why I dont like apple - Off-topic

Its very annoying everywhere I turn I hear ipod or iphone as if that is the only mp3 player or cell phone in existance. I turn the tv on to watch news then I hear the pope got a ipod, a next time I heard president obama have a ipod, next time I heard doctors are using ipod for something (cant remember what), next time I heard apple white iphone is delayed and many customers are waiting for it(its just a color), a next time I heard apple app store have a grill thermometer app.
These are some of things that I heard on the news and it makes me wonder if the station is getting paid everytime they mention a apple product. Yesterday im watching the news and a tech commentator came on and was talking about verizon iphone. He said the verizon version internet is a little slower than at&t but atleast you will be able to make calls with verizon version. If apple version was so bad with voice call how come it was so hush hush. My friend iphone always drop calls and he always have excuse like he was on a bridge, he just pass a over pass, he just pass a dead spot but he would not say its the phone. I asked my friend to send me a picture to my cell that he took out with his iphone, he said he would have to wait until he reach home to do it from his mac book because the iphone couldnt send pic. This was couple years ago when the iphone first came out. This is what you call a loyal fanboy.
Apple is doing a very good job with advertisement. People around me never heard of a N1 but then again i didnt buy it because it was the in-thing. Im not afraid to tell a apple fanboy my left soft key on my N1 can be unresponsive and its very annoying. 3 times for the 10 months I own my N1, when I try to take a pic the phone would completely die. I was thinking the flash was consuming too much battery or maybe its my cheap ebay spare battery. It didnt happen that often for me to try to narrow it down.
did I mention im not a fan for any thing apple. awwwww i feel better.

Yah I'm not crazy about the fan boys either. They think there phone is the like the best phone in the world.

I used to be a fanboy and i still have a lot of respect for the iPhone if it wasnt for them google probably wouldnt be making the phones we have now. our operating system might not exist and we wouldnt have this awesome forum to bash steve jobs. but you have to admit its a pretty impressive device a lot smoother and refined than most of the android phones out there. its biggest limitation is that is has a big ugly apple on it. Mac is obsurd with their locking everything up. if they would just open up then maybe theyd be worth half what the android os is

I don't "hate" apple for capitalizing on a fragmented (heh) mobile market. They see consumer electronics as a sector with untapped potential and made an ecosystem off of it. If you think about it, every manufacturer would sell their soul for the success that Apple has been having. Further more, you should appreciate for what Apple is doing, otherwise most of these manufacturers would still be lagging 10yrs behind in development.
While i do agree that all mp3 players are being grouped up as "ipod" and all phones as "iphones" etc, that's more of a fault with the dumb general public for creating the generalization than Apple's own-doing.

People think that we have capable phones thanks to Apple,but that isnt true,
the IPhone has just a new capacitive multitouch screen.
There were nice smartphones before like Palm Treo,and others.
I had a used Nokia 9210i communicator,way older than the Iphone,
it seems to be the first phone sporting installable programs.
For Android we dont have to thank Apple that they put a crippled OSX on their
phones but we have to thank the Linux devs that their OS is free and has a lot of software available.Hacker had patches for a lot of PDAs running this OS for years.
Now we have WP7 that tells us to throw all previous phones into trash,because
it doesnt run our software without a lot of source changes and runs only on overpriced high-end hardware.

This is a real convo I had yesterday ... I explained after wards (Randomly calling him Jim )
Me *Get's out phone and goes on Angry Birds*
Jim "Hey, that's not an iPhone how did you get that!?"
Me "I downloaded it"
Jim "But i though only iPhones could get apps"
Me *facepalm*

It's not the iphone I hate, it's the goddamn fan club I have a problem with.
Its a great piece of hardware. The OS is so simple a child can use it. Much like the mental capacity of its fanbois.

MacaronyMax said:
This is a real convo I had yesterday ... I explained after wards (Randomly calling him Jim )
Me *Get's out phone and goes on Angry Birds*
Jim "Hey, that's not an iPhone how did you get that!?"
Me "I downloaded it"
Jim "But i though only iPhones could get apps"
Me *facepalm*
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hahahahahahaha what a dumbass. sorry if i'm insulting your friend, but that's just stupid.

