[Q] what is the solution with galaxy s battery? - Galaxy S I9000 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I purchased a Samsung Galaxy s i9000 4 months ago
At the first the battery was strong so I was charging it once every two days
I am surprised of topics, which says that the battery is weak
But about a month ago the battery started to weaken and I became charging once a day
but now I have to charge it twice a day
I tried with advanced task killer and setCPU programs but nothing has changed
also I,make lighting as little as possible, and the type of network put it only GSM
I was put lag Fix, so I said maybe its the Reason so I delete lag Fix and did not change anything
what is the solution with the battery?

You can try install JuiceDefender.
The least you use the phone for data connection, the longer the phone battery can last.

Do you leave Wi-Fi turned on? Check out the very first post in this thread. look in the Wi-Fi bug section. After I tried Fix #1, my battery life has improved drastically.

Read the battery FAQ posts .
Bump charge the battery .
Turn off unnecessary services .
Set WiFi to sleep when screen turns off.
Buy a spare battery cheap enough .
Turn OFF the phone when not in use you dont leave a car running day and night .
Charging twice a day drain battery wipe battery stats and charge fully .


[Q] drastic battery drain galaxy s

After a difficult update with Kies I was able to upgrade to Gingerbread.
Everything seemed to go well the first time then I found drain battery and slowing down on the system.
So I decided to make a simple wipe which reported the phone as fast as at first, but the battery still has problems.
In one night from 90% it was completely drained so today I decided to use 'Battery Calibration' made from user 'marosige'. This time in 5 hours I lost 30% of battery life using some sms, internet for 15 minutes, and playing cut the rope for 10 minutes. More or less.
However I have to see if the battery loses all of a sudden like last night which is the biggest problem.
All of this is not normal have you any advice?
Thanks in advance
Hi Fattox,
Dont worry your socks off I flash Roms quite often and this requires me to calibrate the battery. Sometimes with certain Roms I find the battery may drain quickly the first time and then things get better.
You say you have calibrated so that means the app you used should have deleted the old battery stats from your systems file. In saying that if you follow these next few step you should be ok (unless there are other issues causing the drain)
1. Make your you drain the battery fully until phone dies and can't be turned on by pressing the power button then....
2. Plug in phone and keep it off until battery is fully charged. Don't take it off charge as soon as it says full. Just let it go for about an hour more or so to ensure it's at capacity.
3. Turn phone on and use as normal until dead...
Providing there are no other issues causing the battery drain you should find your battery usage to be satisfactory. Remember to turn off wifi and gps when your not using them as well as maybe turning your screen brightness down. Anything that uses less power the better....
Hope this helps.
between the recalibration with the app and your point 1, I had the same problem: during the night the battery loose all the energy.. so strange.
All this after I upgraded to Gingerbread.
I'm going to test all this week then I'll spend my warranty.

What would you do when ...

