Swap - G1 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys. can you please help me on swap. how can i enable it and disable it. and also set it to the amount that i want it. im still a bit new to this and i have also tried to look for a guide but cant find 1. thanks

Rawdi said:
Hi guys. can you please help me on swap. how can i enable it and disable it. and also set it to the amount that i want it. im still a bit new to this and i have also tried to look for a guide but cant find 1. thanks
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If you are on Kings rom, it may be running already.
Type #free in terminal and see if it shows swap.

Rawdi said:
Hi guys. can you please help me on swap. how can i enable it and disable it. and also set it to the amount that i want it. im still a bit new to this and i have also tried to look for a guide but cant find 1. thanks
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bbuchacher said:
In Terminal:
echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to change swappiness to 30 replace number with any number 1-100
cat /proc/sys/vm/swappinesss to see a current level
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bbuchacher, just wrote it

thanks but the rom that im using is not using swap. how to i setup swap? can i push a user file?

Rawdi said:
thanks but the rom that im using is not using swap. how to i setup swap? can i push a user file?
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It definitely depends on the rom. Some King roms he has a script you run. Other roms, all you do is go to Spare Parts and set what you want. It may be best to ask in the thread for that rom.
I remembered using this when I used CM:

Enable swap
I used the method to enable swap in Linux on this and it worked fine on Cyanogen and Super-D.
I used Amon_RA Recovery 1.52 to partition my SDCARD and the new recovery lets you choose the size of your partitions.
so I created a 256MB Swap.
from a console/terminal do the following after creating your swap partition the size you want it:
1. mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system (makes system dir writable)
2. mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3 (formats the swap partition on SD with swap format)
3. vi /system/etc/init.d/05userinit (make a new line at the bottom and add "swapon -a" with out the quotes this forced the swap to mount on boot if it is disabled in a kernel)
4. vi /system/etc/fstab (add a line that says "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 swap swap" with out the quotes)
5. reboot
Hope you know how to use vi editor If not google it. "I" is insert mode and push track ball and hit 1 at the same time and that will esc you to command mode, in command mode do a :wq! and hit enter and that will save the file.
This works on all roms i have run into and no matter what others say it does help the performance.
I can make it easier (short of putting this in a script). Type each line in order and hit enter after each.
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mkswap /dev/block/mmcblk0p3
echo "swapon -a" >> /system/etc/init.d/05userinit
echo "/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 swap swap" >> /system/etc/fstab
The UNIX Dude


Delete old userinit or no?

So I have an old file left over that I never got rid of when I set up swap on Cyan or whatever.
Since if I remember correctly swap/compcache is set up by default on the newer versions should I get rid of that old userinit file? If so how would I go about doing that from the console in recovery?
if you have no userinit.sh then compache is done by default in his newer builds
mount -o rw /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sd
rm /system/sd/userinit.sh
though just on general principle of the app i would get root explorer from the market bc you can access /system/sd from it and delete whatever you want while not having to do any terminal commands
Yaboiaj said:
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your are welcome

Userinit and Apps2SD for Vibrant(legacy)

