Dropped the X1! Display stopped working - XPERIA X1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Sad news!
I droped the X1 yesterday while getting out of the car. It was in a pouch. And damm the display does not show up anymore. I get calls and all but the display does not show up atall. I am so pissed at myself. I checked with a local guy and he said the display would cost US$ 52 (apporx) Now that cheap but then he said thats not along with the touch screen. I Wonder how come the display and touch screen are different. Does anyone know?
Also had come across a thread of a X1 being opened. Can someone gimme the link if they know it.

if i remember i think there was a video on youtube that someone was opening an xperia step by step
the digitizer shouldnt be that expensive

someone who dropped the phone had similar problems.. maybe u can find it and see if there are solutions?

deja vu
Yeh I heard someone else here did that, seems it's quite sensitive to drops, Im guessing maybe the ribbon comes loose or something if the LCD isnt actually smashed? That being said, if it's just the screen, the touchscreen should still work and not need replacing aswell?
I mean if theyre the same piece and not interchangeable surely they would come together?

my touch stop working suddently, but the screen works fine... but the thing is that i doesnt drop the phone... i dont know... im waiting for a change now...

Check this video:
he also disassembles the rear here:

Dropped my X1 phone as well
I had recently dropped my phone as well and the screen also stopped working, but the phone was completely functional. The repairing people told me it would cost me approx $150+ to get it fixed. The next day i decided to turn the phone on again and the screen worked.
So hopefully, the screen will fix itself for you as well

It sounds like the connecter behind the screen has come loose - 52 bucks to open it up and put it back sounds about right.
I'd give opening it up a try, although I remember reading the thread when the service manual for opening it was first leaked - the guys said it wasn't easy!
Is it not still under warranty or something?

no warranty?

warranty will fix it
I was the guy who dropped his and had the same problem. Sent it in for warranty (great service I bought in the UK but live in Barbados so I sent it to the US location). Got it back in two and a half weeks fixed for no charge. Mine didn't have any visible damage from the drop though so maybe that made a difference? Good luck with yours!

hey, i remove the screen protector and start working!!!

Repair manuals

I had same problem, in SE service they change flat cable, cost me 25 euro.

I had the same problem yesterday. Just searching for disassemble example and it works all of sudden today!

my x1 dropped too and the display stopped working ( black screen ) , but ive only called the service and 2 days later i had a new device in my hands for free

my X1 work again!
Hey, thanks for the dissasembly links!
Mine fell down onto stone ground and i had the same symtomes, sounds, calls everything was working but not the display. I dissasembled and reassembled, and it worked again! I think the plug of the ribbon cable connecting the front panel with the mainboard in the back unit was loose.


Weird display/screen problem, warranty case, or simply tough luck?

Hi, my sister's boyfriend is having a screenproblem with his TyTN2. Yesterday, he took it out of his pocket, turned it on, and the screen was more or less white, with one blueish "wave" over the screen. Everything else seems to work, he can use the phone, without seeing anything of course.
Now the weird thing: The phone wasn't dropped, there is really no sign of a hit or something. It's pretty the same as this user already described some time earlier inhere (click).
As it obviously seems, this is a TyTN2-problem, and not due to hitting/dropping the device, so, is there a hope to get this replaced on warranty? I hoped to find more threads on the subject "broken screen", especially one matching exactly this case, but until now, I only found the one cited above, beside many others of course about users who caused the broken screen themselves. Am I perhaps overseeing a thread treating this special case?
What possibilities does he have, besides buying a new device, or sending it in to HTC for repair?
I read something about a "ribbon cable" that could be "uncorrectly seated" (click), how probable is it, that this could be the case? And if probable, what cable is this exactly? I looked at one dismantling guide, but there are several "candidates" that could be loose?!
So, I'd be very grateful for every helpful advice, he's convinced he didn't harm his TyTN2, and I believe this, because he always carries it in a protecting Alu-case...
Thx in advance,
I've also once broken a screen without dropping/hitting the device, but just by it being too "compressed" in my pocket, which bent the screen enough to crack it.
Some screens that don't appear cracked can actually be broken too, but just in a location you don't see (the screen is a bit bigger than the viewing area and the exterior part is where the control chip is).
What I'd do is get a screen on ebay (can find some for about $80) and replace it. That's after disassembleing the device, checking the connections and making sure the LCD is dead.
Well im having the same problem since i got my at&t tilt for just a week. First it became white-ish after turning on out of the standby mode, after 3 times it became total white and didnt get better since then. I got a new lcd from ebay 3 days ago, tried it, same white screen. Now i ordered a new ribbon cable thats the cable that sends the lcd signals to the mainboard.
This is how it looks and where you can order it on ebay:
It also has the micro sd connection, and the speaker at the ear connection on it.
I expect this item coming this week. I will hope this will fix it.
ok please report the results here, I think I'm going to check that cable in first place too
I sure will report the results.
better of selling it
i had the same problem... i found it easier and more convenient to sell the damaged phone on ebay ($250) and buy a new one from ebay as well ($400). basically, i fixed my screen for $150. think about it
phusio said:
Well im having the same problem since i got my at&t tilt for just a week. First it became white-ish after turning on out of the standby mode, after 3 times it became total white and didnt get better since then. I got a new lcd from ebay 3 days ago, tried it, same white screen. Now i ordered a new ribbon cable thats the cable that sends the lcd signals to the mainboard.
This is how it looks and where you can order it on ebay:
It also has the micro sd connection, and the speaker at the ear connection on it.
I expect this item coming this week. I will hope this will fix it.
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As im typing now, the htc tytn2 works again. My problem was the flex cable. Got the new one installed and lcd works again. But take a look to this thread, theres a guy that has also the problem and said just a other lcd worked.
The thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=352486

