I-Mate K-JAM Radio - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario Software Upgrading

Hi guys,
I am guessing my problem is the fact that there is something wrong with the devices radio, more the radio rom.
I a while back flashed my dad's KJAM, and it all worked fine, he however has not used the actual phone part of the device since then, and now that he needs it, its not working.
The phone is not in flight mode, and it doesnt ask for a pin, as thats how he set it before I flashed it.
The phone keeps searching for service, and when I try to manually set the network, it keeps comming up with some or other problem.
The phone worked before I flashed it, so I am guessing it is the Radio ROM.
I am thinking of ugrading him to WM6, is this recommended at all? Which thread is best to follow for upgrading him to WM6?
His current details are:
ROM Version: WWE
ROM Date: 2/6/06
Radio Version: 02.07.10
ProtocolVersion 413.1.03
Any help will be appreciated.
P.S. I did just try to the radio rom that is on the xda ftp, for the wizard, I downloaded and tried to load the REAL_Radio_2.61.11 ROM, but that does not want to load for some or other reason, it first complained about the radio update util and said I must update or something, the second time I tried it was a communication error. I am using my JASJAR's USB cable, is this a problem at all?

Try to change the radio rom to 2.19 or higher but i recommend you to flash first the 2.19 if that fails then try more higher.. i guess 2.2x and 2.6x something like that... i forgot..

Ok, u got a link for me for those ROMS?

wait a sec..

If you search and read all the stickies thread you might encounter this one your self..
There at that thread have a varius radio roms to download..
post the result afterward

Thanks...I didnt see that one...I will have a look...shot for the help...

Ok, ive tried a few different things.
I tried to get it to connect with activesync, but it just doesnt want to work, I have also attempted a hard reset, and activesync doesnt work either.
Before I did a hard reset activesync 'did something', and a message came up saying it couldnt get an IP address from the server, and on the PC activesync came up with some other thing saying it cannot connect to the Windows Mobile Powered Device.
After the hard reset, I try activesync again, and now absolutally nothing happens on the phone. On the PC the little network icon comes up aqquiring an IP address and dissappears, and the just sits there...
At this point I ran a exe file on the K-JAM, to put it into bootloader mode, I ran the update tool, and again it complained about the update utility, again not changing anything, I ran it, and then it gave a communication / connection error, and a third time also a communication / connection error.
I tried only one radio rom, I am going to try it with the oldest version on that page, if that doesn't work, then I don't know. I tried it with ActiveSync 4.5 and 4.2.

In the mean time I tried the original ROM file from clubimate, that actually loaded, and worked, except the network still isnt working.
I also tried syncing the phone on another pc, and funny enough that worked.
On trying to load the new Radio ROM, it started the update process, and at that moment the phone jumps to bootloader mode, obviously the activesync connection gets lost, the update tool waits a bit, and then suddenly complains about the update tool, saying I need a new version or something.
I have checked the bootloader version of the phone, and it is version 2.x.
I try it again and then I get a connection error....I really need to get my dads phone working again.
Any ideas?

Not sure which Radio's you are trying but go grab a Radio Only ROM. TMobile 2.19.11 UK seems to be a very good and stable one. These are found in the ftp area: ftp://xda:[email protected]/Wizard .
Hope that helps.

Thanks for the help.....ive tried 3 different ones from there, they all do the same thing...so its a bit wierd.....
On the other side of the coin I decided to stick on another sim card, and it works just fine on the other sim card
So the radio is working just fine afterall.....just got back from the service provider and they rekon either the sim card is damaged or its a network error....so lets see what happens.....
Thanks to everybody for the help...

so its just the simcard after all..

lol yeah....
Although I would still like to know why I can't update the radio anyway...

isnt it because of your activesync?

