Uninstalling apps - Nook Color General

Courtesy of Zedley...
Junior Member Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 6
For those trying to uninstall stuff, a Q&D way of doing it:
adb shell ls /data/app ---- to get the full name of the apk
adb shell rm -r /data/app/#APPNAME
I'm not sure about dependencies and whatnot, but it got the app out of extras (after a reboot) and removed the apk off my device, which is all I care about at this point.

There are also some apps that let you uninstall. I am using FolderOrganizer. You can use Advanced Task Manager too and there are plenty of others.

giantsfan said:
Courtesy of Zedley...
Junior Member Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 6
For those trying to uninstall stuff, a Q&D way of doing it:
adb shell ls /data/app ---- to get the full name of the apk
adb shell rm -r /data/app/#APPNAME
I'm not sure about dependencies and whatnot, but it got the app out of extras (after a reboot) and removed the apk off my device, which is all I care about at this point.
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Is this functionally equivalent to "rm /mnt/app/<apk> -rf" command in the scp install method?

EDIT: NVM, got it


Uninstalling an APK via command prompt?

I found this website: http://www.androidkit.com/steps-to-install-and-uninstall-apk-file-on-android-g1-device
Section 3: Uninstalling the .apk file from the G1 device before installing the same .apk again.
1. In the G1 Phone, Go to Applications Menu ->Settings->Manage Applications.
2. Select the application which you want to Uninistall, and click on the ‘Uninstall’ button.
3. Follow steps 6 and 7 of Section 1.
Section 4: Uninstalling the .apk file (from the Device or Emulator) using adb shell.
There is an adb uninstall command which always shows Failure!!!
Using adb shell :
Important: The device has to be unplugged from USB if you are trying to uninstall from the emulator, else emulator should not be open and device needs to be plugged in the USB of the PC if you are trying to uninstall from the G1 Device. If either of them are not connected the adb shell command will not work
Go to the shell and making sure adb is in PATH:
Go to shell (from cmd->adb shell or directly through a terminal)
#cd data
#cd app
#cd ls
You will get a list of installed application with the complete package name of the package containing the main activity. e.g com.company.product.apk
#rm com.company.product.apk
#cd ls
You will not find the application – you just removed it!.
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So, when I type:
Cd Data
Cd App
Cd ls
in my command prompt I get:
cd: can't cd to ls
as a prompt feedback.
I found an .APK to enable my headphone adapter working ( see this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=575534 ) via this board ( see this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=511704 ), and if it doesn't work, I'm taking precautions on how to uninstall it.
Anyone know why it's doing this?
Thanks people.
Minifig said:
I found this website: http://www.androidkit.com/steps-to-install-and-uninstall-apk-file-on-android-g1-device
So, when I type:
Cd Data
Cd App
Cd ls
in my command prompt I get:
cd: can't cd to ls
as a prompt feedback.
I found an .APK to enable my headphone adapter working ( see this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=575534 ) via this board ( see this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=511704 ), and if it doesn't work, I'm taking precautions on how to uninstall it.
Anyone know why it's doing this?
Thanks people.
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the command should be "ls" not "cd ls"
also, if you know the package name you could use adb: adb uninstall <package_name>
and if you're just trying to install an app that you already have (such as updating the app) you could use adb and not have to uninstall first with: adb install -r app_name.apk
I'm just going to make sure before I even install this thing:
This is just a widget, so it won't replace anything in my phone..
If I can't find it on the shell command, I'll be able to uninstall it via the phone like the Date widget I have as well?

Google Maps 3.2.0 and New Youtube App

OK, for those on any cupcake or donut build, I've included instruction to get the new Maps 3.2.0 and the new YouTube app from Eclair (Android 2.0).
