Making Shift like phone... - Shift Development

Maybe I something missed or not...
I think everyone who use shift want that it become fullphone.
I`m sure that everyone ready to donate 50$ for this function.
but there are just one person who can do it, cmonex?
I call all to join to this who want this functionality we`ll make a foundation and donate money for this deal.
just one and final question to cmonex: will you do it and does it possible?
P.S. maybe someone other be able to do it?

why not,
I donate for SD Card funtionality too, if that works, we can porting Windows Mobile 6.1 to Shift, and maybe - later we can use Display drivers from HTC Touch HD
Maybe then the shift is useful

why not...
yes... count me in too... //_^
And then we could sell it to htc... hehe
Since they are incapable to give us a fully functional device, and they are not software supportive... to let us use it in higher computing speeds like ... not vista?
The vista thing is too much for the shift and you know it...
The shift is supposed to be a solution for the modern man, that has the need for a computer and a phone use simultaneously.
The shift is supposed to be a solution for us and not trouble...
I don't want to be radio waved by two devices every day... my Shift and my w810i ...
Honorably Yours,
I 've made a small search about it's processor expandability.
And the news so far are bad... sort of...
They used a radio board that is not expendable.. at all... the processor socket is μFC-BGA663. A technology that has not been used for anything else... 0,90 nn in a parallelogram design. (not square!) As they use to.
The atoms are in a 0,45 nn technology with the μFC-BGA 478 and μFC-BGA 479 sockets...
I checked intel's site and i found that the information for the A100 and A110 "Steally" processors have only few information. AND THEY ARE NOT ON THE MAIN MENU!
They are allready passed the technology.
Why don't they make something in 0,45 nn for 663? (bigger chip more space... they could fit a quad or trio in there for crying out loud!... they have the tech to do it. They fit all ready dual cores in 478-9).
So forget about them too...
No daughterboard so far made to support another processor either...
So we could hope for a daughterboard ... but in a very small size :/
Anyway's ... if someone made this type of search and wants to share some information... i'm full ears. I'm really interested in upgrading the CPU.
Thank You.

50 US$: ok, but...
I would like to donate 50$ for this project (and I'll probably do that).
But do you really think that having a couple more of **** to "burn" should solve the problem? I mean: we're all beta-testers for new ROM's, and I read many posts of very clever people talking about daughterboards (and I really don't understand a single word of it, sorry ) . I mean: every strenght is just out there: people succeding in installing ubuntu or Xp Tablet, in changeing HDD, others waiting for new RAM to be produced, many cooking ROM's... Not to talk about software and optimization tips&tricks... What else do we need? I think: just some coordination, someone able to say "Ok, guys, we did this and we need to do that: let's try this way". Am I wrong?
So: if some of you needs his time to be paid I totally agree and I will give my contribution (I don't even want to think about any mean of "control" on the job that will be done), but if the only problem is to "beta-test" new solutions, sjust open a new thread, maybe naming it: "Do That On Your Risk"
Of course this is all IMHO

cmonex, where are you?

hehe, you all are right
normaly the best way is, to sell the shift and maybe you lose not to much money if you do that "now". Better to loose now 200-400€, as wait for semiprofessional solutions that comes maybe next half year. I buyed the Advantage X7510 befor i buyed the Shift, (better known as MDA AMEO 16GB) and they was **** too, i loosed as I resell them 400€ ;-) Then I believe in Shift, and this Device is not really better.
Best way is to buy a NET PC that is much cheaper - or if you want professional 8.9" Screen with Touchscreen (as sample) use the Fujitsu Siemens TabletPC Lifebook P1620. That is all much better to use, as an shift..
I´m really angry about HTC, I think, i have buyed most of all HTC´s that was sell in Europe, we have maybe 7000 USers with most Windows Mobile Push Services and most HTC Devices. But the quality is sometimes good, sometimes bad.
And the End of the Song: We have buyed 20000 Client Licences for Blackberry..
Sad, since 2001 I provide HTC Devices (or Operators branded HTC Devices) at the Side our customers and now I think that is the End...
I have try many other Devices from other companys then HTC, but most of them have same or related problems like HTC devices.
But for me is it not longer a problem, i have quit my job as technical responsible for that in our company last week and change to a other company - maybe then I have new Visions
howto deploy a Email Push Service for over 100000 Users
And maybe, it is not a WM Device, Not A Blackberry, maybe it is Nokia ´s Intellisync V9 Services, that works really stable on Nokia´s long powered S60 Phones.
And maybe: Nokia listen to my questions, improvements.
Maybe there is hope ;-)

Well, I think that there are two kinds of problems:
1. Software/ROM: and I just spoke of this a few posts ago.
2. Hardware: as much as you try to push Shift's functionality to the highest level, you'll always have to manage with RAM and processor... And as far as I can see, most of ROM's here published and cooked don't allow much more programs to be installed (I'm currently using Pli's ROM, and I just installed PhatNotes, then almost no more room for other things!!!). And I think that the most we try to get from our Shift, the less space we will have.
Anyway: when we bought Shift we all knew which were its limits, and more or less we accepted them. To me the only important missing SW is a web browser (PIE or Opera ). Not absolute need for GPS, and I can say I could live even without phone-on-shift.
As always IMHO

