Did you sell your soul for games? - Off-topic

Found at uk.yahoo
As i can not post link here is the complete article:
Answer this question honestly – do you read the small print when you buy games on the internet?
High Street retailing giant GameStation decided to put this to the test and inserted a new clause into their terms and conditions earlier this month that granted them legal rights to the immortal souls of thousands of their online customers. Here, in darkest legalese, is how they got away with such a heinous act:
"By placing an order via this Web site on the first day of the fourth month of the year 2010 Anno Domini, you agree to grant Us a non transferable option to claim, for now and for ever more, your immortal soul. Should We wish to exercise this option, you agree to surrender your immortal soul, and any claim you may have on it, within 5 (five) working days of receiving written notification from gamestation.co.uk or one of its duly authorised minions."
GameStation’s fiendish clause specified that they might serve such notice in “six foot-high letters of fire” too, but also offered customers an option to opt out, rewarding them with a £5 money-off voucher if they did so.
Alas, hardly anyone noticed the clause, let alone the substantial bonus for spotting the gag. More to the point, the fact that it passed more or less unnoticed raises an important issue – too few people actually read the small print when they make online purchases.
According to GameStation, around 7,500 customers carelessly signed their souls away on the day. Were you one of them...?
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homero25 said:
Found at uk.yahoo
As i can not post link here is the complete article:
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Haha LoL What Jokers


Internet Censorship Bill - CALL/WRITE your representatives!

I didn't see a post for this elsewhere (though some may recall that I have an exceptional ability to miss the obvious ), and you will not hear about this on the news, and it's barely even being covered in print or online. I'm usually too much of a cynic to bother with this sort of activism but this is a big deal, so please grant me 5 minutes of your time; you won't regret it.
The big deal? The "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA). Well wait now, that doesn't sound so bad. We all download music for free here and there, maybe use an "extended trial" of Photoshop, but we know that piracy is technically stealing...so this can't be that bad, right? Wrong. Horribly wrong.
The fact that no news agency is covering this is absolutely insane. We criticize countries like China and Iran for censorship, but at least they don't attempt to conceal it within a vague anti-piracy bill. It is no exaggeration to say that this is one of the most significant bills to come through congress in the past decade, and most people don't even know it exists; much less that discussion began on it today. Of those that do know about it, half of them don't understand why it's a bad thing because H.R.3261 has such an innocuous name (it is also called the Protect IP Act of 2011 in the Senate). Don't be fooled.
"American Censorship Day" - Information on the Internet Blacklist Bills​I urge you to take the time to educate yourself on H.R.3261 "SOPA" and write and/or call your Senators and Congress(wo)men! I guarantee if you spend 10 minutes reading about this, you will understand why I'm using an annoyingly large, bright red font.
The Wikipedia Article has a brief section ("Supporters") that shows--in a nutshell--how some politicians are deceptively framing this as a "pro-jobs" bill, among other pleasant sounding things; this couldn't be further from the truth. This is, in a manner of speaking, trying to apply archaic copyright laws to a 21st century Internet, rather than taking the effort to rewrite the copyright laws to make sense in the modern world.
You can find a lot of information explained very well at "American Censorship Day" website (scroll down past the petition), and I would encourage you to do your own research as well. Sign the petition if you want, but really, it is considerably more effective to call or write (or both!) your representatives.
A few more good links:
"Contacting The Congress" - Easily lookup the names/contact information of your Reps/Senators.
SOPA Wikipedia Article - References - These references link to a variety of websites/articles that are both for and against this bill. I would like to personally point out how most of those in support are entities of a political nature, while those against are largely non-political technology-oriented entities.
Full Text of H.R.3261 [PDF] - A relatively "short" 78 pages.
Hearing Information - House Judiciary Committee - This bill is on "the fastrack," meaning its authors are trying to push it through as quickly as possible...This hearing is where the bill began it's journey today (11/16/11).
I thank you for taking the time to read this; if you choose to reply to this thread, bash me as much as you like, but please keep your responses to each other civil.
Alright, back to rooting my Revo (before doing so is a felony ).
Good stuff the masses don't even realize how important this is
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Basically when this bill passes we have no freedom of speech on the internets. The US government can block websites hosted on servers outside it's borders. And you can get sued for having a song playing on the radio heard in your video posted online.
jaszek said:
Basically when this bill passes we have no freedom of speech on the internets. The US government can block websites hosted on servers outside it's borders. And you can get sued for having a song playing on the radio heard in your video posted online.
