Touch Diamond and Linux question - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV General

I have yet to receive my device yet so I'm wondering if the Touch Diamond plays well with Linux? As in can I transfer music to the device, sync etc? I also have Windows XP setup in Virtualbox so I'm wondering if it will work with that also. Thanks.

it's not the biggest of fans when it comes to linux, but i believe sync solutions are being developed; though none readily available at current.

Not sure about sync but you should be able to access the 4GB internal storage through disk mode

There is a sync solution called SynCE, which works but is a bit fiddly. You can certainly xfer music to the diamond as it appears as a mass storage device. I've had to nuke my Virtualbox install before trying activesync in it so I don't know but I would frankly be rather surprised if it worked, the USB passthrough for VBox isn't perfect.

I suggest you to check FinchSync, its written in Java, so it is platform independent. I haven't tried it though.

FitchSync doesn't seem to sync with Evolution, Not totally sure about this, haven't properly checked it.
I have been playing with multisync which should be able to sync but for some reason doesn't, no error message or anything, click sync and nothing happens. Have to investigate that.

I updated the Wiki with an option for syncing the Touch Diamond with Linux. I'm personally using this method for syncing my Diamond with Thunderbird under Ubuntu 8.10. The method is based on Funambol, which has plug-ins for both Evolution and Thunderbird. There's also an Outlook plug-in, meaning that you can sync with Windows too. The obvious benefit is that by using Funambol you can actually sync your phone with several different computers and/or operating systems. It's decentralized (stored on Funambols server), which means that the drawback is a two-step syncing procedure every time you need to sync The page and instructions for getting started with myFunambol is here:
Edit: Oh yeah, another benefit you have by using Funambol is that you can transfer all your contacts from your old phone easily. It's very likely that your old phone has support for SyncML, so if you create an account on myFunambol and sync your old phone and then sync your Diamond you'll have all your contacts on your Diamond!
I have also updated the page on using your Diamond as a modem (via Bluetooth) in Linux. You can find the instructions here:
Mass storage mode works out of the box in Ubuntu 8.04+ (possibly other versions too). This means that you can transfer music to the phone. However, you won't get the album art by doing it this way. I haven't looked in to this yet. It's possible you need to sync with Windows Media Player for the music transfering to work 100%. Or maybe it's just a matter of naming the album art right and putting it in the right place. I dunno
Edit: If anyone has information regarding the music player in the Diamond, specifically about using album art, it'd be much appreciated

I finally took the time to investigate the music player, and it turns out it's really simple to get the album art showing. There's no need to use synchronization from Windows, you just have to put the album art in the same folder as the mp3-files and name the picturefile hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg (that's the name the file gets if you use Windows Media Player to sync music to your HTC, it's possible or even likely it's case sensitive). WMP seems to resize the art to 256x256 pixels. You should do the same, and also use a fair amount of compression to keep the file size down. It appears that you can use whatever resolution you want for the file, but it takes longer to load if it's big.
If you are having problems with the playing lists, soft reset the device and remove the file /Application Data/HTC/AudioManager_Eng/AudioManager_Eng.vol on the main memory (not the 4GB internal storage). You cannot open the music player after the soft reset or the file will be locked for deletion!
Also, if your music is in disorder you should update the ID3 tag. I'm not sure, but the Touch Diamond probably doesn't read ID3v1.x tags. ID3V2.4 is confirmed to work, and that's also the latest standard for ID3 tags, but most mp3s probably is tagged with v2.3 which most certainly should work too. Try it before you retag your whole music library. Under Linux you can use EasyTag to tag your mp3 files. EasyTag can be found in the Ubuntu 8.10 repository. EasyTag has a function for tagging mp3s with pictures, but this doesn't seem to work on the HTC. It just displays the hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg anyway. So if you want different pictures for different songs (ie singles) you should put them in separate folders with different hTC_AM_AlbumArt.jpg

Funambol working fine, sync your data well
Look also at working fine on diamond (and his clones)
Both, first time sync trouh a windows machine on avtive sync
specialy if you dont have flat fee internet on your cell
it takes some time on mobile internet end gives you a great bill if you dont have flat fee
PS: Funambol syncs whit thunderbird on linux whit a funambol plugin and lighting from mozilla, fast and no errors

does funambol let you install and remove apps on the phone?
and transferring music / video can be done via the 'disk drive' connecction when connecting to the phone

No, it does not. It's not that kind of syncing program. Iit's only focused on personal information, ie calender, tasks and contacts.