hi all ,
my phone is having some battery drain issues ...when i use GXP v22 the battery drain 1% everty minute in standby ..no battery in just 2 hours with GDX it last only 10hours
even when i full wiped , clear dalvik , wipe battery stats the battery still dies to quickly ...
so what would you do?
oh ya i got this rather odd problem the battery went standby for about 4hours ..the battery was 75% and still is ..but then when you use like 1 minute it drop another 1% ..why?
will the launcher be he culprit? i use launcher 360 ..
i off everthing , 3g ,0% brightness , no haptic , no wifi , no bluetooth use silent etc...
flash the other rom after flashing gdx without full wipe.. hope it works ...
tohno said:
hi all ,
my phone is having some battery drain issues ...when i use GXP v22 the battery drain 1% everty minute in standby ..no battery in just 2 hours with GDX it last only 10hours
even when i full wiped , clear dalvik , wipe battery stats the battery still dies to quickly ...
so what would you do?
oh ya i got this rather odd problem the battery went standby for about 4hours ..the battery was 75% and still is ..but then when you use like 1 minute it drop another 1% ..why?
will the launcher be he culprit? i use launcher 360 ..
i off everthing , 3g ,0% brightness , no haptic , no wifi , no bluetooth use silent etc...
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Try another "Rom" i guess it's not the launcher but the rom itself, try XGin 6.2 it has a great batt. life. been using it for over 2 weeks now and i'm pretty happy with the battery life.
wifi always on, calling, texting, media streaming, brightness set @ 70%, surfing and my batt last for about 1day 7hrs..
will it help if i give it some time ? maybe a week or 2 ?
I don´t think so.
But that battery drain IS NOT NORMAL, I normally get beetween 24h and 48h of without charging, sometimes even more, and less when I use Wi-Fi or play 3D games.
There´s a battery calibration app on the market:
You charge you phone, an when it´s at 100% you click a button and then the app wipes your battery stats.
You can also set an alarm that rings when the battery is on 100%.
GingerDX v022 on Stock Kernel, smartass governor (default scaling values of 122->600 MHz)
With WiFi and 3G turned OFF the battery drain is 1% in ~2.5-3 hours (phone idle).
With 3G turned on and WiFi turned off the battery drain (almost full reception) is 1% every 4.5 minutes!!! (~7 hours before the battery dies)
With WiFi turned on and 3G turned off the battery drain is 1% every 15-20 minutes (phone just sitting there causing the usual traffic of Gmail, Talk, Sync).
Try to set your phone to a comparable configuration (no idea if GXP has a CPU Governor setting - in GDX it's in CyanogenMod Settings) and try to replicate the test ...
From the "with GDX it last only 10hours" you wrote it sounds like your phone is constantly connected to WiFi or 3G (and maybe having download/upload traffic going on - therefore increasing the power consumption).
Also note that overclocking (as I recall I spotted a overclock thread of yours) will chew the juice out of your battery at a way faster pace.
Keep in mind that the values may differ depending on the GSM/3G reception ... the weaker the signal, the more power the phone needs to apply to communicate with the tower. If you're in an area where the reception is poor you shouldn't wonder about the battery getting eaten.
As a last resort, keep an eye on what applications you have running in the background. The more crap you got running, the more bat drain you're going to have when processes are fighting over CPU time.
NONO i never on wifi / 3G / bluetooth / GPS ..cause of the poor battery i tried my best to save as much battery as possible ...but in no use =( i cosntantly use task killers and i use smartass governer i think i will try stormvix ..oh! and starting my phone eats about 20% each time i does it ..is this normal?
i tried the battery calibration app ..doesn't do jack =(
should i pcc my phone? and redo everything
tohno said:
NONO i never on wifi / 3G / bluetooth / GPS ..cause of the poor battery i tried my best to save as much battery as possible ...but in no use =( i cosntantly use task killers and i use smartass governer i think i will try stormvix ..oh! and starting my phone eats about 20% each time i does it ..is this normal?
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"starting my phone" translates into what ... ?
Turning it on (from being powered off) and letting it boot up results in 20% loss of battery charge?
That's NOT normal at all ... your charge should lose 1% at best if it was already close to going down by a percent.
Using the phone for a phone call makes it lose 20% battery charge?
Well, that entirely depends on the length of the call and the reception. Going down 20% would be about... hmmm... 1.5h talking time (estimated from the top of my head)?
At any rate ... a rapid loss of charge like your 10 hours while the phone just idles around twiddling thumbs and not being connected to WiFi or 2/3G is not normal no matter how you look at it. EDIT: Unless you overclock sky-high and running the performance governor which would keep the CPU fully clocked no matter what's currently going on.
starting in the sense like restarting eg entering cwm / xrec ...i flashed back to stock now ...gonna do it all again .. i knew this was too much drain i off everything even background data and i use smaratss 122 - 710 , even my brightness is 9% ...
B.Jay said:
Unless you overclock sky-high [...]
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tohno said:
i use smaratss 122 - 710
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Just for testing purposes to see if the bat drain stays within a sane stretch I recommend you stay with 122-600MHz.
It would also help to install some app/widget that monitors the current clock of the CPU - just to see if there's something which keeps your CPU busy and therefore running at full throttle. I recently saw something like that, I just fail to remember where and what the name of the app was ...........
okay so i flashed to stock last night ..i on everything sync , wifi , bluetooth , data etc for 5 hours it drained only 10% surpisingly ...after 10seconds it restarted and dropped to 3% ..odd...and i fully charged my phone to 100% and left it there for about 1hour and it dropped from 100% - 86% ..any solution?
There are only two things left that I would consider ...
a) The circuitry monitoring the battery charge is bogus and pulling random values out of thin air (would indicate a hardware defect in the loading circuit on the motherboard).
b) Any change the guys who repaired your phone from the hard brick returned your device with a old, almost dead, battery instead of the shiny new one you had in your W8 that bricked (you know, shady retailers thinking to make a few extra bucks by selling off the battery of your dead phone as used-part replacement to earn a "little something extra")? This would closer match to the 10->3% / 100->86% jump symptoms - the battery being about dead and therefore unable to hold the charge and draining like wild.
I don't know which of these two options to favor, but I would give "b" a 51% chance over "a".
EDIT: Stay with the Stock ROM and complain with either the repair shop or SE as the drain problem can be reproduced any given time. This should actually be covered through warranty as the original phone wasn't that old, and the repair is somewhat unrelated. The battery should at least last for two years before you should observe major degrades.