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This is ridiculous we must stop them!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using XDA App
Must stop big brother government before it's too late!
Its getting near time for the guns to come out boys...
Brb, there are strange men in suits at my door....
Sent from my SGH-T959V using XDA App
Great Job was about to post something about this on here but you beat me to it anyway here are some more links to articles,info and petitions:
P.S keep spreading the word guys!
I think XDA should censor their logo/ and or have the javascript popup to support it http://americancensorship.org/
I have done it to my website for support purposes. come on guys we need this to be halted! So if you have a website/ blog please join the movement and censor your website for a day!
I guess this is the day when we finally found out for sure that govenments can be bought and paid for by greedy corporations.
You are now no longer being ruled by an elected body, but by a fat-cat in a pin-stripe suit.
This is the new world order i guess.
Very well written. I know quite a bit about this topic, since we will get something called "vorratsdatenspeicherung" where I live (austria). Basically The government logs your internet connection and it logs when and who you call/write a sms/ send an email and where you were by doing that.
Should be published on the portal!
I do what i want, because I can.
This has to be one of those interpretation of the law issues though surely? I mean... you can't be prosecuted for lying on a dating profile about your height, weight, age etc. There'd be nobody left on match.com
Mykocorum said:
This has to be one of those interpretation of the law issues though surely? I mean... you can't be prosecuted for lying on a dating profile about your height, weight, age etc. There'd be nobody left on match.com
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The way the law is written does allow for scenarios like the one you propose. The retort of the politicians is, "We won't ever (ab)use this power for doing stuff like that, never ever." I don't know about you, but that's not too reassuring for me. If it's not abused now by these politicians, it'll be abused later by future politicians. Not to mention the precedent it sets...Once you give the government a little bit of control, it becomes very easy for them to get a lot of control.
Even if this were solely an interpretation of the law issue I'd still be against it, because Congress shouldn't be writing laws that can be so easily misinterpreted.
A link to the full text is up there, I plan on reading it tomorrow.
I totally agree the law should be written so that there is no room for interpretation.. you know if what you are doing is illegal from day one, ignorance is not a defence, but as devils advocate the counter is that you end up with thousands of very specific laws for hundreds of situations whilst occurrences the lawmakers didn't think of at the time are getting through loopholes and running away.
Circumstantially you should really be able to use the end purpose of why you are doing what you are doing as to the criminality of what's going down. I don't think anyone on this board would argue that a 40 year old man pretending to be a 13 year old girl on a forum or website to talk to other teenagers should be made illegal and is a very wrong thing - but who hasn't said they are two inches taller on a dating profile or put their build down as "athletic" rather than "a few extra pounds"
Bear in mind that the UK equivalent to this, the 'Digital Economy Act' was passed into law some time ago with barely a whimper of protest. Just like ProtectIP, it was kept quiet and barely reported on until it was too late. We just woke up one morning to draconian new laws. Again, it was bought and paid for by big media.
I doubt anything can be done to stop the same happening in the US, but perhaps enough pressure can be brought to bear to force some changes to the act. At least you guys have advanced warning to do something about it.
Edit: Big Content stacks Senate Committee
"US Senators have done their level best to give Big Content the law it wants to basically lock up citizens who might think of piracy or file sharing without having to worry about that pesky thing called constitution. The House Judiciary Committee today held an important hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act but only those witnesses who would not object to the law being invited. This was designed to give the impression that all the witnesses were in favour of the law."
Bump this baby. Also voted for frontpage!
I do what i want, because I can.
DirkGently said:
Bear in mind that the UK equivalent to this, the 'Digital Economy Act' was passed into law some time ago with barely a whimper of protest. Just like ProtectIP, it was kept quiet and barely reported on until it was too late. We just woke up one morning to draconian new laws. Again, it was bought and paid for by big media.
I doubt anything can be done to stop the same happening in the US, but perhaps enough pressure can be brought to bear to force some changes to the act. At least you guys have advanced warning to do something about it.
Edit: Big Content stacks Senate Committee
"US Senators have done their level best to give Big Content the law it wants to basically lock up citizens who might think of piracy or file sharing without having to worry about that pesky thing called constitution. The House Judiciary Committee today held an important hearing on the Stop Online Piracy Act but only those witnesses who would not object to the law being invited. This was designed to give the impression that all the witnesses were in favour of the law."
