Few questions before Im buying a diamond - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

I realy dont know if this is the right forum to ask those questions
but I would appriciate if someone will help me
1) I couldnt understand how the contacts works. I realize there is
a special favorites section wich looks amzing. but what about
all the other contacts? Do you go back to the old and ugly WM screen?
and if so, is it finger friendly or you have to use the stylus? and if so,
are there any programs I can install so it will be finger friendly?
same for calendar sms and mails?
2) Is it realy that slow as the critics says??
thank you all and Im sorry for my bad English

My personal experience is great. Here's my thoughts regarding your questions:
1 - Yes, when you click on a contact, it does use the windows mobile contact screen..but I find it completely usable. Very finger friendly.
2 - Slow? Mine isn't slow at all, unless I have a ton of programs open. Whoever says its slow must not have ever used a Windows Mobile phone before. I haven't seen a Touch HD or Pro yet, but I believe this is the best WinMo phone currently. As far as the Diamond vs iphone vs android..they all have strengths and weaknesses.
I love my Diamond, and would recommend it to anyone. Although I would also recommend the touch HD and pro also (for people who either need a bigger device or a keyboard). For me, I wanted the Diamond for it's size, but the HD looks nice!

thank you for your answer
HD is far to big for me, altough it is amazing
Pro is far to thick for me, and i dont need the keyboard.
is there any porgram that makes a better interface to the
calendar and the contacts list? iPhone's interface much better then
the diamond's.
i am sure i have seen a program called iCotact or something like it

i'd suggest u wait for the g1.....it has a larger capacitive touchscreen, digital compass, etc.... and I'm sure someone would port WM on to G1 incase if you are worried about android being short of 3rd party apps.

thank you for your answer
but it is not answering my questions.
im preety locked about the diamond.
i do consider the iPhone insted - but it is to big.
I couldnt find cool games and apps for the diamond like there
are for the iPhone. WM programs are less designed.

okay , how about if you could have an iphone that runs on both WM & MAC ?
check this out
personally i'd suggest(again) you wait for the G1 , the android UI is almost as slick & soft as iphone's.

Try Funcontacts
Had it on my Artemis but don't 'need' it on the Diamond
I'd also recommend that you buy a second battery though as the battery life stinks on this phone. Good phone BUT ....

don't waste your money on an htc product until they stop using qualcomm chips

i would say contacts are really finger friendly, of course you could always just hit send and start typing the name/phone number and winmo will auto search it. keep in mind as well ANYTHING in winmo is customizable so of course you could get iphone like contacts (just google a theme).
battery is crap- but you can get extended batteries (including an official one) or just keep a car charger/spare around . phone itself varies in speed depending on the software, the original release software that the phone came with when it was reviewed by everyone was PAINFULLY slow. later updates (especially the 1.83 WWE roms) are MUCH better, and of course cooked roms might improve battery a bit.
its hard not to love the phone, its one of the best looking out there, REALLY nice feel/form factor and just packed with EVERYTHING. Best Phone thus far In my opinion
personally the way i look at it is
- You buy an iPhone if you like apple and have a mac computer/ you don't know any better/ your going to buy an ipod anyway
- You buy a Blackberry because its linux- it will never die/crash but it doesn't look good and its not meant for media (exception being the Bold)
- You buy windows mobile because its windows, it has its flaws,shortcomings and glitches, but it does ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING and its customizable