Waht has happend to my TD screen?

Yesterday i noticed that the screen of my Touch Diamond had a strange oil pattern in square in the middle. everything works OK and i can't see it when it is turned on, but i would like to know what it is.
i have attached a picture...
Allan Boegild Pedersen
looks like some seperation of the layers. trippy...
I have that pattern on my old phone with touch screen, but not on my diamond. Wanna know what that is
I once had that on my Artemis.
If you put it very close to a radiator, you will notice after a few minutes it will start to get smaller and smaller
It went away on its own after a few days.
The thing that triggered it was that I took it out with me one time and it was extremely cold outside, even snowing. I left it in my pocket.
When I got home, I noticed that.
If you leave it at room temperature for a few days it will get smaller and smaller then just eventually go away. But you probably exposed the device to too much cold a couple of days ago.
I had this on my compact iv, just recieved a new one a few days ago and noticed this same kind of thing but the exact size of the activesinc sticker, gone now though after a few days
that looks like some sortt of humidity or condensation...do you have a screen protector? if you do, take it off....
Touch layer separate of display glass WOW what a huge surface...I had it on asus P525 about half of centimiter in diameter but nothing affect touch sensitivity but this is LOL
sry cant help myself
Did you get off screenprotection too fast and agresively????
This square seems to be equal to the size of the screen protector's glued surface (the one which is originally delivered with it, not the one you place yourself). So I would think about the same with the guy just above: Was it too much glued and you took it forcing ?
I've had that too since the beginning.. i thought it was normal.. mine is a bit smaller and sometimes you cant notice it ... how the hell do i get rid of it?
wrong post.. sorry
Just want to give a update of my problem...
I send my TD in for warranty repair and just got it back today, the front including the LCD screen has been replaced.
It is so good to have my TD back, btw it took a little over a week at a HTC service center here in Denmark.
Same problem
I have the same problem with my diamond (same size and shape). I sent it to warranty repair 2 weeks ago and still waiting for it. The guy in the service said: he don't think the service will replace it.
abp: Do you have a service report about your problem? If my service refuse to replace it, I want to show them a service report to appeal.

