Bug Found:: Palm Threaded SMS is not good for Wizards. - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario Software Upgrading

I think after months of wondering why my device was operating so slowly, I finally realized why.
Palm Threaded SMS is a nice little enhancement if it is the only thing you have installed and running on your device but is gets screwy after a while. After having it installed for about a week and sending about 500+ text messages, it starts to act up big time. Note: purging messages does not fix the problems.
If you have Palm Threaded SMS installed on your device for longer than a week and send in excess of 500+ text messages a week you will see your device begin to slow itself down, BIG TIME. Also, if you are using a Rom with that big Beautiful Home plugin, the text messages button will only show new text messages if the application is fully closed after each text message but doing that takes forever to load it back up when you have a lot of texts or are having a long conversation. I also stopped receiving notifications for text messages after a while and wasn't really sure why because I looked into my Notification settings and saw that new Palm SMS was set to alarm 4.
Basicly what I am saying is that this might be a great app for the Treo, but it is not for the Wizard... It needs a lot of reworking before it will really work well on the Wizard but since Palm is so stingant about their little Threaded SMS app and everyone who posted it here either had it removed by moderator or admin or removed it themselves, I can't see this being developed for the Wizard unless it is done in private and sent through e-mail but that makes us feel like the bad guy and that just sucks...
Microsoft has to know about this forum and about how their leaks were turned into something great but I haven't heard anything about how they are pursuing legal actions or requesting it be removed due to legal rights but Palm is acting like a small greedy little child... MINE MINE MINE!!!!

Just my 2 cents on this...
Imagine that you own Palm, just released a new software that satisfies all your SMS needs, like Fantasticullatious SMS for example. Sure you'd like it to work on your new yet to release Palm gadget, right? That would make it more attractive and only those who buy it, should have it. It would be of your interest that only Palm devices have it!
Now we hacked it off their Palms, what can you do? Of course, try by every means possible to stop it and thats what Palm did. You would do the same, if you were on their shoes.
Now a different side of the story...
And if they just release it as a software that you could pursuase on their website? You wouldn't buy it because it COSTS you!
I'm not innocent on this too, I do like what we do here, and in a way we only make it so that you wished you had a Palm, and if you could you'd buy one right?

dferreira said:
I'm not innocent on this too, I do like what we do here, and in a way we only make it so that you wished you had a Palm, and if you could you'd buy one right?
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Haha not really. I love my Wizard. I don't need a Palm.


Disable SMS Text Notification?

I did a search but couldn't find any topics, hope this hasn't been covered before.
Recently I've lost two girlfriends (one after the other) because of texts that should not be on my phone. I'm starting to get slightly annoyed with the repetition. I probably don't deserve help on this...
Obviously I could lock my phone with a code, but this raises suspicion. So what would be great is if I could edit the reg to disable any SMS notification at all (and perhaps rely on the HTC Home to show when I have new SMSs). Is there a reg edit for this?
Alternatively, is there a reg edit to stop the notification from showing who it's from and the first few lines?
Failing both of those are there any other suggestions, other than flight mode, that I could stop untimely texts from being seen by prying eyes?
Karma, my friend, karma....
foaf said:
Failing both of those are there any other suggestions, other than flight mode, that I could stop untimely texts from being seen by prying eyes?
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You need a Bat phone aka 2nd SIM and only give out the number on that one.
Delete all incriminating txts from inbox as well as sent items, my mate got found out from his sent items. He has the bruises to prove it.
Remember, Hell hath no fury like a Woman scorned.
foaf said:
I did a search but couldn't find any topics, hope this hasn't been covered before.
Recently I've lost two girlfriends (one after the other) because of texts that should not be on my phone. I'm starting to get slightly annoyed with the repetition. I probably don't deserve help on this...
Obviously I could lock my phone with a code, but this raises suspicion. So what would be great is if I could edit the reg to disable any SMS notification at all (and perhaps rely on the HTC Home to show when I have new SMSs). Is there a reg edit for this?