Thinking About Getting An Iphone

call me stupid or something a lot worse but i really fancy getting an iphone but i dont know how good they really are. what software or cooking can be done? i have today just played with one and it feels and works nice. i think i will not get rid of my keiser tho it is a fantastic phone. has anyone got one and what are your thoughts
How dare you....ha ha, just kidding!
I do not have an iPhone....nor do I play one on TV. That being said this is what I know (or think I know):
1. Love the form factor
2. Love the smooth graphics
3. You can "hack" the iPhone so that you can install programs (in fact, I saw someone put the coolest game ever on one called iPhysics). I am really hoping someone here on xda-dev can port that one to WinMo.
4. It is NOWHERE NEAR as customizable as the WinMo platform. If you like tweaking, changing, messing with your phone settings...then stick with WinMo.
5. If only the two could be merged into one device.....
My 2 cents. Others may challenge my observations. Good luck.
As much as I would like one, there still are many shortcomings that make me stick with my tilt, with the primary one being that I cannot sync to my exchange server at work yet. Additionally, the lack of 3rd party software. I have been a Windows Mobile user for about 8 years now and I've built up a rather large list of frequently used applications and games to get me through the day. I'm also holding off for increased storage as my music collection alone is over 30 gb and adding videos on top of that, 8 gb just doesn't cut it.
Not quite sure how this thread fits in the Kaiser upgrade section though.
Price and customizations
Pros and cons over a Kaiser
1) Sleeeeeeeeeek
2) Really Nice browsing and multimedia experience(though it might not support some formats)
3) Like Borat says it has p.. magnet installed.
4) Works well with Mac and PC(iTunes)
5) 8GB Memory
6) Absolutely no worry about which radio or OS build to use.No sleepless nights burning new builds.Peach of mind.
1) Price (I got my tilt for 150$ in ATT premier)
2) No GPS hardware
3) If you have an unlock one, it will be a brick when you update a new firmware.
4) No outlook server sync
5) If your are with ATT then you have to have the Data Connection even if you don't need it(extra $)
6) Remember you will never see the beautiful tricolor screen ever.. ever in your life.
7) No 3G
For me the cost to feature and can't customize factors are deal breakers
crispyj said:
As much as I would like one, there still are many shortcomings that make me stick with my tilt, with the primary one being that I cannot sync to my exchange server at work yet. Additionally, the lack of 3rd party software. I have been a Windows Mobile user for about 8 years now and I've built up a rather large list of frequently used applications and games to get me through the day. I'm also holding off for increased storage as my music collection alone is over 30 gb and adding videos on top of that, 8 gb just doesn't cut it.
Not quite sure how this thread fits in the Kaiser upgrade section though.
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I just hate Apple!
Not to take anything away from their products....they do make some nice stuff.
I too, have alot of programs that I use, all my movies and music are ready to go....just drag and drop on my sd card. I don't need my whole library with me. I barely listen or watch the stuff that I do carry around. I walk around with 8 albums and 2 movies...that's more than enough.
I've seen alot of people lose their music going from one computer to the next or upgrading devices. Dealing with .mp3's & .avi's, I don't have this issue.
Eventhough the iPhone is straight forward, to me it seems more complicated. Dealing with flashing ROMs or Radios and white screen and bootup screens to me is easy. I know what to expect, I know how to fix and it gives me an escape from the wife.
Hope you enjoyed my story....I will not get an iPhone.
I'll let my wife be the guinea pig
I got both initially. Returned the iPhone and was embarrassed I'd ever wondered which to get. While sleek, it's far slower (data speed) and has far fewer functional capabilities. I have faith it will eventually be an amazing device (version 2 or 3), but I thought of it as a Paris Hilton type girlfriend. It will be fun to look at and play with for about a month. When you really have to start interacting with it long-term you'll find out it's mostly style and not much substance. Perfect phone for teenagers and people with no responsibilities.
BTW - I've had for more girls chat me up over my Kaiser than I did with the iPhone...mostly because iPhones are relatively widespread here now.
spotlessdragon said:
call me stupid or something a lot worse but i really fancy getting an iphone but i dont know how good they really are. what software or cooking can be done? i have today just played with one and it feels and works nice. i think i will not get rid of my keiser tho it is a fantastic phone. has anyone got one and what are your thoughts
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And this has got what to do with Kaiser upgrade?????????????????
sherpa said:
And this has got what to do with Kaiser upgrade?????????????????
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I guess he is wondering whether the iPhone might be an upgrade over the Kaiser?
I would suggesting waiting until around the middle of the year and get the 3G iphone, i had a iphone and i took it back just based on the fact the data was too slow but other than that it was perfect.
just my 5 cents...
I was seriously considering replacing my vario III with N95 8gigs ... but thank You Lord!! I found my common sense once more... symbian.. never more.
as someone wise once said... are You watching movies all day? do You really need to put more than one of Yer greasy fingers on Yer screen at a time to feel better? ....... any other pros?
look pal... I don't want to convince You that tytn II is the best toy ever, but all I can say is, that You certainly won't find better swiss army knife of pocket computing. period.
I won't point out the features. we all know them... guess what? the list is getting bigger. each day.......
welcome to xda-developers forum
oh yeah... btw. I'll stick with it till better winmo device will come out. hopefully they won't be holding back wm7 for too long..
unixdeveloper said:
Pros and cons over a Kaiser
1) Sleeeeeeeeeek
2) Really Nice browsing and multimedia experience(though it might not support some formats)
3) Like Borat says it has p.. magnet installed.
4) Works well with Mac and PC(iTunes)
5) 8GB Memory
6) Absolutely no worry about which radio or OS build to use.No sleepless nights burning new builds.Peach of mind.
1) Price (I got my tilt for 150$ in ATT premier)
2) No GPS hardware
3) If you have an unlock one, it will be a brick when you update a new firmware.
4) No outlook server sync
5) If your are with ATT then you have to have the Data Connection even if you don't need it(extra $)
6) Remember you will never see the beautiful tricolor screen ever.. ever in your life.
7) No 3G
For me the cost to feature and can't customize factors are deal breakers
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# 3 is wrong. If you unlock your phone all you need to do is virginize it BEFORE updating your firmware.
# 4 WRONG! You can sync with outlook and do so wirelessly!
# 5 is wrong. I have my plan based on my Tilt and switch SIMs regularly. You lose visual voicemail but gain the ability to use MMS with the Swirly MMS 3rd party app.
# 7 is why the iPhone has 3x's the battery life of my Tilt.
My pros and cons based on using both daily:
iPhone Pros:
1) Sleek design. Better for me during the summer to take than have a brick on my hip.
2) Safari is the best browser out. End of discussion on browsers.
3) Once jailbroken your phone can have MMS, VoIP, Video Record, and a TON of awesome apps you wont see on WM6.*
4) Graphically better looking and easy to mod
5) Faster UI. Apps run a lot faster starting. NO soft resets needed UNLESS a new app fresh out has some bugs..just like ANY beta.
iPhone Cons:
1) No ability to receive MMS yet, though the developer of Swirly MMS is working to fix this
2) No GPS, but someone has already made a GPS device that plugs into the iPhone and does work! Not ready to be released yet.
3) Video Record has no sound. Sh!tty app release IMO.
The iPhone is an awesome phone, just incomplete IMO. That's why I use both. Situation dictates device for me.
For me, the iPhone is missing too much - 3G, Bluetooth stereo, Exchange sync, video recording, voice dialing and (perhaps most importantly) the ability to tweak and customize to my heart's content.
However, I got one for my wife for Christmas, and for her it's the perfect device - something that "just works" and doesn't require daily maintenance, hacks and 3d-party replacement programs just to make it useable. I tried several times in the past to get her to use Palm/WM devices, and they always ended up in a drawer after a couple of weeks. The iPhone, on the other hand, is her constant companion.
If they eventually implement most or all of the missing features I listed above, I'll seriously consider getting one. It really is an amazing device with great hardware and a GUI that's leagues ahead of anything else on the market.
i just like my Universal and Blueangel. I have already burnt mah fingers twice by choosing imac.
Check out iphone and you will forget your WM bricks, i bet
Saaduk said:
Check out iphone and you will forget your WM bricks, i bet
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Oh, ok then. All the detailed arguments didn't sway me, but since you called my phone a brick I'm convinced.
After the launch of SDK, iPhone will be a totally different device.. Imagine a WM with no 3rd Party Software/mods installed.
All of my previous WM devies had new kind of problems. Some had touch screen alignment problem, random muting, even these 400mhz processors are hell slow.
Im not saying that iPhones are perfect devices but alteast are better than these PPCs.
I own a Kaiser and an iPhone.
I'm a cooker, and you will see in my signature my work. I like to tweak, mod etc... I also own an unlimited internet HSDPA connection.
Therefore I prefer the iPhone.
It don't own a GPS, but I don't use it eveyday! (for this, I use the Kaiser or my Asus 620BT)
-The display drivers are crap on the Kaiser (everybody knows), they are wonderfull on the iPhone, you seems to have 3x more power.
-The camera is a little better on the iPhone (I can send same photos at the same time I took with the devices to compare)
-The screen is better on the iPhone (16/9 half-vga) and the colors are better (every photos or videos are improved on this device), iphone can play H264. if I put the same video on the Kaiser with TCPMP or CORE PLayer, I only see a slideshow
-the Multitouch is really good to slide/resize your photos.
-The touch is better on the iPhone (no need to push on the screen) this is a technology patented by Apple.
-Safari (the web brower) is better than any other brower on WinMo (better than Opera Mini wich is for me the best). Even Maps wich display better than googleMaps ans all other app (dialer, sms, calendar with wheel etc).
-The antenna Wifi is better on the iPhone too.
Well (for me) everything is better on the iPhone, the only regret is the speed while I surf the internet (HSDPA is better than Edge) I can reach 1MB/S on the Kaiser.
For the Visio on the Kaiser: nobody can hear me clearly (when I am in a quiet environment), I need to shout on the mic, so the person can not see my face anymore. so it's unusable for me. I don't know if this issue is on all Kaiser (I own the french Vodafone SFR rom).
the MP3 player is better on the iPhone (I use Shure E2C (99$ headset) on both devices), the quality is far better. and I prefer to navigate using the iPhone.
I like to share the internet connexion on the Kaiser but I can do it on the iPhone too, but as I said it's faster on the Kaiser...
Someone put the price of the iPhone as "CON" but the Kaiser come with 128MB and the iPhone with 8GB...
In fact, I think it depend of what you need, you will prefer the kaiser or the iPhone. I read someone hates Apple,ok, but I hate HTC for not doing a better 3D display driver like the other 8000+ persons who have signed the petition.
At least Apple provided good drivers and a fast device
agreed with gibs.. U just explained it better
I'd get a fake iphone from china, apparently some have "windows mobile" on them
and then u will have a fake device with a buggy OS.. 2 in 1

Should I buy it ?

