Question - Editing a DLL - Need Permission? - Touch Pro, Fuze Themes and Apps

Hi guys I have to use PTT for work and for some gawdawful reason HTC made the PTT icon a little yellow smiley face when its on, no they could just make a button that said PTT or something they had to use a smiley face and just looking at the face angers me. I dug around and I found a "hidden" file in the windows directory called PTTService.dll I opened it, found the icon resource, created a new icon, imported it, saved it and when I tried to put it on my machine I got an error that I don't have permission to do that.
I've pretty much hit a wall, I thought I'd done the hard part but I guess not, anyone have ideas? I don't wanna screw with the ROM because its a company phone.

You'll need to disable the dialer skin, and the PTT service through the registry, and soft reset so that the dll isnt actively loaded in memory. then you'll need to sign your dll with a certificate like the sdk certs, and load that cert onto your phone, then overwrite it and set the ptt service and dialer skin to load, and you should be golden..

I bet I could figure out how to do the registry thing, but the cert part makes my brain explode!

The attached app will sign any .exe or .dll with the Windows Mobile SDK Certs (use SDKSamplePriv)
Then copy SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.cer to your device and run it like a cab.
The signing process will fail if the file is already signed, first you need to strip the signature.. it will also fail if readonly, the solution to that is obvious <--- that app will strip the signature

Sorry its been so long to revisit this post, but I had to give a intro to Fuze and Win Mobile to all our Corporate users who all just got them recently and I wanted mine to look and act like theirs until I gave that presentation.
So I finally created the icon to replace that horrid smiley face, I created it with Microangelo (I couldn't believe I still had that app after like 5 years) and used PEXplorer to open the .dll, its PTTService.dll actually, and edit the resource, then change the icon and it worked! I only changed the small icon one because that's the one I see. (32x32 8 bit)
So I got a trial (15 day) of MemMaid and turned off the services for PTT and Keypad and set them to Manual Start, restarted the Fuze and they were off.
I think from here I am almost golden, I just couldn't figure out the signing part, because after I overwrote the PTTService.dll on the device (it warned it was on ROM etc) and tried to use MemMaid to start the service and put it on Auto Start, upon reset only the Keypad was working and the PTT was on Auto Start but wouldn't start unless I did it manually, and when I replaced it back with the original it did Auto Start so I think I signed it wrong.
Heres what I did I downloaded that extracted the linked file (by Da_G), then I had a folder called Sign_msigner, I ran siggner.exe chose the PTTService.dll that I created and it appeared to work because I got a text doc saying:
"Warning: This file is signed, but not timestamped.
so I replaced it, did the MemMaid thing and it wouldn't Auto Start, so I though Oh I forgot to do that certificate thing, so I coped the SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.cer from the Tools folder onto the Fuze, ran it, and that worked because I had a certificate in my certificates area of the Fuze (was only good until 12/31/08 it says) and tried it again and still no luck, can you guys give me some more great advice, I'm so close!!

It sounds like you did everything right, check the "Certificates" menu under settings to make sure the certificate you signed it with did load..
When a .dll is loaded as a driver (in HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn) signing it via this process won't work because those drivers are loaded before the certificate store is vetted.. but I don't think PTTService.dll loads there..

I didn't see anything in there except under the Intermediate tab and it says issues by: TEST USE ONLY - Sample Privileged Root.... expires: 12/31/09
I think that's in there tho because I ran that SDKSamplePrivDeveloper.cer on the Fuze myself (or is that what i was supposed to do), I don't think it started when it tried to load the PTTService.dll
I attached the dll, is there a way to check it?
Also there's 2 files in the tools folder called signcode.exe and signtool.exe, I didn't use these for anything, should I have.

