Red light of death fixed!!! (sticky???) - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I think I just figured out how to fix it!!!!!!! I was tinkering around and got my red light brick to turn on!!!! I'm not sure exactly what fixed it so here's everything I did-
1. Removed the storage & sim cards.
2. Took off the backplate.
3. Removed the battery.
4. Bent these 2 pins up a little bit:
5. Put the battery in at an angle, so that the power leads were connected, but the metal shielding plate on the back of the battery was not touching:
6. Hit the power button (with the battery still "halfway" installed) Bam, green light of life.
Somebody please confirm this. Meanwhile I'll be copywriting this process so anyone who performs it owes me 10 bucks

So my replacement Tilt isn't working either, so they're overnighting me a third one. In the meantime, I haven't sent back my original (RLoDed) Tilt, so I thought I'd play around with some of your theories.
skuzz said:
Another thought I had. After the tilt goes into red brick death mode, has anyone tried plugging it into power, battery installed, and then holding down power+camera(all the way) and then pushing in the reset button on the bottom? This may trigger it to go into flash mode - although I kinda doubt it'll work. Worth a shot! Might be able to reflash it back to life! Holding down power and camera while it boots is how you manually force it to get in the Red/Green/Blue firmware flash mode. If it let us do that much when the device bricked we might have a snowball's chance in hell of getting them working. I didn't think of trying it before I returned mine tho. D'oh!
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I didn't know what to try besides installing the battery and SIM card and trying to push down the power, camera, and stylus buttons (I knew I was doing it correctly, because I had to use this to return my second Tilt to factory specs). No response whatsoever! This thing is deader than a doornail. Except for the red LED, of course... that works REALLY well whenever it's plugged in.
sWuRv said:
I think I just figured out how to fix it!!!!!!! I was tinkering around and got my red light brick to turn on!!!! I'm not sure exactly what fixed it so here's everything I did-
1. Removed the storage & sim cards.
2. Took off the backplate.
3. Removed the battery.
4. Bent these 2 pins up a little bit:
5. Put the battery in at an angle, so that the power leads were connected, but the metal shielding plate on the back of the battery was not touching:
6. Hit the power button (with the battery still "halfway" installed) Bam, green light of life.
Somebody please confirm this. Meanwhile I'll be copywriting this process so anyone who performs it owes me 10 bucks
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I appreciate your enthusiasm, but the only thing I can confirm is that this did NOT work on my RLoDed Tilt. Tried it several times in various ways. I think you just seriously lucked out!
As such, I'd also have to vote against stickying this... for now.
Best of luck, all... if not actually in fixing your RLoDed Tilts, then definitely in avoiding the $500 service fee if AT&T discovers we voided our warranties.

alright i will confirm this phone was truely RLOD..... i did the same thing that these guys did just jammin the battery in and out and it "jump started the phone"
exact process used
Moto Razr charger
hold down power button
"bounce" battery on and off the contacts for the battery a good 100 times or so
green light apeared after the red light started to flicker a little bit..... tis as if you were giving the phone CPR or something
im not going to call this a fix all i know is that the phone was RLOD and now it is working....battery is at 54% right now and i will post back in a bit to see if it has risen at all....
no smell arising from device
running origional rom but have had other roms on there (alex's)
hard SPL still installed on device
SPB phone suite is the last software that was installed on the device
reg tweaks installed as well, the usual ones no sms, hsdpa enabled blah blah blah
that is about all i can provide....the unit was on the computer overnight charging....when i woke up it was RLOD....and i was sad....i did have the ATT store replace the battery for me as well dunno if that had anything to do with the issue...
in the time that it has taken me to write this the battery is now at 55% so it is charging.....on wall charger with MOTO razr charger
ok lets take a little closer look at what happened within the past little bit....
after gettin the device all up and running it was behaving very oddly.... it would go through multiple attempts to connect to the data network for various reasons....after showing that it was at 55% on the charger it went back down to 54%... i pulled it off the charger and took it into the other room to do something......within 10 min it was down to having a data connection my blackberry connect should have a valid network connection....but it did not... not sure why...
the best that i can conclude is that it was trying to connect to so many things all at the same time that it exhausted its self that fast....
so the question is how many people out there that have RLOD are running the BB connect software on there devices and have made REG edits to the data connection time outs and the HSDPA mod availability
editing those settings together may confuse the device and make it think that it has to connect to too many things at one time....
just another thought process that i thought that i would throw out there...
here are some things on the my device that would use the DATA connection and automatically initiate the connection on the device rather than you opening a program forcing it to connect such as Internet explorer
GPS update
HTC home weather tab
SPB weather tab
Blackberry connect
SPB insight....RSS Reader
text messages going in and phone sees quite a few of those
Edit/Delete Message

There have been a few other people who have now fixed their RLOD's. Confirmed it was done by messing about with the battery. If you have revived yours, please post your method in here so we can compare them and eventually pinpoint the fix. Thanks.

i had the same prob..took out the batterly wiped the four contact points on the phone (might of pushed them down or up) and put battery back in and worked..

I believe sWuRv was onto something. My Tilt had the RLOD today. I tried everything, even what he suggested above to no avail. So I called warranty and got my replacement on it's way, express shipping waved and all. So I decided to everything I could think of to try and get the thing back on so I might be able to back up my data again.
I started fooling with the battery, like sWuRv suggested but I moved it all around at 45 degrees or so pushing the power on button. I noticed while it was plugged to the USB with red light on that every now and then the red light would flash when I moved the battery so the contacts moved (while holding the battery at that 45 degrees). I started getting the light to go yellow but it would not stay. So I unplugged from the USB and kept trying it while pushing the power button. It eventually started and I was able to back up to my SD card. One thing I can tell you is that this process caused the phone to get hot and smell like electronics burning a little. There is definitely a power problem inside.
I have no idea how or why this worked but it did. I think I will still take the replacement even though I have to figure out how to swap my fancy invisible armor clear protector skin.
I'll try and update on whether this phone dies again or what until I get the new one.

I tried messing with the battery in a variety of ways for 30 minutes with no sucess. RLOD stayed solid.