Hi everyone.
I`m new here, and I am very sorry that I don`t read trough the whole forum, I know that answers to my questions are already posted, but here it goes :
I have the possibility to buy the Diamond tomorrow morning, but I need to give the seller an answer tonight.
I never had a WM device before, the most were Symbian phones from Nokia, and I am a little unsecure.
My needs are wi-fi, large screen, nice design, music&video playback, and fluid e-mail. As I know, the Diamond meets these requirements.
Considering all it has been said and done about this device, would you still buy it ?
Thanks, and sorry again for not reading the forum, but I lack the time until I need to give the answer.
I can only give you this: if you want to buy a touchscreen phone, buy one where you won't need a stylus.. I'm starting to get annoyed with this. But maybe cuz I have played around with the Iphone, which works alot better.
Some people still like the stylus, but I don't anymore..
As for WM goes.. I'm tired of the choppy animations.
GPS software and multimedia playback are nice though.. which are the greatest advantages..
It is absolutely necessary to use the stylus ? Isn`t the finger enough ?
I'd say, that u should go for it, if you don't mind the weak battery.
On the other hand there will be the HTC Touch HD coming shortly, so you might want to wait for that one. (To get that one or to get the Diamond cheaper).
Allthough I really don't like the weak battery and it's also quite some work to adapt the diamond to your needs, I still wouldn't like to exchange it against anything else available so far.
You can use your finger with the TouchFlo interface, but the rest not so much. Also typing is not that great. If you use the keyboard, u will have to use stylus. If you use the more finger friendly keyboard, you won't see half of the screen. I just gets irritating after a while. But beside that it is a nice phone (ok, they could do ALOT better with the battery). Good camera, good GPS, good sound when calling. It's complete..
Edit: I just remembered, like when ur going through ur contacts, it is very hard to flip or scroll. I think that's just WM, because Resco File Explorer works nice..
Thank you for your answers.
So for usual tasks ( looking for contacts, making calls, ) the finger is enough, right ? Texting and other stuff, with stylus.
Also, are there apps for reading e-books ? Like mobipocket on symbian ?
Does the phone freeze sometimes ? Or acts erratically ?
Considering that I actually like to "play" with and tweak devices, maybe I will give it a try.
If anyone wants to give other advices, please feel free.
Lots of tweaks and playing around with it.. Especially thanks to these forums! It is possible to use ur finger for usual tasks, so go for it.. texting is possible with finger, but because of the screensize and the big size of the keyboard, it is much better to use a smaller keyboard and use stylus..
monty99 said:
Hi everyone.
I`m new here, and I am very sorry that I don`t read trough the whole forum, I know that answers to my questions are already posted, but here it goes :
I have the possibility to buy the Diamond tomorrow morning, but I need to give the seller an answer tonight.
I never had a WM device before, the most were Symbian phones from Nokia, and I am a little unsecure.
My needs are wi-fi, large screen, nice design, music&video playback, and fluid e-mail. As I know, the Diamond meets these requirements.
Considering all it has been said and done about this device, would you still buy it ?
Thanks, and sorry again for not reading the forum, but I lack the time until I need to give the answer.
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come and think of it
1-weak battery life
2-using GPS the battrey only last 2 to 2:30 hour and the device goes hot
3-using wifi also the device goes hot
so you can say the weak point on diamond is the battery and need radio upgrade
im saying you a nokia fan im shore you now how to use Symbian phones SO
how about baying n96 or N95 8GB it has everything you want
1-big screen
3-16 GB internal memory and micro SD slot
4-a lot of game and apps
5-and of cours your favorites OS
so the best choice for you is n96
hope i help you out
im a Windows moblie os fan
and sorry for my english
As I live in the UK the concept of actually buying a mobile phone is quite alien to me as you can get pretty much any phone for free with any monthy contract above £20 per month!! I certainly wouldn't pay the prices that the TD is sold for £400+.
Having said that, smartphones are far more flexible and usable than the 'dumb' phones from the likes of se, Nokia, Motorla etc. From my experience Symbian and WM are both showing their age and are a little unstable but WM easily beats Symbian and with the TD Touchflo 3D interface it looks good too.
The only real problems with the TD are the camera (good resolution but very poor in low light conditions) and the battery life (great for low usage but will drain really quick if used for music, web etc.
The phone is far smaller than a N95/N96 and the majority of other smartphones so when you consider this the battery life is actually not bad.
If you do get the TD make sure you upgrade the ROM. Lots of XDA members will recommend using a cooked (custom) ROM, but for a beginner using the official 1.93 version will result in a fantastic user experience and you can always use a cooked ROM when you become more experienced.
Forgot to mention that ROM 1.93 also resolves the issue of excessive heat coming from the battery compartment.
I`m not really a Nokia or Symbian fan, but those are the ones I had in the last couple of years As long as it works ok, I don`t really care if it`s WM, Symbian, or something else.
The N95 or the N96 are not in my taste, as far as design goes.
Yes levellerbob, in a lot of countries, there is a very nice policy regarding cost of cell phones on contract from operators, but as I`m not that lucky, I need to know a lot of things before I pay Still, thanks for all the advices.
If I decide on the Diamond, I`ll be on this forum all day everyday
monty99 said:
I`m not really a Nokia or Symbian fan, but those are the ones I had in the last couple of years As long as it works ok, I don`t really care if it`s WM, Symbian, or something else.
The N95 or the N96 are not in my taste, as far as design goes.
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if that so go for the diamond
ah and dont forget to see the diamond pro maybe you will like it

