Swype for all HVGA devices. OFFICIAL VERSION IS HERE!!! 3/06 - G1 Apps and Games

Here is a release of Swype for the G1/any other android device. It should work on any build of any rom. (as long as it is android 1.5+)
Install it like a normal app and then enable swype in settings>locale&text
I made a new version of the app that should fix a few of the slowdowns it has. Download it over at iq0. In order to have 0 crashes in the new one, you have to disable sounds. Then you can do whatever you want.
It should also work for everyone now! No more install error!
Update #2
The OFFICIAL leaked update is on my site now. Same link as above ^^. It should work 100% for everyone, but I haven't tested it. If it won't install for you, uninstall the old one. Thanks Zappletoo
Update #3 OFFICIAL beta Link to the site in the post.

Thanks =D
But I notice that you say 1.5, is this because it is the only you thingyou have testes it on, or because it will crash on 1.6+?

JAguirre1231 said:
But I notice that you say 1.5, is this because it is the only you thingyou have testes it on, or because it will crash on 1.6+?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I would guess not, as it was originally built for larger screens (Liquid, Droid) which are both 1.6+

Branwen said:
I would guess not, as it was originally built for larger screens (Liquid, Droid) which are both 1.6+
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah okay, well he edited. Now it says 1.5+, so I'm gonna try it

I can't install it onto my phone. It says this application cannot be installed onto this phone. I'm running Super D 1.6 on a rooted mytouch3g. any ideas?

Tempestrs4 said:
I can't install it onto my phone. It says this application cannot be installed onto this phone. I'm running Super D 1.6 on a rooted mytouch3g. any ideas?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What does it say in logcat? Anyone else having this issue?

persiansown said:
What does it say in logcat? Anyone else having this issue?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same problem on my Magic with CM 4.2.13 ROM

I dont' have a magic to test it out on. What is it saying in logcat?

Persian, do you know when another release for the G1 will come out? The one I got from this thread is working great, but there are a few bugs. I was wondering when they would be fixed, if you know.

persiansown said:
I dont' have a magic to test it out on. What is it saying in logcat?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Where can i find it ?

ChrispyChris said:
Persian, do you know when another release for the G1 will come out? The one I got from this thread is working great, but there are a few bugs. I was wondering when they would be fixed, if you know.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm the one who modified this to work on the G1. So updates come out when I fix the bugs. haha
Maymaymay: type adb logcat into adb.

persiansown said:
Maymaymay: type adb logcat into adb.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I hope that's what You need:
D/dalvikvm(21476): GC freed 9822 objects / 511168 bytes in 106ms
I/ActivityManager( 100): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
VIEW dat=file:///sdcard/install/signed-swypetest_2.apk typ=application/vnd.andro
id.package-archive cmp=com.android.packageinstaller/.PackageInstallerActivity }
I/PackageParser(21466): Impliciting adding android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STO
RAGE to old pkg com.swype.android.inputmethod
I/PackageParser(21466): Impliciting adding android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE t
o old pkg com.swype.android.inputmethod
I/installd( 85): free_cache(8195932) avail 238817280
I/ActivityManager( 100): Displayed activity com.android.packageinstaller/.Packa
geInstallerActivity: 171 ms (total 171 ms)
W/InputManagerService( 100): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.i
[email protected] (uid=10057 pid=21476)
I/ActivityManager( 100): Starting activity: Intent { dat=file:///data/data/com.
android.packageinstaller/files/signed-swypetest_2.apk cmp=com.android.packageins
taller/.InstallAppConfirmation (has extras) }
I/PackageParser(21466): Impliciting adding android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STO
RAGE to old pkg com.swype.android.inputmethod
I/PackageParser(21466): Impliciting adding android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE t
o old pkg com.swype.android.inputmethod
I/ActivityManager( 100): Displayed activity com.android.packageinstaller/.Insta
llAppConfirmation: 242 ms (total 242 ms)
I/InstallAppConfirmation(21466): result ok
I/ActivityManager( 100): Starting activity: Intent { dat=file:///data/data/com.
android.packageinstaller/files/signed-swypetest_2.apk cmp=com.android.packageins
taller/.InstallAppProgress (has extras) }
W/InputManagerService( 100): Starting input on non-focused client com.android.i
[email protected] (uid=10021 pid=21466)
I/ActivityManager( 100): Displayed activity com.android.packageinstaller/.Insta
llAppProgress: 140 ms (total 140 ms)
D/PackageParser( 100): Scanning package: /data/app/vmdl17241.tmp
W/PackageParser( 100): Exception reading /data/app/vmdl17241.tmp
W/PackageParser( 100): java.lang.SecurityException: META-INF/SWYPE-AN.SF has in
valid digest for assets/files/Spanish-full.htm in /data/app/vmdl17241.tmp
W/PackageParser( 100): at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.verifyCertificate(J
W/PackageParser( 100): at java.util.jar.JarVerifier.readCertificates(Ja
W/PackageParser( 100): at java.util.jar.JarFile.getInputStream(JarFile.
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.content.pm.PackageParser.loadCertific
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.content.pm.PackageParser.collectCerti
W/PackageParser( 100): at com.android.server.PackageManagerService.inst
W/PackageParser( 100): at com.android.server.PackageManagerService.acce
W/PackageParser( 100): at com.android.server.PackageManagerService$5.ru
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.jav
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.ja
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
W/PackageParser( 100): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.ja
D/dalvikvm( 100): GC freed 10842 objects / 894264 bytes in 245ms
D/dalvikvm(21466): GC freed 3123 objects / 264960 bytes in 101ms
D/ (21466): unable to unlink '/data/data/com.android.packageinstaller/fil
es/signed-swypetest_2.apk': No such file or directory (errno=2)
D/dalvikvm(21466): GC freed 3168 objects / 221936 bytes in 104ms

persiansown said:
I'm the one who modified this to work on the G1. So updates come out when I fix the bugs. haha
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Well get to work then! Ha. I'm kidding, I appreciate the work you did on this. I just found out about it this morning and then was disappointed when it wasn't working on the G1. I did a Google search and found you had a link to it. I appreciate it.
Do you plan on posting your updates in this thread?

I got this to install by opening it up, deleting all the files in META-INF and resigning...

bump this up - i've been using a fender rom (with no gps) on my magic pretty much solely for the keyboard. I got this working by using adb install <.apk> instead of packageinstaller on the phone.
It's great, only bug i've found so far is long hold on the backspace
thanks for the hard work, hopefully you can get it going flawlessly
edit: so i made swpye fall over, then when trying to get it back it gives me this logcat:
W/InputMethodManager( 142): IME died: com.swype.android.inputmethod/.SwypeInputMethod dropping: KeyEvent{action=0 code=82 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=139 mFlags=8}
W/InputMethodManager( 142): android.os.DeadObjectException
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodSession$Stub$Proxy.dispatchKeyEvent(IInputMethodSession.java:289)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager.dispatchKeyEvent(InputMethodManager.java:1335)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.view.ViewRoot.deliverKeyEvent(ViewRoot.java:2165)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1518)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3948)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:540)
W/InputMethodManager( 142): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

and another one. this is swype falling over after a long press of the backspace:
D/AndroidRuntime( 707): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 707): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40013140)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
D/dalvikvm( 707): GC freed 15473 objects / 620440 bytes in 153ms
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/raw/beep.wav from drawable resource ID #0x7f050000
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.content.res.Resources.openRawResourceFd(Resources.java:814)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at com.swype.android.inputmethod.SwypeInputMethod$1.handleMessage(SwypeInputMethod.java:329)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3948)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:782)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:540)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: This file can not be opened as a file descriptor; it is probably compressed
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.content.res.AssetManager.openNonAssetFdNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.content.res.AssetManager.openNonAssetFd(AssetManager.java:412)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): at android.content.res.Resources.openRawResourceFd(Resources.java:811)
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): ... 9 more
I/Process ( 84): Sending signal. PID: 707 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 707): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
I/AlertDialog( 84): [onCreate] auto launch SIP.
W/WindowManager( 84): No window to dispatch pointer action 1
D/dalvikvm( 492): GC freed 2066 objects / 104000 bytes in 95ms
D/dalvikvm( 492): GC freed 1223 objects / 61416 bytes in 95ms
D/dalvikvm( 142): GC freed 13522 objects / 1058792 bytes in 175ms

march83 said:
and another one. this is swype falling over after a long press of the backspace:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
He KNOWS of these problems.

ok i've got it running pretty much fine now - it's throwing heaps of warnings to the logcat, but from a user point of view it's doing what it's meant to do i think...
the thing that was making it fall over more often than not was a missing sound resource so you can just go setting-> location and text-> swype-> disable sounds. not sure if this is a compressed resource or what, but it's looking for the file path shown below so i guess you could make that yourself and see what happens, but tbh i cbf, i just want to get it working for the meantime:
E/AndroidRuntime( 707): android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File res/raw/beep.wav from drawable resource ID #0x7f050000
i also pushed the keychars and keylayout files from the fender build i had been using. not sure if that actually helped but i had been seeing a logcat message saying something about an incorrect layout file and that seems to have gone now.
take the 2 files and do this:
adb push sapphire-keypad.kcm.bin system/usr/keychars/
adb push sapphire-keypad.kl system/usr/keylayout/
get the files here:
10x only, so if it proves that they are necessary could someone host them somewhere more permanent???