Looks good, not sure why its not loading.
Might need to tool with the security settings, check this post for a good read on the subject:
You can get the tool itself here


Untrusted Application

I have just installed Opera Mini 4 Beta 2 on my Tilt.
I'd like to use it as my default browser, however it's annoying that every time I open it I get asked if I really want to allow it to connect because it is an "untrusted application".
I have an unlimited data plan, so I want to change it to be a "trusted" application so I don't have to tell the Tilt it is ok to use every time I open it.
Sorry for the newb question. I didn't see a lot on a search.
Schooleydoo said:
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Hey, that's perfect! Thanks, you rock!
Ok, after trying everything in that thread I am still having some issues and it appears that there is at least one other guy that can't get it to work on the Kaiser (I have the Tilt).
I've tried hex editing the selector.utf file myself as well as downloading the fix.exe file that is provided in that link and neither one works.
I have the Opera Mini browser mapped to the PIE button just fine, but the problem is getting the "untrusted" thing to go away.
When I change the selector.utf file so that the line reading "domain=untrusted," is now "domain=tckmax ," when I press the PIE button I get an error that says:
"Could not find suite s0_"
However, I can see that the s0_suite.utf file is in my appdb directory.
Any ideas?
ETA: I've seen some mention "cloudyfa's" jbed will work. Where can I get that jbed? Search turned up nothing.
I haven't been able to get this to work. I think it has to do with the jbed that I am running (stock jbed that came with the tilt).
The only info I could seem to find was that some guy named cloudyfa has a custom jbed that will get rid of the "untrusted" warning, but searching hasn't come up with anything on cloudyfa.
Can anyone help point me to a jbed that will work?
have you tried kaiser tweak, there is a function to disable warning.
VTX said:
Ok, after trying everything in that thread I am still having some issues and it appears that there is at least one other guy that can't get it to work on the Kaiser (I have the Tilt).
I've tried hex editing the selector.utf file myself as well as downloading the fix.exe file that is provided in that link and neither one works.
I have the Opera Mini browser mapped to the PIE button just fine, but the problem is getting the "untrusted" thing to go away.
When I change the selector.utf file so that the line reading "domain=untrusted," is now "domain=tckmax ," when I press the PIE button I get an error that says:
"Could not find suite s0_"
However, I can see that the s0_suite.utf file is in my appdb directory.
Any ideas?
ETA: I've seen some mention "cloudyfa's" jbed will work. Where can I get that jbed? Search turned up nothing.
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OK, you can't just replace "untrusted" with "tckmax". you have to pad it with spaces to the same length. I.e. replace "untrusted" with "tckmax ". That will eliminate the "cannot find S0_..." issue. However, I do that, and I still get the nag messages.
OK, the tckmax fix seems not to work for my stock java Esmertec JBed that was on the Kaiser ROM. I installed this Cloudyfa version (which has a different/more recent build date) and voila, it works now without the nag...Thanks for the link to the latest version!
Can you copy your quick launch icon for me? I just cant seem to get the .ink to work. I dont know is it that TC cant make it right, i read it somewhere.
Well, you can't just copy someone's because it depends on what other java apps you have installed on your phone.
but the easiest way to create one is to simply use a Notepad to create simple text file. And it should only contain the following text:
28#"\windows\jbed.exe" -run s1_
BUT you may need to edit it and replace the S1_ with something else. if this is the only Java app you have installed and used, then most likely you want to use S0_ in place of S1_.
Name it Opera.lnk (or whatever you want it to say).
And then copy it to your "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" folder.
Thanks to you guys who figured this out. This one of the little annoying things
that ticked me off. I'd have to first: click on the java shortcut, then click on opera mini, then click on yes to permissions, then yes to connect.
Now I just click on the Opera mini shortcut and BOOM! Up and going, plus I have the IE button reassigned as Opera Mini
jomo25 said:
Well, you can't just copy someone's because it depends on what other java apps you have installed on your phone.
but the easiest way to create one is to simply use a Notepad to create simple text file. And it should only contain the following text:
28#"\windows\jbed.exe" -run s1_
BUT you may need to edit it and replace the S1_ with something else. if this is the only Java app you have installed and used, then most likely you want to use S0_ in place of S1_.
Name it Opera.lnk (or whatever you want it to say).
And then copy it to your "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" folder.
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Tried that, only thing i get is a non working .ink file. Closest ive got on creating the working quick launcher is with TC. It just opens the java applet and says could not find suite s0_.
I think the easiest way would be if some one is kind enough to copy me the working file. I have the Cloudyfa's EsmertecJbed intalled and it is s0_ where it needs to point to. I got rid of the nag, only thing that isnt working is the straight shortcut to open Opera.
i have'nt tried opera, but has anyone tried installed the kaiser tweak, there is a function to disable security warnings.
Attached for S0_. Had to ZIP it so can upload.
Never used KaiserTweak. But I did get the nags to stop via my actions above. Not sure if KT would eliminate it.
Thanks, that one worked straight away. Strange, but it must be that what a read in some post about Total Commander not doing the shortcut right.
Any ideas is it possible to get a quick launch button straight to Opera on TrayLnch?
Anyone? Is it possible?
kms108 said:
i have'nt tried opera, but has anyone tried installed the kaiser tweak, there is a function to disable security warnings.
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BTW, Kaiser Tweak doesn't suppress these security messages. Its a different kind of msg it suppresses.
did anyone ever get this to work for mini 4.2? I've been battling it for a couple hours now with no success. I've tried editing the utf file, but I always still get the untrusted app and network access prompt. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