Hileotech said:
Well, I think that there are two kinds of problems:
1. Software/ROM: and I just spoke of this a few posts ago.
2. Hardware: as much as you try to push Shift's functionality to the highest level, you'll always have to manage with RAM and processor... And as far as I can see, most of ROM's here published and cooked don't allow much more programs to be installed (I'm currently using Pli's ROM, and I just installed PhatNotes, then almost no more room for other things!!!). And I think that the most we try to get from our Shift, the less space we will have.
Anyway: when we bought Shift we all knew which were its limits, and more or less we accepted them. To me the only important missing SW is a web browser (PIE or Opera ). Not absolute need for GPS, and I can say I could live even without phone-on-shift.
As always IMHO
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I have to agree.
I bought the Shift as it was advertised, a UMPC with built in high speed wireless modem!
There is nothing wrong with people experimenting for developement to get more functionality out of it in a purely non-professional way, but as soon as people start demanding ROM's from enthusiasts (and treating them as if they get a warranty!) and complaining that the device is rubbish because it does not do something it was never marketed to do, then you know they have lost the plot.
Also, IMHO too..


What have you learned from your Kaiser?

I am getting my Tilt in the mail on monday, and am wondering what everybody wishes they had known to (or not to) do when they first unboxed it and did the initial boot.
Should I skip the AT&T bloatware, or is it really not that horrible to deal with? Should I play with settings and the tweaks, or should I just not waste my time and flash the thing? Should I do a rain dance before putting the battery in, in hopes it will hold off the red led?
Oh, and I am coming from a wizard that I have flashed no less than a dozen times, and have gone through every UI i can find (legally or not). And am VERY impressed with the latest pointui release, which may or may not find it's way onto the tilt the day I open it.
If your comming from a wizzard then you are bound to find out that your wizzard was faster. the Kaiser is slow in different areas and lacks Video Drivers.
From the Kaiser I've learned what COULD be accomplished with a PPC, and how fast it could be, but it isnt quite there yet...
cbass said:
I am getting my Tilt in the mail on monday, and am wondering what everybody wishes they had known to (or not to) do when they first unboxed it and did the initial boot.
Should I skip the AT&T bloatware, or is it really not that horrible to deal with? Should I play with settings and the tweaks, or should I just not waste my time and flash the thing? Should I do a rain dance before putting the battery in, in hopes it will hold off the red led?
Oh, and I am coming from a wizard that I have flashed no less than a dozen times, and have gone through every UI i can find (legally or not). And am VERY impressed with the latest pointui release, which may or may not find it's way onto the tilt the day I open it.
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1. Expect problems when purchase of an HTC product.
2. Expect that not all features advertised will be 'used' by HTC.
3. Expect HTC denial (gov't style)
4. Expect HTC to turn away mumbling "yea, we got yo money sucka"
5. Expect your complaints to HTC to be met with contempt and insults, along with instructions on how to shop for a device. (remember, you have all the rights of the average citizen of China when purchasing from that nation regardless of your normal custom of shopping in your respective homeland.)
6. Expect HTC to offer advertised feature to be implemented on future product.
7. Expect EOL on HTC product to be 1YR after purchase of 2YR carrier contract.
8. Expect that HTC can get away with what Palm could not.
9. Expect shooting pain in 'bung hole'.
10. if carrier_contract=completed goto 1.
nuff said...
Never buy HTC!
My Tilt still treats me fine..... Yes, drivers would be nice but for everyday use, I couldn't have gone wrong. Waiting to see what the official WM6.1 will hold.
You are gonna have fun!
I personally would leave it alone for 30 days so you can get a base line.
iPhone will be my next phone if the next HTC product isn't better.
your gonna love it
I just got my tilt last week cuz I got drunk and lost my wizzard.
first let me say your going to love the tilt
no more of that A-GPS crap now you've got real gps
also 3G which is so so so much faster
oh and there is this panarma feature that is realy neat
somethings I wish I know and imo are notwqorthy
the keyboard FN keys are totalls different but that's just getting usto
commercial eing from thw wizard I bet your usto scrolling with scroll bars well in the titlt u can grab and scroll tuff to explain but think of it like moveing a physical peicse of paper in front of you up and down
I would kep the att rom for atleast a week cuz u get some nifty applications like mobi tv xm ssatileite radio trail for 3 days each
lastly gogle maps atleast for me sucks gmaps like forgets I have a gps after like 1 or 2 minutes I hate to say it but M$ live is far superior the gps part is acurete and updates very nicely
don't forget to run the quick gps location under tools before using the gps
quick gps downloads where the satellites are in orbit for faster aqusition time
I belive if u don't do this the gps has to search and find em but doing this it knows and just has to connect
my 2 cents on the tilt hope you found this helpful
mikeeey said:
If your comming from a wizzard then you are bound to find out that your wizzard was faster. the Kaiser is slow in different areas and lacks Video Drivers.
From the Kaiser I've learned what COULD be accomplished with a PPC, and how fast it could be, but it isnt quite there yet...
