i need help please - HTC Breeze

hi all
I want help on how to add Arabic language settings on the phone htc MTeoR
To be able to read or write MSGs(sms) in Arabic
thank u all

Did you ask dircetly in HTC company? or If you are shine, you can try to find answer in User Guide in Box of Phone

no i didnot ask company
wht do u mean by the User Guide in Box of Phone

theres no info about it


Change language

I just got mine Kaiser today but since i bought it in China so its in chinese but i can't find the language setting in the phone so i was wondering if there's a way to change the language in the phone thank you
i don't think you can change the language like this,
must must install another ROM.
how do we find this "ROM" and if you can please tell me how to install it
I did a quick search and found this
with a link to this
Maybe it will help !

need info plz

guys i need info, i was buying HTC HD from some 1 but its simlock ,
is it possible to make it simlock free?
or no unlocing software yet , its in dutch so i wana install english rom in it
any info plz thanx in advance
Read the wiki.
Try to use the search button the next time ;-(

[Question] How can put arabic language on the htc touch dimond2

hello sir
i have one htctech dimond2. i need arabic language in that phone. how can put arbic language in that mobile & plz uplode that arabic file plllzzzzzzzzzzzz thx advace
This isn't the right section to post this question, and you really should have searched first but I'll help anyway.
I personally use this version because it's light:
But if you want the whole User Interface in Arabic then it's best to use a newer version:
If you have any questions about either build, it's best you ask in their respective threads, they would probably be able to help better than I do.
thx sir but how can insert this fils in my htctechdimond2 plz expline that one
to OP, you really should go through the stickies in upgrading section and start searching before asking such questions.

please help i cant translate mz diamond

as you can see i cant translate the diamond its a swisscom model i try 5 ROM updates i cant do anything its on german language and i cant understand a thing i just got it can somebody help me plzzz
the simple solution would be the best

How should I change input method to international?

Hi guys
I am on darky's rom and arabic support for reading sms is ok. but when I wanna send sth in persian or arabic it tells me put the input method in internatonal mode! I wanna know How should I do it? where is this section in the phone?