O2 Stellar and HTC X button

I'd be grateful if anyone could offer any help with this issue.
I have an O2 branded version of the Kaiser. I have installed various of the cabs for HTC software available on this forum - which is excellent, by the way - and was very glad to find an "X" button solution.
Unfortunately, the device then started to crash whenever I closed a program for the first time and had to soft reset. I got a message saying that there was a problem with the shell.
As it stopped when I uninstalled HTC X Button, I am 99% certain that it was source of my problem. O2 stick a program manager in the system bar. It does not add X button functionality, but it does allow manual closure of a program. It does not appear ion any program list, and cannot be removed or closed itself, so I assume that it is part of the rom (not that I am an expert!)
Can anyone confirm this problem, and/or suggest a (preferably freely available) X button program that does not cause any issues? Alternatively, can the (fairly useless) O2 program be removed or closed without replacing the rom?
you are probably correct that the 2 apps are causing the issue. Have you looked in the \windows\startup folder for the O2 app? Also, there is a registry entry called INIT that does startup of services for the device. I can't remember right now where it's located in the registry. Let me know if you find anything in the startup folder and if not, I'll look up the key for you.
There is a file called O2 Custom in the Startup folder which has the same icon as the manager program I want rid of, but it is only 21b in size, so I assume that it is a shortcut.
Thanks for the suggestion. I would be grateful for some guidance on thew registry, since I am too inexperienced with this stuff to go poking around without very specific instructions!
spider_j said:
There is a file called O2 Custom in the Startup folder which has the same icon as the manager program I want rid of, but it is only 21b in size, so I assume that it is a shortcut.
Thanks for the suggestion. I would be grateful for some guidance on thew registry, since I am too inexperienced with this stuff to go poking around without very specific instructions!
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that startup is probably it. you can try to cut&paste the shortcut to your 'my documents' folder, then reboot, then see if that o2 app is started after reboot. if not, then you found the solution.
I wonder if we are able to do a "corporate" install after hard reset like I used to be able to do with my Universal so it doesn't load all the 02 rubbish
Works like a charm, thanks smittyofdhs. The o2 program manager is gone, and HTC XButton 1.51 has not caused any soft resets so far.
You know, I feel really stupid not realising that removing the shortcut from startup would have done the job. I would have done the equivalent on my desktop or laptop without even thinking about it.
HTC has a new version of their Task Manager (V2.0) that can be found pretty easily by searching this website. The only problem I have with HTC's Task Manager(s) is that while the "X" functionality works in every application, the Task Manager feature seems to work only on the Today screen. Therefore, I have found WkTask to be a very good free task manager which also combines a program launcher.

Please help with gathering weather on homew screen!!

