Some Hero apps on Samsung Galaxy? - Hero, G2 Touch Themes and Apps

Hi there, is it possible to use some apps & widgets from hero on my Samsung galaxy??
The MediaPlayer, wifi on buttons clocks weather ....
Is it possible?
Or, is it possible to use the comlete Sense on the Galaxy?
i know, it have 128mb, i dont want to use every free space on the screens to place 10000 icons or widgets...
Possible or not?
PS: Sorry for m English, German is much easyer..

Hello, I think thc sense is not possible. But there is a widget collection "Beautiful Widgets", they are inspired by the HTC Hero interface.
Nun für dich nochmal auf Deutsch .
Soweit ich weiß ist es nicht möglich die Htc-Sense Oberfläche auf das Galaxy zu übertragen. Aber es gibt halt eine Widget Samlung von jemanden, der die nachprogrammiert hat. Ich Schicke dir den Link per PN.

Kannst du mir den Link auch schicken? Wäre super, ich würde mir das gerne mal anschauen.

Der Link würde mich auch interessieren... ;-)
cu Smu

english speaking forum
please put a translation if you wish to post in other than english.
thank you

Nice Nice, i read in a test that the galaxy have 528mhz and 192mb.. Its not more than the hero have..
Where is the problem to port the apps to the galaxy?
Hab in nem test gelesen das das Galaxy n 528mhz prozi hat, und 192mbram, somit dürfte es dem hero im nichts unterlegen sein.
Wo ist das Problem die software zu übertragen?

Not sure what you are trying to say here, but you're right, it's not more than the Hero has - it's less!
The Hero has 288mb RAM, so in order to get say the full "Hero" experience on the Galaxy (which may, or may not, be possible), you are almost certainly going to need to root your device and enable apps to SD.


Schlankes deutsches Rom ???

Hallo liebe User
Ich bin derzeit auf der Suche nach einem schnellem optimierten Rom ohne Manilla und HTC Sense also ein Ressourcenschonendes ROM auf deutsch.
Lieb wäre mir noch die Funktion, dass sich die Tastatur sowie Bilder automatisch mit Lage des HTC Touch HD drehen.
Ich danke herlich für eure Antworten.
Liebe Grüße
Schreib in Englisch, damit dich jeder versteht! (= Write in English so that everyone understands what u want!)
I'll translate what w32parite wants :
He's searching a german Light-Rom without Manilla which is fast and optimized.
It should also have the possibillity to use G-Sensor for keyboard and Album 4 example.
As above, the forum rules clearly state to use the english language so everyone can understand. Free translators can be found very easily using Google.
I'd also suggest in future trying to use the search function. I did a quick search using 'german rom' and found these. Hope it helps!!
For some reason I was reading the headline as "Schlampe deutsch .."

[ROM] 03.Nov [X1i_EarthROM_v1e][GER][UC] WM6.5 Build 21869 ONLINE!!!

