Hero ROMs that slows down after 1 or 2 days of normal use - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello team:
I have tried several Hero ROMs, and some of them are pretty fast once installed and even when you have installed 30 or 40 apps, but for some strange reasons, after 2 or 3 days of normal use, all of them become too slow...
I have noticed this annoying effect on MLGIN 3.2, Maxisma Sapphire 2.0.1 and MgthyMax 1.9.1
Anyone know the cause of this behaviour? any way to fix this?
I´m currently running MghtyMax with a Swap partition of 192 Mg (Class 2 8GB SD card, 60 Swappiness)
Many thanks

iamarock said:
Hello team:
I have tried several Hero ROMs, and some of them are pretty fast once installed and even when you have installed 30 or 40 apps, but for some strange reasons, after 2 or 3 days of normal use, all of them become too slow...
I have noticed this annoying effect on MLGIN 3.2, Maxisma Sapphire 2.0.1 and MgthyMax 1.9.1
Anyone know the cause of this behaviour? any way to fix this?
I´m currently running MghtyMax with a Swap partition of 192 Mg (Class 2 8GB SD card, 60 Swappiness)
Many thanks
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how do you set the swappiness? I have mine 128 swap 512 ext4 and its class 6

Hero Roms are supposed to be used with Class 6 but I've been using Class 2.
I used ext3 (since not all ROMs support ext4 for some reason) - 512 mb, 96 swap, and rest fat32.
This is what I do to keep Hero Roms fast
1) Install the apps that you use a lot or need. You will be surprised at all the apps that you never used. I have about 20-25 apps installed in MLIGN 3.2B
2)Get the app CacheMate (the one with the trashcan icon) and use that to clear cache. This will speed up the phone a lot.
3)Once you boot up your phone go through all the homescreens and let everything load up (like widgets) and then go through and open up the Sense UI apps (stock apps that came with the ROM) and let them load. Go through all the options.
4)If things let you auto rotate, let them auto rotate for a while (like for camera, albums, browser, mail clients, etc) I let them auto rotate after I boot up the Hero Rom and the Rom gets faster.
5)Over clock to 528 min and max when the screen is off and 328 min and max when the screen is off. I use SetCPU and this helps with performance when using the phone and saves battery when the phone is in sleep mode.
6)If things start slowing down, reflash the ROM without wiping (like I flash MLIGN 3.2B and Deport 1.0 if the ROM starts slowing down and it speeds things back up)

AndroidNoobie said:
Hero Roms are supposed to be used with Class 6 but I've been using Class 2.
I used ext3 (since not all ROMs support ext4 for some reason) - 512 mb, 96 swap, and rest fat32.
This is what I do to keep Hero Roms fast
1) Install the apps that you use a lot or need. You will be surprised at all the apps that you never used. I have about 20-25 apps installed in MLIGN 3.2B
2)Get the app CacheMate (the one with the trashcan icon) and use that to clear cache. This will speed up the phone a lot.
3)Once you boot up your phone go through all the homescreens and let everything load up (like widgets) and then go through and open up the Sense UI apps (stock apps that came with the ROM) and let them load. Go through all the options.
4)If things let you auto rotate, let them auto rotate for a while (like for camera, albums, browser, mail clients, etc) I let them auto rotate after I boot up the Hero Rom and the Rom gets faster.
5)Over clock to 528 min and max when the screen is off and 328 min and max when the screen is off. I use SetCPU and this helps with performance when using the phone and saves battery when the phone is in sleep mode.
6)If things start slowing down, reflash the ROM without wiping (like I flash MLIGN 3.2B and Deport 1.0 if the ROM starts slowing down and it speeds things back up)
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Many thanks for your reply, AndroidNoobie, very helpful
I will follow each one of your steps!!

AndroidNoobie said:
Hero Roms are supposed to be used with Class 6 but I've been using Class 2.
I used ext3 (since not all ROMs support ext4 for some reason) - 512 mb, 96 swap, and rest fat32.
This is what I do to keep Hero Roms fast
1) Install the apps that you use a lot or need. You will be surprised at all the apps that you never used. I have about 20-25 apps installed in MLIGN 3.2B
2)Get the app CacheMate (the one with the trashcan icon) and use that to clear cache. This will speed up the phone a lot.
3)Once you boot up your phone go through all the homescreens and let everything load up (like widgets) and then go through and open up the Sense UI apps (stock apps that came with the ROM) and let them load. Go through all the options.
4)If things let you auto rotate, let them auto rotate for a while (like for camera, albums, browser, mail clients, etc) I let them auto rotate after I boot up the Hero Rom and the Rom gets faster.
5)Over clock to 528 min and max when the screen is off and 328 min and max when the screen is off. I use SetCPU and this helps with performance when using the phone and saves battery when the phone is in sleep mode.
6)If things start slowing down, reflash the ROM without wiping (like I flash MLIGN 3.2B and Deport 1.0 if the ROM starts slowing down and it speeds things back up)
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I'm going to try that out too. What are the default min and max settings? Also, how low can I go when the screen is off?