1. Download the zip file. View attachment 2.0_Apps.zip
2. Extract and place Maps.apk and YouTube.apk on the root of your SDCard
I'm using CyanogenMod 4.2.2 with CM-Recovery 1.4
In CM 4.2.2 the apps are found in /system/app ***while the phone is on and operation, if it's off or in recovery the symlink won't be active so please make sure your phone is completely booted. Don't do this from Recovery Console***
If you're using a different rom... go through your phone and locate Maps.apk and YouTube.apk update the links below accordingly
Windows users (with ADB working)
1. Open a CMD (command promt window)
- adb remount
- adb shell
- rm /system/app/Maps.apk
- rm /system/app/YouTube.apk
- cd /sdcard
- cp Maps.apk /system/app
- cp YouTube.apk /system/app
Phone Users:
1. Open a Terminal Window:
2. Type the following:
- su
- mount /system -o remount,rw
- rm /system/app/Maps.apk
- rm /system/app/YouTube.apk
- cd /sdcard
- cp Maps.apk /system/app
- cp YouTube.apk /system/app
You don't need to reboot... Apps will show up immediately in your menu. (You'll need to put them back on your Home Screen if you had them there though)
You're done... enjoy!
Is this the new maps with turn by turn?
You might want to change from
rm /system/app/Maps.apk
rm /system/app/Youtube.apk
mv /system/app/Maps.apk /sdcard/Maps.apk.old
mv /system/app/Youtube.apk /sdcard/Youtube.apk.old
the youtube app isn't all that stable and it never hurts to keep a backup, also I believe you need to remove any .obex files for maps and youtube to avoid problems although I didn't see any under CM 4.2.2
edit: I also believe these don't work on 1.5 might be worth pointing out in the OP
persiansown said:
Is this the new maps with turn by turn?
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No just the one from the sholes dump, its faster to load and has layers for wikipedia, latitude and things like that
edit: more info here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=574329
will this in a Hero rom? thanks!
Moved to apps location
might have to give this a shot
Totally doesn't work for me:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\DamianV>adb remount
remount succeeded
C:\Users\>adb shell
# rm /system/app/maps.apk
rm /system/app/maps.apk
rm failed for /system/app/maps.apk, No such file or directory
# rm /system/app_s/Maps.apk
rm /system/app_s/Maps.apk
rm failed for /system/app_s/Maps.apk, No such file or directory
# cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp: cannot stat 'Maps.apk': No such file or directory
# cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp: cannot stat 'Maps.apk': No such file or directory
I tried a few different variations.
remember to remount first and make sure you have the correct directories.
some roms uses system/app, some roms uses data/app_s
NguyenHuu said:
remember to remount first
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Yeah I did do that...odd
do u have the origional file.. i made a booboo and didnt back up. forgot to backup origional file.
can u use a file explorer and browse and double check which directories the files are actually in? i see you tried both system/app and app_s. and i see you have lowercase for maps.apk. it could be uppercase, case sensitive.
for example your first cmd #rm /system/app/maps.apk, it should be Maps.apk
also for the copying part you need to do adb push, dont do it from shell. if you do from shell it would have to be from sdcard to that directory. i noticed in your log you didnt change directory to sdcard.
IronCross1788 said:
do u have the origional file.. i made a booboo and didnt back up. forgot to backup origional file.
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Hahah yeah I made the same mistake--was getting 'Cross-Linked' errors so I said ehh fudge it and just wiped the original out. After that I was able to get the new Maps.apk loaded up though and DAMN, definitely an improvement
I thought these apps wouldnt work on anything below android 1.6?
If you're having trouble finding the app and want to check the directory you're in you can use ls (that's LS) to list the contents of the current directory. ROMs store things in different places so if you haven't already try....
adb remount
adb shell
cd /data/
At that point see if you have app, app_s, app-private etc then if you do you can ....
cd app or app_s etc
Then do..
ls Maps.apk (this is case-sensitive)
If you get nothing do
cd ..
