[IDEA] Computer messaging with Notifications - G1 Apps and Games

Hey guys,
I know there is already a few apps that allow you to send sms/txt from your computer through your phone.
I was wondering if this could be taken one step further and have an app that runs on your pc that will give a notification when a message is recieved, similar style to that of an email client, small little popup on the corner of the screen.
I think the best way to do this would be with wifi, and i dont think it could work with bluetooth, as im not sure the bluetooth stack has what is required. Im guessing it would also be viable through usb aswell but feel wifi would give the best freedom.
I feel this app would have great possibility if a developer jumped on board and managed to get this working.

already been done. Used through adb... Its called Desktop SMS and can be found in the Droid Explorer application for your pc. You can search for it on google and it should come up.

Thanks i have seen this before.
Not trying to be rude to the dev as i cant do anything myself but nothing but issues with it. The app on the phone is forever crashing and the desktop side app is pretty bad. Also it is without notifications (from what i have seen)
Maybe that moto portal is the best so far


Can We Devolop A Tv Out Like app?

Can we develop a tv out ike application? I'd really like to be able to mount my g1 to my notebook and be able to control my g1 in a live screen like experience which would include Reading and replying to text messages, accessing applications such as Movies by Flixster and DOOM/Gba/SNES emu's
Basically is there a way to display and control my g1 from my p.c. via usb? I know it would result in downloading something to my notebook and I think there are utilities around here on XDA but I don't know how to get them working.
I think I saw something in the dev section in the last week, I tried to poke around and find it, but couldn't so you will have to page through it.
Must have app for anyone who uses the ADB interface.
ScreenCast, magnificent application.
I have an Asus 1000HA and I don't really know how to set up ADB or work with all that stuff but I'd love to learn, especially if it can help me accomplish what my OP wants.
I've ran into screencasts before and I can't manage to get it work so any help is appreciated :]
I gave Droidexplorer a try and it all worked out for me with that one, and I have screencast working through Droid as a plug in and it's all very neat Hopefully I figure out how to use the desktop sms plug in sometime soon.

[Q] Lots of Captivate Questions

So after looking around through the forums I have learned a lot, and I have appreciated every piece of information I have been given, but there have been some things I have either not found answers to, or have not found complete answers (ie: someone only asked part of what I'm asking).
*Phone info listed in Signature*
When giving an answer, please number it according to the question and/or Quote the question, Please do not quote the entire post.
1. IMEI Device ID: Can I change it? and How?
- After Flashing and Rooting, my email exchange account no longer recognizes my phone and asks me to validate the Device ID. I did get Exchange to work when I had 2.1 and I'm not doing anything different from before. (Note: Android Device ID and IMEI Device ID are 2 different things)
Answer: Your IMEI Device ID is located on the back of your phone. You can find it by removing the battery and then it is the number above the first barcode. Your IMEI ID is something you neither can change nor want to. If a problem occurs trying to get Exchange to work again after messing with your phone, try connecting to the network at the location of your exchange account. Make sure your phone is registered, if it's not, register and wait a day before attempting to connect to exchange again. If that still doesnt work, contact their IT dept and have them manually add your phone. Also, see Post#4 or Exchange Thread
2. Android Device ID:
a)Is the number/letter sequence located on my battery, my Android's ID?
b)In the app "Android ID Changer", when I change it to said ID on battery and click "Save" nothing happens, the ID that the App gives me is still listed at the top.
Answer: If you flash and root with what I've given in my signature, your Android Device ID should be the same or there shouldn't really be anything you need to worry about that requires it. Your IMEI ID is the important one. Also Reference the Device ID Thread, and please make sure you write yours down before flashing and rooting!!!!
3. Sounds Sounds Sounds!!!!!: OK, so I know everyone wants to have their own custom tones right? Well, after looking around for a little while, I haven't really found full solutions as to what I want:
There are 6 Different Kinds of Tones, and a 7th Tone Type I would like added:
- Voice Call Tones: As main ringtone and per contact(As Title)
- Notification Tones: (Text Messages, Email, etc)
- Music: Your media, the only files that should show up in "Music Player"
- Alarm Tone: In the Default Clock App, under Alarm Creation
- Smart Alarm Tone: In the Clock App also under Alarm Creation
- Screen Touch "Pop" Tone (When you click an app)
- Reminder Tone: Reminds you that you have a text or missed call(Not included on phone currently)
a) OK, with that list, when I go in to choose for each one, you get a menu (for example Voice Call gives you: Silent, AT&T Tone, Bird loop, ..., Samsung tune, ...). I would like for my custom sound files to show in the Default list of each according Tone type as listed above. How do I do it?
b) How do I differentiate the Text message tone from the email tone? How do I make make text message tones & settings individual/separate from Notification Tones and Settings?
c) Reminder Tone: When I had a motorola back in the day, if my phone rang at me and I was too busy or not around it at the time to look at it, about every 5 minutes, it would beep at me telling me that something happened while I wasnt paying attention. Is there a way that I can add this feature to my Captivate?
4. ASTRO vs. My Files(on 2.2-Froyo): It seems like "My Files" has everything that ASTRO has, yet I've seen a lot of people saying to get ASTRO. Is there any reason to have it?
Answer: If you have enabled the Side-Loading of apps, there is no real difference between these two other than their appearance since you can bring up the .apk installer that's included in both programs. Other options to using these to programs are: Root Explorer
5. Default Samsung App: Daily Briefing: There has got to be something better than this out there, any suggestions?
- Also, I already have a big clock that has weather(Fancy Widget), so I dont really rely on Daily Briefing for it
Answer: If you are looking for something in terms of a
Widget NewsReader: try Feedr for news, Auto Express for Car News, and ScoreCenter for Sports News
Non-Widget news readers include: Google Reader, gReader, & NewsRob.
