[Q] random reboot question - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys! I had a quick question. Every now and then when I'm doing a lot on my phone at once it gets bogged down then all I see is the boot screen as it boots up. I assume this means it crashed.
Wouldn't this be a ram issue? I've had this happen on several different roms.
Is there a way to test the ram and check? Or stress test it? I don't want to call HTC until I know its a hardware issue.


Kaiser Slowdown?

Hey everyone. I have noticed that after a while on most of the roms that I have used on my ATT Tilt / Kaiser; there is a bit of boggyness that decreases the performance of my device. There is supposedly nothing running when I check under the memory tabs and sometimes it still occurs when I restart my device. Does anyone know why this event may occur? There is no specific rom that this occurs with but it seems to be amongst all the roms that I use. Thank you for your time.
flash garmins v2 rom, itll fix that problem!

The Boot Loop of Death (BLOD)

Hey Guys,
Ever since I first experienced this bug, it seems more and more people are coming forward explaining the same symptoms.
Connection drops, OS becomes unresponsive, freezes, and then you are greeted by the 'X' animation. After the phone reboots, it freezes once again and returns you to the 'X' animation and the process repeats until you pull the battery.
There seems to be no direct trigger as it can occur when on a call, when browsing or even when the phone is idle.
I've read through various threads on different forums in an attempt to reveal some kind of pattern, yet reports are coming from users on different ROMs with different kernels and different apps. I've created this thread in the hope that if people contribute their experiences, we can draw some kind of reasoning behind the development of the bug and offer some hope for resolving the issue in then future.
So guys, what are your experiences of the BLOD? What ROM were you running? What kernel were you running? Do you overclock, underclock or remain at stock? Anything you think may contribute to this annoying bug.
Thanks in advance.....
Reserved for future use
My experience began after updating to Kang-o-Rama 0.6 final (CM 5.0.6) after using Kings Desire Port aswell as using Paul's Desire ROM and Cyanogenmod previously. Originally it happened to me in the gym. While listening to music I recieved an SMS and the phone suddenly crashed and went into the BLOD. I had to pull my battery for it to stop. Since that occasion, I began to suffer the BLOD 3-5 times a day, sometimes when on a call and other times when the phone was idle. I tried wiping and reinstalling countless times, flashed stock Cyanogen and the later versions of K-o-R which would give my phone a slight reprieve ,however eventually the BLOD would hunt me down and return.
Eventually I believed it was a Cyanogenmod specific bug, especially after reading this thread,
Since I thought it was CM specific I went away and flashed Enom's ROM which again gave me a reprieve but only until I charged the phone at night. I awoke in the early house to find my phone rebooting away as I slept. This pattern continued for 3 nights until last night which was my first BLOD free night.
Now i'm not 100% sure as to what cured my looping last night but I flashed a new kernel yesterday (IR .33.5) and also on the advice of this thread,
I wondered whether the fact that I'd started using the stock alarm clock app could have triggered this so called 'notification bug'. I returned to using Gentle Alarm from the market and cancelled my stock Androdid alarm.
Right now i'm waiting to see how long I go without a BLOD before investigating if it was specifically the new kernel or changing the alarm which got me through the night. Will report back if anything changes.
I'm pretty sure this is a form of a kernel panic. I know Cyanogen had made some type of tweet or post regarding this. I'll try to find it and edit this post when done
wesbalmer said:
I'm pretty sure this is a form of a kernel panic. I know Cyanogen had made some type of tweet or post regarding this. I'll try to find it and edit this post when done
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Cyanogen posted something regarding it being a system_server crash in the CM thread and that we needed logs of the event occuring before he could draw any conclusions. I managed to dump and adb logcat of the event while it was happening, although it was just a panic loop of which a segment was posted on the Cyanogenmod forum I posted above. Has anyone managed to capture a log of the BLOD as it starts? That would be a great help.
I got my N1 about 4 weeks ago and it worked OK until I flashed the Froyo radio. from that point on I could not get any rom to run in a stable way - my reboots happened 3 - 4 times a day and got to the point where I would get stuck in the boot loop. Pulling the battery did not always solve the problem although I found that if I kept the battery out for several minutes my chances of getting the phone to boot into either the ROM or recovery would be better.
