CurrentWidget to ensure fully charged battery - Desire HD Themes and Apps

So most people should have heard about currentwidget by now, most people talk about it and use it to see what battery drain occurs during standby mode or airplane mode.
Now I'm sure most know this but incase you didn't, currentwidget helps to ensure your battery is fully charged as well. This is good for people that complain about their battery dropping quickly after a full charge.
You can use currentwidget to monitor your charge, when the battery says its 100% and led is green, currentwidget still shows power going to the battery in form of "ma". I noticed my battery said it was charged and eventho at 100%, currentwidget still showed "ma" is being delivered to the battery . After two hours only it showed 0ma, now I'm sure that means that eventho my phone said its charged, it wasn't fully charged until 0ma were displayed in currentwidget. Since I noticed that, I've been charging my battery "fully" and did notice my battery stayed much longer in the 90-100% aisle when being unplugged.
So if you feel ur battery drops too quickly from a full charge, use this widget to help monitor your charge.

yep, tnx for the tip, im useing clarus battery and its do the same - and i like the widigt so...

the current widget always shows some value of mA . how do we know when the battery is really full ?

Well with me after 1hour at 100%, it shows 0ma. That's when I know the battery is completely full and reached its maximum capacity.

I don't think waiting for the battery to get to the 0mA level is good for the battery performance. Usually the green LED comes on when the widget shows 50mA.
A high-charge concentration for a long time in a Li-Ion battery is bad for the battery. Thats why mobile phones have a little buffer to stop the entire capacity to be full, and try to lose the first part of the full charge as fast as possible.

Since i use some RC Helicopter with li-po/li-ion that both have the same way to produce energy, I have learned how to use this kind of battery and how to ensure a good battery life/durability.
There is no reason to worry about the battery if you follow those few recommendation (given by a battery producer):
-Your battery has to be charged with a current of 1C max (1C mean 1230mA for a 1230mAh capacity).
-Your battery voltage must not be over 4250mV. If you go over, you may damage the battery and risk random explosion/fire. In normal use, it's better to not go over 4200mV.
If you charge the battery with your phone, you will never be able to go over 4200mV because the charge stop automatically before.
-Your battery must not be under 3300mV. Same risk as above. In normal use, it is better to not go under 3450-3500mV to ensure a good battery durability (numbers of cycle charge/decharge). I think the phone show 0% at near of 3450mV, but never check this cause i never wait my phone to be as close to the death.
-Your battery has to be drain at a current of 10C max, i.e for desire HD , 12.30A (1230mAh x 10).
impossible to reach that current with your smartphone so no worries about burning your cpu with heavy bench.
Whatever you do respecting this will not be harmful for your battery.


first 25% of battery drops fast?