Holy shoot............After bouncing my battery up and down about 40 times my phone came to life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reseating the battery and/or sim/storage cards is hardly a revolutionary procedure. Its Cellphone 101.

you guys are LIFE SAVERS. I have been on this forum for about a month now and I finally found a reason to post. I haven't posted because I always find my answers. I just wanted to thank everyone, as I have been on the phone with (where i got my tilt), went into an AT&T store and was on the phone with HTC tech support ALL day trying to resolve my red light issue. Unbelievable that all I needed to do was give it some "battery CPR":

UGHHHH. Well i found reason to make post #2. The fix lasted less than 5 minutes.

this did not work for me

These stories remind me off all the bad batteries/no powerup of my Motorola Q and those of others. My mother is on her 4th Q and I know its the battery, but the store just swaps out the whole phone. I've seen batteries last as little at 2 weeks, especially if let run down to empty at any point.
My questions are, is this just a bad battery problem? Does anyone with RLoD have a spare battery to try? If these batteries fail in the shorted condition, will they over draw power from the phone and mess up the charging circuit?

"Not the Mama", OR, NOT THE BATTERY
rotohammer said:
These stories remind me off all the bad batteries/no powerup of my Motorola Q and those of others. My mother is on her 4th Q and I know its the battery, but the store just swaps out the whole phone. I've seen batteries last as little at 2 weeks, especially if let run down to empty at any point.
My questions are, is this just a bad battery problem? Does anyone with RLoD have a spare battery to try? If these batteries fail in the shorted condition, will they over draw power from the phone and mess up the charging circuit?
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I certainly don't believe it's a bad battery problem. I had 2 spare batteries, fully charged with separate docking charger - none of the 3 batteries made any difference once I got the RLOD.

cushcalc said:
I certainly don't believe it's a bad battery problem. I had 2 spare batteries, fully charged with separate docking charger - none of the 3 batteries made any difference once I got the RLOD.
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Very good, thanks for the insight!

I finished a call yesterday and then dropped my phone on to the pavement cos I was a bit drunk... Anyway this caused my phone to go from working fine (all be it with pants battery life) to just flashing the red light. Fixed it today. I tried the methods prescribed in this thread without success although I did not persevere for very long. I then put a spare battery in to the phonea and bingo the orange light comes on, phone boots up and it's now happilly charging. Note that I charged the old battery for several hours before trying the fix. Pity nobody seems to know what the problem actually is. I wish HTC would let us know....

sWuRv said:
There have been a few other people who have now fixed their RLOD's. Confirmed it was done by messing about with the battery. If you have revived yours, please post your method in here so we can compare them and eventually pinpoint the fix. Thanks.
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I had a similar problem with my old iPAQ hw6515, and a Motorola V3. The contacts on the battery don't spring forward as well on an older phone as they do when it was new. I shimmed the battery. I did this by taking a business card and holding it against the opposite side of the battery from the contacts I traced the battery's profile and cut it out. I scotch taped my new shim to that side of the battery, then re-inserted it. This forces the battery up against the contacts better and in many times resolves inoperable phones, failure to charge, and spontaneous rebooting issues.

My replacement tilt (first one had a bad USB connector) died Sunday.
Had it on the charger, looked down, red LED. Back of phone was pretty
warm. Pulled the battery, SIM, memory card, slammed the battery onto the
battery contacts rapidly 5-6 times, put the SIM, memory, battery back into
it, and it charged up. Did a hard reset. Battery was 100% charged, I turned
it completely OFF when I went to bed. Got up, battery was 0% drained!
Red LED again. Did the rapid thingy with the battery again, orange charge
light came on.
Called at&t warranty replacement. When I told her I had a red LED, she didn't
even ask me to do anything else. She just asked for the IMIE number and shipped me another one.
Maybe the 3rd one will be the charm LOL.......
I'm beginning to think that HTC doesn't stand for "high tech computes" but
"high tech CRAP"....

Maybe you guys got the margin of error productions? I know its really unlikely that you could get them again after a replacement but it is possible, and it maybe your computer. What do you think could be making this things go crazy? Overly protective anti-virus, I know, I know but it could do things secretly and screw around like mine does and wont let me into sites I have been on before on the same app no changes . . . Well I hope you luck.

ok I just tried everything you guys said, but it didn't work for me
so as some of you have stated it must be the battery, so what I did is put it between my hands for about 1 minute and put it in and it worked again!
really weird... must be the heat?
well hope that helps the research


