Qualcomm MSM7x00 chipset driver - HTC Wings

Quote from http://www.htcclassaction.org/responses.php#update_20080214_2
Breaking News!
"New driver end of March"
A response from Peter Chou himself (CEO of HTC) has surfaced saying they hope to release a driver at the end of March. Examination of the e-mail and its SMTP headers verifies with very high certainty that this e-mail indeed originated at HTC Taiwan. Ofcourse we have also written our own e-mail to Peter Chou to ask for confirmation.
So, this certainly seems to be legit. Ofcoure the question remains wether it's ultimately true - we certainly hope so!.
If you look at this together with the WMExperts Insider Q+A article, this could even mean that HTC is doing completely the opposite of what most people think: instead of leaving us hanging they are actually going the extra mile!
This may be what we've all been hoping for!


Petition opened for HTC - 14704 signatures - spread the word

Please make this a sticky, or not...
You can watch the history here:
edit: and here:
are you sure this petition will solve something? is there some similar petition, where htc (or any developer) heard voice of customer and solved some problem? little bit sceptic...
HTC is quite sensitive about its "bleeding edge tech" image. Such companies often have pr people roaming forums for ideas/infos.
Anyway if petitionning doesn't help, it can't harm.
hope you are right, guys!
Are there any other phones that use the same processor? Is there a possibility we could steal the drivers from elsewhere or do they simply not exist?
Is anyone working on this in case HTC doesn't grace us with a solution?
Also check this out for other problems that can be solved only by HTC:
Wow not even 24 hrs and over a hundred signatures. This is great. I dont think we're asking for much especially for the price we all have paid.
Bump !
Nice, 146 signatures atm.
Incidentally, it should be "seems TO behave in an unacceptably slow manner," it should be "slideshow" instead of "sideshow," and "please PROVIDE a FULL-FLEDGED SDK" rather than "prove" and "full fledge."
Otherwise, thanks for the work you're putting into this.
The camera driver could use a kick in the pants. I've found that setting the resolution to "fine" and "2megapixel" seems to get a "good enough" shot.
How about a petition to fix the low bluetooth headset volume issue??
Bump !
While we are doing this (I did sign the petition) let's all remind ourselves about how good the device is.
Let's all stay positive and focus on the handful of issues we have such as this.
I'm sure if we get enough people and do engage them on a polite level we may be met half way. Also it may be important to highlight to them that these signatures are coming from the technically involved contingent of TyTn II owners and as such the number of signatures do not reflect what a real world response may be (including those who do not frequent xda-dev forums)
bishopau said:
While we are doing this (I did sign the petition) let's all remind ourselves about how good the device is.
Let's all stay positive and focus on the handful of issues we have such as this.
I'm sure if we get enough people and do engage them on a polite level we may be met half way. Also it may be important to highlight to them that these signatures are coming from the technically involved contingent of TyTn II owners and as such the number of signatures do not reflect what a real world response may be (including those who do not frequent xda-dev forums)
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I agree but why haven't anyone stuck this thread yet??! It's really hard to come across it!
I'll bump it every now and then.
Btw: i have new issues now: with the sound (also a crappy driver): it stutters, cranks and lags...
I'll compile my issues with the kaiser in a new thread soon (i mean the issues from a techie developer point of view, not something like: "my delivery reports don't show the contact name, they show the number, please help, htc")
Signed. #234
Looks like since the petition is "anonymous" it may be removed soon. Someone, like the originator, needs to provide contact info, it seems.
This petition will be removed shortly if we do not receive a full and valid author name. Anonymous petitions are not allowed. The author of this petition must follow the instructions in the email we sent, or submit their full name in the author administration area, or send an email to [email protected] from the email address they used to setup this petition with their full name, and petition ID, tytn2vid.
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Woohoo! I'm #300.
I suggest every Kaiser owner add the link in their signature.
signed and fingers crossed
this device is good, but it could be heaps better and so I signed the petition.