Battery Drains during Standby Mode

Does anybody experience a 3% to 5% battery drain just a few minutes after charging the battery to 100%? It has already reached 100% so I already unplugged it from the charger, but then I noticed after a few minutes, it went down to 97% already, and then in 10 minutes, it's already down to 96%. In 3 hours, it's down to 84%; in 7 hours, it's down to 38% and that's just on standby mode with Wifi/Bluetooth OFF, 3G OFF, GSM only. I've been experiencing this problem for the past few days now. I've already conditioned my battery, charging it to a full charge (100%) after draining the battery until it shuts the phone off. I only charge the battery while the phone is off and usually it takes about 3 to 4 hours maximum to charge it to 100%.
The longest time it reached was 12 hours (battery unplugged from charger) and that is with light use, such as Wifi is only on for a couple of hours, so basically just 2 hours web browsing and skype, 10-20 text messages and 30 minutes to 1 hour browsing the photo gallery or watching videos. No phone calls and 3G is off. The rest of the day, the phone is just on standby mode. I only have at most 10 widgets on the home screen. I have Avast Antivirus running in the background.
I am currently using Easy Battery Saver, Easy Task Killer, GO Task Manager and Battery Monitor Widget. I've uninstalled Juice Defender since I don't think it helps that much when it comes to the battery drain. Currently, the power saving option (available on Note) is enabled at 50%.
Wifi and Bluetooth: OFF when not used
Use Packet Data and Data Roaming: OFF
Network Mode: GSM Only
Auto Sync: OFF
Auto Brightness (Display): OFF and scale is at the most left
Animation (Display): No Animations Shown
Screen Timeout: 30 seconds
Use Wireless Networks/GPS Satellites: OFF
Power Saving: ON at 50%
STOCK ROM (not rooted)
Android OS: 2.3.6
Baseband Version: N7000XXLA4
Kernel Version:
[email protected] #2
Any feedback or comment on this matter would be really much appreciated. Thanks!
From a personal standpoint. Your screenshots shows that your phone had never ever done a deep sleep at all. the 'Awake' mode is continously consistent as well. I guess the probable reason for that is you've installed ''Avast AV" on your phone. It's always running in the background (whenever the phone is ON). From my experiences, Any background application running would always cause wakelocks and the phone would never enter into deep sleep at all.
How bout you try uninstalling some of the background apps your using esp. Avast AV and give it a day to observe if your still having that battery drain issue. (Don't forget after uninstalling or removing those apps, try to wipe dalvik cache and battery stat and restart your phone after.)
and Oh by the way, I am using Juice Defender and contrary to your saying it doesn't help.. IT DOES HELP save battery as I my Note is able to reach 1.5- 2 days of normal use.
Yeah and download betterbatterystats and do some searching on it. With it you can discover what is causing those wakelocks. Search the web for more info on your wakelocks.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
I'm using avast and never seen a drain like that. Only time I have is because of background processing. First thing I would do is turn off Background Data
Then as others have said - check batterystats to see where wakelocks are
Plus a rooted phone is a good thing. Titanium backup allowed me to freeze wi-fi sharing which also made a big difference
Finally - clear all caches from Applications menu and reboot
letters_to_cleo said:
From a personal standpoint. Your screenshots shows that your phone had never ever done a deep sleep at all. the 'Awake' mode is continously consistent as well.
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Only picture that shows that is the one with 1 minute 56 sec discharging time, so it was taken shortly after taking charger out. No suprise of it being almost 100% screen on time there if its only 2 minutes
Also installing "cpu spy" will give the cumulative time that your cpu spent at each frequency including deep sleep , mine is showing 88%
Anti virus app is battery hog, I had avast before too, and I uninstalled it after 2 days using. Also that Juice defender, from my test before, it use up more battery than it saved. turning on and off those 3G/Wifi thing is using up alot of battery. and you know what? even the betterbatterystats use up alot, at least to me, becoz it scan what is up frequently.
Hello! Thank you all so much for your response. I've installed both BetterBatteryStats and CPU Spy and here are the results (please see attachments). Upon checking CPU Spy, it shows there that phone did went to deep sleep, maybe? I'm not quite sure, but it shows on the screenshot that it went to deep sleep for 19%. So does that mean the phone really went to sleep?? I'm sorry to ask this question, since I've never really encountered this problem before with my previous Samsung Wave phone, how will you know that your phone went straight to deep sleep mode?
