HTC S730 Video playback - HTC Wings

Hi everyone.
I know, bad video performance is a known issue (see
But on my device I'm not able to play any video file without bucking image. About every second, the image stops for a short instance (I get sick watching this for more than a minute )
I tried different video files with different formats:
- wmv8 with 300 kbp/s, 25 images/s, 320 x 240 with wma8 128 kbit/s stereo (converted using All-in-1 mobile video convert)
- mpeg-4 (H.264)/AVC, between 128 and 1248 kbp/s 25 images/s, 320 x 240 and 64 to 128 kbp/s for stereo audio (converted with SUPER)
- a couple other files found on the web
I tried to play them with the installed Microsoft Media Player. Normally sound is ok, video never is. For the video it seems to make almost no difference what settings I use. mpeg-4 is a bit better than wma8. But between the 1248 kbp/s and the 128 kbp/s video there is no difference (besides th artifacts), It's bucking the same.
Can anyone please tell me, what codec / settings are playable on the HTC S730? Or can someone post an example video file that plays well on his device?
Any help is appreciated!

Window's media player is your problem in this case.
I have Core player and that TCPMP one posted above. If I drop resolution on some of my files I can play them perfectly in core player, and with TCPMP set to low (medium) all videos play fine. High action scenes sometimes cause a little studder so I am going to lower the origional res down a little bit.
The only problem I have run into is on some higher quality ones the phone runs out of page file memory which I currently have set to 1024 within TCPMP. Make sure your phone's memory is clear when trying to watch stuff and you should be just fine. Especially if you are dropping the resolution down that low.
I will try to take a short video of a video playing

It works! The problem really was windows media player!
Thanks a lot for the hint - I think I'd never try to change the player...
Frame rate is not perfect yet. I still have to figure out what the best settings are, but it is already ways better than before.

Hehe, no problem. WMP is not a well optimized player. For my computer and HTPC I use zoom player, it can handle 720p on a processor that really shouldnt be able to.

Video settings
Hi all.
After spending a lot of my spare time I finally found the right settings for converting videos for the HTC S730.
First I tried to convert videos to H.264/AVC and WM8. This does not produce anything you'd like to look at. Even with very low video bandwidth (200 kbit/s for video) the best I got was below 10 frames/s. With TCPMP it's a bit better than with Windows Media Player but there is no big difference.
But if works fine with the following settings:
Container : AVI
Video Codec: MPEG-4 480 kbit/s
Audio Codec: mp3 44.1 kHz stereo 128 kbit/s
For converting I use the free SUPER (
This way I get close to 25 frames/s (maybe 10% are dropped).
Please note that such a video cannot be played with the Windows Media Player. (AVI is a Microsoft format, but it looks as the player doesn't like the codec.) However it plays fine on TCPMP 0.71 (from here:
My daily train rides are much more pleasant now

Luki2 said:
Hi all.
After spending a lot of my spare time I finally found the right settings for converting videos for the HTC S730.
First I tried to convert videos to H.264/AVC and WM8. This does not produce anything you'd like to look at. Even with very low video bandwidth (200 kbit/s for video) the best I got was below 10 frames/s. With TCPMP it's a bit better than with Windows Media Player but there is no big difference.
But if works fine with the following settings:
Container : AVI
Video Codec: MPEG-4 480 kbit/s
Audio Codec: mp3 44.1 kHz stereo 128 kbit/s
For converting I use the free SUPER (
This way I get close to 25 frames/s (maybe 10% are dropped).
Please note that such a video cannot be played with the Windows Media Player. (AVI is a Microsoft format, but it looks as the player doesn't like the codec.) However it plays fine on TCPMP 0.71 (from here:
My daily train rides are much more pleasant now
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With my S710 (has a 200MHz TI OMAP850) I'm streaming 25fps/200kbs of my VLC server (which transcodes digital sat streams in real time). I'm using .ts container, mpeg1 vid, mp2 audio and Coreplayer as client.