NOTE: This method has been somewhat superseded by JustAnotherCrowd's method in this thread:
It should still work, however, if you don't want to mess with Odin, but if you want to use ext4 and get the max speed AND stability, I recommend using JACs method.
There are two zip files attached. Consider them "Beginner" and "Advanced". You can only use one or the other, not both. No wipe is required for either, but you will want to clean and repair your ext partition if you plan on using one.
Beginner: If you have an SD card with an ext partition on it (no swap partition, just FAT/ext), ttabal has created a fantastic script to mount it on startup. This zip file runs that script at startup. Credit to ttabbal for the script.
IMPORTANT: You will need to install the latest version of busybox before installing this update or it will not work. You can find busybox on the market for free; download and install it and then open it and click "update busybox".
Advanced: Enables you to place a custom userinit.sh script in /data/local (make sure premissions are set to 755) and it will run on startup.
An explanation of how this was done:
When looking through the init.rc, I realized that there was only one thing running as root that could safely be replaced; the boot logo player. So, all this does is replace the boot logo player with a script that calls userinit.sh from /data/local and then calls the (now renamed) bootlogo player for those of you who want that nifty startup screen
A super simple (and slightly dirty) hack but I figured it might come in handy for those of us who are impatient and would like to do our own tweaks.
I'll be looking forward to this.
Working great.
Can some one elaborate on what this does?:
BM1515 said:
Can some one elaborate on what this does?:
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anomalous3 said:
I found a way to get a userinit.sh script working for the vibrant for those of us who would like to run anything at startup. Already got the proof of concept working, and am now busy packaging it into an easy script that will set everything up for you. Will update this post later tonight with the finalized script once it's done.
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Nice work. What can you do on bootup on the vibrant? I havent looked at all the kernel settings.
oh, just stuff like mounting an ext partition or initializing the modules for the FM radio (assuming we can find them and the hardware's there).
anomalous3 said:
oh, just stuff like mounting an ext partition or initializing the modules for the FM radio (assuming we can find them and the hardware's there).
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Yes the userinit can contain quite a few script functions and technically almost all of them that would be needed on a modifed rom.
insmod /system/lib/compcache/ramzswap.ko;
rzscontrol /dev/block/ramzswap0 -i -d 32768;
busybox swapon /dev/block/ramzswap0;
echo 528000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq;
echo 0 > /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster;
# Set "deadline" scheduler fifo batch to 1 for mtdblocks and mmc
for i in `ls -1 /sys/block/mtdblock*` /sys/block/mmcblk0
echo 1 > $i/queue/iosched/fifo_batch
busybox mount -o noatime,nodiratime -t auto /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 /system/sdcard/sd;
if [ "$?" = 0 ];
busybox chown 1000:1000 /system/sd;
busybox chmod 771 /system/sd;
# clean up any old symlinks, create data directories
for i in dalvik-cache data;
if [ -h /data/$i ];
rm /data/$i;
if [ ! -d /data/$i ];
mkdir /data/$i;
busybox chown 1000:1000 /data/$i;
busybox chmod 771 /data/$i;
Updated. And to mount an ext partition you'd want to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2.
Got my ext mounted but haven't yet figured out how to get app data over to the external sd card without tons of force closes (I'm probably setting the permissions wrong).
anomalous3 said:
Updated. And to mount an ext partition you'd want to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2.
Got my ext mounted but haven't yet figured out how to get app data over to the external sd card without tons of force closes (I'm probably setting the permissions wrong).
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Those were some examples not specifically for the Vibrant.
justanothercrowd said:
Those were some examples not specifically for the Vibrant.
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I know I could tell by the echo 528000 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq;
I was just sayin' though in case anyone was interested in making this work....too tired to mess with it anymore tonight.
anomalous3 said:
Updated. And to mount an ext partition you'd want to mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2.
Got my ext mounted but haven't yet figured out how to get app data over to the external sd card without tons of force closes (I'm probably setting the permissions wrong).
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I've been trying to get the ext partition to mount, but I keep getting errors from mount. This is just with "adb shell". I did "su", and have root. What command are you using? Does it only work from the userinit?
# mount /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system/sd
Usage: mount [-r] [-w] [-o options] [-t type] device directory
# mount -t auto /dev/block/mmcblk1p2 /system/sd
mount: No such device
# ls /dev/block/mmcblk1p2
The device and mount directory do exist, so I'm a bit lost. I'll give it a go with the userinit hack and see if that gets things running.
EDIT: Nevermind, I forgot to do "busybox mount". grrrrr.. that works now.
EDIT2: Ummm... it mounts as a j4fs with a bunch of crap I've never seen on there. WTF?!? I didn't even know that filesystem existed.
maybe try
busybox mount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1 /system/sd
? I got it to mount and recognize the ext partition, my trouble was getting the data over to it. maybe a symlink isn't the best way to do it and I could try a bind mount.....
OK. I got it working, had to use mkfs.ext2 to re-format the ext partition. I have no idea what put that other crap there, but it wasn't me and formatting doesn't seem to have bothered anything.
Here's a rough draft of my userinit.sh. I have booted with it, and it seems to work fine. No warranty, obviously. It bind mounts /data/data to a directory on the ext partition, copying files if needed. It might do with some more cleanup and safety checking, but seems to work OK for me.
Speed wise, it seems to work pretty good.
Oh, you need to create the /system/sd directory yourself. I didn't add that in the script. remount rw and "mkdir /system/sd". A root file manager should be able to handle that as well, or add it to the script.
I've never had lag on my Vibrant so the lag fixes have always confused me a bit. Screwing with the phone is what its all about though.
well I'll be damned. It works. I wonder if we'll see an improvement from moving the dalvik-cache over too, seeing as how those are the actual executables for the applications.
[edit] It seems to have killed my mobile data connection.[/edit]
anomalous3 said:
well I'll be damned. It works. I wonder if we'll see an improvement from moving the dalvik-cache over too, seeing as how those are the actual executables for the applications.
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Possibly. I haven't tried that yet. Maybe I'll toss it on and see. I did another version that moves the mount to /sd-ext like CM5. I'll add that in here, it automated, no need to make the mount point yourself. It feels a little more "standard" to have it there.
OK. For grins, I moved dalvik-cache as well. Here's the update, same mechanism. It feels like it might be a little faster, I'm not sure. I'll let everyone have a try at it and see what you think.
it works and data works too! Also seems noticeably quicker!
With your permission, I'd like to package this into an update.zip along with the userinit enabler (once you feel it's ready) so we can have a reliable way to get apps2sd working.
so with this userinit.sh we can apply the mimocan fix, not that i have noticed a hell lot of stalling but there is somewhat stalling after a while. only to make a great phone even better.
anomalous3 said:
it works and data works too! Also seems noticeably quicker!
With your permission, I'd like to package this into an update.zip along with the userinit enabler (once you feel it's ready) so we can have a reliable way to get apps2sd working.
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just one question... why would we need a2sd? i remember when i had my mt3g and whenever i ran any sense rom or regular rom that a2sd slows it down significantly but when i stored everything on the phone it was way smoother and its not like we dont have the space..