Yup apple is sh*t
I plugged the ipod speakers in my Sony Walkman hit the bass button and the sound was like the speakers are farting!
Stopped the bass feature and the sound was still like sh*t.
I plugged my speakers in an ipod and the sound wasn't that good, IDK why they say that the ipod has a clear voice when it sounds like crappy FM radio.

I had a white 3gs and I loved it. But it got damaged at&t screwed me over and apple said oh well. I played with my friends n1 and had to have android in the end I went with the evo only because sprint cut me a better deal than T-Mobile. I went to buy the G2 and it would have cost almost $1000 just for the phone and new 2 yr.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App

btw, KarlosTheJackal pposted something funny in this thread:
KarlosTheJackal said:
My favoute "custy" ever came in & we had this convo (to explain the grading system i work at a second hand store, we grade everything A,B or C based on there condition):
Custy: "You have them new iPhones in stock"
Me: "Yes, we have both the 16GB & 32GB in stock both in 'A' Grade condition"
Custy: "Does that come with that talking cat thingy?"
Me: "Pardon?"
Custy: "Don't play stupid, you know that program/app thingy that the cat talks to you"
Me: "Do you mean 'Talking Tom Cat'?"
Custy: "Thats the one, does it come with it?"
Me: "Its not pre-installed, its a free app you download of apples market place"
Custy: "How much for the app thingy?"
Me: "Ive just said its free"
Custy: "I won't take one of them iPhones unless it has that on it"
Me: "I can put it on there if you like"
Custy: "Yes"
To sum it up, she paid £550 for a 32GB iPhone4 for one free app that she could have gotten on an iPod Touch.
That was the day I lost hope for humanity...
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Thank you!! Well said
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

Really? I see more people with Androids/Blackberrys.
Why I like Apple:
1)They do nice designs for their products.
2)Operating system is better for viruses not because there are none, but if they do get in they do less damage than they would on Windows.
3) They have better games for iTouch/iPhone than for Android, I want some more gameloft games, and "lite" games.
Why I don't like Apple:
1) Over priced
2) Lack of customization, and I'm having a harder time jail breaking the free iTouch I received.
3) Lack of game support for their computers
4)Fanboys really ruin the community for Apple because if you mention one con about Apple they eat you like a starving man and a cheesecake.

MacaronyMax said:
This is a real convo I had yesterday ... I explained after wards (Randomly calling him Jim )
Me *Get's out phone and goes on Angry Birds*
Jim "Hey, that's not an iPhone how did you get that!?"
Me "I downloaded it"
Jim "But i though only iPhones could get apps"
Me *facepalm*
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Same here!! Angry birds and its not an iPhail/iPhuck?

Why is XDA-Developers the anti-Apple site? I just don't get all the Apple hate around this place. They are what they are. I use some Apple products. I'm typing this on a MacBook Pro right now that I *need* for my business because I rely on software that ONLY runs on OS X. I also have a couple of Android phones and a BlackBerry... and while there are things about the iPhone that draw me in, how closed it is puts me off. But it's also a selling point, as it's what allows Apple to create the experience they do.
We have a free market, and we should be GLAD for Apple. And Android. And Windows Phone 7. And even Symbian. The free market is what causes ALL platforms to progress and develop at the rate they do in order to keep up with each other.

Cimer said:
Why I don't like Apple:
1) Over priced
2) Lack of customization, and I'm having a harder time jail breaking the free iTouch I received.
3) Lack of game support for their computers
4)Fanboys really ruin the community for Apple because if you mention one con about Apple they eat you like a starving man and a cheesecake.
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1. I hear this argument, and I don't see the truth in it at all. iPhone is priced competitively with high-end Android phones in the same class.
2. This is VERY true, unfortunately.
3. Um, seriously? No. I'd argue consoles are better for games anyways, but Macs run games pretty well. Granted, there aren't a lot of games for Mac OS X but that isn't Apple's fault. And you can run any OS you feel like on your Mac, so dual-boot with Windows if you need Windows games. Unfortunately, I can't run Mac OS X on any generic hardware I want without some hacking, and I rely on programs that are ONLY available for OS X. That seems more a reason to be anti-Apple than the other way around
4. Isn't the whole point of this thread (and it seems much of this site) the ANTI-Apple fanboys? The idiotic fanboys are everywhere (though Verizon seems to have the most - and I must say the Verizon iPhone scares me. Combine Apple's fanboys with Verizon's fanboys and you have the potential for a nuclear explosion of fanboyism in the coming months). Ignore them, they don't change the real merits of a product.