I have an episode of Top Gear that I can play in TCMP at mediuam quality, its video rate is 199 / 25 fps.
WMP will only play the non tweeked files, in other words if it was compressed into any codec (xvid, divx, ogg, mkv) and other of the others WMP will not play it unless it has the codec installed. The other players (core player / TCMP) come able to read these files upon install so they work better.
With TCMP most of my files do not even have to be changed, just dump them on the sd card and with the player set to medium quality it goes right through them. Now some high action / motion scenes will cause a little lag or slow down but not much and not for long.

This is soooo ridiculous! WMP worked just fine in the older 200mhz devices! Now we have to switch to TCMP and make sure that no programs reside in memory before playing ANY videos? Ridiculous! HTC is losing a lot of faithful customers with this.

It depends on the type of file's your trying to play.
Just like WMP on the PC, it wont play anything without the codecs for them.


What video settings work (all rants off please :) )

I think most of the active members are aware of the video difficulties SO please (please, please) turn your rants off for this thread. What I am trying to find is a combination of settings that DO work.
My preferred codec is MP4.
From some suggestions in other threads, I have tried these encoding settings.
Screen resolution: 320x240
Frames Per Second: 30
Kbps: 300
Audio codec: [email protected]
...and I am playing back on TCPMP 0.72RC1 using these settings
Options/Video: Raw FrameBuffer
Options/Video/Dither: Off
Options/Video/Pixel Aspect Ratio: Auto
Options/Settings/Advanced/Slow Video Memory: On
Options/Settings/Buffering/Preload at Underrun: 85%
Using this, all I get for video is about 1 frame every 3 seconds. Audio is fine.
So can anyone add this this for getting MP4 to work?
Do I need to use a different codec? If so, I would prefer something other then AVI, since I have a mixed environment. Does anyone have suggestions on the best cross platform Codec, that has work well on the Kaiser?
I'd be interested in this too. I can play back videos taken from the video camera flawlessly but when trying to encode them to the same MP4 codec they can get choppy. Not sure what gives :0
Using WMV here
I couldn't get the mp4 output from my ATI Multimedia Centre software to work at all on my TyTN II so I've settled on WMV 9 at 352 x 288 resolution and 372 kbps (thats at 15 fps). Anything with higher bit rate than that seems to cause problems with to much screen tearing during fast movement scenes.
You might want to follow this thread... seams that the Core Player is attacking this known problem for the Tilt. I'm by no means an expert on this, but seems like the Qualcomm QTV technology for the video has some issues:
I use PDXE, Lathe, and a few others to encode Divx videos at 320x240 video quality at "28" audio in stereo at 96 or 128k MP3 with a total bitrate under 500k (usually shoot for 475kbps). If the encoder allows it, for portable video I bump the audio volume by 15% and I increase brightness as well. To me most movies look darker on the small screen. If cropping is allowed I crop widescreen content, cutting off some of the sides of the picture to get closer to the 3:4 ratio of PDA screen. I also like to turn the brightness down as much as possible to increase battery life so the bump in brightness helps there as well. An average movie 1:50 length is about 480MB
I've used Core and TCPMP (currently using TCPMP for the youtube capability) and use Rawframe buffer as well. I'm sure that Core 1.2 will make things even better.
I get 30FPS and normal fluid video, looks like my other 8525, hx4700, and Archos 320 and 400 units with crisp clear video, no complaints.
This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only the phone???
Flying Kiwi said:
I couldn't get the mp4 output from my ATI Multimedia Centre software to work at all on my TyTN II so I've settled on WMV 9 at 352 x 288 resolution and 372 kbps (thats at 15 fps). Anything with higher bit rate than that seems to cause problems with to much screen tearing during fast movement scenes.
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This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only onthe phone???
I have an TiLt and when i try to record videos on my phone in MP4, it appears to work fine and i can play it back on my phone using TCPMP. but when i try to run this on my computer rnning vista it only shows video with no sound.
What can be causing this, is there a way to fix this and has anyone else noticed this..