Ok so this is what i noticed has been happening with my phone...
I wake up in the morning and i unplug my phone from charger at 100% battery life...
after about 1-2 hours of no use (outside of occasional check of time) and no programs running i notice that 25% of life has diminished...
i have turned 3g off and done most of the kaiser tweak settings that help with battery life. for the rest of teh day i can use the phone and battery life runs normally but it seems the first 25 to 30% drops real fast without use
is everyone experiencing this? is it normal?
The problem lies in your first sentence. "I wake up in the morning and unplug my battery." You are charging your battery too much thus killing it's battery life. I only charge my phone in the day while I'm at work. That way I can unhook it when it's fully charge. I would go on ebay and type in OEM battery Kaiser. You can pick one up for 15-30 dollars new.
From what I understand. Leaving your battery in the charger when it is fully charged should not damage the battery as long as its not there for an excessive amount of time but i might be wrong. Either way i have no way of charging the phone during the day as im on the go most of the time so this would mean even if i get a new battery it wont matter because it wile eventually do the same as i have only used this phone for about 3 or 4 months now. any other possibilities or solutions?
or should i just take it as it is and just buy a new battery maybe a bigger seido?
I thought Lithium ion batteries have overcharge protection. I charge mine overnight which I am sure a lot of others do also with no negative effects.
netboy said:
I thought Lithium ion batteries have overcharge protection. I charge mine overnight which I am sure a lot of others do also with no negative effects.
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I do... Maybe I shouldn't?
I would hope it has Overcharge Protection!!!
With NiCad Batteries if you overcharged them you would kill the life of the batteries.
And while all batteries do this LiIon are least tolerant. If you overcharge a LiIon battery, that is without Overcharge protection, the LiIon Battery with BURST INTO FLAMES! Thus the problem with the Sony Batteries that caused all those Laptop battery recalls.
gqstatus0685 said:
You are charging your battery too much thus killing it's battery life.
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Thats total BS with lithium batteries.
To the OP: Try running down your battery completely once, until the phone switches off by itself, then recharge fully. If you never do it and always recharge before the battery is empty the battery's power meter can lose its calibration over time and display weird things.
If it doesn't help, and you can notice a drop in overall life time you might need a new battery.
I have the exact same "problem" with my Tytn II.
Is slows down evenly though. (So the first 5 % of battery vanishes in minutes basically while the last 5 % can last for an hour, when it's half full % will last somehwere in between these two extremes).
Personally I've just interpreted this as poor measuring done by the hardware and/or software. (Ie I don't think the battery performs better the less full it gets as the meter in Windows would have me think)
kilrah said:
Thats total BS with lithium batteries.
To the OP: Try running down your battery completely once, until the phone switches off by itself, then recharge fully. If you never do it and always recharge before the battery is empty the battery's power meter can lose its calibration over time and display weird things.
If it doesn't help, and you can notice a drop in overall life time you might need a new battery.[/QUOTE
thanks ill try it out as soon as i get a chance...
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may seem a daft point but after draining the battery, dont charge with the phone turned back on. gives a fuller charge cos its not being used and makes it quicker to charge, lol
duke0102 said:
may seem a daft point but after draining the battery, dont charge with the phone turned back on. gives a fuller charge cos its not being used and makes it quicker to charge, lol
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Hmm...I don't see how turning my phone off to charge would increase the charging rate dramatically. My phone in standby mode uses 1% every 2 hours.
depends highly on roms and especially on radios.
with a crappy rom, battery could drop as fast as 10% per hour.
with a decent rom, battery drops in standby mode at a rate about 2% per hour.
duke0102 said:
may seem a daft point but after draining the battery, dont charge with the phone turned back on. gives a fuller charge cos its not being used and makes it quicker to charge, lol
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If the phone is on but on standby that barely changes a thing. If it's on, with display illuminated then yes it might take you an extra 20 minutes to charge.. no big deal either.
ok so i drained my battery last night completely(turned on navizon, tt7, and skyfire) which took me about at most 2 hours.
Put it in for a charge
woke up at 9 and checked to see and it was 100%
I have push mail set to update every hour and i also run pocket sportscenter autoupdates which updates every 10 to 15 minutes
I used the phone for 5 minutes of calls
5 minutes of web surfing
a few text messages
and the occasional time check
at 6:30 pm battery life was at an amazing 90%
i was thrilled.
i continued to surf the web heavily from 730 to 8
a few more text messages
at 9 battery was at 67%
so i gotta believe that draining the battery helped recalibrate it...
i guess every 2 or 3 months i got to drain it out and give a full charge
thanks for the help guys
really appreciate it

Anyone Have a Battery Discharge App???

