To the cooks who use WinRAR: new version is out - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Themes and Apps

3.80 is out:
New features:
1. Added support for ZIP archives containing Unicode file names
in UTF-8 format. When creating ZIP archive, WinRAR stores
names in Unicode only if they cannot be stored correctly using
the current single byte character set.
2. Added decompression support for WinZip AES encrypted ZIP archives.
3. Improved Unicode support for RAR and ZIP archive names.
4. "Ask before overwrite" and "Skip existing files" update modes
are now available in archiving dialog. They allow to specify
WinRAR behavior when updating already existing files in archive.
Unlike already available "Fresh existing files only" and
"Add and update files", these new modes ignore file date
and compare only file names.
Command line equivalents of these modes are:
a) switch -o enables "Ask before overwrite" archiving mode;
b) switch -o- enables "Skip existing files" archiving mode;
c) switch -o+ enables "Overwrite all" mode (default for archiving).
5. New "Add to context menu" option in "Profile parameters" dialog.
If this option is on, the profile name will be displayed in Explorer
context menus allowing to activate a profile from context menu.
6. New -cp switch allows to select a compression profile
in command line mode. It is supported only by GUI WinRAR.exe,
not by rar.exe.
7. New "Options" page of archiving dialog contains the group of
settings modifying the behavior of "Delete files after archiving"
option from "General" page:
a) Delete files. Delete files normally like in previous WinRAR
b) Move files to Recycle Bin. Deleted files are placed to
Recycle Bin.
Command line equivalent of this option is -dr switch.
c) Wipe files. Before deleting file data are overwritten by
zero bytes to prevent recovery of deleted files.
Command line equivalent of this option is -dw switch.
All these options have an effect only if "Delete files
after archiving" is on. You can enable any of these options
in the default compression profile to change the default
behavior of "Delete files after archiving".
8. WinRAR "Extraction path and options" dialog is now resizable.
You can use the mouse to drag its border to the desired size
and provide more space for folder tree pane. WinRAR will store
new dimensions of this dialog.
9. New "Update" SFX script command and "Update mode" group
of options in "Update" page of "Advanced SFX options" dialog.
These command and options allow to check time and implement
file time based updating;
10. SFX script "Shortcut" command and "Add shortcut..." command
in "Advanced SFX options" dialog now allow to specify
an icon file containing an icon associated with shortcut.
11. New "Wipe temporary files" option in "Settings/Security" dialog
provides more secure, though slower, way to delete temporary
WinRAR files.
12. WinRAR and RAR display the total progress bar when unpacking
a multivolume RAR archive if all volumes are present
in the same folder.
13. WinRAR and RAR automatically expand names of environment
variables in list files. For example, a list file can contain
lines like:
This feature is available only in Windows RAR version.
14. Added support of TAR archives with non-zero "extra field" data.
15. Added support of TAR archives, which does not contain
the end of archive entry consisting of 512 zero bytes.
16. Improved Unicode support when dragging files from WinRAR window.
17. Shift+Tab key combination can be used in main WinRAR window to
switch the input focus between interface elements (files, comment,
tree, address) in reverse order. In previous versions Shift+Tab
used the same order as Tab.
18. Corrected a possible WinRAR crash when opening truncated
UDF ISO files.

Thx for sharing!

Mods can we move this to the Kaiser Software section

Can we make ALLTHEWAY a Mod ALREADY so he can move ALL the threads he ALWAYS asks you to move.

Wormholez said:
Can we make ALLTHEWAY a Mod ALREADY so he can move ALL the threads he ALWAYS asks you to move.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
HAHAHA NICE1 Bro. He is right tho....

xmoo said:
HAHAHA NICE1 Bro. He is right tho....
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I know he is, but i was just kidding around...
EDIT: I'll probably be a Junior Member for life now...

Wormholez said:
Can we make ALLTHEWAY a Mod ALREADY so he can move ALL the threads he ALWAYS asks you to move.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ask and you shall receive!

That's awesome!!! Congrats AllTheWay!!!

