How to change Bootsplah Image (Blue Angel) - MDA III, XDA III, PDA2k, 9090 Software Upgrading

As i'm a newbe in PPC..n have read all in this forum...that such hard things to change bootsplash image on BlueAngel, is there anyway to change it rather than four coloured strip
As i read from ExtendedRomSourceFileFormat.xls i've downloaded from FTP that in file -> splash image addressed on 0x010080 with its length 153600 in bytes. How bout in nk.nbf /
Is it have the same address..?? n how do i can replace it with other image file (of course in same size)...sorry if i'm wrong :wink:
i need some suggestions.
For Tuatara n Mamaich, bravo for u'r great effort. Hopefully it fixed on Tuma 1.5.
Sorry, for my bad english too...

Didnt work for me
Ive tried that and it didnt work for me on my PH20B1. I wish I was able to see or even make the Cingular boot splash comes up when Im using 2oo3Se but of course you see the 4 block colors over it.

I have done it on my Siemens SX66 Blue Angel Variant and it worked just fine. (PH20B1)
Make sure to copy the files into the right directory. I noticed that once i downloaded the files, i wasn't able to copy the files into the BA due to write protection on the files. Once I turned that off, I was able to copy it and manually change the registry files.

How did you manually install it into your Siemens SX66? I went back to 2oo3SE mainly because there arent alot of QVGA skins for Wisbar Advance & Wisbar Advance Desktop however if I decide to which back to WM5 I would be interested in changing the boot splash. I would love to take a visit to my local Cingular Retail where I live and show off my Siemens SX66 with WINDOWS MOBILE 5.

Coloured Strip Bootsplash Remained Still
It also work for my Blue Angel (PH20B - O2 XDA IIs) too.
But, coloured strip bootsplash image still remained for while before it change into my own bootsplash image which changed by that bootsplash image changer tool. It work fine on my device, when I use 2003SE.
Have the answer ?? :?:

So do I have to install it on WM2oo3SE first then install WM5?

Tommigrl_7o2 said:
So do I have to install it on WM2oo3SE first then install WM5?
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Nop. I mean...when I use WM5, the coloured stripe bootsplash image still remained. In other word, we can't totally change the coloured strip bootsplash image with that tool.
But, when I use WM2003SE, the original O2 bootsplash image can be replaced/changed with my own design image
I don't think procedure u mentioned (install WM2003SE then WM5) will work. coz I've already try it but Mr.Coloured Strip Bootsplash still show his nose up.. :lol:


bootsplash image

How can I change my bootsplash image on Qtek2020i???
Desktop Application = nb image converter.
Purpose = use to convert ur .jpg file into a set of splash1.nb and splash2.nb files (the win mobile thingy uses this pic format at bootups).
Copy .nb files to your device /windows directory.
copy to device and run it. lastly please do a soft reset.
mm... why two pictures? where second is shown? first appears when you turn on device... and second?...
thank's alot!
Ice_mephi said:
mm... why two pictures? where second is shown? first appears when you turn on device... and second?...
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Some phones (not the Alpine as far as I know, though) have two splash images, and show splash1.nb and splash2.nb as they boot - if you look through the forums, some people detail how they've got pictures of their kids or family as the splash images.
The Alpine / 2020i just uses the one though, I believe. I remember creating two different images, but it just showed the first one until it reached Windows and the PIN entry screen.
I see... I used only Alpin so don't know what shows on other...
btw - can I save my current boot picture?
because if something goes wrong - i belive my guarantee would be canceled if they notice I made something with it...
I managed to obtain the original XDA2i splash image from the ROM, and I posted it up on this forum.
I saw it, but I live in Russia, and here is no O2...))
my alpine has picture of Moscow with some numbers at the bottom - some serial number I belive...
If you are very patient, you can strip out the original boot splash logo with a hex editor. It took me a while to get it just right, but it is possible.
Alternatively, if you have the original firmware on your PC or on the web anywhere if you send me a link to it I can try and strip it out.
I believe someone's also in the process of making a program to save the original boot splash, but it's not finished yet.
Excuse me... i downloaded the nb converter but when i run it it says a comdlg32.ocx is missing ?? how to make it run ?? THankzz
Google for the file, put it in the same directory as the .exe and it should work ok.
For those looking for the actual attachment I was talking about earlier, see this thread:
you guys are a lifesaver
Dunno about the rest of us but I'm always glad to dispense nuggets of advice whenever I can.

THREE splash screens after flashing the latest I-Mate ROM

I just finished the flashing of WWE from I-mate.This rom offers us THREE splash screens which was only one before.The 1st is HTC Screen(ugly),2nd is I-Mate(more ugly),3rd is WindowsMobile(I love M$-Blue).OMG,we get a gallery when it starts...
Any good folk has any idea about changing them?
The older Qtek aku2 has the same set of splash screens.
adaik only the 2nd one can be changed via ie. the aWizard tools
Ooops,sorry for my stupid excitement...I didn't do that flash...
I tried the aWizard3b2 to change it and none of them change... on the ROM did it change the bootloaders too? (aren't IPL and SPL the bootloaders?) IPL/SPL after the they are 2.16
I used the sample bootscreen to make sure I was doing it right. I am going to try and see if the nba splash screen file from my rom dump prior to the upgrade will work
update: no even using the nba file aWizard3b2 does not replace the splash screen. any ideas?
what worked on the 2.8 Qtek aku2 rom is putting a bmp (several are posted on the forum, use search) as the 2nd splash screen using awizard tools.
My bootloader is 2.08
Awizard cant write, following error:
CopyFileToTFFS(unlocked.bin:0, 0, 00010000)
ERROR: ITWriteDisk - An internal error occurred.
:S cant update the splash :S
did you enable rapi using aWizard first?
Johannus said:
Awizard cant write, following error:
CopyFileToTFFS(unlocked.bin:0, 0, 00010000)
ERROR: ITWriteDisk - An internal error occurred.
:S cant update the splash :S
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I have the same error since the new i-mate rom.. Not only while uploading splash screen, but also unlocking, etc. Hopefully they'll update lokiwiz for this new rom..
BTW: It feels like this new rom boots slower.. Because I see all three splash screens for about the same time as I saw the ONE before. So 3 times slower?? Did anyone time it?
i also see the same 3 splashs with the i-Mate rom update. used aWizard to replace splash, everything seemed to work fine (no aWizard errors) but alas the Imate splash & MS Win logos remain... =(
just FYI
I get the same internal write error, after I upgraded.
i did use a bmp file in awizard (one of the ones on the xda ftp site) and it aWizard3b2 didn't change any of the 3 boot screens. Isn't there suppsed to be a place to put a bmp file in the windows directory to change the bootscreen?
Bootloaders are 2.16 in the file.
Hi guys,
I have been researching this for days.
1) AWizard CANNOT change the 2nd splash screen with the latest ROM, it used to be able to, it now cannnot until it is updated to work with the latest rom, which I hope will be soon. On mine (latest imate rom) it fails with the ITWritedisk:blah message.
2) AWizard never had the capability to replace the first HTC logo. I understand this is a work in progress, and someone needs to find a solution. Anyone?
3) You can easily replace the 3rd) (microsoft windows) splash screen by connecting your device via active sync, and then browsing your pockect pc on your pc. Go to /windows and find the .png file called welcomehead.96.png Simply replace that with your custom png in the same dimensions.
If anyone finds a way round replacing 1) or 2) with the latest rom, please post it here. I gues we need to wait for awizard to be updated.
HTC Splash:
Provider Splash:
ferrerpheonix said:
Hi guys,
I have been researching this for days.
1) AWizard CANNOT change the 2nd splash screen with the latest ROM, it used to be able to, it now cannnot until it is updated to work with the latest rom, which I hope will be soon. On mine (latest imate rom) it fails with the ITWritedisk:blah message.
2) AWizard never had the capability to replace the first HTC logo. I understand this is a work in progress, and someone needs to find a solution. Anyone?
3) You can easily replace the 3rd) (microsoft windows) splash screen by connecting your device via active sync, and then browsing your pockect pc on your pc. Go to /windows and find the .png file called welcomehead.96.png Simply replace that with your custom png in the same dimensions.
If anyone finds a way round replacing 1) or 2) with the latest rom, please post it here. I gues we need to wait for awizard to be updated.
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I can't replace the PNG file, nor can I un-read-only it with Total Commander. It doesn't "take".
Genesis3 said:
I can't replace the PNG file, nor can I un-read-only it with Total Commander. It doesn't "take".
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are you copying straight to "\windows\" from your desktop? If so, try coping to "\temp\" instead, then on your PPC itself copy from "\temp\" to "\windows\"
That worked... thanks....
you're welcome
You wanna change the second slapsh go can...look at my post here...