Is their a way to make the G1 fast?

I have the CyanogenMod and It comes with 5 screens but I cant use advantange of it because my phone gets so slow.. I use like 5 widgets and everytime I go to my home its frozen for like 10 seconds untill eveything is loaded again. I have apps2sd so im wondering is their a way to make the G1 lightning fast because its acting so slow it was like this in the stock rom also
What 5 widgets? Have you experimented with disabling them? What other apps do you have installed? Some wait in the background and use up memory / CPU. CM is pretty much the fastest ROM, so you need to look at the apps if things are slow.
You can also try the links in my sig for info on using compcache or swap to reduce the delays when you switch back home or in and out of the browser.
Well I have the free weather widget, retro time, retro date, and a battery widget and a few other application shortcuts on the home screen and it still lags when I go to home and its always like this and what does a swaper do?
blackfire1 said:
Well I have the free weather widget, retro time, retro date, and a battery widget and a few other application shortcuts on the home screen and it still lags when I go to home and its always like this and what does a swaper do?
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I would activate your linux-swap partition or use the compcache userinit.sh. I wouldn't use swapper, its out-dated.
Basically what swapper (and linux-swap) is, is like creating extra memory for your phone to use, but places it on the sdcard. The increased memory allows for you phone to do more at once without having to constantly close programs left and right, speeding it up. But, the constant read/write of the sdcard wears it down quicker (don't worry, you'll still get about 2yrs of life out of that sdcard) and can become slow if it is writing/reading to the memory at the same time is it reading an app or file from the sdcard. Not noticeably slower, but slower nonetheless.
Compcache is a better solution IMO (its the new thing haha). What happens is that whatever RAM stores is compressed instead. Because its compressed, you can store more stuff on it. so like 24MB of RAM would be extended to 72MB of RAM and then you wouldn't have to read/write to the sdcard so often, saving its life and allowing for a small speed boost compared to a swap file.
There are threads on how to do both of these things in the development thread. The compcache is pretty easy, all you have to do is copy userinit.sh to your /system/sd/ and your pretty much done. Linux-swap requires you to create a 3rd partition in addition to the FAT32 and ext2/3. A little extra work, but well worth it. Most ROMs will automatically activate the linux-swap partition if you have it.
Note: Compcache can also use linux-swap as a backup, allowing for an even faster phone. I'm using jacHEROskiv1.4C_a2sd and it works pretty fast IMO. Certainly not as fast as Cyanogen's but fast enough for day-to-day use.
If you really really really really, don't want to mess with any of that, I would just use swapper. Its like linux-swap (follows the same principle), but its not as fast. If you do choose to use this solution, make sure you place the swapfile on /system/sd/ so that when you mount your SD you won't mess up your phone.
Can you please show me a link of how to do the Compcache because ive searched and only found nothing yet.
blackfire1 said:
Can you please show me a link of how to do the Compcache because ive searched and only found nothing yet.
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Link: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=537236
Also, the command to include linux-swap as a backup (if you choose to) is on page 14, last post on the page. Good luck
Does having 5 home screens use more memory than the original 3?
slightly, but not enough to make the kind of differences that the OP is describing. I know cyanogen and dude's builds both have 5 home screens, not sure about the rest, but this is the first slowdown complaint I've really heard.
The two questions I would ask to the OP is this: 1. how many applications do you have installed? 2. What size and class SD card are you using?

