Gingerbread Keyboard fixes enter key issues - G Tablet Themes and Apps

In landscape mode the TNT western keyboard's done key failed to work as the enter key specifically in connectbot (a ssh client from google labs) switching to the new gingerbread keyboard fixes this issue. The done key now works as the enter key in landscape mode.


Keyboard keys mapping issue

After successfully installing the eOS.4.888.FiRe ROM, I noticed that while my keyboard works, the "!" and "@" above the "Q" and "W" aren't mapping correctly. So pressing "Q" or "W" correctly displays the keys. But pressing "Fn + Q" displays a "@" when I would expect a "!". And pressing "Fn + W" displays the "!" when I would expect a "@". This is just a minor issue, but is there a fix for this?
search for tilt keyboard fix. Install the cab. This is a very well known issue.

[Q] Mapping a "Back/Home/Option/Search" key on a Bluetooth Keyboard

I have a Bluetooth Keyboard and I was wondering if there is a way to map a key on that keyboard to function as the four soft keys (Back/Options/Home/Search).
The keyboard works fine but having to go back to press "Back" etc kinda defeats the purpose.
I'd like to do this too, did you find anything out Jon?

[Q] Japanese IME / Keyboard Issues with Rooted NC

Has anyone else had troubles installing a foreign language keyboard on the NC? Here are my symptoms:
- I am able to install them just fine
- In NookColorTools I am able to see and change to the new keyboard
- When I enter a text field the keyboard pops up fine.
+ BUT When I click to type the Keyboard simply minimizes / disappears
I have tried about every app out there and there is no inherent one. Almost all have the same issue with disappearing. Here is a Summary:
Simeji (the one I want working most) : Any function key, space, enter causes keyboard to minimize
OpenWnn plus : minimizes on any button push
OpenWnn : minimizes on any button push
Simeji classic : minimizes again.
MultiLing Gingerbread Keyboard Buttons work, but holding in letters (for more letters) shows no values in the popup
Very Easy Japanese Keyboard: WORKS... But the input interface is not very easy (ironic)
Google Pinyin IME WORKS completely... BUT its Chinese not Japanese :X
Now I have a million keyboards (probably missing one or two) which I can't uninstall because there doesn't seem to be a way.. and none of them work. Any ideas?

[Q] bluetooth/USB AZERTY keyboard mapping

Hi there,
I have a rooted G.N., ROM=KKA, Android 2.3.6
I can connect a bluetooth AZERTY Keyboard/mouse to the G.N., it works, but as a QWERTY one.
Using some tweaking application like "Upsoft Keyboard", I can switch it to an AZERTY one, but uncomplete : missing Function keys, accents and so on.
After some googling, I found the stuff to build my own keyboard file (.kl and .kcm.bin).
The process involves editing a key character map file (i.e xxxx.kcm), then compiling it to get a 'xxxx.kcm.bin'
Each line of the kcm file is identified by a 'keyname' and describes what will be returned for each hit on that key, depending on the modifiers (alt, altgr, shift, ctrl, or nothing)
The problem is :
1) the kcm file's format is old ( < android v3), and will stay as is until ICS being released for G.N.
2) the old format compiler has a very poor and restricted set of keynames : Function keys (F1, F2, ...), and Numeric pad keys are omitted.
The problem should be the same for USB keyboards.
Any guru having tweaked a kcm compiler (linux kcm, or W$ kcm.exe) including those keys ?

Missing keys on Tab S5e Keyboard Cover

Regarding the UK version of this keyboard, I can't seem to figure out how to input '~' or '#' symbols with the key that displays '~', '#', '|', '\'.
Anyone figured this out?
'Pg up', 'Pg down', 'Home' and 'End' can be emulated by holding 'ALT' and pressing the directions but only sometimes.
e.g. 'ALT' + Left arrow will execute the back action in Chrome browser.
Same for 'Esc' when holding 'ALT' and pressing the top left button. This does not seem to be just the escape function when using VIM in a terminal.
This is quite frustrating because I purchased this setup to do server work and I use these keys quite often.
I don't know how to help you, but can't you install the KeyMapper app to set key combinations for the missing keys?

