[SOLVED] Info from fellow chefs about cooking with Windows 7 - Touch HD Windows Mobile ROM Development

I have a computer which is in need of a new install of software. I'm leaning toward trying windows 7 Latest build. Can some of the cooks here shed some light on how the kitchens and ROM tools work on W7. Vista has been OK to hit and miss sometimes.
moderators I did not know any other place to ask this question where it can been seen by BlackStone cooks. After some replys you can delete it if need be.

No problems to run VK with WM 7 on my laptop, no blue screens sofar.

I too use VK on windows7RC and have no problems with compatability etc,

Same here no problems with windows 7 RTM and VK on my pc

Ok Thanks to all of you I'm going to give it a try.My XP Machine died and I have not been able to get CE cab manager to run on my Vista machine. I get access violation error when trying to open files. I have tried everything. So I'm going to load W7 on and try it out.

W7 also has the Windows XP mode (VM) build in.. You could try starting stuff that doesnt work from there, atleast if it is out of beta, the beta was kinda sluggish

Thanks, I have W7 installed and it seems to be working good. Now I hope I can run CE Cab Manager.

Solution found, thread closed



Hello people,
I gave this short title to this topic because... I'm simply having troubles. Troubles upgrading, syncing, translating.
I have a Qtek2020. It had WM2003 installed. Had, because I finally managed to install WM6.
But let's go by order.
Some days ago I found this awesome fantastic forum full with binaries.
I have some experience with ROM flashing with various devices. I also did upgrade my OS several times on my 2020. And I decided now it's time for WM6. Many people here said it works, and I wanted to upgrade too.
I'm Italian, so you would understand that I prefer using an Italian OS. But I first wanted to install English WM6 to try it out.
I downloaded TofClock AKU 0.7 and tried to install. But then, the first troubles.
I could no way upgrade my device on my home PC, which runs Vista x64. When I put the device in bootloader mode, the upgrade software returned error 101.
So I tried to do the upgrade at office, under XP SP2 (x86 platform), and everything gone fine.
OK, you would say, you got your new fresh OS. I actually don't have musch to complain about TofClock: I really say BIG BIG HUGE THANKS to the genius that did it!
But here's another problem. Still at office, I could no way sync my PDA on ActiveSync 4.5. Windows didn't install the driver properly.
I came back home: as I said, I run Vista x64. Fortunately, Vista downloaded a driver from Windows Update and the whole thing worked.
OK, you would say. You even got your sync relationship at home.
But now that I saw it worked, I wanted to install an Italian version, maybe even cooked a bit, so I downloaded both the Kitchen and the Microwave for m0dding and translation. The firts thing I tried was the Microwave I found at http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=334421&highlight=italian+microwave
I followed the full tutorial literally but I had the following problems:
There was no dump directory. Only dump.src. And dump, filled with tons of files, was required
There was no nk.nb file
There was no 800401-OS.bin file, required by other parts of the batch script
I tried on my Vista x64 and I also tried on a XP SP2 Virtual Machine on my desktop PC. Same result. I found another tutorial. I will probabily try it, but I'm so confused now. Why am I the only one who can't translate his ROM by following literally a tutorial?
Can somebody help me? Maybe with an already-working ROM for Himalaya that I can flash by myself?
At this time, I'm trying to connect my USB cradle to my Virtual Machine using USB over Network, because if I want to do this at home I have no other choice than using XP x86.
Meanwhile, I ask you help with translation. Please! I just need to run it in Italian. I will take care of Kitchen and all the mess that comes with customization later. I only need Italian now, and I need to be able to upgrade. I still have 15 days (by now) of trial license for USB over Network. I could even share my cradle with somebody that is able to do the upgrade remotely, because, as far as I know, if connection breaks during upgrade and the process fails, the Bootloader mode prevents the PDA to become another brick in the wall and the operation can be still tried again.
I will leave my MSN Messenger contact on my profile. You can find me everytime but business days/hours.
Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry, but the Microwave is for HTC Wizard only, you can not use it for Himalaya.
Download the Himalaya kitchen, find Italian *.dll.04xx files or extract them from the free Microsoft Italian WM6 emulator. Use the quick and dirty way to create Italian ROM as described in