Hi ladies and gents,
this is my first attempt as X1-ROM-Chief for you!
My ROM is provided with the official WM 6.5 OS Build 21869!
Of course, with the latest HTC Sense/Manila_2_1_19201317_0 version and is completely in German and it's UC Ready (SDConfig.txt!)!
Here are a few current
What you get:
Basis & Driver: R3AB
XIP: Build 21869
SYS: Windows Phone 6.5
X1 WM6.5 Native Kernel
NeoS2007_DriverPack3 <- NEW in v1e
CleanRAM 1.8 <- NEW in v1e
TatalCommander <- NEW in v1e
SD TuneUp
...und mehr!
Unzip file with 7zip and flash either via ActiveSync or (better) from the memory card!
Don't forget to Hard Reset your Device after Flash!!!
I want to thank all XDA Developers & all HTC Developers!
Especially ERVIUS & Bepe for the exorbitant tools to ROM-cook! Just TOP!
Real good support can only afford at HTC-Developers dot de!
Sorry, my english is too bad.
Enjoy my work...
Testet mein ROM "nackt", so wie es geflasht wurde und meldet (hoffentlich keine!) mögliche Bugs!
Dannach könnt ihr alles installieren was ihr wollt...
Kleiner TIPP
Macht bitte nach dem Flashen 2-3 manuelle SoftResets, damit die Konfiguration vollständig abgeschlossen werden kann, denn läuft das Telefon wie SAU!
F: Wo sind die Einstellungen von WinMob?
A: Im TAB Einstellungen unten auf Mehr klicken.
F: Sliding-Style Starmenü u. Einstellungen
A: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartMenu]
"CustomGridForm"="StartMenuCust" <- RegEintrag erzeugen!
F: Vermisse die Benutzerinformation
A: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\Owner]
"Hide"=dword:00000000 <- von 1 auf 0 setzen!
will look into it great work looks nice
ahh ****ing rapid****, anyone could make a mirror to a different freehoster maybe megaupload or something
Werde testen...
Auch danke - thanks!
Finally a German language ROM with 2.1 Manila and "official" WM 6.5
Will gladly test that... Although Rapidshare is annoyingly slow...
The benchmark, however, is extremely high... Touch_X has been a pure pleasure for me concerning speed, stability, power consumption. It is a perfect ROM for everyday use.
I think there must be quite some demand for nice German ROMs out there... Too many people unhappy with their stock ROM device... (but then again, too many people don´t know how to make a change).
Will report soon about my experience.
I know your expectations are very high, but I'm sure you all will not be disappointed! Although I must admit that itje makes the best X1i-ROMs ...
I wan't even compete with him! I make my own think, mainly for me.
ich freue mich sehr über deine ROM und hoffe du entwickelst sie fleißig weiter! Das sieht bis jetzt hervorragend aus und ich bin mir sicher das wird alles noch viel besser.. Itje wurde auch nicht geboren und wusste wie alles geht.. Das dauert halt alles ein wenig
Also daumen hoch!
I tested it and so far it seems stable and nice, but i switched back to the energy rom again, because i miss the programm tab in manilla and i really don't like the startmenu which is not useable and i miss the 1% Battery.
Anyway great work maybe if you change that thinsg then i will be happy to use it because the rest seems great
why is it an imposition?? Because it is new?? Is everything new always an imposition?? I think it's cool, something different and with a slide function!
nice looking ROm
But is a change to get the standart wm 6.5 startmenu?!
If you mean chance? maybe, you can search for it! I don't care... sorry! i like this menu! simply the best.
essknete said:
why is it an imposition?? Because it is new?? Is everything new always an imposition?? I think it's cool, something different and with a slide function!