Extracted CAB for the non Chefs


Problem with application start menu links

On mmy 8925 Tilt, I did just what I did on my old 8525, but I am having error messages.
I went into Windows > Start Menu > Programs, and made some new folders to organize my shortcuts.
I now. randomly, get two specific program error messages that the .lnk file cannot be found, BUT, when I go to the Start Menu, click on the link, the two applications open and operate.
Any suggestion, other than move the link. Thanks
Are you using the Menu tool in the Settings-Home tab? For some reason when you assign a program to the Start menu, it moves the shortcut from the Windows/Start Menu/Programs folder to the Windows/Start Menu folder. This then screws up any shortcuts you have setup (like in the appplication tab of the HTC home plugin).
I wonder if there is a registry setting to change this behavior? This did not happen on my 8525 w/ WM6.
No, that is not an issue. These are links that were listed under Programs, in the Start Menu, that I moved into subfolders that I created; like the folder "Utilities" has within it MemMaid, and SK Tools, etc.
I would create a new link for the two entries that 'short circuit' and replace the old (original) links, but I do not know how to do this!
Can anyone help me create new links??
I am not quite sure exactly what you are trying to do, but here is what I do to create folders and shortcuts in my Start Menu\Programs folder.
With a File Explorer Navigate to Windows\Start Menu\Programs (or the directory you want to put the links in)
Click Menu, select New Folder, and type the desired name for the folder.
Next Navigate to the .EXE file for the program you want to make a shortcut to. (If it is a program you have added, it may be in either the \\Program Files, \\Windows, or \\Storage Card\Program Files folder)
Highlight the .EXE file and select Menu->Edit->Copy
Next Navigate back to the Folder you created in the Start Menu\Programs
Select Menu->Edit->Paste Shortcut (This will create a .lnk file that links back to the .EXE) You can rename the .lnk file whatever you like, and that is what will show up in the Programs Folder.

noob qn...copy Kaisertweak XML to phone

noob question...i managed to copy the kaisertweak.exe to \My Documents\Personal by just browsing to it and doing a 'Save As'. However, this doesn't seem to work for the wants to display it in the browser. I've tried renaming the xml file with a .dat extension, an .exe extension and without an extension...but it won't let me download the file. What's the best way to get the xml file from the web ( to my device?
(I don't want to use an intermediary PC to transfer files.)
thx, fxs.
fxsunny said:
noob question...i managed to copy the kaisertweak.exe to \My Documents\Personal by just browsing to it and doing a 'Save As'. However, this doesn't seem to work for the wants to display it in the browser. I've tried renaming the xml file with a .dat extension, an .exe extension and without an extension...but it won't let me download the file. What's the best way to get the xml file from the web ( to my device?
(I don't want to use an intermediary PC to transfer files.)
thx, fxs.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
all you got to do is in your browser hit FILE > save page as. select only save xml, not full page. if that dont work, then just go here and download the ZIP file that contains both the new kaisertweak exe and xml files.
NguyenHuu said:
all you got to do is in your browser hit FILE > save page as. select only save xml, not full page. if that dont work, then just go here and download the ZIP file that contains both the new kaisertweak exe and xml files.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
On IE ...on my device?? I don't have a File Menu option!
Once I load the xml file within IE...all I have at the bottom is a 'Back' menu option, and a 'Menu' menu option. 'Menu' has Edit, View, Tools etc...but no 'File'.
I tried doing a Edit --> Select All --> Copy and then, went into Word Mobile to paste it all and save as text...but then, I'm left with a '.txt' file that I cannot rename to '.xml'.
fxsunny said:
On IE ...on my device?? I don't have a File Menu option!
Once I load the xml file within IE...all I have at the bottom is a 'Back' menu option, and a 'Menu' menu option. 'Menu' has Edit, View, Tools etc...but no 'File'.
I tried doing a Edit --> Select All --> Copy and then, went into Word Mobile to paste it all and save as text...but then, I'm left with a '.txt' file that I cannot rename to '.xml'.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
do it on your PC not in the WM. if you insist on using your device to dl, then i suggest installing a unzipper. then you can just download that kaiser tweak zip file to your phone. unzip it on the phone and you got both the exe and xml right on the phone.
Can't install Kaisertweak on AT&T Tilt
I've tried installing this two ways:
1. On my PC: when I click the .exe file, I get the message: "KaiserTweak.exe is not a valid Win32 application."
2. On my Tilt: when I click on the .zip file, it shows KaiserTweak.exe and KaiserTweak.xml, but the latter file has the Opera browser icon next to it and the description "Unknown Type." When I tap on KaiserTweak.exe, I get the message: "Unable to open file \Windows\-IA Zip Temporary Files\KaiserTweak.xml". Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press Cancel to kill the program." When I press OK, nothing happens: I'm brought back to the display of the .exe and .xml files.
I'm assuming the program is not installing, and that I'll know that the installation was successful when I see KaiserTweak when I select Start/Programs.