Alternatively, is there a reg edit to stop the notification from showing who it's from and the first few lines?
Failing both of those are there any other suggestions, other than flight mode, that I could stop untimely texts from being seen by prying eyes?
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Instead of trying to make seem like you aren't unfaithful/don't care about the girls/flirt etc... Have you considered just stop sending the txts?
If you're getting messages that aren't supposed to be on your phone, call your provider. If you are trying to weasel out of the consequences of something you did ... suck it up.
I wouldn't date you either.
Don't hate the player dawg.
foaf said:
I did a search but couldn't find any topics, hope this hasn't been covered before.
Recently I've lost two girlfriends (one after the other) because of texts that should not be on my phone. I'm starting to get slightly annoyed with the repetition. I probably don't deserve help on this...
Obviously I could lock my phone with a code, but this raises suspicion. So what would be great is if I could edit the reg to disable any SMS notification at all (and perhaps rely on the HTC Home to show when I have new SMSs). Is there a reg edit for this?
Alternatively, is there a reg edit to stop the notification from showing who it's from and the first few lines?
Failing both of those are there any other suggestions, other than flight mode, that I could stop untimely texts from being seen by prying eyes?
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WOW! I didn't realize that your request for a registry edit would turn into a morality session.
Thanks all, really appreciate the replies, i love this place. GSLEON3 thanks for the app, it seems perfect, and am testing now.
Instead of trying to make seem like you aren't unfaithful/don't care about the girls/flirt etc... Have you considered just stop sending the txts?
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It's not the sending that's the problem, it's the replies! I'm not trying to excuse my behaviour, but it's not always that simple. That is to say that jealousy can blind the reader sometimes.
i guess your having problems with the girl actually going through your phone and seeing who sends the txts? if its just the pop up box you get when u get a new msg you can go into sounds and notifications and turn it off. i have been using palm threaded app for a while now and it has a privacy mode, it will give you the pop up box, but wont say what it says or who from. best thing i can advise to you is to just delete your txt msgs, its the easiest and only fail safe way. oh and make sure you delete them out of the deleted folder, hehe.
Thanks Cashin. I know deleting is the easiest and cheapest way, but doing that is actually quite laborious, as you have to remember Inbox, Sent Items & Deteted Items. Also, I don't like to guard my phone 24/7, I like it to sit on the bed side table sometimes without being paranoid about the bright screen powering up with an sms.
I've trialled SecretSMS for an afternoon and it's perfect, so I purchased it. For predefined contacts, the light still powers up when you recieve a text, but no other notification, and a password protected inbox/sent items. Great stuff.

Dialer Fix

I often describe my Fuze as a great PPC but lousy phone. My biggest complaint is the dialer. The biggest issues are the keys being too small and the keys blacking out during a call.
I have installed Nosleep and TouchInCallScreenTweak with mixed results.
I few months back I saw a post on Iconsoft Phone Extension and ignored it as it cost $. I saw a post again on it the other day about the release version and tried it. I may be hooked. It has Dialer, Contacts, Call History, and Favorites tabs and is pretty customizable. The best thing though is the dialer. You can actually dial a # key, credit card number, etc., while in a call. The keys are large enough so I don't mis-dial too.
It is worth the two week free trial. For me, I think I'm going to spend the $25 to keep it.
It's here:
and NO, I don't work for them.
You sure you don't work for em?
Saw the exact same post on the at&t forums site.
Oh, now I see why LOL......I'd do it to, if it would save me 25 bucks
You can get an Iconsoft Phone Extension license in several ways:
* Post 5 new topics on the subject of Iconsoft PhonEx on Internet forums dedicated to the relevant subject, with a link to www.iconsoft.com
* Post 1 video on YouTube, telling of the advantages of the Iconsoft PhonEx + 2 new topics on forums dedicated to the relevant subject, with a link to www.iconsoft.com
* Publish positive article on a resource dedicated to the relevant subject, with a link to www.iconsoft.com
I paid my $25
and thought I would share. If you would like, I'll attach my PayPal receipt.