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Thanks for posting this...It's absolutely crazy...I'm sure they'll find a way to completely circumvent a public hearing that gives opponents a chance to speak throughout the entire process.
jamRwoo said:
Thanks for posting this...It's absolutely crazy...I'm sure they'll find a way to completely circumvent a public hearing that gives opponents a chance to speak throughout the entire process.
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As always, the people can have a say.. at the ballot box!
I'm pleased to report that the government that introduced the DEA in the UK, lost in the next election shortly afterwards. (After being in power for thirteen years).
Karma b*tches!
Bumping this due to some developments...
Well, this is finally seeing the light of day and getting coverage by some news agencies; caught these articles on Drudge Report.
I just want to say that I hope Chris Dodd dies in a fire. Slowly. FYI: He's a former Senator spearheading this bill AND the new head of the MPAA. Primarily by attempting to bribe members of Congress. Gotta love that the Hollywood/Record Label lobbyists are getting all the airtime, while the people who actually understand this stuff are being silenced as much as possible.
Not too late to call/write your representatives. You can also share these links with your friends...tweet them, facebook them, reddit them, do whatever. If these links don't scare the living s**t out of you, well...idk...too many benzos perhaps. Feel free to copy this post and use it wherever, if you wish.
All of these articles are great and cover a different aspect (with some overlap) of the consequences of this legislation. Props to The Hill for giving this so much coverage; glad someone's doing it.
MPAA Head Chris Dodd on Online Censorship Bill: China's the Model -- http://bit.ly/u7kgXy
"When the Chinese told Google that they had to block sites or they couldn't do [business] in their country, they managed to figure out how to block sites."
Google chairman says online piracy bill would 'criminalize' the Internet -- http://bit.ly/tRWEnj
"It's not a good thing. I understand the goal of what SOPA and PIPA are trying to do," Schmidt said of the Senate counterpart bill, the Protect IP Act. "Their goal is reasonable, their mechanism is terrible. They should not criminalize the intermediaries. They should go after the people that are violating the law."
Internet piracy bill: A free speech 'kill switch' -- http://bit.ly/tY6o6f
Consider this: Under the proposed legislation all that’s required for government to shutdown a specific website is the mere accusation that the site unlawfully featured copyrighted content. Such an accusation need not be proven – or even accompanied by probable cause. All that an accuser (or competitor) needs to do in order to obtain injunctive relief is point the finger at a website.
Legal expert says online piracy bill is unconstitutional -- http://bit.ly/tNBUDH
"Conceivably, an entire website containing tens of thousands of pages could be targeted if only a single page were accused of infringement," Tribe writes. "Such an approach would create severe practical problems for sites with substantial user-generated content, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, and for blogs that allow users to post videos, photos, and other materials."
God, do I hate politicians.
P.S. For those interested in a more detailed analysis of how this is a flagrant violation of free speech: Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor and Supreme Court advocate, wrote a memo detailing how SOPA does exactly that -- http://scr.bi/sFSRBg
XDA Forum Rules said:
2.4 Personal attacks, racial, political and/or religious discussions: XDA is a discussion forum about certain mobile phones. Mobile phones are not racial, political, religious or personally offensive, therefore none of these types of discussions are permitted on XDA.
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US Estate Laws for a Canadian; long-lost bio father died

OK, I know this is kinda weird, but I live mostly on XDA these days, so thought I'd ask here in OT.
And I see the forum doesn't want me to ask a question in a non Q&A forum, but I see a "Boxers or Briefs ?" question, and this is supposed to be an OT forum, so...
I'm looking for tips or references to websites or lawyers etc.
I check the Social Security Death Index on the net every so often, and just found out my "estranged, biological" father died in November.
No need for consolations as I never knew him. I showed up on his doorstep 11 years ago to meet him for the first time. And he's a jerk for never even bothering to write to me once.
I believe he had some assets, but likely not too, too much in the grand scheme of things. Likely less than a house is worth. Perhaps.
But for all I know, he may have had a will, or there was next to nothing left. I'm sure I can find plenty of local (Canada) lawyers ready to take hundreds of dollars an hour from me, but if anyone has any tips or references to websites or whatever I'm open to suggestions. I'm happy to learn things on my own, but my app and lots of other things need my time too.
For reference, I think he likely died in or near Arizona but most of his assets may have been with a Bank of America branch in the LA, California area. I had some very helpful telephone contact with Bank of America in the past, so I guess I'll call them tomorrow. And he was a veteran of WW II.
