and write a line for each cab file. the setup.exe automatically runs every cab file in the ext rom. whether you put it there or not. So when cookinh your extended rom no need to keep having to change the config.txt. The setup will run whatevers there.
You can find this new ROM at ftp upload folder hope MDAIIIUser can move to wiki , I will upload ext.ROM by tomorrow
TheLastOne said:
Just take the Autorun.exe and config.txt from another rom, add in the cabs from the i-mate rom, and there you go.
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Tried that , removed setup.exe , copy old autorun.exe and made new config file,
but didn't worked out..
Re: The Setup.exe is way better then the config
MarcValme said:
Leave the setup the exe it is better then the config. with the config you have to site the and write a line for each cab file. the setup.exe automatically runs every cab file in the ext rom. whether you put it there or not. So when cookinh your extended rom no need to keep having to change the config.txt. The setup will run whatevers there.
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Do I need to keep autorun.exe ? If yes, then which one old or new?
sunish, I can not imagine why it would not work. You must have made a mistake somewhere.
The WMP10 close problem still exists, which leads me to conclude that it is indeed a problem with the 1.40 CE Rom, and not something within the Extended rom muddling it up.
Has anyone seem any actual improvements with this rom over Qtek's? All of the same problems still to be in place. The extended rom has a few different (but unimportant) cabs, but that's about it.
MarcValme, I'm not so sure I agree. One of the good things about the config.txt file is that you can specify the order in which the cabs install, which does actually make a difference in a few circumstances. Food for thought.
Don't know / Can't figure out where is the problem.
No combination is working for me.
Maybe will try it again after a day or so.
Right now, after unhiding the Ext ROM, I'm installing all the programs needed by me manually.
One thing that I noticed is the increase in speed... The performance is somewhat better now...

TomTom for my Wizard?

Up till last week I had a T-Mobile MDA Compact and I'd got Tomtom (bakonl) running. Now I have a Wizard (T-Mobile from The Netherlands) and I can't install the Tomtom. Appears that WM2005 not compatible with Tomtom Version 5. Anyone got a plan to get arround this? :?:
To install TTN5 on WM5 you have to copy the cab files directly to pda and launch it with the pocket explorer (or resco explorer).
a bit more info to install tomtom and get it working
Thanks for the responses guys. I've given it a go and moved the cab files from the CD to my SD card and installed the GPS cab first. Then soft booted the Vario and then attempted to install the TTN cab.
All per the post :-
However... Still won't install correctly...
Am I doing something wrong?
Any more advice gladly received.
you need te get the tomtom 5.1 files then it works fine. I've got it working on my bleu angel with WM5, and today i installed in on my brother's vario and it worked just fine.
Can I ask... Where did you get the 5.1 files from?
You can download TTN5.1 from the following link
otherwise just use a torrent search engine, you should find it in no time
dalamario said:
You can download TTN5.1 from the following link
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You need the zip file not the exe. AS4 messes up the installation.
Dear All,
I found this update this week.. (for more info see around - Mondeo :: 20 september 2005 16:18 -).
Note : Download, unzipp... connect your PDA/Phone via Sync cabel/station, setup.exe run. (I have installed it over my (bakonl) 5.0 version.... !!!).
Note 2 : Can ONLY be used if you have a BeNeLux version of bakonl TT5 and only with the BeNeLux map (normal or plus).......
Success with the upgrade.
TomTom with WM6.1 on HTC wizard
Good Morning,
can anybody support me in trying to setup a navigation functionality on my HTC wizard, that runs WindowsMobile 6.1 (those TNT edition)?
Unfortunately i can't find up to date information about which GPS-hardware to use. Is BlooTooth the only reasonable solution for the wizard?
I also plan to feed the tachymeter signal from my bicycle somehow. Has anybody read of approaches to this and can cite or link?
Third thing I'm in search of is an alternative camera software. The "Camera for Pocket PC Version 3.00" does not support geoTagging and not even writing in the Tags for Titling, commenting etc.
Many thanks for your valuable hints in advance.

Softick Card Export II PPC on an Qtek 9100 (MDA vario

for those who use an Qtek 9100 (MDA vario etc.etc) plz try this tool
this tool should be used by any PPC user youll get a smal icon in the launcher wich makes you able to swich between ActiveSync and just memorystick drivers
wich means you can just connect your ppc to any pc (even a mac) and it would been recognized as an usb stick(mass storage device)
plz help the makers debug the tool as they say it should work on the qtek 9100 altough if i try it gets stuck after installing the mass storage driver on my xp machine it just doesnt activate the device in the device manager
maybe we could all follow pewe and post our problems on
anyone who would get it to work plz post all info (rom version etc.etc.)
It's working in my device
I have it working without problems.
My device:
ROM: ESN in Spanish
Radio: 01.12.10
Cardexport II v2.11b
It's working on mine with no problems as well but I'm using v2.11b, when i use the latest v2.12(edit from 2.21 to 2.12) the USB mode doesn't work.
Imate K-Jam Rom
you can use another program called WM5Storage found at
The latest CardExport (2.12 IMHO) don't work on Wizard. Previous 2.11 acts perfectly.
used it on qtek, tmo, and jam images
Hi, i had some problem with card export, sometimes it works, after not, a reboot, it works..., but with wm5storage, all is OK and it is free !
Qtek 9100 French rom 2.17
Check out the new v2.15, works perfect with the latest Qtek ROM.
Only thing you have to do after installing is soft-reset, go the the Preferences of the app and under the tab Hardware select "Alt init order" and "Use dumb endpoint" and offcourse switch it to Card Export
Can't Remove Windows WM5Storage
I tried installing this and it put itself inside the accessories folder. It didn't work with my MDA and I tried removing it using Add/Remove programs but it didn't work, the folder is still there. I tried to reinstall it and now I have 2 folders. LOL, how do I get this thing deleted out of my MDA!