I don't know what it is...
I used it on another PC alltogether and activesync worked just fine...the update tool interacts with the device, starts the update process, and then the phone goes to bootloader mode, activesync obviously losing the connection, the update tool waits a while and then suddenly says something about the update utility being old or something, I need a new one or what ever....
Then while in bootloader mode I try the update again and then I get a connection error.
Its all wierd.....


Big author Pride on the line...Molsk, Sumitter, Mr. Clean, .

First of all, I install T-mobile clean 2.26, I recall the internet working and with activesync, cause I got sbsh weather updated. Dunno why now it does work on my gf phone. Then I bought a phone and install the T-mobile 2.26 and realize it didnt' work and mokiz version too, then I try Mr. Clean 2.24a, and still doesn't work.....any help would be great.
My home connection with PC.
Microsoft activesync 4.2 on telus DSL line. Try all these rom,
My 8125 CID lunlock ...not sure..I tried to unlock it but dont' know if I got it
IPL -1.08 SPL 2.25 ...try all these rom....Mr. Clean 2.24a, Mosik 2.26, Sumitter 2.24, T-Mobile 2.26.
My gf 8125 CID lock
IPL 2.x SPL 2.x too, try all the rom on hers too, same prob.
But I swear her phone could update the weather before cause i'm looking at it wiht only two days with weather but now I can't do it.??
I thought it was my computer setting cause one time my comp frozen and had to reboot and it was around the same time. So instead I tried on my brother labtop which he just formated so everything should be alright.
But I was still unable to connect to internet with Activesync or bluetoothl.
Please help ......big Cooks.
There's a checkbox in AS that lets you forward the connection... tried that?
I'm running the molski 2.26 rom and had a mr clean rom before, as well as some factory TMO/I-Mate/Qtek roms. Never had any problem connecting with AS.
Appreciate the help and reply.
Hi, tomasz
Thanxs for pointing that out, in AS, I went to connecting setting and found what you were saying, the section my computer is in automatic setting, but I also tried my computer is connected to internet. Still I get this error in IE when loading a webpage, "The page you are looking for cannot be found due to unkonwn error 0x80072f78".
I wouldn't be so annoy if I didn't have internet in the beginning, but when I first got my 8125. Everything works fine with Mr. Clean and T-Mobile rom, without touching any setting in my comp and the phone, AS works like a charm, internet thur AS work fine without any manual setting.?? I didn't know things can change so much all a sudden? I hope someone out there know exactly what the problem is? thanxs again for the post tomasz, hope you have another solution or someone out there does....
Q9100 half dead!!!
Hi pals..
Listen gotta a big problem with my Qtek 9100.This is it. I've tried to update the pda to spanish so I could sell it to a friend of mine.I've downloaded the version from xda-dev.Everything was working fine but in the middle of the process the power in my house failed.So the process stoped now I got the damn OS in Spanish but it doesnt work because it didnt installed properly.I've tried out everything I new about this pda.That is try to install in bootload mode,the only thing I've managed was update the IPL and SPL (that I dont know what doest that means) for that I've used an Orange ROM,if it would have updated properly it would show up the W2k5 customised by Orange but no,it keeps stuck in the same Qtek welcome star up image.
What and I supposed to do? I heard that I could install it loading it direct from the SD Card but I have to do it by copying an Backup SD card already done once mine OS is damaged. I've already tried the one in Dutch on the XDA ftp web page.But it seems not to be working.
Luiz Santos
Finally got my internet working thur AS
Okay for anyone that is having problems with Internet working thur Activesync, you can try to go into start, setting, connections, usb to pc and uncheck enable advanced network functionality.
And it work for me, yahooooooooooo....