Ok, go ahead and bash me, I have been trying for two weeks and still do not get it. I have read post over and over and simply do not understand the "computer lingo". I have a ATT Tilt 8925. I have installed the HTC Home screen with the customize application. I live in Thibodaux Louisiana and the only city I can get is New Orleans which is 60 miles away. My Tilt has a factory ROM and the only things i installed were:
HTC Home plugin
HTC home customize
fff Finger friendly finder
large start-up menu
opera mobile 8.65
I do understand that with a new patch I should be able to receive any city. The problem is I DO NOT understand or can not figure out what patch I need. I have read a lot of post, I do not know which one I need because of the "lingo" used. I am a police officers not a tech. Can somebody please assist me in getting my local weather by laying it down in layman's term!!! This would make my tilt complete. I know a lot of guys would be happy.
ok, go ahead and make fun of me, then after please help. If you are willing I would even be glad to give a call to someone.
Thanks again !!!
Ok, here is how I got mine to work. First install HTC home customizer. Then soft reset. Then in HTC home customizer, edit the city and save it to cutom.
Then copy the .dll file to your windows folder on your phone. Soft reset and everything should work.
BTW, unzip the dll file first before you paste it to the windows directory.
Ok, I installed the HTC Custom and it workng fine. I know how to enter the city of choice but I do not understand whats a .dll file, were its located and were to install it.
Are you talking about the windows folder under My Device? And once you show me were this .dll file is, any special place in the windows folder it needs to got. I guess I can cut and paste it there correct.
Thanks for the help, just need a little more info.
What a .dll file and were its located?
What I just did was download the attached file you had and unzipped it on my PC then transported it to my tilt. I cut and paste it under My Device>windows and and paste it at the bottom. Soft reset and still unable to gather data. When selecting a new city. I selected custom and enter my city (Thibodaux)> then my zip code "70301" then country USA. After each selection I tapped "X" to save and at the end I tapped exit.
Any thoughts
Nope thats it. Just soft reset & then go to the weather tap & it should sync.
When I enter my zip code do I enter anything else other than the numbers?
I noticed at the bottom of the tab it had some format/letter etc, all I enter was my zip code numbers?
Also should I be seeing other cities when I am on the home page when I tap the city icon. It only shows my city (Thibodaux).
I do notice when it is searching, the internet is running. Also from the factory it searches using MediaNet I beleive. Also, I am not using a proxy. All my internet setting are from the factory.
Is it possible I have the wrong HTC Cutomizer downloaed. I downloaded the
"v0.8" version the other one was the v1.0????
Tried again and after searching, unable to gather data ETC.
Again, thanks and help!!
I am going to try and install the HTC Customizer on the phone instead of the storage/memory card and see if that will amke a difference. The HTC home and cusotmizer work good being on the storage card. Anyway stand by and will try.
No different, same message; "unable to gather data from selected city"
Okay, Do this. DL the attached file. Unzip & Put both files in \windows directory.
Go to HHC customizer. select the weather tab, selesct custom database, select add city enter you city exactly like this (use your city info of course):
Palo Verdes, CA USA 90732
No periods in USA or after the state abbreviation.
You will only see the citys taht are entered into the custom database, that's why only the one shows up.
Ok, stand by
ok, I downloaded the attached file you have on your last post. I unzipped it on my device and put everything under windows then soft reset and still no luck. I did notice that your file had an Opera icon (weather cities) in it. The other that I downloaded from above did not have this.
Thank for you time, any other suggestions??
I have put so many different files in here to try and get it to work, I will just load my saved "back-up" and start again.
Any help from you guys!! I really would like this application to work. Everything else I have installed has worked w/o problems except this one.
Simple' I just want to be able to located my city!!!!
I can find it on any other weather program.
To make this clear, this are the programs I have installed, is there any more I need?
HTC Home plug In
HTC Home Customize (I believe that the weather patch is installed in this program already?/? correct??)
The attached .dll file that's attached above.
Is this all I need to retrieve other cities??
I am determinded to get this right, as you can see!
Unfortunately I'm not able to help you with the HTC Weather piece, but I am running PocketWeather from and checked and your city is available in there. So if you are unable to get this fix and still want weather, this is an option. Unfortunately it isn't free, but you could always download a trial and see if it works for you before buying.
Another free option would be WeatherToGo from but I don't know if they have your town in there or if it can be customized.
Good luck in your quest.
Thanks, I think I will just go ahead and purchase the sbsh program if I can not resolve this issue.
1. Install HTC Home Customizer 1.05 whic I think u said u did.
2. Start HTC1.05, in the weather tab, change your city and add to the custom database.
3. Soft reset.
4. Sync phone with pc. (its just easier this way, trust me)
5. Once synced copy the .dll file I uploaded earlier (using ur pc not the phone) and paste it to the windows folder of your phone.
6. Soft reset.
7. Now you must be able to access the internet with your phone for all of this to work. Click the weather tab and click in the area where it asks you to and it will download your weather data.
Hope this helps.
I downloaded the v0.8 version of the cutomizer, does this amake a difference?
Did you go back into customizer & re-enter the custom city data & make sure there are no periods?
I've followed your directions, when I tried to paste the dll file into my windows directory through my PC, the windows directory did not show up. So I tried to copy it from the my documents directory to the windows directory using the file explorer on the phone and it said it could not copy over the file due to access restrictions. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I live in Idaho and the closest city I can get is 4 hours away.
swatcop1 said:
I downloaded the v0.8 version of the cutomizer, does this amake a difference?
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Ok you are just trying to find an HTC Home that will let you get your local weather? If i am correct, then download and install these files in order:
Once all 3 are installed, run the customizer and set up your weather!
I've got mine to work with all the aforementioned assistance. However, it only updates the weather either via WIFI or ActiveSync. Is there no way to get this to work through the proxy?
Ericc191, thanks for that post. I'm wondering if that will make a city work that doesn't work when you edit the xml? I tried before doing the regedit change to add my code in, but it still couldn't find it through accuweather.