ps. i hope ths has not been spoken about b4, i hate sounding like a nubie
zulualpha7 said:
This MP4 doesnt play on my pc only onthe phone???
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There's lots avout video formats in the wiki here: H.264 (a.k.a. MPEG-4 Part 10 and AVC) Bible
FWIW my mp4s recorded on my TyTN II wont playback on my PC either, it's simply a case of finding a suitable codec.
recorded videos on Tilt not playing on vista with sound!! I GOT IT FIXXX
Flying Kiwi said:
There's lots avout video formats in the wiki here: H.264 (a.k.a. MPEG-4 Part 10 and AVC) Bible
FWIW my mp4s recorded on my TyTN II wont playback on my PC either, it's simply a case of finding a suitable codec.
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Hey thanx for the reply but VLC is what i got installed and doesnt work, thought someone else had the same issue like mine. The .MP4 files that the TiLT records doesnt playback properly. PROBLEM is : I get the video portion just fine, but no sound. I have the. I tried in Media Player, VLC, QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.... All the same... video plays but no sound.
I googled the issue and found out some other HTC phone users got it too and a couple solutions i found are.
1. In QuickTime it says: "Error 2041 - Invalid sample description in movie"
Solution: Checked the or quicktime forums, if you use quicktime, change the file name from .MP4 to .3GP and it will work, it will not work otherwise. (if you dont know how to rename the files or dont see extension, Windows vista or XP go to tools>folder options>view>uncheck hide file extensions for known file types and voila)
2. Since I did so much reading on this, I got a new player (KMPlayer) that beats vlc in my books it plays the files recorded from the tilt just fine unlike VLC latest build, its fast and does all vlc does but it has a better GUI and plays anything you throw at it. you can get kmplayer here
Conclusion: The TiLt is fine, just that I couldnt get the right player to run the video files it records. apparently there is some issue with the qualcomm processor and the video output files of .MP4, some others have reported issues with any .MP4 files and had to do the same listed above.
Hope this helps someone here...
if you want an mp4 player on your pc for free, go to
zulualpha7 said:
Hey thanx for the reply but VLC is what i got installed and doesnt work, thought someone else had the same issue like mine. The .MP4 files that the TiLT records doesnt playback properly. PROBLEM is : I get the video portion just fine, but no sound. I have the. I tried in Media Player, VLC, QuickTime, RealPlayer, etc.... All the same... video plays but no sound.
I googled the issue and found out some other HTC phone users got it too and a couple solutions i found are.
1. In QuickTime it says: "Error 2041 - Invalid sample description in movie"
Solution: Checked the or quicktime forums, if you use quicktime, change the file name from .MP4 to .3GP and it will work, it will not work otherwise. (if you dont know how to rename the files or dont see extension, Windows vista or XP go to tools>folder options>view>uncheck hide file extensions for known file types and voila)
2. Since I did so much reading on this, I got a new player (KMPlayer) that beats vlc in my books it plays the files recorded from the tilt just fine unlike VLC latest build, its fast and does all vlc does but it has a better GUI and plays anything you throw at it. you can get kmplayer here
Conclusion: The TiLt is fine, just that I couldnt get the right player to run the video files it records. apparently there is some issue with the qualcomm processor and the video output files of .MP4, some others have reported issues with any .MP4 files and had to do the same listed above.
Hope this helps someone here...
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MANY THANKS! zulualpha7,
I have had the error 2041 problem for a long time and have never been able to play vids recorded on my TyTn II on my PC.
I almost installed various codec packs as other forum members have done but after reading about potential problems of having multiple codecs for same file type and upsetting the system I decided not to do this.
I have some really important 'once in a lifetime' family moments like my friend's son catching his first fish etc... I though they were all lost for ever.
I just downloaded latest Quicktime and renamed file extensions to ".3gp" like you said and now I can watch everything!!!!
Thank you so much this really has been a big improvement for me.
ONCE AGAIN THIS FORUM ROCKS! Thanks to everyone for so much fantastic helpful info.