[Q] MCR fr17 Fear Kill Edition is based on ext3 or ext4

Hi All,
Sorry for such a noob question but the MCR fr17 Fear Kill edition runs on ext3 or ext4 ?
Also, is there a way to check if its ext3 or ext4? Many thanks in advanced.
You can check with by running mount from a terminal.
Being an MCR based ROM it should be EXT4 though.
T_T Pardon me for being ignorant but I'm very new to the terms used here.
Terminal <-- this meaning? I believe this is an external program run using the computer to SSH into the phone right? Or if I'm wrong, any guides for me to follow or can help to pinpoint to a link where I can learn all this?
Thanks in advanced.
Terminal = https://market.android.com/details?id=jackpal.androidterm
Install it, fire it up and at the prompt just type 'mount'
You'll be greeted with a couple of pages of gibberish, scroll to the top of it, and you'll see system & data mentioned:
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on[B] /system type ext3[/B] (ro,relatime,errors=continue,data=writeback)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 on [B]/data type ext3[/B] (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,errors=continue,data=writeback)
As you can see, my system is EXT3
Rusty! said:
Terminal = https://market.android.com/details?id=jackpal.androidterm
Install it, fire it up and at the prompt just type 'mount'
You'll be greeted with a couple of pages of gibberish, scroll to the top of it, and you'll see system & data mentioned:
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 on[B] /system type ext3[/B] (ro,relatime,errors=continue,data=writeback)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 on [B]/data type ext3[/B] (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,errors=continue,data=writeback)
As you can see, my system is EXT3
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Mine says ext4
Using fear 10
Sent from my LG-P990 using XDA App