HTC Weather, problem & fix

I thought I would add this here unless anyone else runs into the same problem. I broke my HTC Weather yesterday while trying to upload local cities into it. I am running the Dec 03 release of HyperDragon, but HTC Weather seems to be the same (at least in terms of files to edit) across different platforms.
After adding my local city, and uploading it back to the phone when I went into the weather tab to add a new city, I was unable to search for any cities. In fact the search screen contained no entries at all. Essentially, I corrupted the xml file, and the phone was unable to read it.
How I broke it:
Be careful what you edit with. I just opened the file with word pad in Vista to copy my new city information, but the xml file and word pad don't like each other. I found that the tilde ( ` ) <--- that character appearing over letters was unsupported in word pad. The xml file was unable to then read it. It saw it as corrupted data.
To fix it:
I just deleted the offending cities with tilde's in them. I didn't need them anyways. However, one could also just edit the file with a better program and re-upload it to the phone. Once I fixed the file, HTC Weather saw my new cities and was more than happy to read them.
Maybe someone else already went over this. I don't know. But I know I searched on the forum for quite some time without finding out what I did wrong.
AT&T tilt running Hyperdragon
The first mistake was editing an XML file with wordpad. Try using Komodo next time. Always use the proper software for certain editing functions.
Heres a link to the Freeware Komodo XML Editor.
didnt I say that
SpiritOne said:
I thought I would add this here unless anyone else runs into the same problem. I broke my HTC Weather yesterday while trying to upload local cities into it. I am running the Dec 03 release of HyperDragon, but HTC Weather seems to be the same (at least in terms of files to edit) across different platforms.
After adding my local city, and uploading it back to the phone when I went into the weather tab to add a new city, I was unable to search for any cities. In fact the search screen contained no entries at all. Essentially, I corrupted the xml file, and the phone was unable to read it.
How I broke it:
Be careful what you edit with. I just opened the file with word pad in Vista to copy my new city information, but the xml file and word pad don't like each other. I found that the tilde ( ` ) <--- that character appearing over letters was unsupported in word pad. The xml file was unable to then read it. It saw it as corrupted data.
To fix it:
I just deleted the offending cities with tilde's in them. I didn't need them anyways. However, one could also just edit the file with a better program and re-upload it to the phone. Once I fixed the file, HTC Weather saw my new cities and was more than happy to read them.
Maybe someone else already went over this. I don't know. But I know I searched on the forum for quite some time without finding out what I did wrong.
AT&T tilt running Hyperdragon
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Next time use notepad that is what i use...also the XML file is in my download section go there and download it open it in notepad and edit then move it into the windows folder...u should be good to go..
How did you manage to get adding cities to WORK?
I followed the instructions that have been posted around, but the URL fragment is NOT as displayed in those posts anymore on
Going to from my Kaiser gets me something that looks SOMEWHAT similar, but its not the same - if I try to use the same format that other US cities are in for mine, I can locate it in the list but it won't update.
Any help?
Genesis3 said:
How did you manage to get adding cities to WORK?
I followed the instructions that have been posted around, but the URL fragment is NOT as displayed in those posts anymore on
Going to from my Kaiser gets me something that looks SOMEWHAT similar, but its not the same - if I try to use the same format that other US cities are in for mine, I can locate it in the list but it won't update.
Any help?
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I am not sure what you are asking...I just added my city like MOD Scotchua said to do and it worked...
Aha - I screwed up. Its working now
Spoke too soon..... it KINDA works.
The currnet Manila 2D executable will go back to the top screen (the home page) if you hit the END button twice. It also will mark an incoming SMS "read" if you sit on it on the top page for a few seconds.
The patched one does neither. It will not go back to home unless you navigate there, and SMS do not get marked read.
Is the patch involved (e.g. could I go in with a hex editor and make a change to the CURRENT Manila executable?)
Update to THAT....
I took a quick look at the executables and found the change, with the different URLs. However, it appears the new one is longer than the old, which means that a quick "patch in place" is unlikely to work (I have no idea what's AFTER that block of data - and it ain't zeros, and IS apparent UTF-8 text - so I'm likely to scramble something doing a quick overwrite.)
