Can´t send SMS ?? - Touch Diamond2, Pure Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi, I had my HTC DT2 for a week now, and in the weekend when i recived a sms and should answer the sms a box came up with "can´t send sms" Have tried switching on/off different things but can´t still send sms. I switch my sim card to a regular gsm phone and it worked perfect, so can some one help me !!

I think the problem is, that outlook saves the contacts with a + and a space between the prefix and the number.. e.g "+49 69123456". try to delete a contact and add this person again with your device and try again.

I have changed my numbers from +46707.....
to 0046707... and just 0707..... no success ! I can receive sms, but not send !!

I have not get my contacts from outlook, they where saved on my simcard and exported when i put it in my HTC TD2, and i can call the numbers, so just why sms? I have downloaded 2pch ring tones from a webpage, could there be some sort of virus ?? I have now deleted the 2 ring tones, but the issue remains.

You need a few settings in your phone to be able to send sms. I have a swedish device, and I guess yours is too? Anyway, I'm not sure what those settings are called in english, so I'll guide you in swedish too. =)
The first is the number to your "SMSC":
Settings - Phone - top thing... "service"? and then SMS
Inställningar - Telefon - Telefontjänster - Röstmeddelanden och SMS
Tele2 is my provider, so I'll have +46707990001 as my SMSC (SMS-servicecenter), check with your provider what number you should have there
Second setting is under advanced network(?)
Settings - Connections - Advanced... - SMS-service
Inställningar - (Mer) - Anslutningar - Avancerat nätverk - SMS-tjänst
I'm not sure if you need to change this, but try set it to only GSM.
Hope that'll work.

had the same problem, ensure that the mobile phone number you are try to message is saved under mobile number in the contact. If it is saved as work number or something else you will have problems sending sms's don't know why but that's how i solved my problem.


SMS Messages:

Anyone else have a problem where they send a message to someone and then the person you sent it to, end up receiving 2 instead? It seems to be all the time. Any ideas? Im with O2 in the UK. Also the annoying LED's on the unit. Sometimes when i do the reg fix it works fine, other times after a h/reset and reg fix applied, the light starts again about 10 mins later, and it seems impossible to stop it......
Help guys
CE 1.40
Radio 1.12
Ex: 1.40 cooked
Ignore this one, turns out after a little research, if you use SPB Pocket plus close button feature, you have to make an exception for tmail.exe
heres a fix
When an sms is compsed there is an option in the sms settings that will allow you to tick “Use Unicode when necessary” if this option is ticked what will happen either your sms will be sent twice
(for the people who really want know what Unicode is, its software that allows software to see foreign charcthers, such as chines Koren. More info at
So just untick the option will resolve the problem. When this option is ticked instead of your charcherts size being the 160 it is dropped to 70 charcheres so as soon as you go over the 70 mark its 2 sms.
To fix this you go from the front of your device
Click on start, then down to messaging.
Tap on accounts in the tab below and then select accounts from the list.
Now tap on tex messages
Now just click Unicode off.
AND there we have it.
Actually, Using the option Unicode when necessary uses Unicode formatting ONLY when a Unicode character is found in the message.
I always put this option on, and when my message contains any Unicode character, it converts the whole message into Unicode (hence the message size will be a multiples of 70 chars and not 160). But if your message is pure ANSI characters (all English) then it will be send as it without using Unicode encoding (160 chars).
RZZKT slaam walicum, bud or just plain hello,
i see your point, only thing is here in the UK when we send an sms it goes through spefic sms centre's on the mobile networks then gets routed through various sms gateways etc etc what happens on the Vodafone network and on orange is when you compose a sms say just right TEST if the unicode option is ticked on then the sms when routed will be sent 2ice, on vodafone iv tracked the process for the sms and we can see whats called sms refernce number and if a phone is sending multipull sms the refernce number will be the same, but from my device(spv m2000-unlocked and office qteck9090) the sms refernce number stays the same so the networjk does not belive its a multipull sms but instead it treats it as the device is sending 2 seperate sms's--even when the tracking info time tag shows id time frame i.e sms 1 19:00:16secs sms 2 19:00:16secs.
As i work for Vodafone i can track the sms traffic on our system but its the same situation with the orange network when i have my orange sim in the spv.
Just the way our networks work im afraid. As for the above poor chapy, its going to either be what we are discussing or issue issue with his device(which may be more probable orrrrrrr issue with o2)
never mind wish him all the best!
N2h, wa'alaykom assalam
Ohh i see! thats why its not happening here with me.
We have something called SMS Center, we just put this center's number in the SMS message settings.
Its nice to work in Vodafone... guess you have unlimited phone calls 8)
Lucky you :wink:

(Solved) HTC Diamond Caller ID - problem with MS Outlook .

