messaging crashed! suddenly cannot be activated! - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

my diamond's messaging suddenly cannot be activated! not function even after soft-reset! can anyone help! pls!

Be more specific please!
This is like needle-haystack story ...


SMS Issues

Hi everyone,
Has anyone else been getting issues with the SMS applications like Handcent and ChompSMS?
My Main problem is that ive tried both of them (currently on ChompSMS now) and everytime i reboot my fone, they send messages to whoever I was texting before the reboot. I Have no Idea how to fix this. help please?

[Q] Not receiving several SMS on ChompSMS

I am using ChompSMS application.. I text my friends a lot.. I chat through texting.. On default application I was getting all the sms.. But on ChompSMS, some text messages are getting delivered on friend's cellphone but they are not getting received on my Galaxy S (running on Eclair 2.1)
Is their any problem in ChompSMS? Anyone facing the same issue?
I've been having this issue too on my EVO. I uninstalled Chomp SMS today and made a post on fb for all my friends to text me with times and comment if I don't respond, and I seem to be getting all their texts now. It sucks cuz I loved that app
I believe it's a common ChompSMS issue.
I personally just use the stock Messaging app and I've yet to have any problems or complaints with it.
Hello guys..
Finally I found out the bug..
This is not ChompSMS issue.. I had one Auto Task killer installed in my galaxy S.. I created a autokill list.. I added Messaging application inside that..
Whenever the message was coming, Task Killer used to kill all the task present in autokill list.. So does the messaging application.
One thing, ChompSMS use the Messaging process as a backbone so killing it resulted "FAIL OF RECEPTION OF MESSAGES"
I just removed messaging application from autokill list.. and blah.. everything started workin..
If you guys have this problem, then please look for auto task killer you are using.. Make sure you don't auto kill messaging process.
Hello! Tel st15i ask. I ask. Royalty Free Stock 4.0.2.A.0.42 does not turn off sms, sms reading comes ChompSMS go out blocking the bodies hanging on the lock screen unread sms, until you come to the stock SMS is not removed from the screen. Maybe someone knows the solution?

[Q] deepshinning facebook problem?

I have installed deepshinning room on my HTC HD7 but apparently facebook is not working well. first problem is check in location option is not available. I dont receive facebook messages very often. even I receive sometimes, they appear very late as a push notification. I am not talking about facebook app. Is there anyone else having that problem and found any solution?

[Q] Text messages regularly disappear

Hi guys,
So ever since I got my Xperia Z, pretty much everyday at least once, all my text messages will not appear in the messaging app (including third party messaging apps). If I turn my phone off and on again they will appear and I can carry on messaging. I thought maybe an update would cure the issue however it is happening more often than before and I get the display "Tap to write a message" (or something) within the main screen for messaging, as if the phone has lost the messages.
Is this an issue that someone else has come across?

[Q] [HELP] Contacts App Not Working Properly, With Tablet UI

Hello all, I am new to all this rooted stuff, I have been trying to get my contacts app to look like a tablet UI, I got it looking like it but some of the tabs don't work, like "Favourites" and "Groups" I get "Unfortunately contacts has stopped working" everytime I press them can someone help me fix this please, thanks.