It's marketing. Apple and developers create the product, and then people market them. Apple does not create markets, but they sure as hell know how to expand it. There was a small tablet market before the Ipad, but when the Ipad came and hit, the tablet market blew up. Same thing with smart phones. Smart phones wouldn't have grown and expanded to the general public if apple didn't put out the Iphone.
Also, haven't had an issue jailbreaking. If you have an Iphone before 4.2, jailbreakme.com. If you have newer, redsn0w supports windows and mac. As for games, it's up to the developers, not the OS. Steam and valve have support for OS X, ID games do seeing that they're opengl games, and there are cider wrappers for a lot of games out there.
I wish apple would develop a computer that uses desktop parts and not mobile or workstation parts, since that drives cost up some. But for that, I have osx86. Until Apple makes a machine with complete desktop parts, well osx86 for me.

Just wanting to put a few things in here.
While reading through this thread, it seemed like all i was reading was a large group of teenage douche bags all getting together and talking about something they don't like.
Don't get me wrong, I love android but it doesn't have to be this "I hate apple, I love android" thing, they BOTH have their strengths and weaknesses.
Both OSs have been hacked because there are things people don't like about both, not just Apple. I mean, we are on a forum that is dedicated to IMPROVING the Android OS, obviously because it isn't what we would like it to be and we can make it better.
The iPhone is an amazing phone; if you have a good signal on ATT (which I have always had, never had that whole dropped calls thing over and over like people state they have) then most people don't have complaints becUse it just works. The OS is intuitive, very clean, and very easy to navigate.
When people ask me which to get, I always ask them right away, "are you going to be customizing the phone? How adept are you with computers?" if they aren't, I direct theto iOS because it is better as a STOCK OS.
If we couldn't hack and change android like we can, it might be a little better, but ONLY if you were very into the customization; for the average consumer, IOS is better. That's why it sells.

i*hone is a way over priced over hyped device imo

vbetts said:
It's marketing. Apple and developers create the product, and then people market them. Apple does not create markets, but they sure as hell know how to expand it. There was a small tablet market before the Ipad, but when the Ipad came and hit, the tablet market blew up. Same thing with smart phones. Smart phones wouldn't have grown and expanded to the general public if apple didn't put out the Iphone.
Also, haven't had an issue jailbreaking. If you have an Iphone before 4.2, jailbreakme.com. If you have newer, redsn0w supports windows and mac. As for games, it's up to the developers, not the OS. Steam and valve have support for OS X, ID games do seeing that they're opengl games, and there are cider wrappers for a lot of games out there.
I wish apple would develop a computer that uses desktop parts and not mobile or workstation parts, since that drives cost up some. But for that, I have osx86. Until Apple makes a machine with complete desktop parts, well osx86 for me.
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thats why i just build my own pc's


Automatic start for you car app???