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Pure bollocks.
I've had a Wizard, Hermes, and just got a tilt a week ago.
I can personally say the tilt/kaiser is WAY faster than the Hermes, which was way faster than the Wizard.
Dutty's wm6.1 non-cube rom is great. No hard resets. In fact it hasn't locked up on me once.
What did I learn about my Tilt
I've learned several things about the Tilt in general:
Considering I've come from a MIO P550 GPS/PDA and an ATT Razor v3m, the Kaiser is a suprisingly good compromise between the two.
The GPS is far more accurate (though I have yet to find an affordable and decent map solution) than the P550;
not as good on picking up a usable signal as the V3 (but not bad either).
Battery life is a little better than the MIO P550 PDA.
Screen's smaller but plays video a hell of a lot better than either the V3 or the P550.
Definitely lose the AT&T bloat ware...most of the non subscription stuff you can get to from Media Net anyway. Besides I don't use half of it anyway.
I used SPB Pocket Plus on the PDA, it works just fine here too.
Bluetooth...the bane of the Tilt's existence. Call audio sucks and Voice command doesn't work over the headset (yeah I know there's hacks out there). I'm hoping if and when the official WM 6.1 for ATT comes out this will resolve.
RLOD - So far I've been blessed, but the thing is still under warranty so chances are it'll happen one minute after that warranty expires...(Murphy's law doncha know...)I know where to go to fix that little mess and possible problems.
Overall, I'd say I'm satisfied with the Kaiser/TyTnII/Tilt, it does exactly what I want it to, when I need it to. Like many products I've experienced, it has its quirks, but it also has its charm too. I'm half tempted to flash to Dutty's WM 6.1 for ATT, but I think I'll just wait (for a very long time from what I hear) for the official HTC release.
I <3 my tilt all day long! So yeah, I can type out a whole sentence before the first letter is displayed, that doesn't mean my tilt doesn't <3 me back. Or does it?
On a serious note, I think the tilt is great and yes there could be video drivers, but that was so 2007, I have learned to love it even with its flaws.
GPS owns!
Among the first things I would do:
Find the Bluetooth audio quality and microphone hacks.
Get rid of Cyberon, and get MS Voice Command 1.6.
Find the PTT Button Remap hack, and map MSVC to it.
Find the hack for One-Button activation of MSVC from BT headset.
This has made all the difference for my use in the car, the office, and on the jobsite; I don't have to touch the phone to use it, which is as it should be!
First off: change your rom. much faster, more usable.
what did i learn?
well tilt was my first pda and first phone with a physical keyboard.
i learned:
_xda community is a great place
_3G is not all its cracked up to be. At all.
_physical keyboard is not at all more accurate than my ipod's touch keyboard. No lie.
_if I have wifi, im def gonna be browsing with my ipod touch. faster, better, and much easier.
_i would buy another htc product, but not until they get their sht straight. hopefully soon.
_Dutty is a your friend
_touchscreen is not touchscreen if it doesnt have multitouch (unless you use your stylus, but who has time for that?)
Wish i had know of the driver issue b4 getting and 18 month contract 6 down 12 to go ....
I wish my hermes would have lasted longer..... damn white screen!!
What have you learned from your Kaiser?
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That I need eye surgery to read the damn thing! Seriously, although these (older) eyes are getting worse by the day, I am very happy with mine.
That they don't like being dipped in Castrol Synthetic 10w/40.
What I have Learned:
Tilt NEEDS to be tweeked out from unboxing to become user friendly. (IMO)
Reading on this site (Wiki and ROM threads) helps you tweek your phone how you would like it. Radio's work differently for different people in different areas.
Every ROM is different and can be custom fit to your prefrence by searching or asking questions in the CORRECT thread.
There are many helpful people on this site so watch the way to respond to people and their answers. Always say thanks!!!
You can accomplish anything with this site (I have been on here since Oct. 07' and I have never started a thread!) I just have common sense to know where to post
Have a great day!
p.s. P1 but the Castrol Synthetic 10w/40 helped the keyboard!
What did I learn?
Not to buy a HTC anymore. It promises a lot and delivers less.
Although I am not unhappy with this device it never gave me what I expected after reading several reviews. It is slow, heavy, bad camera, etc.
I had hoped that HTC would be a bit more customer focused.
TyTN II.. Is great!
-Tilting screen :O..
-Video Drivers (o.o?.. ok no no Video drivers).
-400 Mhz!!..
-2 cameras
-Poor performance of principal camera on dark places.
-Fully Customizable : D!
-3G.. (here in mexico that means: "videocalls Dude!!")
-HSDPA (Unlimited data plan and you get Fast Broadband Internet Connection On The Go! .. use it with your laptop )
-A2DP !!
-WiFi..(when you dont have Unlimited data plan !)
-I said Tilting screen already? :O
-MicroSDHC.. (that means 32gb of Memory.. or Multiple memory cards ..)
-Push to Mail
-Voice Commander!! (its funny ear your phone read your sms's!)
-And more more more...
The only thing that it needs is the Prover video Drivers...
And because of that many people is saying things like that
"Not to buy a HTC anymore. It promises a lot and delivers less."
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"my next phone will be an iPhone"
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But yes.. TyTN II is a Very Expensive Phone ...
but has a lot of good things...
also is smaller than another Phones with its characteristics...
so for me its great ..
and yes i Wish they would put in it Video drivers!!!

Should I buy it ?