Iconsoft 1.4 is absolutely awesome I'm using it with energy ROM 6.5, because original HTC dialer conflicts with WM 6.5. That's the way, how should look contact's application And 25 usd isn't very expansive
I have to say, when I tried it out, I thought it looked quite nice, although I'm not sure it gave me much more than the standard dialer for my use. However, although I didn't seem to be able to uninstall it (so be careful of that, if you are just trying it out), it did work with my Touch Incall Screen Tweak as long as you got it to switch the screen off during a call in the first place. If you don't do that, it seemed to prevent the screen being switched off completely, and just allowed it to be dimmed.
With version 1.4 and some alternative skins available, I am now very satisfied with its function. I especially like the the fact a Speakerphone button is available and you can get the Keyboard back in view easily if you have to enter a digit to do something.
It is a shame people get flamed for talking about it. Iconsoft's marketing ploy was a dumb move but the product is has made my Fuze finally usable as a phone.
For those that want to try it, search for it. I'd post the link but then I'll get flamed again. I've attached a screen capture of the Dialer. The new skins come in Red and Green too.
does iconsoft phonex 1.4 allow th call recording feature? (ICR) thx.
There is another alternative which in my view is better. I have tried both extensively.
Take a look here: www.inesoft.com and look at Phone 4.
I have been using Inesoft Phone 4 for quite some time. It works great with 6.0, 6.1 and 6.5. I would not run any phone without it. In fact, I bought 2 licenses for the same phone, but that is a different story.
Be advised however, that the great big buttons you see for dialing are only available when you start the call. Once the call is connected, the normal system dialer is what is available. So if you have to check your office voicemail for instance, you can start the call with the big buttons, but once connected, you will be back to the small standard system dialer buttons. Not a problem for me as almost everything is on speed dial.
Even with that flaw, this is a great app. I can honestly say that I think it is the most well though out application from a users perspective that I have ever seen on the WM platform. They have a generous trial. Give it a try and you will see what I mean. Be sure to fill the first page of Favorites and you will notice that it automatically creates another one. Also, look how easy they made it to rename your favorite buttons. Lots of little things that show how much attention they pay to details.
Oh, one other thing, it has never crashed or caused any problems on my phone in about 9-12 months of use. Now that I think about it, it is kind of embarrassing, but in this time period, I have used 3 different phones (eTen G500+, x500 & Fuze) all with the same great results from this app.
Happy trials.
Doug M.
Have you tried inesoft to compare the phone 4? I hear that's good as well. I can't seem to figure out how to add favorites. Does yours work in WM 6.5?
One question for the inesoft Phone 4.
Does it have a slider for answering calls or only press buttons?
1999TL said:
Have you tried inesoft to compare the phone 4? I hear that's good as well. I can't seem to figure out how to add favorites. Does yours work in WM 6.5?
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I figured this out. When I went into contacts, I would press the favorite button. This just brought me back to the favorite menu. In the contacts, you have to select the contact, then press "edit", then add favorite.
Contacts Changer
I've had this program for a while. When you add contacts to WM there backwards unless you put them the other way.This app will swap them back.
Each time you add a new contact run contact changer and swaps them. Used it on my 8525 and now my fuze. I'm not for sure where i got it but theres a website at the bottom of the app of who ever made it to give credit.
Thought some body else might want it. Didn't want to start a new thread
An unstated feature of 1.4 is that it adds back the BT status icon to the Taskbar. The BT status indicators are called by the HTC Dialer. Took me along time to finally figure that out. Using the WM6 or other alternative dialers nukes them. PhonEx adds them back though BT Discoverable does not have a separate icon. I think the status icon is a must as my Fuze provides no other clues that BT is On. I don't want BT left On when on Battery.
PhonEx also plays nice with PocketShield although you must tweak their redundant features. PocketShield is a great app that disables unintended button presses while fumbling with your phone as it comes out of your pocket, case, purse, or wherever you carry it.
Adding NoSleepRaphael and TouchInCallScreenTweak has finally tamed my unruly Fuze.