And my situation could be complicated by the facts that I was born in the US, and lived there my first year of life, but have been in Canada since then and now have both citizenships.
I hate that the US and the IRS likely still sees me as a potentially taxpaying American. I gave up over a grand worth of with-holding taxes once to avoid getting involved with the IRS. But perhaps this will force my hand...
Any thoughts welcome. No condolences please, other than any mild commiserations offered for the millions of us who were raised in the challenging circumstances of a single parent house-hold.
I would call the SSA or maybe consult a lawyer. (actually, DEFINITELY consult a lawyer) I know you don't wanna do that but estate/inheritance law, is well....extremely complicated.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
i seriously doubt you'll get anything worthwhile
specially when he didn't even give a damn about contacting you
in the even he did make a step bro or sis over there, chances are all whatever little is left has gone to them, If any
remember, you are dealing wit US of A, the IRS are like vultures whenever there's a death, and no will or immediate US of A family member to take care of his business
a chunk of it would probably have gone to taxes and collectors if he had any outstanding debt, the house if any might possibly still be on a mortgage and has landed on default to the bank, heck it might have even been double mortgaged considering how the cost of living is in the US of A
also any medical fees would have probably also come out of it
dude, you have a hard up hill battle to fight to get anything worthwhile back.
good luck on your endeavours
Babydoll25 said:
I would call the SSA or maybe consult a lawyer. (actually, DEFINITELY consult a lawyer) I know you don't wanna do that but estate/inheritance law, is well....extremely complicated.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
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Yeah, I hadn't thought of the Social Security Administration. I'm not sure exactly what they could do for me though.
Today I sent some questions to the Veterans Administration via their web form.
I also had a nice 12 minute chat with somebody in the Bank of America "estate" department, or whatever they call it. They will be sending me some sort of package, perhaps once they figure out what happened with his account.
Yeah, I know the advice is always to get or ask a lawyer. But I'm happy to get the ball rolling myself. I don't need somebody charging me $200+ an hour for making simple phone calls or emails.
As I say, there might have been a will and I'm not a beneficiary, or there may be no assets left to claim, which could easily mean $1,000 spent on a lawyer for nothing, and I can't afford that. But I'll see what I can find out from a lawyer or 2 before I sign any lawyer contract.
AllGamer said:
i seriously doubt you'll get anything worthwhile
in the even he did make a step bro or sis over there, chances are all whatever little is left has gone to them, If any
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Thanks, yes, I doubt it too, but I figure it's worth it to spend at least a bit of time trying to find out. In the event of a step-sibling and no will, I presume I should be entitled to a share, but that could require a legal fight, and I don't think I'd start such a fight, unless the assets were worth it and I had a good chance.
I think he didn't own any property, he rented and physical assets were likely a few old cars. But that 68 Camaro he had at one point was worth a few bucks...
Yeah, medical fees, but as a WW II veteran I'd guess he had VA coverage, but I don't know how that works.
AllGamer said:
dude, you have a hard up hill battle to fight to get anything worthwhile back.
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Yeah, I likely won't start any fight, but I'm not going to ignore the possibility that I might have a few hundred grand (at most I'm sure) coming to me. He was a "penny pincher" and many such people can have a surprising amount tucked away.

Google: Next Batch in 3 Weeks

It's official. Wait times for the next batch is 3 weeks.
Thank you for your recent purchase on Google Play. Due to overwhelming demand, your Nexus 4 is on backorder and is expected to ship within three weeks. We'll send you a notification when your order has shipped and will credit the shipping charges.
To check the status of your order at any time, visit the link below: https://wallet.google.com/manage/#transactions
If you would prefer to cancel your order, please reply to this email and our team will assist you. Or you can cancel your order using our online tool. Please follow the instructions found here:
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you again for your order.
The Google Play Team
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So pretty much anyone who hasn't been able to put in a order (like myself) are not going to be able to order the device for a long time.
Thanks for nothing LG.
I guess I'm stuck phoneless for 3 weeks, or whenever the next batch will be availabe...
But I am also sort of glad that I wasn't able to get my order in so we could see if Google will add the Nexus 4 to AOSP as well as fix up some of the thermal issues.
Question for you... do you even read forums before making a new thread? The email you just quoted has been posted numerous times...
Sent from my A510 using Tapatalk 2
c_86 said:
Question for you... do you even read forums before making a new thread? The email you just quoted has been posted numerous times...