I tried that tutorial (still in Virtual Machine). I had error "file temp\dump\imageinfo.bin already exists" when clicking the green arrow in Kitchen. I tried both Anichilius and TofClock's Kitchens
[Add]: I'm trying with HyperCore. I'll let you know
Anichilius kitchen is for Hermes, not for Himalaya
Tofclock worked on several devices
Hypercore is Hermes as well
Get your facts straight before trying to cook a ROM or you'll brick your device
Unfortunately I'm no expert in ROM cooking. It's my first time here. I don't know about the differences between the devices.
As far as I know, most of the Kitchens carry the same program: BuildOS. I found the problem running it. I'm trying to learn everything now by reading the forum.
I dumped TofClock's ROM (OS ver. 6.0) using ImgfsToDump and got all the files. I dumped WM6 Emu too. I found that TofClock ROM doesn't carry the *409.mui files that are inside emulator's ROM, like explained in the tutorial. So when I renamed the files from 410 to 409 and copied them I didn't actually overwrite anything.
Running BuidOS, which is a script that comes with every kitchen with no modifications (I didn't binary compare the files but I think it's the same script), so it doesn't seem to be device-specific, I always got the error "File temp\dump\imageinfo.bin already exists". I tried to find out the reason by reading Hypercore documentation. And it seems, as I thought, that the files I want to build are in conflict with the original files. I tried to understand why. I'm not sure about it, but by the hex address I saw around in the dump files it seems that the ROM is not organized as a file system, where every file is dynamically allocated and indexed in a file table, but they are allocated to raw memory address somehow.
I don't know why. For example, if I want to cook a Windows XP setup CD with my own bootloader I have to simply burn a CD with a modified ntoskrnl.exe file and here we go every XP installation from now on shows my ugly/sweet face (choose the best that suits)
As far as I know, apart from obvious size limits that vary with the device, there's a new limit in ROM cooking: I can't copy&paste files. I thought that the BuildOS script "simply" packed all the files into the ROM rebuilding the file table, adding checksums and other info according to the ROM format (which I don't know), and maybe I'm wrong.
[Add]: I have been trying to get in contact with slumpolo, which is very expert in Italian ROMs. Meanwhile, I read on that tutorial one of his replies: he said that not all ROMs have MUI files. So TofClock doesn't use MUI (btw Windows Vista does, but that's other things), but WM6 emu does, and that may be the reason why they are not compatible.
I know Himalaya devices are a bit "ancient", but I wonder if there's another ROM than TofClock to work on. I may try with it.
I wouldn't like to ask "can somebody [with big big experience] do the translation for me?". I would like to do it myself, but I need tools and knowledge. I think I already got the tools...
There is already a great Tofclock WM6 AKU 0.7.0 especially for Himalaya. Download it from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=331637
and the Xplode Kitchen Tutorial. This kitchen has all files and registry hives extracted and nicely organized. So you don't need to dump them yourself.
Of course you will need the emulator dump. Keep folders well separated and organized.
It does have all the 0409.mui files. If you use the quick and dirty method of simply renaming your mui files/folders to *.0409.mui and overwriting the original ones, you should get a fairly acceptable result. Not perfect, the emulator runs an older version of WM6 than the one in the kitchen. If you want perfect, you'll have to spend a lot of time...
Your big "WHY" question: Intel X86 architecture is very much different than the ARM/Xscale architecture. The ARM is a child from the Acorn RISC processor. So operating systems for X86 and ARM are very different in structure as well. But if you want your pretty face on the Hima bootloader screen, it can be done, search the forum for "splash screen"
Hima is by no means "ancient", it is still one of the best HTC designs ever. All right, the newer models are lighter, have beter cameras and some even 640x480 and a "modern" price tag...
Don't worry, I won't offer to do the translation for you. I'm still trying to create the perfect Dutch ROM.
We talked about the same Kitchen. I tried it too in the beginning. But now I found something more. Many of the 409.mui files in this Kitchen are in subdirectories. So I could simply paste them there and find no error in BuildOS... Maybe... I'll let you know.