Forcing Bootloader Mode

Maybe some of you are already aware of this procedure, maybe not.
Anyway, it worked for me and I decided to share how to do it. Simple.
This procedure should only be used in case you really need enter into a bootloader mode and all other ways to do it has failed! Hold Camera button is one of these I am mentioning.
My Wizard was almost bricked at that time and after I speak with an I-mate technical guy, I got the following:
1. Make sure your i-mate™ K-JAM is not Connected to the PC and remove the dummy card or SD/MMC card
2. On your Desktop PC, open Microsoft ActiveSync, then go to File >Connection Settings >Remove the Selection from “Allow USB Connection with this desktop computer”
3. Reconnect your i-mate K-JAM to the Desktop PC using the USB Cradle and the Charger MUST be Connected to the Cradle (Don’t use the IrDA or Bluetooth for the Upgrade)
4. Run the Upgrade again and it will work fine without any problems.
While upgrading, the ActiveSync program will not go on, however the upgrade is running.
Hope it helps!
this realy worked for my (ex)bricked dutch tmobile mda vario !!!!
tip: REALY make shure that there is no wcescomm.exe running all the time and realy remove the sd card else is nogo
btw: my wizard is CID locked! and works like a charm
Thanks buddy!
I'm happy that worked for ya!
Take care!
I'm having a problem
The power went out as I was upgrading my Wizard (Cingular) so now it just turns on at the boatloader screen. I've tried running updates while it was in this screen (it did show the "USB" in the white bar) but most of the time it tells me there is a connection error. Even if I kill Activesync, I notice that when I run the update utility it still runs Activesync. I've tried disabling the USB connection but still get the connection error.
The only time I haven't gotten the connection error was twice it asked me to update but then told me I had the wrong file. This only happened when I tried "upgrading" to 1.05 as I was trying to start again. After it tells me that if I try running it again it gives me the connection error.
Any ideas?
Have you already flashed your device once?
Which ipl/spl do you have?
I had problems over 1.05 ROM in the beggining.
If you stuck on bootloader mode, that's a good signal your device is not bricked.
I'd recommend you to disable activesync as you did and reflash it again! Check also if your device is CID unlocked! Search for a thread in the xda developers root.
Try to upgrade to ipl/spl 2.26 first and later to others you want.
Regarding the old file error...can be related to a missing file called enterbootloader.exe.
Hope it works for ya!
Take care
Ironman273 said:
I'm having a problem
The power went out as I was upgrading my Wizard (Cingular) so now it just turns on at the boatloader screen. I've tried running updates while it was in this screen (it did show the "USB" in the white bar) but most of the time it tells me there is a connection error. Even if I kill Activesync, I notice that when I run the update utility it still runs Activesync. I've tried disabling the USB connection but still get the connection error.
The only time I haven't gotten the connection error was twice it asked me to update but then told me I had the wrong file. This only happened when I tried "upgrading" to 1.05 as I was trying to start again. After it tells me that if I try running it again it gives me the connection error.
Any ideas?
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My device is unlocked as I've been trying different ROMs as of late. I had gone back to the Cingular 2.25 ROM for a couple days to sort some things out and was going to flash Farias AKu 3.3 when my power problems happened. My Current IPL/SPL is 2.25
I've tried flashing the TMobile 2.26 but keep getting connection errors. In fact, I've tried flashing with every ROM I have pdviet 3 and 4, CIngular 2.25, TMobile 2.26 and Custom 1.05. Everything (except twice in the custom) gives me connection errors.
Any other trick I can try?
BTW, I used to live in Sao Paulo years ago...
Edit: OK, so I tried the 2.26 TMobile ROM after I typed this and it worked!! I'm back up but I was having trouble with that ROM beause of some incompatibilities with Cingular. I'll go back to Cingular's ROM and play it safe for now.
I believe part of my problem was I kept trying different updates one after the other. Now that I think back, the 2 times I got the update to almost work was after I turned off the device and turned it on again, which is what I did this time around also.