That'll take you back one directory, so if you're in /data/app it'll put you in /data
With those few commands you can probably find it. I don't use Linux enough to know what if there's a 'find' command available in console. The other option that might be quicker would be to find the .zip of the ROM you're using, create a new folder for it, move the .zip file to the new folder and then extract it there. That way you can browse through directories more easily or use Windows / OS X / Linux search functions to find Maps.apk
Dyonas said:
If you're having trouble finding the app and want to check the directory you're in you can use ls (that's LS) to list the contents of the current directory. ROMs store things in different places so if you haven't already try....
adb remount
adb shell
cd /data/
At that point see if you have app, app_s, app-private etc then if you do you can ....
cd app or app_s etc
Then do..
ls Maps.apk (this is case-sensitive)
If you get nothing do
cd ..
That'll take you back one directory, so if you're in /data/app it'll put you in /data
With those few commands you can probably find it. I don't use Linux enough to know what if there's a 'find' command available in console. The other option that might be quicker would be to find the .zip of the ROM you're using, create a new folder for it, move the .zip file to the new folder and then extract it there. That way you can browse through directories more easily or use Windows / OS X / Linux search functions to find Maps.apk
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Sound advise, one last thing for anyone who didn't know the remount command is
mount -o rw,remount /system (assuming your apps are in /system/app)
so full instructions for a CyanogenMod install from the sd card would be as follows
- su
- mount -o rw,remount /system
- cd /sdcard
- mv /system/app/Maps.apk /sdcard/Maps.apk.old
- mv /system/app/YouTube.apk /sdcard/Youtube.apk.old
- cp Maps.apk /system/app
- cp YouTube.apk /system/app
To revert back to old apps if you decide you don't like the new ones
- su
- mount -o rw,remount /system
- cd /sdcard
- cp Maps.apk.old /system/app/Maps.apk
- cp Youtube.apk.old /system/app/Youtube.apk
Breakthecycle2 said:
Totally doesn't work for me:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\DamianV>adb remount
remount succeeded
C:\Users\>adb shell
# rm /system/app/maps.apk
rm /system/app/maps.apk
rm failed for /system/app/maps.apk, No such file or directory
# rm /system/app_s/Maps.apk
rm /system/app_s/Maps.apk
rm failed for /system/app_s/Maps.apk, No such file or directory
# cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp: cannot stat 'Maps.apk': No such file or directory
# cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp Maps.apk /system/app
cp: cannot stat 'Maps.apk': No such file or directory
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If you have a2sd, try mapping to /system/sd/app or /system/sd/app_s
Make sure you remount before doing so.
hey guys!
for those who are having problems...
I just put the apk files in my sdcard and then upgraded it using ASTRO.. it worked fine!
yeah well every1 is doing this mad confusing lmfao i just installed with appsinstaller and it worked like a charm lol why is everything always confusing

[How-TO] Manually Install Busybox on the ARC/Play/Neo

hey guys since "one-click" rooting is now available i though i might post a few instructions on how to install busybox on the ARC/Play/Neo devices...
download the attached file... it contains busybox v1.17.2 & adb files & will install busybox to /system/xbin/
extract the package in some temporary folder
[ Step 0 ] Root ur device
Root ur device using GingerBreak app
[ Step 1 ] Verify that ur device is rooted
browse to the "files" folder where u extracted package and launch the command prompt in the folder (holding down SHIFT key on keyboard right click and select "Open command window here")
keep the device screen unlocked (also might help to keep screen timeout to >5 mins so that u dont miss the superuser prompts)
now execute the following command in the command prompt
adb shell "su"
a popup/prompt will come on ur device asking for Superuser permissions... click allow...
if u get permissions denied that means either u did not allow Superuser prompt OR the device was not rooted
[ Step 2 ] Install busybox
in the same command window (from Step 1) execute the following:
popup/prompt will come multiple times on ur device asking for Superuser permissions... click allow...
if u get any error or "permission denied" in any of the steps check part {B}
{B} (only if the Step 2 A fails)
<if any popup/prompt comes on ur device asking for Superuser permissions... click allow...>
in the same command window (from Step 1) execute the following:
(this will copy busybox to /data/local/tmp/)
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp/.