How to swap internal to external sd card in Android 4.3

I think a huge number of users will be helped greatly if there will be a guide to swap internal sd card to a larger external.
In 4.2 versions and before, the process was fairly easy in Note, with the use of root explorer and just changing some values in vold.fstab file.
In 4.3 what will be the process and which values you should change?
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
That would also be of interest for me. In fact, there ar still no instructions, how to do that (external to internal SD).
there are use the search for crying out loud
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Android 4.3 Swap External With Internal
Since baz is an obvious douche. Here's how you do it (and yes it's posted *somewhere* on the xda threads)
Pull your build.prop from your phone and add the following lines to the bottom: (adb pull /system/build.prop)
Edit the build.prop with Notepad++
If it contains the line remove ro.vold.switchablepair=/emmc,/storage/sdcard0 (or any variant - remove it)
Paste the following at the bottom of the build.prop.
# Switch External With Internal
# Storage configuration
Save the file, (at command prompt type)
adb root
adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system
adb push build.prop /system
adb reboot
These instructions are obviously not completely in depth and don't hold your hand all the way. You'll need to somewhat know what you're doing.
As always make sure to make a nandroid backup in the rare case that something goes wrong.
viiron said:
Since baz is an obvious douche. Here's how you do it (and yes it's posted *somewhere* on the xda threads)
Pull your build.prop from your phone and add the following lines to the bottom: (adb pull /system/build.prop)
Edit the build.prop with Notepad++
If it contains the line remove ro.vold.switchablepair=/emmc,/storage/sdcard0 (or any variant - remove it)
Paste the following at the bottom of the build.prop.
# Switch External With Internal
# Storage configuration
Save the file, (at command prompt type)
adb root
adb shell mount -o rw,remount /system
adb push build.prop /system
adb reboot
These instructions are obviously not completely in depth and don't hold your hand all the way. You'll need to somewhat know what you're doing.
As always make sure to make a nandroid backup in the rare case that something goes wrong.
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Can someone explain this a little better I download the app and changed the settings but how do I change the build number
bigevil124 said:
Can someone explain this a little better I download the app and changed the settings but how do I change the build number
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I dont know which app You're taking about, but You can do it without using adb. Just copy build.prop to Your pc (make a backup copy), edit necessary lines and paste it paste back (and set good permissions).
Sent from d605
Sorry im really a newbie when coming to 4.3 I downloaded the root external 2 sd app and I thought thats where I change these settings. Im not sure down to edit the permissions or build numbers or linesÉ when running 4.1 I flashed a zip and it changed my storage so this is all new to me. Sorry for the hassel but your help is much appreciated
Hi all!
That's the trick i'm looking for! I have an Archos 45 Helium 4G with Android 4.3. I've just tried to edit my build.prop. I have rebooted the phone and..... nothing....
That method is OK with all android 4.3 devices or just for the Samsung Galaxy Note GT-N7000?
Also i've got that on my build.prop
# system prop for storage test
Maybe i have to change that one... but i don't know...
or maybe the solution is in the fstab.qcom but i'm afraid to touch that one.... and there are other fstab files, so i don't know which one is used....
# Android fstab file.
# The filesystem that contains the filesystem checker binary (typically /system) cannot
# specify MF_CHECK, and must come before any filesystems that do specify MF_CHECK
#TODO: Add 'check' as fs_mgr_flags with data partition.
# Currently we dont have e2fsck compiled. So fs check would failed.
#<src> <mnt_point> <type> <mnt_flags and options> <fs_mgr_flags>
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ext4 ro,barrier=1 wait
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,noauto_da_alloc wait,check,encryptable=footer
/devices/msm_sdcc.1/mmc_host /storage/sdcard0 vfat nosuid,nodev wait,voldmanaged=internal_sdcard:25
/devices/msm_sdcc.2/mmc_host /storage/sdcard1 vfat nosuid,nodev wait,voldmanaged=external_sdcard:auto
#/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 /system ext4 ro,barrier=1 wait
#/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /data ext4 nosuid,nodev,barrier=1,noauto_da_alloc wait,check,encryptable=footer
or the last thing i know is "the ADB method" > techgage.com/article/moving_your_non-movable_android_apps_to_an_sd_card/
but it seems a not working all the time... I'm also a bit afraid to completely mess up that new phone i don't really know in depth for now.....
Some advices???
try this:
# Change to 1 for swapping SD cards
# Change to 1 for swapping SD cards
if it dont work you have to edit the void fstab:
btw: forum search is the box on the upper right