I noticed at the same time that once the boot loop started I could not get into recovery until my phone had at least booted into the ROM successfully once.
Flashing back to the 4.04 radio reduced the random reboots to about once a day - usually at night after I had just plugged my phone in to charge. I was using the stock alarm app as a bedside clock.
After many days of frustration and the help from several people here at XDA, I finally came to conclusion that the problem must be hardware related and am returning my current device to HTC and am getting a new one.
I don't have a boot loop but I definitely experience the initial stages of this problem on a stock (unrooted, locked) N1 (at&t).
50% of the time when the N1 loses the connection (e.g. due to going into a garage) it will not re-acquire the signal. Searching for networks will hang, putting the phone in flight mode and then disabling flight mode will still result in no signal.
The only way to get a cell signal back is rebooting the phone.
Usually, searching for a network and/or enabling and disabling flight mode will result in the phone turning black and then rebooting.
I have the problem, too.
Just a few notes:
didn't have it on stock rom and Cyanogen 5.0.6, nor an Enomther's 1.8.1, started with Enomther's 1.9.2
This is not really a reboot, because a real reboot always helps. Other than a reboot, it starts directly at the X animation, not with the unmoving X before.
Seems to be a kernel panic.
I currently suspect that the panic happens when the RAM is full, especially if there is one single process that uses up massive amounts of RAM (could be in the background, of course).
I yesterday found that Sytrant (periodically sets time using internet time server) has a memory leak, and on closer inspection today found that it queries an ad server every few seconds and thus switches from sleeping to running state every few seconds. Also, it spawns root processes when setting time, which might lead to the system not wanting to kill it.
So, here's my current suspection (I'm not at all sure if that's true!):
The reboot loop only happens when the system runs out of memory.
In this case, Android should normally kick out other programs: First apps that are not running anymore, but are still in memory, second background jobs, and third services.
I guess there's some error in the killing logic in newer Cyanogen kernels and others that use Cyanogen parts (or maybe even in the orginal code from Google).
This somehow leads to a state where the kernel has no memory left and can't kill a process, too. -> Kernel panic
Maybe this is more probable if there is one big memory hog the kernel doesn't want to kill (because it's a service, or maybe because it has children running as root).
So, everyone who has this problem, please get a process monitor or task manager where you can see how much memory an app uses. OSMonitor is a very good one, and it can also sort the processes by memory usage. Start it periodically to find out if a process is constantly growing.
If you found such a process: Is it one that requires root? Does it run as a service? (Unfortunately, OSMonitor can't tell you if a process runs as service, or at least I didn't find it if it can. ES Task Manager can show that information, though, for example.)
Personally, I threw Sytrant off my phone now and will watch if that helps. I had reboot loops every two or three days, so I can't tell yet if it really will make a difference. I really hope so …
Edit: Of course, this theory does not really explain why the network drops before the boot loop starts. It could be, though, that the kernel tries to kill just anything to gain meomry, which might also be a system process that it responsible for the network. As the networks always seems to drop before the loop starts, maybe killing that process is what leads to the panic in the end.
Maybe, could … well, yes, this is just a theory. But at least it sounds good, doesn't it? ;-)
The more I read about this problem here and in other threads, the more I am convinced that my problem is probably not hardware related. My replacement phone arrives today but now I am wondering if I should return my original or not. Argg!
Is there a way we can all band together to try and get to the bottom of this problem? I am more than willing to do whatever testing those that know what to look for tells me to do.
Would one of the Guru's here be willing to guide us through a coordinated troubleshooting excersize?
Maybe we can start by trying to find out what we all have in common?
I have an AT&T/Rogers version of the N1.
I typically have the Facebook, Calendar Widgets on home screen.
Power Widget on 2nd screen
Use gmail but via the standard email client, not the gmail client.
Use the native alarm clock app in the dock at night
16GB ADATA MicroSD card.
I also install:
- ChompSMS (with icon widget on home screen)
- NewsRob (with Widget on home screen)
Did not get the reboots initially running the stock rom but they started the moment I installed paul's version of Froyo. I tried several of the other roms and had the same instability and BLOD's until I reverted back to stock and things stabalized again although I was still getting random reboots once a day or so.