i am one of those anal people who likes to keep his battery in good condition by always letting it empty completely before recharging and i have noticed alot that i run into a situation where i need the phone fully charged for some reasion or another but dont have the time to sit around with all the nic's turned on waiting for it to die. i have seen a battery discharge feature on some devices that will rapidly drain the battery to 0 so it doesent develope memory when you plug it back in i was wondering if anyone has made one of these for the raphael?? any links would be apreciated.
i have already rtfw'ed and searched everyone seems so obsesed with prolonging battery life not draining it so i have had no luck
You are actually doing more damage to the battery draining it all the way then if you'd just charge it when you can if you are indeed doing this every single time.
All HTC devices use a Li-ion (Lithium Ion) battery, which do not get a charge memory in the cells like rechargeable batteries of yesteryear.
Instead their life cycle is based on number of discharges and recharges and the batteries age. If you're needlessly discharging your battery and recharging it, you are dramatically shortening it's life.
You should read up...
...they may be irreversibly damaged if discharged below a certain voltage.
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Like many rechargeable batteries, lithium-ion batteries should be charged early and often.
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Lithium-ion batteries should not be frequently fully discharged and recharged ("deep-cycled"), but this may be necessary after about every 30th recharge to recalibrate any electronic charge monitor (e.g. a battery meter). This allows the monitoring electronics to more accurately estimate battery charge.
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It is clearly stated in the Fuze manual that it is SUGGESTED that you fully discharge your battery and fully recharge to get the most out of it.
thanks for the advice i will look into it but i would still apreciate someone answering my origional question as to wether or not anyone has actually made one of these apps
PwnCakes193 said:
It is clearly stated in the Fuze manual that it is SUGGESTED that you fully discharge your battery and fully recharge to get the most out of it.
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This is almost certainly suggested so the battery meter maintains a good calibration. As GldRush points out, you are not doing any damage to the battery or shortening its life by short-cycling it. You could also harm it by deep-cycling it. Allowing the phone to go to 0% is not, however, deep-cycling the battery. For the phone, 0% is the point at which the operating voltage of the battery has dropped to a level that is approaching the lower limit for the board set (with a safety factor included). That's almost certainly nowhere near a discharge level that could damage the battery.
So if you want to let/make your phone go to 0% before every charge you are probably wasting your time (except for the slight benefit of frequent battery meter calibration), but also probably not harming the battery.
After the 2nd battery warning notification comes up, I end up just launching youtube and running a video. The use of 3g coupled with video playback gives me an auto shutdown of the unit with 5 mins or so.
Turn on the GPS. That should drain it in less than an hour.
I haven't seen any discharge apps but I do know that the biggest battery vampire is palringo...start palringo and join a group with a lot of members and your battery will drain at least 20% in about 10 minutes...even if there are no conversations going on you will still get a dramatic battery drain running palringo in the background
Haha, or use an older version of S2U That drains your battery like crazy too.
Way to discharge a full battery within an hour:
- Start Wifi and let it stay on (no need to connect).
- Start Bluetooth and keep it on (also no need to connect).
- Open Google maps and let it use GPS
- Put Google maps in the background and start playing Teeter.
it's almostly no necessary......
mikeloeven said:
i am one of those anal people who likes to keep his battery in good condition by always letting it empty completely before recharging and i have noticed alot that i run into a situation where i need the phone fully charged for some reasion or another but dont have the time to sit around with all the nic's turned on waiting for it to die. i have seen a battery discharge feature on some devices that will rapidly drain the battery to 0 so it doesent develope memory when you plug it back in i was wondering if anyone has made one of these for the raphael?? any links would be apreciated.
i have already rtfw'ed and searched everyone seems so obsesed with prolonging battery life not draining it so i have had no luck
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These batteries actually get hurt by completely discharging - you're not supposed to do that - you'll kill the battery by bringing it down to 0% too often..
(but to answer you - that's easy.. turn it on.. this phone's a battery hog..)
There's an interesting artice in The Reg about lithium battery maintenance (albeit more related to netbook and laptop batteries).
not needed, but just run palringo and google maps while listening to music streamed from in Kinoma. (pretty much what I run day in and out )
Try the following link
Jouke74 said:
Way to discharge a full battery within an hour:
- Start Wifi and let it stay on (no need to connect).
- Start Bluetooth and keep it on (also no need to connect).
- Open Google maps and let it use GPS
- Put Google maps in the background and start playing Teeter.
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this works for me

[Q] Battery jumps from 4% to 0% and shuts off - normal?