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it is because if you have lots of programms installed which you would like to use often, you have to scroll everytime like hell to the end of the list, so it is impossible to work fast also because there is no programm tab in manilla, normaly for me i wouldn't care if one of this would be in, but at your rom both options are not in, so i have only the startmenu to start programms and there i need to scroll everytime to the end of the list to get my most used programs so for me i can't work fast with that rom, but thats just my view and you asked about it , anyway i find your work really good but the programm thing is for me to important and thats the reason why i switched back to the energy rom.
i tested a lot of romz I'm still using an wm6.1 rom (aif 2.3 or something) so i'll give yours a try it looks very nice and promissing... will see if it's that stabile like the wm6.1 is so the screenshots are very very nice i'll report if the download is finished and i flashed the stuff... hope it'll be my new rom!
Very nice and fast rom - thank you!
I have only three little issues:
- German hardware keyboard special chars not working. I personally don't like the HTC software keyboard - is it possible to include the standard wm software keyboard and fix the hw keyboard issue?
- XPeria Camera not working - but i was able to install it using the r3a-camera cab.
- 5% or 1% battery gauge would be very nice - i wasn't able to install the sex1cons wm6.5 v.1.1 battery icons (installation error).
I'm looking forward for the next version of this rom - it has very much potential!
Thanks again,
I am currently working on the new version!
camera is already there! - I've simply forgotten. ;-)
Keyboard is a little tricky, but I don't give up.
5% or 1% battery gauge: not running synchronously with MS battery!
not worth it... sorry!
Ok great to hear so far i have to say: IT'S MY NEW ROM!!!
It works stabile like my revoulutionx1 wm6.1 did so far the new manila is really great i don't get that other cooks don't managed to cook in there romz - so i like you menu style very much don't think the scrolling is too much hehe how i said i like it! so keep on developing your romz so far i keep it it's the first wm6.5 that's great for me i tested all the other german romz from x10 and so on but yours i keep on my x1... so thanks again for your fine stabile good working rom - the prom selection you did in the rom is also very nice...
One little thing that could be changed or added would be the functionality that when the right button is pushed long time the phone would be locked. that would be a nice feature for fast access that function - maybe it's possible via the settings to set that i don't know and havn't tried yet but if you could add that as a personal wish from me would be great it doesn't matter if it's not possible...
Kann mann da irgendwie Original Kamera-interface wiederherstelen? / It is possible somehow to recover Original Kamera-interface from X1
Hat jemand vielleicht eine cab-file dafür?
Sonst leuft alles super!!! Danke viel mals!!!
as I said, I am working on the next version... with X1Camera inside! ;-)
I can offer you a cab, here:
Have fun!
for Harware keyboard use this german cab
works fine
Die bereits berichteten bugs kann ich bestätigen.
Das ROM ist schnell, sehr angenehm.
Die etwas andere Herangehensweise für das Startmenu ist wohl nicht jedermanns Sache - auch meine nicht wirklich.
Etwas gravierender war und ist für mich die Tatsache gewesen, dass in eben jenem Startmenu praktisch alle Einstellungen fehlen. Wer also Manila aus welchem Grund auch immer zumindest temporär ausschalten muss oder will, kommt automatisch in Probleme, weil die Einstellungen für den "Heute" Screen nicht mehr aufrufbar sind.
Verwirrend ist bestimmt auch das Länder-Setup - da ist nichts aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum vorkonfiguriert - aber das geht ja ganz schnell manuell.
Hut ab für dieses schnelle ROM - das so aber bestimmt nicht für den Massengeschmack durchgeht (wie die vom bereits erwähnten itje). Für mich fehlt dann doch der Programm-Tab und/oder ein wirklich "vollständiges" Startmenu inkl. Einstellungen etc.