Raising awareness of the hardware acceleration issue

So, we now have HTCclassaction.org and HTCdriver.com - excellent work guys!
But we can all do more to raise awareness of this problem, and hopefully convice HTC that they need to look after end-users or eventually enough people will know that when they buy an HTC product, they can forget any form of after-sales care.
There are other fora out there that are posting misleading reviews of the TyTN 2 that do nothing to inform potential buyers - these are the people who need to know about this, as their loss is the only thing HTC will notice. Granted, it is a great phone, and I for do not regret buying it. But people should at least be aware of the problems before they buy.
HTCClub forum has a glowing review with no mention of any problems. Perhaps some responses to the author's review might be in order:
We can also post reviews on reseller websites, to heighten awareness. I have posted a review on Expansys.co.uk, but their reviews are moderated so I'll wait and see if they post it. But if we start contradicting, or at least correcting, reviews on consumer review websites where possible, the reviewers have to take notice. And once they start giving poor reviews to HTC products, HTC in turn have to take notice.
One more thing: I found the following site earlier today:
What I found particularly interesting was the following quote from Fred Lui, Chief Operating Officer for HTC:
"HTC believes that providing superior after-sales support is important to our continuing success, which is why we place such a high degree of importance on HTC Care."
Anyone feel they have seen "superior after-sales support"? Perhaps if people living in Taipei could pop down to the HTC Care Centre and raise the issue direct with them, we might have more luck?
On a side note, Fred Lui is responsible for day-to-day operations and directing HTC's global operations. It seems his is the attention we need to attract. Question is how?
Anyway, long enough post, so I will finish up now.

Why HTC wont release / develop the drivers

This is just my opinion....
Once in a while, a new mobile device comes along and sets imaginations and credit cards on fire. Something compelling, something new. The next big thing perhaps? How many of these devices can you remember from the past couple of years? A few? Now; just how many of these lived up to their full potential?
Go on, take a guess.
Now don’t get me wrong here. When I say potential, I mean their hardware potential. Just because the end product is popular and sells well, it doesn’t mean it lives up to what it could be.
Consider the current driver issue with the HTC Tytn II. Many people are very unhappy with the performance of the video drivers. The device is very slow at redrawing the screen when the display is rotated. In some programs like Tomtom , it appears that the device absolutely struggles with motion on the screen. Others have complained about sub-par video playback performance.
A petition has been started, and I am sure by now HTC have received thousands of complaints from unhappy Tytn II owners. Everyone is asking for the same thing; a set of drivers that can use the new Qualcomm hardware to its full advantage. HTC even mentions the capabilities of the new Qualcomm MSM7500™ and MSM7200™ chipsets in their press release. The press release even states that the TYTN II is based on the new dual core chipset. Yet the overall performance just doesn’t seem to compare to the manufacturers claims.
HTC’s response has been rather subdued. Their approach seems to have changed a little. At first, they didn’t seem concerned and suggested that the device worked as advertised, i.e.: it could play videos but it was essentially designed as a business tool. Only after many complaints had been made did they listen and start taking information for the performance related issues, not just the video playback.
So why won’t they develop and release the drivers as so many people have requested? Simple answer really:
Long term profit. Let me explain.
The TYTN II is one of the first HTC devices to feature the new Qualcomm chipset. Compare it to the other HTC devices that have the same Qualcomm chipset, none of their specifications are quite the same. Each device is the first generation on the new chipset for its particular niche.
We are, essentially, beta testers. We buy the latest technology, use it heavily, complain about the bugs and report our findings back to the manufacturer via blog posts, reviews and complaints. It doesn’t need to be direct feedback; the internet is full of corporate trolls. Whatever you mention about their device, no matter where it is, chances are it has been read by one of these trolls. We can’t help it; we all like to express our opinions and frustrations. Its fun discussing options and troubleshooting with others on forums and websites. The most serious complaints are taken down, and over the next couple of revisions (e.g.: Tytn III?) they are generally ironed out.