I had the same problems as mentioned by Ironman before. I followed the steps and with a few slight changes, I managed as well to "unbrick" my wiz. THANKS A LOT for the great step by step manual!!!
Still I wanted to know WHY i bricked my device:
I was trying to upgrade to the underground WM6 ROM. I got the same situation as ironman:
The power went out as I was upgrading my Wizard (Cingular) so now it just turns on at the boatloader screen. I've tried running updates while it was in this screen (it did show the "USB" in the white bar) but most of the time it tells me there is a connection error. Even if I kill Activesync, I notice that when I run the update utility it still runs Activesync. I've tried disabling the USB connection but still get the connection error.
The only time I haven't gotten the connection error was twice it asked me to update but then told me I had the wrong file. This only happened when I tried "upgrading" to 1.05 as I was trying to start again. After it tells me that if I try running it again it gives me the connection error.
I then followed the instructions by epimazzo as written above. I also tried the T-Mobile ROM 2.26 which was not working for me. PANIC!!!! Error messag was that I had the wrong Vendor ID. THerefore no upgrade to TMob 2.26 was possible. I tried it then my original qtek ROM in my language and see it worked!!! This IMHO means that I did not put the device in a proper IPL1.xx and SPL 1.xx status which is required for a clean system in irder to unlock it! So if it is bricked, try your native AKU2 ROM and make sure you unlocked it properly. Maybe you have to run the 1.05 ROM for a second time after the unlocking.
I hope this helps you guys.
Sounds great to hear that!
I had play around with pdaviet3, underground and another ROM just today without any problems at all. I don't think that this is the case. Now you get your device back to normal, try to reflash it again. Hope it works this time!
BTW,...São Paulo is a nice city. Thanks! Let me know if you decide to come here!
Take care
Ironman273 said:
My device is unlocked as I've been trying different ROMs as of late. I had gone back to the Cingular 2.25 ROM for a couple days to sort some things out and was going to flash Farias AKu 3.3 when my power problems happened. My Current IPL/SPL is 2.25
I've tried flashing the TMobile 2.26 but keep getting connection errors. In fact, I've tried flashing with every ROM I have pdviet 3 and 4, CIngular 2.25, TMobile 2.26 and Custom 1.05. Everything (except twice in the custom) gives me connection errors.
Any other trick I can try?
BTW, I used to live in Sao Paulo years ago...
Edit: OK, so I tried the 2.26 TMobile ROM after I typed this and it worked!! I'm back up but I was having trouble with that ROM beause of some incompatibilities with Cingular. I'll go back to Cingular's ROM and play it safe for now.
I believe part of my problem was I kept trying different updates one after the other. Now that I think back, the 2 times I got the update to almost work was after I turned off the device and turned it on again, which is what I did this time around also.
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It seems you got the idea!
You did the right thing! Sometimes, use the official ROM can solve many issues out there!
Keep walking!
enlite_de said:
I had the same problems as mentioned by Ironman before. I followed the steps and with a few slight changes, I managed as well to "unbrick" my wiz. THANKS A LOT for the great step by step manual!!!
Still I wanted to know WHY i bricked my device:
I was trying to upgrade to the underground WM6 ROM. I got the same situation as ironman:
The power went out as I was upgrading my Wizard (Cingular) so now it just turns on at the boatloader screen. I've tried running updates while it was in this screen (it did show the "USB" in the white bar) but most of the time it tells me there is a connection error. Even if I kill Activesync, I notice that when I run the update utility it still runs Activesync. I've tried disabling the USB connection but still get the connection error.
The only time I haven't gotten the connection error was twice it asked me to update but then told me I had the wrong file. This only happened when I tried "upgrading" to 1.05 as I was trying to start again. After it tells me that if I try running it again it gives me the connection error.