My great PPC but lousy phone is now much better. Downside is having to pay bucks to get a workable phone that wasn't cheap in the first place.
I have been using iconsoft PhoneEx for a while and think it is handdown the best dialer I have ever seen.. The search function for contacts (I have 100's) work smooth and easy, the full screen cid and slide up to answer are all great.. The only 2 complaints I have are you can not reject a call with a text message, and i am seeing some conflicts with the standard MS dialer using NRG's ROM but all in all it makes using the phone much easier to use..
Has anyone else seen the conflicts with MS dialer (usually upon hanging up a call) or missing a call...
I'm using the stock AT&T Fuze ROM. PocketShield shows the MS Dialer enabled by PhonEx. I am not seeing conflicts but then the Fuze always seems finicky. I have learned to live, maybe tolerate is a better word, with it.
Phonex is very solid right now making me scared of a new version.
only press buttons. i have used both quite a bit and must say phonex is much better imo. i find inesoft to be visually ugly and not very responsive. scrolling is not nearly as smooth as phonex.
just my .02

Kaiser junkie

I love my Kaiser, I will not trade it in for a Fuze. I am however set back with questions unanswered. I'll enlighten you.....
1) I have been using an app called "Where is My Phone". I love this app. There is a certain feature I am quite curious about that acts as a macro. When you SMS the phone with a certain command as the text, it triggers a macro to work. This is very interesting to me. I am aware that there is a program running in the background to check for such a text request, but my question is, are there other programs out there that will let you run your own macros on such a text requests???
2) I am also running the Inesoft program on my phone. I absolutely love the dialer, however, once the dialer has been used and a call is placed, the default dialer pops up... very sad since I havn't been able to find a dialer skin that I like. (yes, I have searched everywhere and found them all) Is there a way to set the inesoft dialer as the default dialer on my Kaiser? This would be very useful, because I cant just tap and hold the "1" button on my inesoft dialer to activate retrieving my phones voicemail messages.
This forum is my lifeline to the outside world when it comes to my Phone and i thank you all in advance.
uhm as for your first question, I'm not too sure if I can answer it. I do use an app called mobliza that runs in the background. it's basically like an away message program for SMS. it also has a feature that allows it to carry on a conversation with people who text you. go to tiltmobility.com to find the download.
as for your second question, I don't think there is any way to make it your default dialer unless it's cooked into a ROM.
actually, my first question looks confusing... what i want to do is get my phone to perform actions when i sms it. if you look at "where is my phone", its an app that sends you the gps coords, with a google maps hyperlink of your cell phones location when you send it a certain text.
As for part 2, I guess Ill just cross my fingers and hope someone cooks up a rom. thats the best dialer skin ive seen. finger friendly, big, plain, simple.....
viol8tion said:
As for part 2, I guess Ill just cross my fingers and hope someone cooks up a rom. thats the best dialer skin ive seen. finger friendly, big, plain, simple.....
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I do not think xda allows roms with commercial software in the forums, as this would be considered warez, unless they just include the shareware version, which would be useless as it requires you to purchase after trial period. Maybe you can download a kitchen and integrate the software into your rom, shouldn't be that difficult.
You could provide the software to the chef of your favorite rom and ask him kindly to brew it in for you. As long as the software are fully available for download its no problem adding it to any rom. Reason why its not done are that people have to buy to fully take advantage of the software and no chef is going to force something like that on you. There has been payware on certain rom from some of the most known chef`s in here, but its very rare and if so its because the software been brand new or killing good.
The thought of brew this in case the device is stolen by someone are good. Cause if the thief are not an advance user chance of getting it back are good even after a hard reset
I used to use inesoft address book and if I can remember correctly, there is a setting where you can make the dialer and history the default.
viol8tion said:
I love my Kaiser, I will not trade it in for a Fuze. I am however set back with questions unanswered. I'll enlighten you.....
1) I have been using an app called "Where is My Phone". I love this app. There is a certain feature I am quite curious about that acts as a macro. When you SMS the phone with a certain command as the text, it triggers a macro to work. This is very interesting to me. I am aware that there is a program running in the background to check for such a text request, but my question is, are there other programs out there that will let you run your own macros on such a text requests???