[APP] - Updated: 24.03.2009 - Link Creator 1.3 - Shortcut Creator

Hi All,
I've made a simple application, that creates the link to any file/application and then puts that link to Windows\Start Menu\Programs or any other selected by You folder...
I've noticed that when using TouchFlo3D, you can't just add to Program Tab any link, any program, there is no browsing option, link has to be in Start Menu Folder. Making links with notepad or Word is not an easy / simple thing, that's why Link Creator was made ... to make life simpler
discussion and attachment in main thread (on Diamond board )
XDA Thread
New Version Link Creator 1.3
Version 1.3
1) changed "Select File to Link" explorer: short directory listing for better navigation
2) changed "Save in Selected Place" explorer: short directory listing, for better navigation
3) changed Menu style
4) added "Manage Links" - an explorer that gives you ability to find any link files (supoorted filters are: *.lnk, *.lnkbak, *.*) on your PPC and then you can rename, delete, or delete them (by changing it's extension (*.lnk -> *.lnkbak) )
5) added fingerfriendly popup menu for "Manage Links" (-Close-)
6) added "Save as Key Mapping" - special in Windows direcotory filename creator, that gives You ability to map some Hardware Keys with your "files" (Long Press Send Button, Long Press Power Button, Short Press Power Button). There are two options for Save as Key Mapping: a) saving special filename, b) deleting special filename.
Version 1.2
1) added "auto counting chars method"
2) removed .net openfiledialog
3) added my own "explorer" for searching "to be linked file"
4) excluded System.Windows.Forms.dll (back to very small size of cab installer 12KB)
5) some "label" changes...
version 1.1:
1) file filtering: all files, exe, jpg, bmp, png, mp3, wav, avi, mp4, wmv, txt, pdf, doc
2) changed caption Select Exe to Select File
3) new Menu Options:
- Save in Programs
- Save in Start Menu
- Save in StartUp
- Save in Selected Place
- Close
4) included System.Windows.Forms.dll for same openfiledialog on every .net platform... (I guess )
(thanks to Mieszko ZagaƄczyk from for testing and noticing problem with filtering and different open file dialog on his Touch HD)
version 1.0
first release

BCG's Guide to modifying Manila Files(Graphics ONLY)

I've Spent a long time trying to find a way to easily modify the graphics of TF3D, and I finally found a great way to do it, so just in case anybody else wants to know I thought I would share my method... Here it is:
1.) Download the attachment called at the bottom (this is a manila graphic editor basically)
2.) Extract the EXE file into a new folder (the folder name is irrelevant)
3.) Make sure your device is connected to your computer via activesync
4.) Run the EXE and click Device (top left), then click import from device(this will import all the manila graphics on your device to the program
5.) Find any file that you would like to modify, select it, then click "save as" (bottom right) then keep the name or change it, it doesn't matter
6.) Modify the file with any program (such as: Corel Paint Shop(my fav), gimp, Microsoft Paint, etc...)
7.) Select the graphic in the manila graphic editor(cfc_gui.exe)
8.) Click "Replace With", and select your modified graphic
9.) Click "To Device"
Here's the link to PPCGeeks to download the file:
__________________________________________________ ______________
Feel free to post any questions.
Thank you for this tutorial!
It works great, only one problem:
i can not send "to device" after "replace with"
In the new window is to read:
Export: 05c2a2db_manila --> fail
0 images imported
Where is the problem?
Thanks for posting this!