himalaya bootsplash wm6 possible?

wm6 can we change bootspash like wm5?... hopefully we will have sooner!
Yes the second bootsplash can always be changed..
c_shekhar said:
Yes the second bootsplash can always be changed..
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same procedure and tools? in wm5?
coz i try, but did not work!
the most simpple method is to create any 320X310 picture in png format and rename it to welcomehead.96.the name should be as welcomehead.96.png and copy it to ur Windows folder and overright..make sure to copy the orignal one for ur later use.
ather90 said:
the most simpple method is to create any 320X310 picture in png format and rename it to welcomehead.96.the name should be as welcomehead.96.png and copy it to ur Windows folder and overright..make sure to copy the orignal one for ur later use.
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yea! thanks!
i simply change my bootsplash! thanks!
and all boot splash can be changed.
2003 Rom editor + any extrom.
1 cleaning via romeditor all contents from extrom.
2 insert 1st and 2nd boot splash image you want.
3 flash extrom only
that`s all
c_shekhar - you don`t know it great ROM master ?
obaz said:
and all boot splash can be changed.
2003 Rom editor + any extrom.
1 cleaning via romeditor all contents from extrom.
2 insert 1st and 2nd boot splash image you want.
3 flash extrom only
that`s all
c_shekhar - you don`t know it great ROM master ?
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But there is no extROM in WM5 or WM6? Which extROM are you editind ?
ExtROM diminished in WM5 and WM6 instead of that we got extROM in SD Card. I wondering which extROM is meant by Obaz
you don`t need to wonder - if you whant to change bootsplash - just do it as I tell.
THERE IS EXT ROM IN WM6 AND WM6 (few kb) - it can`t be totaly remooved.
when you use BIG STORAGE tweek you just make it as small as it can be.
and remember - rom, extrom, radiorom are SEPARATED !!!
What obaz says is correct. Wonderful obaz! Nobody thought the way you suggested for changing the bootsplash screens.
Let me elaborate what is required to be done in the lay man's language:--
From your old storehouse pickup any (immamterial whether for WM3/WM2003SE/WM5) it is found in the name of ms_.nbf .
search out for old ExtROM editing tool called ER2003Edit_1_4_26. You shall find it on this forum or search using google.
Install the ExtROM editor on your PC.
Now open the ms_.nbf using the tool and delete the entire content from it except the splash screens. replace the splash screen (both) as you like. and enjoy.
Flash it on your device using HimaUpgradeUt.exe or HimaUpgradeUt_NoID.exe
Sorry double post
Link to Editor: ftp://xda:[email protected]/Tools/
Does someone actually tested this ?
and as far as i know the extrom is resized to 128 kb which is not enough for the 2 boot screens
also (i am not sure about this but ...) the new boot loader in wm5 and wm6 does not handle boot images the same way as in wm2003
c_shekhar said:
What obaz says is correct. Wonderful obaz! Nobody thought the way you suggested for changing the bootsplash screens.
Let me elaborate what is required to be done in the lay man's language:--
From your old storehouse pickup any (immamterial whether for WM3/WM2003SE/WM5) it is found in the name of ms_.nbf .
search out for old ExtROM editing tool called ER2003Edit_1_4_26. You shall find it on this forum or search using google.
Install the ExtROM editor on your PC.
Now open the ms_.nbf using the tool and delete the entire content from it except the splash screens. replace the splash screen (both) as you like. and enjoy.
Flash it on your device using HimaUpgradeUt.exe or HimaUpgradeUt_NoID.exe
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Dear C_Shekhar
As I know you never include ms_.nbf to your package in WM5 and WM6. Thank for your tip
but it was included in WM2003 Windows..and plus i dnt think it will work just as Xplode said..
xplode said:
Does someone actually tested this ?
and as far as i know the extrom is resized to 128 kb which is not enough for the 2 boot screens
also (i am not sure about this but ...) the new boot loader in wm5 and wm6 does not handle boot images the same way as in wm2003
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the procedure works very well. even on WM6. I have tested it many times. The extROm is shrunk to more than 128KB definitely..
selangkahlagi said:
Dear C_Shekhar
As I know you never include ms_.nbf to your package in WM5 and WM6. Thank for your tip
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You are right that ms_.nbf was never included by me in the package. because, even if we delete the content of the ms_.nbf, the size of the ms_.nbf still remains abt 16MB. Flashing it along with the nk.nbf thakes proportionately larger time for no bigger material gains.
Moreover it is one time activity (in my opinion) whereas you flash nk.nbf may be 100 times for testing. I am already using replaced bootsplash screens on my device.
c_shekhar said:
You are right that ms_.nbf was never included by me in the package. because, even if we delete the content of the ms_.nbf, the size of the ms_.nbf still remains abt 16MB. Flashing it along with the nk.nbf thakes proportionately larger time for no bigger material gains.
Moreover it is one time activity (in my opinion) whereas you flash nk.nbf may be 100 times for testing. I am already using replaced bootsplash screens on my device.
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You are righ again my dear C_Shekhar, I have delete all the files in ms_.nbf but I check the size remains 16 MB, how it could be. May be we delete only the list in ER_2003 editor And I agree we will not get magnificent gain from that
i don't have a copy of ms_.nbf file. where can i find one? i googled it and most download links were closed due to being old files.

noob question: first bootscreen change

Hi there
re: HTC Himalaya. how do I change the first bootscreen? Pls can you give links to tools and provide instructions.
I think what you are referring to is the welcome screen? Perhaps do a search for welcome.96 and see what comes up.
I had it in mind you just made an image the size of the welcome screen image and named it welcome.96.png and then just dragged it into the Windows folder (it will overwrite the original).
Having said that, Google it and find out how to do it exactly, don't take my word for it. But you should have enough information frfom what I have said to find out more.
I see its your First post..Welcome to xda-developers..sspecially for choosing Himalaya
To Change the Splash Screen..follow these steps :
Open any Image Editor
or Choose any Image that is 240*320 In Size
Its format Must be .PNG
and rename it to " welcomehead.96.png " (note : png is the extension )
connects your device via Active Sync or copy the splash screen to your Devices and replace place it in the \Windows will ask to over right..Select Yes and You are done
Soft-Reset and Enjoy
PS. Search the Forum for ALOT of welcomeheads
the screen I want to change is the very first one that is shown when the machine is turned on, i.e. it appears as the device is booting up. Hope this makes sense.
Oh I suspect then you are not talking about Welcomehead/Splashscreen. Does the screen you are talking about feature the logo or name of a phone company/service provider? IE Telstra, Optus, Sprint, AT&T, Verizon, etc
yes, that's the one. On booting up it is replaced by the welcome screen, and then the wallpaper. I'm using Ather's 'Dark Edition'
i would like to change this very first image too. I hope someone know how to do it.
Hrmm, not sure how possible it is. I have both the o2 logo on one phone and Telstra on the other which I wanted to remove. I dare say it is part of the radio rom, not the OS rom. Basically, you can flash the Radio to a different version, just as you can flash the Operating System, though some say it is a bit more difficult.
No matter what rom I flash, those logos are always there, so I suspect they are part of the radio rom. I will investigate.
EDIT: Okay this guy has created a program to do it for the Prophet only, but he may be the person to ask as I would suspect he had the general knowledge of how to do it by hand before he created the program.
Thoses two can be changed by editing the ExtRom file (ms_.nbf) from a 2003 Rom..Search the forum for WM2003 Edit in the Himalaya Wiki...i have also uploaded a Clean extrom..just replace the images init and then place it in the folder where your HimaUpgradeUT_noid.exe is and flash as normal
here is the ExtROM file :
I think this way was working in WM5
Install extromunlocker
Soft reset
Folder will appear in the root
Inside this folder is the image need to be change
But I traied this extromunlocker cab file in WM6.1, I could not find the Extrom.
Thanks for the method - however, I'm new to this and would appreciate a bit more hand-holding if you don't mind. Can you give a more detailed stepwise method?
It wont work if u ahve Partitioned your DOC..because that was the Storage where these files were kept
Well ok..just tell me what u cant understand
See here ..
as Ather described, I did it successfully last year this way
as described, I restored my ExtRom with DOC_Restore, took the T-Mobile 1.72 Update (http://xdazone.india372.server4you.d...d.php?id=3373), extracted the ms_.nbf (ExtROM) , changed the splashes with "Windows Mobile 2003 ROM Editor" and updated the ExtROM. Works well.
I'm not sure if the t-mobile extrom could be used for other version of Himalaya than the MDA II.
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So long

how to change 1st 2nd boot screen /splash screen on kaiser tilt

hi can any one help me change the 1st 2nd splash screen/boot screen and files needed for it and step by step instalation tnx in advance
jogon007 said:
hi can any one help me change the 1st 2nd splash screen/boot screen and files needed for it and step by step instalation tnx in advance
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Welcome to the forum, please read the forum rules on starting new threads.
Here, let me do that for you.
have tried all the nb_image_converter_859_418 still having error and tried installing the Comdlg32 exe even tried dotnet.fix to no sucsses
What operating system your using. i have a simular issue with vista but with XP works great. i am always on vista then xp. i found that the progams that the [email protected] fuze rapheal phone for the splash screen setup. your require to get the size of the pic to 240x320. i use the program that converts bmp to rsb then rsb to nb. after i get it to nb then i use kaiser splash tool. once done with that i use program to convert the nb to nbh when building the rom should be htcrt i beleive not at my computer at this time on my [email protected] tilt/kaiser.
can you pls give me the link to it plssssssssss
follow and you will do just fine
you can get the file here .....once you get you pic to 240 to 320 as a bmp 24 bit you use the bmp to rsp. once starting the rsp to nb make sure you make your selection to QVGA then use the splah tool that you get your kaiser splash tool program and then bake it o nbh then flash it should be find. need more help email me at [email protected]
groove6969 said:
you can get the file here .....once you get you pic to 240 to 320 as a bmp 24 bit you use the bmp to rsp. once starting the rsp to nb make sure you make your selection to QVGA then use the splah tool that you get your kaiser splash tool program and then bake it o nbh then flash it should be find. need more help email me at [email protected]
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sorry for the dumb question will this work on my kaiser tilt
ROM ultimate-x v4 wwe
ROM version -
jogon007 said:
sorry for the dumb question will this work on my kaiser tilt
ROM ultimate-x v4 wwe
ROM version -
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ya this will work cuz I have a tilt with vista laptop and get errors for program cuz they are for xp even when I run in xp mode. it will work need to follow the steps and should be find if you want send me the pic and I can do it for you.if you like.