Devs and droid lovers alike, I have just been informed that the iphone has an automatic. Start for your car app. I was doing one of my regular "android is taking oover the world" text messages to all my friends and someone responded with that... now of course I went to into the android os and the fact that its an open os and all that but needless to say, I was rocked. This will be the iphones trump if we don't do something fast. So dev, the android community is depending on you guys to study the application in question and then crush it! I know you guys can do it! Charge just as much as they do and put it on the market.. everyone will buy!
Long live ANDROID!
im not sure if its the same one but if you look in the best buy flyer it shows the viper alarm system can be bought on the iphone for $500 instead of buying the piece for your keys
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.
This is a stupid ****ing idea.
The Android OS isn't as clean or as slick as the Iphone or as responsive, and who cares.
I saw the commercial showcasing this, and it looks good, ON THE IPHONE.
Icebergxx said:
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it.
This is a stupid ****ing idea.
The Android OS isn't as clean or as slick as the Iphone or as responsive, and who cares.
I saw the commercial showcasing this, and it looks good, ON THE IPHONE.
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Haha I agree. Who gives a **** what the iPhone can do. We may not all like
the iPhone, but since when is this a competition?
First off you have to have something in your car for your phone to talk with. I don't plan on installing a Blue tooth gizmo so I can start my car when my car keys work just fine. Oh I do have remote start on my keys so it kinda defeats the need for an iPhone or Android version. Heck I don't even use the remote start half the time unless its really really cold outside.
As for the competition between iPhone and Android. I made my decision the day I bought my G1.
I wanna use my g1's poor accelerometer to steer my car!
Icebergxx said:
I wanna use my g1's poor accelerometer to steer my car!
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Yeah...and use the barcode scanner to scan the QR code on the cop's ticket so I don't need the paper copy. The ticket I got for mowing down the guy standing on the sidewalk, starting his car with his iPhone. Applesauce all over my metal-alloy valve stem caps.
For all those who say when did this become a competition I ask this question.... when you bought your g1 did you do any research at all or did you just get the coolest looking new phone you could buy, or did you let some t-mobile rep who barely know what they're talking about sucker you into buying the newest phone so they could get a cut. For the somewhat smart people out there who do research before they make a large investment or sign 2 years of a portion of their income away, when you bought the G1 you (in some way,shape, or form) said I'm smarter that everyone who has the iphone. You said "I don't care about at&t's superior network, I don't care about the iphone's superior hardware, the android OS is the best thing since slice bread and it trumps any of those other things. At the point you engaged in this competition. This is why cyanogen made this amazing ROM and one of his screen shots was of him talking to a buddy on gtalk telling him something like"the iphone will never be able do what we can do."..... now that we made that clear... if your a real dev out there and you know what I'm talking about I just want to let you know I appreciate you, even if nobody else does, I do! I mean that! Keep showing the world why the Android (open) OS is the best!
mimic1011 said:
For all those who say when did this become a competition I ask this question.... when you bought your g1 did you do any research at all or did you just get the coolest looking new phone you could buy, or did you let some t-mobile rep who barely know what they're talking about sucker you into buying the newest phone so they could get a cut. For the somewhat smart people out there who do research before they make a large investment or sign 2 years of a portion of their income away, when you bought the G1 you (in some way,shape, or form) said I'm smarter that everyone who has the iphone. You said "I don't care about at&t's superior network, I don't care about the iphone's superior hardware, the android OS is the best thing since slice bread and it trumps any of those other things. At the point you engaged in this competition. This is why cyanogen made this amazing ROM and one of his screen shots was of him talking to a buddy on gtalk telling him something like"the iphone will never be able do what we can do."..... now that we made that clear... if your a real dev out there and you know what I'm talking about I just want to let you know I appreciate you, even if nobody else does, I do! I mean that! Keep showing the world why the Android (open) OS is the best!
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I thought our trump was the source code, let's see them come back at you with that. At&t's superior network?! All of my friends iPhones drop calls every day!
The point is that its a competition...not what the trump is...i just want to provoke anyone who up for the comp to step up!
I personally would never want to use my phone for this.. it provides too many possibilities of disaster. If you have a Bluetooth device in your car running someone will hack it sooner or later.
geekingitup2005 said:
I personally would never want to use my phone for this.. it provides too many possibilities of disaster. If you have a Bluetooth device in your car running someone will hack it sooner or later.
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totally it will be like the ability to crack WEP haha
This does NOT run off bluetooth for one. There is essentially another cellular phone in the vehicle that receives a handshake through the SMS system.
This is OLD OLD OLD OLD news and has been done before
Go put that system in and you can control it from your Cell, your house, your aunt's brother's cousin's boyfriend's sister.
Seeing as that is run off DTMF, I am sure someone could toss an app together with a macro to do certain functions automatically through a GUI
overground said:
Yeah...and use the barcode scanner to scan the QR code on the cop's ticket so I don't need the paper copy. The ticket I got for mowing down the guy standing on the sidewalk, starting his car with his iPhone. Applesauce all over my metal-alloy valve stem caps.
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Ahahahahaha nice!
Could you imagine
My g1 auto starting my 91 Toyota AWD 5 speed? hahahaha
mimic1011 said:
For all those who say when did this become a competition I ask this question.... when you bought your g1 did you do any research at all or did you just get the coolest looking new phone you could buy, or did you let some t-mobile rep who barely know what they're talking about sucker you into buying the newest phone so they could get a cut. For the somewhat smart people out there who do research before they make a large investment or sign 2 years of a portion of their income away, when you bought the G1 you (in some way,shape, or form) said I'm smarter that everyone who has the iphone. You said "I don't care about at&t's superior network, I don't care about the iphone's superior hardware, the android OS is the best thing since slice bread and it trumps any of those other things. At the point you engaged in this competition. This is why cyanogen made this amazing ROM and one of his screen shots was of him talking to a buddy on gtalk telling him something like"the iphone will never be able do what we can do."..... now that we made that clear... if your a real dev out there and you know what I'm talking about I just want to let you know I appreciate you, even if nobody else does, I do! I mean that! Keep showing the world why the Android (open) OS is the best!
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Sorry to be off topic but this post is slightly ridiculous. Yes, I knew what I was getting into when I bought a G1. And I would say my decision was also slightly based on the fact that I was already in a contract with T-Mobile. BUT the reason I chose android was not because it was BETTER than the iPhone. In fact, I never even compared it to the iPhone. But that's kind of irrelevant.
The point I want to make is that devs aren't cooking ROMs to compete with the iPhone. In fact, I would go as far as to say that there's not a single dev on this forum that is trying to compete with iPhone. Sure, maybe some of them think android is superior in some way, and maybe they think android will triumph in the smartphone market eventually, but they aren't android devs because they want to be iPhone killers

