Can't bluetooth to PC with Activesync.. - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Does someone have a guide for connecting via BT and activesync?
I can't for the life of me get my PC to recognize my tilt it just doesn't find the device in order to create an outbound connection, any help here?

Delete all existing pairings and sync partnerships then follow the Bluetooth activesync help procedure in Activesync. It will set up your bt com ports etc in the right order for you to connect.

Still having some problems...
The device is found in the BT Devices and I was able to add an incoming port com4 but it doesn't find anything to add an outgoing port? shouldn't it have an outgoing port, it just doesn't find the device.
In activesync when I set the port to com4 and try connecting I get nothing even though in the end it shows the port com4 is available.
Any ideas?

i assume you are using XP? and have the latest bt drivers on your pc. From there delete the parings, and then pair from the pc, when you set it up at that point there should be a checkbox for the activesync service on your kaiser (much like it has for earphones). If not make sure that your activesync connection settings have "Allow Connections to the following" and then choose whatever port (i normally do port 4)

yes, Windows XP SP2.
The device gets paired with the desktop, I added a com port this time com5 as "incoming". I then opened ActiveStink and change the "allow connections to one of the following" to com5 and hit "Connect..." and no joy...
I finally get a message that my "device was not detected" and it shows the com5 port available.
It was user error, I was trying to initiate the connection from my PC and not my phone... thanks for the help.

no worries. Glad if i was any help


WM5: Unable to sync with my laptop with Toshiba BT!

I just bought an Asus M6VA laptop (called Z70 something in the US), and it has built-in Bluetooth. I can connect with the serial port OK, I can use the Dial-Up Networking to surf the net with my laptop and the BA as the modem, but I'm unable to get AS working. I have AS over BT working with my office computer, that has a Logitech DiNovo Media Desktop bluetooth, with Widcomm stack. But the Asus has a Toshiba stack with a totally different setup, and I can't get it to work.
The Widcomm stack sees AS and even an audio gateway, so I can use the PC as a handsfree device for my BA (even though the sound's rather terrible), but the Toshiba stack only sees a serial port and DUN on it. i would appreciate any pointers and help!
have you set up active sync on your laptop to connect via have to click on file conection settings and select allow connection to one of the following and then select the com port your pocket pc is using.also when you setup your pocket pc to connect to your laptop it gives you the option of serial port but you also have to have active sync selected aswell if it does not show up then press refresh.let me know wat happens.
I tried again, and when I connect the serial port, I see "Microsoft ActiveSync cannot recognize this device for one of two reasons " and then it suggests that it wasn't connected properly, or that it isn't a PPC or smartphone.
I have the serial port on the PC set to Com6, and AS is set up to allow syncing through that port. On the PPC I have outgoing port Com 0 (just about the only port I could get it to accept, but I tried one other, I think it was Com 9, and that didn't help). I have done a bunch of refreshes but I can't see active sync as an available service on the laptop. I belive that's the problem, since I could see that on my office computer, and that connected and synced without problems.
In AS on your laptop delete any previous partnerships with your PDA. If possible, delete any laptop partnerships in AS on your PDA as well. On your PDA, go to Settings -> System -> Bluetooth Settings. Choose to start AS setup...
It sounds like your laptop may be using the MS drivers... There should be an option to make your laptop Discoverable, but I'm not very familiar with the MS stack... more familiar with the Widcomm. Look for something like Advanced settings in the left window pane...
Let us know if any of that helps!
I have tried that , but clicking on the Start button gives me a window "Please bond with other Bluetooth device which supports serial port or Active Sync profile as your AS partner". And I have already bonded! Bonding again doesn't change anything. use these instructions that is what i did and it worked fine.let me knw
Nope, it doesn't work at all. Like I said in the first post, this is not a Microsoft stack, it's a proprietary Toshiba stack, and it doesn't have any of the setup windows or settings that this guide mentions.
You've probably thought of this....
Maybe you need to manually create a serial port to your PDA... When you paired the PDA to the laptop, what services were you offered? If Serial port is available, create the connection, note down the COM#. With BT started, in AS allow synch via new BT COM port...
Yes, I have tried that, and it didn't work.
I finally managed to do it! I found a way to use the Micro$oft BT Stack instead of the Toshiba one, and now I'm finally set up for AS over BT with the guide mentioned above. Thanks!

