Update the rom on my x1 rom to WM6.5 - XPERIA X1 ROM Development

im hany from lebanon
When I walked into the world of the xda and see most of the innovations and efforts to develop a system of sony x1 to WM6.5 Maximum respect for all members and based on this work ..
I bought new x1 and wn6.1 based with special tools for writing in Arabic and the emergence of the keyboard also in Arabic
Now I want to use one of the rom developer and I want to update the entire system
But I am confused to choose the version, I've seen a lot of copies developed here is in fact a very special and wonderful
But I want to experience that owners of experience choose the special version for used to me
First, in terms of stability and free of errors and problems
Secondly, the conversion to accept the Arab language (of course not the full conversion of lists), but for readers of the compatibility of files, contacts, etc and stable with Arabic keyboard
Third, the version includes aesthetics and improvements and additions and the creative touches as I've seen of the creations here
In the end, Big thanks of all members present, and I hope to help me

Hi hany, welcome aboard ...
well it would deal with a lot of things really, i would suggest since its new one and not WWE version, hold your breathe for a while and play with it until you understand of what you are up to.
Particularly you would not miss the arabic support for your device, it maybe take a while to search and learn on this so you can recover those easily.
Regarding flashing custom rom, read the stickies on unbranding and flashing hardSPL, remember that you will lose your warranty by doing this.
Then pick up custom rom on your choice, none is the best since custom rom is cooked based on taste. Read 1st. page for the most updated rom, download link, change log etc., then straight to last pages to find out comments of other people before you.
Enjoy your time here ...

Think Deepthroat explained it very well.
Flashing guides already exist at top of thread, i.e. the stickies
As for which rom is best, this is user preference and an opinionated query which is frowned upon in XDA as each user will has his/her favourute creating endless long threads
For above reasons I suggest you search/read and then try a few roms
Thread closed


Newbie -ROM Version and upgrade question

I am a newbie with an O2 XDA Mini S
ROM Version:
ROM date:9/22/05
Radio Version:01.08.10
Protocol Version:
Ext ROM Version:
Would like to know which is the best ROM version and procedures to update the ROM And is it possible to install a different manufactures ROM such t-mobile,qtec etc to this 02 Device !!
Pls Guide me through !
...cute name for a newbie! The people here expect you to do your research (and I don't blame them!!) ....that means combing through posts as others before you did. This does take time and energy. For procedures to upgrade a ROM I suggest you do a search as there are quite a few posts that tell you how to do it (hint: including one of mine).
The best ROM version??? No one will be able to tell you that becasue it depends on what you are looking for and what you use your phone for and how many problems are you willing to deal with. Do you want the latest and greatest?? Summiters Cingualr AKU 2.3 is awesome! 8) Some of the older ones though have had more testing time and therefore have been refined more. Try going through the AKU2.3 thread and seeing what some of the issues are and if they are ones you can work with. Many of them already have fixes that are quick and easy. Also...maybe look at the "Mr. Clean" AKU 2.3 thread and see whats going on with that one as it does not have any carrier custimizations.
...the only question I can not answer is using a Cingular ROM for an O2 device. Never payed much attention to it since I am a Cingular customer - but the issue is addressed in the thread - read carefully I think you'll find good news!!!
If you want to upgrade your phone and you want to do it right you have to read the threads and the directions!!! There is no easy process. Look at people's IDs and their signatures to see if they are also O2 users.
Thankyou verymuch for ur reply !Atleast therz someone in this planet to listen to me.
Planning to upgrade to Cingular ROM.As i asked i have certain doubts to clear before i make my phone dead !Thtz why i am seeking expertise help!
Sorry if i am troubling !

Which Rom? :confused:

Hello everyone! I recently purchased an O2 XDA mini S. It was originally a German O2 contract and I want to change it to an english/american non O2 branded system. Which Rom should I update with? I have visted the wizard folder in the FTP, but there are so many different ROMs. I can't tell which ones are good plus meet the english / non-branded criteria.
Thanks for any assistance
(As you surely guessed, I'm not a developer. Please excuse errors in terminology etc. )
****EDIT - Just realized that this should go in Wizard updating. Please move if possible****
At first you must CID-unlock your phone, if you want any ROM with edited OS version.
And than you can flash: Faria`s ROM, Ridsoro`s ROM or mine and Jimm98y`s superrom, and others.
Look at the forum and choose that, what is best in your opinion
Make sure you do your reading before you do anything else. You can really **** up your phone if you dont know what your doing.
the WWE stands for world wide english.. i guess this is what ur looking for
There are thousands of posts on the same.
Maybe I can make the question simpler
What is the Best and Most Stable ROM available at the moment?
Is there a thread whcih contrasts all hese different ROMS?
I think that's a great question... in fact, the answer should almost be stickied:
"What is the best and most stable ROM for a non-advanced user?"
Gotta run; somebody should set up a poll. As of right now, and my knowledge is definitely limited, I'd vote for Molski 2.26 Final.
Which Rom to use
You're going to get as many answers as posts on this one. I think xelencin's is the best for newbies:
a poll on this would be cool.