When my battery is getting low, I've started to notice recently that it never falls below 4%. Instead of counting down to 1% and shutting off, it just shoots down to 0% and immediately starts the "Power Off" screen. Is this normal? Anyone else's Nexus 6 do this?
I've seen the post about the Nexus 6 that would shut off at 73% consistently and I guess this could be related to a bad battery or calibration, but I was just curious.
j.bruha said:
When my battery is getting low, I've started to notice recently that it never falls below 4%. Instead of counting down to 1% and shutting off, it just shoots down to 0% and immediately starts the "Power Off" screen. Is this normal? Anyone else's Nexus 6 do this?
I've seen the post about the Nexus 6 that would shut off at 73% consistently and I guess this could be related to a bad battery or calibration, but I was just curious.
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I've only ran it down that far once and yes, it shut down at 3%
@j.bruha I assume you know this, but just in case - Li-Po batteries don't really do well with extremely low charge levels. Try to avoid depleting the battery charge level to anywhere close to 0. Most folks recommend keeping the battery level at 30% or higher for longer overall battery life (not the time that your battery lasts from charge to charge, but the number of months/years before you will need to replace the battery itself)
Mine goes all the way down to 1 % and shuts down. I can still use phone when it shows me 2% left. Never seen it shut down at 4%. Discharge battery and fully charge it, Sometimes it does help. good luck.
jj14 said:
@j.bruha I assume you know this, but just in case - Li-Po batteries don't really do well with extremely low charge levels. Try to avoid depleting the battery charge level to anywhere close to 0. Most folks recommend keeping the battery level at 30% or higher for longer overall battery life (not the time that your battery lasts from charge to charge, but the number of months/years before you will need to replace the battery itself)
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I think there's a lot of over thought about caring for batteries. I think the best advice is to charge it as it needs charging.
Li-Po batteries don't do well at extremely low charge levels. That's an understatement. They become physically volatile and very actually dangerous to use. This is why when you deplete your battery from 100% to 0%, you're actually discharging from 100% to something like 20%. The battery chip does not let the battery deplete fully and is calibrated to report that 20% as 0%. There really shouldn't be any harm letting the phone shut down at "0" because it isn't 0.
My phone shuts down at ~1% sometimes 2%. It has shut down at 3 once but it depends. I usually don't run my phone down that low, but if I do I expect it to turn off at some point. I would see if you can have it repeat the behavior so you know whether or not its a bug.

[Q] Weird Issue, phone auto shutdown when the battery is like 5% on Lollipop ?