Bluetooth active sync

I am trying to get active sync to work over my bluetooth connection to my laptop. I have a partnership defined in the phone, serial port, com 6. I can connect to the phone from the laptop via the bluetooth connection manager. However, when I try and "connect via bluetooth" from the phone it tells me no partnership exists that can connect via bluetooth. However, one clearly does. I also try and connect to the phone over bluetooth from my laptop with active sync, and it just says it can't find the phone. ANy suggestions?
You need remove the partenership and re-pair with your PC from within Active Sync (using Connect via BT). You have to let ActiveSync handle the profile thing instead of manually setup COM port. Once you paired this way, you will see an ActiveSync profile listed for your PC on your phone. Don't try to outsmart ActiveSync. It's really dumb and only works according to its way.
Tried it
I tried that and its still not working. Same message from the phone. I dont see anywhere in activesyc though that has profiles. Am I missing something? Do i need a newer version of activesync? (I am running summiters latest rom 2.3 for cingular).
Did you remove profiles from both phone and PC. You don't want to manally set COM port connection. After pairing from ActiveSync, you PC will be listed with an ActiveSync Service option instead of Serial port option.
foxbat121 said:
Did you remove profiles from both phone and PC. You don't want to manally set COM port connection. After pairing from ActiveSync, you PC will be listed with an ActiveSync Service option instead of Serial port option.
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-- I was running activesync 4.2 beta on my PC. Went down to 4.1 and i'm trying to get it going now.
I did remove it from both PC and phone and it sitll didnt work, but i will try here with 4.1.
foxbat121 said:
Did you remove profiles from both phone and PC. You don't want to manally set COM port connection. After pairing from ActiveSync, you PC will be listed with an ActiveSync Service option instead of Serial port option.
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Nope. Still not working even with 4.1.
If you go to settings->Connections->Bluetooth->Devices, what are the services listed for your PC?
foxbat121 said:
If you go to settings->Connections->Bluetooth->Devices, what are the services listed for your PC?
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I got it working. Thanks for your help!
How did you get it working? I'm a new user and I have exactly the same problem. If I go to 'settings->Connections->Bluetooth->Devices' I see that Activesync is checked but handsfree is not checked.
I'm not able to connect, either. I go to connect via BT, setup a new partnership, exit back to activesync, and it still says the same - "cannot find an existing partnership that supports Activesync."
sjm992 said:
How did you get it working? I'm a new user and I have exactly the same problem. If I go to 'settings->Connections->Bluetooth->Devices' I see that Activesync is checked but handsfree is not checked.
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That is good. Now all you need to do it go to activeSync->menu->Connect via BT. You should see status dialog popup and it starts to connect. Make sure on your PC side, you allow the incoming BT connection and ActiveSync is set to allow connect through the COM port BT activesync is using.
no service on bluetooth, no device found
If I go to 'settings->Connections->Bluetooth->Devices
I see no service.
If I try to pairing through active sync, no device found.
active sync 4.2
wm5 helmy
windows xp mce
panda platinum 2006
windows firewall disabled
ok, i have the same problem but i dont have active sync as an option
i got hanset, serial port n dialup networking
how do i get active sync as an option?
i retraced my steps n undid everything
then followed your steps
thanks a mil

Still haven't found what I am looking for.... (Bluetooth/ActiveSync)