I hope that I am missing something very obvious ...
I have a Caller Id Problem with my HTC Diamond… And it’s very annoying.
Diamond has two sources for storing contacts.
SIM card and WM Contact list…
---- Default scenario.
/ Caller ID rule: 8 trailing digits for Call ID match
/ Show Sim Contacts: Yes (Note: If you hide the SIM card contacts via registry change the problem remains the same)
/ If the caller information is not stored on the SIM card, you will always have "Unknown caller ID", despite the fact that his info is stored on the device contact list.
So far I couldn’t solve this with the default settings.
Workaround? Its obvious…
You must have all the important numbers stored on the Sim card.
---- My Scenario.
I always used MS Outlook ( now ver 2003 ) as a default contact list.
In my Outlook contact list I have approximately 300 contacts stored with 500 tel. numbers and all the main tables used. (Firs, Last, Company, mob, home, email etc … )
Those contacts were always my default contacts and I never had any problems to use them or sync them with my PPC or any mobile device before.
SIM card contact list is just was always just a “backup contact list” for me.
I did hide the SIM card contacts via reg. change on my diamond because not doing that will result with doubling my contacts and a total mess ( Sim + Outlook ).
Now I can see and dial only from my device (Outlook) contact list and that problem was solved very fast.
The problem remains with the caller ID.
How do I make the Diamond to lookup up for the numbers stored on the device contact list (Outlook list) and ignore the SIM card contacts?
I don't have this issue... however the default number of trailing digits to identify an incomming call is 8
Reduce the number of digits with the advanced config tool by schap
I did that tweak first without any positive results for this problem...
Do you have full numbers (country + area code+ 0044123456789 ) in your contact list or just the mob. number.
Anyway, the info that is shown is from your contact list or the SIM card?
KraFT_mk said:
I did that tweak first without any positive results for this problem...
Do you have full numbers (country + area code+ 0044123456789 ) in your contact list or just the mob. number.
Anyway, the info that is shown is from your contact list or the SIM card?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
10 digit calling in my area (no country codes) but I set the Call ID trailing digits to 6.
The likely hood of getting this repeat on two numbers is pretty slim.
This problem is driving me nuts!
TEST Scenario.
Test to check if you have the same problem:
You must have a second active mobile phone near you. (John Smith).
Store the contact (John Smith) from your second mobile on your HTC Diamond SIM CARD and on your Diamond contact list with full numbers. (Country + area etc)
a* John Smith @ your SIM CARD 0044123456789
b* Smith, John (Company name) @ Your contact list: 0044123456789
1. Dial from your second mobile device to your HTC Diamond and see if the phone call is identified as John Smith. (It should be ok...)
2. Now delete a* from your SIM CARD on your HTC Diamond.
Now, dial from your second mobile device to your HTC Diamond device and see if you have “Unknown number – 0044123456789 “. If not, than your device is OK …..
If yes, than you have the same problem …
PS. My Caller ID rule: 6 trailing digits for Call ID match
I don't seem to have this issue... maybe your looking at a hard reset or a defective device... however it is possible that others are having the same issue as you... anyone?
Finally, I gave up and I did my first hardware reset and restored everything to factory settings.
Immediately after that I changed only the reg. Caller ID rule: from 8 to 7 trailing digits for Call ID match.
HKCU\Control Panel\Phone\CalIidMatch value:7
Then I did a perfect contact Sync via MS Active Synch with my outlook 2003.
At the moment there are absolutely no numbers stored on my SIM card. It’s totally empty.
All my tel numbers in my Outlook contact list are stored completely:
Smith, John
Mobile tel: 0038970123456
When John Smith dials, I get this “Unknown Caller" 070123456 !
I am getting desperate here and I hate this stupid problem....
Anyone has any ideas?
I do need your help!
Is there any way to get the caller number displayed or transmitted as complete code (inluding country+area+local number)...? Maybe this can fix the problem.
The problem is finally SOLVED... (And probably it's a Full Moon out tonite .... )
After 3 billon visited pages and one billion number combinations, I tried and replaced the first two digits (exit code) "00" with " + " in every tel number on my contact list.
That solved all my problems …
Go and figure what’s the difference and how using the actual exit code instead of a " + " symbol is messing up the caller ID function.
Ah ... What a day...
BTW, the Diamond is great so far...
... first I wanted to write that this might be the issue... but then I thought that I wrote it worked before... so I thought I stick with the missing incoming call information first ...
Concrats! Glad you resolved it
I have a similar problem. Whenever I dont use country codes, caller id works well showing names but the sms messages dont show any names (only numbers). In reverse, whenever I use country codes with the + sign, names of callers dont show but the sms messages show the names. It seems that I have to choose between calls and sms
Anyone could help?
It didnt work for me, i tried both with 00 and +,,
BestAlways said:
I have a similar problem. Whenever I dont use country codes, caller id works well showing names but the sms messages dont show any names (only numbers). In reverse, whenever I use country codes with the + sign, names of callers dont show but the sms messages show the names. It seems that I have to choose between calls and sms
Anyone could help?
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Click to collapse
Has anyone managed to go around this problem? I'm having the similar problem of SMS messages not showing properly if I don't use the "+ area code" with my contacts.
SMS and Caller ID
How can this be such a huge issue when every bog-standard mobile can sort out caller and SMS ID? Is it a problem with Windows Mobile or HTC? I have spent hours trying to sort this on my Diamond 2. I have 5000 contacts and only want the phone to ring for a handful therefore I need caller ID to work AND know who is texting me. I have tried all the various telephone formats and CALLERID reg settings with no consistent results. At the moment I use the long format +353121234567 as the mobile number which - sometimes- ID's texts and the short local format of the number as "assistants" number which allows Caller ID.
BUt I have one important favourite which refuses to ID SMS although if I click on the contact it recognises and names all the SMS's in the thread.
This is absolutely doing my head in and is such a waste of time.
Do all windows mobile or HTC users have to put up with the same?
SOLVED problem with CALLER ID !!!
I have Diamond 2 and synchonized with outlook and it doesn't matter whether country code is present or not, still I had the problem. After all I accidentaly removed all contacts from Diamond 2, BUT I've had a backup from PPCPimBackup (known small utility) a I restored all the contacts (delete and renew all contacts from backup option) and voila, now the CALLED ID is correct! It's now working!
Pls try it...