This isn't installing on my G1 running CM4.2.13

have you tried installing it via adb?


Are there any available STK.apk for Nexus One?

I need Sim Tookit to manager my SIM card, but Nexus One doesn't have one.
I've seen thread 618491(I can't post links), the STK_2.1.apk in which can't be installed(INSTALL_FAILED_UPDATE_INCOMPATIBLE).
Are there any Solutions now?
I was looking for that too...did not find anything useable, only thing I read is that an update for Nexus One will fix this soon
I've done.
I've solved it.
Download STK.zip, unzip it. Put Stk.apk into /system/app/ of one ROM package, and then SIGN it, then flash it. After reboot you will see SIM Tookit in your menu of Nexus One.
I've tried it with CM 5.0 beta3 and it works well.
I'm sorry for my poor English...
li129667 said:
I've solved it.
Download STK.zip, unzip it. Put Stk.apk into /system/app/ of one ROM package, and then SIGN it, then flash it. After reboot you will see SIM Tookit in your menu of Nexus One.
I've tried it with CM 5.0 beta3 and it works well.
I'm sorry for my poor English...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cant you just adb push it?
setzer715 said:
Cant you just adb push it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It does work by adb pushing it. Just tried.
li129667 said:
I've solved it.
Download STK.zip, unzip it. Put Stk.apk into /system/app/ of one ROM package, and then SIGN it, then flash it. After reboot you will see SIM Tookit in your menu of Nexus One.
I've tried it with CM 5.0 beta3 and it works well.
I'm sorry for my poor English...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
how to sign stk.apk?
Sim toolkit for android 2.1 might not be ready yet? The install seems fine, and the icon is there in the launcher, but when I receive a sim message it fails:
I/ActivityManager( 89): Starting activity: Intent { flg=0x58840000 cmp=com.android.stk/.StkDialogActivity (has extras) }
I/ActivityManager( 89): Displayed activity com.android.stk/.StkDialogActivity: 379 ms (total 379 ms)
I/ActivityManager( 89): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW flg=0x10040000 cmp=com.android.stk/.StkInputActivity (has extras)
D/dalvikvm( 145): DexOpt: couldn't find field Lcom/android/internal/telephony/gsm/stk/Input;.iconSelfExplanatory
W/dalvikvm( 145): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 32
D/dalvikvm( 145): VFY: replacing opcode 0x55 at 0x004d
D/dalvikvm( 145): Making a copy of Lcom/android/stk/StkInputActivity;.configInputDisplay code (456 bytes)
D/AndroidRuntime( 145): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 145): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b170)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.stk.Input.iconSelfExplanatory
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at com.android.stk.StkInputActivity.configInputDisplay(StkInputActivity.java:291)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at com.android.stk.StkInputActivity.onCreate(StkInputActivity.java:148)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2459)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2512)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$2200(ActivityThread.java:119)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4363)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:860)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:618)
E/AndroidRuntime( 145): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/Process ( 89): Sending signal. PID: 145 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 145): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
It's working fine for me,
However, I do get some odd carrier specific popups every once in a while welcoming me back although I wasn't roaming
I can access the menu and check my credit and billing stuff
install Zip to nexus one
Hello li129667
I'm not familiar with the install process of this zip, can u further eloborate on it? Am I just dragging the whole thing into /system/app/ and click on stk.apk file?
Originally Posted by li129667
I've solved it.
Download STK.zip, unzip it. Put Stk.apk into /system/app/ of one ROM package, and then SIGN it, then flash it. After reboot you will see SIM Tookit in your menu of Nexus One.
I've tried it with CM 5.0 beta3 and it works well.
I'm sorry for my poor English...
I need STk(Sim Tookit) to manager my SIM card.
Anyone can help?
How can install this stk in my nexus one?
I'm newbie in android.
Thanks in advance
I tried to push it to /system/app and restarted, it doesn't show up in the apps drawer.
I went to Astro file manager and found it in /system/app and i tapped it and chose install but it fails and says application not installed... what am I doing wrong?
To adb push it you would go to the folder you downloaded it, right click the folder and select open command prompt here. Assuming you have set up adb already. In command prompt you would type.
Adb remount
Adb push STK.apk /system/app
Then you would use andexplorer or filemanager of your choice to navigate to the /system/app folder and find the STK.apk there and click it, install, done.
If you dont know if you can use adb then you can't. You can read more about adb by searching or on googles d.android.com
I did that, but it wont install.
C:\android-sdk-windows\root & rom\nexus one>adb install Stk.apk
771 KB/s (67151 bytes in 0.085s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/Stk.apk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Same issue with me, with latest (Update1) of 2.1 sofware. I tried stk21.apk , but still claims uncompatibility.
adb push STK.apk /system/app
did it
but were can I get to the sim menu ?
How do you access the toolkit after installation
I've made an update.zip to install STK.apk. Works fine on Cyan's roms.
Any way to make this work with Enom's The Official 1.7.1 ROM?
Thanks in advance.

[Q] Magic 32B calling problem with latest Cyans 5.0.7 or SuperE ROMS.

I have found problem for both mentioned ROMs. My phone behaves completely same on both roms which are presumably using Cyan's core and work. This problem can be replicated any time on both.
Here is the description:
1. Go to Contacts
2. in Contacts choose either tab Contacts or Favourites
3. Choose any contact (doesnt matter whether it has one, two or more numbers to its name) to get into Contact details and information
4. Press green hw call button on phone
immediately i get "Sorry! The process android.process.acore has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again. Force close"
If i try to call this way:
1. Go to Contacts
2. in Contacts choose either tab Call log or Phone
3. Choose contact
4. Press green hw button on phone and all works fine
also it works fine if you
1. Go to Contacts
2. in Contacts choose either tab Contacts or Favourites
3. Choose any contact (doesnt matter whether it has one, two or more numbers to its name) to get into Contact details and information
4. instead using green hw call button just choose number on screen and touch screen for call number and you will get successful call.
This is adb logcat of crash:
MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.conta
cts/.DialtactsContactsEntryActivity bnds=[83,138][157,217] }
I/ActivityManager( 111): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
VIEW dat=content://com.android.contacts/contacts/lookup/2322i5b23ef238d0dad28/81
cmp=com.android.contacts/.ViewContactActivity }
W/Sources ( 565): Unknown type=com.google, mime=vnd.com.google.cursor.item/cont
W/Sources ( 565): Unknown type=com.google, mime=vnd.android.cursor.item/group_m
W/Sources ( 565): Unknown type=com.google, mime=vnd.android.cursor.item/group_m
I/ActivityManager( 111): Displayed activity com.android.contacts/.ViewContactAc
tivity: 449 ms (total 449 ms)
D/dalvikvm( 565): threadid=25 wakeup: interrupted
I/ActivityManager( 111): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.
CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=content://com.android.contacts/contacts/81 }
D/AndroidRuntime( 565): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 565): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught e
D/dalvikvm( 565): GC freed 6275 objects / 412856 bytes in 139ms
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity
found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.CALL_PRIVILEGED dat=content:/
/com.android.contacts/contacts/81 }
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.Instrumentation.checkStartActivit
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.Instrumentation.execStartActivity
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.Activity.startActivityForResult(A
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.Activity.startActivity(Activity.j
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at com.android.contacts.ViewContactActivity.onKe
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.view.KeyEvent.dispatch(KeyEvent.java:
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.Activity.dispatchKeyEvent(Activit
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.view.ViewRoot.deliverKeyEventToViewHi
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.view.ViewRoot.handleFinishedEvent(Vie
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.ja
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThrea
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:5
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndA
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Zygot
E/AndroidRuntime( 565): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/Process ( 111): Sending signal. PID: 565 SIG: 3
I/dalvikvm( 565): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
E/dalvikvm( 565): Unable to open stack trace file '/data/anr/traces.txt': Permi
ssion denied
I/DumpStateReceiver( 111): Added state dump to 1 crashes
Also I would like to clarify how to wipe phone before flashing new ROM:
1. fastboot boot recovery.zip
2. go to wipe options
3. wipe data/cache/dalvik cache (options 1,2,3)
Is there anything else I should do for wiping phone for clean installation?
Because I have feeling that action might not be working correctly either, after clean installation of phone I had all my previous packages (.apk) installed so reinstalled and wiped again and then again I did not have any packages but in market application and download I had all previous applications ready for installation. How was this remember? Thru Google Apps login and password from last time?
Please help me with this issue, I love 2.1 so much more than stock 1.6 but really cant get rid of this issue with calls.
Thank you
hi! you should post this issues on their respective thread
good luck
I think this is just a known bug to all of those eclair roms that just hasn't been fixed yet
juangil said:
hi! you should post this issues on their respective thread
good luck
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I thought of creating own forum post as it relates not to one ROM but probably to series of ROMs using possibly one kernel or some part ?
Should I post it in SuperE or Cyan ROMs forums please lock/close this post and I will copy paste this post to relevant forums.
s0mep00p said:
I think this is just a known bug to all of those eclair roms that just hasn't been fixed yet
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I havent found simillar issue here or looked at wrong posts. Than you for you information, means should I just use this for time being and wait for corrections?
It's already been fixed for CM-5.0.8 which should be out soon.
cyanogen said:
It's already been fixed for CM-5.0.8 which should be out soon.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Excellent work, cant wait! Last issue for me on this great ROM.

Gtalk from 2.3.4 to 2.3.3

So I have been an android user for about 3 days now and just signed up for the forums. So I cannot post this to the dev section.
So I'm trying to port the new Gtalk to 2.3.3 from 2.3.4.
I have used adb push to move the appropriate apk and odex files as well as moved the libtalk_jni.so
The app loads and it looks new and all but there is no video option.
So I decompile the apk and there seems to be some reference to video in the AndroidManifest
Can someone get me up to speed? Am I missing something?
Well i am not as lucky as you,man. MIUI just cannot recognize new version gtalk.
Sent from my Google Nexus S using XDA Premium App
xiambax said:
So I have been an android user for about 3 days now and just signed up for the forums. So I cannot post this to the dev section.
So I'm trying to port the new Gtalk to 2.3.3 from 2.3.4.
I have used adb push to move the appropriate apk and odex files as well as moved the libtalk_jni.so
The app loads and it looks new and all but there is no video option.
So I decompile the apk and there seems to be some reference to video in the AndroidManifest
Can someone get me up to speed? Am I missing something?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
where to find the .so file? could you post a link please?
elban said:
where to find the .so file? could you post a link please?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here are the files,, can anyone deodex the apks please
I was thinking the same thing, so I did a bit of research into this.
I was able to successfully deodex and recompile the app, however it doesn't show up in the launcher. I think because it's Talk2.apk it needs to be launched from "Talk". Looking at the update, there are patches for Talk.apk and Talk.odex, which confirm that suspicion.
Looking at the manifest however, it looks like there is some new video service, so I'm not sure if just installing the updated talk app will work.
If someone would like to upload a dump of their /system on 2.3.4 I can try deodexing the new talk and talk2 apks, and we can try that, but otherwise there isn't much I can do since I don't have a NS in my possession right now.
edude03 said:
I was thinking the same thing, so I did a bit of research into this.
I was able to successfully deodex and recompile the app, however it doesn't show up in the launcher. I think because it's Talk2.apk it needs to be launched from "Talk". Looking at the update, there are patches for Talk.apk and Talk.odex, which confirm that suspicion.
Looking at the manifest however, it looks like there is some new video service, so I'm not sure if just installing the updated talk app will work.
If someone would like to upload a dump of their /system on 2.3.4 I can try deodexing the new talk and talk2 apks, and we can try that, but otherwise there isn't much I can do since I don't have a NS in my possession right now.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Talk.apk isn't present after the update, updater-script deletes it entirely. It's never replaced and not present in /system/app any longer. There is not a single call to patch Talk.apk in the updater-script that I can find nor do I see the .p patch under the patch dir of the packaged update.
Talk2.apk and Talk2.odex are then extracted to /system/app (they are present in the update in their entirety, they are not patches). libtalk_jni.so is extracted to /system/lib (also present in its entirety in the update).
Here's Talk2.apk, Talk2.odex and libtalk_jni.so directly from the update.
krohnjw said:
Talk.apk isn't present after the update, updater-script deletes it entirely. It's never replaced and not present in /system/app any longer. There is not a single call to patch Talk.apk in the updater-script that I can find nor do I see the .p patch under the patch dir of the packaged update.
Talk2.apk and Talk2.odex are then extracted to /system/app (they are present in the update in their entirety, they are not patches). libtalk_jni.so is extracted to /system/lib (also present in its entirety in the update).
Here's Talk2.apk, Talk2.odex and libtalk_jni.so directly from the update.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The app has to be deodexed to be useful. For that we need the whole rom dump (well /system).
blunden said:
The app has to be deodexed to be useful. For that we need the whole rom dump (well /system).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Dumping system now - I'll upload when finished.
edit: Uploading now - this will take a little while. I'll post a link when it's finished.
And completed: https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_...IxZTktNWQzNGFmYTExY2Y1&hl=en&authkey=CL2J6csE
Thanks for the dump krohnjw and thanks for the correction. I was looking at the wrong version of the OTA (I was looking at the 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3 OTA :s)
EDIT 2: Here's the de-odexed APK, signed with testkeys. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9720998/Talk2.apk. As of right now, on GRI40 and XXJVK (android 2.3.3 on a GT-i9000) it gives me a permission error. I've tired adb install and adb push /system/app; chmod 644 Talk2.apk. '
Almost there, though for some reason it's getting a permission error even though I'm running it from /system/app
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.talk/.SigningInActivity } from pid 446
I/ActivityManager( 307): Start proc com.google.android.talk for activity com.google.android.talk/.SigningInActivity: pid=2035 uid=10067 gids={3003, 1015, 1006}
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed 12K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 67ms
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 100ms
D/szipinf ( 2035): Initializing inflate state
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 76ms
I/ActivityThread( 2035): Pub com.google.android.talk.SuggestionProvider: com.google.android.talk.SuggestionsProvider
V/PlayerDriver( 261): HandleInformationalEvent: 23
I/ActivityManager( 307): Starting: Intent { dat=content://com.google.android.providers.talk/accounts/1 cmp=com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity } from pid 2035
W/ActivityManager( 307): Trying to launch com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity
D/dalvikvm( 2035): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 115K, 51% free 2715K/5447K, external 2120K/2137K, paused 22ms
D/AndroidRuntime( 2035): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 2035): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015578)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): java.lang.SecurityException: Need GTalk_SERVICE permission: Neither user 10067 nor current process has com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.GTALK_SERVICE.
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1322)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1276)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.gtalkservice.IGTalkService$Stub$Proxy.getImSessionForAccountId(IGTalkService.java:252)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity.signInAccount(SigninActivity.java:414)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity.access$200(SigninActivity.java:52)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity$1.run(SigninActivity.java:165)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3687)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:842)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:600)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/ ( 307): Dumpstate > /data/log/dumpstate_app_error
W/ActivityManager( 307): Force finishing activity com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity
I/dumpstate( 2047): begin
W/ActivityManager( 307): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{40be0658 com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity}
edude03 said:
Almost there, though for some reason it's getting a permission error even though I'm running it from /system/app
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.google.android.talk/.SigningInActivity } from pid 446
I/ActivityManager( 307): Start proc com.google.android.talk for activity com.google.android.talk/.SigningInActivity: pid=2035 uid=10067 gids={3003, 1015, 1006}
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed 12K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 67ms
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 100ms
D/szipinf ( 2035): Initializing inflate state
D/dalvikvm( 260): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 53% free 2580K/5379K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 76ms
I/ActivityThread( 2035): Pub com.google.android.talk.SuggestionProvider: com.google.android.talk.SuggestionsProvider
V/PlayerDriver( 261): HandleInformationalEvent: 23
I/ActivityManager( 307): Starting: Intent { dat=content://com.google.android.providers.talk/accounts/1 cmp=com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity } from pid 2035
W/ActivityManager( 307): Trying to launch com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity
D/dalvikvm( 2035): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 115K, 51% free 2715K/5447K, external 2120K/2137K, paused 22ms
D/AndroidRuntime( 2035): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 2035): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015578)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): java.lang.SecurityException: Need GTalk_SERVICE permission: Neither user 10067 nor current process has com.google.android.gtalkservice.permission.GTALK_SERVICE.
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1322)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1276)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.gtalkservice.IGTalkService$Stub$Proxy.getImSessionForAccountId(IGTalkService.java:252)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity.signInAccount(SigninActivity.java:414)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity.access$200(SigninActivity.java:52)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.google.android.talk.SigninActivity$1.run(SigninActivity.java:165)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:587)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:3687)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:507)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:842)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:600)
E/AndroidRuntime( 2035): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/ ( 307): Dumpstate > /data/log/dumpstate_app_error
W/ActivityManager( 307): Force finishing activity com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity
I/dumpstate( 2047): begin
W/ActivityManager( 307): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{40be0658 com.google.android.talk/.SigninActivity}
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Have you tried to fix permissions or clear data for Talk? Sounds like a permission or UID error.
I've pushed the apk but it doesn't get loaded (no dex in dalvik cache), unfortunately no errors in logcat.
I think it's because it's not signed.
No I did sign it, let me clear the caches and data though just to make sure.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
On cm 7 I can confirm it opens starts running then force closes.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
xiambax said:
Mine doesn't force close
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You already have the update for the nexus s meaning you are on 2.3.4 cm7 runs 2.3.3
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
Can you tell me exactly where you push the files? Talk is system app and lib would go into system lib correct?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA Premium App
edude03 said:
Thanks for the dump krohnjw and thanks for the correction. I was looking at the wrong version of the OTA (I was looking at the 2.3.2 -> 2.3.3 OTA :s)
EDIT 2: Here's the de-odexed APK, signed with testkeys. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9720998/Talk2.apk. As of right now, on GRI40 and XXJVK (android 2.3.3 on a GT-i9000) it gives me a permission error. I've tired adb install and adb push /system/app; chmod 644 Talk2.apk. '
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I installed it successfully,, but I don't see the option for video calling ?!
I'll look into why that is as soon as I can get it working myself, probably because of some check for the video service.
What OS are you on Nokia7Vista?
edude03 said:
I'll look into why that is as soon as I can get it working myself, probably because of some check for the video service.
What OS are you on Nokia7Vista?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Android 2.3.3 on Galaxy S
I copied the .so file and your apk to their appropriate locations and removed the old talk.apk version and it worked,, but no video calling option
OK. I got it running now, it was a permission error.
That said it has a weird graphical glitch and doesn't show any contacts.
I'll investigate when I get home.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