Hi everyone.
I`m new here, and I am very sorry that I don`t read trough the whole forum, I know that answers to my questions are already posted, but here it goes :
I have the possibility to buy the Diamond tomorrow morning, but I need to give the seller an answer tonight.
I never had a WM device before, the most were Symbian phones from Nokia, and I am a little unsecure.
My needs are wi-fi, large screen, nice design, music&video playback, and fluid e-mail. As I know, the Diamond meets these requirements.
Considering all it has been said and done about this device, would you still buy it ?
Thanks, and sorry again for not reading the forum, but I lack the time until I need to give the answer.
I can only give you this: if you want to buy a touchscreen phone, buy one where you won't need a stylus.. I'm starting to get annoyed with this. But maybe cuz I have played around with the Iphone, which works alot better.
Some people still like the stylus, but I don't anymore..
As for WM goes.. I'm tired of the choppy animations.
GPS software and multimedia playback are nice though.. which are the greatest advantages..
It is absolutely necessary to use the stylus ? Isn`t the finger enough ?
I'd say, that u should go for it, if you don't mind the weak battery.
On the other hand there will be the HTC Touch HD coming shortly, so you might want to wait for that one. (To get that one or to get the Diamond cheaper).
Allthough I really don't like the weak battery and it's also quite some work to adapt the diamond to your needs, I still wouldn't like to exchange it against anything else available so far.
You can use your finger with the TouchFlo interface, but the rest not so much. Also typing is not that great. If you use the keyboard, u will have to use stylus. If you use the more finger friendly keyboard, you won't see half of the screen. I just gets irritating after a while. But beside that it is a nice phone (ok, they could do ALOT better with the battery). Good camera, good GPS, good sound when calling. It's complete..
Edit: I just remembered, like when ur going through ur contacts, it is very hard to flip or scroll. I think that's just WM, because Resco File Explorer works nice..
Thank you for your answers.
So for usual tasks ( looking for contacts, making calls, ) the finger is enough, right ? Texting and other stuff, with stylus.
Also, are there apps for reading e-books ? Like mobipocket on symbian ?
Does the phone freeze sometimes ? Or acts erratically ?
Considering that I actually like to "play" with and tweak devices, maybe I will give it a try.
If anyone wants to give other advices, please feel free.
Lots of tweaks and playing around with it.. Especially thanks to these forums! It is possible to use ur finger for usual tasks, so go for it.. texting is possible with finger, but because of the screensize and the big size of the keyboard, it is much better to use a smaller keyboard and use stylus..
monty99 said:
Hi everyone.
I`m new here, and I am very sorry that I don`t read trough the whole forum, I know that answers to my questions are already posted, but here it goes :
I have the possibility to buy the Diamond tomorrow morning, but I need to give the seller an answer tonight.
I never had a WM device before, the most were Symbian phones from Nokia, and I am a little unsecure.
My needs are wi-fi, large screen, nice design, music&video playback, and fluid e-mail. As I know, the Diamond meets these requirements.
Considering all it has been said and done about this device, would you still buy it ?
Thanks, and sorry again for not reading the forum, but I lack the time until I need to give the answer.
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come and think of it
1-weak battery life
2-using GPS the battrey only last 2 to 2:30 hour and the device goes hot
3-using wifi also the device goes hot
so you can say the weak point on diamond is the battery and need radio upgrade
im saying you a nokia fan im shore you now how to use Symbian phones SO
how about baying n96 or N95 8GB it has everything you want
1-big screen
3-16 GB internal memory and micro SD slot
4-a lot of game and apps
5-and of cours your favorites OS
so the best choice for you is n96
hope i help you out
im a Windows moblie os fan
and sorry for my english
As I live in the UK the concept of actually buying a mobile phone is quite alien to me as you can get pretty much any phone for free with any monthy contract above £20 per month!! I certainly wouldn't pay the prices that the TD is sold for £400+.
Having said that, smartphones are far more flexible and usable than the 'dumb' phones from the likes of se, Nokia, Motorla etc. From my experience Symbian and WM are both showing their age and are a little unstable but WM easily beats Symbian and with the TD Touchflo 3D interface it looks good too.
The only real problems with the TD are the camera (good resolution but very poor in low light conditions) and the battery life (great for low usage but will drain really quick if used for music, web etc.
The phone is far smaller than a N95/N96 and the majority of other smartphones so when you consider this the battery life is actually not bad.
If you do get the TD make sure you upgrade the ROM. Lots of XDA members will recommend using a cooked (custom) ROM, but for a beginner using the official 1.93 version will result in a fantastic user experience and you can always use a cooked ROM when you become more experienced.
Forgot to mention that ROM 1.93 also resolves the issue of excessive heat coming from the battery compartment.
I`m not really a Nokia or Symbian fan, but those are the ones I had in the last couple of years As long as it works ok, I don`t really care if it`s WM, Symbian, or something else.
The N95 or the N96 are not in my taste, as far as design goes.
Yes levellerbob, in a lot of countries, there is a very nice policy regarding cost of cell phones on contract from operators, but as I`m not that lucky, I need to know a lot of things before I pay Still, thanks for all the advices.
If I decide on the Diamond, I`ll be on this forum all day everyday
monty99 said:
I`m not really a Nokia or Symbian fan, but those are the ones I had in the last couple of years As long as it works ok, I don`t really care if it`s WM, Symbian, or something else.
The N95 or the N96 are not in my taste, as far as design goes.
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if that so go for the diamond
ah and dont forget to see the diamond pro maybe you will like it