This in turn implies that you need a way to disassemble the exe file and replace the data, then reassemble it (e.g. to assembler, at least) assuming you don't have source.
So..... anyone have a tool for this or is this a case of "have lots of fun playing with something that can disassemble it, find a clean place in the data segment to put the new reference, and fix it that way" sort of game?
SpiritOne said:
didnt I say that
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yep... just rubbing it in some more
I wouldn't use notepad either. I'd rather not get into a long discussion about editing xml files with notepad either
An XML editor is definitely the way to go.
Yet another update....
What's with the app here? I patched it with a string that fits using a hex editor.
What I wind up with refuses to run. Are these apps cryptographically signed?
Answer: Yep, and once modified, the signature is no good. I don't see anything in Advanced Config that can turn that protection off either; you can disable the requirement that CABs be signed, but I don't see where you can disable the requirement that APPLICATIONS be signed. My security policy settings are such that all security is off, but attempting to run the patched executable by hand elicits a complaint about the signature being invalid. I presume that a MISSING signature would be ok, but a CORRUPT one is going to get complained about - and I have no means to fix that.
Yet more....
I have found the code-signing tools after rooting around and re-signed the application.
It still fails to work; it appears there is a SECOND call to an HTC web site in the current Manila2D code which is NOT in the other patched file.
That one goes to:
DNS shows the address is a CNAME to, and the worse news is that the replacement string that goes in the other place doesn't fit in there - its one byte too long.
It also looks like THIS is the one being called for updates, because changing the other, direct call to the link doesn't change anything - the codes in the file that refer to places accuweather handles still work, but those that refer to other places do not.
Any ideas?
Final Fix - Read
Ok, here's what I've accomplished.
I patched the Manila2D.exe (the CURRENT copy from HyperDragon and others) and have re-signed the code (with a self-signed cert)
I also grabbed the php script and set it up on a VERY short domain name I registered this afternoon, - it exists ONLY for this purpose and is NOT a generic HTC web site.
I have modified the script as necessary, and the firmware as necessary. The replacement Manila2D.exe file is attached. To implement this simply replace the Manila2D.exe in your \Windows directory on the device with the one in this ZIP file. That's it; you can then add city codes at will in the weather file list and they will work.
The previously-posted version of Manila2D.exe has a couple of bugs that I consider show-stoppers, and patching the current version necessitated having a shorter URL as one of the places required to be patched would not allow the "not2advanced" url to fit.
Note that this weather reflector is being run by me, is OPEN and will remain indefinitely; I have a very high-bandwidth connection and expect no interruption in that service. Feel free to use it.
I now have WORKING HTC weather in Manila for virtually anywhere.... and you can too without the restrictions that existed in the previous patched copy (no return to home screen with the END key, and no SMS message marking)
This script "portal" should also work with any other patched HTC Home or HTC Manila applications; the complete url is
Note that there is NO general content on that web site.
PS: As of this instant the .ORG TLD nameservers haven't picked the domain up yet from my registrar. That's abnormal; I see it on my infrastructure but not globally. It should be globally visible by morning.
There's just one thing left to say:
Thank you!
I've been fiddling with this for quite some time, and once I've found this thread everything worked as advertised!!
Happy new year!!
Glad it works for you! Happy New Year to you as well.
Hi Genesis3,
I have installed yesterday Josh's v15 M2D Plain 3G ROM and would like to customize the Weather and add my location.
Your Manila2D.exe is 1.1 Mo where the Manila2D.exe included in this ROM is only 410 KB .... Do you think I can change the original by your's ?
That copy is PROBABLY compressed. If it is, the strings can no longer be patched.
You need to talk to the chef and get the uncompressed EXE file - if he has it.
Packed manila2d.exe
I haven't seen anyone post about this but the compressed manila2d.exe that I have uses UPX it worked for me to both unpack and repack the file.
Look into the file for "$Info" if it say's packed with UPX the link above may work for you too. (about 350h char's in)
Genesis3 said:
That copy is PROBABLY compressed. If it is, the strings can no longer be patched.
You need to talk to the chef and get the uncompressed EXE file - if he has it.
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As with everything here YMMV, make backups and if you blow it up don't blame anyone but the operator.