My XT1092, recently got updated to Lollipop i.e. Android 5.0
Two of my battery runs, starting from 100% full charge came down to like 5% and the phone shut down automatically as if it was 0%
Also on a side note, i did not put any mode on the battery saver mode for those two runs.
Now to test it, i kept my battery saver to start at 5% but i am not sure if it will run at 5% or just shut down
Anyone got an idea/solution for this issue ??
P.S. Even Motorola care chat, does not have an answer, all they said is to keep my phone in safe mode for a day and check it out....
Mine just did this the other day. When I pressed the power button it showed the battery with a little red fill and a huge yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in it. Also happened last night.
I have also had the same issue xt1092 and on lollipop.
yea man, so the thing is motorola support said that, keep ur phone in safe mode for a day and recheck the issue...
so idk... :/
i am checking my battery use and for now i have kept my battery saver on 5% so i hope it starts on battery saver itself.. rather than shutting down...
My XT1095 does the same thing. Really annoying! Its really lying to you about how much battery is left if its going to do that. I just know that if i'm going below 10% i better run to find a charger ASAP!
M3drvr said:
My XT1095 does the same thing. Really annoying! Its really lying to you about how much battery is left if its going to do that. I just know that if i'm going below 10% i better run to find a charger ASAP!
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it is quite misleading to say the least..
i did not have this issue with KitKat though..
might be a lollipop thing only
I'll join this list. Really annoying, and never happened on 4.4.4
I've never let my battery get that low honestly, but...
Keep in mind that your battery percentage is completely an estimate. Battery capacity is measured in mAh, but there's no way to measure the current charge capacity in mAh of a battery. The only way to do so would be to run all of the power out of the battery and record the power over time, but then you'd have a dead battery. As a result, the system estimates your remaining battery capacity as a percentage based on the current voltage of the battery. But that can be different depending upon how quickly you've drained the battery and other factors.
So, Android has methods built-in which automatically calibrate the battery, but they only work properly if you fully charge and discharge your device on a regular basis. A battery starts off weak, then it gains strength after a few charging cycles, finally over time it peaks and then begins to taper off as far as battery life goes.
You've likely not taken your device to 0% for a while. The android solution is to fully discharge and recharge your battery a few times to allow it to recalibrate. Slow charging is the best for recalibration. Plug it into a computer for 500mAh charging rather than using a charger. Chargers can charge quicker(1.5A) but do not allow the device to calibrate as well due to the high amperage.
So, just use your device and let it drain fully, and charge fully on a computer USB port and it should recalibrate itself.
InspectifierWrectifier said:
So, Android has methods built-in which automatically calibrate the battery, but they only work properly if you fully charge and discharge your device on a regular basis. A battery starts off weak, then it gains strength after a few charging cycles, finally over time it peaks and then begins to taper off as far as battery life goes.
You've likely not taken your device to 0% for a while. The android solution is to fully discharge and recharge your battery a few times to allow it to recalibrate. Slow charging is the best for recalibration. Plug it into a computer for 500mAh charging rather than using a charger. Chargers can charge quicker(1.5A) but do not allow the device to calibrate as well due to the high amperage.
So, just use your device and let it drain fully, and charge fully on a computer USB port and it should recalibrate itself.
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While it does help the calibration, it's very bad for your battery to do this deep discharge multiple times.
raptir said:
I've never let my battery get that low honestly, but...
Keep in mind that your battery percentage is completely an estimate. Battery capacity is measured in mAh, but there's no way to measure the current charge capacity in mAh of a battery. The only way to do so would be to run all of the power out of the battery and record the power over time, but then you'd have a dead battery. As a result, the system estimates your remaining battery capacity as a percentage based on the current voltage of the battery. But that can be different depending upon how quickly you've drained the battery and other factors.
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Sometimes you don't have a choice about letting battery drain get that far.
But regardless, its most definitely an issue with lollipop. Uncountable android devices, and this is the first time I've ever experienced this issue. Happens religiously at 5%. So its never happened before on any device I've used, including this moto x pure on KitKat, and it always happens at 5%.
If it were a true calibration issue, one would think it'd happen at different percentages. However I'm certain this is a bug.
qwerty12601 said:
Sometimes you don't have a choice about letting battery drain get that far.
But regardless, its most definitely an issue with lollipop. Uncountable android devices, and this is the first time I've ever experienced this issue. Happens religiously at 5%. So its never happened before on any device I've used, including this moto x pure on KitKat, and it always happens at 5%.
If it were a true calibration issue, one would think it'd happen at different percentages. However I'm certain this is a bug.
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I understand that you don't always have a choice, I just meant that I have no insight as to the possible bug since I've never experienced it. And to clarify, it's not really a "calibration" issue, it's a matter of there is no way to accurately measure the charge of the battery.