Android on X1

hey, i know theres a way to put it on the kaiser already. any way on putting it on the x1?
Would be cool.
I want to install OS X too!
That would be pretty cool to see if it could be done
Im also interested in android for the x1, but just not yet. Dont really think its mature enough yet ( the OS )
at the current point of time i dont see a reason to use android either...
software for that plattform is still very very limited compared to WinMo
Turboguard said:
I want to install OS X too!
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yeah, I want to install OS2 warp!
seriously... it's a brand new device, don't start to bother with impossible requests
toxical said:
at the current point of time i dont see a reason to use android either...
software for that plattform is still very very limited compared to WinMo
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Learn some Java, write your own games and programs, and change the OS however you like. Maybe that's a reason?
I must say after playing with a G1 for a couple weeks now, getting gmail/contacts/calendar sync straight out of the box is really quite nice, and the interface is a real breath of fresh air for high-end devices.
However Android is still missing some key features (that I personally need) -- and not just whimsical "Hello world!" apps -- so like most other people I'll be waiting a few more software revisions/releases before I jump ship. But I am looking forward to it!
Black93300ZX said:
Learn some Java, write your own games and programs, and change the OS however you like. Maybe that's a reason?
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yeah, like i have unlimited free time My phone has to work and offer good features/software..i am sure android will be great, its just not there yet.
guap said:
yeah, I want to install OS2 warp!
seriously... it's a brand new device, don't start to bother with impossible requests
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i dont see why its an impossible request... its been done to two htc phones already just waiting on a port to the x1..
Sony Ericsson Indonesia said:
i dont see why its an impossible request... its been done to two htc phones already just waiting on a port to the x1..
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Well I think it's technically impossible until some developers get their hands on a X1 (or two), and right now I don't think any of them have any. No doubt a call for donations will be due for such a tall order.
How do you install Iphone OS on the xperia. It will be so cool. The xperia is way too slow and rough compared to the iphone 3g. Its like comparing a bus with a Ferrari. The Ferrari being the iphone.
greatestkelvin said:
How do you install Iphone OS on the xperia. It will be so cool. The xperia is way too slow and rough compared to the iphone 3g. Its like comparing a bus with a Ferrari. The Ferrari being the iphone.
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Hope for your sake you're just kidding
Also, you can carry a lot of useful things on a bus. With a Ferrari, it's just you and maybe one passenger.
You can already install a gimped version of Android on most WM fact it was possible several months ago. Someone pieced together a beta build using the Android-SDK. You install it in windows mobile and then choose to run it over WM. It isn't worth it though...not until someone takes the source and codes something specific to the X1 and even then it probably won't be great since the X1 can't do Multi-Touch like the OS is supposedly intended for either.
Just like others have said, the OS is still in rough shape. It would need quite a bit of work to get it going properly on an X1 and even then you would be limited.. However given a recent "leak" of info from MS it seem we should be expecting a WM6.5 upgrade in the comming months before WM7's launch that will give a better experience to users with touch screen phones. This likely means a better looking layout that is easier to navigate by finger.
I'm waiting for my X1. Then I'm gonna try to get Android 2 work.
mlinz said:
It isn't worth it though...not until someone takes the source and codes something specific to the X1 and even then it probably won't be great since the X1 can't do Multi-Touch like the OS is supposedly intended for either.
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Wouldn't "multi-touch" be an OS feature and not a hardware one?
xmoo said:
I'm waiting for my X1. Then I'm gonna try to get Android 2 work.
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Whoo!! i bow down to you hope ur x1 comes soon.. i bought mine to mess around with...
well this is a cool thing, but just for playing around, you cant work on a day to day base with that yet i bet.
Are there even drivers for the SD Card, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera and all that stuff done yet for other HTC phones running Android? Without all of that working its quite useless, on the other hand its important that some people get into it but as a enduser i wouldnt put any hopes in that.
well from what i understand the way you put android on htc devices it runs ontop of winmo so you can play around with it and when ur bored or whatever you can just switch back to windows mobile instead of android.. isnt a bad thing to try out imho..
right now im semi bored and trying out the polaris/kaiser/vouge files... the polaris one doesnt work.. gonna try others..
Both actually. The OS has to have support for it, but the screen needs to be able to register more than 1 simultaneous touch. You could technically use a few different types of screens for Multi-Touch, but most used today (Resistive) aren't that great and won't work as well when processing multiple inputs. The iphone, G1 use Capacitive touch screen thats offer a high level clarity and make recognition for a multi-touch enviroment a lot better.
The basic differenence recognition. Resistive, such as that used in most HTC devices (including the X1) has 2 layers with a gap inbetween and works off pressure. When you press on the screen, the "gap" shortends and the screen below pinpoints the pressed area from that, which isn't that great if you touch multiple locations the ability for the lower screen to recognize the location of the press will diminish because not only does the gap shorten there, but it also shorten in the distance between the to points. Other ways are to use tons of little cameras around screen, like the MS Surface, but that isn't that great either, specifically on a smaller screen size.