Also, after 46 minutes or so, the battery went down to 96% already after charging it. The battery drain was already 4% in less than an hour.
@letters_to_cleo: I have not uninstalled Avast yet, since I'm still hesitant to use my phone without an AV. But I will try your suggestion for 1 day and see if there's any battery improvement.
I'm looking forward to your response or suggestions. Thanks again!
i am having problem too with new battery original samsung ( made in japan, finished in korea) previously i use samsung battery made in china, finished in korea. charged it over night with power off. it only last 13hrs. my wife phone can last 30hrs.
i've used batterymix to check the battery usage graph, the usage graph drop very fast compare to my wife phone. i'll post some screen capture of the graphs.
another issue is i used once wifi sharing. after turning switching the wifi sharing off, the wifi sharing service always at the background even after many reboot. how to turn that off??
You might need a new battery. Any rechargeable battery has a finite charging cycle. Just a suggestion.
Hi, all! I just noticed that the battery drains still even during deep sleep mode. After 3 hours or so (during sleep mode according to CPU Spy), the battery went down to 92%. It drains even faster when the phone is in use, especially when Wifi and Bluetooth are on, maybe 2-5% drain in 1 hour.
Maybe there's something wrong with the battery?? It's still a new battery and I can see some improvement each day though, but that's because I use it less each day. Before the battery can only last for 8-10 hours, then it increased to 12 hours, and then to 16-17 hours. BetterBatteryStats' current estimate to empty is 24 hours as of today, but that's because I only used the phone today for only a couple of hours, with 20 minutes Wifi and Bluetooth ON and most of the time, it's on deep sleep mode according to CPU Spy.
What do I do with the results from the Partial Wakelocks? Do I have to disable those apps?? The Kernel Wakelocks didn't show any reference apps running. The screenshots for the Partial and Kernel Wakelocks that were taken a few hours earlier still show the same results after 3 hours.
tknguyencsu said:
You might need a new battery. Any rechargeable battery has a finite charging cycle. Just a suggestion.
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That would be really bad luck. I got my Note via preorder in Germany at the first day it was sold and since then I charged it everyday, sometimes even twice and there is no difference to the first day. If I get told by Samsung after 6month of normal usage the battery is dead that would be the last Samsung device I bought and I use a lot of Samsung stuff.
Your last screenshots show between 9:35 and 13:35 5% of battery drain. That's not really a good value but ways lower than before. Did you delete some Apps or what did you change?
And since when occurred this issue? Did you install new Apps before this happened?
On my Note I had this issue sometimes without any changes but it was gone after a reboot.
Gesendet von meinem ARCHOS 101G9 mit Tapatalk 2
Agreed with Kanalcommander.... try a reboot in the first instance.
Others have also noted that it takes a few refresh cycles before the phone more accurately reports battery use. Perhaps what you are reporting is because the phone and battery are new (new ROM or Kernel loaded?)
What I have done in the past is to reboot into CWM recovery then clear the battery stats (in the Advanced menu option) Recharge the battery to 100% until it says to remove charger and then use normally until battery down to around 20%, then recharge the battery to 100% again. Do this over a few days and that may help.
thanks, it is new battery two days old.
ahhl said:
thanks, it is new battery two days old.
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I was having similar problems with my new note and finishing full charge in 12 hrs but fixed some things and my last charge gave me 2d6hr seriously..few things i did were stop using live wallpapers! Get badass battery to thoroughly monitor stats and then use zdbox to extend life even much eg. I put phone to auto flymode using that app when its sleeping time rest i am more than satisfied even if on GB LC1 fw..waiting for official premium suite for ics since i recently upgraded from sgs2 using ics i miss that smoothness and much better bat life.. Let me know if can be helpful.. Good luck
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
That's what I'm currently doing right now, well, actually, what I do is I discharge the battery until it reaches 0% and turns the phone off. And then I charge the phone for 3 hours while it's switched off, I turn it back on again to check if the battery is fully charged and then I unplug it from the charger.