Contact - CallerID problem

I had this problem ages ago with my c500 and fixed it but cannot fix it with my diamond.
When a person calls - their name (and pic) appears as the person calling. Yet for 1 number only (it happens to be my gf) it comes up as the number only - and once the call is over it says 'number is not in contacts - would you like to add it'
I thought the fix would be to have both style of numbers (with +44 and without) in the various contact fields but to no joy.
It's annoying in the fact that it works for every other contact just not her! (maybe it's a sign!)
Any clues?
Long shot
Try this.. (assuming that you sync your phone with outlook)
Delete the contact from the diamond.
Edit the contact in Outlook with the contact numbers and assign a pic in Outlook itself.
See if this works.
I've tried it - still no joy. I've checked to see if any other number exists in the phone/outlook that is too similar but I can't see one. I'd read somewhere that it uses the first 7 digits for caller id - and that number is relatively unique.
While we are trying stuff out
Delete the contact from the diamond, anyway. In the call list / history.. you should have the a received call from your gf's number.
Save it from there. Then assign a pic.
Let's see if that works.

SMS : delete/show number

I have few problems with the gestion of SMS on my diamond. Maybe there is some registry trick to fix them ?
- if I delete a SMS from the SMS/MMS box it goes to the deleted sms folder which is normal and cool. If I delete a SMS from TF3D it is permanently deleted (doesn't go in the deleted folder). Is there an option to not have it permanently deleted ?
- if I have a contact with many mobile number (from different coutry in my case) it only show the contact name when I get a sms. I need to know the phone number used to write to me. Is it possible ?
nazbouh said:
- if I have a contact with many mobile number (from different coutry in my case) it only show the contact name when I get a sms. I need to know the phone number used to write to me. Is it possible ?
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Click to collapse
I've the same problem, let me know if you found a solution
Can't believe nobody found a fix for that
Can I add something to this?
I don't use TF though. My sms is shown in threaded view.
Now I would like to see when and what time the sms was received or send. I can only see what time a message was send/received when it was s/r on the same day. When that day is over you can only see on what day the sms was s/r.
Is there a way to view both day and time a sms is s/r?
nazbouh said:
- if I have a contact with many mobile number (from different coutry in my case) it only show the contact name when I get a sms. I need to know the phone number used to write to me. Is it possible ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
any solution for this problem? It's very annoying!!!

[Q] Inability to send texts to one of my 077... numbers, but can if its a +447...

Right ok rather confused by this to be honest, and will try to explain in as simple way as possible as its easy to totally not make sense
Well I am able to send texts to every person on my contact list. Everyone, apart from 1.... the thing is I can send them texts, but only if i manually change the number to +44 at the start of every message to this individual.
The number on my phone is saved as a contact as a +44 number but if you click 'send message' is automatically changes iself to 077... Annoyingly. Or if you try to reply to a message it changes to a 077. The only way I can send a message to this person if I start from scrath and make a 'new message' every time and type the number in manually... Very time consuming and annoying. :/ and its starting to fancly piss me off D: Its the same for calls if you try to call from a message etc when its changed to 077 it does not work.... You have to type it manually then or unlike messages it works if you use you contact list. The only way I can contact this person is if the number stays as a +44 number, However my phone is determined to change it to an 077 so its unable to work D:
I wondered it this might be a problem with my provider etc, but no ive recived the all clear from o2, the person has not blocked me as they are recieving messages i have to manually make, and calls. Im reciving texts from everyone else etc and able to send texts to everyone else, i can send messages to people using an 077 number and +44 numbers. So fanclly im very confused
Is there a hidding setting i could have clicked or activated so that it always changes to be an 077?? or is its somthing else.. Any answeres would be much appreciated, if non of you brainy lot can help I might end up daring to call Samsung
pippa and piggy