BTW the face thing was a joke: I already know how to change a bootscreen and I will do that as last thing once the ROM is stable and Italian.
About the "perfect" ROM, I can accept the challenge and spend some more time on it once created the BASIC Italian Rom, at least...
And I said Hima may be "ancient" because my Qtek 2020 is more than 3 yrs old
Cya 2moro
In desktop PC's I consider 2 years old the equivalent of stone age, I'm really surprised that this hardware has such an enormous life span. I even believe we've yet to discover the full potential of this little beasty.
By the way, here's the thing I wanted to show you.
The files in Microwave directory are the dump of emulator, while the files in Work directory are from TofClock.
So I "simply" have to match directories while pasting emu files into TofClock after renaming
djechelon said:
So I "simply" have to match directories while pasting emu files into TofClock after renaming
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Simple, as long as you're concentrated. Because in the Quick and dirty method both directories have identical names, I once started dragging and dropping in the wrong direction, overwriting Dutch with English...
Next pitfall, some files point to one another
a.04xx refers to b.04xx
I use Ultra€dit to search inside all these files for the string 0413 (dutch) both in plain ASCII and in Unicode. Do not automatically replace, watch in the hex editor if it's actually a string, not a piece of code.
Now edit initflash.dat using a good unicode editor (like ultraedit) and take care to save as unicode. Do not allow the editor to convert it into anything else. Take care that there's only one initflas.dat in your kitchen, the edied one, and not for example an autogenerated backup (Ultraedit can do that...)
Read cooking tutorials on how to edit initflash.dat
Add OEMs (see cooking tutorials)
Cook, burn, test
I think you're going to tell me that the ROM I managed to cook now won't work until I manually edit each single MUI file against 410 pointers... Actually I forgot to paste initflashes.dat, because when i pasted the whole directory I always found out that the names were correctly translated! Yea, just because I pasted it.
I'm gonna use TortoiseMerge to compare initflashes.dat from emu to TofClock.
Fortunately, I can make as many mistakes as I like because if I brick the device I can reflash it using Bootloader mode with a working ROM (which I'll jealously keep on my hard drive in more copies ).
However, I was unable to flash under my XP SP2 Virtual Machine. I'm trying again under Vista, else I'll have to do it at office where it worked last time...
It's really harassing, but it's a fascinating world I'm exploring.
Oh finally I bricked my device!!!
Hahahaha. OK I managed to build my first Italian ROM but, as expected, the device got stuck on the Windows Mobile logo.
Not bad. I tried a little modification and re-flashed it. Same error. So I gotta restore TofClock original for now... It makes me little sad because I ran in lots, lots, lots and lots of troubles, putting all of my efforts, to build the f***** ROM.
Till my device still lives, I can test as much as I want. By the way, Maggy, I need your help now.
You talked about cross-links in MUI files. I tried to find them. I used UltraEdit and tried to search for "410" (Italian) in the MUI files I renamed into 409, but I can't find anything. I tried with a lot of files, not all files, but no one has cross-links.
Just to see if everything's fine, I'm trying to re-cook the TofClock ROM that came with the Kitchen, with no modifications, not even the bootscreen. It's just a check. It's 3 AM now: should I take a nap? I think so...
Anyway, let's get back to my problems. I noticed that both on Vista and XP (btw I managed to cook&flash with Vista so I can now throw the VM in the bin together with the shareware version of USB Over Network that installed me a harassing driver blocking all USB devices including mouse & key if I don't manually disable driver signature...) the BuildImgfs program... explodes!
Well, actually it consumes too much memory. The heap goes up to 1GB before crashing. I think here is a bug in the script: destructors should be called to free memory from unused object ASAP. .NET and Java have Garbage Collectors, which take care of destroying unused object, but it's not the same with unmanaged code like C++ or whatever used to make the program.
I tried to search, but I found nothing (did I say something about a nap...?). I need, if available, a newer version of BuildImgfs that manages memory correctly and doesn't crash. I saw many people having the same problem. I don't add too many packages: I'm even forced to remove Windows Media Player to let it build!!!
[Add]: as expected, the re-cooked TofClock works. OK I'll go sleep now. Promise!

