Stuck on bootloader screen. - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I had root access. (i.e. when I first booted my G1 up it said something about a developer phone) and I tried flashing the dreaimg.nbh file to go back down to RC29. It fails every time won't let me do anything else. It just stays srtuck on the bootloader screen when I try to reboot. I've tried about everything I could think of and I'm at wits end. I really hope this problem can be fixed. Does anyone have any suggestions or know what went wrong? Thanks.

Re-download dreaimg.nbh file again. The one you're using may be corrupted.
Why do you want to go RC29 if you have root access? You should be able to flash anything on your phone as is, RC29 is only needed to gain the root.

It won't let me do anything. I'm unable to do anything to the SD card. Although, while typing this I just thought of something. If I got a card reader I could erase the file from my card since I can't do anything to the phone. Maybe that would work. But who knows because I've tried removing the card and booting up and it remains stuck on the bootloader screen. I literally can not do anything else, it's just permanently stuck like that. So I can't mess with anything. And the reason I was trying to downgrade is because I was trying to start all over again but I think I might have ended up screwing myself instead...

I am may be wrong, and please forgive me if I am, but from your post count I am getting the picture that you're pretty new to this.
Tell me if what you did is any different from these steps
You booted phone into h-boot mode holding power and camera buttons
Your phone found dreaimg.nbh and ran it on it's own.
You restarted the phone and got stuck in the boot loop.
Confirm that this is what happened

No, your assumption is not wrong at all. I am pretty new to this.
Yes, I did reboot my phone while holding down the camera button.
It found dreaimg.nbh and ran it but it failed so now I'm stuck in the boot loop with it constantly trying, and failing, to load dreaimg.
Thanks so much for your quick responses.

When it says "failed to load dreaimg.nbh" it means that it does not see it. I have a feeling that a file that you had was zipped.
Let's do this
Boot into recovery by holding power and home buttons
select wipe/factory reset or something along those lines and try booting up a your phone again. I'll be lurking around so just post what you find.
Take a note of which recovery you're running while you're at it too.

No, the file I had was not zipped I don't think cause it sees it and tries to update. It says update in progress then I get the progress bar but when it's finished it tells me: Update Terminate. Update Fail. Then it just goes back to the multi-colored bootloader screen and won't shut off. I can reset it by pressing call+menu+end but then it just starts all over again. So, I can't boot into recovery mode. Matter of fact, the only way to turn the phone off is to remove the battery. Otherwise, it just starts in bootloader mode and continues this viscous cycle.
At this point I don't even care about installing a ROM or anything, I just want a working phone.

I see. Yep.. you're S.O.L.
Just to make sure... when your phone is off and you hold power and home buttons it just goes to h-boot screen, right if so then unfortunately there's only one thing to do: get a card reader, re-download .nbh file and start over. At this point you have no working recovery or rom on your phone. Once you get that going you should be on your way to secure a root and flash whatever rom you need to.

Is it even fat32?

Damn. That's what I thought. I should have just left well enough alone until I did more research and knew exactly what I was doing but I get ADD when I'm hungover. Oh well. Thanks for your help.

This will happen from time to time.. it's always desirable to have a card reader handy. Also.. since you have nothing to loose, this would be a great time to re-format and re-partition your sdcard so you can start squiky clean.
Good luck.... let us know when this is worked out by adding [SOLVED] to the title of this thread.


Flashing radio rom, phone won't reboot?

I downloaded T-Mobile-UK_2.19.11_Radinly from the FTP site and tried flashing it tonight. I'm not as addicted as some of you but I've flashed my phone several times before without any problems. This time it's not working...
I ran the updater that came in the T-Mobile-UK_2.19.11_Radinly zip file and everything seemed to be going as usual. When it got to the point where the phone restarts and it is supposed to start flashing the rom, the phone shuts down but never comes back on. I need to pop out the battery in order to get the phone to come back on at all, but it works fine once I do that.
I also tried a copy of the RomUpdateUtility that I had used previously but the same thing happened. Not sure what info would be helpful in troubleshooting this but...
T-Mobile MDA
WM6 (InGeNeTiCs_15342_by_mfrazzz)
IPL/SPL 3.08
Current Radio 01.12.10
Thanks for any help you can give!
You may try to enter bootloader manually by pressing Camera+reset, then use the RUU.
What's the right sequence if I do it manually?
1. Hit Camera+reset to enter bootloader manually.
2. Start up RUU and go through the process on my PC.
1. Start up RUU and get to the point where my phone won't restart properly.
2. Hit Camera+reset to manually bring up the bootloader.
Or something else?
The first version is the right way.
I was able to get this to work, but I found the answer in another thread. I had to take out my SD card, and then the RUU rebooted my phone as usual. Maybe I'm crazy but I don't remember ever having to do that before.
However... I tried forcing bootloader with the camera+soft reset trick and it didn't work... even if I took out the SD card. Does this mean there is something wrong with my phone?
If you're able to boot in to your OS then your bootloader is fine. If it wasn't your phone wouldn't boot at all. How are you trying to get in to the boot loader? Are you turning your phone off and pressing and holding the camera button and then using the power button to turn it on or are you using the soft reset hole? Use the power button if you weren't.
As for your phone not rebooting if you have your SD card in it, it sounds like it's time to reformat the card. Hopefully you have everything backed up off of it.
Thanks for your help... I *was* using the reset button. Now I can force the bootloader just fine.
My SD "seems" to be OK (I can see all the files and I tested a few for readability), but I'll give the format a shot for next time I flash.
p.s. When you try to format your SD card, it is recommended to use Raw disk editor (e.g. WinHex) to zero out first several bytes of the card, then repartition the card (1 partition) and format again (using FAT), then the bootloader will no longer thinks your card is a special one and toggle some strange action.