(launch adb shell)
adb shell
(the following commands are to be input in the adb shell itself)
(remounting system as rw)
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 `mount | /data/local/tmp/busybox grep /system | /data/local/tmp/busybox awk '{print $1}'` /system
(copying busybox to /system/xbin/)
dd if=/data/local/tmp/busybox of=/system/xbin/busybox
(verifying ownership)
chown root.root /system/xbin/busybox
(verifying permissions)
chmod 04755 /system/xbin/busybox
(installing busybox in /system/xbin/)
/system/xbin/busybox --install -s /system/xbin
(removing temporary files)
rm -r /data/local/tmp/busybox
[ Step 3 ] Verify busybox installation
in the same command window (from Step 1) execute the following:
which busybox
this should return
ls -l /system/xbin/
this should return a LOT of files lists (which are basically symlinks to /system/xbin/busybox)
if u see only one file (dexdump) then installation was not successful
Search for "Busybox Installer" in the market, I think it's as simple as that
Here's the link https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jrummy.busybox.installer
itskapil said:
Search for "Busybox Installer" in the market, I think it's as simple as that
Here's the link https://market.android.com/details?id=com.jrummy.busybox.installer
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Busybox Installer sometimes installs in /system/bin and messes up toolbox symlinks... also its option to install in /system/xbin doesnt always work...
it works for my ARC, without busybox, Titium backup not working, after install busybox from market, it T backup works.
keijames said:
it works for my ARC, with busybox, Titium backup not working, after install busybox from market, it T backup works.
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did u try the manual way i posted in 1st post of this thread?
cause i tested this yesterday night on my Arc and TB, Root Explorer, SetCPU, ScreenShot, AbsoluteSystem, all work with the manual way i posted here in OP (1st post of this thread)...
It is much simpler to use the busybox installer, it works and takes much less time
All I did is root my phone installed titanium and installed busybox through titanium and everything works perfect for me no problems watsoever
Sent from my LT15i using XDA Premium App
i would agree with installing from the market its much more easier and hasssle free! i could not gain acesss to titanium backup, but after i installed bb from market, everything works fine
SiRIus[X] said:
i would agree with installing from the market its much more easier and hasssle free! i could not gain acesss to titanium backup, but after i installed bb from market, everything works fine
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+1, the market one is as good as you can get...
Sent from my arc using tapatalk
PollPixx said:
+1, the market one is as good as you can get...
To TS, thanks for your time and input! Its not flaming you, but the job can be done much easier
Sent from my arc using tapatalk
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Sent from my arc using tapatalk
can any body upload the 1.19 version for us on mediafire
I just downloaded titanium back up, clicked on Problems? Which then installed busybox
Sent from my LT15i using XDA App
Awesome guide.
Instead of ADB, you can do it all in terminal emulator.
Regarding market installers, they usually work fine.
But some people experience bugs with them or have limited version's to choose from.
So this is a sure fire way to get what you want installed without hassles.
mount not prmited
it say mount not permitted on my sony xperia t3 please help me. been looking for years to install busybox on my phone.

[GT-P3XXX] busybox + install-script [+cyanogen edition][2012-08-15]

Hi folks,
here's an easy-to-install busybox for your Galaxy Tab 2. NOW with Cyanogen Mod support.
BusyBox 1.21.0-git Nano1 (2012-07-28): initial release
BusyBox 1.21.0-git Nano2 (2012-07-29): applied various patches:
BUGFIX: flush all open files after listing them (ls)
BUGFIX: when setting hostname from file p**** whole name
COMPAT: ps now accepts (= ignores) all options a POSIX ps should
allow passing -mthumb to make
ash applet now exports HOME
silently ignore processes from inittab with terminal names without matching device file
default behaviour of 'showkey' applet changed from displaying interpreted keycode to decimals
do not show a message when testing an uninitialized variable
changed some terms in top applet output (rss vs. vsz)
BusyBox 1.21.0-git Nano3 (2012-08-05): major fix
NEW: rfkill applet¹
several minor modifications to applet
BUGFIX fixed a bug in busyinstall that left system without 'sh' upon uninstall²
provide busybox-patches to the world
BusyBox 1.21.0-git Nano4 (2012-08-15): minor fix / cm 10 edition
updated to latest git (some bugfixes)
BUGFIX: reading profile now works
BUGFIX: adjusted shell paths
BUGFIX: history now works
BUGFIX: no longer replace reboot on stock rom³
NEW: Cyanogen Mod edition (tested on cm10)
¹ Either redo 'busyinstall install', or do 'ln -sf /system/bin/busybox /system/bin/rfkill'
² You can find the original sh in you CWM backup, or here: http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/original-sh
If you didn't get /system/bin/sh.orig after 'busyinstall install', use this file as /system/bin/sh.orig
³ push new busyinstall into tablet to ensure future install/uninstall is fine. then do 'mv /system/bin/reboot.orig /system/bin/reboot'
from within 'adb shell' as root to get original reboot back.