Seems Google Sync ( ) kan be used to sync your Google accounts Calendar and GMail Contacts via ActiveSync on the Diamond (Exchange-mode?). I haven't tried it yet, but if you're already using Google services this should be ideal. Google also has mobile versions of many of their products (for instance Docs, Tasks etc). Please note that you should have a flat rate for internet data, or this would most certainly be rather expensive.


Can I sync files over the Internet?

Anyone know if there is an app that lets me synchronize files or folders between my PC and the memory card on my Tilt?
I want to be able to sync when I am away from home, over the Internet.
I know there are a few apps that do this while the phone is connected to the PC, like Easy Sync.
Hamachi mobile has been working for me to access my home computer - but haven't set up any automatic syncing. I guess it depends on how automatic you need it versus being able to browse to the computer and copy what you need.
It does require Hamachi to be installed on the home computer as well.
Came across this a while ago:
Folder Share
It's not something I need, so never could be bothered to set it up. Might be what your after though?
ACTUALLY scratch this plan. I just had a further look over the site, and realised its for PC's, not PDA's. That was the reason I never bothered.
Good hunting!
There is a service called Soonr, that doesn't really Sync the files persay, but you can access files on your PC from your phone. As I recall Orb does a similar thing.
It's funny, actually I use FolderShare on my work/home PCs and it works great to keep folders in sync. I really just want to find something similar that works on a PDA/phone.
I also have Orb and it works great, but I want to be able to keep Word files and such in sync so I don't always have to make an Internet connection whenever I want to open the files. I'd also like to be able to keep mp3s in sync so that I don't have to stream to listen to them.
I did a lot of Google searching and the closest thing I can find is Nokia's Intellisync which seems to have this Internet-synching capability, but it seems like a big business implementation. I can't believe there isn't a simple solution for this.

Diamond and Mac

Hi all,
I was considering upgrading to a Diamond but have an apple mac laptop. Does anyone know if the activesync software will work on a mac or if there is any other away around this [if there is a problem]?
ActiveSync is not working on mac. There are few software you can use:
Eltima SynMate
Missing Sync
I've tried them all, and i had the best results, so far, with PocketMac. Still the three of them yet are not whant i was looking for (which is iSync ^^).
Just wondering, is Internet Sharing working on a Mac? I saw a video on Youtube where this was possible, but I needed some tweaks and the video was two years old. Is Internet Sharing working out-of-the-box now with one of these three programs?
I use and have always used's brilliant. You can backup contacts, call logs, email and SMS, sync time, iTunes playlists, files, notes, photos, video, tasks and more. You can also mount the volume to browse/edit/add files in Finder. In my opinion it's better than's certainly more reliable (I used to have a lot of problems syncing with activesync when I used a PC)
watch out with PocketMac under Leopard. It uses application enhancer, which is not supported anymore under Leopard, and it makes osx crash hard (meaning unable to boot into osx)!!

Windows Mobile/TyTn II: Synchronisation (notes/files)??