While a hardware issue (especially RAM failure) could cause this issue, I don't think that it is the cause in most of the cases here. The fact that some don't experience it anymore after trying one or another software-related measure makes a hardware failure highly improbable, at least in their cases.
I won't rule that out, but until I tried everything else I can't conclude it must be a hardware faliure.
Please get OSMonitor and watch your processes. If after some days you still can't find a process using more than, say, 65 M, and still get the issue, you can be pretty sure that a memory leak isn't the problem for you.
The memory leak + killing bug guess is a good one and is quite probable. So let's check that first.
I think my FroYo rom problems are the same problems you guys are having. I think it's something with an app or an element of the OS or something.
I get the exact same issue on a handful of roms. Everything starts to force close, then it goes into boot loop, but, as someone said, doesn't really fully reboot, it just starts at the boot screen.
I've also noticed when things get funky, plugging in the USB cable makes it immediately go into a boot loop.
I start having this problem after I install the Quadrant Standard program, I was using the Kang-o-rama - Froyo when this happened. But after going back to Paul's Froyo everything is working perfectly again.
cmarti said:
I start having this problem after I install the Quadrant Standard program, I was using the Kang-o-rama - Froyo when this happened. But after going back to Paul's Froyo everything is working perfectly again.
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I deleted quadrant, signed into market and all so it knew i uninstalled it, flashed a baked modaco R17, and it still boot looped on first reboot.
I suspect it is related to the 4.06 radio. My first boot loop started just after I installed the radio and before I updated the ROM itself.
DvTonder said:
I suspect it is related to the 4.06 radio. My first boot loop started just after I installed the radio and before I updated the ROM itself.
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That doesn't explain mine though. I get the boot loop on some roms but not others, with the same radio.
MSigler said:
That doesn't explain mine though. I get the boot loop on some roms but not others, with the same radio.
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Which ROMS are safe for you - I will flash one of them tonight and see if it works on my device as well - maybe we can narrow it down to a specific ROM.
Would also appreciate a list of the apps you use - I am thinking we should set up our phones as close to identical as possible to begin with and then start adding things to see what causes it. Thoughts?
DvTonder said:
Which ROMS are safe for you - I will flash one of them tonight and see if it works on my device as well - maybe we can narrow it down to a specific ROM.
Would also appreciate a list of the apps you use - I am thinking we should set up our phones as close to identical as possible to begin with and then start adding things to see what causes it. Thoughts?
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The only roms that screw up for me are modded froyo roms. LeoFroyo works fine for some reason, as does the stock FRF50. I'll screenshot my apps in a minute and post them.
I have this on stock 2.1u1 EPE54B
I was getting some pretty random boot loops when running CM and 4.04 radio. Noticed two things could (almost) cause it every time:
1) Not so much a cause, but Google Listen was running almost every time I went into a BLoD.
2) Something that WAS causing it.. I keep my phone on airplane mode at work with WiFi on, since I don't get a reception in the building. Reboot + turn off airplane mode when the phone is to that point = BLoD.
I actually flashed Kang-o-Rama and the 4.06 radio earlier, no problems now.
tjsimmons said:
I actually flashed Kang-o-Rama and the 4.06 radio earlier, no problems now.
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Did you flash the Froyo version with SP3?

[Q] Samsung Galaxy i9000 freezes on standby

I have had my phone for about 2 weeks now, and this has been an issue since about day 1. I will set my phone aside while doing other things. When I want to use it I pick it up and press the power button to activate the screen. It seems that about 20% of the time the phone is non-responsive. I can't even receive calls/texts/email while it is in this state. I end up pressing the power button for 10 seconds or pulling the battery to get it to reboot. Everything seems to work fine.
I have heard that this could be a result of a reception issue, and that an update would be released in September to solve this issue. Is this information correct? Has the update already been released? I believe I am running the most current version, 2.1 update 1
Is there a software fix? Do I have a defective unit that needs to be sent in for repair? Is there a setting I need to look at? Any assistance would be appreciated.
you are describing the typical scenario of too many background services and apps running taking up too much resources thus making the phone non reponsive
install Auto Run Killer http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=8123924&postcount=40
then tick all the apps to disable reboot your phone
then you can choose which apps you really want to let lose for it to run in the background
It's also entirely possible it's faulty though
I don't think it is a matter of apps running because there are no active apps running when I am not using my phone.