Sent from my A510 using Tapatalk 2
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It deserves it's own thread.
wilsonlam97 said:
It deserves it's own thread.
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It really doesn't. Also the E-mail doesn't say what you seem to think it does. Within 3 weeks means any time from today up untill 3 weeks. I'm not overly optomistic about the time frame myself but the thread title is still misleading at best.
your thread created privileges should be taken away...
Good thing I didnt sell my GNex yet.
Why are ppl in the states so crazy to get it even at the price of over $600 at ebay nearly double...can't they wait for the next wave just few weeks ahead..most other country don't even have play store to purchase that may sound reasonable
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
I am totally at a loss with Google on this? Total and epic failure from a company that prides itself on it's meticulous attention to detail and Engineers every little thing. How the hell am I supposed t believe that the company that can crunch massive data sets, route the quickest path to ones home, serve massive amounts of AD's and multimedia can blow it in running a simple Cart driven eCommerce business and fail to anticipate all these fairly obvious headaches coming to light. It really boggles the mind?
I got the Backorder letter too, but even that was very vague and provides no level of detail that can be useful. Already there is conflicting stories of folks getting the bo letter and a shipment letter, some who made two separate orders are left wondering which order is bo'd?
If I had to think out loud, I would surmise that in the effort of cutting costs down for this product they used there F-Team of managers for this product launch ... seriously!
*A notification system that failed to notify!
*No coherent product launch time (Midnight? 9EST? 9PST?) even when we fished around for details and the rumour mill had it at 9PST the damn store opened 30minutes earlier.
*No clear communication on stock levels
*No pre-order ... my god how stupid are the folks who ran this botched job!
*Not enough inventory on hand
*No cart limits like 1 per person or 2 per person ... I could add 100 to my cart and the thing would go through
*No cart queuing/ reserving/ holding mechanism ... ticketmaster holds a ticket for 5-10 minutes the instant it lands on your cart
*Cart/ Site kept crashing
*They didn't update the site to sold-out until late at night leading to the F5 phenomena, with people wasting time without knowing whether they can make an order or not ... fully knowing anyone after the initial 10 minutes after opening the Play store would be on backorder ... might as well keep selling now it makes no more difference at this point at least alleviate those who can't purchase now to join a queue and keep selling. What will happen now is they will launch in spurts resulting in the same level of chaos ... let people join the queue now if they will be backordered in anycase.
*For those of us who got the chance to order the assumption was that they would be able to make a shipment ... no reason why the system would fluctuate from in stock to of stock during the nightmare purchase with all the obstacles it had ... WHY THE HELL DID WE GET BO'd! If there system wasn't as one to one as it seemed with all it's rigidity in how much you can add to cart and it failing during purchase because it became out of stock ... then how the hell did you guys oversell?
No sincere apology, no corrective actions are being laid out ... and that token free shipping in no way salvages this horribly broken Play Store. Heads have to roll ... seriously! I've read stories of better managers/ CEO's, project leads being fired for so little ... the folks who have done an outstanding job of tarnishing the Google brand and have been doing so seeing that this type of nonsense is not new with those familiar with the Play Store ... I am totally new to the Android verse coming from WP7.5, BB7, and Maemo ... this first impression of how Google runs this store is not what I always imagined of Google which I love and use from Email to Google+ ... I even enjoyed GWave, I put up with the Buzz mess up ... but Play is such a horrible brand tarnishing experience and Google needs to improve there retail program or get out of it and let the pro's at Amazon handle it.
This is a joke, I can't believe it Google has been running a psy-ops campaign over at the Play Store to ruin there hard fought branding of Engineered Excellence. I hate the Apple verse and the perception that they created whatever is the next best thing when rather they made a incremental improvement on the natural progression of a product life cycle ... but give credit where it is due they are a behemoth when it comes to the retail experience and the level of customer service ... night and day difference in these experiences Google, please rectify it. It makes it silly to have a building full of the brightest people who can't attempt to sell something online when you dominate on the Internet... it is a running joke this Play Store. Heads must roll!
wilsonlam97 said:
It deserves it's own thread.
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Agreed with the others - this letter has been discussed ad nauseam in at least 2 other very large threads, so much so that one person that started another thread has already (as of earlier this afternoon) started a Google Docs spreadsheet where they are analyzing data entered by volunteers from this forum so that graphs and statistical analyses can be made correlating purchase time to shipping confirmation as well as how this data pertains to the email notification you wrote about.
Mods, please close this thread.