Unlock extrom does not work.

I have used the WM5 TuMa-Version a long time, and ist works well.
Since a few days I try to install the Helme 1.3.2 Version, but I want to go the recommended way with using the 60MB Rom. So I downgrade the BA to WM2003 (T-Mobile germany edition), have installed the extrom cabs and try to execute "unhide" -but it doesn't work.
So I have executed the "" (version 1.6) to unlock the BA (I hope so) to install programs like these. But the result is the same -I can install the progs, but if I try to execute the "unhide" I gt the error message "unlockextrom or some of it components cannot be found...."
I want to enlarge the rom to 60MB like recommended -but how can I do it?
Do I something wrong?
Think ist due to the german, The program is looking for itsel under program files and not 3hat ever the german is for that.
With resco explorer edit the short cut.
thx for the fast reply. The easiest things are oft the best.
I don't have resco explorer, so I copied the folder via active sync from the german "Programme"-folder to a new folder "program files", and it works well.

BA WM5 System.Drawing.Bitmap Problem

Hello, im a software developer and im having an issue with a SX66 of mine upgraded to WM5. I figured someone would like to know about this, as every single WM5 upgrade for the BA i've tried still gives this error. It has to do with System.Drawing.Bitmap I thought someone could point me in the right direction, if this is a bug that can be fixed with the BA WM5 or a limitation of the actual device itself. here is the bug: (this program works fine on native WM5 devices and emulator, but has an exception when running on a WM5 BA)
I've installed all the WM5 builds from this site, TuMa, Helmi, etc All have the same problem.
Error occurs when trying to load a Bitmap from the resources folder into the program.
Code is here:
internal static System.Drawing.Bitmap Customers {
get {
object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("Customers", resourceCulture);
return ((System.Drawing.Bitmap)(obj));
System.Drawing.Image and System.Drawing.Icon for getting resources work perfectly, its just System.Drawing.Bitmap that is having problems.
Inner StackTrace
at Microsoft.AGL.Common.MISC.HandleAr()
at System.Drawing.Bitmap._InitFromMemoryStream()
at System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.InternalI nvoke()
at System.Reflection.RuntimeConstructorInfo.Invoke()
at System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke()
at System.Resources.ResourceReader.CreateResource()
at System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadBitmap()
at System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObjectV2()
at System.Resources.ResourceReader.LoadObject()
at System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSet.GetObject()
at System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.AdventureWorksToGo.Cust omerModule.Properties.Resources.get_Customers()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.AdventureWorksToGo.Cust omerModule.CustomerModule.Load()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.CompositeUI.Services.Mo duleMetadata.InitializeModuleClasses()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.CompositeUI.Services.Mo duleLoaderService.InnerLoad()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.CompositeUI.Services.Mo duleLoaderService.Load()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.CompositeUI.CabApplicat ion`1.LoadModules()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.CompositeUI.CabApplicat ion`1.Run()
at Microsoft.Practices.Mobile.AdventureWorksToGo.Shel l.ShellApplication.Main()
Did you install the DDraw/D3D driver? (its only a set of reg entries, actually, that switches the driver to use another one ) All the default WM5 BA bulds use ACE_DDI driver - it seems to have a lot of problems in various programs (mostly those with custom draw interfaces - try running PencilBox Deluxe - u'll see)
The driver is usually available in the package with ROM, as Extrom addon.
Was this the answer? I tried the extra .dll but no change. Therefore wififofum, dynamo and bluesniper wont work on wm2005.
I am interesed in the solution, because the error on these programs is also related.
?? WiFiFoFum works great at my BA with WM5...
_TB_TB_ said:
?? WiFiFoFum works great at my BA with WM5...
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That is really weird... I installed CF2 prerequisite and then installed Wififofum2 and I get a list of error messages.... something about being out of range.
I just gave up on it, but it sure would be nice to have.
motisu said:
That is really weird... I installed CF2 prerequisite and then installed Wififofum2 and I get a list of error messages.... something about being out of range.
I just gave up on it, but it sure would be nice to have.
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Same here i guess, and i seem to have the same rom as yours, also Helmi BA Aku.3.2 v1.3.2, but then on a qtek 9090.
I wonder, TBTB, what rom do you have, the 1.26 rom instead of the 1.32 rom? I have read that the pim and radio (?) are basicaly different. I dont want to try out when i am not sure, everything else works.
I use helmi's AKU 2.6 ROM. Remember to install DDraw driver add-on...
A different ROM
Ok then, then its worth a try i guess. I will download the 2.6 version tonight and give it a try.
Edit ----
Installed 2.6 and the extra DDraw driver, but no go. I got the same error (bitmap error) in the program 'sniper' and wififofum. Have reflashed it to 3.2 because that 1 worked fine on all other things. Maybe this problem gets solved in a newer ROM...
Any news on this problem
I was wondering if anyone has figured out a solution yet, still several programs aren't working in the WM2005 roms.