I guess I am looking for an answer that tells me that this is an known issue with this model and I wiould be better off with a different product, or if I will be safe to get it replaced/repaired.
Ideally I would love to hear it is only a matter of a software patch or something similar.
go get an iphone
there is no point helping some one that have their mind already set on their own ideas already
Well that was a pretty useless post. The only idea my mind is set on is to get my hands on a dependabel phone, preferably the one I have. You suggested too many apps running, fine, but unless they run automatically on reboot and/or the 'active applications' window that runs by default is inacurate, there aren't too many resources being used and nothing running.
you'll be surprised what runs under the hood
you can run this and find out
Android System Info
another good thing to disable is the Media Scan
AllGamer said:
go get an iphone
there is no point helping some one that have their mind already set on their own ideas already
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Don't be so quick to assume your suggestion was correct either, AllGamer:
Thus far nothing in that thread has suggested taxing the system too far. In fact, hardly installing anything at all from a fresh factory reset still has this problem and no one yet has really worked out why aside Samsung saying the hardware is damaged. I was on the phone to them today, same thing said.
i read that before and the signal theory doesn't hold truth
if that is the case, every time i go to the toilet, or to the stairs in my office building (way deep in the building) you have Zero reception at all, yet I've never experience the freeze on black screen issue.
same goes with walmart, it's true, most walmart warehouse like buildings have extremely poor cell phone reception inside.
assuming that signal is the cause issue is true, then installing this app will prevent that
Mobile Signal Widget
I'll highly recommend this app for anyone experiencing the issue and are under the impression the signal issue is the cause of the frozen black screen
AllGamer said:
i read that before and the signal theory doesn't hold truth
if that is the case, every time i go to the toilet, or to the stairs in my office building (way deep in the building) you have Zero reception at all, yet I've never experience the freeze on black screen issue.
same goes with walmart, it's true, most walmart warehouse like buildings have extremely poor cell phone reception inside.
assuming that signal is the cause issue is true, then installing this app will prevent that
Mobile Signal Widget
I'll highly recommend this app for anyone experiencing the issue and are under the impression the signal issue is the cause of the frozen black screen
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I see no truth in the signal claim I've said why in the other thread. But this is the point, it is an issue a few of us are having from all over the place but as of yet there is absolutely no distinguishable pattern. As I say, a completely fresh phone with official firmware and no installs also has the problems. It's a very frustrating situation because no one can conclusively point to software or hardware yet. Samsung keep saying the same thing, send it in, send it in..
it's true the only way to diagnose those will require to be hands on, and run tests to pin point exactly what is causing that.
Eclair doesn't have the option to auto upgrade, so that's definitely not it
Lag is likely, but what, or which stock apps can cause so much lag?
signal even when the phone is having a hard time switching and scanning for a new signal it shouln't keep the phone unresponsive for such a long period of time unless it's lagging
my Old Treo did that, anytime it lost signal and regained signal there was a minor pause, or a looooooong pause if the phone was lagging
if this is the same case with the SGS we just need to figure out which App is running in the background that is dragging the entire system down.
it could be the internal SD which might have become defective, thus locking up the phone, similar to those people that can't get past the boot screen
i can't think of any other plausible causes at the moment.
Well, I can tell you: having experienced the problem a number of times, it is almost certainly not the lag scenario you have described - this is a proper lock-up. My guess (since it does appear to have some correlation to cell switching, or other signal-related issue) is a bug in the baseband drivers, or something similar, resulting in a panic. I might see if there's any way to get a dump out of this thing to prove it, but at the moment it's just a guess, so I'm not going to tell you that's the definitely the reason, or that you're stupid if you don't agree, even though I'm more qualified to do so, since I've actually experienced the problem.
AllGamer said:
go get an iphone
there is no point helping some one that have their mind already set on their own ideas already
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Android is designed to not need auto task killers. It is purely a myth that they are needed whatsoever. This is linux we're talking about here, not windows.... It's possible he has a single app installed causing the issue, but the ideal fix would be to figure it out one app at a time and get rid of the faulty app.