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 PM ----------
ryan92084 said:
It really doesn't. Also the E-mail doesn't say what you seem to think it does. Within 3 weeks means any time from today up untill 3 weeks. I'm not overly optomistic about the time frame myself but the thread title is still misleading at best.
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Yes I had been reading about people's experiences with this backorder email for several hours already, since it was distributed around 3:00-4:00pm EST this afternoon, and then I see this thread title, and obviously I had to assume that someone had some NEW information, linking to a story at Engadget where perhaps they had confirmed that no additional units would be shipped for at least 3 weeks. But then I find, it was just a useless rehash of news and information the rest of us have been looking at and discussing for nearly 7 hours in other threads.
joeski27 said:
Agreed with the others - this letter has been discussed ad nauseam in at least 2 other very large threads, so much so that one person that started another thread has already (as of earlier this afternoon) started a Google Docs spreadsheet where they are analyzing data entered by volunteers from this forum so that graphs and statistical analyses can be made correlating purchase time to shipping confirmation as well as how this data pertains to the email notification you wrote about.
Mods, please close this thread.
---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:46 PM ----------
Yes I had been reading about people's experiences with this backorder email for several hours already, since it was distributed around 3:00-4:00pm EST this afternoon, and then I see this thread title, and obviously I had to assume that someone had some NEW information, linking to a story at Engadget where perhaps they had confirmed that no additional units would be shipped for at least 3 weeks. But then I find, it was just a useless rehash of news and information the rest of us have been looking at and discussing for nearly 7 hours in other threads.
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Yes but even backorders take "up to 3 weeks" (don't be optimistic). So people who haven't been able to order will obviously have to wait longer than that.
Get over it

this about sums it up for me

"Hey, Google! What the hell??!?! Honestly, I'm not upset that that the phone is in huge demand. I'm not upset that they sold out far faster than expected or that they just didn't have enough supply. That's great for Google, great for Android, and great for wireless in the US where carriers have a stranglehold on the market. I'm freaking thrilled, in fact, that the market is embracing a new model for buying phones and sticking it to the carriers who have been totally ubstructionist to updates and have, in many ways, crippled Android over and over on phone after phone.
I'm angry because this is bloody Google - You'd think they could figure out how to handle peak loads and ecommerce at least as well as Apple. Google locates their datacenters near hydroelectric dams for God's sake so that they can access enough power to keep the world searching, to process the 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and to crunch enough data to automatically give me directions to my various destinations as I hop into my car for an appointment.
And yet Google couldn't switch from "Ships in 3-5 days" in the Play Store to "Sold Out" several hours after their stock had been depleted. Google didn't know the difference between "Coming soon" and "Sold Out" and actually let people continue buying phones long after they had all been gobbled up.
Google didn't have the sense to limit numbers of purchases to one or two per household and the situation was exacerbated because the miserable excuse for a storefront that they call the Play Store was such a disaster at peak load that people were buying two or three phones accidentally.
Google has enough information from the nation's aggregated searches to track influenza outbreaks faster and more accurately than the CDC and yet they didn't anticipate demand for a $300 unlocked superphone running the latest version of Android. Gee, Google, do you think a few people might want one of those? They certainly knew I did based on the search and social data I happily and consensually share with them every day through my Google account.
Google can track the movement of illegal weapons worldwide better than our own government who should really be in a position to know about the weapons trade. And yet, when I sent an email today checking on the status of my order, just moments before I received that backorder email, the automated response cheerily told me that my phone should ship today and that I would have a UPS tracking number by tomorrow.
Why is this so damned hard for a company that is probably better than any other at processing data? Why, for a company that pioneered large-scale failover and redundancy and can shift literally petaflops of processing power among its various datacenters worldwide, could it not handle demand for a phone? Have you ever gotten an email from Apple saying, "Gosh, so sorry, we didn't think many of you would actually want a freaking iPhone so we didn't bother scaling our ecommerce systems or building a kajillion phones, so even though we told you that you got one, we were wrong so now you'll have to wait a while"? No, probably not.
Google finally discovers the secret sauce for Android and turning the wireless industry on its ears only to be derailed because its online store choked. Really? Seriously? Because Google didn't have the scalability or computing muscle to handle a spike on a few of their several hundred thousand servers? Because there weren't any Google engineers smart enough to figure out a better way to do ecommerce? Despite being able to auction millions of ads in real time? Really?
Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Google, if you're listening (and I know you are, since you already know virtually every move I make), please go buy a company that knows how to sell things on the Internet. There's one or two (or 100) that do it fairly well." Christopher Dawson ZDNet
AmesCell said:
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yes - hence I quoted him.
Its good that a writer from one of the tech sites finally wrote this - it feels like the others are letting Google off the hook.
Google made an excellent choice by hiring Matias Duarte to head up UI creation they urgently need to hire logistical experts.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
It's not even the demand that was the issue. If they knew they would have (say) 100 phones that would be ready to be shipped on Nov 15th. HOW is it possible for them to take more than a 100 orders?
It's really put a bad taste in my mouth for Google. It may be true, all they care about it the data they need from all of us. Everything else (experience, consistency, etc) comes second, at best.
---------- Post added at 05:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 PM ----------
Blackice-original said:
Its good that a writer from one of the tech sites finally wrote this - it feels like the others are letting Google off the hook.
Google made an excellent choice by hiring Matias Duarte to head up UI creation they urgently need to hire logistical experts.
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They should ask Tim Cook for recommendations. That man is a genius when it comes to this.
Google deserves bad publicity for their launch failure!
glenroebuck said:
"Hey, Google! What the hell??!?! Honestly, I'm not upset that that the phone is in huge demand. I'm not upset that they sold out far faster than expected or that they just didn't have enough supply. That's great for Google, great for Android, and great for wireless in the US where carriers have a stranglehold on the market. I'm freaking thrilled, in fact, that the market is embracing a new model for buying phones and sticking it to the carriers who have been totally ubstructionist to updates and have, in many ways, crippled Android over and over on phone after phone.
I'm angry because this is bloody Google - You'd think they could figure out how to handle peak loads and ecommerce at least as well as Apple. Google locates their datacenters near hydroelectric dams for God's sake so that they can access enough power to keep the world searching, to process the 72 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and to crunch enough data to automatically give me directions to my various destinations as I hop into my car for an appointment.
And yet Google couldn't switch from "Ships in 3-5 days" in the Play Store to "Sold Out" several hours after their stock had been depleted. Google didn't know the difference between "Coming soon" and "Sold Out" and actually let people continue buying phones long after they had all been gobbled up.
Google didn't have the sense to limit numbers of purchases to one or two per household and the situation was exacerbated because the miserable excuse for a storefront that they call the Play Store was such a disaster at peak load that people were buying two or three phones accidentally.
Google has enough information from the nation's aggregated searches to track influenza outbreaks faster and more accurately than the CDC and yet they didn't anticipate demand for a $300 unlocked superphone running the latest version of Android. Gee, Google, do you think a few people might want one of those? They certainly knew I did based on the search and social data I happily and consensually share with them every day through my Google account.
Google can track the movement of illegal weapons worldwide better than our own government who should really be in a position to know about the weapons trade. And yet, when I sent an email today checking on the status of my order, just moments before I received that backorder email, the automated response cheerily told me that my phone should ship today and that I would have a UPS tracking number by tomorrow.
Why is this so damned hard for a company that is probably better than any other at processing data? Why, for a company that pioneered large-scale failover and redundancy and can shift literally petaflops of processing power among its various datacenters worldwide, could it not handle demand for a phone? Have you ever gotten an email from Apple saying, "Gosh, so sorry, we didn't think many of you would actually want a freaking iPhone so we didn't bother scaling our ecommerce systems or building a kajillion phones, so even though we told you that you got one, we were wrong so now you'll have to wait a while"? No, probably not.
Google finally discovers the secret sauce for Android and turning the wireless industry on its ears only to be derailed because its online store choked. Really? Seriously? Because Google didn't have the scalability or computing muscle to handle a spike on a few of their several hundred thousand servers? Because there weren't any Google engineers smart enough to figure out a better way to do ecommerce? Despite being able to auction millions of ads in real time? Really?
Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. Google, if you're listening (and I know you are, since you already know virtually every move I make), please go buy a company that knows how to sell things on the Internet. There's one or two (or 100) that do it fairly well." Christopher Dawson ZDNet
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If the person who wrote this were on XDA, I would have made a thousand accounts just to Thank him as many times. I am bloody tired of the whole Play Store debacle. Not usually the one to whine and *****, but this is beyond words!
Only those who got no phone care. /small violin playing.
I clicked buy and it worked for me. But then again, even if I had missed getting one. Its a phone. I just would have waited for the next batch. Or maybe I would piss and moan about something so small, write a 5 paragraph statement on a Non Google Site and then burned down an orphanage. /Waaaaaaaa

Do you want to change my life?