touch screen not responding in landscape mode

for some reason when im in landscape mode (ie when the keyboard is out) the touchscreen doesnt work at all.
it works perfectly when im in portrait mode though so im not sure what it is. Is it possible something got detached when the screen i slide out the screen? i didnt drop it so im not sure whats causing this problem.
Hi, I have the same issue as you currently, I have tried different ROMs and this problem persists. Have you found a fix for this yet or does anyone else know how to fix? I too fear it is a hardware problem but havent dropped it or damaged it in any way.
Strange, i've got this problem from today, touchscreen just stops responding once i slide keyboard out but the hardware buttons remain working...
but if i manually change screen orientation without sliding keyboard out, the screen is still responsive...
Anyone know what could be wrong?
almost certainly. Mine started out being unresponsive in landscape mode (just suddenly stopped responding to touch) and then ended up black screening whenever i slid it open.
see pic 1 for what is probably happening. I've done the fix in pic 2 myself (although i've put felt on BOTH sides now) but if you have warranty then use it of course!!
btw I think most X1 users are going to "Xperience" this at some point. I did nothing unusual to my device other than use it! Maybe Sony have addressed it since (mine was bought in January) but I doubt it....
i too have this problem!
i bought it off eBay though so i don't have proof of purchase for warrenty!
anybody know whether Sony ericsson UK accept xperia warrenty without proof of purchase?
i know someone i think in america got it repaired under warrenty without proof of purchase!
Hmm I'll give SE a call tomorrow
ive just sent my xperia off today in the UK but with the proof of purchase from o2, I believe it to be a hardware problem. However i would certainly see if you can blag it somehow to get it fixed, its obviously a problem from the manufacturer and we dont pay all this money for these malfunctioning products without some sort of decent warrenty!
unfortunately i couldnt get it fixed myself so i sent it to SE for repair.
i have the x1a (us version) and just called the xperia hotline and i sent it in. they didnt ask me for proof of purchase. i have already sent my xperia once before to repair the cracks in the body and keyboard.
im surprised as to how defective it is from normal usage. it seems very sturdy at first. i guess its also because i have never kept a phone for that long. i usually switch every two months.
well the guy i bought it off on ebay seems willing to help and is looking for the proof, if he can't find it then i'll just send it off anyway and cross my fingers!
worst comes to worst i'm 10£ short and i need to buy a new ribbon cable
u switch every two months! my god you must be rich!
man the same exact thing happened to me today as well. first problems were when sliding out the keyboard to text someone and trying to press the send key during landscape display which wasn't registering so i had to close phone up to hit send. then later as u open the phone into landscape the screen was no longer responsive in that display.
then came the black screen when opened but if u hit the power button on during with the phone opened the picture would come out. now finally my phone has no image at all with the phone opened and can only work in portrait mode
i've had my x1 for about 10 months now so its still under warranty but man am i seriously disappointed with this. most likely they'll replace my ribbon with same cheap one and have to deal with this problem again in a couple of months.
same as above has just started happening to me too!
with mine though whenever i slide the keyboard out and it dosent work, when i slide back in it messes up all the screen alignment in portrait mode.
this fantastic phone is starting to get on my...s now!
I have exactly the same problem too! It started the day after the warranty expired! What should I do???
had the same issue, after a week t stopped workng at all. And they refues my waranty... And it would vost me 180EURov lol a ripoff!
So i took t home and dssasembled it, gues what, ribbon cable s halfway cut! Glue ddnt help, so i ordered nw one, 30EUR or 50$ from http://cnn.cn/shop/sonyericsson-xperia-c-28_638.html Thought i could also buy from ebay, same price.
Now i also ordered new housng from ebay, and this time i have and idea. i wll glue some small blockade inside sliding mechanizm. So it will prevent from cable being stretched too much when open/close.
Or w8, it was HTC, they did this on purpuse for SE?
Deffectve ribbon
To me this didn't occure yet, I hope will be later than sooner, but I wonder ... SE X2 has a different ribbon?
Maybe HTC is not as (market) neutral as they might expect it? )
the HTC direct product , like TouchPro, TouchPro2 have a same problem or not ?
Hope Yet
I just got the same issue, had my phone 1 year and 2 months now.
If you are in the EU your one year warranty becomes 2years on electronics regardless if the manufactures warranty is 1 year. Just so you know. Contact you local citizens advise bureau to find out or goggle it. Hope that helps.
the warrenty on the x1 (in the uk anyway) is 2years!
also! a warning about ebay housing, they are pretty much all fakes! and cause more trouble then they're worth! i pretty much wore out the screws whne i used one, had to literaly cut my phone apart from it!
cnn.cn is THE place to buy!
CommanderThor said:
had the same issue, after a week t stopped workng at all. And they refues my waranty... And it would vost me 180EURov lol a ripoff!
So i took t home and dssasembled it, gues what, ribbon cable s halfway cut! Glue ddnt help, so i ordered nw one, 30EUR or 50$ from http://cnn.cn/shop/sonyericsson-xperia-c-28_638.html Thought i could also buy from ebay, same price.
Now i also ordered new housng from ebay, and this time i have and idea. i wll glue some small blockade inside sliding mechanizm. So it will prevent from cable being stretched too much when open/close.
Or w8, it was HTC, they did this on purpuse for SE?
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Uh oh... I disassembled my xperia to change the silver to black... I have a feeling my shoddy reassembly didn't help as after I did it slowly have some serious problems began. My reception/gps is terrible, cuts in and out all the time, my hinge is extremely loose and wobbly especially once in landscape mode, battery life has gotten a lot worse, and now as per the rest of us my landscape is pretty much useless with no touchscreen response also the screen alignment once back in portrait is way off.
I'm pretty sure I'm in for a similar surprise once i disassemble my poor phone again. Anyways any update on the new ribbon? I'm currently looking for a replacement tho even tho I really love my X1 for the most part, its hard finding a phone with similar/better features in my price range.
Hello overyone, I just bought off a old x1 which had the same problem. It was my 3rd phone. And i have replaced many screens. For now my conclusion is its the flex cable between the screen/buttons/touchscreen etc.....
you can buy them on ebay for about 28 dollars(incl. shipping)
Most of the time it is not the screen/touchscreen. Its the flex cable connecting it all.
see picture of the part i mean:
(search google for: "x1 flex cable"
Before opening phone: please be sure how to open it. Because it maybe very tricky to open if you are unexperienced!!!!!
Hope it help y'all
Hello overyone, I just bought off a old x1 which had the same problem. It was my 3rd phone. And i have replaced many screens. For now my conclusion is its the flex cable between the screen/buttons/touchscreen etc.....
you can buy them on ebay for about 28 dollars(incl. shipping)
Most of the time it is not the screen/touchscreen. Its the flex cable connecting it all.
see picture of the part i mean:
(search google for: "x1 flex cable"
Before opening phone: please be sure how to open it. Because it maybe very tricky to open if you are unexperienced!!!!!
Hope it help y'all