This is quite a common problem, from what I have gathered reading from the web, but haven't found a solution yet.
I could Sync perfectly via Bluetooth using Actve Sync 4.2, but ever since I received a file from another phone via bluetooth Active Sync doesn't show up as an option when I pair my phone with my laptop, hence no Active Sync via Bluetooth.
What could have gone wrong? Anyway of getting my Active Sync to work with the Bluetooth again? I have tried everything possible, hard reset, re-installing Active Sync, re-pairing etc. etc.
Please to help... anyone???
i spent a day trying to connect to activesync using bluetooth, when i finaly manage to do this and disconnect it , next time i spent another couple hours trying to connect it again as it was before ). and i think i realize all specifics of that procedure. ur main goal is to recognise computer paired device as device connected via activesync service and not the "serial port" service on ur PDA.
That I know...
Thanks, for that, but that I know, problem is how to make the PDA realise that my system has Active Synch and not Serial port! Have you managed to find that out? If you have then please let me know. Thanks in advance.
It actually depends on what Bluetooth stack yr LapTop has, Broadcom,BlueSoliel, Toshiba or MS..U need to add a virtual Serial Port..set that serial port in yr Async connections on yr LapTop..then re-do the BT search on yr PDA and now it will show Async service in yr device..
yep, in my case its a toshiba one, and u need to set incoming and outgoing port on computer this way: com6 local client port, com7 local server port. and set activesync on com7, and make a connection on computer with pda on port 6 but do not coennect it, after that make a connection on pda with computer, and try to refresh list of services that computer provides untill "serial port" becomes "activesync", then launch activesync on pda and hit connect via bluetooth option, thats it.
Using MS Bluetooth software.
I am using the Microsoft Bluetooth software and there is only incoming and outgoing. Kept refreshing but only shows 'Serial Port'!
__s said:
yep, in my case its a toshiba one, and u need to set incoming and outgoing port on computer this way: com6 local client port, com7 local server port. and set activesync on com7, and make a connection on computer with pda on port 6 but do not coennect it, after that make a connection on pda with computer, and try to refresh list of services that computer provides untill "serial port" becomes "activesync", then launch activesync on pda and hit connect via bluetooth option, thats it.
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You are an absolute genius. I would never have thought about the "refresh" on the PDA bluetooth settings. It worked. I had given up previously so many times!!!
__s said:
yep, in my case its a toshiba one, and u need to set incoming and outgoing port on computer this way: com6 local client port, com7 local server port. and set activesync on com7, and make a connection on computer with pda on port 6 but do not coennect it, after that make a connection on pda with computer, and try to refresh list of services that computer provides untill "serial port" becomes "activesync", then launch activesync on pda and hit connect via bluetooth option, thats it.
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I tried this port with com5 and com9 instead because 6 and 7 were taken (by what??). But unfortunately it didn't work, kept showing "Serial port" even after many refreshes.
What a nuisance
I had a similar problem. One of the reasons I bought the MDA was to sync wirelessly, and I never got this to reliably work, and wound up using a USB cable. The problem is that if it doesn't work without doing something, it is more trouble than the cable. Here are my notes about making bluetooth work:
A workaround is (i) on the MDA, go into bluetooth settings, open the PC listing and uncheck and then recheck the ActiveSync service, and (ii) shut down ActiveSync and restart it on the PC, using ActiveSyncToggle (Google for it). This program also solves the problem that activesync would start and then report that it couldn't find the bluetooth dongle for the idiotic reason that ActiveSync started before the bluetooth dongle was started. ActiveSync doesn't have an Exit/close button, and ActiveSyncToggle provides it.
kull said:
I could Sync perfectly via Bluetooth using Actve Sync 4.2, but ever since I received a file from another phone via bluetooth Active Sync doesn't show up as an option when I pair my phone with my laptop, hence no Active Sync via Bluetooth. What could have gone wrong? Anyway of getting my Active Sync to work with the Bluetooth again? I have tried everything possible, hard reset, re-installing Active Sync, re-pairing etc. etc.
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It's rather simple. Once you pair PDA & PC with ActiveSync, you got a connection - PDA with PC (ActiveSync) via USB. This you can see in ActiveSync -> Connection Settings - checked box near "Allow USB Connections".
And if you'll pair your PDA with PC by Bluetooth (I have BlueSoleil installed), you'll have a Com port (#7 in my case) applied to your PDA - not in PDA, in PC - so you must sign this port in ActiveSync -> Connection Settings -> check box "Allow connection to one of the followings:", choose right port from the list (#7 in my case), tap "OK" (but not "Connect"!!!) - and then try to refresh BT connection on your PDA - you'll see pretty soon - "connection type - ActiveSync". Then choose "connect via BlueTooth" from your PDA - Voila! Yuo're synchronising via BT!
BUT!!! From now on this silly ActiveSync will mind, that you wish to synchronise ONLY by BT! Look in "Connection Settings" - you'll see that "Allow USB connections" is unchecked! That means, you're not able to connect via USB any more!
So, if you want to connect via USB one thing you must to do - is to check this damn box manually! And you again can synchronise via USB.
And from that on - if you want to synchronise via BT - uncheck this box and check "Allow connection to one of the followings:" and check the propper Com port.
So thats all. Have fun!
rusigor said:
BUT!!! From now on this silly ActiveSync will mind, that you wish to synchronise ONLY by BT! Look in "Connection Settings" - you'll see that "Allow USB connections" is unchecked! That means, you're not able to connect via USB any more!
So, if you want to connect via USB one thing you must to do - is to check this damn box manually! And you again can synchronise via USB.
And from that on - if you want to synchronise via BT - uncheck this box and check "Allow connection to one of the followings:" and check the propper Com port.
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That is probably the problem for me, I sync with two PCs, so when I got one working, trying to sync with the other would bollix up the first's settings.
I have no experience synchronising with 2 PC's. Suppose, you'll have to pair with both PC's and watch right connection settings every time - is particular PC switched to synchronise by USB or by BT - before trying to synchronise!!!!
Else you'll be forced to delete all synx. settings from you PDA (AS page) every time (IMHO)... and pairing you devices from beginning...
Solution found at last!
This was the solution to MY problem:
Originally Posted by miguelromerom
Found a possible "solution" for some people who have been having problems estabishing a BT AS Partnership with their Universal and a host computer running AS. What I found was you may need to edit the registry to fix the problem. Here's what happened to me yesterday:
Morning: Hard reseted my device and installed all my software apps at my work computer via AS in USB mode as a Guest. Note: I have not set up a partnership with any computer (either USB or BT).
Evening: Got in my truck and paired my JasJar to my BT GPS receiver via a BT Serial Port. Used TomTom and navigated home.
Late Evening: Got home. I wanted to set up a BT AS Partnership first so I went through the procedures of pairing my device and my home computer. And guess what, it didn't work. My JasJar would not see that AS was an available option on my home computer (NOTE: Before Hard Resetting my device in the morning, I had previously established a BT AS Partnership with my JasJar so I know my machine supported that profile). What the @?#~! Ok. I did a search of the word "sync" through the registery. Came up with an interesting issue. Under the registry entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Ac tiveSync\
In that directory I saw a folder listed as: 000a3a051d0f (This folder is specific to my device (more below)). I was wondering what this was since I did not have any BT ActiveSync Profiles set up yet. When I looked in it, I realized immediately that this is the Device Profile for my GPS RECEIVER!!!! What the hell was it doing in this directory I asked myself. So I deleted the folder 000a3a051d0f from the directory:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Ac tiveSync\
And guess what? I was able to establish a partnership via BT immediately!!!
Hope this helps anyone else facing similar situation... I guess when I sent something via a Nokia phone it created a key which kept recognising my laptop as having only serial port. Once deleted - pronto my laptop showed up saying it had Active Synch!