I then followed the instructions by epimazzo as written above. I also tried the T-Mobile ROM 2.26 which was not working for me. PANIC!!!! Error messag was that I had the wrong Vendor ID. THerefore no upgrade to TMob 2.26 was possible. I tried it then my original qtek ROM in my language and see it worked!!! This IMHO means that I did not put the device in a proper IPL1.xx and SPL 1.xx status which is required for a clean system in irder to unlock it! So if it is bricked, try your native AKU2 ROM and make sure you unlocked it properly. Maybe you have to run the 1.05 ROM for a second time after the unlocking.
I hope this helps you guys.
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Excellent post. I messed up with my own cooked ROM and could only get the bootloader screen. Tried the tips here - didn't work first time but I pulled the battery from the KJAM to reset it rather than using the reset button and it worked fine.
In my opinion this thread is so helpful to people who brick their device, it should go "sticky". Mods anything you can do about it?
Thanks buddy! I really appreciate!
We survive here over tips like that!
jt_armstrong said:
Excellent post. I messed up with my own cooked ROM and could only get the bootloader screen. Tried the tips here - didn't work first time but I pulled the battery from the KJAM to reset it rather than using the reset button and it worked fine.
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Help me similar problem
I upgraded Super Rom, then my Wizard run very slow and no signal (no call out and in- no network at all). And Terible thing is PC could not dectect PPC thought Active Sync. I've soft and hard reset but no use.
So I donot know where to start to re install Rom again.
Please help me....
Hi there!
It seems that you just need to enter into the bootloader mode and reflash it again!
I had similar problems and more during my brick "false" stage!
So, just try to follow my steps here and you should be fine! Once you get into bootloader mode, just use any ROM out there to reflash.
Good [email protected]
thaiphong said:
I upgraded Super Rom, then my Wizard run very slow and no signal (no call out and in- no network at all). And Terible thing is PC could not dectect PPC thought Active Sync. I've soft and hard reset but no use.
So I donot know where to start to re install Rom again.
Please help me....
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I was about to start a EMERGENCY HELP thread, but I *think* this is the right place instead.
The "touch" of my screen went dead today. It got progressively worse over a few hours, starting with difficulty in using the phone dialer, then random incorrect stuff getting triggered by screen taps.
So I hard reset, and got no response on the fifth alignment cross, meaning 1) "Tap on the screen...; 2) center; 3) top left; 4) bottom left; 5) bottom right. In that I could not proceed with alignment, I hard reset again, and now, at the first alignment screen, i.e. "Tap on the screen...", I have no screen response at all.
I called T-mo, and they are being great about sending a replacement ASAP (and getting me a loaner in the meantime).
BUT, I am running Faria+ AKU3.3 V2... so I clearly have to flash back to T-mo 2.26. I can;t figure out how to do it though, as no matter what I do I am stuck at the first alignment screen!!
(I have three or four days to get this done, so it's not THAT urgent)
Do a search for Broken Screen. Someone (either in Wizard Upgrading or in the Wizard forum) just had a similar issue with a cracked screen. They downloaded something that allowed them to get around the welcome page.
Actually, if you are just trying to flash a new ROM, don't even mess with it. Go straight to the Boot Loader screen (see the first post of this thread). No tapping necessary until the new rom is on (and that will be the Tmobile then so you would be good.
Thanks for the quick reply. Charging up to green now, and then will try to enter bootloader and flash T-mo 2.26. Will report back.
Worked great. Back to T-mo she goes!!!
BootLoader Mode
Excellent thread but you left out one thing.....exactly how to place your device in bootloader mode.
To clear up any misunderstanding because this is very important....this is how you do it:
Perform a soft reset, when the screen goes blank hold the camera button until a multi colored screen comes up .... That's it !!!!!!
When the unit is connected, USB is displayed at the bottom left.