* root access on your Tablet
busybox (normal): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/busybox-nano4
busybox (debug): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/busybox_unstripped-nano4
busyinstall (installer/stock): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/busyinstall
busyinstall (installer/cm10): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/busyinstall-cm
profile (optional): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/P3110/profile¹
busybox (patches): http://www.nanolx.org/downloads/index.php?dir=P3110/busybox-patches/
¹ profile is a generic file, read on each startup of busybox. Mine sets HOME to /,
and puts /system/xbin/ in front of /system/bin/ in PATH. You can also adjust the
prompt (PS1) or whatever here, it's valid for all users. You could check for
'$(id -u) == 0' to adjust prompt for root, if not 0, for ordinary user.
Ordinary user should get 'busybox (normal)', rather than 'busybox (debug)'.
Putting busybox on internal sd-storage:
adb push busybox /mnt/extSdCard/
adb push busyinstall /mnt/extSdCard/
replace "extSdCard" if you saved busybox somewhere else
adb shell
chmod 0777 /mnt/extSdCard/busybox
chmod 0777 /mnt/extSdCard/busyinstall
/mnt/extSdCard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
/mnt/extSdCard/busybox mv -f /mnt/extSdCard/busybox /system/bin/
/system/bin/busybox mv -f /mnt/extSdCard/busyinstall /system/bin
busyinstall install
Putting busybox on device:
in Settings > Development > set 'root access' to 'apps + adb'
adb root
adb shell
busybox mount -o rw,remount /system
adb push busybox /system/xbin/busybox.nano
adb push busyinstall /system/bin/busyinstall
adb push profile /system/etc/profile # optional, if downloaded profile
adb shell
chmod 0777 /system/bin/busyinstall
busyinstall install
Just download busybox, busyinstall and replace the ones in /system/bin/ - it will instantly work:
adb push busybox /system/bin/
adb push busyinstall /system/bin/
adb shell
toolbox chmod 0777 /system/bin/busybox # if you use windows, the executable bit might be missing in the uploaded file
chmod 0777 /system/bin/busyinstall
ab shell
busyinstall --
That's it!
I tested everything and it does work perfect, either way a backup (CWM) is always recommened, when working around with stuff down the stack.
Suggestions welcome.
Out of curiosity, what is the difference between what this does and what BusyBox (by Stericson) from the Play Store does?
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
Jleeblanch said:
Out of curiosity, what is the difference between what this does and what BusyBox (by Stericson) from the Play Store does?
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
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mine is a newer version
has all features of busybox (stericsons free version does not have all applets in busybox enabled, eg. 'sh' applet is missing)
installation 100% GT-P3XXX optimized
As of now, mostly personal preference I'd say.
Edit: But I'm currently applying stuff from busybox-power (maemo) which adds serveral bugfixes and stuff to busybox.
OK, improved version of busybox available in post 1 (+ changelog)
OK, thanks for letting me know!
I actually haven't done much with my Tablet lately as I've been busy with my phone as that now has CM10 too
But once I get my phone all set I'll use your BusyBox and give it a go!
Also, you said your busybox version is newer...but busybox via my phone is version 1.20.2. Just letting you know!
Thanks for this btw, I'd rather have a modified version optimized for my tablet versus a more universal version so to speak. Plus, with your updated applets! Thanks!