[solved]bootloader won't let me update

So usually I've read this is a matter of the wrong spl, or unsigned files, or other things that don't seem to be my problem. I've searched for days now and would LOVE some help.
I'm downgrading for a warranty return because my touchscreen doesn't work. I try to follow the directions found in several threads but I get hung up at the same spot.
When flashing the dreaimg.nbh file in the stock bootloader, bootloader starts, checks, then I get to the screen that asks you to press power to flash, or action to cancel. No buttons on this screen do anything. Not the "3 finger solute" to reboot, not power, not action, nothing. Just no response. And yes, I waited, and waited.
I think I've tried about every combination of everything I can think of, but please, your suggestions mean a lot to me.
The only thing I can think of, is that maybe the updated radio isn't compatible with RC29, and the phone knows this somehow and won't let me flash RC29 with my current radio? Does that make any sense? Do I need to flash an old radio, then the dreaimg.nbh?
(anybody wanna tell me how to get a screenshot from the bootloader and I'd be glad to show it, but it's just the standard screen)
I say try! ahaha
Same thing happened to me with the touchscreen lol.
I just flashed the old image didn't even bother to update or anything and just sent it in.
And I didn't get charged for voiding the warranty.
And no the new radio is compatible with RC29 I've used my friends phone when we were rooting it and he had the new radio.
Thanks for that, if I can't figure it out, I guess I'll try the warranty. I'm still going to work on it though, I can't imagine that someone hasn't had an unresponsive bootloader before though, and know how to fix it.
I've always done things the retard way, but I've spent the last week learning ALOT. I've got adb and fastboot setup, is there a way to flash the nbh file via fastboot or adb, bypassing the bootloader?
And FYI for others, with the nonworking touchscreen you can't "press the droid" after a factory reset. SDK, and androidscreencast fixed that, you can see your screen on your computer and use your mouse to click!
I also just got droid explorer, which lets you do lots of things with a GUI, including invoke androidscreencast, man that would've been easier a week ago! At least now I am able to use the phone as I had to disable the wipe unlock, and touch the droid to recover from a wipe!
I imagine this would be perfect for people with broken screens as well!
the .NBH includes EVERYTHING but an SPL... it rewrites Radio, splash1 system and usrdata...... if you cant press the action button, first try re-flashing the SPL, then try cleaning out your trackball
the action button is the trackball BTW...
Thanks for those tips. But I've done that and it still doesn't work. Even tried downloading the spl from a variety of sources, and doing a checksum to make sure it's not corrupted. And the trackball works in every other application. Basically, the stock bootloader just won't respond to any command (action to cancel, power to update, 3 buttons to reboot, nothing). It DOES recognize the .nbh, which is a step further than most bootloader fail threads I see.
Is it possible to flash an nbh file using fastboot or adb? I've figured out how to do update.zips this way, but not .nbh. I'd still have a custom bootloader, but everything else would be stock.
Thanks again everyone!
So if anybody can help, maybe this bit is useful too, I get no response from the hard spl either. Example, it is my understanding that the standard hard spl screen (with no .nbh file on card it dislplays phone radio info at top, serial0/10, 3 android skaters at bottom) that screen I should be able to press call+power+menu to reboot, right? I get nothing, and thought I should. This spl won't flash the nbh either, I guess because it won't register the "press power to contine".
1. Any ideas? My keys work when in standard usage and in recovery, why won't they work in any of the spls?
2. still wondering if/how I can fastboot the dreaimg.nbh file?
Make it unbootable (don't brick it - just wipe your current ROM and recovery partition) and restore to stock G1 SPL and if they say anything about "It won't boot" blame it on shipping.
Have you tried updating with a engineering SPL? I don't know if that would have any difference. Also, is your sdcard still partitioned? I think it has to be all fat32 or a goldcard (no idea where a goldcard actually come in on G1).
Brilliant! I bet it is the partitioning! I now remember that I thought about that for a minute, but tried other things. I'll try a fresh, all fat32 partitioning and give that a shot. Otherwise, good call on just deleting the partitions.
(actually excited to have something hopeful to try for a change!)
Cheers to you R3s!
If anybody else finds themselves with an unresponsive bootloader, make sure your sdcard is not partitioned.
For the step by step folks who may be wanted to return a G1 to stock, in my case for a warranty return because the touchscreen doesn't work:
put the stock 1 G card in a card reader, popped it in the usb drive of a winxp system, my computer, right click on drive, format (not quick) fat32.
copied over stock spl renamed as
copied over DREAIMG.nbh
unmount sd card
pop into g1
home+power to get into recovery
reboot + hold camera button
power button to apply
wait, this time I got the status bar immediately
action button to restart when prompted
reboots to spl
3 finger salute to reboot (call+end+menu)
BAM, back to the android to press the button to start
(and fully stuck there now since I don't have a touchscreen, my daughter called me crazy for being so happy, she asked if I fixed it and I said no I broke it!)
So there ya go, anybody else has this problem, reformatting the sdcard isn't enough, you have to remove the partitions.

Is it possible to...

...Brick an *UNROOTED* G1...?!
I attempted a soft factory reset (which I have done on many occasions previously successfully) but on this occasion I've run into the bootloop. Hitting Camera+Power button results in bootloop also.
One thing to mention is I removed my SD card before running the factory reset?
I've tried leaving the battery out over night and trying again in the morning.
I've tried placing the SD card back in and booting up the phone.
I've tried holding Home+Power to get into recovery but results in bootloop
I've tried holding Camera+Power to get into Bootloader but results in bootloop.
Any suggestions please?
No, this should not happen. With Bootloop do you mean there is just the G1 logo and nothing else, or does it get past the logo and reboots then?
Another thought, has this phone ever been rooted and unrooted again?
If you are still under warranty and the phone is completely stock, I'd return it.
Nope. Phone has never been rooted then unrooted.
By bootloop, I mean, G1 T-Mobile logo shows followed by a picture of a open box with the phone just outside animation and then seconds later the phone reboots itself running into this loop again and again.
Warranty is only for a single year, right? So then that's not an option.
Thanks for suggestions.
Jignesh Sutar said:
Warranty is only for a single year, right? So then that's not an option.
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Click to collapse
Depends on where you are:
It looks like you phone either fails to boot, thus tries to boot recovery (box picture is the background of the recovery) and then reboots (best case, i guess) or the boot to recovery flag is set, recovery fails, reboot (you might seriously be screwed).
You are sure that you can't enter the bootloader? Also try Back+PowerOn. That would make things alot more easy.
How long does it stay with the box picture? Long enough to get adb connected? If yes you could try "adb shell reboot bootloader".
Tried all combinations of buttons to try get into bootloader or recovery, nothing!
Definitely no chance of being able to ADB, the phone switches off very quickly...
Also, have ensured the battery is fully charged, in case that has an impact?
I really looks like you are the first all stock bricked guy I ever heard of.
The boot recovery flag seems to be set for some reason (is this set during a normal hardreset?) as all boottime commands are ignored.
The recovery fails improperly (sounds strange, but if it failed properly, you would end up in bootloader or your system).
-> That really looks like a brick...
- Warrenty
- perhaps someone else has another idea / sees something I missed...
Good luck with it.
Jignesh Sutar said:
By bootloop, I mean, G1 T-Mobile logo shows followed by a picture of a open box with the phone just outside animation and then seconds later the phone reboots itself running into this loop again and again.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What where you flashing? It probably had a radio and something got copied incorrectly into the staging area of ram.. if the radio passes recovery's validation but not the current radios validation you can get stuck.. this shouldn't be possible but I've seen it before.. my bet is a bit error at the wrong point in time.