Question regarding Cyanogens latest v.s. stock rom

Hello again community,
I am runnin the latest cyanogen rom, at a constant 528mhz with compcache enabled, and no apps2sd. While holding my girlfriends g1 with the stock rom, comparing the two, I can't believe how much quicker hers is than mine. Whether it be switching pages on the home screen, viewing settings in any app and the phones as well, scrolling through contacts, whatever it be... her phone seems to much quicker than mine. She even has more pictures and feeds on her homescreen than mine. Why is this? I'm constantly clearing java memory with memoryforlemmings and closing all apps (except for homescreen) with taskmanager. Should I try clearning anything like dalvik? Or reinstall the rom, wipe it and start all over? Any suggestions would be really appreciated, I'm pretty frusterated..
Thanks in advanced,
Edit: Also, I forgot the reason why I'm most frustrated, her browser is blazin. Almost up there with the cliq. Mine, not so much.
nopotential said:
Hello again community,
I am runnin the latest cyanogen rom, at a constant 528mhz with compcache enabled, and no apps2sd. .
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Get apps2sd, stop running at sonstant 528 thats silly do this instead.If you have setcpu or OC widget use these clocks:
Screen On:
Max-512 or 384(i use 384)
Screen Off:
min- 128
Also try using a wesenger rom its faster than a standard cyanogen because of zipalign & ram-hack and other things..Try using no compache also, should notice a difference though.
Wow, after the rom install, what a difference on the home screen and browser. Maybe I'm just feelin it off the reboot, but if it stays like this.. ace I can't thank you enough. But I have one more question. I don't have that many apps, and I've never done apps2sd.. but will it really increase my phones speed? Thanks again!
Edit: And on cpu freq. I have a huge battery that I couldn't run out if I tried, so running at 528 doesn't hurt that. But its not gonna effect performance in a negetive way is it?
apps2sd will not increase your phone's speed. It will allow you to install more apps without running out of room. As many apps as your ext partition will hold--which, with even a 512Mb partition, is more than you could ever reasonably install, even if you always installed everything that looked even remotely fun or useful.
And no, setting your cpu to always max will not hurt performance. It helps performance. But the improvement is very minimal, at the cost of huge battery drain, and wear on your cpu. But, if you have a huge battery, go for it.

CompCache\Linux Swap for CFS\BFS

Hey everyone,
Just interested to see what everyone is using for their swap settings.
Compcache, Compcache w/ backing, or linux swap?
It depends for me. I don't use the regular scripts people use, instead, I load it all from a file at boot. I pretty much use slightly-modified solid stock builds with a few unnecessary things removed (updater apps or htc log apps for example) and a few performance options tossed in (kernel changed, cpu pegged at 528 mHz, and compcache).
If I'm running a rom made for the Dream, for example, an AOSP rom, or an ADP or T-Mobile G1 rom, I use 24 MB compcache with 60 swappiness.
If I'm running a Hero rom or any other demanding port that was not made for the Dream, I usually make up for the lack of memory by compressing it all, so I use 96+ MB compcache, and I have it swap pages like crazy to keep compache from storing stale pages, so I set swappiness to 100. It has a slight hit in performance, but it's very, very reliable and, for example on Hero ports, I get no loading screens even with all 7 screens full of widgets and shortcuts coming back from Browser on pages with flash while listening to music.
I don't use linux-swap at all. I like being able to remove my sdcard and using it as it was intended, I don't use a2sd for the same reason.
Thanks for the response. I am using several differnt build, all AOSP thoigh. Ive been experimenting for a while now, Ill give the 24mb compcache 60 swappiness a shot

Way too Slow?