This is why the drivers are not coming. HTC are banking on those who are frustrated with their device not living up to its potential, to upgrade and buy the successor. Not the best business method by a long shot, however thanks to early adopters and geeks, it’s a profitable one.
Oh, but you won’t ever, ever buy another HTC device again? Yes, you probably will. So will I. I found it quite amusing reading posts about the new Sony Ericsson Xperia X1. Many people said that they would buy it over a HTC device, but the fact is it IS a HTC device. My bet is it will sell like hotcakes, however I bet there will be some issues that will mean it won’t live up to its full potential. Sure, the issues cited with the Tytn II (and other early HTC Qualcomm devices) will be addressed.
The introduction of new features leaves the door open for new issues. We will discuss these issues. The trolls will read these issues. The issues will be addressed in the next generation of handsets. When it comes time for a new chipset, expect a bunch of new issues and complaints to arise.
It’s the circle of consumerism.
My next device won't even be a WM one, let alone HTC's junk. I've had enough of all the stupid problems with either the hardware or the OS. Next time my contract rolls around for renewal, I'm gonna buy a plain and simple Nokia just for calls.
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=368108 a proper windows mobile phone bye bye htc once my damn contract on this stupid phone ends *shakes fist*
Until such time as it's on the market and proven to be what it claims, I'll consider it just so much marsh gas; much like HTC's promises.
FloatingFatMan said:
My next device won't even be a WM one, let alone HTC's junk. I've had enough of all the stupid problems with either the hardware or the OS. Next time my contract rolls around for renewal, I'm gonna buy a plain and simple Nokia just for calls.
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definitely my way too
Are there any known MSM7xxx phones that have the video acceleration?
My suspicion is that the following happened:
HTC was one of the first manufacturers to use the MSM7xxx series
3D acceleration was a "growth feature" that needed development and HTC wanted to get the device out the door and add the video acceleration later
Broadcom sues Qualcomm over patent infringement in the MSM7xxx series
Broadcom wins suit and Qualcomm is served with an injunction forbidding it to sell or even support infringing chipsets
HTC is screwed because their vendor is now legally forbidden from providing them the support they need to implement accelerated video
HTC also does not hint at the real reason for the drivers not existing for political and/or contractual reasons
HTC's "buy a future device" comment means "we need to find something that isn't covered by the Broadcom injunction against Qualcomm"
Entropy512 said:
Are there any known MSM7xxx phones that have the video acceleration?
My suspicion is that the following happened:
HTC was one of the first manufacturers to use the MSM7xxx series
3D acceleration was a "growth feature" that needed development and HTC wanted to get the device out the door and add the video acceleration later
Broadcom sues Qualcomm over patent infringement in the MSM7xxx series
Broadcom wins suit and Qualcomm is served with an injunction forbidding it to sell or even support infringing chipsets
HTC is screwed because their vendor is now legally forbidden from providing them the support they need to implement accelerated video
HTC also does not hint at the real reason for the drivers not existing for political and/or contractual reasons
HTC's "buy a future device" comment means "we need to find something that isn't covered by the Broadcom injunction against Qualcomm"
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Yep, everything you said makes perfect sense.
Chances of Kaiser getting video drivers - ZERO
Although I respect your opinion, and you are probably right, I have to say that making HTC develop/release drivers is just one of the paths we are exploring. I believe in our case it is essential to explore every possible opportunity to get Kaiser to use it's hardware 100%. That includes lawsuit, 3rd party developing drivers, ripping drivers from another device, getting SDK from ATi/Qualcomm, etc etc.
Whatever it takes - we must explore it... even if it sounds crazy or unlikely. Besdies... it's not like we have to pay cash for every opportunity that doesn't work.