6. Tethering/I'm Tethered, What Now?:
a) I know that my laptop can access WIFI via MobileAP, but how can I connect with my Laptop via USB Tethering. I have Windows XP Pro SP3
b) Is it possible for me to use my Laptop to send Txt Msgs?
c) Assuming I have hundreds of Contacts, Is to possible to keep ALL Contacts on laptop while keeping only most used contacts on phone?
a) USB Tethering can be accomplished through apps like EasyTether or PDANet, but most ROM's for the captivate do have it standard. It would be under Menu > Settings > Applications > USB Settings > PC Internet.
7. Removing the Default "Latitude" App (2.2-Froyo): I already have Maps, Navigation, and Places. Why would I need "Latitude"? What is the purpose of it?
I use Titanium Backup Pro to "Freeze" most of the default apps (freeze meaning hide them w/o deleting them) but I cannot seem to find "Latitude" in the list of Apps, is there a way to freeze it with Titanium?
8. Allshare Default App 2.2: What does it add to the phone? Do I need it or should I "Freeze" it?
I'm looking for a way to play my media from my computer to my phone, however Windows Media Player doesnt recognize my phone as something to share to, how can I change this? (I use Windows XP Pro SP3)
9. FM Radio: Is there a way I can listen to my favorite channel without using up any data? And if I listen to the channel for about an hour, how much data will I have used? (So far, I've only seen Last.FM and TuneIn Radio)
Answer: Best thing to do if you want to listen to the Radio on your phone is to do it via Wifi. Unfortunately for us, our phone originally had plans to have a FM Chip installed allowing us free FM Radio, but that's just not how AT&T rolls. Another App besides Last.FM or TuneIn Radio to try is iheartradio. Furthermore, if you are wanting to watch your Data Usage, I suggest trying 3G Watchdog, I don't know how accurate it is from month-to-month, but it is an App(and Widget) that does watch your data usage.
10. Is there a way to rename the apps in my App Drawer? Some of them have strange/long names which will break a work so that it is on both lines or the whole title doesnt fit. This bothers my OCD so I was wondering if there was an easy way to do it.
11. Random Reboots When I don't have an Alarm enabled, sometimes my phone seems to go and sleep/hibernate/reset. Meaning I pickup my phone and for some reason it has gone and turned off on me. What's the deal? Does anyone else have this problem and is there a way to fix it?
12. Save Texts: What is the best way to save your text conversations to your computer besides using KIES?
13. Save Contacts What is the best way to Export Contacts to your computer for editing and later Importing back onto the phone besides using KIES?
- I want to have a back up of all my numbers so that I can remove some from my address book, but still have them on my computer in case I need them later.
14. GPS 2.2: Many have commented about fixing the 2.1 GPS, does the 2.2 GPS also need a fix?
15. Editing the System: Where Can I find in-depth threads that tell me how to change things in the system(thread links accepted)? I would like some that cover it in general, but I'd also like ones that also include adding and removing custom ringtones to the default as well as SetCPU and other functions.
16. The Lock Screen: Is there any way in which I can change the Default Lock Screen so that it includes a message on it like "This phone belongs to _______"?
Is there any other themes for the Text Message "Puzzle" Lock Screen?
17. Contacts:
a) Sorting Method - First I would like to sort my contacts by Group, then by Alphabetical Order. Is there any way that I can do this? Basically I want my girlfriend listed first, then all my Family Contacts, then all my friends. Is there a way I can do this other than adding symbols or prefixes in front of everyone's name?
b) Once while on the facebook app, it gave me the option to set a picture to one of my contacts(without saving the image to the phone), however I havent figured out how to do it since, does anyone know how?
c)How do I sync contacts with Gmail? Ive tried clicking Sync Contacts in Contacts under Gmail, and it shows the refresh icon for about a second but when I go to my gmail contacts, nothing is there. What's the deal?
18. Way too Awesome: So we've all seen what phones can do in the movies, hacking into computers and whatnot. Is there anything that our phones can do like in the movies? I personally would love to have a phone that Tony Stark or Sam Flynn would die for. ......Is there at least a way I can use my phone to unlock my car? I'd enjoy turning my phone into a trapper-keeper lol.
19. Custom Sound Settings: Media Volume can only go down as low as 5% before going to 0%, is there any way I can make my phone lower that 5% like when it's late at night but I still want to hear an app's crappy music, just really really quietly?
20. Phone Accessories:
What is the Best phone case for Captivate that utilizes a belt clip (w/screen protector)?
In terms of a 2nd battery, are there any batteries out there that have more battery life than the stock one that comes with the phone?
If I had a 2nd battery, would it be safe to leave it in my car throughout the year in case I need it, or would temperature be a problem?
21. Data Plans: Any chance of AT&T Coming out with a plan that's between 100Mb, and 2Gb?
I'm on Wifi most of the time, so I don't use most of my 2Gb, but I can easily use 100Mb, is there any chance of there being a 1Gb plan?
As I get answers to my questions, if the answer isnt too long I will edit the OP with the answers or link a post below the question for people who might stumble upon this thread with the same question.
EDIT: (Last Edited 1/17)
Added Answers to questions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 9
Added Parts B and C to #6
Added Questions: 15,16,17,18,19,21
1.) IMEI ID is on the back of the phone and don't think you can change that.
4.) Astro also lets you install third party apps that are loaded onto your SD card. My files just lets you browse.
5.) If you dont' need daily breifing, don't use it. I don't use it either.
6.) PDAnet will let you tether via USB and there are a few others.
10.) when you add a app to your home screens, you have the option to change the name. Doesn't help with your app drawer OCD but keeps your home screens under control.