My radio is damaged

I tried to upgrade my pda2k to 2005, but I get hang
then when I tried again it show this message
can i get help please
Strategies for dealing with radio ROM update 114 errors
I had this problem last week and recovered from it. At first it looked pretty bad, nothing seemed to work. I looked the Internet up and down and in most forums, including this one, people agreed that nothing could be done about error 114, the mainboard of the BA needed replacement, etc.
When I finally did fully recover from this situation, it was from a combination of measures that I took and as I don't really know which one actually did the trick, I'll try to describe all of them even though not all will probably apply to others. Another problem is that I probably won't be able to remember them all, but anyway, here goes:
1) I downloaded the latest full official ROM update from site of the carrier this phone was branded for, in this case T-Mobile. It included a radio ROM, albeit version 1.13.0, not 1.15.0 which is the one I had been trying to flash. I decided it would be best to go back to that official version first.
2) I had been trying to do the radio ROM upgrade from a Macintosh (OSX) under Virtual PC. I have since done several ROM installations (without the radio part) from the Mac/VPC which worked fine, but since people had observed that radio ROM updates seem to be more sensitive than fiddling with the normal ROM, I decided to fire up my "real" PC, which runs WIndows XP, SP2, with Active Sync 4.5.
3) As others had suggested, I made sure that I had my cradle connected directly to a USB port on the computer; before I had been trying to go trough a hub. I also made sure the cradle was connected to the power adapter.
4) I had unlocked my device before to work with a non-T-mobile SIM card, but since I wasn't sure wether or not SIM/Net lock problems might still interfere with radio upgrades, I took my SIM card out of the unit, as well as the SD card -- trying to eliminate as many potential sources of screw-up as possible.
5) I think I tried to set my BA into as much of a defined state as I could by hard-resetting it and THEN invoking boot loader mode. I don't remember whether or not this was possible as the device was not reacting much to anything at the time.
6) On the Windows PC, I opened Active Sync, then went to Connection Settings and explicitly disabled the USB connection. I then quit Active Sync and invoked the Windows task manager (Ctrl-Alt-Del) to check that no other processes were running. Trying to cut out interference as much as poosible ...
7) I then proceeded to flash the official ROM version, which went flawlessly including the Radio ROM, took less than fifteen minutes in all. To be honest, I don't remember which ROM upgrade utility (BaUpgradeUt/MaUpgradeUt_noID) I used ... sorry. I know I tried whatever was included with the T-Mobile download first.
After that, I verified that everything was working again, then immediately flashed Radio ROM 1.15.0 as I had originally intended. This time it went uneventfully.
Hope some of this helps, I know how frustrated you must be at this point.
Good luck!
thanks a lot
i'm going to follow your instruction today.
regards to all
[email protected] said:
thanks a lot i'm going to follow your instruction today.
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So did you have any luck?