Upgrading a MteOR through Win Vista Business and Win Mobile Device Center?

I have problems upgrading now, when I use Windows Vista Business and Windows Mobiled Device Center.
I had no problems [when I learnt how to do] with Windows XP and ActiveSync 4.5.
I have installed dotNetFx35setup.exe as I saw someone recomended in a thread here, but still it stops. I got "Error 260" - No connection.
Anyone knows a way around this? Please help... I'd be really happy =)
look into tytn threads...
i can remember that there is somewhere the same problem...
my tytn time is quite a time behind me so i don't know more... but there is a solution... hopefully not with an new updater... then we get a problem because you need an that don't checks that the nbh file is trusted!
Thanx. Will try to check around =)
Found and followed this HowTo: http://www.mrvanx.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=27 and now I'm with HTC MteOR 96 DPI Version of WM6.1 (260x320 Resolution) =)
MobileSixx said:
Found and followed this HowTo: http://www.mrvanx.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=23&Itemid=27 and now I'm with HTC MteOR 96 DPI Version of WM6.1 (260x320 Resolution) =)
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96dpi is not for me, I'm using standard 131dpi ... and I've had trouble with upgrading under Vista and I combinatek runme.bat with "flashing" from SD card .. and It's ok
my steps:
first condition is unlocked phone, then
re-name and copy breeimg.nbh to microSD (formated FAT32) (insert microSD to Breeze)
run runme.bat countinueing until I get 3-color screen
then automaticaly start upgrading from microSD
vasek said:
96dpi is not for me, I'm using standard 131dpi ...
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As it was 96DPI was not for me either... yet =) when I get the AS and WL to work I will switch back to it. At th 131DPI now =)
Works perfect, and after following the steps in the linka I put up here it's no probs to upgrade through Vista =)

VMware upgrade

Hi guys
I have done this twice before (last year), each time it has taken forever to do, lots and lots of searching. This time around I am posting the info in one place!
I am currently running Windows 7 64bit Beta, this info should also apply to Windows Vista (x64 i guess) if you are having problems
1. Download Vmware (I recommend vmware player its way less bloated and you can build your custom vmware install over at easyvmx.com IF you go down the vmware player route rather than workstation/server/etc)
2. Install a copy of XP (Beg/Borrow/Steal - I just tested XP SP3, the time before would have been SP2)
3. Google Active sync and install it in the vmware install of XP
4. Install (again within the XP vmware install) the attached file in this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=418446#post3299749
Carry on updating as per normal
(Grab a copy of the rom in question, extract the archive and then place a copy of HimaUpgradeUt_noID.exe into the folder with the extracted rom contents - Again all within the XP vmware install)
If you are totally stuck for getting a XP box to upgrade on, and you are geek enough to actually upgrade a rom installing XP in a vmware setup is easy!
PS, yes there probably are 323235 other methods to get the job done, but these are the steps It took me 4 hours to work out today.
Off topic, If <insert random company here> had their way, most of our devices would be in the bin due to being outdated crap (software wise)! love the work every one on xda-developers.com does, including but not limited to the guys pushing out new roms for us!
Extra off topic, SimCity 2000 for windows mobile ROCKS!
Hi, that lokks like it is worth to be attached to http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=428469, cause it seems to solve the problems under WM 7beta and Vista 64-bit.

can't install apps, connection error

Hey guys and gals, I'm having a problem with installing apps to wp7. I have xbmod rom, and when I want to send an app to device it says something about that device is not connected. But it is, and it has cert installed via email. Zune is up, and Dev tolls installed...
I just want to install Facebook and youtube. nothing else... Can I put xap files in rom and than do an automatic install at first startup?
please help
fixed, I installed Vista on virtual machine, and it worked... so, I guess the fault is either in operating system (win 7 64bit) or some installed software are doing conflicts (not skype or firewall nor AV)
So, mod can lock this.
hey am having the same problem, can you tell me how you did it
like more info?
troublebai said:
hey am having the same problem, can you tell me how you did it
like more info?
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As I was getting connection errors in my Win 7 64bit, in chevorn, app deployment software, tom xap etc. I just installed Windows Vista 32bit (Sp2- important) on virtual machine (vmware or virtualbox, whichever you prefer) and then I installed Windows Phone development tools in that windows, and that's it. App deployment works, chevron works... everything works as charm.
As I sad, I guess that our installations of Windows have some software that blocks ports, in my case, I'm pretty sure that port 443 was open, but something else was interfering with connection of HD2.
So fresh install of Windows or even better Windows on virtual machine is the real solution. because nothing else worked till this.
Hope I helped someone with this. Mods can put this information is some sticky tutorials about connection problem.
Good Luck