is Apple mad?

why is it i see all fools are behind iphone and compare everyother superphone with iphone only?
why is apple suing everyone and saying there's no creativity in others and everyone copying their ideas?
i heard it on android, i heard it on WP7
whenever a smartphone is released, some idiots compare it with iphone sales and says that product is waste infront of iphone
F..... i am really pissed of with this apple madness
people are so lazy
if apple is talking about creativity and saying multitouch and gestures is a copy of their idea, what more does it expect from any mobile phone with a touch screen made by others? swyping through menu with blowing air or what?
is thats the case does this mean apple also copied many things? why did they use mobile phone technology in their device? why not they invented something like talking in air and passing the message through air?
i dont know what i am talking about coz i am really pissed of with this iphone comparison culture.......
sorry if ayone thinks i am mad but really i am
hahahahah you really made me laugh
SOS just a different day for Apple World. Don't let it get to you.
Movo to off topic section
Dusseldorf, great city!!
Movo to off topic section
Apple will be always behind..
Apple make 'nice' products that look pretty. Thanks to Apple we have a lot of the other hardware that has been developed from other manufactures.
To me, Apple is more of a concept design company, giving concept designs for other companys to make something good from.
No one buys a concept car, but they buy the ideas that have come from the concept (just a metaphor not being literaly with Apple )
The only thing I own from Apple is an iPod. Anything else I would either build myself or buy something at a sensible price!
The thing I hate is when Apple, and Apple fans get so arrogant and stuck up their own arse!
Another day, another useless, uninformative, " this what I hate about apple " thread.
Seriously Mods, can't there be an " I hate Apple " forum some place below off-topic, to keep the rest of the forums from being cluttered. Or maybe just rename off-topic to the " forum word games and oh yeah, I hate Apple " section.
Using both an iPhone and a Tilt, I frequent here and iPhone-Mod sites, and have noticed that on the iPhone sites people are actually occupied with modding their phones and there is a zero Winmo or Android bashing preoccupation. Whereas here......................
Just stating a glaring difference I've noticed between iPhone users and Winmo users.
only think i thank apple for is waking up other makers, so now we have things like Htc hd2 or nexus one. other than that apple's a haft bitten crap.
htc fan89 said:
only think i thank apple for is waking up other makers, so now we have things like Htc hd2 or nexus one. other than that apple's a haft bitten crap.
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i second that apple maybe dosnt have the best hard ware but they make it simple and sexy look at the macbook pros like other than you can remove the battery they design it perfect, honestly if i pay 1 000 or even 800 for a laptop or phone i like it to look sexy and strong i don`t want a corner or my laptop breaking off if i drop it,
i like to think of apple has a nice new sexy Nissan(all looks no guts) while other manufactures more like American muscle cars(all guts no looks) (exluding the new gt500)
Think we have enough Apple threads