FloatingFatMan said:
My next device won't even be a WM one, let alone HTC's junk. I've had enough of all the stupid problems with either the hardware or the OS. Next time my contract rolls around for renewal, I'm gonna buy a plain and simple Nokia just for calls.
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Same here...
DarkDvr said:
Although I respect your opinion, and you are probably right, I have to say that making HTC develop/release drivers is just one of the paths we are exploring. I believe in our case it is essential to explore every possible opportunity to get Kaiser to use it's hardware 100%. That includes lawsuit, 3rd party developing drivers, ripping drivers from another device, getting SDK from ATi/Qualcomm, etc etc.
Whatever it takes - we must explore it... even if it sounds crazy or unlikely. Besdies... it's not like we have to pay cash for every opportunity that doesn't work.
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Absolutely! I would love to see one of the developers here sort out drivers, or see the drivers ripped from another device work. I have my doubts that it will happen, however it would be fantastic to be proven wrong.
Has their been any real progress towards a solution as yet though? I'm not trying to sound too negative (even if thats not how it sounds..) I've read about the LG driver rip that works / doesnt work depending on who you listen to. Has there been any proven progress to date with either developing or obtaining an SDK?
Many seem to think the Kaiser won't ever get the missing drivers. I'm a bit more optimistic in this point. I still hope that - if not HTC - at least members of this forum are some day able to (re-)engineer the necessary drivers. Am I only dreamer or what do you think? Is it that unlikely that it will happen?
Hey... I just went to Vodafone store and tried the LG KS20, i think it has the same hardware as the tytn 2 (check http://pdadb.net/index.php?m=pdacomparer&id1=733&id2=825 to compare), but doesn't looks like it suffers from the same problems as the tytn. I tried the camera and isn't more slow than a regular phone camera? Might be a solution of the problem? I don't know but it's worth checking it...
Shows video performance
If Broadcomm are the ones that will prevent support, then why do XDA or HTC not approach Broadcomm for assistance instead? That may be an avenue which may yield more positive responses than going after HTC.
Pummy said:
If Broadcomm are the ones that will prevent support, then why do XDA or HTC not approach Broadcomm for assistance instead? That may be an avenue which may yield more positive responses than going after HTC.
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The only Broadcomm IP in the Qualcomm chip is the technique for power backoff when there's no signal. It's like asking Honda how to get your Toyota engine to work.
Regardless of HTC's intent on this issue, the fact is they are building a "perception", at least in this forum, of poor customer support/response. This can be seen by the hyper-attention it receives at XDA. Is it justified? Some say yes, some say no. Personally, the biggest issue I have is with the lagging camera and the slow autofocus. I can't get my daughter too sit still long enough to let the camera to focus on her and get the shot I want. I can live with the slow screen rotation and even the laggy video playback. To be honest, I never expected super gaming or video from a QVGA screen... but that's just me.
That being said, perception becomes reality without response or action. HTC is playing an ill-advised hand if they think people will just buy their next product and just forget about their Kaiser/Tilt experience. This is coming from an unsatisfied ex-Axim owner.
NuShrike said:
The only Broadcomm IP in the Qualcomm chip is the technique for power backoff when there's no signal. It's like asking Honda how to get your Toyota engine to work.
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I did not know that. Looks like I will need to start reading up on the case and settlement.
As mad as I am that the drivers are not there, my tilt still blowes away my previous device, I hope for a fix, but until then I will be scoping my new device as with my last and the one before. Yes HTC will not be my prefered option, but then I will base that on what is available at the next upgrade time.
There may.. MAY come a time where we'll all actually thank and appologize to HTC, hehe. Judging by the latest article (insider interview) and supposed Peter Chou emails.. Qualcomm may be the one to blame in this, and HTC is as much of a victim of Qualcomm's hopeful lies as we are.
I'm not saying that it's true, I'm just saying that'd be a really interesting turn of events
I feel like I'm reading a crime mystery hehe.