A few days with my HD7

Just a mini review of my HD7 after 4 days use. Coming from an HD2 (with 6.5.5 & Android) and having had mobiles since the classic was the only phone on Cellnet you could get I've used most!
However the HD7 being a first version has it's issues. A couple I have noticed are just stupid - others annoying.
I won't go over how it looks or the tiles or anything like that; this is just my experience of the device as a "phone".
Call quality seems ok - but the moment you get a border line signal you're stuffed. Incoming call audio is fine they just cannot hear you at all. Nothing Nada! You need to get a bar on the signal meter or you've no hope of being heard. My 5800 & HD2 both hang on to a cell signal much longer than the HD7 does.
Phone book is nice however it has a trend to dial the last person called rather than the entry you want - especially if you've gone from call history to the phone book - I don't know how many times I phoned my mum recently (but I am sorry for being a phone pest!!). Again this seems to be a version 1 issues.
But my biggest two grips are that how do you save an email attachment? We've all got things on our phones we want to transfer - Nokia do a lovely app to BT all your old goodies to your new phone - please other phone people take note!
So emailed myself the file(s) I needed - they appear in the email - but no way to save them - I can open the media - just not save it! Great. No "right" finger or "hold" finger menu in email application.
OK then - lets BT the files over ... turn BT on - let's pair with the HD2 and get some files from it. Nope cannot pair with the HD2 in Android or WM6 - says "paired" but unable to connect. Fine. Let's try another way with BT push - nope - paired cannot connect... Bleeeeewwwhhh.
So there does not seem to be anyway to get something from someone on the move sent to your phone. Cannot save attachments and cannot pair with other phones to BT files. Maybe a v1 issue again?
Not too sure on the HD7 at the moment - the wow is nice and yes the interface seems to be working as expected. However loose a data connection and you cannot open the people hub until you restart the device for some odd reason after loading Facebook contacts, and worst still "Lists" no longer works and gives a message about a DLL missing. Great, cannot find a way to un-install it or re-install it. The only menu option is "share" which does not help much really.
I am going to see if there is anything on line about the issues it seems to have. But so far - yes good phone - but WP7 needs some work. Maybe a quick update is needed here Microsoft? HTC seem to have done well getting the units out - not sure if anyone else is seeing similar?
Oh and I would really like a some menus to give some more control over the phone! You criticise WM6.5 for not being very finger friendly - but at least you have some options to change! Where are they hidden in 7 LOL!
So far hardware 10/10 but OS? 2 maybe 3 /10.
Oh and HTC you're being bloody cheap not sending out your top of the range phone with out a sleeve to keep it in, the HD2 has a lovely sleeve and that has saved it many a time - the HD7 I had to spend another £15.00 ($20) on a bumper to keep it safe as no one has the sleeves yet!
So far my HD2 is with me the HD7 is at home - not sure yet if I can rely on it 24/7 as my primary phone.
I would not go as far as to say it is poor - WP7 that is - but I am for one not impressed considering that people must have tried at least once to BT each other something?
You are missing the point of this phone. While I agree on some of your good points (but few) this is supposed to be the Zune phone , the equivalent of the iPhone, basically an eye-candy multimedia-device which should also do basic comunication in a fast and easy way. I also came a long way over the years playing with Symbian & WM 5-6.5 and I loved all the tweeking and extra customization you had BUT to be honest I got bored with it.
As years passed I saw mobile phones becoming the substituent of the PC but also a substiuent of its problems.Just look at the past 2-3 years. Now we have discussions about freckin RAM and GHz when the whole point of the phone was JUST to run smooth and work fine ,not to mention the fact that battery development has been left with the same batteries from 2006 or so.
Basically it just got stucked.I was freckin tired of walking in a mobile shop and seing a bunch of touchscreen with a zillion icons as wallpaper.
Where was the excitement of actually buying a phone for having something new?
That was the main reason since I never bought a touchscreen phone and I have sticked with my (g)old E71 for the time being.
Android is IMO a laggy joke. Yes , it's still lagy and that is why I didn't buy a high-end smartphone untill now , the HD7.
I don't want to pay 400 euros for a laggy interface.
It's been 3 years already since the iPhone and it has still been the fastest OS with no lag until WP7.
Why my view may be a little off-topic I think this was the main idea of the WP7.Getting ridd of those "Really?!" moments.
I want a phone in 2010 which runs fast,smoooth and adds the basic customization(it's where WP7 currently lacks but it's not terrible).
For I-can't-find-my-sfnag.dll-complaiment people should buy/use their laptops
I hope WP7 rises as remembers this "high-end competition" what the purpose of a (multimedia) phone really is
I think yly3 has a point - one of the main features of WM7 (for better or worse) was the increased reliance on cloud storage. Maybe this was why most of the phones we're seeing are only 8Gb.
I think anyone coming from WM6.5 expecting WP7 to be an incremental upgrade, including existing functionality is likely to be disappointed.
What I foresee is mainly 3rd party apps making use of an opened up Bluetooth stack to gain access to your skydrive as if it were local storage. Similarly, having the option to save email attachments to your skydrive would be neat (I believe .docs can be saved)
For me, this is either genius, or a disaster - if you're away from a signal, your files are inaccessible, which is frustrating. That said, I'm rarely away from a signal these days, so maybe it's a non-issue.
Time will tell.
I have been using my HD7 for 2 weeks now, I love it and hate it at the same time. I love it for its smooth, flawless and simple user interface, but hate cause its just too simple... I know and expected that this was a locked up phone before I bought it but.. even some basic functions that I was used to doing on my HD2 was missing. Functions like sending files thru BT from my phone to any BT device. Even some basic configuration like adjusting the volume of the ringer is not clear on configuration page. its just a toggle on/off and not to mention that i can't use custom ringtones? I loved using custom mp3 for ringtones.. cause in a crowded place.. I would now that my phone was the one ringing. And just like steve said...the phone didn't come with a nice leather pouch to keep it safe, for a pricy phone like this. I just wish they would improve wp7 much sooner so I could enjoy using this phone more and get my money's worth.
The first update is due early 2011, so don't get your hopes up for ANY updates untill then. Rumours are that Copy/paste, BT, & Camera are all big factors in the first update.
I can't really complain after a solid 3 weeks of owning the phone. Yes there are a few niggles, but it's MUCH better than Iphones OS v1 was. So looking good imo.
Also all the comments i've seen on this thread appear to be on WP7, not the HD7 itself. Slightly confusing by the Thread title.