Slow video playback

Is anyone having problems with video playback?
WMV files they are played very slow (loosing a lot of frames). With MP4 I got best results but not the best. Any suggestions??
I can't even get the above files to play
are you using Media Player? as video playback has always been awful on Medial Player on every pocket pc or smartphone ive everhad.
install TCPMP and video playback will be perfect, and will play any file you throw at it
Thanks for the tip keyz86. I'll try it.
no problem, glad to help a fellow Dimondarian
won't play
loaded the TCPMP but everytime I try and start it i get the attached error, using diamond help
keyz86 said:
no problem, glad to help a fellow Dimondarian
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Dimondarian Cool hehehe
Has anyone been able to play a full resolution file without skipping?
I am using CorePlayer now but if another player works better, please say so.
With Coreplayer I benchmark about 85%, which is not good enough.
I believe the Diamond should be able to get 100%.
I found that an encoded mp4 file would play about the same as the original avi xvid file...
What do you use to encode videos specifically for the Diamond?
Come on!! Post your results!
tretre said:
What do you use to encode videos specifically for the Diamond?
Come on!! Post your results!
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What video settings do you use with coreplayer ?
DirectDraw, GDI or what ?
This is what i get:
With these configs.:
But with some other videos i have i get only 88% speed and some frame drops and tearing.
Doesnt the Diamond has a good video hardware.
Imo, it shouldnt lag at all.
Ive read somewhere that it doesnt use the hardware correctly since the drivers were not fully implemented. Not sure if its true.
Still looking for a good solution... any more help?
Coreplayer is still choppy ...
Yeah, I wasn't able to get WMVs to play using this, either.
I think what we need to have a look at is which encoding, resolution, bitrate, fps, etc are optimal for the diamond using core player.
I'm experimenting a bit. Will report back in a bit...
I've just got my Ignito (diamond) a couple of days ago, but I've got a long history of video playback on hand helds. Since this is my first time post, and I happen to have a bit of time on my hands.... I'm going to convert a file into a series of different resolutions and settings to see which one will perform the best. I know the objective is to get a full res one to play, but I'll see what I can come up with.
Also, I'm using the default ROM at this time.
With Coreplayer you should use the 'QTv' display option - this is hardware accelerated and beats 100% benchmark on every AVI I have tried. If you get a blank display using this mode, you are using an old version and need to update.
Alright. After trying a bunch of different codecs, encoders, video and audio formats at various resolutions I came the conclusion that for now, full resolution video is just not possible without jerky movements during continuous motion or fast action scenes.
My eyes are very sensitive and I get really irritated if playback is not perfectly smooth.
So far what works the best in achieving this kind of natural playback is AVI as the output container with XviD video codec at 480 x 360 resolution, and mp3 audio. I set the video and audio bitrates to match whatever the source video was (min 864 kbps and max 1008 kbps for video and 192 kbps for audio).
Even then, CorePlayer is a must with the following settigns: QTv On, TytnII driver mode On and Smooth Zoom On.
Every now and again CorePlayer will show only a purple screen during playback when QTv mode on. At that point I usually do a soft reset and it starts working again.
This issue may be resolved with an upcoming release of CorePlayer (1.3) but until then, the solution above works exceptionally well.
I'd be very interested in anyone else is having success in other ways...
320 by 240 versus 640 by 480