I might be getting a Diamond

Well basically I may be getting a HTC diamond, but would like to know some things from people who actually own them.
My mum has the HTC and has got it replaced so now its a brand new phone. She has offered to switch for my Nokia N95 but Im unsure. I am trying it this weekend to get better used to it and see if I want to switch.
All I hear from people that don't own WM is WM sucks I hate it blah blah blah. Which I pretty much know is complete bollocks.
I just really want to know how easy it is to live with day to day.
I am only 15 and do text a lot and am quite concerned about the screen size and no physical keys.
And what sort of customization is there?
Haha sorry for being all over the place but answers are appreciated!
Thanks, Ben.
there are software keyboards like phonepad which does t9
if I were you I would try it out and see if I liked it
thanks, I will give that a try.
I have a few more questions though:
Where can I get a 3.5mm jack for it? (UK) I bought a cheap one off ebay that failed.
Also, Whats all the ROM thing about? Is there an Easy F.A.Q about it all?
Thanks, Ben
for a 15yo who texts a lot, I'd recommend getting the touch pro or something else with a physical keyboard. I don't think the Diamond is for casual users because it's very finnicky and a lot of customization is needed if you really want to enjoy the phone. This is not a knock on the Diamond at all because I LOVE mine, but I'm giving you advice that you might not be enjoying it as much because at 15yo, I wouldnt like flashing ROMs or installing cabs anyway. But hey, who knows, it might be different in your case =)
Well I do love technology so learning is all good for me when flashing ROM's I'm always interested in that kind of thing.
As for custumisation I love that sort of things and can spend hours and hours just fiddling with tech.
Its just really the SMS which Im worried about. But I suppose when I break it down I only send 20/30 texts a day so maybe I could live.
Ahh I dont know. I guess living with it this weekend will help. The device is insured anyway so even if I brick it a new one will be sent right away
what is WinMo 6.5 all about? Its not even released yet? Is it worth upgrading or not?
khsbenny said:
Well basically I may be getting a HTC diamond, but would like to know some things from people who actually own them.
My mum has the HTC and has got it replaced so now its a brand new phone. She has offered to switch for my Nokia N95 but Im unsure. I am trying it this weekend to get better used to it and see if I want to switch.
All I hear from people that don't own WM is WM sucks I hate it blah blah blah. Which I pretty much know is complete bollocks.
I just really want to know how easy it is to live with day to day.
I am only 15 and do text a lot and am quite concerned about the screen size and no physical keys.
And what sort of customization is there?
Haha sorry for being all over the place but answers are appreciated!
Thanks, Ben.
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Well, i'm a "new" windows mobile user (3 months), before that i had a n95, so here's what i think: The diamond screen is bigger and has double the definition than the n95 one. The Diamond screen keyboard (EzInput) is incredible, at first you feel strange, but after about a week you get used and is really easy to type (even with my fat fingers ), since it's a "full keyboard".
The factory Rom for the diamond is a little slower than the symbiam (n95 OS), but with some modifications from this forum it becomes much faster, but still crashes one or other time, and you have to turn it off/on (about once a week, when i'm doing too much stuff at the same time and there's no more free memory. nothing to worry about).
The N95 is much better for music (with the stereo speakers and dedicated keys) and photos (flash, higher resolution), but for all the other things you can't even compare it. On the diamond, the web navigation and the GPS are much better, using to edit documents on the office is really easier with the touch screen, seeing your e-mails is faster and the "phone" functions are really simple.
Now the best thing about WinMo are the apps you can download. You have great programs to do quite about anything. Like a PC remote controller, a torrent downloader, a podcast and RSS reader, and games like a emulator of Snes and Playstation 1, quake 3 arena, Call of Duty 2, etc.
As for customisation, it's praticcaly infinite. you can use and write different today plugins and screens, and make it look like anything, from your Pc desktop to an Iphone, just take a look at some posts here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=428463 and here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=508429
Just for you to be sure i don't work for microsoft , don't be fooled: out of factory the diamond is slow, doesn't has so many good Apps and has an unstable system. The cutomization and tweaks are the things that make all the difference! Good luck with your choice.
Oh, and i'm 22 and i don't work with my mobile or with computers, so i just use Winmo cause it's a lot of fun.
Well day 1 and Im loving it. Looks like I'll be keeping this
just look arround on this forum and you will find allot of interresting programs and addons for your phone
all things makes live a little easyer
I switched from a Samsung Jack ("Blackjack II" in the states) to this phone because the Samsung wasn't compatible with a lot of the WM apps I wanted to use. The Diamond does a hell of a lot more and does it a lot better. I will say, though, that texting is much more of a pain when compared to a phone with a full hardware keyboard. I mess up a lot unless I'm using a stylus. Maybe it's just me.

Is the X1 worth a try?

I have noticed you can now pick up an X1 for as little as £330 on Amazon UK and I was looking for a cheapish secondary phone that would be could for web browsing & e mail. As well as using as a modem for a Mac laptop.
Is the X1 a good choice for something like this, how is the build quality & UI speed.
Being a noob to WM how is it to get along with on the X1 with the panels etc.
Is there any software that can be installed that helps usability?
It seems to be a good deal cheaper than the price of Touch HD is, even after all this time.
Wel not every phone is perfect.
if you get a x1 i suggest to flash a custom rom wm6.5 that will speed up the device. i think the x1 is a great phone its not to big and comes with a keyboard. the specs are almost the same as TP2. the Tp2 has a bigger screen and speaker.
but if you want a phone thats not to big and has a keyboard than the x1 would be a great choice. i don't know how it works with mac(i'm a linux user). you can find so many software here to make you x1 like you want to. there are so many different UI that you can use. like: TouchFlo3D, PointUI and SPB.
I'm using wm6.5 now for a long time and i must say its fast enough for me.
I hope this helped you.
I have been using it for around few months now and my opinion is I'd look at different phones.
Altho this is one of the most feature packed phone at the moment there are few downsides which are quite critical in terms of usability as a phone.
1. Windows OS not stable enough unless you are keen to soft reset every other day. I soft reset mine every couple of days.
2. Weak reception, compare to my Nokia E71.
3. Lose of reception when you held the phone for a while. Work around to this is getting a silicon case for the phone or apply screen protector at the back of the device, especially the battery cover. I wish there were aftermarket optiosn available such as carbon fiber casing/battery cover. It would cured the problem and make the device much lighter.
4. Battery drain problem once you start use shell/launcher such as SPB mobile shell and Winterface. Battery is fine till 30 percent or so then strangely empties quick overnight from there.
5. Scree lock software increases stability issues. I have used pocket shield and S2U2 ended up removing both due to stability problems.
6. Keyboard is not very well designed. Not the layout but the feedback from pressing buttons. It's kinda mush and not very tactile.
7. "Up" on Dpad is hard to press. and volume button is too small to operate especially when you have case on the phone.
8. Slow web browser. Both IE and Opera mobile is slow compare to Nokia's symbian web browser.
I'm using latest official firmware and tried many custom firmware/winmo 6.5 etc. I think touch flo 3d is the most stable custom launcher you can get for it, although I much prefer winterface launcher.
I have been trying to use this phone for work and I learned that you simply cannot rely on it as relibility suffers thanks to winmo OS. It's fine for personal phone but I wouldn't use it for a work phone.
In my opinion, it's perfect if you are looking for "mostly PDA but occasionally phone" device. If you are after phone first and PDA second, look into Noka N97 or E series. Nokia makes very reliable phones. Or look into HTC Dream/Hero/Android OS devices. I myself thinking of changing my phone to HTC Android OS phones atm. (if only N97 wasn't so expensive around here. darn it.)
Sure worth a 'TRY'. hehe
some8 said:
I have been using it for around few months now and my opinion is I'd look at different phones.
Altho this is one of the most feature packed phone at the moment there are few downsides which are quite critical in terms of usability as a phone.
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1. Windows OS not stable enough unless you are keen to soft reset every other day. I soft reset mine every couple of days.
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Wich Rom do you use? If you installed to many software that is filling up the phone than you have to SR.
2. Weak reception, compare to my Nokia E71.
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Where do you live? I have always full reception and never droped calls.
3. Lose of reception when you held the phone for a while. Work around to this is getting a silicon case for the phone or apply screen protector at the back of the device, especially the battery cover. I wish there were aftermarket optiosn available such as carbon fiber casing/battery cover. It would cured the problem and make the device much lighter.
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I read that so many people are getting scratches on there phone i'm using mine x1 for 9 months and never had a scratch on it. now i have a hard casing for it its better than the silicon one. http://cgi.ebay.nl/Hard-Case-for-So...ches?hash=item3355089a5e&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14 its very cheap.
4. Battery drain problem once you start use shell/launcher such as SPB mobile shell and Winterface. Battery is fine till 30 percent or so then strangely empties quick overnight from there.
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Wich WinMo phone has a good battery life? if you want a long battery life than don't buy WinMo phones. buy SE K series they have great battery life.
5. Scree lock software increases stability issues. I have used pocket shield and S2U2 ended up removing both due to stability problems.
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I didn't had any stability iseus with s2u2. but i'm not using any screen lock anymore.
6. Keyboard is not very well designed. Not the layout but the feedback from pressing buttons. It's kinda mush and not very tactile.
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At first it was hard for me to but you get use to it and i must say i'm very fast with it now
7. "Up" on Dpad is hard to press. and volume button is too small to operate especially when you have case on the phone.
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This is totally true
8. Slow web browser. Both IE and Opera mobile is slow compare to Nokia's symbian web browser.
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Try to use opera9.7 with turbo enabled its really fast even faster than iphone 3g. i know its still in beta phase.
I'm using latest official firmware and tried many custom firmware/winmo 6.5 etc. I think touch flo 3d is the most stable custom launcher you can get for it, although I much prefer winterface launcher.
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you tried to many beta build i gues. i have winmo 6.5 with R3 firmware and its really fast with no stuff from other winmo devices. TF3D is nice and respnds good but i prefer the standard wm6.5 home.
I have been trying to use this phone for work and I learned that you simply cannot rely on it as relibility suffers thanks to winmo OS. It's fine for personal phone but I wouldn't use it for a work phone.
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This is not the fault of the phone but winmo. wm is just crap almost everybody agrees.
In my opinion, it's perfect if you are looking for "mostly PDA but occasionally phone" device. If you are after phone first and PDA second, look into Noka N97 or E series. Nokia makes very reliable phones. Or look into HTC Dream/Hero/Android OS devices. I myself thinking of changing my phone to HTC Android OS phones atm. (if only N97 wasn't so expensive around here. darn it.)
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choose a OS so that can do all your jobs. i'm using wm because i use navigation on my phone(tomtom) and for me thats the best. read reviews of phones. there are always downsides with every phone i always say it there is no perfect phone or OS. every OS has its own problems. if you don't relay on software that run on OS i prefer you to buy a android phone htc hero. but if you wan't a phone with keyboard i suggest xperia because its not to big.
I'd suggest you go for the touch pro 2, since you are new to winmo. It has a larger screen, hardware keyboard is great to use and is a bit more recent than the xperia.
Switching to winmo gives a lot of benefits, especially when you have a HTC device. You can change roms and try out different flavours etcetera. Install applications without jailbraiking or whatsoever. Get use to the tf3d, wich is a pretty neat home screen. Ofcourse, nothing beats the gaming capabilities of an iphone right now, but i do think that there are advantages on windows mobile.
some8 said:
I have been using it for around few months now and my opinion is I'd look at different phones.