Which ROM is the best? FARIA,Molski or flashman?

I am user from czech republic and i am looking for the best rom for my unlocked G3wizard. What does you use on yours VARIOs?
Sorry for my bad english
Must do your research buddy. It's just not that easy to say because different ROM's are better for different users that have different needs. Also, because the new ROM's are so new and not as fine tuned as the older, more established ROM's, they tend to have more "bugs" and require a lot of research and tweaking to become more complete and stable.
If you are willing to put in the time, then I'd suggest a WM6 ROM...either the Underground or the MB (referred to as the Most Beautiful). If you'd like a ROM that you won't have to tinker with then I'd suggest either Molski or Faria's 3.3 ROM that are skinned to look like the Crossbow ROM.
Before flashing to any ROM...read the entire thread on each ROM so you know what you're getting yourself into and the positives and negatives that others have experienced.
If you do your research and still have questions, then that is the time to ask. You find that the members of this forum, for the most part, will go out of their way to help you if you convey that you have exhausted all options first before asking with a new thread.
The choice is then up to you...good luck.
i installed molski 3.3 crosbow rom....
I test it.

Rom Updates / Customs roms (from a newbie)

Hi All,
I've just got my new Touch HD but have never entered the world of custom roms before.
My current ROM is 1.14.405.3 (22273) WWE dated 10/24/08. I've just updated the radio version to My HD seems quite slow and generally I'm quite disappointed with it. That said I was quite disappointed with my HTC Tytn until HTC released a new rom.
From reading this forum there seem to be many happy people so I suspect that the software in my phone is more at fault. I've seen the new Arabian rom that has been posted. It obviously won't install on my UK model (I'm not tied to a mobile carrier) without me tinkering, but I wondered if there would be any benefit in me uploading it. Does it invalidate my warranty or can I reset the original rom should I need it repaired?
As a rule do custom rom makers use the latest offical release and then tweak them? What are the benefits?
I'm sorry for so many newbie questions. If anyone can help or point me in the right direction of some great "simple" instructions I would be grateful.
jay_bee007 said:
Hi All,
I've just got my new Touch HD but have never entered the world of custom roms before.
My current ROM is 1.14.405.3 (22273) WWE dated 10/24/08. I've just updated the radio version to My HD seems quite slow and generally I'm quite disappointed with it. That said I was quite disappointed with my HTC Tytn until HTC released a new rom.
From reading this forum there seem to be many happy people so I suspect that the software in my phone is more at fault. I've seen the new Arabian rom that has been posted. It obviously won't install on my UK model (I'm not tied to a mobile carrier) without me tinkering, but I wondered if there would be any benefit in me uploading it. Does it invalidate my warranty or can I reset the original rom should I need it repaired?
As a rule do custom rom makers use the latest offical release and then tweak them? What are the benefits?
I'm sorry for so many newbie questions. If anyone can help or point me in the right direction of some great "simple" instructions I would be grateful.
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hi bro welcome to XDA.
Everything regarding flashing, upgrading and choosing from cookded roms , official roms and valuable information can be found here for Touch HD thank to HDUSER for updating here:
good luck
The first couple of pages in the wiki are a bit complex if you're new to all this and have never customised your phone. Loads of unneccessary info (which is nice to know, but not always important). The easiest way by far to flash your ROM would be using SPL and flashing from your SDcard. Search the forum, as there one or two threads specifically abpout flashing for n00bs.
There's one specifically I'm thinking about which really helped me out, but I have no idea anymore which one it is and I can't be arsed to search for it for you Search is your friend (search for: flashing ROM n00b newbie).

Diffrent versions of TF3D

Well, I know this thread may not be suitable in this subject, but it would be as odd in other topics as it is here.
Well, my request to the Cooks / Senior Members / Users is can you please enlist different cooked ROMs based on what version of TF3D and what flavor (Topaz/Rhod/ 6.5 or some other) they use?
I tried searching for these things but as, with every version of cooked ROM, above things change and thus, it really gets difficult to find important information regarding TF3D version / flavor / features among so many cooked ROMs and so many versions of each ROM.
If this thread doesn't fits this subject, I apologize and request Mods to move it to appropriate position.