I have done some playing with conversion and have found that the Diamond (currently) does not support the 640 by 480 settings with a good bitrate. The BEST conversion I have found (using Coreplayer to play back the files) is using the BETA Version of the Pocket Divx Encoder ( and using the HTC Diamond Template (NON VGA!!!!, there is a VGA and non VGA) that team has developed. They have done an excellent job!
The output settings -
Dimensions 320 by 240
Video Quaility - "36" ... 584 kb bitrate
Hopefully an update by HTC or coreplayer will be released to fully utilize the resolution that the Diamond SHOULD be able to support, but for a clear, non jerky playback, this is my 2 cents
im able to play those axxo dvdripson using coreplayer without any sort of convertion....
I want to share my experience. I am using core player and trying to recode unprotected high-definition TV shows (original resolution of 1920x1080) that I've recorded on Windows Media Center (.dvr-ms files) to watch on my Sprint Diamond. Unfortunately .dvr-ms are poorly supported, and the only program I've found to recode is TMPGEnc 4.0 Xpress.
I am using Core Player version 1.2.5 build 4506, and my video output is QTv Display with the Tytn II driver mode enabled.
Like everyone else here, I have had horrible results when converting the shows to DivX at 640x360 at any usuable bitrate (above 500 kbps). Benchmarking in Core Player yielded a playback speed of 66% or so (completely unacceptable, obviously). So I played around with the resolution and bitrate, and finally settled on the following:
Format: DivX
resolution: 512x288 (maintains the 16:9 aspect ratio of the original)
Video bitrate: 850 kbps
Frame rate: 29.97 fps (progressive)
Audio: MP3
Audio bitrate: 80 kbps, 48kHz sample rate
With those settings, I have a 104% playback benchmark with around 25 dropped frames compared to several thousand played, and about 29.5 fps. Basically, it is completely smooth audio and video.
I was still PO'd that I had to sacrifice so much resolution and bitrate on a supposed media device, so I played around with other formats. WMV was awful. MPEG-2 was awful, and avi was passable, but no better than DivX. I also decided to try h.264 (MPEG-4 AVC). Here are the settings I used:
Video Format: MPEG-4 AVC (saves as .mp4)
Resolution: 640x360 (still maintaining the original 16:9 AR)
Video bitrate: 1000 kbps
frame rate: 29.97 fps (progressive)
Audio format: AAC
Audio bitrate: 96 kbps, 48kHz sample rate
Core Player absolutely choked on this. It was unwatchable, and the benchmark revealed a playback speed of 50%. Dropped frames were higher than played frames (!) and framerate was 13 fps. Obviously not successful.
But, before I deleted the file, on a whim I decided to try Windows Media Player was completely FLAWLESS playback. Absolutely beautiful, smooth motion, no audio stuttering, slow and fast pans were the best I've ever seen on a WM device.
Why??? Is there something I'm missing about this that someone can elaborate on? Is this the fabled "hardware acceleration" that I've read so much about? I should note that WMP had a hard time on a 320x240 .wmv file, so I can't really understand how it is able to play a 640x360 .mp4 file so smoothly. In any event, I have found my perfect file format, and, surprisingly, it doesn't involve Core Player in any way.
The thing is that HTC didn't release any kind of SDK for Diamond or Touch Pro and companies like CoreCodec have hard time trying to figure out how to use the HW acceleration but they are trying very hard to improve the situation so maybe with time they will be able to use the HW for now the only way we wan't to watch videos with HW acceleration is only WMP which means recoding or atleast remuxing files.
P.S. Could you post exact specs of the .mp4 file? What kind of AVC it was and things like that.
in regards to the WMP hardware acceleration.
is it better on battery life than having coreplayer trying its hard out to render a video. even if its a small 320x vid that plays at 120%. Does that mean that the cpu is running near max?