[APP] Google Play Store fix

EDIT: With the exposed method working well, I think it goes without saying that I will be moving on from this thread. Now on to the ouya store on CM10! lol
If for some reason you come here from google or some other place, the thread your looking for to get the play store working is below.
This thread will be for working on getting the Google Play Store to work, aka com.android.vending.
Here is a logcat of the play crash when the vending apk has been sideloaded along with the google login and framework apks to /system/app. This was not from flashing the gapps.zip with CWM, this was sideloading the com.android.vending-4.0.25.apk... and GoogleLoginService.apk and GoogleServicesFramework.apk and setting permissions to 6755...
Process com.android.vending has crashed too many times
: killing!
I/ActivityManager( 310): Killing proc 2860:com.android.vending/u0a61: crash
V/DropBoxReceiver( 2593): Starting service for tag: system_app_crash, time: 1369
D/CrashReportService( 2593): Writing crash report to: /data/data/tv.ouya/cache/.
W/ActivityManager( 310): Unable to launch app com.android.vending/10061 for ser
vice Intent { cmp=com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHy
giene }: process is bad
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I also tried editing the /system/build.prop to say the device was a galaxy s4... same error on logcat...
adding the crash report files that should be in /data/data/tv.ouya/cache... not sure how to get the report data out of the bin file though.
tried this too... same
tried the old kindle market. the EULA comes up click except and then dies. different logcat though...
Process com.android.vending (pid 1340) has died.
D/CrashReportService( 563): Writing crash report to: /data/data/tv.ouya/cache/.
W/InputMethodManagerService( 311): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain
of: [email protected] attribute=n
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
professorpoptart said:
tried the old kindle market. the EULA comes up click except and then dies. different logcat though...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm working with the full gapps install and having no better luck. As long as I don't sign into my google account the rest of the ouya functions fine, but as soon as i log in I start getting "com.google.process.gapps" and play store crash messages, even if I never open the store and sign in through music.
Update: I think we need to meet somewhere in the middle. I may be way off, but heres my reasoning...
I have installed the full gapps on my Ouya, and I can't get the terms to pull up on either market. You have no gapps installed and it is getting a little further but still crashing. I believe I have something on there the ouya doesn't like and that's stopping me, and you are missing something the play store needs. I was able to get my error to stop by uninstalling the talk.apk, but still no play store.
Are you getting the same logcat's?... just got to find the right thing to google! lol
This is with the old kindle apk from qwerty790
I/ActivityThread( 1306): Pub com.android.vending.SuggestionsProvider: com.androi
D/vending ( 1306): [1] VendingApplication.onCreate(): Resetting ServiceLocator f
rom app
D/dalvikvm( 1306): GC_CONCURRENT freed 722K, 7% free 11293K/12103K, paused 5ms+3
ms, total 32ms
D/dalvikvm( 1306): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 17ms
W/ResourceType( 1306): Failure getting entry for 0x7f020052 (t=1 e=82) in packag
e 0 (error -75)
D/AndroidRuntime( 1306): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 1306): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4
E/AndroidRuntime( 1306): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 1306): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity Co
mponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.android.vending.AssetBrowserActivity}: andro
id.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #54: Error inflating class <unkno
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is from the start of the activity from the top of the error stack.
professorpoptart said:
Are you getting the same logcat's?... just got to find the right thing to google! lol
This is with the old kindle apk from qwerty790
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not even close. I'll post mine in a bit.
as much of a "bad" idea it is we could write script to recursive (or do it by hand) chmod 777 everything in /system to make sure it everything has permissions to do what it needs... unless the issue is the perms have to be set specifically... but I would think the gapps would have set them correctly if that was the case...
edit: ...almost beer o'clock!
sonofskywalker3 said:
Not even close. I'll post mine in a bit.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
After installing the gapps did you clear cache?
looking into "com.android.vending.SuggestionsProvider" seems like its usually a cache issue. I get the same logcat after clearing in recovery but just hoping since you have the whole gapps and different errors this mighht be it.
found the cache idea here...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=649149
ok so I went back to the 4.1.2 gapps files for vending and framework, set permissions and cleared cache. Still dies but now I get a toast fc message. now I'm getting something about the login service in the cat log.
here is the full logcat, did a logcat -c right before launching play. so the whole stack is the play event...
--------- beginning of /dev/log/main
D/su ( 1540): su invoked.
D/su ( 1541): Allowing root/shell.
D/su ( 1543): 2000 /system/bin/mksh executing 0 /system/bin/sh using shell
/system/bin/sh : sh
D/AndroidRuntime( 1542):
D/AndroidRuntime( 1542): >>>>>> AndroidRuntime START com.android.internal.os.Run
timeInit <<<<<<
D/AndroidRuntime( 1542): CheckJNI is OFF
D/dalvikvm( 1542): Trying to load lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 1542): Added shared lib libjavacore.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 1542): Trying to load lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
D/dalvikvm( 1542): Added shared lib libnativehelper.so 0x0
I/ethernet( 1542): Loading ethernet jni class
D/AndroidRuntime( 1542): Calling main entry com.android.commands.am.Am
--------- beginning of /dev/log/system
I/ActivityManager( 309): Start proc com.koushikdutta.superuser for broadcast co
m.koushikdutta.superuser/.SuReceiver: pid=1554 uid=10038 gids={1028}
D/AndroidRuntime( 1542): Shutting down VM
I/AndroidRuntime( 1542): NOTE: attach of thread 'Binder_3' failed
D/dalvikvm( 1542): GC_CONCURRENT freed 100K, 88% free 492K/4096K, paused 1ms+0ms
, total 4ms
I/ActivityManager( 309): No longer want com.google.android.gsf.login (pid 1518)
: hidden #2
I/ActivityManager( 309): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.int
ent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.android.vending/.AssetBrowserActiv
ity bnds=[960,540][960,540] u=0} from pid 1082
I/ActivityManager( 309): Start proc com.android.vending for activity com.androi
d.vending/.AssetBrowserActivity: pid=1568 uid=10061 gids={3003, 1015, 1023, 1028
I/ActivityThread( 1568): Pub com.google.android.finsky.RecentSuggestionsProvider
: com.google.android.finsky.providers.RecentSuggestionsProvider
I/ActivityThread( 1568): Pub com.google.android.finsky.QSBSuggestionsProvider2:
I/ActivityThread( 1568): Pub com.google.android.finsky.AppIconProvider: com.goog
D/Finsky ( 1568): [1] FinskyApp.onCreate: Clearing cache due to crash on previo
us run.
D/Volley ( 1568): [1] DiskBasedCache.clear: Cache cleared.
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
W/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 10430
D/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: replacing opcode 0x54 at 0x0000
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
W/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 10430
D/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: replacing opcode 0x54 at 0x0000
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
W/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: unable to resolve instance field 10430
D/dalvikvm( 1568): VFY: replacing opcode 0x54 at 0x0020
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: unable to optimize instance field ref 0x28be at 0x42
in Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool;.
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: unable to optimize instance field ref 0x28be at 0x76
in Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool;.
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: access denied from Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant
/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool; to field Lorg/apache/http/impl/conn/t
I/dalvikvm( 1568): DexOpt: unable to optimize instance field ref 0x28be at 0xec
in Lcom/google/android/volley/elegant/ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$ElegantPool;.
D/Finsky ( 1568): [1] FinskyApp.onCreate: Initializing network with DFE https:/
D/Finsky ( 1568): [1] DailyHygiene.goMakeHygieneIfDirty: Dirty, need more hygie
D/dalvikvm( 1568): GC_CONCURRENT freed 609K, 6% free 11398K/12103K, paused 14ms+
4ms, total 52ms
D/dalvikvm( 1568): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 22ms
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): Leak found
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): java.lang.IllegalStateException: AndroidHttpClient c
reated and never closed
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.AndroidHttpClient.<
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.AndroidHttpClient.n
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.GoogleHttpClient.<i
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.google.android.finsky.FinskyApp.onCreate(
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.app.Instrumentation.callApplicationOn
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleBindApplicat
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$1300(Activi
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Ac
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.ja
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThrea
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:5
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndA
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Zygot
E/AndroidHttpClient( 1568): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/ActivityManager( 309): Start proc com.google.android.gsf.login for service co
e: pid=1600 uid=10044 gids={3003, 1007, 2001, 3006, 1028}
D/Finsky ( 1568): [1] 2.run: Loaded library for account: [FljaznBLk4v9VpY6BInpX
D/Finsky ( 1568): [1] 2.run: Finished loading 1 libraries.
D/libEGL ( 1568): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_tegra.so
E/ ( 1568): file /data/data/com.nvidia.NvCPLSvc/files/driverlist.txt: not
I/ ( 1568): Attempting to load EGL implementation /system/lib//egl/libEGL
I/ ( 1568): Loaded EGL implementation /system/lib//egl/libEGL_tegra_impl
D/libEGL ( 1568): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_tegra.so
D/dalvikvm( 309): GC_CONCURRENT freed 1104K, 17% free 15096K/17991K, paused 5ms
+11ms, total 107ms
D/libEGL ( 1568): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_tegra.so
I/ ( 1568): Loading GLESv2 implementation /system/lib//egl/libGLESv2_tegr
D/OpenGLRenderer( 1568): Enabling debug mode 0
I/ActivityManager( 309): No longer want com.koushikdutta.superuser (pid 1554):
hidden #2
W/dalvikvm( 1568): threadid=13: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-139
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field com
from class com.google.android.volley.elegant.ElegantThreadSafeConnManager$Elega
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.elegant.ElegantThre
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.elegant.ElegantThre
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.elegant.ElegantThre
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDir
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClien
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CachingHttp
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CachingHttp
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.cache.CachingHttp
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClien
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.AndroidHttpClient.e
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.GoogleHttpClient.ex
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.GoogleHttpClient.ex
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.google.android.volley.GoogleHttpClient.ex
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.android.volley.toolbox.HttpClientStack.pe
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.android.volley.toolbox.BasicNetwork.perfo
E/AndroidRuntime( 1568): at com.android.volley.NetworkDispatcher.run(Netw
W/ActivityManager( 309): Force finishing activity com.android.vending/.AssetB
V/DropBoxReceiver( 552): Starting service for tag: system_app_crash, time: 1369
D/CrashReportService( 552): Writing crash report to: /data/data/tv.ouya/cache/.
I/ActivityManager( 309): Displayed com.android.vending/.AssetBrowserActivity: +
I/ActivityManager( 309): No longer want com.google.android.gsf.login (pid 1600)
: hidden #2
D/dalvikvm( 110): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
I/ActivityManager( 309): Start proc com.google.android.gsf.login for service co
e: pid=1618 uid=10044 gids={3003, 1007, 2001, 3006, 1028}
D/dalvikvm( 110): GC_EXPLICIT freed 39K, 7% free 10748K/11459K, paused 2ms+2ms,
total 27ms
D/dalvikvm( 110): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
D/dalvikvm( 110): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 7% free 10748K/11459K, paused 2ms+3ms,
total 25ms
D/dalvikvm( 110): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 0ms
D/dalvikvm( 110): GC_EXPLICIT freed <1K, 7% free 10748K/11459K, paused 1ms+3ms,
total 22ms
I/ActivityManager( 309): No longer want com.android.vending (pid 1568): hidden
W/ActivityManager( 309): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.vend
ing/com.google.android.finsky.services.DailyHygiene in 5000ms
W/InputMethodManagerService( 309): Got RemoteException sending setActive(false)
notification to pid 1568 uid 10061
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sonofskywalker3 said:
as soon as i log in I start getting "com.google.process.gapps" and play store crash messages
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I'm getting the play crash every 10-15 minutes or so now too since clearing the cache, so I bet the update script cleared it for you...
Doing a little research on what play requires I was reading the below link that says phonesky.apk is the new vending.apk, and that like we thought for the store to just open all you need in the /system/app is the framework, loginservice and phonesky apks. It doesnt say anything about permissions so I re pushed each of them with default perms, cleared cache in recovery ...And!... same thing.
next I'm going to look at this from the logcat... looks like this fall apart after that...
E/ ( 1568): file /data/data/com.nvidia.NvCPLSvc/files/driverlist.txt: not found!
looking at:
I wonder if this apache client is stopping it? Maybe running something for the ouya store on the same connections as play store uses? I will try and go through the app manager and try to force stop/disable the other ouya store apps and see if there are any changes to the logcat.
Also tried to push the vending-4.1.6 apk... (might have needed to push an updated frame work too)
Clearing cache and data from the app manager and rebooting on every test...
After killing all of the ouya stuff, it looks like it is getting farther into the launch as now there is some stuff about syncing with my gmail account info in it.
using titanium backup to freeze the ouya framework and apps to make sure they do not get in the way...
Well I started from scratch again just so I know I'm at a clean start. flashed the OTA zip. I've been working with the old vending logcats, as its a little easier to follow whats "not" working with it...
I'm starting to think I will have to build a port of CM to get play to work, I think the ouya framework is using some resources that normally the play store uses so when play launches it gets access denied when trying to use those parts. I think I will try to remove as much ouya branded files as I can and see what the logcat looks like.
just thinking, has anyone tried to backup and restore the ouya stuff on another device yet? wonder if it would result in breaking the play store there... nice proof of concept....
professorpoptart said:
Well I started from scratch again just so I know I'm at a clean start. flashed the OTA zip. I've been working with the old vending logcats, as its a little easier to follow whats "not" working with it...
I'm starting to think I will have to build a port of CM to get play to work, I think the ouya framework is using some resources that normally the play store uses so when play launches it gets access denied when trying to use those parts. I think I will try to remove as much ouya branded files as I can and see what the logcat looks like.
just thinking, has anyone tried to backup and restore the ouya stuff on another device yet? wonder if it would result in breaking the play store there... nice proof of concept....
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I'm not going to be much help here, like, at all. I do have a OUYA tho, I can follow instructions, have a lot of free time, and have CWM/busybox/wireless ADB/superuser on it already. So if theres anything I can do to help, let me know.
I also got my ouya just today.
I'm having some trouble getting adb to work but Iam also ready to test things.
GizmoTheGreen said:
I also got my ouya just today.
I'm having some trouble getting adb to work but Iam also ready to test things.
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Sweet, I am in the process of porting a rom from another tegra 3 device so I will have a base aosp to work with. Play market will probably just work then... and the new task may then be how to load the OUYA stuff onto the new rom. I'm having issues getting video output on CWM to test the new rom though.
Do you CWM up and running?
Well I may be able to play with it some tonight. If you've got something you want me to try flashing PM me a link and I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
sonofskywalker3 said:
Well I may be able to play with it some tonight. If you've got something you want me to try flashing PM me a link and I'll give it a shot and see what happens.
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K, I'm hoping its not too bad as we don't care about camera,gps,radio,screen,ect... we just need it to boot and get wifi which we should be able to pull out of the current /system/etc/permissions/android.hardware.wifi.xml. I will start a new thread to document the rom though I just want to get the CWM recovery working first so I dont have to flash OTA every time it breaks... even if I have to fastboot recovery.img every time thats fine...
I managed to get adb to work, added superuser and sideloaded xbmc, works wonderfully even without logging in to ouya account.
I have not installed cwm just yet, will tomorrow.
GizmoTheGreen said:
I managed to get adb to work, added superuser and sideloaded xbmc, works wonderfully even without logging in to ouya account.
I have not installed cwm just yet, will tomorrow.
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Click to collapse
Be sure to install the hw accelerated xbmc beta, handles 1080p perfectly
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk HD
Paulenski said:
Be sure to install the hw accelerated xbmc beta, handles 1080p perfectly
Sent from my GT-P1000 using Tapatalk HD
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Click to collapse
yep, I did, works well, tried 60fps 720p amv