Bootloader question/trouble

Hey there everyone, I am pretty new to this forum so I must apologize for throwing you all into the deep end. I recently purchased an o2 XDA mini S second hand from a guy on boards.ie here in Ireland. I got the phone and really liked it because it allowed me to get rid of my Dell Axim X3i and mp3 player and keep it all in one device.
After a little bit of more research I discovered that I could remove some of the bloatware from the o2 xda mini S by just hard resetting and choosing the basic option which I than did. Still not satisfied with the overall performance of the XDA I decided to try a rom upgrade. Not wanting to do a totall overhaul I decided to just do a radio upgrade first.
My device is sim unlocked, it was like that when I bought it. I used the latest wizard service tool to CID unlock the device before I even flashed the phone. I also used the wizard service tool to change the nk.nbf file within the o2 mini S radio update into 96000000-GSM.nb. I then used this file to write to the GSM radio code (Bdk 1) according to the wizard service tool in the hopes that it would upgrade my radio version.
Well when I restarted, nothing of the sort happened, on the boot screen I noticed I was now missing my GSM version and when the phone finally got into windows mobile, it did not pick up any signal even though beforehand it could. The phone also became super slow to the point where it was unusable.
I have gone into bootloader mode subsequently after reading on this forum and tried to reflash with a number of updates with active sync disabled and nothing else running with the phone connected via usb to the pc. None of the updates would even pick up the phone or allow me to flash it.
My phone is pretty much screwed, I have a spare so it is not that big of an issue but I would like to make this usable again if at all possible. So my question is how do I flash a rom while the phone is in bootloader mode?
P.S I forgot to include the Current boot screen details:
IPL - 1.05
SPL - 1.05
OS -
You can use the Wizard Love Rom from here http://rapidshare.com/files/17792050/Wizard_Love_2.26.10.2_WWE_Novii_CF2.rar
Hey there, thanks for the advice, I did download that ROM but like I said before, none of the roms manage to flash my XDA because they all cannot seem to connect to it. Activesync does not even pick it up in windows mode, and even when I have it connected in bootloader mode via usb and I double click on the love rom, it goes through the motions but never managed to "verify the information with the pda"
Try a stock Tmobile ROM but not from bootloader. Also, I would check the activesync app on the device. Make sure it's set to use USB as the default connection method.
A few other steps to try...
Uninstall ActiveSync and install an older version. If still no go, try a newer version.
Try a different USB cable and/or USB port.
Try a different computer with XP, not Vista.
Try flashing it without the SIM card or any memory cards.
If all else fails, you can try the SD card flashing method. There are instructions in the Wiki on how to do it, but always a stock ROM.
Try this one... http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=311027
Updated IPL/SPL and radio 2.69
Hey Devis, I think I have come one step closer, I tried all the suggestions that you made. Except well now my phone will not even go into the operating system when I switch it on. It will boot and the version numbers show but then it just resets itself.
I tried a different usb cable and I am not using vista, tried a different pc and the same result. The one place I did have some marginal success was the sd card method.
Basically what happened is that It backed up the OS from my phone and then reloaded it, not exactly what I wanted since the OS and rom are both screwed on the phone so my question at this point is, is there anyway using the SD card method to load one of the stock roms onto my phone?
I searched around the net and found the opposite to the "r2sd all" function, would be the "s2d" function, would that allow me to flash the phone with a stock rom?
Thanks for your time, I am going to call it a night here in ireland and head to bed.
Ok, if the phone resets then you probbably have a dead/dying battery. Charge it for about an hour or so using the wall charger, not the USB cable. Try to restart it and see if you can get in the OS. I was looking in the SD card method thread and some guy was successful at restoring the image from the SD even though his OS had died. He then had a fully functional phone.
The other thing to do would be to get the image file from someone that has a living and breathing wizard, preferably one with a stock ROM. Since this method is the equivalent of making an image of a PC using Ghost, the restoration of such an image to your Wizard should work just fine.
Just make sure that the other Wizard is SIM and CID unlocked. Or just go buy a Wizard from the store, unlock SIM and CID, copy the image on the SD and flash your device. Or... since u've got a new Wizard in your hands, just take the freaking thing appart and swap the guts return the store bought wizard to the store saying that the thing just doesnt freaking work!
As for the AT commands... it is possible that s2d would workfor you, it doesn't work in my wizard. from what i have been reading it appears that the bootloader is password protected and that password is randomly generated. I haven't played long enough with it to figure out how to get the password.
It looks like you've got some "trial and error" processes ahead of you. There is a wealth of info on bootloader AT commands on Wiki, nothing for the Wizard though. But something may work... not sure.
I could try to get you a ROM dump from my Wizard but I already am on SPL/IPL 3.08 and running WM6. the SPL/IPL version alone wouldn't allow you to restore from my backup.
Hey Devis, thanks for your time, just woke up here, will work some more on the phone today and let you know what is going on
Hey Devis, I did not even get a chance to fiddle around with the phone today, from being able to switch on less than 24 hours ago, it does not even want to switch on now so I am going to officially declared it a brick and move on. Will see if anyone can fix it for me, spent way too much time already when I should be working on my dissertation, thanks alot anyway
Sorry to hear that...
I have bricked one phone myself in the past... my old Pana GD87 and I absolutely loved that phone. I know how you feel.
Good luck with your dissertation.

