Igo8 rapid share - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III Themes and Apps

can enybody pliz tell me a link for XXXX
Mod Edit: Warez & requests of is against forum rules, first and final warning.


anyone can help me???

has anyone know cortado fax program serial???
Mod Edit: No Warez Request on forum...
What a brilliant first post!!
Read the stickies!!
Buy your own serial here:

New Developing Community

Hey guys! Join the DTS Team Community (Developing Top Secret Team) Mod edit: Link removed
With the forum you can speak together with users of everything, feedbacks are welcome, thank you.
Thank for the attention, Lorenzo.
Mod edit: Link removed
PS. I really don't want to spam, scuse me.
Must save your post onto my bookmarks.
Per the forum rules, please do not make posts to try and move users off site.
Thread closed

[HELP] Download file on 4pda.ru

Good evening guys,
i need help please , anybody can download me a file from site 4pda.ru ? i dont even have an account on 4pda.
here is the link MOD EDIT: REMOVED
thanks you very much..
sorry for my bad english
Thread closed, we don't support that site here, as it has a history of constantly breaking our rules (GPL, warez, advertising, etc).
Also, don't double post here.
The Flash
Forum Moderator

Development Pitch black test recovery

For the device, the participant himself is responsible
Test for star Try fastboot boot vv1.0
Contract telegram MOD EDIT: Link Removed
MOD EDIT: Link Removed
Any bug and problem come
@lakhotiagroups XDA is not a place to advertise development being shared on Telegram only. If you want to share the recovery here, please do it as per the Forum Rules and not like this.
Forum Moderator

my english is not the best but

Hello world,thank you for having me...
Welcome to XDA. Please take a moment to review the Forum Rules and Member Etiquette, linked in my signature. If you're looking for help with a particular topic or device, try the Search function.