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
Jleeblanch said:
Also, you said your busybox version is newer...but busybox via my phone is version 1.20.2. Just letting you know!
Sent from my MB855 using Tapatalk 2
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Oh, ... mine is 1.21.0-git - fixed the typo
First,thank you for your work,second I've a question: I've an p3100 (wifi+gsm) ,it rooted on stock 4.0.4 ,and no busybox installed.It has 16gb onboard ,and I don't have at the moment any external microsd in slot,I've ordered an 32gb,but it hasn't come yet.Can you please tell me if it's safe puting your files in /sdcad (not ExtSdCard like you wrote) and give the commands using ''sdcard'' word ?
For e.g:
db shell
/mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
I need busybox to backup my /efs folder ,but I don't want to screw something,so please tell me if it is safe to use internal memory (sdcard) for busybox install?Also ,when I'll receive the microsd ,I will need to install again busybox with your original commands from this topic ?
Thanks a lot!!
Best Regards!
viasat said:
First,thank you for your work,second I've a question: I've an p3100 (wifi+gsm) ,it rooted on stock 4.0.4 ,and no busybox installed.It has 16gb onboard ,and I don't have at the moment any external microsd in slot,I've ordered an 32gb,but it hasn't come yet.Can you please tell me if it's safe puting your files in /sdcad (not ExtSdCard like you wrote) and give the commands using ''sdcard'' word ?
For e.g:
db shell
/mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
I need busybox to backup my /efs folder ,but I don't want to screw something,so please tell me if it is safe to use internal memory (sdcard) for busybox install?Also ,when I'll receive the microsd ,I will need to install again busybox with your original commands from this topic ?
Thanks a lot!!
Best Regards!
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Of course you can. It does not matter where you put busybox. All that matters is, that you adjust the commands to your path.
In your you would push the files using ADB, like
adb push busybox /mnt/sdcard
adb push busyinstall /mnt/sdcard
also you don't need to re-do this when you got your sd-card, because during the steps you move busybox/busyinstall into /system/bin/.
Edit: updated instructions to clarify this.
Ok,thank you for your time,everything it's clear now.I'll try later,when I'm going home.
---------- Post added at 07:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------
OK,first problem:when I try to execute the first comand,it gives me ''permission denied'',so after a little reading,because my kernel it's stock,I've installed Chainfire's ''adbd Insecure v1.0 '' http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1687590 to give me rights.After that I've no more errors,but,when I execute first command in adb,it says nothing,just hanging,and adb doesn't come back to # symbol ,and because of that I can't execute the next command.Any ideea what I'm doing wrong?Thanks!
What command failed?
Gesendet von meinem GT-P3110 mit Tapatalk 2
I don't know how to explain,it not really failed, but when I type
/mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system the adb doesn't return anything back,and doesn't come back to # symbol ,it just staying,nothing more,no response.I was waiting 2 minutes,and nothing ,doesn't return to # .I can type the next command
/mnt/sdcard/busybox mv /mnt/sdcard/busybox /mnt/sdcard/busyinstall /system/bin/
it's the same,no output,nothing.
Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks again!
Now I'm stuck,even with adbd insecure activate I cannot execute commands:
C:\Documents and Settings\X\Desktop\ADB>adb shell
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
[email protected]:/ # /mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
/mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
/system/bin/sh: /mnt/sdcard/busybox: cannot execute - Permission denied
126|[email protected]:/ # /mnt/sdcard/busybox mv /mnt/sdcard/busybox /mnt/sdcard/busy
install /system/bin/
dcard/busybox /mnt/sdcard/busyinstall /system/bin/ <
/system/bin/sh: /mnt/sdcard/busybox: cannot execute - Permission denied
126|[email protected]:/ #
Maybe I need first to install Stericsson's busybox from Market?At the moment,as I said before I don't have busybox installed at all,only su.
One more thing,every time when I save from your link busyinstall,no matter what browser,the file is saved as busyinstall.txt
It is normal ,or I need to rename it?
Thanks a lot!