28 Nov. (ROM GER/WWE/Lite) SELKMANN WM 6.5.3 2.34.SELK7 (Core 28005) German and WWE!

HARD_SPL wird voraus gesetzt sprich es ist notwendig.
Alles auf eigene gefahr ich übernehme keine Verantwortung oder Haftung.
Hier ein paar Daten zu den Rom:
WM 6.5.3 Kern 28005
Im Rom enthalten:
- 2DManila 2_0_19191432_04
- M2DC
- Office mit Word und Excel 2010 Beta
- Microsoft My Phone
- Spiele: Solitär
- Album 2.5
- GoogleMaps v. 3.2.1 (#35)
- EZ Input 2.1 mit unterschiedlichen sprachen
- Opera Browser 10
- Esmertec Jbed 20090216.5.1
- RSS Hub
- Audio Booster
- Voice Commander
- Ram Sweeper v 2
- Total Commander
- M2DC v. 0.29.235
- HTC GPS Tool
- Pim Backup
- Quick GPS
- Softreset
- einige Mega Packete
usw. usw.
Als erstes solltet ihr euch das folgende Packet herunterladen, dann diesen kompletten Ordner mit Inhalt auf die Speicherkarte kopieren nicht in irgendeinem unterordner:
Für 28005_GER(Rapidshare):
Für 28005_GER(Freier FTP):
Für 28005_WWE(Rapidshare):
Für 28005_WWE(Freier FTP):
(neu in den cabs: Opera Mobile 10 Beta und Office Mobile 10 Beta)
Beispiel: \Speicherkarte\cabs\Dateien
So nachdem ihr das gemacht habt das Rom Herunterladen und Flashen.
28005_GER(Freier FTP):
28005_WWE(Freier FTP):
28005_GER_Lite(Freier FTP):
Problem mit Kamera wurde gefixt
28005_WWE_Lite(Freier FTP):
Problem mit Kamera wurde gefixt
Sobald dies abgeschlossen ist Datum und Uhrzeit einstellen, danach bitte den Aufforderung folgen, nachdem das geschehen ist bitte das Handy neu starten danach ist die Uhr auch in 24 Std. Format und die Ländereinstellung ist dann auch Automatisch auf Deutschland gesetzt.
Falls Ihr die Wetteroption unter der Uhr nutzen wollt müsst ihr als erstes bitte alle städte entfernen bis nur noch eure gewünschte Stadt eingetragen ist. Bitte gleich die Wetterdaten Aktuallisieren. Danach bitte das hier Installieren:
(Freier FTP):
XDA_Alientaskbar(Freier FTP):
anschließend neustarten!!!
Das wars ich wünsche euch viel Spaß damit.
Hier findet Ihr meine Roms für das HTC Touch Dual:
Das alles ist wirklich viel arbeit wenn Ihr mir etwas ausgeben wollt schreibt mir ich sende euch die daten!!!
HARD_SPL is expected to set say it is necessary.
Everything at your own risk, I accept no responsibility or liability.
Here are a few data on the Rome:
WM 6.5.3 core 28005
Included in Rome:
- 2DManila 2_0_19191432_04
- M2DC
- Office with Word and Excel 2010 Beta
- Microsoft My Phone
- Games: Solitaire
- Album 2.5
- GoogleMaps v. 3.2.1 (# 35)
- Single Input 2.1 with different languages
- Opera browser 10
- Esmertec Jbed 20090216.5.1
- RSS Hub
- Audio Booster
- Voice Commander
- Ram Sweeper v 2
- Total Commander
- M2DC v. 0.29.235
- HTC GPS Tool
- Pim Backup
- Quick GPS
- Soft reset
- Some mega packages
etc. etc.
The first thing you ought to download the following package, then this entire folder and its contents to the memory card does not copy any subfolders:
For 28005_GER (Rapidshare):
For 28005_GER (Free FTP):
For 28005_WWE (Rapidshare):
For 28005_WWE (Free FTP):
(new in the cabs: Opera Mobile Mobile 10 and Office 10 Beta Beta)
Example: \ Storage Card \ cabs \ file
So, after you have done the downloading and flashing the Rom.
28005_GER (Rapidshare):
28005_GER (Free FTP):
28005_WWE (Rapidshare):
28005_WWE (Free FTP):
28005_GER_Lite (Rapidshare):
28005_GER_Lite (Free FTP):
Problem with camera has been fixed
28005_WWE_Lite (Rapidshare):
28005_WWE_Lite (Free FTP):
Problem with camera has been fixed
Once this is complete, reset the date and time, then please follow the call after this is done, please restart your phone after the clock in 24-hour format and the locale is is then automatically placed on Germany.
If you want to use the weather option under the clock you must first please remove all cities until only your desired city is registered. Please Aktuallisieren like the weather. Then ask the install here:
(Free FTP):
XDA_Alientaskbar (Rapidshare):
XDA_Alientaskbar (Free FTP):
then restart!
That's it, I hope you enjoy it.
Here you will find my ROMs for the HTC Touch Dual:
All this is really a lot of work if you would just spend some writing I am sending you the data!
great job
great job buddy happy to see one more new cook
only sad that u did not make a WWE rom pls do make in give it to us too
for ur info : u must use English language as this is the forum rule and the mode might not like it so included English also OK
wow, a german rom
Hey there are many german nativ Windows Mobile Users
First i had the idea to translate Selkmann's post, but who wants to flash a rom he doesn't understand?
Selkmann: Is there somewhere a full app list? I use a WiMo-Device because they have many apps installed (and i don't wanna miss one of the stock-rom... e.g. onenote)
Könntest du noch einige screenshots angeben.?
Could you provide some screenshots.?
llvllaster said:
Could you provide some screenshots.?
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a 1000px quote for one question?! that sucks... but yes, screenshots would be cool.
Dear all here warning for ur good
this is just in good intentions for u dont go on in German the mod will come and punish u as the rules says this is a English forum
im just telling u in advance thats all
llvllaster said:
Könntest du noch einige screenshots angeben.?
Could you provide some screenshots.?
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Okay leute heute nachmittag werde ich noch screenshots einstellen!!! gestern war es zu spät irgendwann muss mann auch schlafen.
Eine Vollständige liste mit allen Programmen kommt auch heute Nachmittag!!!
Okay people this afternoon, I will adjust screenshots! yesterday it was too late to sleep at some point man, too.
a complete list of all programs is also this afternoon!
yes this is right
yes what ur doing now is right can post in both langs
just remember im a well wisher and just keeping u posted on the rules in advance im not trying to mock u just trying to help u
and HEY when u giving us a WWE ROM buddy
Selkmann said:
Okay leute heute nachmittag werde ich noch screenshots einstellen!!! gestern war es zu spät irgendwann muss mann auch schlafen.
Okay people this afternoon, I will adjust screenshots! yesterday it was too late to sleep at some point man, too.
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haree said:
yes what ur doing now is right can post in both langs
just remember im a well wisher and just keeping u posted on the rules in advance im not trying to mock u just trying to help u
and HEY when u giving us a WWE ROM buddy
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Ich schau mal was ich für dich tun kann aber nicht vor ende der woche!!!
I see what can i do for you but not for end over this week okay!!!
Okay leute Screenshots für das aktuelle Rom wurde hochgeladen!
Okay People Screenshots for this version is Uploaded!
those screenshots look great. Good work Please do a wwe version ?
Thank you very much!
hi selkmann, i just want to let you know that your work is really appreciated. Since ironeagle abandoned his jade you are the first to provide a really good german rom. please, don't get tired of cooking (in german)
greetings from berlin
wwe Rom
leco said:
those screenshots look great. Good work Please do a wwe version ?
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wenn ich mehr zeit habe dann mache ich ein wwe rom aber momentan arbeite ich an der 23081 Deutsche Sprache danach mache ich ein wwe Rom
when i have more time than i made a wwe rom but at the moment i worked on the 23081 for German Lang and then i made a wwe ROM!!!
Hallo Selkmann,
its a very good Work. For me it's the best ROM.
Hallo Selkmann, eine ausgezeichnete Arbeit, hab es nach deinen Angaben geflasht und es läuft ausgezeichnet, auch die Homewetter Anzeige funktioniert ohne Probleme.
1000 Dank und viele Grüße aus Viersen Germany peterpan1957
peterpan1957 said:
Hallo Selkmann,
its a very good Work. For me it's the best ROM.
Hallo Selkmann, eine ausgezeichnete Arbeit, hab es nach deinen Angaben geflasht und es läuft ausgezeichnet, auch die Homewetter Anzeige funktioniert ohne Probleme.
1000 Dank und viele Grüße aus Viersen Germany peterpan1957
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Das Freud mich!!!
Thats Make me Happy!!!
WM 6.5 2.22.SELK2 (Core23081)
Das neue Rom ist fast fertig so das ich es denke mal am Freitag spätestens Samstag hochladen kann!!!
The new Rome is almost done so I guess it can not upload on Friday at the latest Saturday!
in english:
buddy my flashomania is killing me pls give in wwe soon man
great work happy we got one more new cook ur lucky Germans
Selkmann said:
Das neue Rom ist fast fertig so das ich es denke mal am Freitag spätestens Samstag hochladen kann!!!
The new Rome is almost done so I guess it can not upload on Friday at the latest Saturday!
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Selkmann said:
Das neue Rom ist fast fertig so das ich es denke mal am Freitag spätestens Samstag hochladen kann!!!
The new Rome is almost done so I guess it can not upload on Friday at the latest Saturday!
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hi selkman,
just about to try your rom (possibly wait til 23081)
since you are on the same network as i am (simyo) - do you have any idea why my outgoing calls could be blocked (busy tone) when i have a data connection with my pdaviet 22.
i think it is connected to the fact, that the guy who cooks them sits in russia with a diffrent network and the advanced network settings or phone setting could settle it- do you have an idea?
thanks for your work
freu mich auf die 23081
can't wait for the core 23081 version