Honestly, Google could have even implemented this intentionally in order to prevent damage to the battery from a deep discharge.
raptir said:
I understand that you don't always have a choice, I just meant that I have no insight as to the possible bug since I've never experienced it. And to clarify, it's not really a "calibration" issue, it's a matter of there is no way to accurately measure the charge of the battery.
Honestly, Google could have even implemented this intentionally in order to prevent damage to the battery from a deep discharge.
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But android has been completely accurate in the past. Right down to 1 single percent.
And there's no way google implemented this as a safety feature. If they were legitimately trying to do this, they'd just have the battery monitor read less than actual capacity as to not confuse the operator.
As well as they have what they believed to be a big feature, "battery saver" which has the option to activate at 5%. So them killing your phone at 5% intentionally doesn't hold water.
qwerty12601 said:
But android has been completely accurate in the past. Right down to 1 single percent.
And there's no way google implemented this as a safety feature. If they were legitimately trying to do this, they'd just have the battery monitor read less than actual capacity as to not confuse the operator.
As well as they have what they believed to be a big feature, "battery saver" which has the option to activate at 5%. So them killing your phone at 5% intentionally doesn't hold water.
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No it hasn't. It may not have shut down until after it read 1%, but it has not been accurate because there is no accurate way to measure the current charge of a battery.
The fact that it consistently shuts down at 5% does seem like a bug, but it's a very odd bug since it seems like there would have to be some code to specifically tell the phone to shut down.
raptir said:
No it hasn't. It may not have shut down until after it read 1%, but it has not been accurate because there is no accurate way to measure the current charge of a battery.
The fact that it consistently shuts down at 5% does seem like a bug, but it's a very odd bug since it seems like there would have to be some code to specifically tell the phone to shut down.
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Every android device I've owned, probably 12, including the 3 still in service with me (moto x before lollipop, nexus 7, nexus 4) all have accurate battery meters right down to 1%. Now are they adjusting on the fly and lowering/raising battery percent to accurately match calculations? Probably. But it adjusts to where the battery meter will read down to the very last percent. No surprises.
The whole point of this thread us that some moto x pures are shutting down at 5%. Maybe the battery really is at 0%, maybe its at 5 or 10%, but its a "bug" that the phone is shutting off at 5%. Its rather a flaw in on the fly calculations where its not accurately adjusting at lower percentages, or a software flaw. But it's a bug either way. That's the complaint here.
raptir said:
Honestly, Google could have even implemented this intentionally in order to prevent damage to the battery from a deep discharge.
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That is was Microsoft did with their Surface tablets, you can change it, I have mine set to power off at 10%
raptir said:
While it does help the calibration, it's very bad for your battery to do this deep discharge multiple times.
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Wrong. this is the recommended way to use every mobile phone battery. A full charge and discharge is called a cycle, and cycles are how battery lives are rated.
InspectifierWrectifier said:
Wrong. this is the recommended way to use every mobile phone battery. A full charge and discharge is called a cycle, and cycles are how battery lives are rated.
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Please don't just post "wrong" without anything to back it up.
Table 2 provides details as to why what I said is correct. A 50% discharge will not degrade to 70% capacity for 3-4x as many cycles as a 100% discharge. That amounts to up to double the useful life of the battery assuming your usage stays the same.
InspectifierWrectifier said:
Wrong. this is the recommended way to use every mobile phone battery. A full charge and discharge is called a cycle, and cycles are how battery lives are rated.
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Have fun killing your battery very quickly by fully discharging all the time
raptir said:
Please don't just post "wrong" without anything to back it up.
Table 2 provides details as to why what I said is correct. A 50% discharge will not degrade to 70% capacity for 3-4x as many cycles as a 100% discharge. That amounts to up to double the useful life of the battery assuming your usage stays the same.
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Mobile device batteries are designed to be "fully" depleted. They are software controlled. You will never discharge a properly controlled battery 100%. This is why your device still has power to turn on and tell you that the battery is too low to turn on.
There are always exceptions to the rule. However, mainstream devices will almost always keep the battery at a safe level.
You cannot use a single chart on all lithium ion batteries. In fact, every one is different due to chemical and annode/cathode changes. This is why every battery has its own MDS for shipping purposes.
The small changes to batteries cause them to react differently to different usage patterns. When designing a battery these reaction patterns are supposed to be accounted for in the battery calibration.
A key engineering principal: a device should never be capable of destroying itself. Full discharge is normal operation for most devices.