2) I am also running the Inesoft program on my phone. I absolutely love the dialer, however, once the dialer has been used and a call is placed, the default dialer pops up... very sad since I havn't been able to find a dialer skin that I like. (yes, I have searched everywhere and found them all) Is there a way to set the inesoft dialer as the default dialer on my Kaiser? This would be very useful, because I cant just tap and hold the "1" button on my inesoft dialer to activate retrieving my phones voicemail messages.
This forum is my lifeline to the outside world when it comes to my Phone and i thank you all in advance.
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yup, i think i came across that program, where you text your mobile with predefined commands and when your cell picks it up it runs the application or script. One thing i forgot the name, but i think its freeware, if my poor memory serves me right. Damn, anyway it stays on your homescreen, just a small icon on the lower part.
The developers also programmed the location based application launcher based on what cell radio tower you are on.

[Q] Swype

I know this phone has a (BIG) update coming soon and its still in its development stages since its a new OS. But will there be swype available for this phone at anytime?
I think MS will not pay for swype to Swipe Inc.
Only if MS will add ability to add foreign-keyboard-addins, you will be able to buy a Swipe.
So you should ask: "When MS will add foreign-keyboard-addins?"
Why would anyone want to swipe? Bring on the dictation/voice recognition to type emails or texts and send them. Swipe reminds me of the Palm era of hand writing each letter for it to appear on the screen. I could see some use for it, but let's ask for something more modern for this device.
PaullikesWINMO said:
Why would anyone want to swipe? Bring on the dictation/voice recognition to type emails or texts and send them. Swipe reminds me of the Palm era of hand writing each letter for it to appear on the screen. I could see some use for it, but let's ask for something more modern for this device.
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Thanks for responding!
I hear you 100% on that..its just something about swype that makes me want to have it..or atleast give it a try. (Probably because i never tried it before)
Also, Is this "Update" on the 15th of December Confirmed?
I guess if people who want it should have the option for it but swype sucks.
At the moment, I don't think there are any 3rd party keyboards allowed, though I do love swype on the hd2.

Might be late but did big up date today

And as I see nothing changed in this update, no clue what is in it, but every thing looks the same, same crap i mean. Back to HD2 till HTC comes out with a better interface.
Good luck to the rest.
rysky007 said:
And as I see nothing changed in this update, no clue what is in it, but every thing looks the same, same crap i mean. Back to HD2 till HTC comes out with a better interface.
Good luck to the rest.
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Umm, HTC does not have any say in creating the WP7 interface. If you didn't like the interface, then why buy the phone? Plenty of us on this forum love the metro ui.
rysky007 said:
And as I see nothing changed in this update, no clue what is in it, but every thing looks the same, same crap i mean. Back to HD2 till HTC comes out with a better interface.
Good luck to the rest.
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Cause you can only play and see what a phone has so much in the store, it takes time to really tell if you like a phone or not.
After using HTC sense on the HD2, I assumed that HTC would have a similar interface on this good hardware.
Dont get me wrong, the hard ware is nice, the typing is much better then HD2, but the OS by its self is terrible, just like HD2 original OS, but HTC sense on top of that interface makes it better.
But the OS by its self now, even compared to the HD2, is missing a lot of must have things, settings and features which every phone in today's market, hell any phone in the past ten years market should have.
I kept hearing about amazing updates, but each one is disappointing.
rysky007 said:
Cause you can only play and see what a phone has so much in the store, it takes time to really tell if you like a phone or not.
After using HTC sense on the HD2, I assumed that HTC would have a similar interface on this good hardware.
Dont get me wrong, the hard ware is nice, the typing is much better then HD2, but the OS by its self is terrible, just like HD2 original OS, but HTC sense on top of that interface makes it better.
But the OS by its self now, even compared to the HD2, is missing a lot of must have things, settings and features which every phone in today's market, hell any phone in the past ten years market should have.