[Q] Lock screen lag

Hello everybody.
I just got myself an P880 a few days ago. All in all, I am rather content, but there is something that bothers me sorely: the lock screen lag. There is a delay of about 3 seconds between pressing the power button and the screen coming to life. I've had this on stock ICS, stock JB and now on CM 10.1.2. I tried different lock screen and also no lock screens - all to no avail. I even checked another P880 (it was running stock ICS) and it was the same story there. Yet I can't really find anyone else reporting this problem, so maybe I'm doing something wrong? I don't know!
I took a video of my old SGS and the P880 next to each other: youtu.be/RyrgdiLGhoU
All hints and suggestions are appreciated!
lukedoe said:
Hello everybody.
I just got myself an P880 a few days ago. All in all, I am rather content, but there is something that bothers me sorely: the lock screen lag. There is a delay of about 3 seconds between pressing the power button and the screen coming to life. I've had this on stock ICS, stock JB and now on CM 10.1.2. I tried different lock screen and also no lock screens - all to no avail. I even checked another P880 (it was running stock ICS) and it was the same story there. Yet I can't really find anyone else reporting this problem, so maybe I'm doing something wrong? I don't know!
I took a video of my old SGS and the P880 next to each other: youtu.be/RyrgdiLGhoU
All hints and suggestions are appreciated!
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There is no real answer to this question, my 4x is fine, perhaps half a second delay from pressing the lock button to seeing my lockscreen.
However there are many contributing factors to what could cause this, for example the phone may be locking to a certain frequency too low and it's finding it hard to come back from, if you lock the screen whilst on a RAM hogging app it will also lag, background processes will also slow it down, for example, always clear your recent apps (Long hold Home button) and clear them, if you have root access (jb only i think) Then try using greenify and freezing background apps you dont want either running/receiving notifications from.
If you are still on stock you may want to remove bloatware (apps you don't use) Which will also be churning away in the background slowing down your phone, make sure in your settings you will also have that there is no delay and that lock button INSTANTLY locks the phone and then try again and post back if it's helped or not, if not then we should start looking at other factors it could be, perhaps a week tegra variant and we should look into a custom kernel and raising the minimum frequency a tad and seeing whether or not that will help.
my device has same problem and it's very annoying
hassan1990 said:
my device has same problem and it's very annoying
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What was the point of this post? Contribute to troubleshooting the problem if you can, but simply posting a "Me too" is no use anyone.
penguin449 said:
However there are many contributing factors to what could cause this, for example the phone may be locking to a certain frequency too low and it's finding it hard to come back from, if you lock the screen whilst on a RAM hogging app it will also lag, background processes will also slow it down, for example, always clear your recent apps (Long hold Home button) and clear them, if you have root access (jb only i think) Then try using greenify and freezing background apps you dont want either running/receiving notifications from.
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I maybe should have mentioned that it isn't every time that there is this delay, maybe every second time on average - sometimes more often, sometimes not at all.
Having had this problem with different firmwares and also with a cleanly wiped phone, even with a fresh install of CM when I hadn't even flashed the Gapps package, makes me think that this very likely isn'ta bloatware issue.
Changing the CPU governor to performance had no effect either.
hassan1990 said:
my device has same problem and it's very annoying
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Edit: Never mind what i had written here, I was confused. But yeah, I welcome any information that helps us close in on the problem.
SimonTS said:
What was the point of this post? Contribute to troubleshooting the problem if you can, but simply posting a "Me too" is no use anyone.
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Equally this post was just as useless! Try what i mentioned above and let us know how it is afterwards, THEN ask other questions
penguin449 said:
Equally this post was just as useless! Try what i mentioned above and let us know how it is afterwards, THEN ask other questions
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I don't have this problem or I would assist in trying to troubleshoot it. You may not have noticed but I don't tend to ask questions because I am very good at reading and most things have been discussed and answered.

Possible GPU failure?

So recently I've been running the smurf kernel to play games like pubg with OC. But all of a sudden my note began glitching and caused graphic glitches. I thought that this might just be in game but it happens when I exit. When I exit usually the display just goes black but the digitzer underneath is still working. Any ideas on what's going on. Oh also. I thought this might be a smurf kernel glitch so I switched to notorious but it just repeats. This happens at random too . Screenshots.