well thats good news i don't mind the wait.. but i hope they do fix it with the update... but those are for WP7. the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones will take time here before i could buy a protective sleeve or rubber whatever. i just hope i don't drop or scratch it with my coins and keys in my pocket. also the camera button is hard to press... wish there was configuration where i could use the touch sensitive keys to take a picture. and speaking of wich.. the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
clarkdevlin said:
the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones ...
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I've always been of the opinion that if a phone needs a case, it's a badly designed phone.
clarkdevlin said:
the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
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My first purchase was Need for Speed, and the number of times I've been about to complete a circut, only to nudge the 'serach' button, which kicks me out of the race and I need to start again, is a real pain in the 'a**'.
It would be great if this button could be disabled while gaming, it's just too sensative and close to where you need to hold the phone....
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
I see what you mean but again this was named Windows Phone 7 , not Windows Mobile 7 and Microsoft stated many times it's something new , build completely from zero.
The main problem of WP7 would be, as you pointed, the lack of choice. Honestly, I don't know how many really use copy-paste. I don't know if I barely used it 4-5 times the last couple of years but that's just me not the whole world. And I am very surprised people still use MMS.
This is also a strategy to have your product upgraded and keep interest in it just like Apple has done it in the last years.
Maybe I am over-excited for finally having something new and fresh offered and according to the constant praise and support of Steve Ballmer this platform will get more updates than we have seen on any other mobile OS so far (it is Microsoft after all) thus having the first update 2 months after the release date.
So, basically I won't go further and maybe I don't have a strong argument against what you said but what I tend to see in nowadays reviews is that most of the people don't seem to get the whole picture and analyze a new phone only by checking their personal list of must-have features (again , agreeing that most of them really are a must).
Steve_Walker said:
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
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There are definitely things that are missing, no question, but I think they've got it right for a first release. If they waited to get everything done then we'd never see the OS. It's completely different to Android, and indeed WM6.5 I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that WM6.5 will be continued alongside WP7. I like the fact that it's all simple to use (and I'm a tech head). Sure it can occasionally be irritating where I want to get into the bluetooth settings for example to configure it more closely, but ultimately I can completely understand why they've done it. All you have to do is go in and turn it on, then choose a device to pair with. It involves very few steps which was exactly the spec for this OS.
I'm sure that in time there will be options to configure things more closely, but they will be hidden away so that you have to consciously choose to go into the advanced settings. Android was real fun for a while, something different, but I actually think that it's far too techy. After a while I got bored of everything being a bit clunky and hidden behind too many menus etc... To use everyday, it's just not that usable, not when you compare it to something like WP7.
I'm really looking forward to writing some apps for WP7 as I think it provides a different challenge - to make your app consistent with the UI and make it as user-friendly as possible. I think the possibilities are massive with WP7, and as long as MS really commits to it, rolls out regular updates to keep on improving the UI - crucially without breaking what it already does - then it could be a huge hit.
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
kromosto said:
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
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1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
jz9833 said:
1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
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1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
kromosto said:
3) That is about hardware not wp7
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iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
Sultan1993 said:
iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
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i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
kromosto said:
1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
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You might not care about Zune Pass but for anyone who wanted an mp3 player / phone this is the biggest selling factor. In fact I'd say zune integration is the best thing WP7 has going for it right now.
I am not really defending it that much also. Look my profile and see the last thread I made. I clearly pointed several huge glaring flaws in WP7. In that same thread I said more than 4 good things about it also. Before calling someone out, look at their previous posts; especially when trying to call out their position on things .
Here is a link:
WP7 is missing features 6.5 had but that was a matured and dying (dead now) OS, this is a completely new start. I am not over critical of it becasue i knew going in it was a first iteration OS. And for a first iteration OS it is far better than what iOS and android were. It actually does some things far better than them right now too. It has flaws, but ignoring strength and focusing only on flaws is wrong in my opinion.
I am also confused about your position on the speed of WP7. First you say its the hardware, which android and the iphone 4 have better hardware, and then you say its the OS and that backs up the statement i originally made. The OS is optimized to be faster than both iOS and android. That is a HUGE plus for WP7. It's doing more with less, don't over look that.
Again let me repeat my statement, it does have limitations but everything it does, it does the best. More features will be added with updates.
kromosto said:
i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
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(10 char)
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
kromosto said:
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
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Because 6.5 and 7 are built on completely different platforms. You can not just pull features from 6.5 and put them in 7 because the programming language is different.
6.5 was good for its time, but do you know the main reason why I hear why people do not want to buy WP7 phones? All the headaches they got from 6.5 devices...
WM left a bad taste in ALOT of peoples mouths and that is still showing in WP7. Yes 6.5 might of been good for some but for most it was complete and utter crap.
Will alot of these features eventually be built into WP7 if enough people want them? I think so, but they will be built and coded to meet WP7's standards.