11.) There are multiple threads about random shutdowns. Read them all if you want. So far, increasing the sleep speed minimum to 2000 (in setCPU) has worked for me. Granted it's only been a few days but no shutdowns since doing that.
14.) Reading all the GPS threads will show you that it's not locked into a particular OS. Nobody really knows what the problem is. Some have great GPS, some don't. Some get it working better with fixes, some don't.
axis01 said:
1.) IMEI ID is on the back of the phone and don't think you can change that.
4.) Astro also lets you install third party apps that are loaded onto your SD card. My files just lets you browse.
10.) when you add a app to your home screens, you have the option to change the name. Doesn't help with your app drawer OCD but keeps your home screens under control.
11.) There are multiple threads about random shutdowns. Read them all if you want. So far, increasing the sleep speed minimum to 2000 (in setCPU) has worked for me. Granted it's only been a few days but no shutdowns since doing that.
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4. My Files has a package installer if you have enabled sideloading of apps and seems to work the same as ASTRO as far as I can tell.
10. I havent seen an option to change the name on the homescreen either, I usually just drag them from my app drawer though.
11. Could you define what the sleep speed minimum is?
EDIT: ANd big thanks on where the IMEI was. I was kind of avoiding taking the battery out, but the number on the back matched the number in the phone info so I was happy. And for some reason my phone now works with exchange. I think my phone was waiting till I knew what it knew lol.
Oh man. I'll see if I can answer them all. LET'S DO THIS!
1. Before you left 2.1 stock, shoulda backed up nv_data. If your Device ID and produce code get messed up, check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=881162 and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=880223 Use these threads to try and restore it; but if that doesn't work you might be SOL without a nv_data backup.
As for exhange, check out http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=821297
I work for AT&T, so me and IMEI's are best buds. You can't change your IMEI as it's a number issued directly for AT&T. AT&T uses these IMEI's to determine what type of phone is on your account. Should you change the IMEI, it would appear to AT&T as "Unknown GSM", and you would cease to get data.
2. Read #1
3. It depends on the apps you use to accomplish said tasks. I would imagine very few of us use the stock e-mail client, i would imagine most of us use K-9 or something along those lines, in which case you can specify a sound file in said apps settings.
As for having them show up in the default menu, throw them into /system/media/audio/ringtones and they should show up in default.
I'm not sure about the reminder, although I can't see an app for this not existing. As stated above, some e-mail clients such as k-9 or SMS like handcent may have this feature. If the stock ones don't, what can ya do?
4. Don't get either, get Root Explorer.
5. If you already have a clock, I suppose all Daily Briefing offers is news and a calendar. There's plenty of awesome news readers for the Captivate. If you like the widget variant, i would go with Feedr. If you prefer non-widget news readers, Google Reader, gReader, NewsRob; all good choices.
6. It depends on the ROM. USB Tethering can be accomplished through apps like EasyTether or PDANet, but most ROM's for the captivate do have it standard. It would be under Menu > Settings > Applications > USB Settings > PC Internet.
7. Latitude is bundled in with Google Maps. Not sure how to remove it, or if you can..maybe.
8. You don't need it. It's just a global way to share pictures and videos to multiple sources. I never use it.
9. Connect to WiFi!
10. Aside from decompiling the APK, i don't think so. Maybe NinjaMorph can do it, but I don't think so. You can hide apps from the drawer though, or hide the text, with alternative launchers.
11. The captivate stock firmwares seemed to have a problem with randomly rebooting. I work at AT&T and I sell these phones daily so I can safely say it's just the stock, even the 2.2 stock seems to do it. You can use SetCPU profiles to work some magic, but it's easier to just install a Custom ROM, as I personally no longer have this problem UNLESS i am on stock. Use http://romkitchen.org from your phone, easiest way. Make sure to donate if you use it frequently, it's an awesome service!
12. Can't answer this one. I imagine there's an app to back up texts to files on the phone directly though, if not it wouldn't be very hard to make!
13. From your contacts on the phone, menu > (possibly More) > Import/Export. It will save EVERYTHING about your contacts(Ringtone info, pictures, birthdays, etc) to a .vcf file. These can be altered, edited and saved on the computer.
14. 2.2 stock needs a fix I'm pretty sure. Check out this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=881941 , all you gotta do is flash one file, so do it anyway just to be safe!
Phew. Hope this helps!
geokhentix said:
Oh man. I'll see if I can answer them all. LET'S DO THIS!
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Big thanks
As for my Android ID, I didnt know about it until afterwards. The posts that inform people about flashing and Rooting should mention this, because I didn't see it anywhere until after I was worrying about my phone not being able to connect to my email, but for some reason this morning when I tried it miraculously worked.
As for #3, where is my system folder? is it: I:\media\audio\ringtones ?
with my "system" being "I:"
I recently discovered setting custom sounds for my email accounts, but I am curious about all the default tones.
Are all the ones listed in different setting all just the same file with the exception that they only play for "X" amount of type depending on menu your are in?
And can the captivate not play MIDI files?....you know, old school polyphonic files........
And how the heck do I change the text tone for while my phone is plugged into the USB? omg it is the most annoying sound in the world, why does it not use the tone I have my texts set for? (I forgot this one on my list)
Thanks for your answer to #11. My phone hadnt done it at all until I dropped it down about 10 feet at a concert screen down 6 days after I got it. The next day the phone did the reset thing and I just about cried cuz I was just like I know it's because I dropped it. On the bright side when I picked it up after it fell, it didnt have a scratch on it or nothin'.
How do you alter a .vcf file?
WandererTJ said:
Big thanks
As for my Android ID, I didnt know about it until afterwards. The posts that inform people about flashing and Rooting should mention this, because I didn't see it anywhere until after I was worrying about my phone not being able to connect to my email, but for some reason this morning when I tried it miraculously worked.