[Q] Cannot flash ROM anymore. Can you Help?

Hi guys,
I have a weird problem.
As of recently two days ago, my tilt won't take any flashes anymore. I believe with was caused by an action of mine which I tried flashing android from SD to NAND.
Here are the symptoms:
1) After a failed attempt at loading the Android Kernel, I installed the stock HTC ROM (Kaiser_HTC_ASIA_HK_WWE_3.34.721.2)
2) The stock rom flash worked, but any subsequent flash do not work
3) When trying to flash (either from Active Sync or SD Card) it gets stuck at 0%
Current state is as follows:
1) Phone boots up normally with stock rom
2) I can get into Bootloader mode no problem
3) When trying to flash it doesn't work
I have tried several steps in order to recover.
1) Tried to flash Stock rom again (Faillure)
2) Tried to flash HardSPL again (Faillure)
3) Tried MTTY 1.42 (Don't know if Success or Faillure) - I have attached the screenshot below
I have been successful in flashing multiple custom ROMs before, but idiot me wanted to try the android and now I messed my phone up. I guess it's true what they say: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
So it seems to me, the connection is getting done but nothing wants to be pushed.
Here are my credentials:
XP Service Pack 2
ROM Version: 3.34.721.2WWE
ROM Date: 09/30/08
Radio Version:
Protocol Version:
HardSPL 3.34
So my question is, do you guys know how to get my Kaiser working again?
Do you recommend in attempting Android on Kaiser again or leave it be?
Any help is greatly appreciated in clarifying this out.
Sorry for some reason I cannot post link to images. Does anyone know how to do this as well?
tsiftis21 said:
Sorry for some reason I cannot post link to images. Does anyone know how to do this as well?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You can just dont put http or wrap it in code and it's due to limitation on accounts to prohibit spam untill you reach a ceratain ammount of posts.
Thank you for the tip!
tsiftis21 said:
Thank you for the tip!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
remember to take out your sim and sd card while flashing.
Mr. Clown said:
remember to take out your sim and sd card while flashing.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I had tried without the sd card, but I had forgotten to take out the sim card.
I tried without the SIM card and the same result is present. Won't go past 0%.
Any other ideas?
Does any one have any ideas how I can get my tilt up and running again? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I get the same issue...
Word for word, the same as this.
Operator 24.328.1.610
ROM Version WWE
Date 05/02/08
I've tried several PCs, ActiveSync doesn't work at all, Windows Mobile Device does.
SPL 3-27 is on the phone but I've tried running the others without success. I get up to 17% on any ROM if using JumpSPL1.93-KAIS.exe but that's about it.
This is a work phone which is on the Orange UK network (corporate contract), it's playing silly beggars (not ringing when someone phones, but helpfully telling me I've had a missed call).
According to Orange the only thing they'll do is swap it like for like... but I'm 99% certain the problem is down to the ANCIENT firmware on the phone and Orange have confirmed they've got no plans to update it.
tstaddon said:
Word for word, the same as this.
Operator 24.328.1.610
ROM Version WWE
Date 05/02/08
I've tried several PCs, ActiveSync doesn't work at all, Windows Mobile Device does.
SPL 3-27 is on the phone but I've tried running the others without success. I get up to 17% on any ROM if using JumpSPL1.93-KAIS.exe but that's about it.
This is a work phone which is on the Orange UK network (corporate contract), it's playing silly beggars (not ringing when someone phones, but helpfully telling me I've had a missed call).
According to Orange the only thing they'll do is swap it like for like... but I'm 99% certain the problem is down to the ANCIENT firmware on the phone and Orange have confirmed they've got no plans to update it.
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Click to collapse
I had this on my tp.
My usb was dying out, i ended up switching my tp with the one of my brother cuz my brother got a galaxy S.
Try if active sync works properly and keeps connected for 15 mins or more.
My connection kept getting lost untill eventually no pc would be able to reconize my phone.