I kept hearing about amazing updates, but each one is disappointing.
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Maybe do some research? If you even bothered to google what WP7 is, you would realize that manufacturers have no say it the software and that it still a new OS.
Don't blame HTC or Microsoft, blame yourself for not taking 5 minutes to research anything about WP7.
XPLANE9 said:
Maybe do some research? If you even bothered to google what WP7 is, you would realize that manufacturers have no say it the software and that it still a new OS.
Don't blame HTC or Microsoft, blame yourself for not taking 5 minutes to research anything about WP7.
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You guys crack me up, I did research it, but you really dont get a feel for an OS till you use it, you can watch all the videos you want, until you get it and use it and set it up for what you need and use, you dont get a feel for it.
The tiles I have no problem with, its what you cannot do with the tiles and other settings that bothers me, things not discussed by any one until the phone came out and used by many, I have been following this forum since the day the phone launched, and it slowly turned from "omg we love it " to "wtf is this? problem problem problem.
1. Tethering, yeah I know all the lovers will say "its the cell providers who are against it" wrong, if they were HD2 would not have the feature via third party app, LG has it in all of its new phones, Nokia has had it in every phone it has put out for the past 4 years. The cell providers would prefer you have it since it will increase your data usage, especially ones who dont offer unlimited data plans.
2. Select all - Enough said there, hell windows 3.1 had select all, 2010 OS does not? the predecessor did , why does this one not? Why do you need this feature one would ask? well for the rest of us who use the phone for what it can do and not just spend hours checking on our friends via facebook, when u use email heavily as I do and sms, select all is a beautiful and necessary feature. Again, its a feature that every phone out should have hands down, no questions.
3. Custom Profiles - why? again, old invention that is very very very handy. just make sense.
4. Program view - I thought something was off when i saw how it lists all the programs you have installed, until I disabled HTC sense on HD2 and saw that the original WM6.5 does the same idiotic crap.
I believe in the BC era man figured out that you can display data, much more efficiently when you use columns and rows. Then why the hell does a OS released in 2010 list all of it in one long ass list? Oh yeah thats right, its brand new, give it 5 years to develop, no, not a good answer, again a feature that every phone today should have.
5. Tile Colors - yes i know some one made a program that lets you change them, but do we really have to do all that to have a feature that lets us choose colors we want? hell look at the pre set colors we have, its what my 12 year old niece likes. I was using the phone with the default blue in a public place a girl saw the colors and looked at me like i swing the other way.
6. Now lets get into more advance things -
A. To make a call, you first have to go to home page then hit the
phone area of the tiles then type in a number, man if you in life and
death situation, your done. There should ways be a button to
access the one main feature ( make calls) from any were.
A.1 - Most of us hold the phone toward the bottom, but the
answer and hang up button is toward the top of the
screen? last I checked, over long thumbs are not invented
B. When viewing your contacts, no alphabet slider on the side, hell my
6 year old nokia had that feature, again predecessor HD2 (thanks to
HTC sense) had it, this one, first you have to scroll to nearest letter
then push it, then select another letter you want to jump to. Why
the extra steps?
C. Email - if face book and gmail is all you got, great, what about
business ppl who have several email addresses? In order for me to
track my 4 addresses, I have 4 tiles dedicated on my home screen.
combine that with contacts and phone, and my screen is full, I
have to scroll more on my home page to find the tile i need then
any were else on phone. ( HD 2, had displayed 14 things for you
on home page) this phone max 6 and you have to scroll. So say
I am looking at one email address and need to switch to anther,
on HD2 simple they were all available right there on the preview
page. On HD7, back to home page we go.
Is that what they call efficiency these days? they keep touting this phone to be easy to use, get what you need faster and move on in their nifty commercials.
I counted, it takes more pushes and steps to achieve what you need on HD7 then HD2.
So yes it has the amazing live tiles, but are they really? when I have emails my HD2 tells me that I have email on home page, SMS? same thing, missed call? same thing, reminder? same thing, so what is the advantage to the live tile?
besides their lack of color options and re size ability? Thats right, when your bff takes a dump and updates his facebook profile that he is amazed at the shape it came out in, you will be the first to know.