As for #3, where is my system folder? is it: I:\media\audio\ringtones ?
with my "system" being "I:"
I recently discovered setting custom sounds for my email accounts, but I am curious about all the default tones.
Are all the ones listed in different setting all just the same file with the exception that they only play for "X" amount of type depending on menu your are in?
And can the captivate not play MIDI files?....you know, old school polyphonic files........
And how the heck do I change the text tone for while my phone is plugged into the USB? omg it is the most annoying sound in the world, why does it not use the tone I have my texts set for? (I forgot this one on my list)
Thanks for your answer to #11. My phone hadnt done it at all until I dropped it down about 10 feet at a concert screen down 6 days after I got it. The next day the phone did the reset thing and I just about cried cuz I was just like I know it's because I dropped it. On the bright side when I picked it up after it fell, it didnt have a scratch on it or nothin'.
How do you alter a .vcf file?
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I agree, all Custom ROM threads should have a little blurb about it for people installing their ROM from a new stock device. But it seems to be fixable even if you didn't with a little work, so it's not too bad.
You can use Root Explorer to copy them to /system/media/audio/ringtones, but I think they may have to be in .ogg for them to work out of this directory. I'm not entirely positive, but all you would have to do to test it is push a non-.ogg ringtone over and try it. To copy your ringtones over nice and easy like;
Download the Android SDK and extract the android-sdk-windows folder to your desktop for easy copy pasta!
And enable USB Debugging (Menu > Settings > Applications > Development > USB Debugging)
Open a command prompt!
cd %USERPROFILE%/desktop/android-sdk-windows/tools
adb push [ringtone] /system/media/audio/ringtones
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that's in a perfect world where it won't complain about permissions. if it does;
cd %USERPROFILE%/desktop/android-sdk-windows/tools
adb push [ringtone] /sdcard/
adb shell
su - at this point, accept superuser request on the phone; make sure the screen isn't locked when you hit enter, prompt should change from a $ to a #
mv /sdcard/[ringtone] /system/media/audio/ringtones/
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I'm not sure if the Captivate can play .MIDI files for notification sounds. Only one way to find out though, right?
And i have no idea why your text tone is different when plugged into USB...mine sounds the same.
Late edit: forgot to answer one of em, you can edit .vcf files in MS Outlook!
# 9 - unfortunately our phone doesn't have FM radio. Another one to try is iheartradio. They have a number of radio stations. Although you're still using data unless you're using wifi like mentioned above.
Are there any better phonebook editors other than Outlook express?
I am looking for something so that I can have multiple phonebooks such as one with all my contacts I've ever had, and another for just the contacts I want on my phone
if you have a custom ringtone set for something and you have the phone plugged into usb, the phone can't access the the SD card where the custom tone is stored, thus you get that annoying (and loud) built in tone.
Re: myfiles: it does indeed let you install apps, but I'd recommend estrongs file explorer. It allows you to not only browse you're phone, but your pc files too (assuming it's on the same network, of course.) And let you open, copy and edit between the 2 devices.
Re: allshare: out of the box this great app let me browse and watch all of the video files off of my PC. I didn't have to configure anything special, except that my PC was already configured to share media with my xbox 360.
But I didn't do anything on my pc after buying the phone. Just connected to wifi and everything showed up. I haven't tried sharing the other way though (watching media from my phone on my PC)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I896 using XDA App
#12. I've used Wifi Android Manager Wifi, I think it backs up text messages. It seems to back up everything else, that's for sure.
Hey, I've been working on adding answers to the OP, it's going, but I'm not done
Anyways, UPDATE 1/17/11 - I've Added Questions 15-21, please try and answer these when you get the time.
Added Answers to questions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 9
Added Parts B and C to #6
Added Questions: 15,16,17,18,19,21

Share texts between phone and tablet

Anyone know of any apps (current or in development) that allows for text messages that come in to an android phone to be answered and responded to from a tablet?
I know theres similar functionality for answering from a computer, but this would be great over wifi or bluetooth.
(Also thinking out loud here, if the two are paired over bluetooth, would it be at all possible with some kind of development to use the tablet like a headset to answer or place calls from the phone?)
These are things that I dont expect people to say "Heres an .apk" but want to get these ideas out into the open to see if anyone has anything to contribute or point us in the right direction.
Try using Google voice on both phone and tablet with the same account then you can get ye messages and text.
Thanks but...
1) Google voice isnt currently available for the Xoom.
2) I'd like something that doesnt require me to notify all my contacts of a number change and have them be confused about which is actually my cell phone number.
Google voice works fine through the browser
Yes you can. You can send texts from your phone on your tab using the free app Remote Web Desktop.
This app gives you your phone desktop on your tab, send texts, add files to your SD card, etc.
Gotta admit, that one is pretty great, i can see myself using it on my comp.
A little sluggish and slow on the tablet going through the browser though.
What im looking for is essentially the functionality of that on the phone side, but a dedicated app on the tablet, obviously optimized for the screen real estate and interface that will refresh on its own, have its own notifications on the tablet etc.
Basically an app that looks and acts like a dedicated sms client on the tablet, only its doing all the actual sending and receiving on the phone side and pulling it over wifi or bluetooth.
This is basically what HP has in store for the touchpad and pre3 so im not exactly expecting someone to just link to it and move along. I'm really hoping someone developing some kind of similar solution sees this and reaches out to the community.
Thanks for the suggestions and please keep them coming...always love seeing new apps.
gbenj said:
Anyone know of any apps (current or in development) that allows for text messages that come in to an android phone to be answered and responded to from a tablet?
I know theres similar functionality for answering from a computer, but this would be great over wifi or bluetooth.