how to improve video playback

i know the Diamond is positioned as a multi media phone, but every video/movie file i play on it is very jerky. From cartoons (southpark) to music videos and converted movies, they all play like crap. is there a way to improve the performance of video playback?
What player are you using?
I use CorePlayer. It plays perfectly smoothly. (both AVI's and H.264 mp4's)
I've just been using the stock player
Use CorePlayer.
When people ask a question, they put a question mark at the end.
so no free solutions/players to solve this issue, eh? Wasn't planning on spending $20 for a media player.
You can try TCPMP (the seed of CorePlayer). It´s not as much optimized but it´s much better than the Windows Media Player, and plays much more formats.
Search the forum for "TCPMP-0.72RC1-ARM-PPC-recomp-03.CAB". The standard version of TCPMP doesn't run in WM6.1, but this one does and includes the more common plugins (MP4, AC3, etc...).
Good luck.
I got some nasty vsynch issues when playin back AVIs using Coreplayer, both in Directdraw and GDI modes. I convert AVIs to 320x240 using SPB DVD, because native resolution (DVD format for the most) is quite sluggy. In 320x240 it's perfectly smooth, except those v-synch issues. Do you have the same issue ?
gjaman2008 said:
I got some nasty vsynch issues when playin back AVIs using Coreplayer, both in Directdraw and GDI modes. I convert AVIs to 320x240 using SPB DVD, because native resolution (DVD format for the most) is quite sluggy. In 320x240 it's perfectly smooth, except those v-synch issues. Do you have the same issue ?
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I rendered to 320x240 also using tcpmp it plays smoothly, but only uses a small part of the screen. switching to fullscreen or zoom -> framelags about 20! secs. very disgusting. This Phone seems NOT to be a multimediaPhone
I'm using TCMP, think i use GDI mode.
No Vsync issues, no problems. 90% of media files work perfect (avi,divx,etc)
yes but in what quality and bitrate
edit: now thats weird I tried play same movie 640 x 364 avi and benchmark:
coreplayer QTv mode high quality 96%
TCPMP RAW dither on 99% so where is problem with QTv support??? Yeah and there is with GDI and also RAW discusting vsync issue
anyone know if its better xvid or divx in case of performance???

Videos don't work on WMP

Guys help me ....
Everytime i want to play a Video with WMP it says "The source filter for the file could not be loaded.". I tried the blackstone encoder which has worked yesterday, when i converted 720p Avatar trailer. But i want to convert an other video, but WMP doesn't play them.
I tried several formats, codecs and bitrates. This damn thing won't work
CorePlayer plays most of the Videos, but lacks video acceleration.
ROM: Valkyrie Firestorm 5.4.23517
coreplayer dude, its the best video player around, with core player what acceleration do you need???
no need to convert avi at 720p with coreplayer, i use all of axxo movies with core player and they show with no video/audio lags, issues or interruptions, and they perform just as good as my dvd player
make sure all ur apps are closed before watching a video for best performance
IMO, windows media player on pocketpc is a joke and is the worst thing on a device, either M$ need to start incorporating codecs or start selling codecs to make it an ultimate media player, i dont even waste time trying to watch a video with WMP
Video specs
Length: 09:45 min.
Size: 62448 kb
Resolution: 800x480
Container: MP4
Video Codec: H.264/AVC
Audio Codec: AAC LC
Video Bitrate: 768 kbps
Audio Bitrate: 96 kbps
Framerate: 25 FPS
H.264 Profile: Baseline 1.3
This video doesn't work on WMP.
And its choppy on CorePlayer 1.3.6.
So what should i do?
try making it divX rather then H.264
It's better with divx but still a little choppy. Any special settings in coreplayer?
A couple of roms I've used had this problem, something with the codec being unavaliable. Just change the rom and you can watch the video on WMP
Just did a hardreset, now it's working.

[Q] Divx playback (neverending story...)