[APP][NST/G] Nook Settings

Version for no-BN account devices in post #5
This version of the app is for fully registered devices.
5-14-22: Updated to v1.5. Uninstall any previous version to insure all variables clear.
--removed Google accounts section
--removed Network Location setting (relied on Google accounts).
Over the years a few new "Settings" apps have been cobbled together from the ruins of what B&N left on the device. Starting with the original listing by @Renate NST which revealed the scope of what was hidden on the NST/G, people have rejiggered the app in a number of ways. Each of those attempts relied on actually changing the app or the framework and had limitations as to the type of installation they would run on and things that needed to be added, deleted, disabled, etc.
The Nook Settings app is my effort to create a utility that would encompass all the good ideas and none of the less good. But as I am no Java programmer, that meant Tasker (surprise). The result is a frankenapp, using screens from the B&N Settings app (you can't delete it!) as well as completely original pages I assembled from screen images and many, many invisible overlays to hijack the Back button and the return arrow throughout the app. My goal was to eliminate anything that did not work (USB debugging in the Development section, for example), try to fix what I could (USB debugging, for example!), and add in features that just should be there, mundane things like wallpaper and keyboard changes. I also wanted to re-organize the app in a more traditional way. A few representative screenshots below.
1. Transitions are sometimes a little scrappy. It all depends on what the device is doing in the background and how difficult the item is to access.
2. Rather than introduce a lot of forking with many permutations, I elected to only separate the NST from the NSTG at first run. As far as accounts go, I included everything from B&N: Shop, Social). There is error trapping, so there should be no issues.
3. My number one goal in herding all these electric sheep was to keep what happens in the Settings app within the Settings app. This proved to be impossible in a few cases (keyboard swap is one) because of the way the native Android system was handling the main window. Those cases are clearly indicated in the app menus as "Exits Settings".
4. This app cannot be totally localized. That is, if you have a different display language (say, German), the parts of the app that are actually parts of the B&N Settings app will be localized, i.e., the phrases will be changed to the language you have selected. However, the custom pages I created are just images with invisible touch overlays so.... If anyone is seriously interested in localizing the app for themselves, they should contact me and we can discuss creating a custom set of images which I will then compile into a custom app.
5. I'm sorry to say that the App Manager was one of most difficult nuts to crack. It is part of the B&N Settings app but has an activity that cannot be opened via shell commands. Somehow ADW Launcher does it, but I was never able to come up with a method. Luckily, Tasker has a generic call to the App Manager and it actually works. Still, it is sluggish on the Back arrow where it must be tested against which screen is being displayed. Just not a happy camper. Be sure not to tap the Back arrow more than once or you'll end up who knows where. Consider it a free lesson in patience
6. This app is only for Portrait orientation. Oh, you can rotate your screen, but all the touch coordinates will be off and images distorted. This is not a priority for me, but I may look at it someday. It requires a redesign and right now, I'm sorta sick of working on this :silly:
1. This is a Tasker app and has a dependency on two library files which are part of a GApps installation. If you don't have GApps or one of my other Tasker apps already, you need to copy the two files in the zip as below:
Set permissions for both files to rw-r--r-- and reboot. Without these files resident, the app will not install.
2. Root/SU. Right off the bat. Many, many shell commands, settings.db, accounts.db, etc. manipulations.
3. Sqlite3 (for the database manipulations), provided in the zip below. If you don't already have it, move the file to /system/bin and set the permissions to rwx r-x r-x.
4. Busybox. If you rooted with NookManager, you already have Busybox installed. A few other special packages probably include it. If you have it, you will find it in /system/xbin. If it's not there, copy the file from the zip to that location and set permissions to rwx-rwx-rwx
5. The original B&N Settings app installed
Edit: 6. I've discovered while working on a no-B&N variant that a kernal enabling multi-touch is needed for some of the "sendevent" sequences to execute. Lacking multi-touch does not mean the app will not function or that you will not be able to access some settings.
The easy part. This is not a system app, but a user app. Just install as normal. You don't have to disable or remove or change anything. If you don't like it, just uninstall.
On first run the app:
1. determines if you have an NSTG and adjusts the menus accordingly.
2. sets ADB debugging via TCP (for WiFi apps like ADB Konnect); This is the default state for rooting with NookManager. You can change to USB in Developer options.
Just to be clear, in every case in which there is a "return" arrow as part of a Settings screen, its function is identical to the Back button in the status bar (i.e., both have been hijacked).
If you have some issue and end up crashing the app or exiting unexpectedly (has not happened to me, but.....), there may still be invisible overlays present that will impair the function of your device. The easiest way to deal with these is to repeatedly press the Back button until the main Settings menu appears and then disappears. If there is still an issue, force stopping the app via the App Manager will clear all overlays. A power cycle is the last resort.
Wow, this was tough... I'm indebted to the generous folk who hang out at the Google Tasker group. I'm sure they all think I'm daft spending so much time on an Eclair device with an ancient version of Tasker, but they have nonetheless been helpful when I've been stuck.
Wow, @nmyshkin that looks like a bit of work.
On a different theme, I have an Android (Linux) executable for doing settings.
It's handy if you want to set a bunch of devices all the same (and you have root).
Settings are stored in different tables for global, system and secure.
Even worse, individual setting moved among these three categories for different versions of Android.
Even worse, they used to be stored in an SQLite database, then they moved to separate XML files.
Fortunately, if there is a setting "klaatu_barada_nikto" it is unique even though it might be in system or secure depending on Android version.
The executable takes an input file of settings.
Here is an example (just what I had at hand, I'm not saying that these settings are the right one for you (or even me)).
adb_enabled 1
airplane_mode_on 0
auto_time_zone 0
bluetooth_on 0
development_settings_enabled 1
dim_screen 0
heads_up_notification_enabled 0
immersive_mode_confirmations confirmed
install_non_market_apps 0
lockscreen.disabled 1
mock_location 1
package_verifier_enable 0
screen_auto_brightness_adj -1
screen_brightness 5
screen_brightness_mode 0
screen_off_timeout 1800000
skip_first_use_hints 1
stay_on_while_plugged_in 3
transition_animation_scale 1.0
usb_mass_storage_enabled 0
user_setup_complete 1
verifier_verify_adb_installs 0
window_animation_scale 1.0
wifi_frequency_band 0
If the setting exists, it will be set.
Notice, that you don't have to specify category (global, system, secure) since it can figure that out itself.
(No, I didn't attach the executable. I have to double check it.)
Renate NST said:
Wow, @nmyshkin that looks like a bit of work.
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Yeah, this is another example of why humans are not allowed to know the future. If they did, they would shy away from attempting many things!
I'd be interested in the executable. From my work on this app I can imagine what it must involve to ferret out the appropriate entries. On the NST, at least, values in settings.db for some things appear to be artifacts only and don't actually seem to have any effect. It just made things more interesting...
nmyshkin said:
I'd be interested in the executable.
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Well, here it is (in the signature).
Park "setvalues" in an executable directory (like /data or /data/local/tmp), chmod 755 it.
It takes the name of the values file as the only argument.
It's verbose in telling you what was and any changes done.
This also should run on any version of Android and any device.
Custom version for those without B&N account and/or apps
5-11-22: updated to 1.5. Uninstall any previous version to insure all variables clear.
--removed Google Accounts section
--removed Network Location setting (relied on Google Accounts)
This version is only for devices which either bypassed OOBE and then removed all B&N stuff or went through registration and then removed all B&N stuff
I've been playing around with a third (my last one, I swear) device and have finally hit upon the method for removing B&N apps without causing a constant drumbeat of protest in the system. More on that in a future post.
No B&N apps means no B&N account, whether you start with a registered device or skip OOBE, so my Nook Settings app had a lot of fluff in it for such devices. Also, the "About" stuff did not work so there was no information such as serial number, MAC address, etc.
This special version of the app addresses these issues. References to B&N stuff are removed and there is a custom "About" section which includes an editing option for those items the app could not dig up on its own (like your name, if you didn't register). See screenshot below.
Hint: if you skip OOBE, you will need to jot down the serial number, model number, and MAC address for entry into the "About" page. You can find these values on the screen where you elect to skip OOBE. Failing that, they are contained in text files in /rom/devconf
The zip below includes all the stuff from the zip in the OP with an updated custom app. Follow the installation instructions in post #1. If you are updating, you only need to uninstall the previous version and install the new one.
Great job!
The app dosen't install on my rooted NST fw ver.1.2.1 but at least I removed all unnecessary B&N apps. Thanks
kodovoimeji said:
Great job!
The app dosen't install on my rooted NST fw ver.1.2.1 but at least I removed all unnecessary B&N apps. Thanks
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It should install and run on 1.2.1 without any problems. Did you remember to copy the two maps files? It won't install without those present. Also be sure the permissions for each file are set correctly. If not the installer may register them as MIA and refuse to run.
I'm not sure if the same level of dependency is present at installation for sqlite or busybox, but you do need both (with correct permissions) for some parts of the app to function.
Edit: I can confirm that the app installs and runs with FW 1.2.1, following the directions in the first post.