There may.. MAY come a time where we'll all actually thank and appologize to HTC, hehe. Judging by the latest article (insider interview) and supposed Peter Chou emails.. Qualcomm may be the one to blame in this, and HTC is as much of a victim of Qualcomm's hopeful lies as we are.
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This may be true however ultimately HTC still misled it's customers using the Qualcomm feature set in PR, specifications and marketing releases. HTC will have known they were shipping the phones without the necessary drivers, but of course it would be too costly to hold back all their new models or redesign the phones around a different chipset, so they went ahead and sold them hoping no one would really notice!
HTC are making huge profits on the back of mis-advertising their latest products so it's hard for me to give very much sympathy if any at all to them They still have not made any official statement or apology to their customers, except for a rather cold and clinical statement to their shareholders. Yes I know various websites have comments from HTC regarding the matter but none of this has been put officially on their website and is just viral marketing, using the same tricks that got them in this mess in the first place.
As pointed out by DarkDvr the content of this thraed is now crossing with the content in at least two other threads:
Please use one of them to continue any discussion.
Thank you

NEW VIDEO DRIVERS COMMING at the end of march

On a dutch website the headline says "HTC president promises new drivers for plaged devices"
In short english .... Driver was not implemented because HTC needed to pay for the driver. They tried to program it themselves but its seams they will now pay for the driver with Qualcomm . The driver should be avaiable at the end of march ..... Its not yet know for what devices though.
Lets wait and see and hope
Time will tell...
We know. if you have been looking at htcclassaction.org then it shows that also. I think it was someone on here that got the email saying that and he told Chainfire.
brilliant news.
Do we think that the user is going to end up paying for the driver then?
This makes me glad I held onto my Tilt. I can't wait to knock the dust off it & fire up with the new drivers.
andaroo said:
brilliant news.
Do we think that the user is going to end up paying for the driver then?
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I doubt it, and if they do I expect one person will buy it and then they'll be put into a new ROM for all to use.
I've contacted T-Mobile about it asking to get in touch with HTC and see how they plan to distribute it.
That a marvelous news..cant wait..
so its mean our TyTn II will be the best phone ever after that..
Just keep your guard up, if this doesn't turn out to work and the CEO is just pulling us or this is fake, then dont whine and complain.
I'm itching to buy one of these phones as an upgrade to my aging Vario (Wizard) but I'm still going to hold off pending confirmation of this great news from an official source at HTC. Once I know they are really going to address this issue then I'll be happy to buy now and put up with the current poor display performance (which I observed first-hand in the store) until the drivers are released. Hopefully someone like chainfire will be able to confirm this for us soon.
Great ****ing news! I want to be optimistic about, and celebrate HTC when they come through at the end of March.
Actually, there's a new ROM out today. I wonder if there's a surprise in it.
The problem with this is that it is in no way official and until it is made official by an announcement on the HTC website it's nothing more than viral marketing.
It there were any truth in it HTC would be all too keen to shout it from their website surely?
Until it is made official from HTC this "email" is either some strange hoax or a deliberate fabrication from HTC PR marketing.
The HTC Class action site should not be falling for it and giving it publicity. If the chief executive really wanted to reassure his customer's it would be official on the HTC website. To think he would email personally to one particular person making claims of a forthcoming fix is quite frankly very unbelievable!
As to checking the email for correct SMTP headers etc, it takes nothing to fabricate those, it is only a text document after all that can be edited at will!
PhilipL said:
The problem with this is that it is in no way official and until it is made official by an announcement on the HTC website it's nothing more than viral marketing.
It there were any truth in it HTC would be all too keen to shout it from their website surely?
Until it is made official from HTC this "email" is either some strange hoax or a deliberate fabrication from HTC PR marketing.
The HTC Class action site should not be falling for it and giving it publicity. If the chief executive really wanted to reassure his customer's it would be official on the HTC website. To think he would email personally to one particular person making claims of a forthcoming fix is quite frankly very unbelievable!