Bluetooth Activesync problem....

I don't see the word "activesync" on the services list on my device, I only see "serial port" what could be wrong? I tried re-connecting again and again, made an incoming connection on the comport and assigned the comport number in Activesync and still it won't work. The last time I did these procedures, everything seems working fine. What could be wrong?
Any solution? Bump.
I did read the thread here ( ) and tried everything there but just can not get the Activesync service to show up on my Tilt. Funny thing is it was working before I tried to get Bluetooth PAN working.
By the way, AT&T branded device, Toshiba BT stack on Win XP SP2.\
-In control panels Bluetooth Local COM
-Removed COM6
-Added COM6 as Bluetooth virtual COM port for a SERVER
Then finally Activesync service showed up and all was a breeze from there.
jtphl said:
I don't see the word "activesync" on the services list on my device, I only see "serial port" what could be wrong? I tried re-connecting again and again, made an incoming connection on the comport and assigned the comport number in Activesync and still it won't work. The last time I did these procedures, everything seems working fine. What could be wrong?
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had the same problem. hee is, what worked for me: delete all pairing from device and PC. connect to pc with USB and install the Kaiser as modem. in active sync - connections - select the right USB serial port. after this it worked for me
tried both solutions above , but cant get the activesync service on my device :S
-In control panels Bluetooth Local COM
-Removed COM6
-Added COM6 as Bluetooth virtual COM port for a SERVER
Can you explain this? Are those settins on the device? or pc?
yeah, a little more details would be nice. I can see the Bluetooth Local COM in the device manager but how do i install the virtual one?
problem solved here
- reinstalled activesync!!!!!
- added bluetooth paired device on ppc with my laptop
- in bluetooth settings on the laptop i added an incoming port , laptop added port 11 automaticly
- in active sync in connection settings, i said , use port 11 for incoming connections
- on pda i refreshed the services of the paired laptop , serial port service became activesync service!!
problem solved for me
If people are still having the problem (as I was using a Widcomm based BT adapter) you should go check out the registry entry at \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\ActiveSync. If you've deleted all the pairings and you still see a folder in there with some numbers, open it up and check the value of RasEntry. If it says the name of any device that you've paired your phone with, go back out to the ActiveSync folder (one level up) and delete that folder. Then re-pair and set up the serial port on your local computer to be the same as the one that ActiveSync (on your desktop) allows connections from in the Connection Settings preferences.
Bellfazar said:
If people are still having the problem (as I was using a Widcomm based BT adapter) you should go check out the registry entry at \HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\ActiveSync. If you've deleted all the pairings and you still see a folder in there with some numbers, open it up and check the value of RasEntry. If it says the name of any device that you've paired your phone with, go back out to the ActiveSync folder (one level up) and delete that folder. Then re-pair and set up the serial port on your local computer to be the same as the one that ActiveSync (on your desktop) allows connections from in the Connection Settings preferences.
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Tried that, but that didn't help. I have a Anycom USB-200 Widcomm based bluetooth dongle and a O2 XDA Neo (aka HTC Prophet) with Prophet Touch IX WM6 installed and I'm using Active Sync 4.5. It worked for me with WM5 before a while ago. I don't remember what I did differently that time.