Hmm... seems I forgot a little thing.
do this after you put busybox on tablet, before anything else:
adb shell
chmod 0777 /mnt/sdcard/busybox
then follow the rest of the instructions.
Same story,take a look:
[email protected]:/ # chmod 0777 /mnt/sdcard/busybox
chmod 0777 /mnt/sdcard/busybox
[email protected]:/ # chmod 0777 /mnt/sdcard/busyinstall
chmod 0777 /mnt/sdcard/busyinstall
[email protected]:/ # /mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
/mnt/sdcard/busybox remount -o rw,remount /system
/system/bin/sh: /mnt/sdcard/busybox: cannot execute - Permission denied
126|[email protected]:/ #
Hmmm... > could you provide me the details of 'adb logcat'? Ensure to run those commands while logging.
Gesendet von meinem GT-P3110 mit Tapatalk 2
I don't know if this is what you want,but here we go:
I'm going to check your logs soon and report back.
Meanwhile I updated to Nano3 - see first post.
I got no clue why it does not work for you, but me.
What boot image and ROM are you using? Default boot/ROM, rooted boot/ROM, cyanogen?
I only tested default ROM with my boot. Currently testing cyanogenmod 10, but except some adjustments to busyinstall it will work there, too.
Sorry for the late reply,I'm on vacation until Sunday,and my acces to internet it's very limited here.Now,regarding my problem,first when I got the tablet it was on stock 4.0.3 ,wich I rooted manually to keep the counter to 0 (for warranity) ,and after that I updated to stock 4.0.4 using Mobile Odin Pro,with Everoot option ( it's rooting the rom on the fly) .So now I'm rooted on stock 4.0.4 ,stock recovery, and no busybox installed.I fell more secure and want to install your busybox version,because it's specialy designed for tab2,and it's has features from Maemo (I'm a big fan,I owned an N800,and I've also an N900 ).Maybe,if you have the time and the skills,you can pack it on an .apk version,if it's possible,of course.I will try more Sunday,when I'll be back home.Thanks again for your patience and help.Best Regards!
It will be great if we have a kernel (even stock) with CWM and this busybox...
I am also rooted with flash counter 0 and stock recovery.
Sent from my GT-P3110 using Tapatalk 2
Maybe some contributor creates a flashable zip (for CWM).
So... uploaded 1.20.1-Nano4. See first post for changes.
This time an addtional install-script for cyanogen mod was added, along some fixes.
ah... and: 100th post

[guide]rooting lg leon!

This has been tested with the LG LEON V10c-EUR-XX
This procedure removes Kingroot , installs superSU ,root binaries and busybox on your system.
Rootable Versions: V10a , V10b , V10c , V10g
Non-root Versions: , V10e
I'm not sure yet about V10d , in some people is working and some not. I think if you use latest kingroot version will work.
Non tested: V10f
If you want to downgrade follow this GUIDE!
Make sure your PC can communicate with our LG Leon via adb.
Driver Pack for LG Leon ( Link can be found on #2 Post!)
The success of this method depends on following the procedure very carefully. So read the instructions and make sure you understand every step before you try it.
1- Install and run Kingroot 4.0. You can google and download it or you can use the one in the attached zip file. When Kingroot runs it is all in Chinese, but basically you need to be connected to the internet for it to work. It will do its thing and show progress up to 100% after which you can exit the program. Now your phone is rooted. The following steps replaces the Kinguser with SuperSU.
2- Unzip the attached file in your adb directory and then open an adb terminal and make sure the PC can see your phone (you can check that by typing adb devices). Then type the following:
adb push su /data/local/tmp
adb push busybox /data/local/tmp
adb shell
3- In the shell that you get type the following and make sure you give the permission when the phone prompts you:
4- Continue by typing the following commands:
mount -o remount,rw /system
cat /data/local/tmp/su >/system/xbin/daemonsu && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/daemonsu
cat /data/local/tmp/busybox >/system/xbin/busybox && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/busybox
daemonsu -d &
The key is to keep this session running while you continue with the rest, so be careful with typos and monitor this window for any errors.