As to checking the email for correct SMTP headers etc, it takes nothing to fabricate those, it is only a text document after all that can be edited at will!
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your right! ill wait till HTC puts it on the website officially
omg...this is greaT!!!!!
omg...this is greaT!!!!!
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Caution, don't get too excited. There is absolutely nothing to prove the email is genuine, and no official announcement on the HTC website.
This email carries about as much weight as a helium balloon would in the international space station.
budakjb said:
That a marvelous news..cant wait..
so its mean our TyTn II will be the best phone ever after that..
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I don't think so. Please, check the coming SonyEricsson XPERIA X1:
Screen of 800x400 !!!
Hardware acceleration (supported with drivers) Being able to accelerate 3D graphics and decode HD Video!!
Windows Mobile 6.5
400MB of internal memory
MircroSDHC slot
QWERTY keyboard (slideable) with a much more robust mechanism than our Tytn II
3.2 MPX Cam... Cybershot!! (CarlZeis + Flash + 3x Optic)
Assisted GPS
Slim design
Less weight
Wonderful interface (iPhone beater)
And I'm prety sure, this brand will not disappoint us with such a device (I mean, we will not have surprises like... oh! I can't play videos... even the cam of the phone is useless, or it hangs up when touching the screen)
I took the decision of not let me being robbed by anyone, neither taunted by any brand. So I'll NOT buy a device from HTC never more. Instead of it, I'll inmediately buy the Sony device and put my AWUFULL tytn2 in sale...
Guys... HTC will probably NEVER officially announce that.
As I've said before in sticky thread:
1. It will confirm that there was an issue and we were right.
2. It will contradict their official statement about their "price policies" and that "Kaiser was never indended to have drivers and be a high end video-device" or whatever.
3. If something goes wrong they won't be able to backup from releasing drivers. By "something" I mean shaky Qualcomm's position, they did lose the court case and who knows what can happen with that company. And HTC as I understand will be relying on Qualcomm for drivers.
4. This publicity is not that good for them, as it will stay in people's minds that HTC is releasing devices, and drivers for them with a huge delay. Not a good marketing.
Of course, they have smart strategists working there and perhaps they will deem it profitable to release the official statement. We will just have to wait and see. But besides that - I wouldn't wait for official statement.
Oh and one more thing - chainfire updated htcclassaction.org, he says that they've analyzed smtp headers of the letter and they do look genuine. Besides that (as I udnerstand) they've sent a separate letter to Mr Chou and he confirmed that those are his emails.
Please people, this news is as stated by another poster, on the class action thread:
Now were onto the Experia and that too has numerous threads already including Meneisyys sticky thread.

Video driver update

there is a bad news guys. Check this email reply I got from HTC.
Hello Hardik,
Thank you for your inquiry regarding HTC TYTN II video drivers.
I can certainly understand your concern. Below is the official response from HTC regarding this matter.
“HTC is committed to delivering a portfolio of devices that offer a wide variety of communication, connectivity and entertainment functionality. HTC does not offer dedicated or optimized multimedia devices and can confirm that its Qualcomm MSM7xxx-based devices do not use ATI’s Imageon video acceleration hardware.
HTC believes the overall value of its devices based on their combination of functionality and connectivity exceeds their ability to play or render high-resolution video. These devices do still provide a rich multimedia experience comparable to that of most smartphones and enable a variety of audio and video file formats.
HTC values its customers and the overall online community of mobile device enthusiasts and fans. HTC plans to include video acceleration hardware in future video-centric devices that will enable high-resolution video support.”
I hope we have answered your question in detail. Feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.
HTC Technical Support
--- Original Message ---
From: <[email protected]>
Received: 5/13/08 6:40:16 PM EDT
To: <[email protected]>
Subject: ContactUs Notice
<Please note that the above message was sent from an automatic e-mail account. Please do not reply to this email directly.>
We have received a new question by end user from www.htc.com at [ 14/05/2008 06:38:00 ] with the following details.