Altho this is one of the most feature packed phone at the moment there are few downsides which are quite critical in terms of usability as a phone.
1. Windows OS not stable enough unless you are keen to soft reset every other day. I soft reset mine every couple of days.
2. Weak reception, compare to my Nokia E71.
3. Lose of reception when you held the phone for a while. Work around to this is getting a silicon case for the phone or apply screen protector at the back of the device, especially the battery cover. I wish there were aftermarket optiosn available such as carbon fiber casing/battery cover. It would cured the problem and make the device much lighter.
4. Battery drain problem once you start use shell/launcher such as SPB mobile shell and Winterface. Battery is fine till 30 percent or so then strangely empties quick overnight from there.
5. Scree lock software increases stability issues. I have used pocket shield and S2U2 ended up removing both due to stability problems.
6. Keyboard is not very well designed. Not the layout but the feedback from pressing buttons. It's kinda mush and not very tactile.
7. "Up" on Dpad is hard to press. and volume button is too small to operate especially when you have case on the phone.
8. Slow web browser. Both IE and Opera mobile is slow compare to Nokia's symbian web browser.
I'm using latest official firmware and tried many custom firmware/winmo 6.5 etc. I think touch flo 3d is the most stable custom launcher you can get for it, although I much prefer winterface launcher.
I have been trying to use this phone for work and I learned that you simply cannot rely on it as relibility suffers thanks to winmo OS. It's fine for personal phone but I wouldn't use it for a work phone.
In my opinion, it's perfect if you are looking for "mostly PDA but occasionally phone" device. If you are after phone first and PDA second, look into Noka N97 or E series. Nokia makes very reliable phones. Or look into HTC Dream/Hero/Android OS devices. I myself thinking of changing my phone to HTC Android OS phones atm. (if only N97 wasn't so expensive around here. darn it.)
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1 - I soft reset EVERY phone at least once a day. Depends on usage not on stability.
2 - Not true.
3 - Not true.
4 - Don't use shells then lmao.
5 - That is those apps' fault, not a problem with the phone or WinMo. lol at this btw.
6 - That is totally your own opinion. Most of the users fund the keyboard amazing. There is only one keyboard that gives better experience than the X1's and that's TP2's keyboard.
7 - True about the "up" button, but the volume keys are fine. If they were bigger, you would have complained about how huge they are lol.
8 - Biggest lie ever. Maybe you failed to mention that the Symbian browser is crap? Try SkyFire or Opera (for real this time).
I don't like TF3D and I'm using the official R3A ROM. Everything is perfect.
The phone is good for work.
LOL @ the phones you mentioned and especially ROFL @ the N97, which is the biggest fail in the known universe.
hyellow said:
I'd suggest you go for the touch pro 2, since you are new to winmo. It has a larger screen, hardware keyboard is great to use and is a bit more recent than the xperia.
Switching to winmo gives a lot of benefits, especially when you have a HTC device. You can change roms and try out different flavours etcetera. Install applications without jailbraiking or whatsoever. Get use to the tf3d, wich is a pretty neat home screen. Ofcourse, nothing beats the gaming capabilities of an iphone right now, but i do think that there are advantages on windows mobile.
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I suggest you read this before going for the TP2.
yup I agree with you. there is no perfect OS. It's all comes down to personal preference. My statement was merely coming from my experience and how I felt about the product.
You don't have to criticise my comment. It's just how I felt from my own experience and those were issues when I used it.
Like I said before xperia is the most feature packed phone you can get. It has the screen resolution with physical qwerty keyboard, excellent built quality, GPS, camera with flash and all those other phones can't match. But at the end of the day, it comes down to the end user and usability.
My complain about battery life is not about actual overall battery life. If you read my comment again, it was fine till around 30% then quickly drains after that. Don't get all defensive and say "Don't buy winmo device if you expect battery life." You have completely missed my point. Everyone who have experience with winmo phones know what it can do and what it can't. I was simply pointing those out.
Yes I'm using winmo 6.5 custom rom and I found I actually gain reception quality and battery life with it over previous 6.1 rom I used, but it seems sacrificing stability. The point is, winmo needs a lot of tweak to get the basic phone part working reliably and lag free like other phones like Nokia symbian platform does out of box. But then winmo has a lot more room for customisation and that's where its strength came from. That's what I mean by "PDA first, phone second."
Reception quality is fine, but worse compare to my E71 and HTC Touch HD. I compared both at home and where E71 and HTC Touch HD picked up the signal, Xperia failed. I live around hills. Reception isn't very good around here.
Funny enough I don't use or install anything but bare minimum. I use builtin notepad, builtin calender and builtin contact. Probably only aftermarket software I use is Garmin/Tomtom Nav software and Winterface. Nothing else.
I still find the Nokia web broswer faster than any version of Opera(except mini but that's different story) for winmo phones, especially over GSM network.(HSDPA) But then Nokia web browser struggle to view heavy loaded websites where winmo devices can. So all about up and downside. For general website I usually visit, I found Nokia web browser gets the job done faster and easier. Also when I installed Opera mini on my E71, I could view websites with flash manu, somewhat limited, but made it possible. I couldn't do this on any winmo devices.
I have exact same case you have linked and suprised you have found happy with it. It's pure junk in my opinion and its getting dust in my drawer. I just found such case doesn't do its beautiful device a justice. Adds too much bulk and doesn't really protect the phone as it's way to easy to take them off. Also finish wasn't great out of box. I had to file few spots to smooth moulding lines. Xperia is not a slim device and having cases just adds too much bulk on it. Exceeding to my preference.
At end of the day, it's all about your priority. If you like customising phones then xperia is definitely a nice choice. I prefer it over HTC touch HD anyday. But if you want the pda phone you can rely on and works everytime without fail and but with limited customisation, then defnitely consider Nokia symbian phones. I'm quite tempted for Android OS phones at the moment. I just wish M$ did their work and improve windows mobile OS rather than making it heavier with eye candy crap.
I don't know what to say. Stop accusing me I'm lieing. And are you retard? Because I was saying those are my experience. I didn't say that applies to everyone.
What's up with this rudeness. Does this represent Winmo community? Such short sighted and arrogant comment.
sorry for the off top, but don't worry too much bout orelsi. he's always like that...
imho x1 is the best winmo device at the moment. maybe tp2 is more feature packed, but xperia looks better, size-wise it's amazing, it is fast and stable on r3a stock rom, pictures captured with it can be compared to normal digital cameras and the keyboard layout is made for fast texting/emailing. for me it is just perfect.
orelsi said:
I suggest you read this before going for the TP2.
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I think when speaking of user friendlynes, the touch pro 2 can be that. I mean, you are talking about advantages of the d-pad, sure, there are some, though i don't have chubby fingers, d-pad on xperia is sometimes a horrible design mistake. left and right d-pad is ok, but up and down, you can't hardly press it without pressing on the optical pad. what's the use of an optical pad anyway, i hardly use it, only for up and down for the forementioned problems with keypad. i don't use it for scolling webpages since opera, and in fact, the whole OS, is already using kinnetic scrolling.