Hello everyone,
my name is Henri and I want you to gift me five thousand three hundred and eighty-nine dollars.
5437$ or about 4800€. (Rates May 13,2015 GMT)
If you have not clicked away yet, let me explain:
I live in Berlin, Germany and I am 21 years old.
When I was about 16 years old I was moderate to severe depressed. Thought about killing myself, cried myself to sleep et cetera. I don't want to go into detail with this, because you have all heard those heartbreaking stories before.
Anyway, I got over it. I did not go into therapy. Instead I decided to fix the problems which depressed me. Those were mostly that I did not have a social life at all and had a good amount of social anxiety.
I wasn't able to ask an elderly woman for the time on the streets, started sweating when people I didn't know talked to me in school and so on.
And obviously, I didn't have any female contact besides my mother and sister.
In 2011 I had a breakdown and decided that I had to change or I would eventually kill myself in a weaker moment.
I went out to fix my social life and become happy. And I succeeded.
Long story short: I pushed myself into social interactions, pushed myself to talk to girls. On this journey I found awesome friends, two especially which could not be closer to me. One of them had the same goals as I, wanted to overcome all social borders there are.
I also met a lot of great girls, eventually other guys asked me for advice.
I was the happiest person I knew.
This is when I and and the friend mentioned above decided that we could actually teach other guys to get to where we are.
We are currently building a German website where we want to give advice for young guys on talking to girls, fitness, having great sex, fashion, hygiene, motivation, discipline, managing happy relationships and ironically living a happy life.
Ironically, because right now I am depressed as f**k again. This is because I don't have money, my parents don't have enough to support me. I got a job, but I literally started crying there because I felt so miserable. At home I feel miserable because I have no money. I am working in sales without base salary.
My expenses are about 600€ a month. In Germany, parents get some money for their „childs“ as long as they study, so I get close to 200€ a month from them. 400€ left.
My options right now are :
1) „Manning up“ and work and hope that therapy fixes this.
2) Getting student loans and go to university in a field with which I will be able to pay back the roughly 20.000€ in loans, just so that I do not have to work right now and can put my energy into the website.
3) Moving back into my parent's place on the other side of the country and everything on hold. They live in small village, so I won't be able to meet and advice people, talk to girls, network etc.
I would give up everything I built here.
Yesterday I decided to give another idea a shot. The idea you are reading right now.
I figured if I could get 4800 people to give me 1€ each, I could live one year without stress.
12 months times 400€ is 4800€.
I am convinced that my website and other projects will make enough money for me after this year.
If not, and this is a very small if, I will be where I am right now again, hopefully with more valuable lessons learned, happy and therefore able to work a normal job if I have to.
You see, I am basically asking you for time. I realize that 1$/1€ isn't much, but if you gave it to everyone you'd be dead broke. I do not know how I can convince you that I deserve this money more than anyone else, but I know that all I need right now is this money to handle this situation and put all my energy into the website and hopefully helping others.
I am asking you to gift me your next coffee, ice cream cone or burger.
If just 1% of the people reading this decides to help me out with one dollar, I have to show this to 543,700 people.
This is why I actually looked up the biggest online communities and I am posting this to every single one that can somehow relate to my situation or the subjects of our site. Some just seem to have cool people in them.
As you will see, there isn't any content up yet. We already have a lot but want to publish about ten good articles for the start. And yes, this is a working-title
If this post gets removed because it violated any specific rule I understand that and want you to know that it wasn't on purpose. I also tried to post into Off-Topic or similar.
If you have any questions, I will answer them as soon as I can.
Please don't give us advice on the design or that wordpress „is bad“. I appreciate it, but I want to answer questions about the content, our goals and whatnot instead of discussing webdesign. So far we have been working on content only.
The site as it stands is just a vehicle for the donate page, since sites like „fundme“ take 30cents per donation plus fees.
Again, all I am asking for is 1$ to solve all my problems for one year.
Thank you for your time.
Mod edit: Link removed
Perhaps you should be reading the forum rules before posting stuff like this, as you were clearly aware that those exist.
CoolApps said:
Perhaps you should be reading the forum rules before posting stuff like this, as you were clearly aware that those exist.
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While many of us, myself included, sympathize with your issue, this site is not the place for raising funds for yourself. This is against forum rules and is simply not allowed.
Thread closed.