Customer Detail
Name: Hardik Shah
Contact Number: 1-315-262-5538
Email Address: [email protected]! .edu
Country: United States
Inquiry Details
Inquiry Type: Customer Service
Inquiry Description: Hello, I want to know when are you planning to upgrade the video drivers for tytn II so that I can watch movies and play 3D games? Thank You Hardik Shah
Attachment: N/A
Computer Details
Serial Number:
Computer model:
Computer Platform: Others
Other Computer:
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE : The information in this e-mail is confidential and privileged; it is intended for use solely by the individual or entity named as the recipient hereof. Disclosure, copying, distribution, or use of the contents of this e-mail by persons other than the intended recipient is strictly prohibited and may violate applicable laws. If you have received this e-mail in error, please delete the original message and notify us by return email or collect call immediately. Thank you. HTC, Corporation
------ Please do not remove your unique tracking number! ------
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bla bla.. so what are the news?
i just can see exactly the same as always ....
: )
it does not have hardware to accelerate the graphics. All the chaos about driver is worthless thats the bad news.
and can confirm that its Qualcomm MSM7xxx-based devices do not use ATI’s Imageon video acceleration hardware.
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Isaygarcia said:
bla bla.. so what are the news?
i just can see exactly the same as always ....
: )
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True. Check out http://www.htcclassaction.org.
This response has been sent out by HTC since December, if not earlier. Along with replies stating the problem does not exist, and replies that a fix was in development.
Let's face it, HTC customer support has no idea what's going on with regard to this, so what chance do we have?
Besides, the issue regarding drivers has become way over-inflated. What we really want is programming that delivers a graphically smooth, flowing interface. As others have pointed out before, proper 2D implementation may well suffice, and fully activating the 3D components of the chip may well prove too intensive a drain on the processor. There's no point having a switched on 3D graphics chip, if the system cannot support it. May well have a role in HTC's decision not to license drivers in the first place.
You guys gotta start reading more.
It's the same email everybody has been receiving for a while, and its even at www.htcclassaction.org
hardik119 said:
there is a bad news guys. Check this email reply I got from HTC.
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HTC released that official statement in January and have been emailing it as a form letter ever since. The problem is they say they don't "use" the hardware.They never to my knowledge have definitively stated " the hardware is not there we cannot put it in, the drivers will do nothing everybody move on."
The problem I have is when they were touting the Tilt, they made a hugh deal of the new 72xx chip, telling us all that it was capable of. They told us everything it " could " do, thereby insinuating that our Tilt was going to take full advantage of the capabilities of the chip. Instead we got a $500 phone with a strangled chip. It was the insinuations prior to release , legal bait and switch if you will, that pissed me off
Let's face it, HTC customer support has no idea what's going on with regard to this, so what chance do we have?
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Thats what i was going to say just a few moments ago xD!!
Face it.. the customer support never had the little lesser minor blabla idea of what ** was happening
It's the same email everybody has been receiving for a while, and its even at www.htcclassaction.org
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HTC released that official statement in January and have been emailing it as a form letter ever since. The problem is they say they don't "use" the hardware.They never to my knowledge have definitively stated " the hardware is not there we cannot put it in, the drivers will do nothing everybody move on."
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also Right.
Well i think is time to close this "redundant" thread.
saludos desde monterrey a todos (incluyendo amsterdam, japon, US, etc )
Relax guys... May is not over yet!
It's just a matter of waiting a bit longer... *SIGH*
P.S.- Just 15 days more to gather the mob and light our torches!!! LOL
Cheers from Mexico!
i concur with above; there is 10+ page thread in rom dev about this
We should ruin the launch of their "diamond" because after you buy their product there is not customer support. You have to get outside help with google and joining forums. Nobody is buying anything HTC then they'll have time to get these drivers out.