JUST KIDDING!!! I will NEVER own an iPhone of any generation - PERIOD!!
Hyperplasia07_from_youtube said:
I have bought all three generations of iPhones on launch day, but I cannot take it any longer.
In the end, it was rejection of Google Voice from the App Store that drove me to this point, but that was just the tip of the spear. Whether it is their refusal to let other gadgets such as the Palm Pre interface with iTunes, or their Draconian App Store procedures...I simply cannot support them with a clear conscience, which is why I chose to end the life of my iPhone in this manner instead of selling it--after all, who would want to pass on a cancer to another person?
Apple may have fooled the world with their witty commercials and bright t-shirts, but they will no longer fool me. Their approach has helped them gain a sizable chunk of the PC market, but as their popularity grows, people will begin to see them for what they really are--a corporation far more "evil" than Microsoft would ever dream to be.
Apple is turning consumerism into communism. Any entity that enforces such anti-competitive practices and dictates what their paying population can and cannot have without any explanation, consistency, or reason is communistic. It's wrong and I will no longer support it.
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Haha well, i dont mind spreading the "cancer," im reselling my iphone
And i dont hate the iphone, i just dont like it or apple anymore...
You know, it actually held up better than I thought it would in that video
Da_G said:
You know, it actually held up better than I thought it would in that video
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Ha! I know right? I would have figured the first round would have blown it to pieces but no.... It took 4 before the phone even broke in half!
Went on the rounds not so long ago via faceplant/twit the music really sets the scenario
Congrats, must feel good
Insane...LoL...but great stress relief
Seriously, I hope this guy doesn't take this to another step...and start shooting a apple store or even worst
Now I'd like to see "50cal V. iPad"
Those Foxconn workers may be suicidal, but the build a tough phone
AGAIN!!! AGAIN!!! The iphone does make a good target.
Thought this was brilliant when I watched it, music really does set the scene!
How many times do you reckon the guy missed? Or is he a better shot then I would be if I ever touched a gun....

Displeased with the cult yuppie social status symbolism of the iPhone...