[Q] how to get QXDM to install on windows 7

how do you get QXDM to install on windows 7? Ive tried multiple versions but they always fail on install asking for IE 5.0 or IE6.0 or greater, when I have IE10 installed. Any ideas?
I've read that if you run in windows 95 mode and disable windows features that it works.
Edit: you could always create a vm with windows xp. Also look for a internet explore 5 install. Try that. I know it sounds stupid but maybe internet explorer 7 and up changed the way it explores
Edit edit: which version do you have? Use .12 or later and make sure your internet explorer is set as default. *found on some forum* this is useful because I've had the same issue with a different program back in the early days of windows 7.
Edit edit edit: found this for you
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
tsdeaton said:
I've read that if you run in windows 95 mode and disable windows features that it works.
Edit: you could always create a vm with windows xp. Also look for a internet explore 5 install. Try that. I know it sounds stupid but maybe internet explorer 7 and up changed the way it explores
Edit edit: which version do you have? Use .12 or later and make sure your internet explorer is set as default. *found on some forum* this is useful because I've had the same issue with a different program back in the early days of windows 7.
Edit edit edit: found this for you
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
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thanks for the info. found it wont work on 64bit windows. working jsut fine on my 32bit laptop.
94tbird said:
thanks for the info. found it wont work on 64bit windows. working jsut fine on my 32bit laptop.
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Wait till 128bit goes commercial nightmare for every developer for years after
Sent from my HTCONE using Tapatalk 2
[SOLVED] (I always wanted to say that!)
Here you go, Folks.... after countless failed Compatibility Mode configurations and hours of fruitless forum lurking... this wandering Necromancer hopes this will be the last thread who's slumber must be disturbed on the subject of QXDM and x64 Windows, et al
I'm running Windows7Ultimate 64-bit and the above distro (so far) worx like a champ!
(Please download and re-seed before all the new kids with their new computers embrace this link in a "Hug of Death", Thanx!
Roam8 said:
Here you go, Folks.... after countless failed Compatibility Mode configurations and hours of fruitless forum lurking... this wandering Necromancer hopes this will be the last thread who's slumber must be disturbed on the subject of QXDM and x64 Windows, et al
I'm running Windows7Ultimate 64-bit and the above distro (so far) worx like a champ!
(Please download and re-seed before all the new kids with their new computers embrace this link in a "Hug of Death", Thanx!
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Not solved for me...running Win7 64bit and same installation error message re: IE...
Fixed QXDM 3.11.36 can't install on win 7 64bits
If you got "QXDM need ie6 or later error" when try to install it on windows 7 64bit, here is the solution that works for me:
Remove Internet Explorer including IE9, IE10, IE11, any newer version.
Then try to install QXDM now, try with admin if you still got error.
I got it work with QXDM 3.11.36, windows 7 ultimate 64bits.
Hope this help some one!
Roam8 said:
Here you go, Folks.... after countless failed Compatibility Mode configurations and hours of fruitless forum lurking... this wandering Necromancer hopes this will be the last thread who's slumber must be disturbed on the subject of QXDM and x64 Windows, et al
I'm running Windows7Ultimate 64-bit and the above distro (so far) worx like a champ!
(Please download and re-seed before all the new kids with their new computers embrace this link in a "Hug of Death", Thanx!
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How do you download this? Every time I try it takes me to a page saying i have to use facebook or something else to download it.
mrwizard116 said:
How do you download this? Every time I try it takes me to a page saying i have to use facebook or something else to download it.
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It's asking you to use your FB or Gmail account as your account for the site. I just gave them the Gmail I use for spam sites and it started right away.
Please any one post here.. How to use the tool step by step..
UNINSTALLING internet explorer works to complete install
qxdm_beginner said:
If you got "QXDM need ie6 or later error" when try to install it on windows 7 64bit, here is the solution that works for me:
Remove Internet Explorer including IE9, IE10, IE11, any newer version.
Then try to install QXDM now, try with admin if you still got error.
I got it work with QXDM 3.11.36, windows 7 ultimate 64bits.
Hope this help some one!
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Just thought id say UNINSTALLING internet explorer works to complete install on Windows 7 Home Premimum? 64bit idk might be some other version of windows to lazy to flip this 17 inch laptop over to tell
**Solved **
crazyjp said:
Just thought id say UNINSTALLING internet explorer works to complete install on Windows 7 Home Premimum? 64bit idk might be some other version of windows to lazy to flip this 17 inch laptop over to tell
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Just "Set as default" your poor old (or whatever version IE u have) & that's it, Worked for me on my Win 7 64-bit Enterprise
p.s. Wish me luck as I will be OPRATING on my wifes Vega no 6 to add an LTE band
94tbird said:
thanks for the info. found it wont work on 64bit windows. working jsut fine on my 32bit laptop.
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Works for me on window 10 64 bit, running in xp sp2 compatibility mode. Thanks to sharer!