Swap for Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0

[mbm] for teaching me this dd terminal method.
As we all know, for what ever reason, Samsung decided to release the Tab 3 model tablets with 1 GB of ram. I believe this system needs more ram but unfortunately we cannot upgrade the hardware. What we can do is create virtual memory or a "Swap file" that acts like ram to help our Tab 3's out with multitasking and other memory hogging tasks. Below are the steps to:
1. Create a swap file.
2. Create a script file to run at boot from your /system/etc/init.d directory.
3. Create a android system with 1GB of RAM and 1GB of swap file virtual memory.
*Remember whatever device you are using must have a rom with init.d support and be rooted.
Download terminal emulator from the play store if you don't already have it.
Open terminal emulator and execute these commands in order:
1. "su"
2. "cd /system"
3. "mount -o rw,remount /system"
4. "dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1m count=600" (be patient, this step takes about a minute)
5. "mkswap swapfile"
6. "chmod 755 swapfile"
Now to create a script to execute at boot every time you boot your phone. I used the app QuickEdit from the play store.
Now open that up and put the text below in the file:
"mount -o rw,remount /system
swapon /system/swapfile"
Now save that to your sdcard (/sdcard) as "swap" (remember do not save with the .txt)
Now go back into terminal and execute these commands:
1. mv /sdcard/swap /system/etc/init.d
2. chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/swap
I kept my previous terminal session open but if you closed it for what ever reason you might have to execute "su" and then "mount -o rw,remount /system" before the two commands in step 3.
Reboot and win. :laugh::good::laugh:
To verify that the process has worked, after reboot, bring up terminal emulator and type "free -m". You should see that swap has more than 600M! This will stick after reboot. If for whatever reason you want to get rid of your swap file just delete the "swapfile" file and the "swap" script. Enjoy!
ax562 said:
[mbm] for teaching me this dd terminal method.
As we all know, for what ever reason, Samsung decided to release the Tab 3 model tablets with 1 GB of ram. I believe this system needs more ram but unfortunately we cannot upgrade the hardware. What we can do is create virtual memory or a "Swap file" that acts like ram to help our Tab 3's out with multitasking and other memory hogging tasks. Below are the steps to:
1. Create a swap file.
2. Create a script file to run at boot from your /system/etc/init.d directory.
3. Create a android system with 1GB of RAM and 1GB of swap file virtual memory.
*Remember whatever device you are using must have a rom with init.d support and be rooted.
Download terminal emulator from the play store if you don't already have it.
Open terminal emulator and execute these commands in order:
1. "su"
2. "cd /system"
3. "mount -o rw,remount /system"
4. "dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=1024" (be patient, this step takes about a minute)
5. "mkswap swapfile"
6. "chmod 755 swapfile"
Now to create a script to execute at boot every time you boot your phone. I used the app QuickEdit from the play store.
Now open that up and put the text below in the file:
"mount -o rw,remount /system
swapon /system/swapfile"
Now save that to your sdcard (/sdcard) as "swap" (remember do not save with the .txt)
Now go back into terminal and execute these commands:
1. mv /sdcard/swap /system/etc/init.d
2. chmod 755 /system/etc/init.d/swap
I kept my previous terminal session open but if you closed it for what ever reason you might have to execute "su" and then "mount -o rw,remount /system" before the two commands in step 3.
Reboot and win. :laugh::good::laugh:
To verify that the process has worked, after reboot, bring up terminal emulator and type "free". You should see that swap has more than 1,000,000! This will stick after reboot. If for whatever reason you want to get rid of your swap file just delete the "swapfile" file and the "swap" script. Enjoy!
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My swap =0.
Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk
It works!
"dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=1024"
I used this command and it made a 1KB swapfile.
"dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=1024856" - This made a 550mb swapfile.
The tablet has sped up heaps after doing this. Thank you.
Swap using sdcard0 or extsdcard ?
Extsdcard using please version? Make you
Hmmm it doesn't working for me . I have always a Cross Link error...
Matt_13 said:
"dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=1024"
I used this command and it made a 1KB swapfile.
"dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=1024856" - This made a 550mb swapfile.
The tablet has sped up heaps after doing this. Thank you.
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Your welcome. I had adjusted the original post. Maybe you did "bs=1M" and not "bs=1m". Android doesn't like the capital "M". Also, I ended up making the instructions for a smaller swap file of 600m. Glad it helped. I know it helped me a lot !
gr9nole said:
Swap using sdcard0 or extsdcard ?
Extsdcard using please version? Make you
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you can do it for either or. I did it for internal /sdcard because I ran out of micro sd cards. The instructions would be the same, just replace /sdcard with /ext-sdcard (or whatever your ext sdcard is named), ignore moving to /system, and ignore the permissions step for swapfile ("chmod"). It is safer doing on /ext-sdcard but most likely a little slower.
ax562 said:
you can do it for either or. I did it for internal /sdcard because I ran out of micro sd cards. The instructions would be the same, just replace /sdcard with /ext-sdcard (or whatever your ext sdcard is named), ignore moving to /system, and ignore the permissions step for swapfile ("chmod"). It is safer doing on /ext-sdcard but most likely a little slower.
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Can you Make extsdcard why
"dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=1073741824" for 1GB?
Also, I just want to ask, if this will help enough to let me play Pokemon GO
EDIT: Just to point out, it is possible that there might not be enough space for that much size of the swap file in /system
so i stopped it in between at around 392MB. I hope that wont be an issue... Would it be?
ax562 said:
1. mv /sdcard/swap /system/etc/init.d
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When executing this command I get an error - "Failed on '/sdcard/swap' - cross device link"
Any idea why I'm getting this error?
UPDATE: According to the Google t's a busybox error that can be fixed a couple ways. Either use the command "cp" instead of "mv" or try the command "busybox" before the string ie:
busybox mv /sdcard/swap /system/etc/init.d
The above command worked for me. Cheers!
I have the same Problem
Gesendet von meinem SM-T210 mit Tapatalk
Uhmm, am I doing it right? I followed all the steps and ended up with a 600mb swapfile, but when I rebooted and typed "free -m" this appears:
total used free​Swap: 358396 48676 309720
Is this ok, or did I do something wrong?
Jidekan said:
Uhmm, am I doing it right? I followed all the steps and ended up with a 600mb swapfile, but when I rebooted and typed "free -m" this appears:
total used free
Swap: 358396 48676 309720
Is this ok, or did I do something wrong?
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Which ROM and kernel are you using? Looks like you have zram enabled, that's the zram swap size on my tablet as well. I've tried disabling it and running the scripts but can't seem to enable swap on the kernel I'm on. It's either zram or nothing. I'm using werewolf kernel and jasbr lite ROM
djparent said:
Which ROM and kernel are you using? Looks like you have zram enabled, that's the zram swap size on my tablet as well. I've tried disabling it and running the scripts but can't seem to enable swap on the kernel I'm on. It's either zram or nothing. I'm using werewolf kernel and jasbr lite ROM
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It's basically the same, JASBR lite but with the kernel that came with it, i'll see if I can disable zram
So i'm really new at rooting and flashing stuff, but I followed the original instructions but after reboot and free -m, i get
total - used - free
349 - 35 - 314
is that the 600mb total its supposed to be? things dont seem to be significantly faster...
i'm using realWelder rom and his kernal.