Xiaomi programmed obsolescence on battery

H, since I updated from miui 10 to miui 11 and even now that I have miui 12 I have noticed that the battery doesn't last as long as before. I state that since I purchased the phone (July 2019) I have always charged the battery in the best way trying to never go below 20% and trying not to go beyond 80% so I don't think a battery can lose more than 30% of its real capacity in less than a year of life. Starting to investigate I found that the battery does not charge at its real capacity i.e. 3300 mAh but at around 2200/2300 mAh. To verify all this I have carried out several tests and the easiest way to verify it is to look at the battery characteristics through the AIDA64 app (screenshot below). From these tests it seems that the device limits the real battery capacity by not allowing it to be charged to its maximum capacity. A reply to what I wrote can be found by looking at some system files that are located in /sys/class/power_supply/battery. In particular, looking at the file called charge_full (screenshot below) you can see how the value of the file is much lower than the real battery capacity. I hope someone more competent than I can understand how to solve this hateful problem and I also invite you to check the value to try to better understand the cause of this problem.
I'm using miuimix 12.0.2 stable and the capacity is not 3300, either.
---------- Post added at 10:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------
And sorry i don't know how to post a picture, mine is 2943.
I know that batteries won't be forever and are always decreasing during the year but I think Xiaomi do a good job. I have some devices from 4 years ago and they reduced their batteries just a little. In the case of Mi 9 I have it since March 2019 and my battery still being the same. I charge it from 10-25% to 100% just some times I charge it until 80-90%, maybe every month I let it to 0% I wait for a while and charge it again to 100%.
Sent from my MI 9 using Tapatalk
From the photo you posted it doesn't seem that your battery is fully charged .. we have done other research and we have discovered that most likely Xiaomi has inserted in the kernel a sort of programmed obsolescence on the battery.
Can you disclose some of the research you done on the kernel it seems interesting. I have checked with Aida64 my battery before and it never charges to 3300 even if you leave the phone plugged in the value will keep increasing but once you plug it out it drops...still getting about 5 hrs sot so not bad...I wonder if you change that value in the full charger screen you posted what will happen?
"From these tests it seems that the device limits the real battery capacity by not allowing it to be charged to its maximum capacity. "
Actually it's better for battery life longterm to keep the device in the middle - never 0, never 100
I've certainly lost no battery life in the year + I've had the Mi 9
You are doing a good job of using the phone in the 20 to 80% range. But do you charge it at the lowest possible temperature? Temperature is a battery's worst enemy. Wireless charging is a joke. It's a glued heater in the battery.
I for instance, almost all the times charge it in front a mini fan. With this I can charge it 5ÂșC below normal temp charge.
And like @cezikos said, use quickcharge only on emergencies. Use at max a 1.5Amps charger. Quick charge is a marketing thing. The chemistry of the batteries are almost the same in this 10 years.
Mi mi9 have one year and the battery is 100%.
The important thing that you should precise is a type of charger that you are using. Do you use Quick Charge? If Yes, then battery capacity will be dramatically degrated. I use 5V 0.5-1.5A charger, it depends how fast I need to charge the Phone.
The next thing is a battery temperature, not Only while charging the Phone but also when you are using it. I`m using CPU Monitor and it's overlay to see the battery temp, you can also configure alerts when battery is starting to overheat.
Heavy Gaming decreases the life of the battery, there are a lot of variables that you have to cobsider, not only "programmed obsolescence"
I had the same problem. Hopefully the battery could make 3 hours of screen, the strange thing was that suddenly it began to last very little, and I was with that problem for a couple of weeks, so I decided to calibrate the battery hoping to have some results and now the battery lasted again approximately 7 hours of screen. Try to make the battery run out from 100% to 0%. The system will not let you start because it calculates that it has no battery, so what I did was leave it in recovery mode and with the screen always active, until it turns off completely, then with a 5V 1A charger. With the phone turned off, charge it until it reaches 100%. I did it three times and the battery was back to the way it was before. You could try to do the same and I hope you can solve that problem.