LCARS Conversion Kit [UPGRADED 12-20-2011]

This Conversion Kit is designed to convert your device's overall look to that of a PADD, or LCARS interface device from the Star Trek universe.
OS: WM5/6
Difficulty: Moderate
Disclaimer: With the exception of the skin for TCPMP, the DockWare image series, the Today Wallpapers, and the Color Scheme files, all programs, flash movies, and skins in this kit are the property of their respective owners, and were acquired as freeware. However the versions of those skins in this kit have been modified, sometimes extensively, by myself, so that they may better integrate with the overall conversion scheme.
Step 0:Transfer the "LCARS.ttf" font from the main Kit directory to the "Fonts" folder on your device
Step 1: Install Wisbar Advance (The latest Version, although this setup was deigned for WA2...), or if you already have Wisbar Advance, place the folder "WA2 LCARS" into the appropriate diectory. (You may rename it as needed) There is also an animation for your wait cursor stored in the "LCARS WaitCursor" directory (You won't need the animation if you're using WA2... To get a unique wait animation, install the cab file "MWC2.2" instead from the "Programs" directory, and load the entire folder "MajUan I" into the program's directory on your device (It should be: "Program Files>MWC2").
Step 2: Install the program "Digital Today Screen Clock" (After installing, make sure it is the item at the TOP of your today screen, and that it is the only clock enabled) found in the "Programs" Directory of this Kit, and Load the Today Screen Wallpaper. After installing the clock, Go to Start>Settings>Personal>Today, and select the option to set a picture as the desktop background (Pick any .png image, you'll have to enter the filename manually, including extension, although you can navigate to the folder just fine... we'll be adjusting it in a moment) Once the desktop has changed, drop the contents of the folder "LCARS Today Wallpaper" DIRECTLY into the "Windows" directory. Don't worry if you can't see anything, it'll show up once you reset.
Step 3: Install the Program "UITweaker" from the "Programs" folder in the Kit. Once it's installed, Place the contents of the folder "LCARS Color Schemes" into a directory you can easily remember, and execute the program. Once open, Launch the subprogram "TdyScheme Changer" and then select the button "Windows Mobile 5.0 and Above" Set the BaseHue to "280" and select OK, now select the "Tools" button, then select "Import". A file exploring dialog will appear. Navigate to the folder you placed the two files from the "LCARS Color Schemes" directory, and select the .scheme file "LCARS" (It should be the only thing visible). After applying the scheme, navigate back to the launcher panel, and launch the subprogram "SysColor Changer". Select Tools>Import, you should be in the same file explorer dialog as before, and there should be only one .sys file visible "LCARS" Select it. (If not, navigate to it as before) Once the color scheme is imported, a dialog box will prompt ypu to reset, do so.
Step 4: Install DockWare. Once you have done so, remove all the image files from the DockWare directory, and insert the contents of the folder "DockWare LCARS Series". Set theDockWare options as follows: Set Transitions to "on" set the display for "Digital Clock, no Calendar", and set the color to Red-255, Green-155, Blue-5. You can set the start delay to whatever you wish.
Step 5: Install PsShutXP. Place the folder "PsShutXP" where you want on your device, and place the contents of the directory "PsShutXP" into it. Now, place a shortcut to "PsShutXP_nosc.exe" in your Start Menu.
Step 6: Install the skins for WMP, Pocket Player, and TCPMP. Place the folder "WMP LCARS" into the directory "Program Files/Windows Media Player/Skins" Rename as neded. Place the file "Pocket Player LCARS.psz" into the Directory "Program Files/Pocket Player" (If you have Pocket Player installed) Rename as needed. Place the folder "TCPMP LCARS" into whatever folder you have selected for storing your TCPMP Skins. Rename as needed. (You will need to have a version of TCPMP that supports skinning, You can download one Here:
Step 7: In the directory "Flash Movies" in the Kit, there are several LCARS Flash movies you can bind to your hardware buttons to round out your LCARS experience.
Step 8: In the directory "Alerts" are two audio files which you may use as alarms for a low battery event.
Setup Complete.
(UPDATED: 12-20-2011 CHANGES: Fixed minor code for WMP and TCPMP skins, minor graphics fixes on main skin)
Previews Below:

