I'm really sorry but... what does "deodex" and "busybox" mean? - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I see this everywhere. When I search for it I don't get anything that explains what these terms mean, almost as if it is common knowledge around here (probably is, I'm new). I imagine this is a ridiculously noob question so please excuse my ignorance. Maybe I didn't use the perfect search term or missed an explanation hidden deep on page 30 of some thread with a strange title but I did a good faith search before asking this. Although I've had nothing but absolute polite experiences here wwith experienced people helping guys like me I still feel the need to explain myself... probably a habit left over from other less forgiving/friendly message boards.

Busybox provides your device with additional Linux / UNIX based commands that you sometimes need for root level tasks
cut and pasted from another thread:
An odex file is basically a chunk of source code that has already been extracted from the apk and put on /system/. This is done to speed up the first boot of a rom (you know how your first boot takes a long time… that’s while it is extracting all of these dex files) and also to save space on /data/. Our stock sprint rom comes with this odex files to give you those benefits, however it also prevents us from “hacking” those files and modifying them. This build has taken all those odex files and injected them back in the apk’s. So expect a slower first boot, and more space taken up on /data/. Deodexing files allow us to theme them.

wesbalmer said:
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Give the guy a break, I bet there are more people flaming about not searching, than people not searching. We have nearly unlimited server space, so get off your high horse and just answer the question. If its been asked too many times, mods can delete them, its thier job. My search here at work is horrible, even at home its the worst of all the forums I belong to.
Sorry if rude people with a superiority complex make you feel unwelcome to our amazing FRIENDLY forum. And I am through!

CyanogenMod comes with BusyBox already installed but it can also be download through Titanium Backup (available on the Market). Titanium Backup might have a slightly newer version

keeng james said:
Give the guy a break, I bet there are more people flaming about not searching, than people not searching. We have nearly unlimited server space, so get off your high horse and just answer the question. If its been asked too many times, mods can delete them, its thier job. My search here at work is horrible, even at home its the worst of all the forums I belong to.
Sorry if rude people with a superiority complex make you feel unwelcome to our amazing FRIENDLY forum. And I am through!
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Yeah, phone forums can be tough to search because the terms are so generic and frequently used it can take forever to find an answer among the baziillions of results returned most of which have nothing to do with what you were trying to figure out. Yet standard forum etiquette dictates that you do a search first so what ends up happening is a search usually returns one thread after another that look like pay dirt as you read the thread title but end up with nothing more than a "do a search dumbass" response. More than once I have spent a lot of time searching for something here and gave up. This is not true of any other forum where I normally turn up an answer in minutes, even seconds. At any rate you have your answers but dont be afraid to ask something here as long as you have done your part and made a valid effort to seek the information out without a spoon feed. Most of us get it, those that dont are not worth worrying about.

BusyBox is available directly from the Market now.


State of the Forum/Newbies

Okay, this post is really intended as a comment and I am not going to pretend I have THE answer but I do have some suggestions to spark discussion.
Based on a lot of the recent comments and back and forth about newbies/tech support I think that the forum is trending the same way I have seen MANY other forums go. What happens is simple; a group of first adopters, who are by default, technically capable, get together on a forum and start to fill in the gaps in tech support, especially when it comes to 'modded' soft or hardwre. They spend a while helping each other out and a comfort level develops. Members know where to go, and when to ask questions.
Then what happens is that the hardware becomes much more popular. All of a sudden your average Joe can walk out a Cingular store with a 8125 for a couple hundred bucks. These folks are NOT early adopters. They are not necessarily tech savvy. They are the people that are most prone to 'keyboard to chair interface errors'. Since the early members did such a good job raising the profile of the forum it starts to come up every time someone does a Google search. and they all end up over their heads.
So then the folks that have been around for a while start to get frustrated. Why should they provide tech support? Why can't these newbies read? Why should they even try to help if they get barraged by stupid questions?
Well I think that takes us to where we are now, so the question is what do we do now? In my experience the only solution that I have seen is to have people equally dedicated to wiki and sticky writing as they are to writing ROMs and programs. The truth is that if you release something you WILL become tech support and a large part of tech support is writing documentation and then explaining it to others.
I have intended this post as something helpful and to spark discussion, not as a criticism of anyone in particular or any particular group. Hopefully it will be taken as such
I agree. I get the feeling that since the relaunch, for one reason or another, there appears to be a lot more"Why don't my apps close when I press X?" and "How dat I swtich this thing 0ff!!!!!!!" type posts.
I think that it's beholden on more experienced users to try to share their experience as they see fit, but it's absolutely essential that newbs and less experienced users use the search button and wiki.
I've been sponsoring a post in the moderators' forum regarding having a specific section for Tutorials etc, eg for the excellent posts that Menneisyys puts together. The wiki may not be the best place for them (due to the risk of negative edits), although it's certainly better then people never looking at them at all...
But as you say, it's pretty much predicted by psychohistory that all fora of dedicated people will eventually turn into a tech support. I don't mind, but less experienced must use the resources already online - quid pro quo.
As a new user on this forum i have noticed inconsitant information about G3 vs G4 devices and ROM upgrading. I've seen questions asked by people about G4 devices that go unanswered.
I think the problem with searching on this forum and many others. They do not allow you to search for 3 or fewer letter acronyms such as IPL, SPL, CID. There is no way to search for answers about these things. If there is a setting on the forum that can be changed to allow searching for these terms, then please fix it.
I think when people start posting info about how they did something they need to specify what hardware they are using G3/G4. Thankfully i havent done anything as far as modding my device, but i had seen posts where someone most likely with a G3 device says they figured out how to do this or that, Then someone with a G4 comes along and tried it, not knowing it was done on a G3 and ended up screwing up their device. We need to clearly specify what hardware we are doing mods on.
I still have no clear answer about CID unlocking a G4. I know there is no free utility to do it. Ive seen posts that say the imei-check site can CID unlock. Then i saw a post this morning that imei-check is only a SIM unlock. Can people please provide clear info?
d0ug said:
As a new user on this forum i have noticed inconsitant information about G3 vs G4 devices and ROM upgrading. I've seen questions asked by people about G4 devices that go unanswered.
I think the problem with searching on this forum and many others. They do not allow you to search for 3 or fewer letter acronyms such as IPL, SPL, CID. There is no way to search for answers about these things. If there is a setting on the forum that can be changed to allow searching for these terms, then please fix it.
I think when people start posting info about how they did something they need to specify what hardware they are using G3/G4. Thankfully i havent done anything as far as modding my device, but i had seen posts where someone most likely with a G3 device says they figured out how to do this or that, Then someone with a G4 comes along and tried it, not knowing it was done on a G3 and ended up screwing up their device. We need to clearly specify what hardware we are doing mods on.
I still have no clear answer about CID unlocking a G4. I know there is no free utility to do it. Ive seen posts that say the imei-check site can CID unlock. Then i saw a post this morning that imei-check is only a SIM unlock. Can people please provide clear info?
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I agree with you d0ug! It is rather confusing to navigate and find your way. Especially when you are a n00b, such as myself. I have been trying to mod my phone for 3 days now. I have tried many ways of unlocking my G3, but none of them have worked. I have listened to 3 different people tell me their "way" of unlocking the phone, and all 3 attempts failed in the end. I get flamed for not reading posts or searching, when i did, just nothing relevant popped up! This is not a whine fest, just saying that some people dont have phones that were built on a Wednesday, like mine that was probably built on a Monday and has issues!
Either way, i called Cingular and they are shipping me a brand new 8125 to test things out on!
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
vijay555 said:
I agree. I get the feeling that since the relaunch, for one reason or another, there appears to be a lot more"Why don't my apps close when I press X?" and "How dat I swtich this thing 0ff!!!!!!!" type posts.
I think that it's beholden on more experienced users to try to share their experience as they see fit, but it's absolutely essential that newbs and less experienced users use the search button and wiki.
I've been sponsoring a post in the moderators' forum regarding having a specific section for Tutorials etc, eg for the excellent posts that Menneisyys puts together. The wiki may not be the best place for them (due to the risk of negative edits), although it's certainly better then people never looking at them at all...
But as you say, it's pretty much predicted by psychohistory that all fora of dedicated people will eventually turn into a tech support. I don't mind, but less experienced must use the resources already online - quid pro quo.
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Vijay, very happy to see that the mods are looking at this. I agree that Wiki's have their limitations especially given the validity of some of the comments about conflicting advice.
The search function definitely does have its limits as well, and people are less likely to go through searches that produce a 100 threads with 5 pages each.
I for one would feel a lot better about telling someone harshly to stop answering questions if I knew that I could also direct them to a single place for answers.
I really love this forum and it has helped me so much. I don't post much except to say "thank you" from time to time to the people who have made some program that has been helpful to me. And although I have been coming to this board every day for over a year I still don't know half as much as the majority of people here.
Some solutions to this problem are:
1) get frustrated and write a mean message to the noob
2) take a minute and just give the link to the page where the answer is
3) make it easier on this forum to find things
_Nomad_ said:
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
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That could be nice... part of the things that had contributed to the bad search results are the tons of new threads asking the very same questions over and over and over again... is there anyway to disable these threads from showing up in the search results? Maybe it's time for us to out up another sticky thread specifically talking abóut G4 devices =)
vseehua said:
That could be nice... part of the things that had contributed to the bad search results are the tons of new threads asking the very same questions over and over and over again... is there anyway to disable these threads from showing up in the search results? Maybe it's time for us to out up another sticky thread specifically talking abóut G4 devices =)
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I would like to see a thread dedicated to G4 devices, with verified correct information in it.
It isnt just people asking the same questions over and over making the search junk. Its the inability to even search for simple short 3 letter acronyms like CID, IPL, SPL, AKU. These are all things I have tried to search for and get 0 results. If I were able to search for these terms I could probably turn up a wealth of information on my own.
_Nomad_ said:
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
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That would work me thinks!!!!!
Hi all,
I've been reading this forum for weeks now and still have not found enough answers to be secure enough and cid-unlock my G3 2.21 vario.
I HAVE indeed read most relevant threads, although navigating them can be somewhat confusing. However When I posted some -in my n00b opinion - valid questions I either got 1) no reply whatsoever 2) replies to read "the" threads....which wasn't really helpfull or I wouldn't have asked 3) contradicting advice .... like a 2.21 G3 Can be unlocked, or it Cannot be unlocked, you have to downgrade twice, you have to upgrade twice, you Can or Cannot flash a G4 rom to a G3 device so you won't have to downgrade and CID unlock your phone first, etc.
I believe that I am somewhat beyond the real n00b level right now but still I'd like information to be more consistent and easier to find, I've already tried to suggest making a stickied n00b FAQ or wiki for us where to find the basic answers in a easy and consistent manner so the sdame questions aren't asked over and over and ROM threads hijacked for support questions.
but that is just my cup of tea.
thanks for a good forum with vlauable info.
Regular search
Personally, I find using google or yahoo, with site:xda-developers.com, works much better than the forum search. My personal pet peeve is the inability to use quotes to search for phrases. Quotes don't work.
A major problem with "read the threads" is the 800+ entry length of some of them. It would be nice to try to harness the power of those of us newly figuring things out and ask them to submit a wiki for something they just learned. If we had a submission point for the wiki, perhaps those of us who recently learned new things would do a how-to write-up and submit it to the wiki.
Finally, there are a lot of repeat threads, many with false or useless information. These threads stand in the way of a searcher. I would be happier if the moderators deleted more bad threads. Alternatively, we could use democracy -- add a "vote to delete" button to every thread not posted by a moderator and if a high enough percentage vote to delete, the thread is gone. I'd suggest 20% as a threshold -- more than that and the thread goes away.
Have been reading all your comments and completely agree with you guys... I see you have specific problems on G3/G4 on Wizards, as someone suggested a separate subforum for G4 devices would be ideal for you, and also for Prophet I guess.
About the search functions I'm also using google to search as a fallback when I can't find specific things using vBulletin's integrated search function, there's a thread on the mod forum where we discussed how to improve it, but seems is not very active now... will try to push Flar to do something about that.
Regarding the wiki, I think everyone should be less afraid to edit, if you look at the "recent changes" you see always the same people is editing. Have a look at the Hermes or BlueAngel wiki pages, these are good examples on how info has to be organized on the wiki, it's easy to find everything on the front page and information is well divided. Formating may seem a bit complicated at the beginning, but you don't have to care too much if you just want to add content, sure someone more experienced with wiki syntax will edit and correct any bad formating mistakes.
I do 100% agree with you that the wiki itself doesn't cover half of what it should. Yet if you take the time to read through it, and the links, you should be quite familiar with your device...
And oh yeah, sure, you can't search for keywords less than four characters, but that's not really an excuse... look at the thread containing the latest Faria ROM. Half... Half of what the thread contains is the same question over and over again... those ppl didn't even read the initial post of the thread... they found the download link, tried to install the ROM, got problem and went right to work, posting their (stupid) question all over again and again... The problem was never the limited search capabilities... It's always the ppl...
A board without limitations always get bloated with crap, whether it's unwanted commercial och just plain stupid posts...
So, unfortunatly this is going to continue unless you put constraints on the board... I'm sorry, but that's what's gonna happen.
Seems to me that since this was posted the situation has sorta escalated... Faria, Molski, risidoro and just now Dr P has announced their leave.
In this rate all that'll be left will be the newbies soon. Sad to witness
_Nomad_ said:
And oh yeah, sure, you can't search for keywords less than four characters, but that's not really an excuse... look at the thread containing the latest Faria ROM. Half... Half of what the thread contains is the same question over and over again... those ppl didn't even read the initial post of the thread... they found the download link, tried to install the ROM, got problem and went right to work, posting their (stupid) question all over again and again... The problem was never the limited search capabilities... It's always the ppl...
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It's also very human.
_Nomad_ said:
A board without limitations always get bloated with crap, whether it's unwanted commercial och just plain stupid posts...
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There just should be enough moderators. Now what happens when you write something stupid is you also get useless answers like "don't do that" which just makes everything even worse. There should be a "FAQ"-section, there should be a "how-to"-section etc...but there isn't. The forum structure is FAR TOO SIMPLE to handle the amount of messages.
Two main things to handle this (just my opinion):
Re-designed forum structure
(well, the structure should be designed in the first place so that it would be easy to extend it later...not an easy job)
prestonmcafee said:
...A major problem with "read the threads" is the 800+ entry length of some of them. It would be nice to try to harness the power of those of us newly figuring things out...
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I usually suggest to those asking questions to post the solution to their question in the first post. But I'm over at the Mio forums, and since we only have 4500 peps, the mods aren't overwhelmed. I can lock a thread, post the correct thread to post in, and a few days later, delete the thread. I spend 1/2 my time using the search function to consolidate questions into single threads. But like I said, that's not feasible here. I suggest a PM sent to everyone the registers, that is kind of a quick start guide. I understand why the 3 letter limit, because people type words like "the" and "and". I'm not sure how powerful the forum software is, but it would be nice to remove the size limit, and omit such words as mentioned above, from the search.
mlehtola said:
There should be a "FAQ"-section, there should be a "how-to"-section etc...but there isn't. The forum structure is FAR TOO SIMPLE to handle the amount of messages.
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Ummm, have you ever taken the time to look at the Wiki?
This forum is being provided to us basically for free. (Except for voluntary donations.) I personally can't afford to donate $$$ to the community, or for that matter to individual developers, so I dedicate some time to post in the forums to share what I've learned. I have also donated time to updating the Wiki.
If the Wiki doesn't contain all you would like it to, just add it yourself! One brief tutorial could make a world of difference to a newbie, or even a more experienced user. It also helps to point out gaps in the general knowledge we have here in these forums.
If, for example, there isn't a sub-forum for the device you use, you don't have to wait for the moderators, etc. to create it. Just create a Wiki page, and get the ball rolling on your own!
Take the initiative! That's what these forums were founded on!
Just my opinion.
Now go have fun!
JKR said:
I suggest a PM sent to everyone the registers, that is kind of a quick start guide. I understand why the 3 letter limit, because people type words like "the" and "and". I'm not sure how powerful the forum software is, but it would be nice to remove the size limit, and omit such words as mentioned above, from the search.
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First of all, you get much better, and more detailed search results by using a search-engine like Google. Their advanced search features do a fantastic job, and can be fine tuned to search only through a specific site. (i.e. http://forum.xdadevelopers.com )
Secondly, as opposed to a PM, possibly an email with a confirmation link after the introductory information.
Hope this helps....
Now go have fun!
I think it is more synonymous of the world today, do you read the manual when you buy a new stereo or mobile phone, or do you dig in saying 'nah i know how it works it'll be ok'. People just dont take the time to understand first, they think they know it all and then the proverbial hits the fan! As an experienced R&D firmware developer it doesn't matter how easy I make the interface you will always get those that stuff it up!
So not such an easy one to fix, you have given the masses a place to ask the ridiculous and the tools to stuff up easily, How do you fix that?

What to do with Newbies..?

I'm saddened by the high increase of irrelevant posts, and even more about the sometimes aggressive responses given to newbies.
As I see it, there is no way to completely get rid of newbies' questions or posts. So, the poll' question is: what should be the best attitude toward irrelevant posts/questions?
I hope this poll might contribute some how in having a better conduct and efficiency here in XDA.
Cheers everyone
FYI, check also XDA official' RULES: Please read this before posting
You need another voting option: post a link to the appropriate page/site (Wiki, MrVanx's Guide etc) and advise them to read as much as possible and understand what they are doing before they create a very expensive brick, without wasting time insulting and looking like an arrogant ****.
Short polite and to the point.
Unless you have a hangover of course........
I second that option
That didn't even work in this case.
That one's not even smart enough to click on the hyperlink to get the information he was "spoon fed".
newbie2 said:
That didn't even work in this case.
That one's not even smart enough to click on the hyperlink to get the information he was "spoon fed".
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tragic....i cant beleive people like this do anything else on their phone other than pressing numbers and hitting send/end.
chrisjasper said:
You need another voting option: post a link to the appropriate page/site (Wiki, MrVanx's Guide etc) and advise them to read as much as possible and understand what they are doing before they create a very expensive brick, without wasting time insulting and looking like an arrogant ****.
Short polite and to the point.
Unless you have a hangover of course........
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I think the 3rd option is the one that comes nearest in this situation.
Here´s a proposal
Prerna said:
I'm saddened by the high increase of irrelevant posts, and even more about the sometimes aggressive responses given to newbies.
As I see it, there is no way to completely get rid of newbies' questions or posts. So, the poll' question is: what should be the best attitude toward irrelevant posts/questions?
I hope this poll might contribute some how in having a better conduct and efficiency here in XDA.
Cheers everyone
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I´m a member of another forum (not related to phones nor PPCs !) Whenever a question comes on an issue of those already answered a ton of times the moderator "sends the member posting the question TO READ", this means that this member has no right to post anything during a week. I don´t know if this forum has such capability and I don´t know neither if the mods would be willing to take this "extra" job.
Sounds quite drastic, although maybe a base to think of other possibilities how to handle the issue.
Surely, XDA deserves better than what I've seen in the past few weeks in the Hermes' forum.
Answer the question or STFU
But above all, don't reply to the post with an RTFM Noob post only. Maybe answer the question then do an RTFM in the same post.
RTFM posts add no value whatsoever, aside from making the poster feel smart.
Prerna said:
I'm saddened by the high increase of irrelevant posts, and even more about the sometimes aggressive responses given to newbies.
As I see it, there is no way to completely get rid of newbies' questions or posts. So, the poll' question is: what should be the best attitude toward irrelevant posts/questions?
I hope this poll might contribute some how in having a better conduct and efficiency here in XDA.
Cheers everyone
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Well, I am new to this forum. But, I have to agree we need aggressive measure to deal with people don't do the work of search.
Personally, I don't have many posts because I can find answers to almost all of my questions just by searching and spend time reading. So, not all newbies are bad, but you need to deal with the bad ones with a hard hand.
You senior members are getting about as bad on this issue as the newbies asking the same questions over and over. If you would have used the search button, you would have found that there have been 3950 threads about what to do with newbies and 423,654 flame posts to a newbie. Okay, so that was a joke but, for the love of all things holy, can we move on?
Newbie who uses search button, has read the wiki (in part so far) and who doesn't ask questions that could in any way be misconstrued as not having done the aforementioned.
Scratch that. I am now a junior member. Woohoo for me!
help them,
some people are not pda svay and new to it all,they may have had a cell prior and dont work in a tech/IT role so may not be to sharp on a lot of the tech side
Everyone starts somewere,if you can take the time to reply with an insult or try google ,then you can find the time to point em in the right direction
Imagine if you took your car to be looked at and got the same response,ok the info is free and you can use search,but a little help goes a long way
its the net ,use it to gain info and spread it,not sit being smug or post insults
if we all use the net to its full potential we can achive so many things
i am sure we all have been newbies before. how would you have like to be treated/replied?
i suggest if the noob question is polite, then answer it politely and give some advise on how to use the search function and the wiki.
if the noob question is somehow impolite, aggressive, etc., perhaps a little apprehension/reminder is required.
jaceuk said:
help them,
some people are not pda svay and new to it all,they may have had a cell prior and dont work in a tech/IT role so may not be to sharp on a lot of the tech side
Everyone starts somewere,if you can take the time to reply with an insult or try google ,then you can find the time to point em in the right direction
Imagine if you took your car to be looked at and got the same response,ok the info is free and you can use search,but a little help goes a long way
its the net ,use it to gain info and spread it,not sit being smug or post insults
if we all use the net to its full potential we can achive so many things
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You've taken your car to be looked at and NOT got the same response?
Wow, you have nicer car mechanics in your area.....
There are various levels of noob, which need to be distinguished between.
There are those who have tried to search and read but not fund the answer, although it may be there. (maybe wrong search terms)
There are those who have not looked hard enough and are just being lazy. (perhaps they were put off by the huge number of posts etc)
There are those who demand answers without looking.
There are those who demand answers to questions which demonstrate that they really have not even tried to get any kind of an idea of what they are doing.
Favourite recent examples are :
i have downloaded black v3 but want to check if it will install to my Dell Axim aswell as my spv????
Where can I get Windows Mobile 6?
Tis funny, another post on what to do with us...
Hi, as a noob myself, new to the hermes, nothing else... I lurked here for a while before actually registering... I was really disheartened by the posts of RTFM and the like... I tried searching for my answers with the limited capabilities of this forum (don't get me wrong, I like the forum, but the search sux), but rarely could find what I was looking for... It wasn't until someone actually included a link to another noob with the various ways to successfully search the forum, that I decided to register...
If we could use the google search link as a sticky, it may help... I believe that the google advanced search link is included in the FAQs, if not, it should be... but I have simply added it to my sig... My suggestion would be for those of us who tire from 'ignorant' posts to do likewise...
(turn back on crowd and leave soapbox for next speaker)
Google search sticky
debonairone said:
If we could use the google search link as a sticky, it may help... I believe that the google advanced search link is included in the FAQs, if not, it should be...
(turn back on crowd and leave soapbox for next speaker)
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It´s been there for a while
By the way, check it, it´s been updated recently with good info for the WM6 adicts....
Read this!
Whatever. You know the seniors' stance is questionable when the entire purpose of setting up another private forum is to "get away from n00bs", and when you hit 100 posts you aren't even allowed to ask a simple, obscure question because it appeared in a topic like more than 6 months ago, and you're supposed to be "experienced" enough to know.
Everyone here has valid points, but it still doesn't solve the problem... It will not be an easy one to solve, as long as the search function is not blatantly put in front of noobs... As I said before, I lurked for a while before even registering because of the flaming posts for "stupid" questions... Need everyone be reminded that English is not the first language for everyone on this board...? That makes it a little harder for someone to properly search for the correct items and locate them... Then they are tasked with understanding what is written... And since it has become okay to use acronyms while typing, translators cannot keep up... Hell, it took me a couple of hours to figure out what RTFM meant...
Anyway, making things a bit easier for those with less knowledge cannot possibly be a wrong turn...

HELP! HTC Video Share Cab Needed...

Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
Mods-Please delete, this thread moves the discussion backwards if anywhere, I will create a new thread...Thanks, and Sorry.
Calling all Chefs, esp. Att users...help please?
Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
Mods-(please delete if neccassary)
I realise this is probably not the best way to appraoch this but i have posted questions in the Att thread, and PMed ATW. Since i haven't recieved any responses, I thought I would post here because this is usually the only thread i check regularly.
Is there a older version avaliable?
Moving to software forum.
I suggest changing the name. You are much more likely to recieve help using a title more suited to your goal, i.e. "Looking for Video Share cab".
how to make a cab file, first search first result.
Thanks for the Advice GEleon....
After i posted it I realized it looks a little shwag, If i make a new topic can you move this there? It won't let edit the Title...
And, by the way...other guy...I meant i searched for the cab, not for how to create a cab...I have downloaded Alex's Rom Kitchen, with all the intentions of "cooking" my first rom, but....uh....yeah...I am retarded. I majored in Philosophy and then went to law school, needless to say any computer knowledge i have is completley self taught....ok enough of my bull$hit excuses for being lazy...I just wanted to clarify that I do my due diligence when it comes to searching for material i am intersted in...I just can't, or won't take the time to learn how to download a rom, extract the data, and create a cab file for a program i thought for sure other users would have an interst in....ok, enough of that...
in a wierd way, i like how it is cut throat in here, and how after 5-6 posts on a subject, i have gotten 1 move, 3 complaints, and 1 I would like it too...It instills an efficency standard where "If you have something to say...you better be sure!"
I guess so...
SH4YD33 said:
Is there a older version avaliable?
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Apparently, the Rom that contained the radio from hell had the first version, and it has since been updated, according to the release notes from the newest Att Rom version...This brings me back to my initial skepticism, I thought for sure there would have been atleast a mention of it, if not a cab file floating around..???
exzist78 said:
Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
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As far as I know AT$T Video Share is not supported by the Kaiser (or visa versa ).
Also the thread you noted does not contain an official AT$T release. It is a leaked test rom. Which is why AT$T was no help, and why more AT$T stock rom users are not more interested.
Looking for Video Share Calling Cab
This is the Rom that contains the application, I know next to nothing about interdepedancies, so sorry if this request seems retarded or whatever...I am hoping there is atleast 1 other Att user interested...I know the service is a Rip off, but I have allways wanted to try it...
You are correct, but they are evidently implimenting it
I worked for Att during my undergrad, about 2 years ago; my brother is a manager for a couple stores owned by an Authorized Agent, so i have some close relationships...regardless, i have the video share calling on my ohone now because I put that Rom on it; however, i would love to take it off so if i have a cab file then i would feel more secure in it....
So, if there are any users who currently running this rom, and live in the Chicago Area, I can add the video share calling (either pay per use, or whatever) to your account so we can test this
exzist78 said:
This is the Rom that contains the application, I know next to nothing about interdepedancies, so sorry if this request seems retarded or whatever...I am hoping there is atleast 1 other Att user interested...I know the service is a Rip off, but I have allways wanted to try it...
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So How many threads asking the same thing are you going to post?
I personally think one is plenty.
JimmyMcGee said:
So How many threads asking the same thing are you going to post?
I personally think one is plenty.
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Get em jimmy
Man...I feel so Gotten :-(
How many threads are required before 1 user posts anything useful? What is a less efficient use of this sites resources, asking a question in multiple places, or 9 smug filled "hardcore" senior members setting a n00b straight by commenting with attitude! Bring the flames, I posted the same question all over the place and still haven't gotten 1 credible response, I am going crazy, maybe next I will drive without a seatbelt, or worse ask a question to an online communitiy that not a single person is required to view, only to be subjected to weak criticism..."dwah...how many times are you gonna post this (imagining baby Huey)....dwah"....yeah...get'em.....i mean come on, who is wasting their time to be so damn lame...the dreaded "senior" member....
Can we atleast look into the cab file, i would rather someone post the file with a password, share it with everyone except me, and atleast move this waste of my life forward....Kewllll
exzist78 said:
How many threads are required before 1 user posts anything useful? What is a less efficient use of this sites resources, asking a question in multiple places, or 9 smug filled "hardcore" senior members setting a n00b straight by commenting with attitude! Bring the flames, I posted the same question all over the place and still haven't gotten 1 credible response, I am going crazy, maybe next I will drive without a seatbelt, or worse ask a question to an online communitiy that not a single person is required to view, only to be subjected to weak criticism..."dwah...how many times are you gonna post this (imagining baby Huey)....dwah"....yeah...get'em.....i mean come on, who is wasting their time to be so damn lame...the dreaded "senior" member....
Can we atleast look into the cab file, i would rather someone post the file with a password, share it with everyone except me, and atleast move this waste of my life forward....Kewllll
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Oh, How wise. Let's criticize someone who was going to help you. But you know what. NO. I don't want to now. I'm going to stop digging through the Packages I have and Not Make you a CAB. There, Happy?
You need only post it once. THEN, Wait. Cluttering up the forum is a no-no. It makes it harder to search and find stuff. I could tell you wanted the CAB so I was using my resources and connections to help. Because that's what I do.
If you are going to act all holy, now I don't want to. And its not because you made fun of me. I don't care. Its your "I don't like the customs of the forum so I'm not going to follow" them attitude. When you come to a forum treat it like a good friends house. Repect people.
Remember we are all volunteers here. We don't owe you anything. And Being rude is not going to convinece anyone to help you. Read these while your at it. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=681487&postcount=1
Not sure if that's what you want. I found the stock HTC6.1 disable videoshare by default and I can enable it by changing the registry as follow:
We'll 2 things Confirmed...
1. I used the Video Share Calling today and successfully placed and recieved video share calls. As expected, the payoff was hardly worth all of the commotion; even considering I had been expecting some form of Video Calling since the TyTn was released with a front facing camera, only to be dissapointed when the US version launched without it. Then, after Cingular (Att) launched the Video Share Calling Service, I was certain they would bring the Kaiser across the pond with the front facing camera...after all that build up it was pretty weak, but I still would rather have the option than not. So, it is confrimed that it works, but not very consistantly. However, it is not a "ship" rom..so maybe they can work out the final bugs
2. The other confirmed phenomenon seems to be the i have offended all of the people who's work i have appreciated over the last year. It really wasn't my intention, but I do think too many people are quick to complain about the length, size, location, and ripeness of nearly any question (can you hear me Pureskillz); but such is the nature of the premier source of all things XDA. So, I apologize to the other Att users that this may have benfitted, but after so many "flame" style posts, I start to find the ridiculous "My keyboard is mapped incorrectly" bug reports to be quite funny...To everyone else, sorry if I offended any of you, but maybe we all can take it easy...
Yup I'm an asshole what can you do?
Is that really what you took form that?
Seriously, i have no beef with you...My comments are aimed braodly at many individuals that have an extremely narrow view of what a "proper" post is, or should be; thus, they feel inclined, no, obligated to bash any slight deviation. Unfortunatly, you happen to be the one that said how many threads are you going to create. I know you probably were unaware that i created 3 threads, in 3 different places and i left instructions for a mod to move to a proper thread...Subsequently, Gleason moved one other thread to this particular forum, and then recomended I modified the Title. So, I attempted to do just that, then realised that i was unable to modify the title so I asked him to delete the thread, and I would create a new one with the proper title he suggested...Long story short, there is defintly a sort of harshness that detracts from the community spirit that this site is based on. Further, I find it ironic that the fundamental reason for having a policy of restricted postings is to maximize efficency; yet, there tends to be just as many if not more "negetive," or "harsh" posts as there are unqualified ones...

Cooking rom's, finding usefull info is hard...

Hi all,
for starters, I know where the search-button is and I know how to read, I've read the stickies and most of the links, so no obvious remarks please
I'm having a hard time finding good threads to read about creating/editing/cooking roms, understanding what XIP/SYS files are, knowing how to strip/add programs,...
I've used keywords like: rom cooking, xip, how to, port, tut(orial), etc...
It only gives a gazillion answers and most of the time useless threads...
Once in a while it's worth reading, but most of the time it's junk or way to specific/difficult...
So the question is, could anyone link some usefull good threads/discussions/how-to's that they've read?
Maybe you could give it a rating yourself going from beginner/intermediate/pro...
Maybe such a condensed topic is already on the forums, then please do show me, since I didn't found it yet...
If you're first thought is "god, not again", then please, don't respond at all
Thanks for your time!
quinstar said:
If you're first thought is "god, not again", then please, don't respond at all
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Man, this thread is just below you as of this moment ....
Really nice cooking class for Blackstone, but very usable for Kovsky too!!
jackleung said:
Man, this thread is just below you as of this moment ....
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Jack,it's not because of my low post count, that I'm just around here...
I've seen and read that post several times, I've dumped my own rom and downloaded others, I extracted them and started fiddling around, but that's all what I did, fiddling, since I don't really know what I'm doing...
For instance, I'm reading and seeing XIP everywhere, but I don't even understand what it stands for, I can't find (or don't use the right keywords) to find any decent info on it...
I found this great post of Ameet about porting XIP, but that's already about hardcore coding without the basic info I hoped to find... I'm just a beginner, that'll be stuff to read when I'm several months further...
It all starts with the saying, "give a man a fish and he can eat for a whole day. Learn him how to fish and he can eat a life-time.."
The post you refered to is great to learn how the kitchen works, great for learning how to use tools, but the action eventually only shows how to remove standard OEM stuff out of a rom. Nothing more...
Understanding the ins and outs of a rom, how it's build and why, how it's linked and what it does... That's where I think it starts, but that's what I can't find... If no-one ever wrote anything about it, then I will, but then I'll have to try and find bits of pieces of info everywhere... And that's why I posted the question. So people could at least point to some information they know where to find...
I've even seen and tried your work... It's great, but it's a full working, locked rom (at least, it doesn't break down using htainlin's info to the same files and folders as a stockrom does, or I'm using the wrong tools)... I can't see what you've done to make it that way... I can't open it to compare with something stock to see what has changed and conclude what your changes really do... I don't mind reverse engineering, I do have a brain I can use to figure things out..
Well, sorry for the rant, and if I somehow offended you, I didn't intend to, I just hope you now understand what I'm trying to accomplish
Thanks for all who even tried to read this
Thanks! I've only read the index, but I already know I'll be busy reading that for a couple of hours...
quinstar said:
Jack,it's not because of my low post count, that I'm just around here...
I've seen and read that post several times, I've dumped my own rom and downloaded others, I extracted them and started fiddling around, but that's all what I did, fiddling, since I don't really know what I'm doing...
For instance, I'm reading and seeing XIP everywhere, but I don't even understand what it stands for, I can't find (or don't use the right keywords) to find any decent info on it...
I found this great post of Ameet about porting XIP, but that's already about hardcore coding without the basic info I hoped to find... I'm just a beginner, that'll be stuff to read when I'm several months further...
It all starts with the saying, "give a man a fish and he can eat for a whole day. Learn him how to fish and he can eat a life-time.."
The post you refered to is great to learn how the kitchen works, great for learning how to use tools, but the action eventually only shows how to remove standard OEM stuff out of a rom. Nothing more...
Understanding the ins and outs of a rom, how it's build and why, how it's linked and what it does... That's where I think it starts, but that's what I can't find... If no-one ever wrote anything about it, then I will, but then I'll have to try and find bits of pieces of info everywhere... And that's why I posted the question. So people could at least point to some information they know where to find...
I've even seen and tried your work... It's great, but it's a full working, locked rom (at least, it doesn't break down using htainlin's info to the same files and folders as a stockrom does, or I'm using the wrong tools)... I can't see what you've done to make it that way... I can't open it to compare with something stock to see what has changed and conclude what your changes really do... I don't mind reverse engineering, I do have a brain I can use to figure things out..
Well, sorry for the rant, and if I somehow offended you, I didn't intend to, I just hope you now understand what I'm trying to accomplish
Thanks for all who even tried to read this
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Well, I never judge xda member on their post count since I know some experts in this field maybe new to XDA-developers and some people w/ very high post count are keep on posting **** (e.g. someone in X1 general inventing 4D glasses and UI. )
Most kitchen (at least the one I pointed to) is just a Dos batch script to automated all the tedious command and parameters w/ all the needed tools. You can learn a lot of in and out if just you open it w/ a editor, follow the steps manually and research those tools individually.
If you really want to learning cooking in the hard way, I had a writeup long time back for Asus P525 which most of the steps still apply to any HTC rom nowaday.
All the documents for how to fish is here and we are still seeing people creating new threads for questions that been address millions time. This is a developers forum afterall and no one is responsible to feed you while your hands are free.
Regarding my rom, I never intend to lock it. Both V1 and V2 are extractable but rgu are removed due to space and speed considerateion. Afterall, the main purpose of a rom is for daily "use" instead of "teaching material". Why am I bother to slow my rom down just because I have to let others to extract it?
quinstar said:
..., and if somehow I offended you, I didn't intend to,...
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This part was for the locking section you refer to
I already figured out a number of reasons why it would be "locked", and space-limiting was one of them... I definately understand your reasons and by no means am I complaining about it... It's just a pity I can't use such good material as a reference to study...
As for examining the tools, I was already wondering what they're all doing and what they're needed for... However I'm a bit cautious since I don't know how they work... This'll be a matter of trial-and-error...
I will definately have a look at what you've written, not that I'm keen on really wanting to learn it the hard way, but it might make it easier to understand the working of some of the tools...
About the fishing, you are right, no-one is obligated to give me anything. I was merely asking if some-one might remember a post they once read and found very usefull in understanding or learning the process of cooking...
As I already stated, I used the search-button and already found bits of information that I thought were a little usefull, but I'm having a hard time finding any good posts... The topic Lokatho refered to was a great link and gave me some good information and I've got some nice material to work and practice with... It would've taken me ages to find me or just dumb luck...
I'm keeping together all the links I used to read and learn and might paste them in a write-up once I think I've learned a fair bit
To finalise this reply, I understand your frustration, there will always be people who ask the most simple things on any forum, may it be ppc, car, house or anything related... Questions in here like, how do I have to flash your rom, what is hard-spl, why can't you make a 'insert langueage'-rom, reporting a "bug" that's been declared not a bug for several pages already... Those are the most annoying questions I've seen until now(just to name a few) and are really an indication those are posted by lazy people...