5- At this point, leave the adb terminal window running and go to your phone, open the Kinguser app, open settings (the wheel at the top right corner of the screen), Root authorization setting, and Remove Root permission. The app will self-uninstall.
6- Uninstall the other two Kingroot programs that are still on your phone (KingRoot and the other one with the blue icon and Chinese text under it).
7- Back to the adb terminal, and type the following:
cat /data/local/tmp/su >/system/xbin/su && chmod 0755 /system/xbin/su
busybox chattr -ia /system/xbin/ku.sud
busybox chattr -ia /system/xbin/supolicy
rm /system/xbin/ku.sud
rm /system/xbin/supolicy
rm /system/bin/rt.sh
rm /system/bin/install-recovery.sh
rm /system/bin/shipclean
rm /system/bin/start-ssh
busybox chattr -ia /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
busybox chattr -ia /system/etc/install-recovery.sh-ku.bak
rm /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
rm /system/etc/install-recovery.sh-ku.bak
rm /system/etc/install_recovery.sh
rm /system/usr/icu/icusuflag.conf
busybox chattr -ia /system/usr/iku/isu
rm -rf /system/usr/iku
rm /system/kroot_*
rm /sdcard/kr-stock-conf
rm -rf /sdcard/Kingroot
rm -rf /data/data-lib/com.kingroot.RushRoot
rm -rf /data/data-lib/com.kingroot.kinguser
rm -rf /data/data-lib/king
Again, leave the adb terminal window running and go to your phone.
8- Install superSU (from the attached file) on your phone, run it, and let it update the SU binary.
9- Reboot the phone. After about 5 minutes your root is ready.
Downloads + Troubleshooting stuff will be in the 2nd post!
Troubleshooting & Downloading
1- Most of the problems that I noticed people have encountered is due to not reading the instructions fully. So make sure you read the OP word by word.
2- If you miss a step or mess up something go back to installing Kingroot and start over from the beginning.
3- Finally, I noticed that with an AT&T sim card in the phone Kingroot fails (why am I not surprised?) Either a reboot occurs in the middle of rooting or it completes the cycle without accomplishing root. If that occurs, my best advice is to change your phone company. If that fails, you may need to factory reset your phone or even install the firmware from scratch and try again without the sim card.
Mega (Complete pack)
Please do not mirror my links ,I'm counting em!
Hit the thanks button if i help you If you have a question feel free to post it. If you want to say "thank you" you can press the button , isn't worth to reply it
EDIT: If someone test it in another device or V10b etc.. , leave a feedback at comments so i could add it!
Two questions:
1: Are you terryg4 from androidforums? http://androidforums.com/threads/root-rooting-lg-leon-v10c-eur-xx-change-kingroot.946345/
2: Which kingroot 4.0 you talking about? Any minor version?
Plus, here is a fail from v10c..
Please don't copy-paste non-working solutions.
xfce4 said:
Two questions:
1: Are you terryg4 from androidforums? http://androidforums.com/threads/root-rooting-lg-leon-v10c-eur-xx-change-kingroot.946345/
2: Which kingroot 4.0 you talking about? Any minor version?
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Two answers
1. Yes i'm that guy at androidforums
2. if link is broken i will replace it! I use this version of kingroot and it works for me! Read instructions again!
xfce4 said:
Plus, here is a fail from v10c..
Please don't copy-paste non-working solutions.
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Click to collapse
It's impossible! Send me pics of your android firmware! Maybe you have to downgrade
bkpaokfc said:
It's impossible! Send me pics of your android firmware! Maybe you have to downgrade
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Here you go then..
Also using your exact version gave me the same response, only Chinese this time.
xfce4 said:
Also using your exact version gave me the same response, only Chinese this time.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I don't know nothing about your version. It should work but still don't know why. Anyway if your country have more Firmwares try downgrading.
If still doesn't work use this http://forum.xda-developers.com/lg-g3/general/guide-root-method-lg-devices-t3129197 maybe it will solve your problem.