= What is PKG.EXE? =

I have a HTC Touch Pro, and reviewing the device boot process I have called for "PKG.EXE" What it is for this executable, and what is its function within the Windows Mobile?. Thank you.
I also wanted to ask, for the experience you have with this model of HTC, and without touching the original ROM that takes (I have it under warranty still), as can optimize the use of battery power in an effective manner. I have the screen always the minimum possible, I avoid programs running in the background without the need (except for those at home), very few scheduled alarms, and Wi-Fi/Bluetooth disconnected when not in use. ActiveSync also disconnected when not in use. The phone in 2G (3G off). I note that for some time takes me barely a day battery. I just replaced the battery with a new original, and even if I'm watching longer than the load. The control program of the battery is the partner who has designed BattClock, adjusted query interval to 120 seconds.
Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is open up a dll or exe with a text editor. Here's what's in pkg.exe (other than all the binary crap):
c:\Documents and Settings\Jocelyn_Yang.HTCTAIPEI\Desktop\Autorun_package_splash_2577\PKG\Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDK (ARMV4I)\Release\PKG.pdb
P K G . l n k % s \ % s i n s t a l l P k g A u t o r u n . e x e \ % s \ 2 5 7 7 \
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So, I'd guess that Jocelyn Yang wrote it, lol. Maybe you should email her. The other thing I'd guess is that it's part of the autorun process that carries out customization.
Farmer Ted said:
Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is open up a dll or exe with a text editor. Here's what's in pkg.exe (other than all the binary crap):
So, I'd guess that Jocelyn Yang wrote it, lol. Maybe you should email her. The other thing I'd guess is that it's part of the autorun process that carries out customization.
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Hello Farmer Ted,
Thank you very much for answering.
Open the "exe" with a text editor binary, and saw nothing to give me a clue, actually left peri "Jocelyn Yang's" name in the file.
Do you think that might Elimite this call in the Windows Start Mobile (PKG.LNK) and remove this file "PKG.EXE" folder "Windows" without affecting the operation me right out of my HTC Touch Pro?. Please let me might help in this matter, not having unnecessary files on my mobile device. Thank you very much.
It's in rom, so you can't delete it (no matter how hard you try). I don't have it running at startup personally, so if there's a link in your startup folder, you can probably remove it. I really doubt there will be an issue, but you should always do a backup before messing with your startup queue, in case it freezes the device and forces a hard reset.
Farmer Ted said:
It's in rom, so you can't delete it (no matter how hard you try). I don't have it running at startup personally, so if there's a link in your startup folder, you can probably remove it. I really doubt there will be an issue, but you should always do a backup before messing with your startup queue, in case it freezes the device and forces a hard reset.
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Hello Farmer Ted,
Thanks for answering. What if I would be interested to know is that this file is, you know what your purpose in the operating system. Google is that I have not found an explanation of this file.
All I can tell you is that it's in the OEM Drivers section of the rom. I doubt it does much. There is some garbage left over in your startup folder sometimes after bootup. If you see an autoshortcut.lnk file and and HTCstartup.lnk file, you can delete both of those. They're used during customization. I'm guessing that pkg.exe runs during 1st boot, then isn't necessary, but I really don't know.
Farmer Ted said:
All I can tell you is that it's in the OEM Drivers section of the rom. I doubt it does much. There is some garbage left over in your startup folder sometimes after bootup. If you see an autoshortcut.lnk file and and HTCstartup.lnk file, you can delete both of those. They're used during customization. I'm guessing that pkg.exe runs during 1st boot, then isn't necessary, but I really don't know.
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Hello Farmer Ted,
Thank you very much for answering. Well there is something more about this file. I ventured to remove it (copied to another folder before it), and I got a little scare, as before restarting the device after a soft-reset, did it again another soft-reset automatically... I thought it would go into a loop, but no... after the second soft-reset my device it definitely started. I have always taken a backup with SPB Backup, in case I completely reset the device.
I did not want to take more risks, and I left the file in your site... I think it really annoys. But thanks to you and is something more about it, but not quite... continues the mystery about it...