Sorry for bad English
I tested, I put the phone to play videos until it turned off. In 1% I cleared battery stats.
Then plugged the charger and entered the TWRP and unplugged. Put the backlight to maximum, and the phone stayed on more than an hour!
Then I plugged the charger 1.5A and let it charge to max.
It worked, now the phone has a steady discharge, not discharge 100% to 80 in an hour.
I will do this procedure from time to time. not the best for the battery, but is needed in mi9...
It's an absurd that this problem exists in 2020, my galaxy S2 don't have such harsh problems with something so simple and basic like battery management!
Battery on my Mi9 (mildly used in one year) lost 500 mAh.
Confirmed, with this trick, in doing it ONE time, I have the phone running well again, more than 8h screen on.
0.5 discharge in sleep.
.eu 20.3.19
onolox said:
I tested, I put the phone to play videos until it turned off. In 1% I cleared battery stats.
Then plugged the charger and entered the TWRP and unplugged. Put the backlight to maximum, and the phone stayed on more than an hour!
Then I plugged the charger 1.5A and let it charge to max.
It worked, now the phone has a steady discharge, not discharge 100% to 80 in an hour.
I will do this procedure from time to time. not the best for the battery, but is needed in mi9...
It's an absurd that this problem exists in 2020, my galaxy S2 don't have such harsh problems with something so simple and basic like battery management!
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Thanks! I just don't know how to clean the battery status...
You will need root.
Then are several apps that can do it. Like l speed or adiutor.
And now again confirming, in one month the phone is completely lost regarding battery again, just 3h SOT from 80 to 20. There's some pretty **** up code regarding battery in xiaomi android.
I have no problems at all using it since release.
newest xiaomi eu.
I also have problems with battery drain...
Hello guys, just want to share with you a little trick that just helped me get better SoT. First of all, I just want to mention that I'm on the newest rom (20.8.13) and that AccuBattery is showing that my battery is at 2500mAh estimated capacity. (That might be different in reality, because it's only after one charging, so don't believe it that much). Lately I noticed a significant drain while the phone was idle (screen turned off). It was draining like 1-2% every hour and I could barely get over 5h SoT. So I investigated a little bit, and found a solution on reddit. The thing was that I had many apps on autostart. If you want to check them and turn it off then open Settings > type 'autostart' in the search bar > open it > 3 dots > show system apps > turn off every unnecessary app that you think don't need that option. I turned off every app, except: Gmail, GPay, Google Photos, Clock, Calendar, Bank app, Weather app and the app called 'safety system addon' - it might be called different because I'm not on english language on my phone. I left them on just in case to have notifications/synchronization, though i don't know if it's necessary. After that there was almost 0% idle drain over the day. Now I'm on 5h4m SoT and still have 25% of battery left. The result might be even better, cause I did this trick just today while my phone was on 90-85%.
Give it guys a try, hope it will improve your daily experience with Mi 9.
P.S. Let me know guys If I could turn off the before mentioned apps and still get notifications and sync from them.
Mine reports 2800mah, debloated with Szaki tool all autostart apps disabled also did factory reset after miui12 update.
Really sad how bad miui12 has turned for me. Im having way worse battery life compared to miui11 the idle is mostly the same its just the battery doesn't last as it used to last with miui11.
onolox said:
I tested, I put the phone to play videos until it turned off. In 1% I cleared battery stats.
Then plugged the charger and entered the TWRP and unplugged. Put the backlight to maximum, and the phone stayed on more than an hour!
Then I plugged the charger 1.5A and let it charge to max.
It worked, now the phone has a steady discharge, not discharge 100% to 80 in an hour.
I will do this procedure from time to time. not the best for the battery, but is needed in mi9...
It's an absurd that this problem exists in 2020, my galaxy S2 don't have such harsh problems with something so simple and basic like battery management!
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I can confirm this. AIDA64 said my battery was at 2550mah capacity when fully charged. I followed this procedure and now after being fully charged, it says 3125 mah, which is much better.
I'm curious about the screen on time now. Me happy. Thanks!