Hopefully there is someone out there who is smart enough to fix my issue!
I have a htc G1 rooted running the latest Cyanogen rom and i have a SanDisk micor sdhc 8GB class 6 card. Ok my issue: It seems like for the past 5 or more roms that cyanogen has put out every now in then when i go from like say a game or contacts to the home screen it lags for say 5 sec. During this lag i notice that my icons are visible on the homescreen but the widgets are missing and i only have like 3 widgets on the screen. I dont know if my SD card has taken a crap or what? Please help
dasoccerbomb said:
Hopefully there is someone out there who is smart enough to fix my issue!
I have a htc G1 rooted running the latest Cyanogen rom and i have a SanDisk micor sdhc 8GB class 6 card. Ok my issue: It seems like for the past 5 or more roms that cyanogen has put out every now in then when i go from like say a game or contacts to the home screen it lags for say 5 sec. During this lag i notice that my icons are visible on the homescreen but the widgets are missing and i only have like 3 widgets on the screen. I dont know if my SD card has taken a crap or what? Please help
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You were doing something that was memory intensive, gmaes (especially 3d) tend to do that. They used up too much memory sot the system pushed the home out of memory. When you go home that means it has to reload everything, hence the lag
JAguirre1231 said:
You were doing something that was memory intensive, games (especially 3d) tend to do that. They used up too much memory sot the system pushed the home out of memory. When you go home that means it has to reload everything, hence the lag
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@ Op, if your playing a game on i dont know, Xbox or Ps3 when you exit wouldn't be slower then lets exiting the browser or being in a chat?
Similar on Pc, closing browser is quicker then exiting a game like crysis or maybe flashpoint.
JAguirre1231 said:
You were doing something that was memory intensive, gmaes (especially 3d) tend to do that. They used up too much memory sot the system pushed the home out of memory. When you go home that means it has to reload everything, hence the lag
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But it seems like even just from bouncing back and forth from contacts every now and then it lags and when its lags the phone is basically frozen until it starts to respond again.... Is there anything i can try to counter this issue
dasoccerbomb said:
But it seems like even just from bouncing back and forth from contacts every now and then it lags and when its lags the phone is basically frozen until it starts to respond again.... Is there anything i can try to counter this issue
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Are you using 10MB hacks?
No i am not
dasoccerbomb said:
No i am not
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Well if you don't play to many 3d games, then I would suggest using it. It takes away from the graphics to add 7.5mb more of memory for apps
i once had this issue (slowness, lagging), and i did the following, now the device is zippier and faster than ever:
Decide to do a complete make-over (reflashing the ROM)
0. backup your apps & files, copy SD to harddrive, in order not to lose data
1. reboot into recovery screen, WIPE
2. flash the ROM, reboot, flash the theme you like (and that fits to the ROM), reboot, flash AdvancedLauncher 2.1 if you like (i use it for its certain functions), reboot
3. if you can live without 3D-games, you can use the 10MB RAM-hack; in terminal emulator flash RAM-Hack image (boot.img) (IMPORTANT: it needs to be the boot image that fits to your ROM!
3. reboot
4. reboot recovery; in console or adb shell: fix_permissions
5. reboot
6. install "user.conf Creator" app, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS (inside the app), open it and:
--> enable permission_fix
--> enable compcache (i use 64MB)
--> enable ccbackinswap (i use swappiness 50)
--> enable linux-swap (my linux-swap partition is 128MB; i use swappiness 50)
--> backup files
--> push files
--> reboot
(i experimented with different "swappiness" values, 50 worked out best for me, but it may be different for you. at swappiness 80 loading of apps is really fast, but scrolling and going back to home screen is really slow. 50 seems a good middle value.)
7. done
this can easily take up to 1 hour. After applying user.conf it may take a while on first reboot until the phone is fully loaded, but it's well worth the effort.
i also use SetCPU, to set CPU clock to 528/528 when charging, 384/245 when sleeping, and 128/128 when power <10%
good luck

Is my lagging phone normal?

I'm running CyanogenMod-4.2.13. 8 GB Class 6 SD card with Apps2SD formatted with EXT4 and something like a 20mb swap partition. I have around 35 applications on my phone.
My home screen consists of 3 screens - 1 widget (Power Control) and 12 icons.
Here's the issue: When I hit the home button from any application, it takes about 20 seconds to load the home screen. If I hit the phone button from any application, it takes about 20-35 seconds to load the Dialer application. The phone just feels laggy. Task manager apps only show a couple processes running - nothing excessive. Is this normal?
If this is not normal, how do I fix it? I wipe about once a month. I've tried clearing the dalvik cache from terminal with this:
mount system/sd
rm -r system/sd/dalvik-cache
... with no luck. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Do you have compcache enabled in spare parts?
Do you have 'keep home in memory' checked in spare parts?
No, I didn't. I just checked them and the home seems to load a bit quicker. The phone app still takes awhile. Should I expect it to speed up as it starts caching stuff?
is the phone app taking 10 seconds?
What are you using to setup your swap?
Try changing the swap size to 32 or removing it all together. compcache should be enough for a donut rom.
You can download CacheMate (the one with the icon of a recyle bin/trash can) and try deleting all the cache. That can really speed up a phone.
Or go into the recovery and delete the dalvik-cache or just backup everything and wipe everything on the phone possible and partition your sdcard like this
512 mb ext 3/32 Mb swap (or if you want a swap size that is good for all roms like donut/eclair/hero then make the swamp 96 Mb)/ rest fat32
It looks like it's getting better. I restarted my phone and it's taking less than 5 seconds for the dialer app.
If it starts slowing down again, I'll try messing with the swap.
Good to hear. are you using the default launcher.apk from cyan mod? Because i know it comes with 5 screens, i know you're either using an alternate launcher or just using 3 of the 5 screens.