I have been struggling with this topic for a few days now. Read most of the threads written here on this too. I know about the limitation of hardware accelleration, and understand it. I have created presets for Mediacoder (+CUDA) perfectly working so that I can quickly convert what I want to a video format being very well played by on nook with hw accelleration.
I am aware of the fact that videos encoded with xvid/divx can only be played with software decoders. It's been reported here such videos are pretty well handled by players like Rock-,Mobo-,YXplayer and so on; I assume nook's CPU has enough power not to have issues with ~620x350 XVid encoded video. Well, mine seems to have one.
I tried out a couple of different .avi's I have. Just one specific example:
an episode of some TV show:
Video: 310 MB, 1037 Kbps, 25.0 fps, 624*352 (16:9), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4
Audio: 38 MB, 130 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3
This one is being played fine even on my old PPC Axim 30 (Intel XScale PXA270 at 624MHzwith TCPMP), but with no means on the nook. Test results:
- RockPlayer -> slide show
- YXPlayer -> slide show
- YXPlayer Neon -> slide show
- MoboPlayer - almost the one. The only one which plays completely flawless video, but the sound is out of sync, about 1 sec behind the video
What am I missing/doing wrong? Such a file should be a walk in the park for a Cortex A8 at 800MHz, shoudlnt' it? Is it about me using a rooted stock nook? Would froyo did the trick?
So you're on stock? Have you overclocked your setup? If so do you have governor set to Interactive and the Min. Cpu set to atleast 800mhz?
Matchay said:
25.0 fps
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Found your problem. I find that the nook can only do 24fps or 29.999999fps. You must be trying to play a European program. Re-encode in Handbrake and change the "Framerate" drop down box to the NTSC Video setting.
While you are at it, in Handbrake and all, you might as well re-encode using x264 to take advantage of the Nook's hardware decoding...
poofyhairguy said:
Found your problem. I find that the nook can only do 24fps or 29.999999fps.
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Generally? Or in terms of software divx/xvid playback? I re-encoded the file to H.264 WITHOUT changing the framerate and it works smoothly. For the hardware accel the framerate is not an issue.
I wonder what the problem could be: the sound isn't stuttering, the video is smooth, they are simply not synchronized. It cant be due to lack of power,can it?
The NC supports hardware decoding of MPEG4 (i.e. Divx/Xvid) Simple Profile but it has to be in a MP4 rather than AVI container. Unfortunately MP3 audio is incompatible with MP4 containers so the typical AVI needs to have at least the audio re-encoded for hardware playback on the NC.
It's not unusual to have poorly muxed AVI files where the audio and video end up out of sync when re-encoded. I'm not sure about Mediacoder but Handbrake does not easily allow adjusting the audio offset to compensate for that. You might try aviDemux (open source) as it does allow adjustment of audio offset. Unfortunately, it's trial and error to figure out the proper offset. If your Divx file is MPEG4 SP then you could just set up aviDemux to copy the video, re-encode the audio to AAC and mux in an MP4 container with the appropriate audio offset.
Matchay said:
Generally? Or in terms of software divx/xvid playback?
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For me just software divx playback. My 25 fps files just never play well.
For x264 you can do any framerate up to 39 fps I think, as long as the bitrate is low enough. For me in Handbrake the magic number is a Constant quality of 22
Sorry for the confusion. I have no issues with any x264 re-encoded file, as mentioned in my first post - my Mediacoder preset does its job perfectly.
I mean MoboPlayer plays the original Xvid video and audio very smoothly, they are simply out of sync, which doesn't look like a CPU power issue to me. As poofyhairguy said, it must be about the framerate and some incompability.
Re-encoding doesn't bother me, I only wanted to avoid it if possible for lower quality divx/xvid films. And the MoboPlayer seemed to be only an inch far away from the right solution.
I will do some testing in the afternoon.
Are You playing videos on stock, rooted Nooks?
Or Froyo/CM7?
rooted stock
Try summer player, I tried many movies with that player and all seem to work well
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
angel7000 said:
Try summer player
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Interestingly, Summer player plays all my files in fast forward mode
DSP drivers/Hardware video decoding is critical for smooth playback.
I dont know why the CPU cannot do it fast enough. (software decoding)
Thats why I'm on nookie froyo
No sync issues or anything with normal res videos from the interweb, no recoding needed, any decent MPEG4 player plays smooth.
Matchay said:
Sorry for the confusion. I have no issues with any x264 re-encoded file, as mentioned in my first post - my Mediacoder preset does its job perfectly.
I mean MoboPlayer plays the original Xvid video and audio very smoothly, they are simply out of sync, which doesn't look like a CPU power issue to me.
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Indeed I was confused. I thought both the original and re-encoded files had audio sync issues. As long as the video stream is MPEG4 SP, you may still just want to copy the video, re-encode the audio to AAC and mux in a MP4 container. It's pretty fast since you only have to convert the audio, you don't lose quality from re-encoding video and it plays back with hardware decoding on the NC.
Yesterday I ran nookie froyo from SD. MoboPlayer plays all files perfectly, no out of sync! It was that simple...
Thank you all for your suggestions!

