New ROM 1.20.408.1 - P3600 Software Upgrading

my new TIM (telecom Italia mobile) branded P3600 has this new rom...
rom : 1.20.408.1
it also has aku 3.3 of windows mobile 5.
if you need something i'm here
p.s: sorry for my terrible english

And where download?

can you make a dump????
for to you friends this is an italian custom ROM from TIM
Riesci A Fare Un Dump?
Io Ho P3600 Bianco E Ho La 1.15.408 Radio 1.20.00

bootloader 1.08

Dump Rom
Sarei interessato al download più procedura per cambio rom.
Ho un P3600 Black no brand puoi aiutarmi? Saluti Giuseppe

Ciao, l'hai uppata da qualche parte?

But can we choose the english language on first boot?

Italian Only. No other languages are included
Apoc said:
But can we choose the english language on first boot?
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Ciao Giuseppe!
Ok shera la rom, ma parla anche inglese per tuti gli altri interessati al tuo contributo.
Vai così che sei grande!
OK share the ROM but write in english for anyone is interested in your contribution.
Go on like this!!!!!
Everybody needs everybody's contribute!

Please let us to try the new rom ))
So share it! I do it for jammin in the past with no problem

& Pocket MSN on YIM ROM??!??
Hi massa 84, I boyght a branded tim p3600 with the same rom.. but I can't find how to access to pocket MSN that I have for example on my k-jam.
It seems that those functionality are disabled, have you the same problem?
Thank you un advance
[email protected]

Rom available here:


unlock EXT rom ITA

customized for ITA devices (if someone needs it)
bella..a qualcuno sicuramente servirà
cmq si scrive unlocker
Ciao, non ho capito benissimo l'oggetto del thread , spero sia la soluzione al mio problema. Da windows2003se con tutti i programmini extrom unlocker ecc.. non riesco a sbloccare la mia extenderom. Vi riferite a questo? C'è una soluzione?
Grazie ciao
cescof said:
Ciao, non ho capito benissimo l'oggetto del thread , spero sia la soluzione al mio problema. Da windows2003se con tutti i programmini extrom unlocker ecc.. non riesco a sbloccare la mia extenderom. Vi riferite a questo? C'è una soluzione?
Grazie ciao
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yes (sorry if I continue in english but last year we had a discussion about the language used in the forum)'s the solution for your probs because if you install the english version of the unlocker it will install in a directory that in the italian version of the ppc does not exist ...this file has been modified to install painless
Ok thanks, i've try yesterady and everything work.
I've patchetd my BA with wm5 but i came back immediately to my old wm2003se with a new radio stack. My first impression about wm5 is that it's quite slow and in particular i'm not able at momet to use my dual sim adaptor.
I always use 2 sim cards and it' s very important to have theese in my BA.
I'm looking for a solution dou you something about that problem(dual sim)
cescof >
glad to hear that works

Phonepad and DOPOD

Hi guys
Thank you for the DOPOD rom, it's great.
I've got a problem: I can't stay without Phonepad, but I realized that the registry's modify to set PP as default doesn't work.
Have you tried? I write lots of messages...PP is really important for me.
Thank you in advance.
Use sipchange
Ciao amico.
Ciao carissimo...mi dispiace ma dopo un SR torna come prima
E l'Italiano come si aggiunge?/'nd the italian?
Ciao sapete come fare per aggiungere l'Italiano al PP?
Hi guys, do you know how to add languages to the Ponad on the new Dopod Rom?
Grazie Ciao
[email protected]
I added the italian language simply reinstalling the Phonepad International.
Ho aggiunto l'italiano reinstallando phonepad international sopra la versione presente in ROM.
alexbard said:
I added the italian language simply reinstalling the Phonepad International.
Ho aggiunto l'italiano reinstallando phonepad international sopra la versione presente in ROM.
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Ciao Alex, avevo provato anch'io ma dopo un pò il phonepad non mi funzionava nè in ITA nè in ENG
I also did it, but after some SR the phonepad doesn't work, neither ITA nor ENG.
alexbard said:
I added the italian language simply reinstalling the Phonepad International.
Ho aggiunto l'italiano reinstallando phonepad international sopra la versione presente in ROM.
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Ciao Alex, avevo provato anch'io ma dopo un pò il phonepad non mi funzionava nè in ITA nè in ENG
I also did it, but after some SR the phonepad doesn't work, neither ITA nor ENG.
could anybody post a procedure to get Phonepad with italian T9 working with tinity with dopod rom??
here's my situation: if i install ppad intl or italian, it hangs at the firse softreset and after the second, normal keyboard pops up instead of phonepad. If i remove ppad italian, phonepad is still present (and working!) but only in english. Any advice?