Tilt wont turn on or charge. Shows red light when plugged

Noobie addicted to flashing. The headline says it all. After about 5 -6 different flashes (mostly different ROMs), it wont turn on. And instead of the yellow light that shows when charging, it's a red one, and pushing the power button does nothing. PLEASE HELP!!
Ditto.... And I haven't had time to do any flashing (plenty of time for streaking, tho). lol. When did yours have this problem? Mine just happened last night. I have babied this one like there is no tomorrow, so there's no reason for it to just quit.
FWIW, mine happened the first night I owned it when it was completely standard (ie no flashing at all). All I did was plug it in to the charger. When I woke up the next morning it was as you described. The store reps tried every combination of new charger, new battery and new SIM card with my phone but in the end they gave me a new phone.
This is bizarre - the same thing happening to all of us on the same night?!?
I woke up late this morning because my phone alarm didn't go off. Upon inspection, I realized that it hadn't charged and was completely dead even though it was plugged in all night.
Now plugging it into the wall or into a USB port results in a red light, no charging. I can't even turn it on although it's directly connected to power.
I've flashed several ROMs, but I've been running Dutty's 7B since it was released two weeks ago or so - I doubt that's a factor.
Help? Anyone?
Ummm, ok this is really fawkin freaky...add me to the list. Running dualtouch 1.1. Hung up the phone, went back to it an hour later...dead as a doornail. Wouldnt charge, got the red LED. Luckily I'd only owned it for 27 days, so I returned it to my local AT&T store and got a new one....too many people on the same night for this to be an isolated incident...same as other users, babied it like, well, an overpriced cellphone . Methinks there is something afoot!!!
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Ok, this just happened to me just now...
Not even 4 days old and it just gave out...
My standpoint (im a techie nerd) is this:
I charged my phone on my moms blackberry charger (~500mA)
The kaiser needs 1A to charge, so i only had half the power i was told...
When I had 89% I really had 44% and it drained really fast. So when I got home it was around 53% meaning I only had about 2% battery left (understand?) and when i pulled it out of my pocket...nothing, it wouldnt turn on SO I FREAKED OUT!!!!!!
I called HTC and they said to try a new battery, so I am going to go to the ATT store tomorrow and try another battery.
O and the reason is,
when Li-ion batterys get really low, they cease to produce the charge needed to keep the miniport active, thus resulting in any attempt to charge as futile.
Thats why you need to take out the battery and 'jump start' it by stripping a usb cable and putting the corresponding wires on their terminals (red + back -)
which will forcefully charge the battery and allow the miniport to become operable again. At which point you can resume using the HTC OEM charger (1A output at 5v) to resume the full charge. No other charger will suffice.
Im am going to try this now, you guys too and report back!
But my battery is fully charged...
tyeo098 said:
Add me to the list.
Ok, this just happened to me just now...
Not even 4 days old and it just gave out...
My standpoint (im a techie nerd) is this:
I charged my phone on my moms blackberry charger (~500mA)
The kaiser needs 1A to charge, so i only had half the power i was told...
When I had 89% I really had 44% and it drained really fast. So when I got home it was around 53% meaning I only had about 2% battery left (understand?) and when i pulled it out of my pocket...nothing, it wouldnt turn on SO I FREAKED OUT!!!!!!
I called HTC and they said to try a new battery, so I am going to go to the ATT store tomorrow and try another battery.
O and the reason is,
when Li-ion batterys get really low, they cease to produce the charge needed to keep the miniport active, thus resulting in any attempt to charge as futile.
Thats why you need to take out the battery and 'jump start' it by stripping a usb cable and putting the corresponding wires on their terminals (red + back -)
which will forcefully charge the battery and allow the miniport to become operable again. At which point you can resume using the HTC OEM charger (1A output at 5v) to resume the full charge. No other charger will suffice.
Im am going to try this now, you guys too and report back!
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Sorry to tell... but when this happening you need a repair. I got this problem 2 times with my Wizard. It's a hardware problem.
I did all the tricks you can mention but at the end it needed a repair.
I had some luck after the second time i got a compleet new MOB from T-Mobile SHOP Sales-Manager (Utrecht).
It sounds like the problem is with the Kaizer... so far everything overhere is OK.
I use only the org. loader and USB-port on my computer. Don't use a other loader than that !!!!
Just wanted to add my name to this list...
I've had my Tilt about 2 days. I haven't flashed it, but I have run several cabs on it...I didn't have it on charger when I went to bed, when I woke up, it was off. The only thing I did different than the rest of you was I tried to turn it on before I put it on the charger and it came back on saying that the battery was critically low or whatever, so then I stuck it on the charger and it seems to be ok now.
I could see it being a hardware issue, just seems weird that so many people had it on the same night, and under such different circumstances.
Also, first post...this site is great and you are all smarter than I ever hope to be
okay lets try this...remove batt....let phone sit for a few minutes. plug into power source without batt. unplg again....then plug again. while plugged into power source...put batt in...then remove...then in again. then hit the reset button. ofcorse this has nothing to do with anything. but if it was me i would try anything lol....lets see what happens.
rzanology said:
okay lets try this...remove batt....let phone sit for a few minutes. plug into power source without batt. unplg again....then plug again. while plugged into power source...put batt in...then remove...then in again. then hit the reset button. ofcorse this has nothing to do with anything. but if it was me i would try anything lol....lets see what happens.
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lol....good one.
No wait....I must hold back the epicaricacy, don't want this happening to me as well
A moral dilemma you have caused here with your post...
(Good luck to everyone who's experiencing those problems )
lesevich said:
lol....good one.
No wait....I must hold back the epicaricacy, don't want this happening to me as well
A moral dilemma you have caused here with your post...
(Good luck to everyone who's experiencing those problems )
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lol also...does the phone come on with just the power cable plugged in and no batt? im curious to know about that. the latest version of kaiser tweak has a bunch of power settings. if the phone does come one...load up kaiser tweak and get in there to see if you can mess with the settings to fix this issue.
rzanology said:
lol also...does the phone come on with just the power cable plugged in and no batt? im curious to know about that. the latest version of kaiser tweak has a bunch of power settings. if the phone does come one...load up kaiser tweak and get in there to see if you can mess with the settings to fix this issue.
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Well, speaking for those of us with the problem, the phone won't come on WITH the battery installed and the cable plugged in... I GUESS I could try it w/o the battery... would that even work normally?
I'm desperate.
drokkon said:
Well, speaking for those of us with the problem, the phone won't come on WITH the battery installed and the cable plugged in... I GUESS I could try it w/o the battery... would that even work normally?
I'm desperate.
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key word desperate!! lol anything works when you're desperate...give it a try. if not then we'll move on to hard resetting and see where that leaves us.
This same thing happened to me a week ago. I hope you guys have your phones on contract from AT&T, because I took mine back to the store after 2 months of use (took great care of it, no drops etc.) and they put me in contact with customer support.
Great experience with support - they will ask you to take battery out, examine the battery contacts, ask if it was dropped or put in water, ask if you tried another battery and finally ask about hard reseting. Since the device doesn't even power on in this case, hard reset isn't an option.
The tech rep imediately told me it sounded like a hardware problem and shipped me a new phone overnight. They send you a reconditioned phone (it looks brand new) without a battery or stylus or back cover. You use your old battery, cover and stylus and send back your brick with the enclosed shipping label. As long as it gets back to them in 14 days and is deemed by them not to have been dropped or damaged, you don't get charged for the replacement device. Worked like a charm for me...but we'll see in a few months time if this same problem crops up again. Fingers crossed...
P.S. They will initially quote you $12 to upgrade to overnight shipping, but make sure to tell them that the phone is for business use and you need it quickly and they should upgrade the shipping for free. Worked for me!
By the way - I never flashed a different ROM on the original phone. (Stock AT&T ROM but soft reset before bloatware intallation) So don't think it has anything to do with flashing too many or the wrong ROM!
Red light.......
I called HTC and they said something got smoked inside.......I called warrenty dept. and they shipped me a replacement.......I think this is weird too.....oh well such as life.......
Did you have to ship the smoked one back?
Kind of a dumb question yes, but if no, poke around inside to see if you cant get it working again.
happened to me too. i'm pretty sure its a hardware issue.
This happened to me as well. I'm glad there is a thread to address the problem!
The one thing I noticed that is different about this new kaiser I have is that the battery is made by DynaPack, the battery in the kaiser that has this issues was a Samsung battery.
May this be the culprit?

Reboots after I remove the batter

What the heck is going on?
I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the ROM, because it did this with the factory ROM, Manila 2d and now WM6.5.
I turned the phone off, unplugged it, removed the battery. I put the battery back in, replace the cover and press the power button. Nothing happens. I plug the phone back in to the wall charger and put power, it turns on....for about 3 seconds then reboots and it would seem that it will do this for as long as I let it go. If I unplug the phone while this is going on, it will die.
The last time this happened, it took it about a day and a half to sort itself out. It almost seems like its a battery issue.
Any thoughts or ideas?
I took the sim card out of the phone for a few seconds and the phone seems to be working now.... But its been up and running for about 20 minute now with no sings of acting up.
zz_3.14_zz said:
I took the sim card out of the phone for a few seconds and the phone seems to be working now.... But its been up and running for about 20 minute now with no sings of acting up.
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mine started doing that today. went to use the camera and it reset then when it came back on it said battery was drained(this happened around 1pm and i always get a full day out of battery) and reset. have it on a charge right now but will not turn on. took out battery and put it back in with no luck. i will try to fully charge battery and take out sim. if all else fails i will try to hard reset. thanks
kaiser won't turn on
LuXx said:
mine started doing that today. went to use the camera and it reset then when it came back on it said battery was drained(this happened around 1pm and i always get a full day out of battery) and reset. have it on a charge right now but will not turn on. took out battery and put it back in with no luck. i will try to fully charge battery and take out sim. if all else fails i will try to hard reset. thanks
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tried to charge the pda all night the light stayed orange and never turned green indicating full charge. tried hard reset and when it goes in to prepare rom it shuts off like dead battery. when i plug in the pda to charge battery and then turn on the phone it freezes on splash screen. if i turn on phone then plug in to charge it acts like i havn't pluged in charger. is it the pda or battery?
I am not 100% sure on this, but to me it sounds like the battery.. and that is a MUICH cheaper option to test out... unfortunatly you ahveto wait for shippng typicalyl unless you have a friend who has the same phone.. I got 2 backups and a stand alone charger now... The other option could be your USB port... I have not heard this specific problem with them.... but I am a PC tech and have seen very simmilar problems with laptops... Usually the first think to for is the power port... Just like out phone, if the device is not on a flat surface and such when it is plugging it, it tweaks the port and it eventualyl breaks... on laptops it is not uncommon that when plugged in, the LEF wil light up saying it is getting power to charge, but it enver charges the battery, and even sometimes can;t power up the full system.. .It sort of sounds like this is what you phone is doing as well.. .If that is the problem the stand alone charger would work (my son broke off his usb all together and now syncs via bluetooth and jsut changes batteries.. he has 3 himself as well) If you search online, you can usualyl find a kti with a battery or 2 and a charger/dockign station for under $20US total. Good luck!
LuXx said:
tried to charge the pda all night the light stayed orange and never turned green indicating full charge. tried hard reset and when it goes in to prepare rom it shuts off like dead battery. when i plug in the pda to charge battery and then turn on the phone it freezes on splash screen. if i turn on phone then plug in to charge it acts like i havn't pluged in charger. is it the pda or battery?
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Teej53214 said:
I am not 100% sure on this, but to me it sounds like the battery.. and that is a MUICH cheaper option to test out... unfortunatly you ahveto wait for shippng typicalyl unless you have a friend who has the same phone.. I got 2 backups and a stand alone charger now... The other option could be your USB port... I have not heard this specific problem with them.... but I am a PC tech and have seen very simmilar problems with laptops... Usually the first think to for is the power port... Just like out phone, if the device is not on a flat surface and such when it is plugging it, it tweaks the port and it eventualyl breaks... on laptops it is not uncommon that when plugged in, the LEF wil light up saying it is getting power to charge, but it enver charges the battery, and even sometimes can;t power up the full system.. .It sort of sounds like this is what you phone is doing as well.. .If that is the problem the stand alone charger would work (my son broke off his usb all together and now syncs via bluetooth and jsut changes batteries.. he has 3 himself as well) If you search online, you can usualyl find a kti with a battery or 2 and a charger/dockign station for under $20US total. Good luck!
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Thank you for your reply! I have just ordered a new battery and will post my findings when it comes. Thanks again.
oh no
LuXx said:
Thank you for your reply! I have just ordered a new battery and will post my findings when it comes. Thanks again.
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no luck with the new battery. still doing the same thing. please someone help me! Thanks
LuXx said:
no luck with the new battery. still doing the same thing. please someone help me! Thanks
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tried bootloader and installed official att rom and never shut off. when it was finished with install same issues appeared. help
For anyone facing this issue I would not recommend wasting money on a new battery as this issue has been around with few users since the Kaiser "Tilt" first came out and I've never seen ANY reports that a new battery fixes this. People have bought new batteries, fully charged their battery from a docking station, tried their friends fully charged battery all with the same result. I had this power down issue a Looong time ago my first week in with the Kaiser and managed a fix and am using the same battery now. Although it seems the battery is not being fully charged it's important to leave it charging until you'd assume it's fully charged and get into bootloader mode and flash an official htc Tytn 2 rom. It should flash completely, and the fact that it does not die immediately as on normal boot indicates it is not the battery but the rom. It did take me the whole afternoon of Flashing, recharging and repeating before it finally kicked in. Also, from reading older posts, it seems most if not all users like myself fixed this by flashing the older official htc wm 6.0; worth a shot at least.
kaalgoosy said:
Also, from reading older posts, it seems most if not all users like myself fixed this by flashing the older official htc wm 6.0; worth a shot at least.
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Yup, that is what I had to today (I hard reset, actually), with barely enough battery life to do this.
Then the bloody unit came up and was charging - amazing, really!
(Was using the official HTC 6.1 upgraded WindowsMobile OS)
here is my 2 cents....
I owned five Tilts, replaced four of them with warranty issues ... so i have faced this dilemma on at least two of them.
First see if the USB tongue is loose. To do this try to gently tap it with the stylus. If the tongue inside the USB port is loose then you will be facing rebooting and other issues and troubles in the future. The USB tongue gets used and jerked every time you connect your device to your PC or wired headset. If you are still under warranty and the USB connector tongue is loose I recommend returning the phone ( if you still can) and getting a replacement. There is no easy fix for a loose USB connection tongue as i have taken one apart and it is very difficult to repair or replace and very easy to mess it up further.
So, my advice to all Kaiser owners... be careful when plugging and unplugging your phones through the USB. Do it gently as the connectors are very fragile.
For those that have the above issues, I recommend using a separate battery charger tray, avoid plugging the USB as much as you can, and if you must, then administer extra care. The rebooting will stop if you plug the USB cable to the device and move it up and down a hair then holding steady. And most likely you will not get a full charge or even a partial charge. The biggest culprit to this problem is car chargers, and second, is inserting the stylus by mistake (when it is dark and hard to see) in the USB port instead of the Reset hole by accident.


I let my phone battery die, and now I can't turn it on.
Usually I get a red light which goes when the battery is in if its charging.
Sometimes I get a red light even when the battery is in and its charging.
If I do a soft reset, sometimes I get a flashing red light on the sides but then nothing.
I managed to get it back briefly by doing all manner of hard resets and soft resets, and taking the battery out and putting it back in over and over again for about half an hour...
Then I left it charging for half an hour or so and carelessly allowed the battery to die again because I needed to take it with me somewhere - so the same thing has happened again.
I left it charging overnight but I'm not having any luck with it this morning... any help would be much appreciated.
yeah similar problem here. my phone warned me the battery was low... i ignored the warning and used it until it died completely. then it wouldn't turn on. it was late so i just plugged it into the wall charger that came with the phone. i dont think it charged cause in the morning it was still flat. if anything i think having it connected to the charger while not charging drained the last a few drops of juice out of it. had a number of confusing red lights coming up in different spots at different times.
i read on here some guy managed to charge it by getting 3 AA batteries and connecting them directly to the battery for a couple of minuets. i did this and managed to turn the phone on! hoooray!
it had 1% and died in less than a couple of minuets even though i had it on the charger. tried the 3 AA battery trick again but to no avail. i think my battery is dead.
i'm pretty certain i will need to get a new one. i hope you are able to get yours working without buying a new battery.
im really annoyed the Sony Erricson batteries work out to be close to $100 AU. i would prefer to get a legit one... but does anyone have any experience with unofficial batteries? are they any good?
Sorry you're in the same boat... Ericsson really should have made this phone so that it can run out of battery.
Interesting - tell me more about the 3 AA battery trick!
sounds like the cells in your battery isnt balancing hence its dying...think you'll need to buy another one / or at least try another one to make sure it is and not the phone...
Hmmm... I fiddled and pressed buttons and took out the charger and put it in, and then kept pressing the on button while I was doing something else...
Suddenly it made the click noise, but it's not back yet.
It seems to have crashed on the 'Sony Ericsson' start up screen with the green logo.
I don't know if it's charging or not, so I'm not sure whether to turn it off to try again (at the risk of losing the battery), or leave it to charge as it is before I turn it off and can't start it again....
At least it's progress
There are a couple vof threads with many solutions. Look for them, they are very useful.
Yeah I've found a few - Thanks... just nothing they mentioned has worked yet
I think the problem I have may be a slightly different now anyway...
Now, if I unplug it I can't turn it on, but if it's plugged into my computer cable I can get it (every time - after about 3 minutes) to go to the Sony Ericsson loading screen but no further (as if there is no hard reset file for it to load). I can do that by plugging it in, then doing a soft reset (which produces flashing lights on the side) then holding on until it clicks (usually trying that a few times). When it clicks the lights on the side flash and it looks like it charges for a second before the lights go off and its just hte loading screen. I left it for 5 minutes and it turned off completely. Nothing happens if it's plugged into the wall cable at all.
Have you any idea how I might be able be get something to load after the loading screen?... Or any thoughts as to whether you think it's likely to be charging when its on that screen?
Hmm... It seems you have a software problem as well.
Here is what I would do: get another battery (fully charged) and try one of these hard reset methods:
Something should work...
Sweet - I managed to get the hard reset screen to ask me the question about going back to factory defaults... after that the lights on the side are coming on to show its charging....
I guess there's a chance that when the battery is charged it'll have the juice to get past the loading screen... I hope anyway.
Wow this title gave me a heart attack almost
i thought someone is dead
plz i need help
hello good day plz i neesd to flash my htc p3600 and sony ericcson cybershot i need a software i can use to flash them plz help me any body that has an idea
just ordered a 1800mAh mugen power replacement battery. should be here in about a week my old SE k800i will be getting a bit of a work out in the mean time.
i think this break from unnecessary technology which I'm far too attached to will do me good. I'm far too materialistic.
hope you manage to get your battery going again!

[Solved]Kaiser won't charge past 37% and slide won't register

I think it's my fault because I used my kaiser in moist enviroment. (little rain) Afterwards after sliding I would hear sliding sound few times as if I would quickly slide in/slide out and my keyboard was quickly blinking.
I turned the phone off and let it dry. This fixed the blinking.
But first it went during use from 9x% to 2x% in few seconds, then last 20% drained pretty quickly too. I charged it and it went to 100% then did the quick drop again. I decided I would let it drain completely and then try charging it. Now it charges only until 37%. The charging icon is there in my WinMo, so USB probably works well.
Other than that sliding the phone in or out doesn't register at all in WinMo. I can live with that because I always set winmo to use only landscape orientation anyway. Too bad I don't have autounlock/screen on when sliding out anymore.
So, anyone has an idea how to make the phone behave as it should? I have screwdriver that I used with SPV C600 long time ago and I think it used the same screws, so I can get into my phone if neccessary and if fix is simple enough.
At least try a new battery if you can and see if that corrects the problem. Ironically, though, after one of my HTC's got submerged in water, the battery was the ONLY thing that worked everything else was shot.
Well, my friend has Kaiser as well and I was playing to test out each others battery, but I won't see him until Wednesday or so. Anyway, now it's stuck at 25% max, when it was 37% it lasted for about 2 hours. Even though I was reading e-book and listening to music, writing SMSes and it was on train so it probably often changed the towers. When I could charge it to max it obviously worked a lot longer. I usually charged it once every 2 days.
And I didn't think it was that bad weather. It was just mizzle, if dictionary tells me right, so only keyboard got wet afterwards. I didn't think it would affect insides. Anyway, I'll keep you informed on the experiments after Wednesday. If other battery will work without problem I'll just buy new one.
You are right, It happened to me with my first kaiser. I spilled milk on it and the only thing that worked after was the battery
chambo622 said:
At least try a new battery if you can and see if that corrects the problem. Ironically, though, after one of my HTC's got submerged in water, the battery was the ONLY thing that worked everything else was shot.
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Kaiser dying very slowly
Areinu said:
Well, my friend has Kaiser as well and I was playing to test out each others battery, but I won't see him until Wednesday or so. Anyway, now it's stuck at 25% max, when it was 37% it lasted for about 2 hours. Even though I was reading e-book and listening to music, writing SMSes and it was on train so it probably often changed the towers. When I could charge it to max it obviously worked a lot longer. I usually charged it once every 2 days.
And I didn't think it was that bad weather. It was just mizzle, if dictionary tells me right, so only keyboard got wet afterwards. I didn't think it would affect insides. Anyway, I'll keep you informed on the experiments after Wednesday. If other battery will work without problem I'll just buy new one.
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Ok, I tested it just now.
I charged my phone overnight. It was 25% when I woke, 8% when I got to my friend. I put my battery into his phone. It showed 90%.
My friend's battery was at 80%. Put into mine it showed 1%.
So it seems my phone can now see only last 20% or so of the battery. It's... not good. It means I have to fix the phone somehow. Now any ideas how? Later today I'll open it and try to find things out of ordinary and I'll make photos of them if I won't know what to do.
Areinu said:
Ok, I tested it just now.
I charged my phone overnight. It was 25% when I woke, 8% when I got to my friend. I put my battery into his phone. It showed 90%.
My friend's battery was at 80%. Put into mine it showed 1%.
So it seems my phone can now see only last 20% or so of the battery. It's... not good. It means I have to fix the phone somehow. Now any ideas how? Later today I'll open it and try to find things out of ordinary and I'll make photos of them if I won't know what to do.
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Try to clean your battery terminals and see if that can help...
I tried cleaning terminals before, didn't help. But I did thing described in 1st post of that thread. Today my battery maxed out at 12% no matter how long I would charge. The thing at first post made 45% detectable, which... is at least much better than 12%. Or 25%. Or 37%.
I've tried getting into the Kaiser yesterday but the screw under the speaker is stuck and halfway stripped and I had no luck trying to unscrew it. But it might not be necessary after all, if the method from that post helped in getting to 45% then maybe playing with the battery more will help. There's more methods in that thread, I'll try them out later.
Well, thanks a lot for the link. Now I'm getting hope back
Ok, here's the update.
Now the phone is running at about 32% juice max and no matter how I play with the battery it won't go above 32%.
When it's on 1% it lasts on it for quite a long time. Like 20-30 minutes. Then the phone turns off.
When I try to turn on the phone then it goes trough the screen with radio etc. then htc logo and turns off when windows would have started. No matter how many times I try to turn it on then it will do it like that. So, my theory is windows has some kind of energy saving feature that makes it turn off when it detects it's like 0.5%. I wonder if there was a way to make windows not turn off no matter what and if then maybe I could use 100% of the battery even if 68% of it would be on 1%. Of course it's just my idea and might not work. I don't know how kaiser checks the amount of power left and if my kaiser can get power from the whole battery even if it can't measure it well.
I wonder if android might work well?
I'm thinking about software solution because I can't go trough the broken screw below the speaker. I went to a shop to see if brand new screwdriver would manage to unscrew it, but even it slipped out(new screwdrivers are usually not curved at the edges so sometimes they work). I have no idea how to remove the screw.
Ah, when it turned off and it was turning off at windows I played with the battery and managed to turn it on with 3%. Well, even with additional 3% it was only like 3.5 hours of use at most from 32% I had at the begining.
So to sum it up:
do you think a software solution is possible?
do you have any ideas how to get rid of that screw without damaging the phone?
Areinu said:
do you think a software solution is possible?
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Not if it's a hardware problem causing all the symptoms. Besides, you wouldn't be able to flash with less than 50% battery charge registered (don't know if microSD card flashing has this requirement as well but I wouldn't do that anyway).
do you have any ideas how to get rid of that screw without damaging the phone?
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Your comment earlier about screwdriver edges being rounded off makes me wonder if you're using the right screwdriver to begin with. You do realise they're torx screws which are meant to be removed with special Torx screwdrivers don't you? If you have failed using the correct tool for the job then you could either try glueing the driver into the screw head and letting it set for a couple of days (being very careful not to get any gue anywhere else other than inside the screw head cavity). There are also devices called screw extractors or easy outs which require the head of the screw to be drilled down the middle first. I've used this technique with success in the past on a much bigger scale but I don't know if they go down small enough in size to suit these phone screws - you might want to talk with a jeweler to see what your options are. You'd also need to tape a plastic bag all around the screw to protect the rest of the phone from swarf if this method is possible/necessary. I think the phone is going to need opening up to get to the bottom of the problem as my first thought of cleaning the battery terminals has already been tried (assuming you did it thoroughly with some contact cleaner on the end of a cotton bud).
Flying Kiwi said:
Your comment earlier about screwdriver edges being rounded off makes me wonder if you're using the right screwdriver to begin with. You do realise they're torx screws which are meant to be removed with special Torx screwdrivers don't you? If you have failed using the correct tool for the job then you could either try glueing the driver into the screw head and letting it set for a couple of days (being very careful not to get any gue anywhere else other than inside the screw head cavity). There are also devices called screw extractors or easy outs which require the head of the screw to be drilled down the middle first. I've used this technique with success in the past on a much bigger scale but I don't know if they go down small enough in size to suit these phone screws - you might want to talk with a jeweler to see what your options are. You'd also need to tape a plastic bag all around the screw to protect the rest of the phone from swarf if this method is possible/necessary. I think the phone is going to need opening up to get to the bottom of the problem as my first thought of cleaning the battery terminals has already been tried (assuming you did it thoroughly with some contact cleaner on the end of a cotton bud).
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I know about torx screwdrivers and I removed all Torx screws I had to go with, but under the speaker is single cross screw meant to be removed with Thompson screwdriver. If you look into confidential service manual(this forum links in few places to it ) it tells you you need few screwdrivers for the job. Well, I assumed those extractors that require drilling the screw are mostly for bigger ones, like in cars etc. This one is pretty small. But I'll try with the glue, it's probably big enough for glue to catch on without me gluing the screw to the phone which would be a disaster.
Flying Kiwi said:
Not if it's a hardware problem causing all the symptoms. Besides, you wouldn't be able to flash with less than 50% battery charge registered (don't know if microSD card flashing has this requirement as well but I wouldn't do that anyway).
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It's why I suggested Android. With haret you don't have to flash to boot it. And I actually did it and am trying to run out of the juice since yesterday(Wifi always on etc). While WinMO says it's 3% android says it's 30%, and it goes down slowly like hell. But it's for sure hardware problem so I can't see why android would be able to use whole battery -.-; I am trying to get phone to lose all energy, then I'll see how high it will charge on android(for now it didn't charge past about 50% but as I said it goes down very slowly).
As for flashing, it usually doesn't take that long at 50% figure is just for safety. But before attempting to flash I would start with hard reset, probably would fix most of things flashing would.
Anyway, as for the screw, it's easter and I'm at family house, I didn't take my tools or anything so it will have wait till I'm back.
Areinu said:
I know about torx screwdrivers and I removed all Torx screws I had to go with, but under the speaker is single cross screw meant to be removed with Thompson screwdriver.
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Sorry, mine has the Void sticker over it and I just assumed it was Torx like the rest.
It's why I suggested Android. With haret you don't have to flash to boot it.
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You'd still need a reliable boot loader to load anything though and from the sounds of it, you don't have that.
But it's for sure hardware problem so I can't see why android would be able to use whole battery -.-;
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I can't see why Android would offer a 'solution' given it's a hardware problem which presented itself after your phone was rained on.
As for flashing, it usually doesn't take that long at 50% figure is just for safety.
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The flashing program wouldn't let me progress when I tried it once before and although the flashing process is much shorter than it would normally take to use 50% of your batteries power, the current consumed during the process is higher than during normal operation and it's important that the voltages don't dip below acceptable values when writing to the EEPROM/Flash Memory. Much better to start by fixing the hardware issue and then sorting out any possible corruption in the EEPROM afterwards once the battery is fully charged.
Flying Kiwi said:
Sorry, mine has the Void sticker over it and I just assumed it was Torx like the rest.
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Oh, I had Void sticker there too. It's Torx as well. Once you remove big piece of plastic under that(to that piece is attached the speaker) you have access to new screw and it's not Torx anymore.
Flying Kiwi said:
You'd still need a reliable boot loader to load anything though and from the sounds of it, you don't have that.
I can't see why Android would offer a 'solution' given it's a hardware problem which presented itself after your phone was rained on.
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Well, I don't really know how the Kaiser works but my theory is the method it determines how much energy is left differs a bit from how it drains energy. Desktop Windows on laptops have a feature when on ~3% energy left they hibernate "to prevent possible loss of data". When on Kaiser Windows ran out of juice I could turn the phone as many times as I wanted and it would turn once on windows, so I made a hipothesis that Kaiser CAN use rest of the battery but it just can't measure how much is left. Well, it's from all the tests I made as well.
Somewhere under keyboard the rain must have gotten on onto something that measures energy and shortcuted it, or I don't know, made electrons jump between 2 things that it shouldn't, that are used to measure power left? It's more of intuition than real reasoning, I know.
Anyway I let android run out of energy and once it got to 1% and showed "no battery" icon it ran for 6 hours more on WiFi, GPS and 3G turned on(I don't know if GPS worked, I was inside whole time). Windows mobile even without WiFi, GPS and 3G never even lasted 6h since the rain broke kaiser. Futhermore I had screen turned on most of the time(I wanted to get power down quickly, plus I wanted to see what's new on the android). The phone got hot from WiFi usage, so I guess it was draining some energy at least to make heat
Finally the phone turned off(android showed me turning off animation so it somehow predicted it's the end of the line). When trying to turn off kaiser afterwards it wouldn't budge so I think I really made it go out of the energy.
When I was interested in android when first version emerged I recall reading that android can show energy wrong and to fix it one was supposed to use up all energy, then to charge it to max. Well, as I managed to drain my battery fully I charged android and now it maxed out at 76%.
One more thing about android trough haret - you boot into Windows mobile that you have, then from microSD you run haret.exe that turns off winmo and boots linux. It mounts all files needed on microSD so there's no permanent changes, and no need to do anything to bootloader. I booted into Windows mobile to check percentage there and it sees 63%. Android still has 76%.
Flying Kiwi said:
The flashing program wouldn't let me progress when I tried it once before and although the flashing process is much shorter than it would normally take to use 50% of your batteries power, the current consumed during the process is higher than during normal operation and it's important that the voltages don't dip below acceptable values when writing to the EEPROM/Flash Memory. Much better to start by fixing the hardware issue and then sorting out any possible corruption in the EEPROM afterwards once the battery is fully charged.
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Well, good thing is I don't have to flash the mobile to run android then. I didn't know about the currents but it makes a lot of sense when one thinks about it. I never had below 70% when changing roms just in case.
Flying Kiwi said:
Much better to start by fixing the hardware issue and then sorting out any possible corruption in the EEPROM afterwards once the battery is fully charged.
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Yup, but I'm trying to make energy level at least acceptable while my actions shouldn't break anything. After all I'm not making any permanent changes on the Kaiser, just changing files on the microSD. I can't do anything to the hardware at least till Wednesday anyway.
Update: Ok, today I let it go out of all power again and afterwards the phone wouldn't charge no matter what. I know that sometimes one has to charge about 30 minutes before anything happens, but I kept it 2 hours, tried charger, then USB and even orange diode wouldn't light up. I thought that maybe battery broke.
I tried cleaning up connectors of the battery and graysh-silverish something appeared on them. Cleaning it up didn't help at all. I looked at USB port in my Kaiser under flashlight and from what I could see connectors weren't bent or anything. I tried (without using force) to push usb in to the limit. Didn't help.
Well, I wanted to check if maybe battery was at fault. I took out the battery and then put usb in, then tried pressing power and green diode lighted up. When afterward I put the battery in the orange diode normally lighted up and the battery charged, the windows mobile turned on and it showed about 1%.
Well, I guess using Kaiser at all might be a little dangerous for it untill insides are fixed, so I'll wait until I can unscrew that screw with glue. Anyway, this information might help someone understand what's happening, it's just simply bizzare for me.
Wednesday. I tried getting rid of the screw again. Failed. But I got inside. I realized(and called myself an idiot over and over again) that the screw only held that small board next to sound controller connected to phone, but I could still proceed to open it. Anyway, I got inside.
I looked around for things out of ordinary. There was some dust here and there, but nothing serious. Except for this:
What, wait, isn't that mold? It seems like it is... Well, I cleaned it all off. Furthermore I got rid of most of the dust, as I was inside already, checked connections here and there. General maintenance.
After turning on the phone:
- Slide in/Slide off works
- WinMo showed 77% and it's probably right. I charged it fully on android then used for enough time to get ~25% down.
After using it for a bit the phone froze. I restarted it and WinMo was showing 3%. I realized I didn't press the casing to the keyboard hard enough so there might have been some elements loose. Another restart and it shows 76% again. Well, let's see how far it will charge.
Update: It charged with normal speed to 100%, and both WinMo and android agreed on it. Case solved, I guess.

