How to re-enable Text Messages?? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Hey guys,
my bad lemme clarify the situation:
I just got my tilt two days ago. I did a hard and soft reset to remove all the at&T bloatware. I installed textr for threaded text messaging, when i couldnt receive or send any messages I got frustrated and uninstalled it. I then installed VitoTechnologies's SMS Chat. Now I can send text messages out, but Im still having trouble receiving them. Also, before I did a hard & soft reset I was able to receive text messages in the default HTC messaging program. I also installed Kaiser Tweak and was playing around with it. If anyone has any insite into what I should do. Should I perhaps go to the at&t store and ask someone? im at a loss cuz im payin for unlimited text messages but I cant receive any, only send them out. ppl tell me they get my text messages, and when they send me texts i dont receive them now....HELP!
Thanks in advance,

i think it may have something to do with comm manager?? again im a total newbie to this please help me connect the dots.

Disabled in the sense, can you get into inbox atleast? You need to specify us more details like what exactly you get or where you get stuck actually, or what happens when you try sending a message.

i dunno wut was happening cuz i could receive non-verizon texts, but verizon texts didnt come thru. I think it was cuz i installed a cracked version of textr.. i just uninstalled it and installed sms threader and i can receive everything now. does anyone know a better texting program that implements threads and ez use of smileys?

my bad lemme clarify the situation:
I just got my tilt two days ago. I did a hard and soft reset to remove all the at&T bloatware. I installed textr for threaded text messaging, when i couldnt receive or send any messages I got frustrated and uninstalled it. I then installed VitoTechnologies's SMS Chat. Now I can send text messages out, but Im still having trouble receiving them. Also, before I did a hard & soft reset I was able to receive text messages in the default HTC messaging program. I also installed Kaiser Tweak and was playing around with it. If anyone has any insite into what I should do. Should I perhaps go to the at&t store and ask someone? im at a loss cuz im payin for unlimited text messages but I cant receive any, only send them out. ppl tell me they get my text messages, and when they send me texts i dont receive them now....HELP!

Urgent help needed!! should i just do another hard reset, followed by a soft reset and just reinstall the apps and settings? I'm not trynna void my warranty by flashing my rom.

If you can't wait for someone to come with an idea, then yes, hard-reset is the way to go. And don't install bogus SMS handling programs next time


How can i auto queue text msgs to resend when i have a signal?

can someone answer the above? At present, when u write a text message and are with no signal it simply puts the text message in ur draft folder which i find useless. I know nokia, has a 'resend' option or something. Anyone know of anything for the kaiser?
That would be a nice feature, i've come stuck a couple times like that (on a flight and out of coverage) and had to save them as drafts then click on send later when back in service.
I send a lot of texts to large groups and also find they stick in the outbox sometimes never moving, if i try and click them they send repeatedly sometimes people get 5 or 6 messages. Both these issues were a problem for previous versions you would have thought they had sorted it by now.
You could try using the 02 SMS Plus lets you set a schedule as well as lets u send group sms's. It comes bundled with all 02 phones and should work on Wm5 and Wm6. Try searching the forum for a Cab file of the application

Text message won't disappear

I'm hoping someone can help me out here, but I sent a lot of text messages trying to win tickets to a concert. I've since delted all the text messages, but it still shows there's one in the inbox. I cleared out all the text messages and email. I reset the phone three times now and even took the battery out, but it still says there's one message in there. It's not a big deal, but i'd hate to have hard reset the phone just to get that off there. Any suggestions or comments are welcomed
Same problem for me since 2 weeks !!! didn't figure out how to fix it !!!! except a hard reset.. which is something i don't want to do..
if someone has an answer... welcome !!!
Ive found the answer!!!
Ive found a fix if you guys haven't already and it doesn't involve a hard reset.
I'm having this same problem, could you please post the fix?
This is just an FYI to anyone else having this problem. I tried quite a few different things and none of them worked. I got the FixUnreadCount.exe from Raven, and that didn't solve the problem. I went into the registry and tried a few different things, including the changing the SMS and MMS counts to 0. That would work for a little while, but as soon as I would get another text message, the count would go back up for two messages that I couldn't see. I even completely cleared my inbox, but the count still showed two unread messages.
What I ended up having to do was disable threaded messaging (see the FAQs for how to do this) in order to see the two messages that were there. They didn't show up in threaded messaging, but when I went back to a regular inbox with all of my messages pooled together, I was able to see two text messages with no sender (not sure how that happens). I deleted them from there, cleared them from the "Deleted" folder, and then re-enabled threaded messaging. At that point, the count was back to normal.
thanks a lot!
it works...!

OK what the heck... SMS only sending short messages... used to break them up?

Hello all,
I have searched and found the fix to raise the limit to send MMS, but I don't think that is my issue. Here is what my phone is doing...
When I send a SMS txt message all is fine if it is in deed a short message. But it used to send the message in multiple messages (if longer then 160) but now it does not.
Any clue why?
FYI: I am on HyperDragon_IV_IOLITE_WWE_20090204
But my guess is this is a setting or an option, not a ROM issue.

Problems SMS

i have the rom just2clean i unlocked my wing and i use it with AT&T. with that company when you send or receive a text message it shows you a notification on the screen that tells you your actual balance. the problem is that sometimes people send me a text, i get the notification but i dont get the sms. why do that happen?
before i changed the rom i did a pim backup with resco backup, but when i do the recovery procces only the contacts appear, the sms function in the phone stops working. how can i make a backup of the contacts and text messages and change my rom and get them again?
thank you
what everyone is using when mms isnt working is "arcsoft mms composer " find the cab.file and it should be you fix. it think it is in one of these threads.
i was asking for regular texts not mms but thank you anyway

Text Message Issue

Well lets just get to the meat and potatoes.
I just upgraded my phone from a Tilt(Kaiser) to a Fuze(Raphael). As we all know the Fuze comes stock with TF3D, well I always enjoy SPB Mobile 3 so I found a step by step guide to run both applications.
Now I seem to be having text message issues. If I try to read my new text under SPB mobile the new text messages wont be in my inbox, yet under TF3D it shows all my messages.
Another issue is no matter if im under SPB or TF3, my text dont alert. Meaning my text messages come in w/o notifying me, I have to constantly check my inbox to make sure I didnt miss a new text and its annoying.
I tryed searching to see if there is a fix or if this is a common bug but searching using keys words like text message or SMS is useless with so many threads open that have those words.
PS: Even before I installed SPB i having text issues. I even contacted AT&T about it and they ran a test and said everything was fine. They even sent me a text and I received it just fine. So im guessing it might be something in the software.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.
you wont like the soultion ATT gave me but it workd, a hard reset. It was fine for me because i just upgraded to the new rom when i had the problem. Now everything is fine, I couldn't even send any before i did the reset but it worked.