Hey, I find myself unable to put the com.google.android.maps.jar and com.google.android.maps.xml files in the required locations via ADB push due to the filesystem being readonly, and I'm not sure the safest way to remount readwrite on this device, please could you advise?
alexhorner said:
Hey, I find myself unable to put the com.google.android.maps.jar and com.google.android.maps.xml files in the required locations via ADB push due to the filesystem being readonly, and I'm not sure the safest way to remount readwrite on this device, please could you advise?
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Did you choose one of the NookManager options with ES File Explorer? If so, you can mount /system as RW from within its Settings and just transfer the files to either your sdcard or /media (the "Nook" drive) and then move them with the file manager from there. You can even set the permissions (long-press on file and select "Properties").
Otherwise...hmm....let me see if I have that bookmarked...
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
I think that's it. Then for permissions:
adb shell chmod 644 /system/wherever/whatever.xml
(I'm not suggesting it's 644--you'll have to check that.
ES File Explorer is by far the easier method.
nmyshkin said:
Did you choose one of the NookManager options with ES File Explorer? If so, you can mount /system as RW from within its Settings and just transfer the files to either your sdcard or /media (the "Nook" drive) and then move them with the file manager from there. You can even set the permissions (long-press on file and select "Properties").
Otherwise...hmm....let me see if I have that bookmarked...
adb shell mount -o rw,remount -t ext2 /dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /system
I think that's it. The for permissions:
adb shell chmod 644 /system/wherever/whatever.xml
(I'm not suggesting it's 644--you'll have to check that.
ES File Explorer is by far the easier method.
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I went for the classic so no ES here! Just ReLaunchX. The mount command worked, and I can confirm 644 is the correct numeric for the required permissions. Busybox already existed from the root, and I installed sqlite3 with correct permissions, 755.
Copied those 2 google files over, set permissions, rebooted then installed the APK fine.
Sorry for being such a noob here, but how do I now run the app as superuser? Running it without just refreshes the screen (I assume that means it crashed after trying to open?)
Opening the Superuser app shows no apps in list.
alexhorner said:
I went for the classic so no ES here! Just ReLaunchX. The mount command worked, and I can confirm 644 is the correct numeric for the required permissions. Busybox already existed from the root, and I installed sqlite3 with correct permissions, 755.
Copied those 2 google files over, set permissions, rebooted then installed the APK fine.
Sorry for being such a noob here, but how do I now run the app as superuser? Running it without just refreshes the screen (I assume that means it crashed after trying to open?)
Opening the Superuser app shows no apps in list.
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Sometimes SU is slow to respond. I'd reboot and try again.
No luck waiting or rebooting unfortunately. Superuser has no app list and the screen refresh flashes when trying to launch still
alexhorner said:
No luck waiting or rebooting unfortunately. Superuser has no app list and the screen refresh flashes when trying to launch still
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Click to collapse
Ok, I've shut down my PC for the day. Let me try a clean install of the app tomorrow and refresh my memory on exactly what happens. SU can really be a pain on this device sometimes.
alexhorner said:
No luck waiting or rebooting unfortunately. Superuser has no app list and the screen refresh flashes when trying to launch still
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Click to collapse
So instead of reading till I get drowsy I have downloaded the zip right on the device! I uninstalled the app and checked Superuser to be sure any entries were gone. Then I extracted the app from the zip and installed it. The moment (or nearly) I tapped the app icon I got the Superuser permission request.
I'm baffled.
nmyshkin said:
So instead of reading till I get drowsy I have downloaded the zip right on the device! I uninstalled the app and checked Superuser to be sure any entries were gone. Then I extracted the app from the zip and installed it. The moment (or nearly) I tapped the app icon I got the Superuser permission request.
I'm baffled.
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Click to collapse
I opened ADB connect, as I knew that asked for super user too. It did, I accepted and it launched fine. I went back to ReLaunchX and decided to look at Superuser now. It won't open at all.
Okay, fine, I'll reboot the device.
Nope, still won't open.
So I decided to open ADB Connect again. Well now that's broken too! It gives me a black screen, so I decided to tap back. Nope. Okay, I'm stuck now.
After a few seconds I get "Sorry! Activity ReLaunchX (in application ReLaunchX) is not responding. [Wait] [Force Close]
I have since forced closed, uninstalled the settings app and rebooted. Superuser still broken. ADB works once and then subsequent times black screens me.
Edit: Got a logcat of superuser:
Spoiler: Logcat Superuser
D/AndroidRuntime( 1529): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 1529): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b210)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at com.noshufou.android.su.PinnedHeaderListView.configureHeaderView(PinnedHeaderListView.java:153)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at com.noshufou.android.su.AppListActivity$AppListAdapter.onScroll(AppListActivity.java:326)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.AbsListView.invokeOnItemScrollListener(AbsListView.java:741)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.AbsListView.handleDataChanged(AbsListView.java:3181)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.ListView.layoutChildren(ListView.java:1488)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.AbsListView.onLayout(AbsListView.java:1314)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at com.noshufou.android.su.PinnedHeaderListView.onLayout(PinnedHeaderListView.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1119)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:998)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:918)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.setChildFrame(LinearLayout.java:1119)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.layoutVertical(LinearLayout.java:998)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.LinearLayout.onLayout(LinearLayout.java:918)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.widget.FrameLayout.onLayout(FrameLayout.java:333)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.View.layout(View.java:6863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.ViewRoot.performTraversals(ViewRoot.java:996)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.view.ViewRoot.handleMessage(ViewRoot.java:1633)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4363)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:860)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:618)
E/AndroidRuntime( 1529): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
I/ActivityManager( 790): Removing old ANR trace file from /data/anr/traces.txt
W/ActivityManager( 790): Send CRASH intent: true
I/Process ( 790): Sending signal. PID: 1529 SIG: 3
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 4
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x10
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 5
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x20
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 6
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x40
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 7
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x80
D/DeviceManagerBroadcastReceiver( 949): action (com.bn.devicemanager.ACTION_HANDLE_CRASH)
I/dalvikvm( 1529): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 1529): Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process ( 1529): Sending signal. PID: 1529 SIG: 9
I/ActivityManager( 790): Process com.noshufou.android.su (pid 1529) has died.
I/WindowManager( 790): WIN DEATH: Window{4a0ebc98 com.noshufou.android.su/com.noshufou.android.su.Su paused=false}
I/UsageStats( 790): Unexpected resume of com.gacode.relaunchx while already resumed in com.noshufou.android.su
W/InputManagerService( 790): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
V/Activity( 1225): performResume()
Most disturbing, as Jeeves would say.
Here's where my lack of depth shows. I can see there is trouble in the logcat. The word "CRASH" being a clue. But as to the rest..not so much.
I would, at this point, uninstall and reinstall SU--you can get the apk from your NookManager card.
I've got a fairly busy day but my aim is to back up one of my devices, revert it to an unrooted, registered state, root with the "classic" package and try to reproduce your situation. That's one step short of converting to UK and going through the entire process. Which I hope not to do.
nmyshkin said:
Most disturbing, as Jeeves would say.
Here's where my lack of depth shows. I can see there is trouble in the logcat. The word "CRASH" being a clue. But as to the rest..not so much.
I would, at this point, uninstall and reinstall SU--you can get the apk from your NookManager card.
I've got a fairly busy day but my aim is to back up one of my devices, revert it to an unrooted, registered state, root with the "classic" package and try to reproduce your situation. That's one step short of converting to UK and going through the entire process. Which I hope not to do.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
The reinstall has certainly fixed Superuser, however, no luck with NookSettings still even after another reinstall. I feel reverting to UK on your device wouldn't particularly help you, however going from stock to rooted might. I am wondering at this point if that might do me any good.
It clearly shows a lack of resilience of Superuser although the instigation lies elsewhere.
There is absolutely no reason that an app should bomb doing a layout.
Personally, I've never liked su. All I need in life (before the advent of system as root) is a rooted adbd.
alexhorner said:
The reinstall has certainly fixed Superuser, however, no luck with NookSettings still even after another reinstall. I feel reverting to UK on your device wouldn't particularly help you, however going from stock to rooted might. I am wondering at this point if that might do me any good.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have just found a new APK for Superuser, 3.0.7 which I have attached in both the unextracted ZIP form and the extracted APK form. Source is https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-superuser-2-3-6-1-now-on-the-market-2010-09-05.682828/page-49
Not sure it will be of much help, but it certainly works with ADB Konnect perfectly fine.
Still no luck with NookSettings. I decided to logcat that too, here it is:
Spoiler: NookSettings Logcat
