Spare Parts and Droidsans Tweak Tools question - G1 Apps and Games

hey guy,
i had a question. what was the spare parts application on the market before and why did it get pulled. also i was wondering if anyone can modify droidsans tweak tools lite so we can change the APN settings for US users. i use to be able to turn off the 3g completely to save battery (rather than only downgrading to 2g). i asked him to put it back and he said he would on next update but i was bummed when he didn't


Help Getting started with a G4

I'm confused about where to start, especially because i have a G4.
I decided to stay with the latest Tmobile ROM since its more difficult to unlock etc. (i couldnt find anything about unlocking a G4 here)
So i got this freeware program called TaskManager from and im pretty sure i can edit the registry through it, so i decided i would just tweak the registry eg. change the cache and history to the memory card etc. to improve performance and i wont mind a little overclock either
Can you guys give me a link to a list of registry tweaks?
And do you think im making the right choice by just tweaking the registry rather than trying to unlock it or anything?
And am i missing anything? Like i said im kinda confused about where to start with a G4.
Thanks from a Noob.

Some noob questions...

So I finally got a Treo and of course I want to mod it like every other phone I had. I have a couple of questions so hopefully no one will mind helping me out.
I installed the "official" AT&T WM6 ROM and would like to remove some of the apps or links in programs. Like the Get TeleNav and a couple of other ones. How can I go about doing this?
Also for now I am using AT&T Prepaid until my Sprint/Nextel contract runs out in a couple of months. So after each call or web session I get a notification for my balance and what the transaction cost me. With a Razr I have I can remove that option by doing a seem edit? Is there such a thing or way with the treo, maybe a reg edit?
Would you please provide any links to programs that can help me mod the phone. Maybe something to make different themes or whatever else?
Thanks in advance. I searched around but it is like 2:30 AM here and I can't see any more.

[Q] Date on lockscreen

Anyone know how to change the date format on the lockscreen? I am using the default one and not HTCs. I have looked in android policy and framework-res but neither seems to set the EE, MMM dd. I would like to change it to E, MMM dd yy or something along those lines. Any help is appreciated. The only thing that comes close is the date_format_short, but since there are multiple values, it seems to have to do with regular date_format....I did find a hardcoded date_format_short in SettingsProvider.apk as well as a way to turn Unknown Sources on by default...havent tested - but it is set there.
Wh00t! Well, not a big deal, but made it so that on the flashing of a rom, Unknown Sources under Applications is automatically checked, and Haptic Feedback under Sounds and Display is unchecked...less crap I have to deal with
Well, finally figured out how to change the date format on the lock screen.
Are you going to tell us?
You have to decompile framework-res.apk and browse to /res/values/ and /res/values-languagecode/ (mine is values-en-rUS). You want to edit strings.xml and look for
<string name="abbrev_wday_month_day_year">EEE, MMM d, yyyy</string>
as you can see, mine is different than what is already there. What I have above shows the full day, month, date, and year (Thursday, March 31, 2011) - the ", yyyy" does not exist initially. I have not finished determining how I want the lockscreen to display the date yet, I was just making sure I had the right option.
To enable "Unknown Sources" and disable "Haptic Feedback" you have to edit SettingsProviders.apk and I believe the file is bools.xml (I have since removed the decompiled files as I was done editing for now...I actually need to find some more options in the settings menu that I have to go through and turn off, but that is for another day). I must say it is real nice to not have that stupid popup when you try to install an app that you backed up. It may only happen once, but I always forget about it and it is soooo annoying.
Good deal. Thanks evilvoice!
I had a feeling the date format was in framework-res, but I wasn't sure which one. I haven't yet ripped into SettingsProvider yet, so I'm looking forward to what I can screw up in there.
I had originally heard that it was in framework-res, but after trying to find it, I decided to move to android.policy.jar, which did not get me anywhere, then I tried settings.apk and settingsproviders.apk (no idea why I tried providers, but I did), so I came across the 2 options by mistake. Then I decided to look again at framework-res (because someone in the Software and Hacking General forums said that it was in there under lockscreen.xml, so back to the original file, only there wasnt a lockscreen.xml...there were other files that deal with the lockscreen, but nothing with a date, so I did a findstr for date, and basically decided I was going to try editing that line to see if it worked...thankfully it did.
So, 5 days just to find that out. Now, if only someone a lot smarter than me could figure out how to remove tabs from the Settings Menu. I cant believe nobody in all of the Android HTC devices has not wanted to remove some of the tabs, anyways, thats my next BIG project. I think I am really close to figuring it out as I found out how to overwrite a tab with another tab, but that is not what I want for the end product, because you would essentially have 3-4 tabs at the bottom that are elsewhere in the menu....hate duplicates

[Q] Rom Cooking Questions

HI guys
I seem to try a lot of roms but would like an easy optioin to go back to my preferred layout. I dont want to use a backup program as I am also learning rom cooking.
OK so what I want to do is take overcome, pack adwlauncher into it AND modify its settings (add icon theme, move front screen icons, add some widgets to the homescreen etc)
I Have been experimenting and not having much luck.
First thing i did was edit the build.prop and modify the density to my liking. Works fine.
I deleted launcher.apk from and added adwlauncher.apk to /system/app.
It boots but no launcher , I assumed it would come up with the default "select program for this action" in first book allowing me to set adwlauncher, but it does not.
So useless to me, no launcher.
How do i do this?
I also assume that there is a better place to put adw so as to allow for updating? Where are market programs stored?
How do I change adw's settings to my liking and pre package them?
I assume I can just setup adw how I like, take the config files off my galaxy AND package them into the overcome zip somewhere. Where might they be and where might I need to put them to.
Oh one other thing, adwthemes. These come from market I'm assuming as an apk. If I just add the apk to appropriate place is that enough for adw to see them so that once my config is in place the correct icons will be used.
Thanks very much for any help guys and excuse me if these answers are easy to find, I didnt have much luck with my search terms.
Hopefully one day I will be talented enough to build my own overcome. lol

[Q] Might be a way to avoid AT&T's throttle....

I've been really annoyed by AT&T's throttle and trying to find a way around it I've been playing with the root of the device with SQ Lite Editor and found this under:
1) Setting Storage
2) setting.db
3) secure
4) throttle_reset_day
Trying to change it's value from "20" to "0" to see if I can get my speed again but it can't be edited this way. Actually my billing cycle ends that day ("20")...... is there a way to edit that field so I can try if this can actually avoid throttling? Any Dev out there? I'll be happy to test any possibility......
Thanks people!
I could be wrong, but i believe i saw a thread in regards to this over in the captivate forum some time ago, and if im not mistaken this didnt work. But would still welcome someone to try it.