If some one would of wrote this kind of a review, clearly stating the pros and cons, I would of never touched this OS, but they didn't, you know why the didnt? cause Microsoft paid very well to make sure the reviews and info was positive, they got a xmas phone to sell. And that they did. (those of you who will say that is crap, Microsoft would not do that, trust me they do, im in a very similar industry)
But i know, you guys are going to flame me, call me a idiot, a hater, and that its a new OS bla bla, the Iphone was bad to when it first came out.
yeah that was 5 years ago, you dont start over, you take it up a notch, and that is not what Microsoft did. Why you guys think they are partnering up with Nokia? cause WM7 flopped.
Let the flaming begin
rysky007 said:
yeah that was 5 years ago, you dont start over, you take it up a notch, and that is not what Microsoft did. Why you guys think they are partnering up with Nokia? cause WM7 flopped.
Let the flaming begin
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Didnt care too much to read your long response, because as the other said, research would have stopped you from buying this phone. If you knew what the OS was about, you would have stuck with the HD2.
Anyway, isn't it Nokia who are flopping with Symbian and wanting WP7 to up their phone sales?
I agree to the most of the missing features in WP7 he wrote about.
The wm users are spoiled, they could give their smartphone an individual style and they could customize their apps and design. WP7 is boring in this way. But i flashed my HD2 back to wm 6.5.x, and after one day i felt, that i went back to yesterday. The control of WP7 is modern and in many ways more efficient.
After this desicion i bought a native WP7-Phone, the HD7, and hope for future ways to individualize it. At 1st the start screen... i hope for a chance, to make it more elegant and have a wallpaper background. Then i hope for smart dialing (native, not with a program) and for an email hub with all my accounts. Also i hope, i can create indidual hubs for system, internet, comm apps and so on, so that the start menu is not five miles long and more properly. I hope, to have a chance for a music player, which can open and play my folders...like mortplayer before, and a video player with mpeg and avi support. Also a way, to get advanced memory by using sd cards.
The best way for MS would be, to give back the features of wm 6.5 in a new and modern smartphone with more abilities. Because they made smartphones long, before Aplle and Google woke up. They used the experience of microsoft and give these phones a modern staff and electronic. Why didn´t use MS it´s own experiences and why must they go a seperate way with an unready OS?
So we have to wait, for MS, Chevron and many other creators. Maybe in two years we look much more lucky...or WP is at it´s end.
rysky007 said:
You guys crack me up, I did research it, but you really dont get a feel for an OS till you use it, you can watch all the videos you want, until you get it and use it and set it up for what you need and use, you dont get a feel for it.
The tiles I have no problem with, its what you cannot do with the tiles and other settings that bothers me, things not discussed by any one until the phone came out and used by many, I have been following this forum since the day the phone launched, and it slowly turned from "omg we love it " to "wtf is this? problem problem problem.
1. Tethering, yeah I know all the lovers will say "its the cell providers who are against it" wrong, if they were HD2 would not have the feature via third party app, LG has it in all of its new phones, Nokia has had it in every phone it has put out for the past 4 years. The cell providers would prefer you have it since it will increase your data usage, especially ones who dont offer unlimited data plans.
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Tethering on the HD7 is indeed restricted by T-Mobile. Other WP7 handsets on other carriers can tether.
rysky007 said:
2. Select all - Enough said there, hell windows 3.1 had select all, 2010 OS does not? the predecessor did , why does this one not? Why do you need this feature one would ask? well for the rest of us who use the phone for what it can do and not just spend hours checking on our friends via facebook, when u use email heavily as I do and sms, select all is a beautiful and necessary feature. Again, its a feature that every phone out should have hands down, no questions.