[Q] Dead phone, with a twist

This One M7 had been my spare for close to a year. I replaced the screen, camera, and back cover to make it whole again, and everything worked great for a couple months. Unfortunately, it completely died one day while I was using it and the device has shown no signs of life since... until now.
Actually, it still doesn't really show any signs of life. No amount of button holding has been able to elicit any response whatsoever. No charging indicator light either. I've tried leaving it sitting for several months, but this too has not changed anything. I finally opened it up today to check on the battery connection and reseated it. Still nothing.
The one and only response that I do get is recognition on my computer when plugging it in, where it shows up as an "MTP USB Device." Nothing shows up in Windows Explorer though except an empty CD drive.
Any ideas?
Bill720 said:
This One M7 had been my spare for close to a year. I replaced the screen, camera, and back cover to make it whole again, and everything worked great for a couple months. Unfortunately, it completely died one day while I was using it and the device has shown no signs of life since... until now.
Actually, it still doesn't really show any signs of life. No amount of button holding has been able to elicit any response whatsoever. No charging indicator light either. I've tried leaving it sitting for several months, but this too has not changed anything. I finally opened it up today to check on the battery connection and reseated it. Still nothing.
The one and only response that I do get is recognition on my computer when plugging it in, where it shows up as an "MTP USB Device." Nothing shows up in Windows Explorer though except an empty CD drive.
Any ideas?
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you bricked it, maybe flashing RUU can help. if it will not help you can then use JTAG, it can help to flash firmware on dead boards. you can find JTAG on eBay.
Request for clarification
itwasmistake said:
you bricked it, maybe flashing RUU can help. if it will not help you can then use JTAG, it can help to flash firmware on dead boards. you can find JTAG on eBay.
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How could I have "bricked" it without flashing anything? The device literally died while I was using it.
Bill720 said:
How could I have "bricked" it without flashing anything? The device literally died while I was using it.
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Do you have multimeter to check voltage on battery? it could be battery problem, or maybe connector on motherboard is damaged? check for scratches on board (on traces).
It shall be tried
itwasmistake said:
Do you have multimeter to check voltage on battery? it could be battery problem, or maybe connector on motherboard is damaged? check for scratches on board (on traces).
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I'll try to measure the battery voltage this weekend. Aren't the pins a little small to test with standard multimeter leads though?
0volt multimeter test
I finally got around to trying to measure the voltage of the current battery with a standard multimeter. I got absolutely nothing, which means that I'm either measuring it wrong, the leads are not sharp enough, or the battery is dead. Has anyone else ever had any luck testing this battery with a multimeter?
Going for it!
I tested another, similar, battery by multimeter successfully, so I suspect that it might just be a case of bad battery (at least). With that and the fact that I had a Galaxy Note 2 battery fail earlier in the year, I'm going to jump in and buy new batteries.
Rather than just trying to go cold turkey and install the replacement, I'll test it with the multimeter and then hook it up pre-install. If the phone powers up, then (and only then) will I go through the massive hassle of replacing it. We'll know one way or another next week when it comes in.
Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran!
Just to follow up, I did end up buying that battery. Definitely not "new," but as long as it's in decent shape, it should do the job. While the multimeter test revealed practically nothing, (same as before) the phone did spring to life with the charging indicator as soon as I plugged it in to power. With that, I've charged it up and will be fully testing the phone next weekend. If everything checks out, I'll start the long & annoying process of replacing the battery and hopefully have a fully-working One once again.
Here's to Change!
Just to provide some closure, I can say that the battery replacement was a success! The vibration motor is totally dead (despite being plugged in adequately and not seized) and the casing took a beating from the repeated re-entry attempts, but the phone is now working once again. I suppose I could buy another replacement back cover to really finish the job, but will probably just leave it as-is for right now.