I admit that I was a formerly proud owner of the first iPhone (2G) but have disliked the gradually cultish nature of iPhone users over the years. I have met a lot of iPhone users nowadays and strangely enough, a lot of them express a particular self-absorption and lack of interest in the well-being of others for some odd reason.
I know that there isn't a scientific reason/explanation for a device affecting the personality of the iPhone owners or the culture of them as a group, but how can such a device have an impact on the lifestyles of these people. So my question is why are such people who are iPhone users tend to be ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah?
Case in point: I was on a recent date with lady who owned an iPhone and she couldn't keep her eyes off her iPhone all the time. After all, I would be hoping that I would have a word in straightedgewise once in awhile...?
(Btw, I myself am mostly a Palm Pre Plus and Android user mostly. I do use an iPad and iPhone for my art studio work so I am probably guilty of some of these qualities too?)
Anyways, regardless of political orientation, what is the sociological explanation for the cult yuppish nature and type A personalities of the iPhone owners? Feel free to flame on, but I'm actually interested in reasoned explanations of this mystery.
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
Yuppies, aka, hipsters. They are invading my neighborhood, which used to be a nice quiet Polish area.
They don't like anything mainstream (that's why they dress like **** and listen to ****ty music) but LOVE anything apple. They are one of those people that if an Apple worker takes a crap, names it iCrap, they will buy it. I really think there is nothing special about an iPhone, well maybe except ending the call by touching the side of it. There is nothing my G2 can't do that an iPhone can.
Don't get me wrong, I own an iPad, but I barely use it, and I was thinking of using it for my photo biz, and used it for that a few times already. I only bought it because iPad competitors were nowhere to be found, except the Gtab
DirkGently1 said:
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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Most people on this planet are "non-tech-savvy". They don't know the difference between 1080p and 720p, RDP and VNC, what's a "VPN", etc. The folks from Apple perfectly know this - that's why they make the most straightforward devices I've ever seen. Total lack of design (I mean c'mon - a button and a screen?) + an elementary user interface (considered revolutionary) = the iPhone. It's for people who want "high tech" and ""usability"" (notice the doubled quotation marks), who wouldn't probably ever want to know what makes their device tick, or even if it's working correctly, because "they simply won't understand it". That actually makes the iPhone something I would gladly give to my 75-year-old grandpa, whose knowledge of modern computer hardware and software is on about the same level as my cat's. I guess this is the primal reason Apple managed to create an enormous fan base of people, who would buy everything with a bitten apple engraved on it and, of course, Steve Jobs has praised for ~2 hours straight (in their presentations) with hundreds of five-dollar words like "this time we exceeded ourselves" or "it's truly amazing, MAGICAL even". People, who would so fiercely protect Apple's creations, it's scares me.
Its not the device changing the people, its just the type of people and the demographic that actually considers using an iPhone over a different device. The device has not shaped them but the device has changed our perception of the device and who uses it
DirkGently1 said:
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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iphone users are idiots , they pay about 4 times more for the same or less processing power , functions and ease of use that i can get from ebay
I don't think that that's the case unless all the people I see on the buses, subways, streets and schools tend to be "ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah."
Almost every person I see on a phone outside is on the iPhone 4, of course that's just NYC at the moment.
I always think of that Steve Mobs scene in the Simpsons every time i'm in a room full of people checking their iphone4's.
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
qipengart said:
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
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then you are a troubled man , with a bizarre dilemma to figure out , and need to find yourself

Steve Jobs has passed away at 56

Say what you will about Steve Jobs and his flagship company, Apple, but I think we all must admit some form of loss on the matter. For all the bad things that we love to rip on about Apple, it is no big secret that this company with this man at the helm drove our precious smartphone market into the spotlight we all share today.
Rewind the clock a few years and the only "smartphones" on the market, called Pocket PC or PPC, were Windows Mobile devices. That operating system once ruled the PDA/mobile device sector with an iron grip. Granted that back then it was less than 5% of cell phone owners that actually had a PPC. We were all business users with different tastes making our devices work for us, one way or another. we all dealt with the poor WM UI for so long that we knew nothing else. It was commonplace to install Today Screen plug-ins like SPB or HTC Home to give it a slightly more attractive appeal.
The game all changed when Apple, with Steve Jobs at the helm, released the original iPhone. Hardware-wise it was particularly unimpressive. It utilized the average hardware from the time. The thing that made it stand out over anything was the intuitive UI, iOS. This new operating system brought smartphones out of the strictly geek circles, and introduced a new mobile gadget to millions of people who thought touch-screens were only used in Star Trek. It ushered in a whole new era of thinking.
Manufacturers took immediate notice of this and changed their way of doing things to keep up with Apple. Google purchased Android, Inc. and pushed forward with development of it's Android OS platform. RIM began ramping up production and released version five of their Blackberry operating system. Even Microsoft, who had previously dominated the PPC market began to back away from its aging UI and began working on WP7.
The impact that this man has had on our community, for better or worse, is one that every member has felt at one point or another. Without him pushing the market forward, you would probably still be stuck waiting on that Netflix DVD to arrive rather than queuing it up on your device. Whether you're an Android fan, an Apple fan, or even an aging Windows Mobile die-hard, like myself, today is a sad day for us, and one in which we should all pay our respects.
If anyone has anything else to add, this is the thread to do it.
Don't matter how Android, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 users hate Apple, they can't say that Steve Jobs was a visionary and a great man, which changed the way we think about technology
Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built
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You summed it up nicely, yourself.
But yeah, love or hate him, he did ALOT for technology in general, whether you used Apple products or not, they impacted the market greatly and most of the things you use may have never come to pass without Apple being pushed ahead helmed by Steve Jobs.
keep it in 1 topic plz