Fairly new to the latest incarnation of WM and am just getting to grips with a TyTn II which I've bought that overall I'm quite impressed with. There are a couple of issues that I'm having with it that probably stem from a lack of familiarity with WM and also from drawing comparison with Palm and Nokia devices which I have used previously as PDAs. Any comments to avoid me wasting hours trying to find out how to achieve the potentially unachievable would thus be much appreciated:
1) Synchronising - files/folders: My previous Palm handled this QUITE well where MS Office type docs were concerned (Documents To Go) and even the Nokia Phones seem to do what I want to achieve better than I can manage with the TyTn just now. Essentially, I want to be able to synchronise the TyTn with a folder on the PC that contains JUST a number of Office type documents which I want to synchronise. Currently, no matter what settings I opt for I cannot do this. I know I can drag and drop from the File Manager part of Windows Mobile Device Centre (Vista PC) but that will not achieve automated synch for changed versions etc. Currently I select Synch Files (which is not selected by default on WMDC) and then move the files I want copied into the device into that folder. OK so far. Yet, when I hit Synch it then seems to insist on copying EVERYTHING on the phone into that folder on the PC too!!!! That makes a snych quite a long process and essentially all I want to synch is the 8-10 Office docs I want. Is this beyond WM? I would have thought this a relatively basic requirement which even Nokia with its Briefcase folder seems to be capable of doing. I have tried deleting all the non-Office files out of the PC file synch folder that WMDC created and then uses but then of course that just result in them being taken off the phone when I Synch!!! I've scoured Help, the Manual and numerous sites trying to find away round this but so far I do not seem to be able to synch files unless I synch everything
2) Notes (Categories v Folders): I use Notes on a PC a lot and because I use so many I tend to have them bundled in categories. Despite what I try though I do not seem to be able to get any semblance of order to them when they come across to the TyTn which just shoves them all in 'My Documents' (this makes it a real pain when using Explorer on the device too as there are 200 or so notes to scroll through when looking). I've tried moving the notes on the TyTn to Folders on the device after they are copied over but that just seems to cause a second copy on the PC to be created with the 'note title/folder' format upon the next synch?? Outlook clearly uses categories in a way that does not seem to be replicated on WM/TyTn and as such it seems you can only achieve a long unorganised list of notes on the target device. Using folders on the device does not then read across well to Outlook.
I am conscious that there are apps out there that might allow better management of the Notes problem (Phat Notes) and there may be better folder/file synch options with software like Documents To Go but I am wondering if I'm missing something with the basics here that mean I should be able to do what I want. It does seem odd that selecting Synch Files should result in such an arbitrary copying of the whole content of the device when on may devices it is there merely to ensure you can create a Briefcase type folder to synch just what YOU want.
I have not yet upgraded to the new WM 6.1 either so not sure if that provides any solutions. I plan to do that shortly (and am assuming that if I do the WM 6.1 I won't ALSO need the ROM upgrade that was put up by HTC before that?). Any help much appreciated
Use GoodSync (Link). It allows Bi-directional sync, allows you to select folders to synchronize and has a host of other features. There is a free and pro verion of goodsync so check it out and decide which one you want.
IMO it can take care of almost all the things that you mentioned ...
Whats wrong with Outlook? It does Notes/Favs/Tasks/Calender/Contacts/E-mail...I mean theres not much it doesn't do besides SMS and Calling from computer. These are really easy to use and customize files to push back and forth when connected to Activesync.
Empgamer: I've got the same issues with WM6,1 as you described. I'm genuinely amazed that Windows Mobile syncing to windows (Vista, so no active sync for us) doesn't work out of the box when managing edited documents on your PC & PPC. The PalmOS, with Documents To Go, always did an excellent job of this. As for the notes, I can't even get Mobile Office OneNote to sync with OneNote on my PC! What's the point of that?
Anyway, I'd be very curious as to how you solved your issues; I'm currently spending countless hours trying to get the functionality on my Windows Mobile device that I took for granted on PalmOS. (BTW, DocsToGo doesn't support syncing on Windows Mobile! Seriously, that's one of the main things DTG had going for it. I'll never understand what developers think when they come out with these products.