no flash on tp2. Yeah, like having a led flashlight really makes a difference, but the vga recording @ 30fps is a nice addition to xperia though, if only it would not capture to 3gp format, cmon, 3gp in twothousand and f*cking nine?
Every phone has it flaws orelsi. Xperia is also not perfect, especially not if you were buying it for the hardware qwerty and the so called arctic slide, nothing special about that either.
But I agree, sometimes your posts can be rude, as i have notice myself before.
As i know the thread starter from mobile-review and he happens to have an iphone, i suggested him a device equally matches the screen size at least. Because the 16:9 aspect ratio of the xperia doesn't make it per se a better user experience.
Anyway, i hope we can help the topic starter for his quest for a good winmo phone.
ohh, and possibly most anoying is the recessed screen, where the tp2 is flushed.
trust me. having a flash is making a difference. the one in xperia is strong enough and even low light pictures are quite nice quality. it is true about not so great quality of videos though.
arc (not arctic ) slider is a very nice feature. previously I had tytn 2 and tilted screen was less neat. on the other hand, flush screen on tp2 is better.
d-pad is not the bestest one, but tbh one can get used to it and it's better to have one rather than have none. optical joystick is also great for precise operation.
so.... x1 have it's flaws, but for many of us it's a weapon of choice. no other device have those looks with all this greatness inside with it's compact form factor.
some8 said:
I don't know what to say. Stop accusing me I'm lieing. And are you retard? Because I was saying those are my experience. I didn't say that applies to everyone.
What's up with this rudeness. Does this represent Winmo community? Such short sighted and arrogant comment.
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lol wut?
hyellow said:
I think when speaking of user friendlynes, the touch pro 2 can be that. I mean, you are talking about advantages of the d-pad, sure, there are some, though i don't have chubby fingers, d-pad on xperia is sometimes a horrible design mistake. left and right d-pad is ok, but up and down, you can't hardly press it without pressing on the optical pad. what's the use of an optical pad anyway, i hardly use it, only for up and down for the forementioned problems with keypad. i don't use it for scolling webpages since opera, and in fact, the whole OS, is already using kinnetic scrolling.
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If you aren't satisfied with the 'up" and "down" keys and aren't using the optical pad, then turn of the optical one and be happy with the hardware d-pad.
I use the optical scrolling all the time for browsing, scrolling through menus and most importantly through e-books.
Also, there are many games and some apps that require a D-Pad. Better to have one is what I say.
no flash on tp2. Yeah, like having a led flashlight really makes a difference, but the vga recording @ 30fps is a nice addition to xperia though, if only it would not capture to 3gp format, cmon, 3gp in twothousand and f*cking nine?
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It is not a small difference. It is especially noticeable in dark places. The TP2 won't be able to make a pic, while the X1 will take one. Now, you tell me what's better - to have a certain (arguably not perfect) ability or to have no ability at all?
Every phone has it flaws orelsi. Xperia is also not perfect, especially not if you were buying it for the hardware qwerty and the so called arctic slide, nothing special about that either.
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Have I ever said that the X1 is without flaws? I have pointed its flaws repeatedly.
Do you mean the "arc" slider? That is just a form factor, although the curve helps a little bit when typing.
But I agree, sometimes your posts can be rude, as i have notice myself before.
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Everything is in the eye of the beholder.... get it?
As i know the thread starter from mobile-review and he happens to have an iphone, i suggested him a device equally matches the screen size at least. Because the 16:9 aspect ratio of the xperia doesn't make it per se a better user experience.
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The bigger screen and better speakers are the only two things the TP2 has going for it. I can't honestly call that an upgrade (unless we are talking apple lmao). The 16:9 ratio is pretty good for movies though .
Anyway, i hope we can help the topic starter for his quest for a good winmo phone.
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OP my advice is to get the X1 or wait for some other phone later in the year.
ohh, and possibly most anoying is the recessed screen, where the tp2 is flushed.
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Agreed 100%.
i think, not any manufacturer wil make the perfect device for us. just near close to keep us hungry for more and more...
hyellow said:
i think, not any manufacturer wil make the perfect device for us. just near close to keep us hungry for more and more...
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Yeah, if they make the perfect one, who would bother buying their next device haha. That's why the X1 lacks an accelerometer.
Thanks all for the feedback it was very helpful.
In it's bare-bones state, in other-words without altering the ROM or putting other UI's on it how do the panels perform, are they more of a gimmick than an actual useful addition.
I have heard that the X1 UI is less customised than something like the TP2 & you encounter raw WM6.1 more often & with the screen/font size that it can be tricky to use without applying the stylus?
there is mobile shell from spb, i don't use it though, but it also can keep you away from the inner wm6.1 ui, for a while though. check spb's website about it, it's free for xperia, as a panel, so decide wich panel suits your time of the day
The X1 rocks! I got mine a few days ago and simply love it!
The stock software isn't too awesome, though, and the up button of the D-Pad is hard to press (but I don't use it anyway since the optical joystick works beautifully). Personally I like the keyboard feel, not too mushy for my taste. No G-sensor, but I find them irritating anyway (again, just a personal preference). In all other regards the hardware is fantastic. Fast and small, great display, full qwerty, optical d-pad, Wi-Fi, gps with a-gps support, etc..
I have flashed a few ROMs (6.5 and 6.1) and am very happy with Smaberg's Touch X 10.1 EXTREME final ROM (WinMo 6.1, Touch Flo 3d - not sure which version, but it is smooth and touch-friendly). Stable and very fast. Makes for a much better experience than stock and smoother than all the 6.5 ROMs I have tried. It's been around a while and there is good support in the ROM thread. Don't have to delve too deep into 6.1 guts, interface is great.
My advice? Definitely buy one and flash it with the Touch X ROM.
some8 said:
Nokia makes very reliable phones.
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I had to reboot my Nokia E90 every few days, it also took about 10% of battery to get the thing to a usable state after reboot too, hence why i had a second battery for it.
They also broke the BT functionality with their official flashed OS. It made it unreliable to boot.
This is why I'm here and have an X1 in my hand. If its going to be unreliable, I'd rather have a smaller, lighter, more configurable device.
i won't go on to say it is perfect, as it isn't. The E90 was built like a tank, went swimming several times and was dropped on an almost weekly basis, but still worked.
The X1 I have has been dropped and has been swimming, and it still works, but the case has cracked
First of all The perfect allInOne phone does not exist (even the iphone doesn't hehe) ...
i had nokia n95-8gb, samsung i550, samsung f480 and a lot more... now I'm with my xperia...
If you are an multimedia fan use a sony ericson w series phone ... if u like to have great amount of software u can use the xperia or any other winmobile phone BUT the xperia has a nice design and a good quality case... The camera is enough for snapshots and the gps is great - no compare with n95 this one has a crapy gps... so there's a lot of + and - it depents on what you personally need. if i could find "my rom" so it is the perfect phone for me because i don't listen too much to music but i want an rds radio a tmc and a good gps device so the nokia couldn't give me that ... Maybe the samsung omnia hd is an alternative one but rember it very depending on which rom u are using - hop it helped...