Unable to Sync Vista <> Kaiser via USB???

Folks, when I attach my Kaiser (MDA Vario III) to my laptop using Bluetooth, I can sync without a hitch... However, when I caonnect it via USB, I get the following: [see screenshot attached]
Any ideas? I can't fins any info on t'web?
Right... Had my Tytn (SPV M3100) replaced by Orange. This now does the EXACT same thing. Vista SP1, methinks...
Make sure you have the latest Windows Mobile Device Center installed and while your kaiser is plugged in run windows update and see if there are any driver updates available.
Try killing mobsync.exe in task manager (on the desktop pc). Then restart WMDC.
or plug in the usb, then open windows update and check for updates, it will detect it hasnt got the relivent drivers and downloadn them for you. normall its supposed to do it automatically if it doesnt find the drivers but for some reason it didnt work
Thanks sofar...
But I've tried all of the above.... To death. It works fine with my Athena & my Tytn, not with the Kaiser though...
I've been having the same problem. Thought it was one of the roms I had cooked initially but then I tried a few more roms (Duttys was one) and I still couldnt sync. Either on WMDC in Vista or ActiveSync on XP.
Now I think the USB is damaged - although it still charges fine. Bluetooth sync is fine too.
Now, i don't sync my device at work on my vista machine, but i can still connect to it.
None the less, I was looking at my windows update history and when i first installed the mobile center or whatever, i downloaded an update that is listed as failing to install in y windows update history.. so.. id ont know why it fails.. but yeah..
Had the same problem, but seems to be OK now.
I followed the help file in the Mobile device center -troubleshooting a cable connection. I post it her for reference. Don't know exactly what solved the issue (I hope permanently) but possibly the firewall ports?:
Check the device for relevant system messages and address any conditions affecting the connection.
Ensure that the device and the PC both have USB connections enabled:
In Control Panel set to Classic View, open Windows Mobile Device Center. Select the Allow USB connections check box.
In ActiveSync on your device, click Menu > Connections, then select the Synchronize all PCs using this connection check box.
Disconnect and reconnect the device.
Disconnect, restart, and reconnect the device.
Disconnect the device, restart the PC, then reconnect the device.
Do the following:
Disconnect the device.
Open the following ports for all programs in the PC firewall:
990: open inbound TCP port
999: open inbound TCP port
5678: open inbound TCP port
5679: open outbound UDP port
5721: open inbound TCP port
26675: open inbound TCP port
Reconnect the device.
Do the following:
Disconnect the device.
Disable the antivirus program.
Reconnect the device.
Do the following:
Disconnect the device.
Open Network Connections in Control Panel on the PC.
Right-click the local area connection created by Windows Mobile Device Center, then click Properties.
In This connection uses the following items, select every check box (to select all protocols).
Reconnect the device
fixed for me
I was having this problem. I'd also noticed that windows update was having problems installing a related update 'windows mobile remote adapter'.
Followed the advice in the help file re opening ports in the firewall. (FYI when adding a port just type the port number in the name field and in the port field).
It still wasn't working but when I did windows update after opening the ports it worked and is now connected.
Hope this helps
v1615 on Orange UK
ROMeOS.v4 07/27/08
Try this, it worked for me.
Go to start<<settings<<connections tab. Then select the USB to PC icon. Uncheck enable advanced network functionality. Restart PPC and then try to re-sync.
I don't even know what enable advanced network functionality does. When unchecked, I see "connecting to host" everytime I cradle my Tilt. AND I never have sync problems, nor do I get the error message alluding to changes on the server and all changes will be lost.