Replacing the screen of my Z1 (C6903) suggestion wanted

Hi everyone!
Today i visited the sony care point to discover that my phone isn't covered by warranty anymore, due to fact the internal LCD had a crack (despite never dropped in recent times).
Anyway, no worries... my warranty will end in a couple of days.
So... I want to attempt to fix it myself. I'm not experienced, but I work all day mounting PCs and servers, i think this will be a little diffent but not too hard, right?
Can anyone suggest me how and where to buy the entire frame and the LCD of the phone? (I want to keep it waterproof)
I saw many websites, but I don't trust most of them, so a good reccomendation is really useful here.
Also, what set of tools is reccomended to do everything? (Can i use my hair dryer to unglue the screen?)
Many thanks and sorry for my english being so bad, is not my native language.
I'm not sure how to replace the screen on the Z1, but I'd warn you against relying on its waterproofing after replacing the screen. Unless you can perfectly fit the rubber seal so there's literally no gap, the water will enter your phone.
It can be waterproof but don't buy cheap replacement as they are not always properly glued tohether, if at all. Buy original lcd+digitizer+frame assembly and precut glue frames like this. Hair dryer should be enough.
I cracked my screen yesterday
Today i get it from the technician (not original sony, in my country is inexistent). So far so good, only i found one problem (waterproof lost of course) the WIFI signal power is down by -20dB. So, now i have problems connecting to distants wifi.
EDIT: Now wifi working normal again, just another trip to the technician
Also, my phone is black front & withe back now.
luchoz said:
I cracked my screen yesterday
Today i get it from the tecnician (not original sony, in my country is inexistent). So far so good, only i found one problem (waterproof lost of course) the WIFI signal power is down by -20dB. So, now i have problems connecting to distants wifi.
Also, my phone is black front & withe back now.
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Black front and white back sounds pretty sweet. The black back cover attracts too many fingerprints imo
D33KK said:
Black front and white back sounds pretty sweet. The black back cover attracts too many fingerprints imo
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Some pics http://imgur.com/a/lAXC7
luchoz said:
Some pics http://imgur.com/a/lAXC7
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Nice pics, I'm gonna replace my back cover with the white one now.
I got my water damaged lcd replaced with a Chinese 1st copy and it's working great, however my phone lost its waterproofing as back cover is having problem to be glued properly again
Sent from my C6903 using XDA Forums Pro.
yea i replaced my screen and i think it messes with my sensors, im not entirely sure im still doing some analysis but like after some time (about 2 hours or so) my gyro, light and proximity sensors stop working until reboot.
one more thing. theres layers of stuff inside of the z1, its a bit complicated, even for me and i am a computer & phone tec. its all about the glue and remembering where they go. i didnt really do mine correctly so i lost my waterproofing. gluing it 100% like stock is very hard.
ans ps
it wont get hot enough to separate the screen (broke a galaxy s3 back in the day doing that) use a heat gun

Screen stops working after a drop

I just have a slight drop about 30 centimeter. Pick it up and everything look fines. No scratch or break line. Thought it's okay. But unfortunately the screen got like this.
I wonder it's just a small broken inside the phone which les the screen cannot display or the screen is really broken. So sad I just bought it two days ago after my Nexus 6p got shutdown problem.
Thanks guys.
Maybe the display cable was dislodged. Might be worth opening it up and checking the connections.
What surface did you drop it on?
It's pretty easy to open. You can take a look yourself or take it to repair shop for repair estimate.
dhuynh94 said:
Maybe the display cable was dislodged. Might be worth opening it up and checking the connections.
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I hope so. If the screen's broken it will cost more.
seabro01 said:
What surface did you drop it on?
It's pretty easy to open. You can take a look yourself or take it to repair shop for repair estimate.
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Yah I just bought it from a secondhand mobile shop. Will send it back to them today. Just want to ask around that have anyone got the same issue. Thanks bro.
Not the same issue I had, but something similar. I dropped it, and no cracks or anything, but the touch stopped responding. I was worried as hell when I took it to the dealers. They took it in and later they returned it to me, fixed might I add, and told me a cable was dislodged. No charge was taken from me, but that depends on the shop you give it to. I was still under the Warranty period, so it was fine. Good luck to you, and try to get it fixed, even at a small cost. It's a great device.