brutal combo of scenarios

So I've been diligently managing a pretty pristine outlook contact list that im pretty satisfied with. I've been syncing back and forth via bluetooth (usb port went bad about a year ago).
Recently i reformatted and reinstalled windows 7 on my computer. I did not back up my contacts on the computer because they are on the phone and figuring i'd get them on the re-sync (which I've done before). Unfortunately In that short time period I managed to smash my phone touch screen up pretty good, making things more difficult (and a lack of tap and hold). I cannot for the life of me get the two to sync up to each other via active sync. They pair together fine and send files back and forth to each other, but cannot get them to sync to each other. In the past i've just gone on the phone active sync > connect via bluetooth and then it starts doing its thing in windows mobile device center... Whenever I do it now I get the message
"cannot connect using bluetooth to a pc that supports active sync. you may be out of range. it then asks if i would like to create a different partnership with a pc."
I've obviously created a new pair, turned on visibility and discovery on both pc and phone. Each time it gives me that error message about creating a new pair.
A couple of side notes.
-I have some thoughts that it might be a conflict with the new and old bluetooth pairing but i cannot delete the old one due to the lack of touch screen for the tap and hold. (perhaps there is a way to do this on the hard keyboard)
-I could give a crap about the phone, I've already got a new one. I just want to preserve my contacts.
-I've made a pim backup and a sprite backup of pertinent info but its my understanding that both of these only work with my phone and not outlook, not to mention only my specific rom version.
What is the easiest way to proceed to salvage my contacts?
Sorry for the rather long post on a familiar and oft rehashed question but I couldn't find the answering in any other posts and wanted to be pretty clear with my post.
first of all, since you have made a pimbackup of contacts, your data is SAFE no matter what ROM or which windows mobile device you have! the sprite backup, on the other hand, CAN be specific to your ROM/device depending on exactly what you chose to back up.
so you can always restore the pimbackup archive to a good working windows mobile device (borrow a friends?) and sync up that device with your desktop.
with that out of the way...lets've got a bad screen? i would suggest using a "remoting" tool (like mymobiler)...but i think mymobiler requires a working activesync over usb...but you say your usb port is screwed?
if you can use the screen just enough to install "wifi remote access 1.7" and configure it and enable WIFI, then you can remote control your device using the relevant functionality of "wifi remote access 1.7" from the browser on your desktop, assuming you have a WIFI network at home.
with the screen hurdle out of the way, i suppose it would make your ability to configure things on the device a bit more possible. for starters, even though you have used pimbackup, also install microsoft myphone and upload your contacts there as well. while you're at it, you can mess around with activesync on your device some more to try to get it to sync.
BUT! i think the problem might be on your recently refreshed desktop. i hear windows mobile device center should be upgraded because an update is available.
if all else fails, you can use pimbackup to create a "non-binary" archive (the style is configurable during the backup wizard use case). this non-binary archive is actually a zip file containing a csv file (comma separated values). so you can rename the archive to "", extract the zip on your desktop and use microsoft excel to open the extracted csv file. here, you will get an easy to edit file with your contacts laid out over rows/columns.

Gone frm an HD2 mass media storage to HD7...

This is probably by far my biggest drawback to the HD7. I used to use my HD2 as a mass media storage device, instead of carrying a flash drive and a phone that could do the same. I LOVED being able to plug my phone in and having access to all my pictures, files, music ect. My biggest use was an excel spreadsheet that I updates daily with bills paid, confirmation numbers events ect. I plugged my phone in, opened it, made changes, and then saved right on my phone, quick and easy. I use this on the go a lot to look up certain things, which is why I preferred having it in my phone to use Office Mobile on the go when needed.
Now this is a huge pain. My work uses MAC's which we can't download anythign on (only iTunes is on there at least) I usually update this at work ) The only thing I can think of is maybe uploading it to the skydrive, and going online to get it anytime I need it or sending it to my e-mail daily after every change (which could be various times in one day). Instead of opening my excel and opening right up. It will be easier once Excel can open skydrive files directly. But this is still the issue of saving it on my desktop and then uploading it to my skydrive.
This is the only drawback in my eyes for a non removable storage card!!! I didn't think I'd care but being unable to just "open" my memory card to transfer all my pictures, music, videos, files ect that I had my my HD2's card is not making me a happy HD7 user. I don't have a home computer to just use Zune to do all this either.
Does anyone have a simple solution? Do you think that xda developers would ever come up with a CAB to be able to access the phone as a mass media storage device? I realize if they do it will probably be a long wait if they do, but I hope that they can... (I would most definitely "buy that person a beer" with a PayPal donation!)
it seems you may be able to use a OneNote table for that, OneNote already has support for SkyDrive built in, let me know what you think there.
ckacey said:
it seems you may be able to use a OneNote table for that, OneNote already has support for SkyDrive built in, let me know what you think there.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I will check it out and see. I've only had the phone since lats night so I'm still finding my way around the whole thing little by little.
the way to make the tables on the web and desktop versions is to press tab while on a line.
on the phone don't forget to check the option for online sync of oneNote, from within the program I think, if not, it's under applications > office under the main system settings