Ok Root but what about Apps I paid for

After some reading I came to find that you cannot dl paid apps if you root your phone. I would like to have the apps that I paid for. Is there anything like the iphone hacked phones where you can access the market?
With almost all of the recent ROMs you can download/access paid apps. That problem was fixed a loooooooonng time ago.
Wrong section, and if you would have done more reading you would have found that it is no longer a problem.
After some reading I came to find that you cannot dl paid apps if you root your phone. I would like to have the apps that I paid for. Is there anything like the iphone hacked phones where you can access the market?
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I find that basic reading and comprehension skills to be your main problem because it seems that your lack of these two key skills/superhuman abilities leads to you not being able to post this thread in the correct forum and not performing any type of search for an answer to your own question.
If we are able to solve these two of your presumed plethora of "issues" i believe that you'll live a better life etc. etc. etc...
stefan.buddle said:
I find that basic reading and comprehension skills to be your main problem because it seems that your lack of these two key skills/superhuman abilities leads to you not being able to post this thread in the correct forum and not performing any type of search for an answer to your own question.
If we are able to solve these two of your presumed plethora of "issues" i believe that you'll live a better life etc. etc. etc...
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I have a life, a very busy life, I'm not gonna sit here all day reading about my cell phone.
Elmi said:
I have a life, a very busy life, I'm not gonna sit here all day reading about my cell phone.
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Well, I hate to break it to you buddy, but this whole customization thing with the phones isnt a one stop shop. If you dont read, you're going to brick your phone. So since you have this all important life, and by implication, are too good to read up, perhaps you oughtta unroot until you have time to do things right, like maybe reading the sticky that says "dont post threads like this one in the freaking dev section".
Elmi said:
I have a life, a very busy life, I'm not gonna sit here all day reading about my cell phone.
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I'm sorry, I don't help stuck up idiots who can't even attempt to help themselves.
If it really takes you all day of reading just to understand your cell phone, then you do have a problem.
As said the new roms dont suffer the same fate as the older ones. You should be just fine.
XDA is the wrong place to ask questions, even in the correct forum. People overall here seem to have a attitude that they know it all, and were born that way..its almost like they just jump on the bashing bandwagon simply because its the "happening" thing to do. Mind you only a very few are able to build and release roms, customizations and so on the rest are moochers only they like to pretend they are something special.
If you search, generally you will find what your looking for eventually, sometimes not at all and sometimes you find it but its so buried by other crap you dont know you found it. I guess your best bet is to make damn sure you posted your question in the correct forum, then hope that someone deems you important enough to answer..or just search the countless pages and deprive the bashers of the reason most are here and dont ask...my how the post counts would fall...you see a question asked and its jump on em fellas, he asked a question..1 smart remarks not enough, they line up to leave replies that most have thought of days earlier...just waiting to use it instead of simply linking to the answer, giving an idea where it may be found or something...nah, just bash em, that makes this place look all the more better, a much more friendly environment lol, whatever.
I enjoy xda, but honestly some of you make for a truly elementary experience, while a few others do a lot more...you come here for the roms, mods, hacks, for most of us not the ones we did, we can do or the ones we had a hand in creating..and you cant take a minute or two to answer a few questions? Think of the work the actual devs have done, the time involved, the testing over and over...wanna help some? Answer peoples simple questions without being an ass! If nothing else link em to where they should go!
I disagree, everytime these questions pop up, they are usually answered in the first reply, if not the second one.
But for the most part, I think being an ass is just a way to keep these wrong threads to the minimal.
I've never seen someone being an ass when a member ask a question (doesn't matter related to the topic of not) at the end of a ROMs' thread.
gn02256676 said:
I disagree, everytime these questions pop up, they are usually answered in the first reply, if not the second one.
But for the most part, I think being an ass is just a way to keep these wrong threads to the minimal.
I've never seen someone being an ass when a member ask a question (doesn't matter related to the topic of not) at the end of a ROMs' thread.
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I understand that, somewhat. But after his question was answered, do you see all the other people that posted, for no other reason then to try and belittle the guy that asked the question? Thats what I am referring to, those comments do nothing to help anyone, provide no use what so ever out side of making xda look like a buncha jerks.
Look at all the people that say its not helping by having questions in a release post, as it adds more to the dev having to sift over the comments, yet the " flashing now!" is just as off topic in reality as its not helping the dev know anything about any issues one may have..if people have to say "flashing now" then say I flashed, and heres what I found..see what I am saying?
Honestly people are going to be jerks on any forums, so it just comes with the territory. Usually you can avoid this by trying to learn some basic forum rules. Most are stickyed at the top of the forums. IMO use the search and spend like 15 to 20 mins to figure out what is going on in the forums. And then if your still stuck post in the Q&A forums.
The thing about this post that really roasts my goat is the OP lack of motivation to try and find his own answers. We are not his tech support and everybody here does this for free...Its disrespectful, insulting and lazy...
I have tons of respect for people that try to figure out problems for themselves first (search, google, read).
Please see this video [http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/posting] for proper forum etiquette. (I know, its old but its still damn funny and so true...)
@nickwinn does "eabod" really stand for what i think it stands for? if it does just mention something about the boondocks and i will know for sure
Elmi said:
I have a life, a very busy life, I'm not gonna sit here all day reading about my cell phone.
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Are we supposed to cater to your busy life when you decide to root your phone and not take the time to research more into it?
ThR1LL said:
Are we supposed to cater to your busy life when you decide to root your phone and not take the time to research more into it?
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but of course! what else are we here for? to help with reasonably asked questions where the poster doesn't get a massive attitude problem? of course not, we must be here to answer everyone of joe blow's question and disregard any attitude he/she may get!!!! please search next time before posting such mess ThR1LL
i think my head just burst from so much sarcasm
Hey at least the op took the time to read a little bit maybe it was outdated but a least he did try, so cut the guy some slack, he did better than some other people who read nothing and come right to here and expect some hand holding
People like the OP are why this forum is getting worse, and to ducter if you really think we are all assholes why do you come here? If you ask a question in the wrong forum we will most likely give you ****, but also give you a little help. If you use the correct forum we will help you, unless your question is ssomething you could of found out in less then 5 minutes by searching.
This forum has 100's of thousands of members and if half of them are asking questions that have been answered hundreds of times it clogs the forum and we lose sight of other valuable posts or people with real questions about problems that are new and have not been solved.
Furthermore when someone says some **** like they don't have time to read about there cell phone then why are you here in the first place? Don't root your phone or better yet goto the tmobile store and ask them to help you fix your rooted G1. If you can't take the time to read like everyone else does/should then go buy a lg env or something and maybe it will be simple enough for you to figure out.