[Q] [GER] Ich brauche Hilfe.

Ich hab mir das S3 Mini im Janurar bei Saturn gekauft (ohne zusätzliche Versicherung) und frage mich gerade,
ob ich irgendein Recht hab das Handy umzutauschen
Denn ich hab es heute fallengelassen und das ganze Display ist gesprungen !
Für eine schnelle Antwort wäre ich euch Dankbar
MfG siak0r
siak0r said:
Ich hab mir das S3 Mini im Janurar bei Saturn gekauft (ohne zusätzliche Versicherung) und frage mich gerade,
ob ich irgendein Recht hab das Handy umzutauschen
Denn ich hab es heute fallengelassen und das ganze Display ist gesprungen !
Für eine schnelle Antwort wäre ich euch Dankbar
MfG siak0r
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is this question serious? you have no rights to exchange a device destroyed by yourself.......... but you have the right to read the xda-rules & write your questions in english next time said:
is this question serious? you have no rights to exchange a device destroyed by yourself.......... but you have the right to read the xda-rules & write your questions in english next time
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next time im sorry
but is there any service, who will repair my glass ?
siak0r said:
next time im sorry
but is there any service, who will repair my glass ?
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1) You can edit your post. Leave the original text, but put a translated version of it underneath. That would satisfy the XDA global rules.
2) Check any cell phone repair service near you. They should be able to answer.
siak0r said:
next time im sorry
but is there any service, who will repair my glass ?
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Unfortunately the warranty does not cover breakage. Go to your browser and navigate to the site for Samsung in Germany. The section under "support" will have a list of service locations. Good luck!
Leider ist die Garantie nicht abgedeckt Bruch. Gehen Sie zu Ihrem Browser und navigieren Sie zu der Website für Samsung in Deutschland. Der Abschnitt unter "Support" wird eine Liste von Service-Standorten. Good luck!
EDIT: It is weird that google translate does not translate "good luck". It has a definite German translation.
Bla bla we dont speak german here noob
Sent from my GT-I8190 using Tapatalk 2

Can't tell if my OS is legit

It's been a long.. long journey bouncing between being sure all of my phones are rooted, and being sure I'm actually insane.
So now I'm here. Unlocked pixel 5 with android 11
My first question; Is there a normal explanation for why Google would notify me that I'm running an older version of Android when visiting the "learn more" page for the pixel 5?
This is my first post, and I will attempt to keep the questions short and to the point.
Thank you.
This text in the help page is in the german version included too. You can ignore it, because everyone get this text passage.
Raz0Rfail said:
This text in the help page is in the german version included too. You can ignore it, because everyone get this text passage.
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Why would everyone get this message? It doesn't make sense why they wouldn't have fixed this, or completely removed it. I would love to accept your answer, but there are too many other things involved that keep me from shrugging off this notice.
If you can somehow show me that "everyone gets this" that would help.
Thank you.
In the german forum "Android-Hilfe" they talked about this and that's the reason why I know about this stupid behavior in the help pages.
✔ Pixel 5 - Android 11 eingeschränkt wegen fehlerhafter App - aber welche ist's?
Hallo! Über mein neues Pixel 5 kann ich mich noch gar nicht richtig freuen, denn es funktioniert nur eingeschränkt. Der Ordner "Audiodateien" unter "Klingelton" im Menu "Ton & Vibration" ist leer; es funktioniert nur ein Standard-Klingelton, Skype bleibt stumm. Unter Hilfe (Fragezeichen rechts...
English translation of the page:
✔ Pixel 5 - Android 11 eingeschränkt wegen fehlerhafter App - aber welche ist's?
Hallo! Über mein neues Pixel 5 kann ich mich noch gar nicht richtig freuen, denn es funktioniert nur eingeschränkt. Der Ordner "Audiodateien" unter "Klingelton" im Menu "Ton & Vibration" ist leer; es funktioniert nur ein Standard-Klingelton, Skype bleibt stumm. Unter Hilfe (Fragezeichen rechts...
Hey, I really appreciate you taking the time to send that.
I missed that you sent a screenshot in the first reply so thanks again.