A few days with my HD7

Just a mini review of my HD7 after 4 days use. Coming from an HD2 (with 6.5.5 & Android) and having had mobiles since the classic was the only phone on Cellnet you could get I've used most!
However the HD7 being a first version has it's issues. A couple I have noticed are just stupid - others annoying.
I won't go over how it looks or the tiles or anything like that; this is just my experience of the device as a "phone".
Call quality seems ok - but the moment you get a border line signal you're stuffed. Incoming call audio is fine they just cannot hear you at all. Nothing Nada! You need to get a bar on the signal meter or you've no hope of being heard. My 5800 & HD2 both hang on to a cell signal much longer than the HD7 does.
Phone book is nice however it has a trend to dial the last person called rather than the entry you want - especially if you've gone from call history to the phone book - I don't know how many times I phoned my mum recently (but I am sorry for being a phone pest!!). Again this seems to be a version 1 issues.
But my biggest two grips are that how do you save an email attachment? We've all got things on our phones we want to transfer - Nokia do a lovely app to BT all your old goodies to your new phone - please other phone people take note!
So emailed myself the file(s) I needed - they appear in the email - but no way to save them - I can open the media - just not save it! Great. No "right" finger or "hold" finger menu in email application.
OK then - lets BT the files over ... turn BT on - let's pair with the HD2 and get some files from it. Nope cannot pair with the HD2 in Android or WM6 - says "paired" but unable to connect. Fine. Let's try another way with BT push - nope - paired cannot connect... Bleeeeewwwhhh.
So there does not seem to be anyway to get something from someone on the move sent to your phone. Cannot save attachments and cannot pair with other phones to BT files. Maybe a v1 issue again?
Not too sure on the HD7 at the moment - the wow is nice and yes the interface seems to be working as expected. However loose a data connection and you cannot open the people hub until you restart the device for some odd reason after loading Facebook contacts, and worst still "Lists" no longer works and gives a message about a DLL missing. Great, cannot find a way to un-install it or re-install it. The only menu option is "share" which does not help much really.
I am going to see if there is anything on line about the issues it seems to have. But so far - yes good phone - but WP7 needs some work. Maybe a quick update is needed here Microsoft? HTC seem to have done well getting the units out - not sure if anyone else is seeing similar?
Oh and I would really like a some menus to give some more control over the phone! You criticise WM6.5 for not being very finger friendly - but at least you have some options to change! Where are they hidden in 7 LOL!
So far hardware 10/10 but OS? 2 maybe 3 /10.
Oh and HTC you're being bloody cheap not sending out your top of the range phone with out a sleeve to keep it in, the HD2 has a lovely sleeve and that has saved it many a time - the HD7 I had to spend another £15.00 ($20) on a bumper to keep it safe as no one has the sleeves yet!
So far my HD2 is with me the HD7 is at home - not sure yet if I can rely on it 24/7 as my primary phone.
I would not go as far as to say it is poor - WP7 that is - but I am for one not impressed considering that people must have tried at least once to BT each other something?
You are missing the point of this phone. While I agree on some of your good points (but few) this is supposed to be the Zune phone , the equivalent of the iPhone, basically an eye-candy multimedia-device which should also do basic comunication in a fast and easy way. I also came a long way over the years playing with Symbian & WM 5-6.5 and I loved all the tweeking and extra customization you had BUT to be honest I got bored with it.
As years passed I saw mobile phones becoming the substituent of the PC but also a substiuent of its problems.Just look at the past 2-3 years. Now we have discussions about freckin RAM and GHz when the whole point of the phone was JUST to run smooth and work fine ,not to mention the fact that battery development has been left with the same batteries from 2006 or so.
Basically it just got stucked.I was freckin tired of walking in a mobile shop and seing a bunch of touchscreen with a zillion icons as wallpaper.
Where was the excitement of actually buying a phone for having something new?
That was the main reason since I never bought a touchscreen phone and I have sticked with my (g)old E71 for the time being.
Android is IMO a laggy joke. Yes , it's still lagy and that is why I didn't buy a high-end smartphone untill now , the HD7.
I don't want to pay 400 euros for a laggy interface.
It's been 3 years already since the iPhone and it has still been the fastest OS with no lag until WP7.
Why my view may be a little off-topic I think this was the main idea of the WP7.Getting ridd of those "Really?!" moments.
I want a phone in 2010 which runs fast,smoooth and adds the basic customization(it's where WP7 currently lacks but it's not terrible).
For I-can't-find-my-sfnag.dll-complaiment people should buy/use their laptops
I hope WP7 rises as remembers this "high-end competition" what the purpose of a (multimedia) phone really is
I think yly3 has a point - one of the main features of WM7 (for better or worse) was the increased reliance on cloud storage. Maybe this was why most of the phones we're seeing are only 8Gb.
I think anyone coming from WM6.5 expecting WP7 to be an incremental upgrade, including existing functionality is likely to be disappointed.
What I foresee is mainly 3rd party apps making use of an opened up Bluetooth stack to gain access to your skydrive as if it were local storage. Similarly, having the option to save email attachments to your skydrive would be neat (I believe .docs can be saved)
For me, this is either genius, or a disaster - if you're away from a signal, your files are inaccessible, which is frustrating. That said, I'm rarely away from a signal these days, so maybe it's a non-issue.
Time will tell.
I have been using my HD7 for 2 weeks now, I love it and hate it at the same time. I love it for its smooth, flawless and simple user interface, but hate cause its just too simple... I know and expected that this was a locked up phone before I bought it but.. even some basic functions that I was used to doing on my HD2 was missing. Functions like sending files thru BT from my phone to any BT device. Even some basic configuration like adjusting the volume of the ringer is not clear on configuration page. its just a toggle on/off and not to mention that i can't use custom ringtones? I loved using custom mp3 for ringtones.. cause in a crowded place.. I would now that my phone was the one ringing. And just like steve said...the phone didn't come with a nice leather pouch to keep it safe, for a pricy phone like this. I just wish they would improve wp7 much sooner so I could enjoy using this phone more and get my money's worth.
The first update is due early 2011, so don't get your hopes up for ANY updates untill then. Rumours are that Copy/paste, BT, & Camera are all big factors in the first update.
I can't really complain after a solid 3 weeks of owning the phone. Yes there are a few niggles, but it's MUCH better than Iphones OS v1 was. So looking good imo.
Also all the comments i've seen on this thread appear to be on WP7, not the HD7 itself. Slightly confusing by the Thread title.
well thats good news i don't mind the wait.. but i hope they do fix it with the update... but those are for WP7. the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones ...it will take time here before i could buy a protective sleeve or rubber whatever. i just hope i don't drop or scratch it with my coins and keys in my pocket. also the camera button is hard to press... wish there was configuration where i could use the touch sensitive keys to take a picture. and speaking of wich.. the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
clarkdevlin said:
the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones ...
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I've always been of the opinion that if a phone needs a case, it's a badly designed phone.
clarkdevlin said:
the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
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My first purchase was Need for Speed, and the number of times I've been about to complete a circut, only to nudge the 'serach' button, which kicks me out of the race and I need to start again, is a real pain in the 'a**'.
It would be great if this button could be disabled while gaming, it's just too sensative and close to where you need to hold the phone....
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
I see what you mean but again this was named Windows Phone 7 , not Windows Mobile 7 and Microsoft stated many times it's something new , build completely from zero.
The main problem of WP7 would be, as you pointed, the lack of choice. Honestly, I don't know how many really use copy-paste. I don't know if I barely used it 4-5 times the last couple of years but that's just me not the whole world. And I am very surprised people still use MMS.
This is also a strategy to have your product upgraded and keep interest in it just like Apple has done it in the last years.
Maybe I am over-excited for finally having something new and fresh offered and according to the constant praise and support of Steve Ballmer this platform will get more updates than we have seen on any other mobile OS so far (it is Microsoft after all) thus having the first update 2 months after the release date.
So, basically I won't go further and maybe I don't have a strong argument against what you said but what I tend to see in nowadays reviews is that most of the people don't seem to get the whole picture and analyze a new phone only by checking their personal list of must-have features (again , agreeing that most of them really are a must).
Steve_Walker said:
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
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There are definitely things that are missing, no question, but I think they've got it right for a first release. If they waited to get everything done then we'd never see the OS. It's completely different to Android, and indeed WM6.5 I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that WM6.5 will be continued alongside WP7. I like the fact that it's all simple to use (and I'm a tech head). Sure it can occasionally be irritating where I want to get into the bluetooth settings for example to configure it more closely, but ultimately I can completely understand why they've done it. All you have to do is go in and turn it on, then choose a device to pair with. It involves very few steps which was exactly the spec for this OS.
I'm sure that in time there will be options to configure things more closely, but they will be hidden away so that you have to consciously choose to go into the advanced settings. Android was real fun for a while, something different, but I actually think that it's far too techy. After a while I got bored of everything being a bit clunky and hidden behind too many menus etc... To use everyday, it's just not that usable, not when you compare it to something like WP7.
I'm really looking forward to writing some apps for WP7 as I think it provides a different challenge - to make your app consistent with the UI and make it as user-friendly as possible. I think the possibilities are massive with WP7, and as long as MS really commits to it, rolls out regular updates to keep on improving the UI - crucially without breaking what it already does - then it could be a huge hit.
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
kromosto said:
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
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1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
jz9833 said:
1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
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1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
kromosto said:
3) That is about hardware not wp7
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iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
Sultan1993 said:
iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
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i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
kromosto said:
1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
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You might not care about Zune Pass but for anyone who wanted an mp3 player / phone this is the biggest selling factor. In fact I'd say zune integration is the best thing WP7 has going for it right now.
I am not really defending it that much also. Look my profile and see the last thread I made. I clearly pointed several huge glaring flaws in WP7. In that same thread I said more than 4 good things about it also. Before calling someone out, look at their previous posts; especially when trying to call out their position on things .
Here is a link:
WP7 is missing features 6.5 had but that was a matured and dying (dead now) OS, this is a completely new start. I am not over critical of it becasue i knew going in it was a first iteration OS. And for a first iteration OS it is far better than what iOS and android were. It actually does some things far better than them right now too. It has flaws, but ignoring strength and focusing only on flaws is wrong in my opinion.
I am also confused about your position on the speed of WP7. First you say its the hardware, which android and the iphone 4 have better hardware, and then you say its the OS and that backs up the statement i originally made. The OS is optimized to be faster than both iOS and android. That is a HUGE plus for WP7. It's doing more with less, don't over look that.
Again let me repeat my statement, it does have limitations but everything it does, it does the best. More features will be added with updates.
kromosto said:
i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
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(10 char)
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
kromosto said:
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
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Because 6.5 and 7 are built on completely different platforms. You can not just pull features from 6.5 and put them in 7 because the programming language is different.
6.5 was good for its time, but do you know the main reason why I hear why people do not want to buy WP7 phones? All the headaches they got from 6.5 devices...
WM left a bad taste in ALOT of peoples mouths and that is still showing in WP7. Yes 6.5 might of been good for some but for most it was complete and utter crap.
Will alot of these features eventually be built into WP7 if enough people want them? I think so, but they will be built and coded to meet WP7's standards.