I/ActivityManager( 790): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x14000000 cmp=com.home.nmyshkin.settings/net.dinglisch.android.tasker.Kid }
I/ActivityManager( 790): Start proc com.home.nmyshkin.settings for activity com.home.nmyshkin.settings/net.dinglisch.android.tasker.Kid: pid=3357 uid=10019 gids={}
E/TC ( 1023): KPICollector: 1634321461142 platform process_start {"processName":"com.home.nmyshkin.settings"}
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Debugger thread not active, ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=38)
E/TC ( 1023): KPICollector: 1634321461231 ActivityManager background {"component":"com.gacode.relaunchx/.AllApplications"}
E/TC ( 1023): KPICollector: 1634321461238 ActivityManager foreground {"component":"com.home.nmyshkin.settings/net.dinglisch.android.tasker.Kid"}
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Debugger thread not active, ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=56)
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 10007 objects / 357744 bytes in 64ms
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 10130 objects / 380968 bytes in 61ms
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 11236 objects / 402944 bytes in 41ms
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 7376 objects / 183336 bytes in 57ms
I/global ( 3357): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is required.
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 10826 objects / 521112 bytes in 53ms
D/LocationManager( 3357): Constructor: service = [email protected]
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 1646 objects / 200792 bytes in 44ms
D/dalvikvm( 3357): GC freed 116 objects / 120272 bytes in 44ms
I/global ( 3357): Default buffer size used in BufferedReader constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is required.
E/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find class 'com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint', referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.hf.a
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 279 (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;) in Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/hf;
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0005
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/hf;.a code (52 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find method com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint.getLatitudeE6, referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.hf.a
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1180: Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;.getLatitudeE6 ()I
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x000a
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/hf;.a code (116 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find method com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint.getLatitudeE6, referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.hf.b
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 1180: Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;.getLatitudeE6 ()I
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0009
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/hf;.b code (72 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ht; (280)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ht;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ht; (280)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ht;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lcom/google/android/maps/GeoPoint;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
E/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find class 'net.dinglisch.android.tasker.MyMapView', referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ql.a
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve check-cast 472 (Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;) in Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x1f at 0x000b
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;.a code (264 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.MyMapView.getContext, referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ql.a
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve virtual method 3189: Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;.getContext ()Landroid/content/Context;
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x6e at 0x0001
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;.a code (117 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to find class referenced in signature (Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
E/dalvikvm( 3357): Could not find class 'net.dinglisch.android.tasker.MyMapView', referenced from method net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ql.a
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: unable to resolve new-instance 472 (Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;) in Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;
D/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: replacing opcode 0x22 at 0x0013
D/dalvikvm( 3357): Making a copy of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;.a code (96 bytes)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Unable to resolve superclass of Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView; (284)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Link of class 'Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/MyMapView;' failed
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: returning Ljava/lang/Object; (cl=0x0), declared Landroid/view/View; (cl=0x0)
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: rejecting opcode 0x11 at 0x001c
W/dalvikvm( 3357): VFY: rejected Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;.a (Landroid/content/Context;I)Landroid/view/View;
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Verifier rejected class Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/ql;
W/dalvikvm( 3357): Exception Ljava/lang/VerifyError; thrown during Lnet/dinglisch/android/tasker/md;.<clinit>
D/AndroidRuntime( 3357): Shutting down VM
W/dalvikvm( 3357): threadid=3: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4001b210)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#MyUEH: error: exception in thread main: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: Caused by:
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.md.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.b(Unknown Source)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.a(Unknown Source)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.d(Unknown Source)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.Kid.onCreate(Unknown Source)
E/Settings( 3357): 13.11.02#: error: android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): Uncaught handler: thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.b(Unknown Source)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.a(Unknown Source)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at net.dinglisch.android.tasker.vh.d(Unknown Source)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at net.dinglisch.android.tasker.Kid.onCreate(Unknown Source)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1047)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2459)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2512)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$2200(ActivityThread.java:119)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1863)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:123)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4363)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:521)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:860)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:618)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): Caused by: java.lang.VerifyError: net.dinglisch.android.tasker.ql
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): at net.dinglisch.android.tasker.md.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
E/AndroidRuntime( 3357): ... 17 more
I/ActivityManager( 790): Removing old ANR trace file from /data/anr/traces.txt
W/ActivityManager( 790): Send CRASH intent: true
I/Process ( 790): Sending signal. PID: 3357 SIG: 3
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 4
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x10
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 5
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x20
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 6
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x40
D/EPD#ActivityManager( 790): resetRegion 7
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x80
D/DeviceManagerBroadcastReceiver( 949): action (com.bn.devicemanager.ACTION_HANDLE_CRASH)
I/dalvikvm( 3357): threadid=7: reacting to signal 3
I/dalvikvm( 3357): Wrote stack trace to '/data/anr/traces.txt'
I/Process ( 3357): Sending signal. PID: 3357 SIG: 9
I/ActivityManager( 790): Process com.home.nmyshkin.settings (pid 3357) has died.
V/Activity( 1225): performResume()
D/EPD#ActivityResume( 790): resetRegion 4
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x10
D/EPD#ActivityResume( 790): resetRegion 5
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x20
D/EPD#ActivityResume( 790): resetRegion 6
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x40
D/EPD#ActivityResume( 790): resetRegion 7
D/NATIVE-EPD( 790): epd_reset_region: 0x80
D/EPD#ActivityResume( 790): Disable EPD for 350ms!!!!!!!!
I/UsageStats( 790): Unexpected resume of com.gacode.relaunchx while already resumed in com.home.nmyshkin.settings
D/ReLaunchApp( 1225): --- onResume(AllApps)
W/InputManagerService( 790): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
I/DeviceManagerHandler( 949): HandleMessage(): msg.what (1)
I/global ( 949): Default buffer size used in BufferedWriter constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k-char buffer is required.
D/dalvikvm( 949): GC freed 4915 objects / 501464 bytes in 41ms
I/LogcatProcessor( 949): LOG END MARKER - 1634321464060
alexhorner said:
I have just found a new APK for Superuser, 3.0.7 which I have attached in both the unextracted ZIP form and the extracted APK form. Source is https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/app-superuser-2-3-6-1-now-on-the-market-2010-09-05.682828/page-49
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I have tried other SU apps in the past but they were always complaining about updating binaries (not going to happen). But if you have something that works, good.
That logcat seems to point to the two maps files that are expected by Tasker or any of its kid apps (like Nook Settings). So much stuff about maps, like it can't find what it wants. I've never seen anything like that on my devices (not that I sit around watching logcats scroll by all day). Check that both files are in the proper places. The jar file belongs in /system/framework and is rw-r-r (or 644, as you said). The xml file is in /system/etc/permissions and is also rw-r-r.
In short, if the old SU popped up with ADB Konnect, it's probably not the problem. The Nook Settings app itself is not the problem. I have it running on three devices and the fresh install last night went without a hitch. I've tested it on both FW 1.2.1 and 1.2.2.
Getting one of my Nooks ready for a backup now.