G1 will not recover ??

I have G1 sitting around that I never messed with until last night, so if it's bricked, it's not a big deal. The phone will turn on, and loop through the splash screen. The only way it will boot is in safe mode. When trying to do ANYTHING in safe mode (aside from power down), everything will FC. If i go into the recovery menu with the Home plus End key sequence, I get the "can't open cache recovery command". I've tried to install RC33 in that screen, and get "installation interrupted".
The phone was given to me, so I really don't know if it was rooted or what was on it before. I do remember it worked, and just one day stopped working. When it was working I never saw a superuser icon or any other apps you usually see with a root. Thanks in advance for any help.
No one? Is there just a full update I can throw on the SD card and get it running?
Try formatting the sd card fat32, putting dreaimg.nbh(search) on it. Then, put it in the phone and boot with camera+power. Follow the onscreen instructions, and hopefully it'll work.
If it doesn't, not my fault. Good luck!
Thanks Michael, but I did that already and it really didnt change anything. I noticed the recovery menu looks a bit different, and when I go to safemode, the "android" looks different, but thats it. Still cant boot, and still shows there is no recovery in the recovery menu.

[Q] N1 caught on the screen fastboot

I can't boot on my n1.
Every time I turn on my phone it gets stuck on the screen fastboot.
The worst is that no button works, nor volume, nor power, nor the trackball.
I searched the forum and found no solution.
I appreciate the help
This is the screen /photo/my-images/843/imag0652g.jpg/
One of the buttons (trackball? volume?) is stuck.
That's what all the forum searches should have told you.
Nothing to do but physically repair it.
If it is getting stuck in Fastboot mode, it would be your trackball button that is stuck.
It was really a physical problem at first, the trackball was stuck and now I can move the volume and power buttons.
However when I select the bootloader i go to another screen and selecting fastboot back to the previous screen and the system does not load.
When I select reboot or reboot bootloader, go to the same screen and the system will not boot.
When I select recovery appears a triangle with an exclamation and not leave it, I have to take the battery out.
I've made clear storage and nothing changed.
That is, still can not get the phone working.
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much
If you are looking at keeping the phone stock, I would recommend looking into the PASSIMG method (method can be found in the Nexus One Wiki link in Jack_R1's signature under Unroot/Restore). This will put your phone back to the way it was when it first came out of the box.
If you are wanting to load a 3rd-party firmware, the easiest way is to unlock the bootloader using fastboot and then load a custom recovery like ClockworkMod or Amon_RA. This will allow you to install a custom ROM.
I made a video, hope it helps.
You have a link explaining how to do this method?
For which method? Either way, I am sure both are well documented in the wiki in Jack_R1's signature.
Hello everybody
Unfortunately I could not solve my problem.
I tried the method passimg but not worked. The phone does not leave the bootloader screen.
My sd card is formatted, the file passmig put it, the file is installed, but then back to the same screen and the system will not boot.
Can anyone help?
I lost my phone?
Hey I'm having the same issue, I'm still with the phone like if the trackball is stuck, but I feel button ok, I press it normal. I think it could be the flex, what do you think guys?