Skulldron said:
So recently I've been running the smurf kernel to play games like pubg with OC. But all of a sudden my note began glitching and caused graphic glitches. I thought that this might just be in game but it happens when I exit. When I exit usually the display just goes black but the digitzer underneath is still working. Any ideas on what's going on. Oh also. I thought this might be a smurf kernel glitch so I switched to notorious but it just repeats. This happens at random too . Screenshots.
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Does it happen in other games? Graphically glitches such as that typically means that the GPU is not capable of process the visuals at the settings requested and bottlenecks. At least when it comes to PC.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
GPU artifacts. Your phone's GPU is overheated.
It doesn't happen in other games. Also, are you sure that it's just an overheating issue than a defect?
Try reinstalling the stock OS back onto your device. There is a chance that the GPU drivers may have gotten corrupted
Skulldron said:
It doesn't happen in other games. Also, are you sure that it's just an overheating issue than a defect?
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Most likely. The common factor is artefacts during PUBG. Since the issue doesn't occur during other intense games (if you've tried others), then PUBG is the factor causing the issue.
Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
Ok so an update on the situation. Switching to a different kernel doesn't appear to help at all. In fact the situation can get a little worse at times. It doesn't happen instant but can happen at random times. It's spread to other games but only if I play the game for a while (2 hours usually). Honestly don't know what to do at this point. Usually when you overheats it downclocks automatically right? So I doubt it's overheated. I am about to wipe everything off and start new. Maybe then my problem will disappear. If anyone can please give me the direct cause of this error I will be forever grateful
Skulldron said:
Ok so an update on the situation. Switching to a different kernel doesn't appear to help at all. In fact the situation can get a little worse at times. It doesn't happen instant but can happen at random times. It's spread to other games but only if I play the game for a while (2 hours usually). Honestly don't know what to do at this point. Usually when you overheats it downclocks automatically right? So I doubt it's overheated. I am about to wipe everything off and start new. Maybe then my problem will disappear. If anyone can please give me the direct cause of this error I will be forever grateful
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I would do a full wipe, go back to latest stock firmware with Odin, and then test from there. If the problem persists, then I think it's safe to say it's hardware failure of some type, which would require repair.
Any updatess?
Yes, So I have gone back to stock and have played PUBG. The artefacts dont appear however sometimes you catch a glimpse of very minor glitching. Now I wonder whether this is due to the fact that my note has a low GPU bin of 2 out of 15 (I think). I have switched over to a new ROM and it appears that the RED flashes of death were temporary and maybe gone for now. I will report if it repeats itself.
Skulldron said:
Yes, So I have gone back to stock and have played PUBG. The artefacts dont appear however sometimes you catch a glimpse of very minor glitching. Now I wonder whether this is due to the fact that my note has a low GPU bin of 2 out of 15 (I think). I have switched over to a new ROM and it appears that the RED flashes of death were temporary and maybe gone for now. I will report if it repeats itself.
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Thanks for the update, glad to hear things have improved! PUBG is kind of buggy overall, so those new minor glitches could possibly just be the app itself. Keep testing and see, but hopefully everything goes smoothly
Skulldron said:
Yes, So I have gone back to stock and have played PUBG. The artefacts dont appear however sometimes you catch a glimpse of very minor glitching. Now I wonder whether this is due to the fact that my note has a low GPU bin of 2 out of 15 (I think). I have switched over to a new ROM and it appears that the RED flashes of death were temporary and maybe gone for now. I will report if it repeats itself.
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Decent write up of how to fix some of PUBG glitches and lag. I haven't tried that game but could possibly help.
Ok everyone! I believe the issue is solved!. A reflash of the stock ROM appears to have fixed the glitches. Even on low battery it doesn't seem to affect the device so I'm going to put it down to corrupt gpu drivers. Thanks everyone for your help, y'all have been awesome.
Are you doing Dream UX for the galaxy tab s2. If you are, I have a SM-T813 and I am willing to test on it since you do not have one for this device and I don't expect for Samsung to release 8.0 Oreo on it.
Please and Thanks