Has anyone TRIED to launch WP7 on TP2?

I know you guys have talked about this already, but has anyone tried to load it? Maybe a derivitive of the HD2 rom for WP7? I bet anything that it would work, it would just be a little slower.....please give some feedback for this thread
i agree the tp2 deserves a try they said we couldn't overclock now look @ us
P.S also make a CDMA version for us sprint people
I'm sure someone could get it running. Nothing is impossible.
doublen1 said:
I'm sure someone could get it running. Nothing is impossible.
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+1 to that.
The problem is the processor architecture...
WP7 on TP2
I bet that it wouldn't matter, they say the requirements are what they are, but they can operate on lower specs, just won't operate at optimum efficiency. If the HD2 and WP7 Phones are at 1ghz, its not bad that we are at 748mhz+. I bet it will work!!! I know technical aspects, but it sucks I don't know how to actually do any of it!!!! Maybe someone should come up with a bounty
RedWolf023 said:
I bet that it wouldn't matter, they say the requirements are what they are, but they can operate on lower specs, just won't operate at optimum efficiency. If the HD2 and WP7 Phones are at 1ghz, its not bad that we are at 748mhz+. I bet it will work!!! I know technical aspects, but it sucks I don't know how to actually do any of it!!!! Maybe someone should come up with a bounty
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Whatever, TP2 runs a Qualcomm processor ARMv6, while Snapdragon is ARMv7.
WP7 requires ARMv7.
It's not as easy as you think, guys.
can we get it
maybe lescro could chime in
No, we can NOT get WP7 ever. It's just not possible. As Jackos said, WP7 is built on ARMv7. The TP2 has an ARMv6 chipset. The ARMv6 CPU just can't execute the code in WP7. It has nothing to due with the speed of the CPU. Just like how certain Adobe software doesn't work on old AMD/Intel CPU's because they're missing the SSE2 instruction set.
EDIT: This has been stated by Da_G many times & trust me, he knows what he's talking about. Follow Da_G on Twitter.
Mod, please close this thread.
It is possible but very difficult to do. Some has to make it ARMv6 able.
WP7 on TP2
Like others said, it was impossible to OC our TP2's, and now look!!! You're right, the WP7 on an ARMv6 core would be difficult to do, but someone can do it! It's kind depressing that everyone keeps saying "never" will we have it on the TP2. If you can create a theme from throttlelauncher that does just about everything that the WP7 itself can do, I would wager that you could modify the WP7 rom to execute off of the ARMv6 core....problem is nobody wants to spend the time to do so for free, so we should come up with a bounty.
Actually when these devs tell you that the code can not run they aren't explaining (rightfully because it might fall on deaf ears) that windows ce is closed source so changing anything would require a large amount of work if the kernel can be changed at all. Its not like the linux kernel where we can go in and change things in the source code then compile. WP7 is what it is its like saying that windows 7 can run on an arm processor yeah it probably could but you would have to change the kernel which i believe only microsoft has the ability to do. Just tough it out like the rest of us until your upgrade date. Please no more WP7 on TP2 threads
is this really a question? FIRST of all, it is impossible. Second of all, there are various themes that would be more stable than any wm7 port if there was ever a dev who had some magical touch. yeah, we can overclock. but who here can safely oc to 1g? closest i get is 768. and that gets touchy.
believe me, theres no way/reason to do this. just buy a new phone
WP7 on TP2
My only problem, which is quite a personal problem, is that I am not allowed to have a camera on my phone where I this blows because they will not make any more cameraless phones. So anything to make my TP2 any better, I'm all game. Besides, I absolutely HATE on screen keyboards, no matter how accurate they are. Again, just a personal problem.
You're job will end up changing that rule. They have too, because cameraless cell are sadly a thing of the past. I don't know a single person who doesn't have a camera on their cell. As for the hardware KB, check out the HTC 7 Pro. It's a 1Ghz Snapdragon WP7 version of the TP2.
Somethings are impossible.... Overclocking is one thing but executing code compiled for a different CPU is NOT the same thing!
As others have pointed out, it's ARM v6 vs V7 and it's not a code issue - its a microcode issue - the v6 does not have the same instruction set so the code cannot execute.
Short of M$ recompiling the code (not very likely), releasing the source (even less likely) or writing a V6 interpreting shell (can you say SLOW) it ain't going to happen.
Deal with it and wait till your contract is over and get a new phone when you can
drkfngthdragnlrd said:
You're job will end up changing that rule. They have too, because cameraless cell are sadly a thing of the past. I don't know a single person who doesn't have a camera on their cell. As for the hardware KB, check out the HTC 7 Pro. It's a 1Ghz Snapdragon WP7 version of the TP2.
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No, I am 100% Certain my work will not change that rule. They will prohibit cell phones altogether before allowing a camera. But I will check out the HTC 7 pro
if you go to wp7 forum theres alot of problems with that phone any phone
but there are alot of themes for our phone
like lesscrco wp7
BTW. Why would anyone need WP7 on TP2? Imho it's good enough with WM6.5.
WP7 would only decrease the functionality and cause problems like battery life or performance.
Emulation is possible, ask the people who wrote BOCHS or Pear PC.
However, it's absolutely not practical to go down this route. It would require an amazing amount of work for what would be a very slow WP7 device with no battery life.
The time and money spent on a project like this would be better put to improving WM6 or Android.
1milenia said:
if you go to wp7 forum theres alot of problems with that phone any phone
but there are alot of themes for our phone
like lesscrco wp7
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I bought my wife the Samsung Focus and we have absolutely no problems with it. WP7 is perfect just left stock. WP7 is probably the best PPC OS out there now.