Found and installed new ROM ITA GPS enabled (TEST)
ROM: 1.23.408.1
ExtROM: 1.23.408.101
Are you an Italian user or a US user?
Where did you find it?
Have you installed it yet?
Do you notice any differences between this ROM end the DOPOD one?
Last question: is the BL 1.7?
Thank you americalian boy
e...mi conosci
La rom è stata testata?
Perchè è in test?
Uscirà anche la versione definitiva? Tra quanto?
Grazie giò , installo adesso.
Castle installa pure, non dovrebbe aver problemi...
un attimo che mi allontano... ma è tim ?
appena istallata e provata fatemi sapere che non so come fare..
castle80 said:
appena istallata e provata fatemi sapere che non so come fare..
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che no nsai come fare cosa ?
la procedura per istallare la rom.
Please speak english....
ok.. you need to extrac the rar file and then only launch the exe. Remeber to recharge your trinity before flash ROM.
ok.. devi solo estrarre il file rar e lanciare l'exe. Ricordati di avere almeno il 50% di carica sulla batteria perche una decina di minuti ci vogliono.
Any other place to download from? Rapishare has already reached the limit...
wishmaster82 said:
un attimo che mi allontano... ma è tim ?
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No , adesso flasho
sAnTeE said:
No , adesso flasho
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Can i restore my data with a spb backup?
In this ROM there's a splash screen with test picture?
It's necessary to remove the SIM card and the memory card before making the flash?
Thanks for all and scuse me for my bad english.
sAnTeE said:
No , adesso flasho
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quindi ? come è andata?
avviso che però potrebbe essere brand tim dato che finisce con 408.1 come il precedente firmware tim.
i think that this rom can be tim branded because the version number end with 408.1 like the previous version of the tim branded rom.
bye bye.
cortez140369 said:
Can i restore my data with a spb backup?
In this ROM there's a splash screen with test picture?
It's necessary to remove the SIM card and the memory card before making the flash?
Thanks for all and scuse me for my bad english.
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It's better do not restore any backup after a rom upgrade.
There is a screen with the same test "ONLY TEST" instead of the dopod one.
You can upgrade with SD and SIM, don't worry.
massa84 said:
quindi ? come è andata?
avviso che però potrebbe essere brand tim dato che finisce con 408.1 come il precedente firmware tim.
i think that this rom can be tim branded because the version number end with 408.1 like the previous version of the tim branded rom.
bye bye.
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Ciao non ho mai avuto ROM tim, ma credo ci dovrebbe essere lo splash screen della tim e qualche icona ì-tim et similia, invece non c'è nulla. Credo sia no brand
I think it's a nobrand ROM, non tim.
Now I test it.
sAnTeE said:
Ciao non ho mai avuto ROM tim, ma credo ci dovrebbe essere lo splash screen della tim e qualche icona ì-tim et similia, invece non c'è nulla. Credo sia no brand
I think it's a nobrand ROM, non tim.
Now I test it.
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non è che potresti uploadarlo su altri siti ??? tipo su sendspace et simili ?
can u upload the rom on another filesharing site ? thank u!
I just update only the radio.nb from 1.35 to 1.38 and work's great....
Usually i dont see any change's.
ausdim said:
I just update only the radio.nb from 1.35 to 1.38 and work's great....
Usually i dont see any change's.
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I think the new ROM manage GPS and SDHC, deduces that loading the only part radio these implementations is not managed, is correct?

some news..

hi all i'm new in the forum....i'm italian. in italy doesn't exist forum like this...i hope that someone can help me ...i would like to know if doe's exist new windows mobile 6.1 for the s730....and if someone can say my where to find ....thank you guy...
Try reading the sticky topics and it will help you out for sure
sorry but does exist windows mobile 6.1 with the italian menu?...please help me...
no, al momento non esiste ancora.
ok ok in inglese invece?sai dove poterne trovare 1 affidabile senza bug?
spone1 mi sta aiutando a localizzare la 6.1 di Alcaline in italiano, però non so quanto ci vorrà.
ok grazie sarebbe fantastico ma la 6.1 in italiano ha qualke bug?
E' ancora presto per dirlo.....
speriamo bene....

[REQ] 1.56 Rom upgrade with TIM Ita

Anyone managed to upgrade to 1.56 a branded TIM Ita phone ?
I searched in the forum and posted in some sections but up to now I cannot get any positive answer.
The issue is this :
Let's say that I follow all the "steps" in order to upgrade to a 1.56 rom.
I had Dutty 2.6 with Oilnex HSPL, downgraded to ITA Stock Rom + Radio, then downgraded to 1.14 stock SPL.
After that downloaded new 1.56 Stock Rom from HTC website (using serial for ITA provided in post).
Is this rom downloaded from HTC site supposed to be flashed withou USPL ?
I suppose not due to the fact that I have a valid stock SPL...
What happens is that when I run the exe file of the 1.56 Rom the upgrade is stopping to 1% and giving back an error that I cannot use it on my phone.
I am currently using a HTC touch HD branded TIM Italy and Vista Business 32.
Here is something that Black Antitoon added to the other post :
Dear HTC Support blah blah blah,
The HTC support site won't let me download the update for the Touch HD ROM (EU). The language of my phone is Italian, and Italian is included in the list of the available languages. I get a message which says that the update isn't suitable for my device. What should I do?
My S/N is HTxxxxxxxxx
The reply:
Gentilissimo cliente HTC, grazie per aver contattato il nostro supporto tecnico. Il nostro obiettivo e' offrirle un servizio di alta qualita' e rispondere a tutte le sue domande. Recentemente lei ci ha scritto riguardo ad un problema riscontrato sul suo HD. Per chiarire il suo problema, lei ha scritto che: non riesce a scaricare l'aggiornamento per il suo HD dal nostro sito web. Da un controllo del codice seriale del suo palmare risulta che e' un brandizzato TIM, pertanto i nostri aggiornamenti non sono compatibili con il suo palmare e dovra' contattare TIM per questi. Se i passaggi riportati qui di sopra non le hanno risolto il problema, la invitiamo a visitare l'area supporto sul nostro indirizzo web alla pagina oppure vada su : selezioni il suo paese e poi faccia click su supporto. Puo' anche contattare il nostro call centre al numero +39 0236003221 se avete altre domande. La ringraziamo ancora per la sua disponibilita'. Distinti saluti Supporto Clienti Europeo HTC Corp. Global Service Division
I'm translating the part in bold:
To clarify your problem, you wrote that you can't download the update for your HD from our website. A check of the serial code of your PDA shows that it is a TIM-branded PDA, and thus our updates are not compatible for your PDA and you'll have to contact TIM for these. If the above passages didn't solve your problem, please visit...
My reply:
Gentile supporto HTC,
grazie per la tempestiva risposta. Confermo che il mio dispositivo è brandizzato TIM, ma non credevo che questo fosse un problema, in quanto ho visto installare un aggiornamento ufficiale su un Touch Cruise brandizzato Vodafone senza nessun problema (rimuovendo tra l'altro la brandizzazione).
Nella pagina di download è tra l'altro presente la seguente nota:
"* This is a generic software update. Any additional software or settings provided by your mobile operator or company will be lost. If you require this customization, please contact your supplier first before upgrading."
Mi domando come mai l'HTC, pur dichiarando di fatto in questa nota che è possibile sbrandizzare il dispositivo installando un aggiornamento generico, non fornisca l'aggiornamento a tutti i possessori di Touch HD con software in italiano, politica diversa da quella seguita per altri modelli, o magari per altre nazioni e altri operatori.
Se è vero che l'obiettivo dell'HTC come azienda è la soddisfazione del cliente, obiettivo che su molti fronti viene raggiunto, consiglierei di rivedere queste politiche, e sono convinto di esprimere il parere di tutti gli altri utenti che sono incorsi nello stesso problema.
In ogni caso ringrazio molto per l'attenzione e per la disponibilità.
Cordiali saluti.
Full translation:
Dear HTC support,
thank you for your quick reply. I can confirm that my device is TIM-branded, but I didn't think this could be a problem, since I have seen installing an official update on a Vodafone-branded Touch Cruise without any problems (and removing "brandization" this way).
Furthermore, in the download page the following warning is present:
"* This is a generic software update. Any additional software or settings provided by your mobile operator or company will be lost. If you require this customization, please contact your supplier first before upgrading."
I wonder why HTC, although actually declaring in this warning that it is possible to remove brandization on the device by installing a generic update, still does not distribute the update to all Italian Touch HD owners with Italian software, policy which differs from the one which is followed for other models or maybe other countries and carriers.
If it is true that HTC's goal is customer satisfaction, goal that in many fields is achieved, I would suggest to review these policies, and I'm convicted that I am expressing the thought of all other users that have encountered this issue
In any case, many thanks for the attention and for the "availability".
Best greetings
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If others have the same issue please report if you found a solution or workaround.
No one ? Please give me hope..
To go from stock rom & radio to 1.56 rom you'll need USPL first
Follow steps in this simple guide. See also signature
Whoa ! Very quick reply, I will try following this guide. Thanks
Railgun76 said:
No one ? Please give me hope..
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since you are already running an original stock rom + original spl ( tim original spl was 1.13 if i well remember but not really important ) , simply connect your htc to the PC and execute USPL 2.5 on PC side. When you will see uspl running on your htc too then start the ruu 1.56 official rom upgrade on pc . It worked for me ( my is tim branded too but now is 1.56 official ita ). Enjoy
So all the issues will be solved by USPL ?
I will try this, only issue is that I'm running Vista, so I'll set up a XP virtual machine to do the job, I do not want to mess up my Vista drivers...
Railgun76 said:
So all the issues will be solved by USPL ?
I will try this, only issue is that I'm running Vista, so I'll set up a XP virtual machine to do the job, I do not want to mess up my Vista drivers...
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keep us informed and let us know how you get along!!
No VMachine avaiable, I modified USB drivers in current Vista.
Now USPL 2.5 is working fine, during launch break or this evening I will proceed with flashing and let you know.
Fallen Spartan said:
keep us informed and let us know how you get along!!
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Dutty 2.8 Up and running !!
By using USPL 2.5 I have been able to flash the 1.56 Stock rom, therefore I have been able to Flash a cooked 1.56 ROM with no issues.
I'm very happy !
To anyone who cares I installed 2 cabs for a better visual effect, one is called "Brians updated HTC" and the other is called "ammarTF3D tabs v3 [IconsOnly].cab".
Both of them are working fine.
Ciao !
Railgun76 said:
Dutty 2.8 Up and running !!
By using USPL 2.5 I have been able to flash the 1.56 Stock rom, therefore I have been able to Flash a cooked 1.56 ROM with no issues.
I'm very happy !
To anyone who cares I installed 2 cabs for a better visual effect, one is called "Brians updated HTC" and the other is called "ammarTF3D tabs v3 [IconsOnly].cab".
Both of them are working fine.
Ciao !
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Glad to hear your up and running. Now just have fun and enjoy your phone