If you have sk tools, it's got a good startup manager. It will allow you to disable/re-enable items in the startup folder, and will save the shortcuts for you. You definitely need to be careful with startup, though, as you can get into reset loops and boot-ups to frozen devices. You're probably good to go. I don't have a link to pkg.exe in my startup, so it's not something vital. The crucial stuff is all launched in HKLM\init, anyway, I believe.
Once, I just wanted a particular task manager to run at startup, so I put a link in the folder, thinking nothing of it. It caused hell. The device would boot to the today screen, then freeze as the plugins loaded, but not always at the exact same place. After about 10 resets, it got far enough along that I was able to open total commander and delete the startup link before the device froze, then re-start it.
I have a HTC HD2 and I make a ROM upgrade from T-Mobile-Rom 1.48 up to T-Mobile-Rom 1.72 - after the update the device was very slow, so I look in the autostart-folder and find two new links there I never see by my old Rom - I read our post and delete it (pkg.lnk and HTCstartup.lnk) - after this I make a softreset. The device startup without any problem and was very fast... so it work's now very fast and good but I can't say what the two link's do...
Sorry for my bad english...
Bye Mommel
Farmer Ted said:
If you have sk tools, it's got a good startup manager. It will allow you to disable/re-enable items in the startup folder, and will save the shortcuts for you. You definitely need to be careful with startup, though, as you can get into reset loops and boot-ups to frozen devices. You're probably good to go. I don't have a link to pkg.exe in my startup, so it's not something vital. The crucial stuff is all launched in HKLM\init, anyway, I believe.
Once, I just wanted a particular task manager to run at startup, so I put a link in the folder, thinking nothing of it. It caused hell. The device would boot to the today screen, then freeze as the plugins loaded, but not always at the exact same place. After about 10 resets, it got far enough along that I was able to open total commander and delete the startup link before the device froze, then re-start it.
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I followed your advice of using SK Tools (an indispensable tool for me with Windows Mobile, together with MemMaid), and I started off on the Windows Mobile the two processes that says: "PKG.lnk" and "HTCstartUP.lnk".
As indicated by "mommel" also in this forum thread, which also had these two processes and eliminated, now the device will boot much faster, and no one notices that nothing goes wrong ... for now. As I have simply disabled, not totally eliminated, thus I will continue trying to run my device.
Thank you for your valuable information. I believe this forum thread is very instructive and I'm glad I initiated if more partners relevant to the forum.
mommel said:
I have a HTC HD2 and I make a ROM upgrade from T-Mobile-Rom 1.48 up to T-Mobile-Rom 1.72 - after the update the device was very slow, so I look in the autostart-folder and find two new links there I never see by my old Rom - I read our post and delete it (pkg.lnk and HTCstartup.lnk) - after this I make a softreset. The device startup without any problem and was very fast... so it work's now very fast and good but I can't say what the two link's do...
Sorry for my bad english...
Bye Mommel
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I followed what you indicate in your message, and using SK Tools (an indispensable tool for me with Windows Mobile, together with MemMaid), I turned off the Windows Mobile Start you indicate the two processes (com also says "Farmer Ted": "PKG.lnk" and "HTCstartUP.lnk".
This amendment also boots faster my HTC Touch Pro (HTC original ROM with WM6.1 Pro), and also seems to go faster running after starting.
The pity is not actually know these two processes that serve simply to increase our knowledge of the Windows Mobile.
Thank you for your information.
Basically, it's HTC's fault. They're sloppy with the initial boot-up of the device, those links should be deleted after first boot. There's also some stuff you can disable in the HKLM\init queue and in the HKCU\Software\HTC\bootlauncher queue. In the init keys, there's one for autotimeupdate. It doesn't appear to do anything, so you can just delete the key (I think it's 120). I delete the tmail key in bootlauncher (I've never missed having tmail running in the background). If you use a custom sip (other than ezinput), you can delete the 'startkey' reg key, as this just initiates ezinput. I've never missed sipgt_app.exe, so you can delete that piece of crap, too. My boot times are 60-65 seconds (I don't run manila; I use 6.5, but boot-times are faster with 6.1). If you trim the fat, you can speed up re-boots a ton. Just don't delete the keys for core processes-that could end in a hard reset. I recommend doing a full backup before really messing with the registry keys.