(Also thinking out loud here, if the two are paired over bluetooth, would it be at all possible with some kind of development to use the tablet like a headset to answer or place calls from the phone?)
These are things that I dont expect people to say "Heres an .apk" but want to get these ideas out into the open to see if anyone has anything to contribute or point us in the right direction.
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I am wondering why one would want to do this? just really curious as to your thought behind the question....
Kent_Davis said:
I am wondering why one would want to do this? just really curious as to your thought behind the question....
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I want this kind of app too... heres my reason. My phone sits on its dock once i get home in the bedroom and i tether the wifi to my tab. So i dont have it nearby but my nook always is
Sent from one of those missing Droids
Another reason is that its much more comfortable to text and type from the tablet. (Its amazing how tiny my Incredible feels after using the Xoom for a few days.)
Like the previous post says, if I can be sitting on the couch with the tablet, leave the phone plugged in in my room, and get notifications etc on the tablet that would be great.
Plus, if i'm gonna be using the tablet more and more around the house, it would be much easier to sit there with one device on my lap instead of constantly switching between the tablet to the phone when I get a text.
Think of it as a phone extender where the main phone functions are accessible on the tablet over WiFi or bluetooth, whatever is easier.
I just wanted to throw my +1 here. I feel silly juggling my phone and tablet. I'd love to be able to walk away from my office and only have to worry about grabbing one device.
Didn't find it sluggish, xoom tethered to my N1 on Tmo's fast network. If you find something else, please share, thanks!
There is definitely a need for this. I use the google voice app on my iPad for SMS more than on my N1. I also use the talkatone ios app for voip google voice calls as well. Not having a google voice app for Honeycomb is ridiculous.
Ditto I will be needing some sort of app like so. Reason- I dont own a cell phone but I wouldnt mind pay the $20 a month for the data service and being able to text using sms.
Basically he (and me too) is looking for something that acts like Motorola's Webtop App.
neonerz said:
I just wanted to throw my +1 here. I feel silly juggling my phone and tablet. I'd love to be able to walk away from my office and only have to worry about grabbing one device.
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thefoss said:
Basically he (and me too) is looking for something that acts like Motorola's Webtop App.
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I concur. This is one thing I did like about the Galaxy Tab before I sold it for the Xoom...I could answer email and TXT from one device. When you're at home using your Xoom it does make a difference in lifestyle having to grab my phone every time it beeps for a TXT...lets face it most people don't talk as much over the phone as they used to.
Very much needed app. I'd be willing to pay $10 easy for it too.
Sent from my Xoom using XDA Premium App
I believe that this on the new HP Toucpad when its synced with WebOS phones. This would be awesome!
Still rocking DJ05 with Voodoo5 Blazed Eclair 1.2ghz with GingerLiberty
Sent from XDA Premium App
DungeonDefendersUsername: TheSonicEmerald
I've been thinking about this alot over the past couple of days even to the point that I began to investigate and play around with the Android SDK to see what I might be able to do, which is not alot at the moment.
I thought of this app functioning as follows:
1) We currently have a bunch of applications that allow the user to view and respond to their text messages through an interface on the browser or computer application using an app on the phone that "broadcasts" the messaging features of the phone out over either WiFi or bluetooth. (For example, the ones mentioned earlier in this thread.)
2) We also have something called "Remote Notifier" that sends out a "ping" when a new message is received to a listening service on a computer which notifies the user on the desktop.
3) If the existing functionality of those two are combined, we have an application that can put together a list of the messages on the phone (primary location), send it out to a secondary location (in this case a tablet), while also notifying the secondary location (tablet) of a new message received.
The app on the phone also gives the secondary location the ability to respond and edit the message list on the phone.
4) The second piece of the equation we would need is an app for the tablet, preferably optimized for the screen size in a 5manner similar to the way Gmail and the native email client handle messaging, (with a list of messages on the left, and the conversation view on the right) that allows the user to browse their messages on the phone and reply within the app.
If the app on the tablet could "look" to the phone as the service provider instead of the network, I could even see notifications being created from within that app and displayed on the tablet just as if it was actually receiving the texts itself.
While I am technical enough to debug a little and troubleshoot alot, I don't have the programming background to create this from the ground up. Is there anyone out there that would be interested in working with me to build something like this?
I feel as though I have the Idea of how this will function pretty well planned out, and if there is someone who wants to do the legwork involved in the building/programming, I can definitely write and draw up use cases, user flows, and wire-frame designs for how both sides of the application would work in both the front and back end.
So, is there anyone out there interested in and capable of helping to put this together for the community? I really feel that if it is done well enough, it could take off and maybe even Google would take notice and build it in natively moving forward...If they're not already working on it.
Thoughts, questions, concerns? I would appreciate any and all feedback.
Thanks for reading....this has been a long post
if you really want to try without having to code anything try the appinventor.appinventor.googlelabs[dot]c o m/learn/setup/[/url]
ill try messing around with it later once im finished working on my woodshop project (im 14). But it you want to id try it out.

Very 1st Things to do After Activation?

Hi everyone, just got my N3 last night and I am pretty excited about it.
I am a long time Mac Rumors member and my past phones have been ...... JB 3g, JB 3gs, JB 4, JB 4s
I am very upset with the tiny screens on my iphones and I refuse to wait another year for the 6 to come out.
So now I am a 1st time Android user and what to really check out the Android scene.
What are the first things I should do with the phone, what should I install right away? (different keyboards, apps, etc)
Is there a thread around here with tutes instructing how to transfer my contacts etc?
I surely will appreciate all replies, so thanks in advance. I really wanna get the very MOST out of this device.
edit: does Google Play offer any rebates/coupons/freebies for newly purchased devices?
Hey I would use smart switch to get your things from iPhone to your new phone but that is after you have it activated
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using xda app-developers app
XiphoneUzer said:
Hi everyone, just got my N3 last night and I am pretty excited about it.
I am a long time Mac Rumors member and my past phones have been ...... JB 3g, JB 3gs, JB 4, JB 4s
I am very upset with the tiny screens on my iphones and I refuse to wait another year for the 6 to come out.
So now I am a 1st time Android user and what to really check out the Android scene.
My N3 arrived Wednesday evening, and it's STILL not activated, (and its killing me).
The reason being, I wanna know if there is anything I should do BEFORE I call ATT and activate it.
(I do NOT want to close any windows, so is there is anything you folks recommend I do before I activate it)?
Once activated, what are the first things I should do with the phone, what should I install right away?
Is there a thread around here with tutes instructing how to transfer my contacts etc?
I surely will appreciate all replies, so thanks in advance. I really wanna get the very MOST out of this device.
edit: does Google Play offer any rebates/coupons/freebies for newly purchased devices?
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What do you mean by call ATT and activate it? All you have to do is put your SIM card in and it is ready to go with a few account setups. After that it is up to you except for rooting and modding. Cant be done right now without voiding your warranty.
First thing you do is scratch off the att emblem since they locked the bootloader
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
XiphoneUzer said:
Once activated, what are the first things I should do with the phone, what should I install right away?
Is there a thread around here with tutes instructing how to transfer my contacts etc?
I surely will appreciate all replies, so thanks in advance. I really wanna get the very MOST out of this device.
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Looking for some help here. This keyboard is way different than iphone, is it something you get used to, or should I install something else?
Please tell me what are some of the things I should change/install right away, (there's got to be some "must haves" no?)
XiphoneUzer said:
Looking for some help here. This keyboard is way different than iphone, is it something you get used to, or should I install something else?
Please tell me what are some of the things I should change/install right away, (there's got to be some "must haves" no?)
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For the keyboard, i prefer the google keyboard over the samsung one. It provides functionality similar to the iphone and is easy to switch between the iphone and android if you use them both in daily life.
As for apps, here is a small list of apps i like to have on all of my devices.
GOOGLE CHROME. Its much better than the built in browser and is able to synchronize with my desktop browsers favorites, etc.
Skype: Perfect for if you are travelling over seas at all with your device.
Google Hangouts: A good replacement for the built in SMS app.
Facebook & Twitter: If you need an explanation, you shouldn't be useing these apps.
Battery Doctor by KS Mobile: Simple app, but is helpful to save battery life and know exactly how much you have left.
Google Music: I have most of my library stored on google so it makes my life easy to have this.
Google Books: The book equivalent of my music library. Syncronizes what i have read across devices and browsers.
Kindle for Android: For the ebooks you buy on amazon.
Google Keep: Great for taking quick notes and having them on all your devices.
Dropbox: Great cloud file storage. Comes with free storage and you can pay to get more.
Google Drive: Google version of dropbox.
MX Player: This video player will play any video format you throw at it.
Google Maps: A must have for all smartphone users.
Zedge: While its quality has gone down a fair bit from what it once was, its still a great place to find ringtones and notification sounds for your android device.
GPS Status: Great for calibrating your devices sensors and ensuring that it works properly.
Now for the ROOT ONLY apps.
Titanium backup
Triangle Away
Hopefully this is a useful list to get you started. I have all these plus many more installed on my devices, and I find I use them all fairly regularly.
djdelusional said:
Skype: Perfect for if you are travelling over seas at all with your device.
Google Hangouts: A good replacement for the built in SMS app.
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I prefer Hangouts to Skype because Hangouts features free video multi-chat.
But I use Google Voice for SMS because it provides free unlimited texting. Hangouts insists on using the phone's native number rather than your Google Voice number, so you have to pay extra for a text plan or for individual messages.
Doesn't anyone else have any advice for a first time Android user?
XiphoneUzer said:
Doesn't anyone else have any advice for a first time Android user?
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If your new to android I'd stay away from root for a while.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I467 using Tapatalk 4
XiphoneUzer said:
Looking for some help here. This keyboard is way different than iphone, is it something you get used to, or should I install something else?
Please tell me what are some of the things I should change/install right away, (there's got to be some "must haves" no?)
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I feel like for every-day typical phone use cases, there aren't that many gaps that stand out as needing to be filled by a third party app. You'll probably need a new music player, the defaults are crapola - but I can't be much help here; I keep my music as folders full of MP3 files (like God intended!) and play with Music Folder Player, and shun the dirty S&M ("sync and manage") apps.
There's a big list of stuff that I did when I first got the phone to get it to where I'm happy with it, but all of this was root required stuff. There are apps that come pre-loaded on android devices and can't be removed or disabled without root. Also, customizing stuff that can't be customized without root. I couldn't abide by some of the not-changable-without-root defaults. Getting rid of the "screen turns on so you can unlock it when you hit the home key" behavior is probably the most glaring example for me; my ass* was unlocking it constantly - but coming from iPhone, you probably view that as the Right Thing for home button to do.
I think most people use a custom keyboard. Swiftkey and Swype are the most popular. The phone comes with Swype, but it's an ancient version with limited support for changing the dictionary, you want the newest one.
I use Hangouts for gchat, but not for SMS. I actually prefer default app for SMS..
Pull down status bar, long press on wifi, WiFi -> menu -> advanced settings, uncheck auto connect to AT&T hotspots (unless they don't suck where you are. Around here, they often don't have internet behind them, and just break your connectivity for the 30 seconds or so it takes for the phone to connect to them, determine that the wifi is no good, and fall back to 4G. At least this phone does that; Original note would just sit there like a fool trying to use non-functional wifi... I've also yet to find a hotspot that performs better than the 4G does. But I live in a city, so the situation may be different elsewhere).
Pull down status bar, long press on GPS. Uncheck "Use wireless networks" - on newer versions of android, this drains battery while idle; the damned thing wakes the phone periodically to check the networks around it - if the phone is nearly idle, this can halve battery life (!!!)
Pull down status bar, swipe to the left along the options at the top (woah, did you know you could do that?), tap multiwindow to enable multiwindow (this was a headline feature for the note 3, but comes disabled by default). If I long-press back button, that makes the multiwindow tab hide or unhide (once it's enabled), but I don't remember if I had to do something to get this behavior.
General must-have things:
AppOps Starter (to kill permissions from apps that request permissions you don't want to give them)
Battery Monitor Widget (gives you a realtime readout of battery usage)
ES File Explorer
If you want to pretty-ize clock + weather widgets:
Eye in Sky
If you work in IT or have need of these (if you aren't sure what these mean, you don't need them ):
ConnectBot (telnet/ssh client)
AndFTP (ftp/sftp client, supports scp if you pay)
RDP Client (remote desktop and VNC client)
FEAT VPN (OpenVPN client)
Hacker's Keyboard (you'll tear your hair out trying to use swype/swiftkey for terminal sessions or RDP)
If you want to root the phone:
Root it, then immediately install titanium backup and "freeze" AT&T software update, so it won't update your phone (breaking root) while you're not looking
Titanium Backup - freeze all the useless bloatware that AT&T and Samsung included (there's a list of what apps you can freeze here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmzC8GFarItSdGpOZzBfWlR4MC03aDMyZ1BDUFNqU0E - not my work)
Root Explorer
Pen Window Manager for adding apps to the pen window feature
Xposed Framework
Wanam - general huge amount of customization, including selecting apps for multiwindow.
Keyboard Manager (almost a necessity if you use ConnectBot/RDP frequently - keyboards designed for messaging and such are garbage for doing administration of non-phone systems, while hacker's keyboard is garbage for messaging and everyday phone stuff)
Terminal Emulator (gives you a command prompt on phone. Doesn't require root, but there are very few use cases for terminal on android that don't also need root)
*Well, I keep it in my front pocket, so technically it wasn't my /ass/ unlocking the phone....

[Q] OK pebble now!

I'm not an experienced programmer. Or in that way inclined but would I'd like to develop or would want helping. An app that would activate the google now voice search from a pebble application.
1. Activate pebble and access the OK pebble now app.
2. Would activate the google now voice search on your phone.
2.5 speak your request through your headset (if wearing a headset) (hands free).
3. Speak your request through the microphone through your phone.
4. Does the request in your pocket. Shows task complete on the pebble.
5. Show message sent to recipient.
Thanks in advance. if an experienced pebble developer decided to take on the project. i'm willing to pay them £10 through paypal once the job is finished. all i want to see is the project complete.
Vibrate on task complete.
I tried my hand at the application and couldn't do it.
UI is very simplistic.
I've just found an application that has functionality like what I'm asking for. Its called tasker and it works in conjunction with pebble tasker. So commands and apps can be open from the watch and to be opened up on the phone itself without even touching your phone. But its so long winded.
There's so many more options that you can do with the tasker/pebbletasker but I just want a google now voice search launcher.
No with the pebble receiving an update that allows you to have shortcuts to the apps that you assign them buttons too. This is a perfect opportunity to have a google now voice search launcher or a siri launcher so it covers both platforms.
Don't forget, I am willing to pay someone that will develop this idea. I will be creating images that I would like the UI to be.
Sent from my LG-D802 using XDA Free mobile app
Update With Proposed UI design
Here's pictures that i've designed that i would like for some to develop this app.
as you can see it's very minimalistic and it's very simple.
Somebody make me an offer and i will pay them to develop this app, it will be benefical for those working at an office and those working in retail that would like to reply back to family/friends whilst working.
$12 USD really isn't worth the time for any real development. We need people interested in this and create a bounty.
Kickstarter URL
Here's the link for the kick starter project, I've set up for this particular application.
Did you ever get any traction on this? I just got my first pebble and this is the first thing I went looking for. I downloaded tasker and bought pebble tasker but I seem to lack the patience to figure out how to make that work. I agree that a shortcut would be perfect so I could operate google now in my pocket. All I use it for is to set reminders and save voice to text notes in evernote but it's a pain in the rear to get myphone out every time. I tried an app that listens for okgoogle even while the screen is off, but it triggered intermittently for no reason and other times would refuse to work at all. This would be the ideal solution. Count me in for $20.
kfreels said:
Did you ever get any traction on this? I just got my first pebble and this is the first thing I went looking for. I downloaded tasker and bought pebble tasker but I seem to lack the patience to figure out how to make that work. I agree that a shortcut would be perfect so I could operate google now in my pocket. All I use it for is to set reminders and save voice to text notes in evernote but it's a pain in the rear to get myphone out every time. I tried an app that listens for okgoogle even while the screen is off, but it triggered intermittently for no reason and other times would refuse to work at all. This would be the ideal solution. Count me in for $20.
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Sadly i didn't get anywhere with this application. I would have easily loved something like this and like yourself i couldn't be bothered to go through the tasker app and setting it up. Just a install an install and go app i wanted.
If you know any developers out there that are willing to give this a shot.
When you say 'Count me in for $20', do you mean you are a developer that will be willing to develop this application?
techguy276 said:
Sadly i didn't get anywhere with this application. I would have easily loved something like this and like yourself i couldn't be bothered to go through the tasker app and setting it up. Just a install an install and go app i wanted.
If you know any developers out there that are willing to give this a shot.
When you say 'Count me in for $20', do you mean you are a developer that will be willing to develop this application?
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Sadly, no. I can't develop anything but film. But I'll put $20 in for the developer who puts it together.
There is someone who created a nice dashboard app that lets me find my phone if lost, control wifi, lock the screen, and a number of other things. I think I'll email that developer and see if they can just add that. I really want this and I want it to work. And with the new Pebble coming out soon I think I'll be picking one of those up as well so I'm committed to the platform. This is the one thing I feel I'm missing.
Not really what you are after, but I very easily set up a Tasker task to wake up my phone (but keep it locked) so I could give it "OK Google" commands. This way I can send texts or navigate home without taking my phone out. Pebble Tasker makes it only a click away.
imaginaryenemy said:
Not really what you are after, but I very easily set up a Tasker task to wake up my phone (but keep it locked) so I could give it "OK Google" commands. This way I can send texts or navigate home without taking my phone out. Pebble Tasker makes it only a click away.
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I did this as well, but now, every time I launch PebbleTasker on my phone, Voice Search begins opening repeatedly and I can't even get to it to try to add additional tasks. Have you run into this? Did I do something wrong? Al I did was create a profile, then a task to launch the VoiceSearch App. It came up on my pebble fine and works flawlessly. It wasn't until I went to add somethign else to the PebbleTasker that I ran into this. Since then I've deleted the task from PebbleTasker and it still does it. Very odd. Any ideas?
I didn't do mine this way because your phone needs to be awake for the Voice Search app to open. However, I just set it up to see if I had the same issue as you, and I didn't. Everything worried as it should. I don't know why it isn't working for you.
My task is just to wake up my phone, then I give my "OK Google" voice command.
imaginaryenemy said:
I didn't do mine this way because your phone needs to be awake for the Voice Search app to open. However, I just set it up to see if I had the same issue as you, and I didn't. Everything worried as it should. I don't know why it isn't working for you.
My task is just to wake up my phone, then I give my "OK Google" voice command.
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OK. I'm setup a little different. I installed the Xposed mod which lets me do this without a task to wake the phone. I simply set a task to launch VoiceSearch, and when I press the button on pebble tasker, the app launches without even lighting up the screen.
Here's the link to it. forum.xda-developers.com/xposed/modules/mod-secure-google-search-t2606688
I think there's something else going on here though. It was working fine Sunday. I'm having general issues with Google now it seems. Reminders aren't getting set to notes and instead are getting sent to alarms. Even if I say "remind me to get cheese the next time I'm at walmart", it tries to set an alarm then it stops because it's waiting for me to set a time. I installed Keep thinking that might fix it...no joy. I cleared the cache and all data, uninstalled google app and the launcher, restarted to clear the cache partition, rebooted in safe mode, went back to regular mode and still get the same problems. Kind of stumped right now. I can't delete older cards and if I go directly into reminders and try to push the plus sign button to add a reminder, it correctly identifies my words and they go on the screen and it just stops there. it's not locked up or anything. It just won't go any further. So something is really wrong with google. just dont' have a clue what it could be at the moment.
Yeah, it sounds like like the Pebble task is the least of your worries. I read here that someone else was having a similar reminders issue. I have no idea if he is rooted or not, so I don't know if it is Xposed related. Good luck.
imaginaryenemy said:
Yeah, it sounds like like the Pebble task is the least of your worries. I read here that someone else was having a similar reminders issue. I have no idea if he is rooted or not, so I don't know if it is Xposed related. Good luck.
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The plot thickens. I have a Nexus 7 mounted on my refrigerator basically for Google now and the way I can just say "make a note" and it will save a note in evernote for me. It's stock and with the latest auto update is running 4.4.4. A power cord is connected perpetually. I haven't touched the thing physically in MONTHS. But apparently in the last 3-4 days it has developed the same problem with reminders not working. It gets stuck just like my phone does when I'm manually trying to make a reminder. It's like the entire reminder function was removed and my phone just grabbed onto alarms as a last resort rather than not do anything at all. I've googled it and haven't found anyone else with the issue (or they haven't noticed yet). but to have it on two different devices at the same time - one of which I haven't even touched indicates that there's a conflict with an update and probably a common app between the two devices.......now to figure out what it might be.......
kfreels said:
The plot thickens. I have a Nexus 7 mounted on my refrigerator basically for Google now and the way I can just say "make a note" and it will save a note in evernote for me. It's stock and with the latest auto update is running 4.4.4. A power cord is connected perpetually. I haven't touched the thing physically in MONTHS. But apparently in the last 3-4 days it has developed the same problem with reminders not working. It gets stuck just like my phone does when I'm manually trying to make a reminder. It's like the entire reminder function was removed and my phone just grabbed onto alarms as a last resort rather than not do anything at all. I've googled it and haven't found anyone else with the issue (or they haven't noticed yet). but to have it on two different devices at the same time - one of which I haven't even touched indicates that there's a conflict with an update and probably a common app between the two devices.......now to figure out what it might be.......
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As far as I know, a lot of voice-initiated command will become available with Pebble-core's connection to Alexa
Currently, the pebble is also capable of doing such with 'snowy' commands. See mydogsnowy.com
I have no stake in that product whatsoever, and in fact I struggling a bit with its voice-recognition ... I'm dutch, so perhaps my english is not adequate for the recognition. So... your mileage may vary, but from what I've tested and seen described it's really promising
kfreels said:
I did this as well, but now, every time I launch PebbleTasker on my phone, Voice Search begins opening repeatedly and I can't even get to it to try to add additional tasks. Have you run into this? Did I do something wrong? Al I did was create a profile, then a task to launch the VoiceSearch App. It came up on my pebble fine and works flawlessly. It wasn't until I went to add somethign else to the PebbleTasker that I ran into this. Since then I've deleted the task from PebbleTasker and it still does it. Very odd. Any ideas?
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