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While not a real ctrl+a or select all, the latest update allows you to select as much text as you want by tapping a word, and adjusting the slider. Effective for massive amounts of text? No, but how often do you need to select massive amounts of text on a phone? This method, in my opinion, works fine for a paragraph or two.
rysky007 said:
3. Custom Profiles - why? again, old invention that is very very very handy. just make sense.
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Not to me it doesn't
rysky007 said:
4. Program view - I thought something was off when i saw how it lists all the programs you have installed, until I disabled HTC sense on HD2 and saw that the original WM6.5 does the same idiotic crap.
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Expect in WP7 the program screen flies in either direction, getting you to what you want fast. Mango will also add the ability to jump to a given letter, like contacts.
rysky007 said:
6. Now lets get into more advance things -
A. To make a call, you first have to go to home page then hit the
phone area of the tiles then type in a number, man if you in life and
death situation, your done. There should ways be a button to
access the one main feature ( make calls) from any were.
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Two taps versus one tap is that much of a deal-breaker to you?
rysky007 said:
A.1 - Most of us hold the phone toward the bottom, but the
answer and hang up button is toward the top of the
screen? last I checked, over long thumbs are not invented
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As a right-handed person, I hold the phone in my left hand. My thumb easily taps the end call button, and I did not star in Even Cowgirls Sing the Blues.
rysky007 said:
B. When viewing your contacts, no alphabet slider on the side, hell my
6 year old nokia had that feature, again predecessor HD2 (thanks to
HTC sense) had it, this one, first you have to scroll to nearest letter
then push it, then select another letter you want to jump to. Why
the extra steps?
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Go into contacts, tap the letter A. SIMPLE.
rysky007 said:
C. Email - if face book and gmail is all you got, great, what about
business ppl who have several email addresses? In order for me to
track my 4 addresses, I have 4 tiles dedicated on my home screen.
combine that with contacts and phone, and my screen is full, I
have to scroll more on my home page to find the tile i need then
any were else on phone. ( HD 2, had displayed 14 things for you
on home page) this phone max 6 and you have to scroll. So say
I am looking at one email address and need to switch to anther,
on HD2 simple they were all available right there on the preview
page. On HD7, back to home page we go.
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Because tapping the Home capacitive button and then a different tile is THAT big of a pain?
rysky007 said:
Is that what they call efficiency these days? they keep touting this phone to be easy to use, get what you need faster and move on in their nifty commercials.
I counted, it takes more pushes and steps to achieve what you need on HD7 then HD2.
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I can say with all honesty, that the 20 people I migrated from HD2's to HD7's couldn't be happier. Literally. My mobile support calls dropped to ZERO. No
rysky007 said:
when I have emails my HD2 tells me that I have email on home page, SMS? same thing, missed call? same thing, reminder? same thing, so what is the advantage to the live tile?
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It also tells you all of this on the lockscreen. Tap your power button, glance at the screen, turn it back off. Also, all these things you mention are on your home page, just like your HD2. Not sure what the issue here is.
rysky007 said:
If some one would of wrote this kind of a review, clearly stating the pros and cons, I would of never touched this OS, but they didn't, you know why the didnt? cause Microsoft paid very well to make sure the reviews and info was positive, they got a xmas phone to sell. And that they did. (those of you who will say that is crap, Microsoft would not do that, trust me they do, im in a very similar industry)
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You should read Engadget.
If you don't like it, that's fine. However, just about everything you mention here is personal preference, not missing or lacking features.
And here are the changes the updates bring, for the curious...
HTC sense slows down the device.... i never liked it i was using it on my TP2 and i gave it up as it craped up my TP2, used the energy titanium roms only...
i want to see what you will complain about afte MANGO is out....
some things will not be there on WP7 and the rest of them and more will follow with MANGO update...
Nokia will show there first WP7 device soon.
HTC sense will never be on WP7 devices...
Although I agree to lot of stuff being discussed here (good or bad) Mobiles now a days a more of a personal choice
I went and got the HD7 just to feel how WP7 was as I had never used a WM before having come from nokia symbian and android, I found it interestingly different.
for me the email is the best part of the OS and browsing is a joy on the HD7, but I am definitely looking forward to a NOKIA WP7 as I am sure two heads will be better than one