**Did you delete some Apps or what did you change?
I haven't deleted any apps yet since I don't know which app/s to delete. Most of the apps I downloaded in Note were the same apps that I used in my iPhone4 and Samsung phone before.
**And since when occurred this issue?
This issue occurred since the first day I bought the phone, which was a couple of weeks ago. How long does it take to condition a new battery and new phone?? I'm sorry if I have to ask this question, it's just because I never really experienced this problem with my previous smartphones.
**Did you install new Apps before this happened? On my Note I had this issue sometimes without any changes but it was gone after a reboot.
I only installed recently CPU Spy and BetterBatteryStats and that's it. The drain of 5% from 9:35 to 13:35, the phone's just on deep sleep mode. And then from 13:35 to 23:44, it went from 92% to 74% while the phone is on deep sleep mode at 90% according to CPU Spy. That's 18% battery drain. It's just an unacceptable number for me. I tried rebooting the phone already, but every time I do so, just a few minutes after I turned the phone ON, there's already a 1% drain in the battery.
Also, does the battery really drain faster when the Wifi is ON? I've read in other threads that there might be some problem with the recent OS update that Samsung needs to address. Is this true?? Because as you can see on the screenshot below, the battery was still at 74% by 23:44 and then after I turned ON the Wifi and used it until 01:26, the battery went down to 54%. That's already a 20% battery drain in just less than 2 hours. I was only browsing through the Android Store and Skype.
Calibrate your battery in case you flashed any roms and for first usage I got my battery to 0% 3 times then everything is running great for example its at 47% now its 22 now and I have had it off charge since 7 morning..... i have wifi gps and 3g always on and use music player bluetooth and made some calls
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
My battery (also only a week old) drains quickly too. Can anyone tell me if widgets draw a lot of current? And then is it only the ones on the visible screen or do all widgets draw juice all the time?
I will ask such thing, did you guys check the battery expiration day ? Mostly sibce you got your phone almost a yeae after it was announced you nay get a bad battery, as for widgets the ones that are always active and asking for informatiom. Like location or weather over the internet yes they do eat your battery kinda fast.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using XDA
Recurring battery drain? - Caused by memory of using app to drain battery?
I used a battery drain app when charge left was 30% to accelerate drain to "die out" stage. After I completed the calibration process for unrooted phone as suggested in various sites (charge fully, switch off and charge etc.) I started using it from a 100% stage.
This afternoon when the battery showed 30% I saw in BMW the current flow was in -10ma to -15ma and it started spiking to hundreds. There was no change in settings or usage. From the 30% level it dropped to 10% in an hour and I had to charge again.
Was puzzled why the battery which was dropping around 0.5%/hour in standby earlier to the 30% level suddenly went down hill. My first guess was it was possible some file in the system remembered the previous usage history and replayed it out.
Any suggestions? Anyone faced this before? Everyone says LiOn batteries dont have memory so if anything it has to be the phone.

[Q] Ativ S - battery draining quickly

I have an Ativ S and about a week ago the battery started to drain very quickly - about 15 to 20 per cent an hour.
I do not have wifi, bluetooth or gps on and usually the battery lasted 2 -3 days but now I need to recharge twice a day.
I thought that this was maybe caused by a program so I reset my phone and reinstalled only a few programs, but that did not work.
1) Is there any way that I can see if an app is draining my battery quickly?
2) Could this be a hardware problem? If so, how can i tell if it is the battery or the phone? I think that my warranty has expired, so returning it is not an option.
PS It is on GDR2, no interop unlock or any other tweak whatsoever.
I'm not going to say it's flat-out impossible for an app to drain your battery that fast in the background, but it's not far off. If you want to be really sure, though, enable Battery Saver mode immediately after unplugging the phone (at full charge) and don't use it. Battery Saver prevents all background app activity, so there won't be any apps running and therefore they *cannot* be affecting the battery.
I'm pretty sure that, given the rate of drain and the fact that it persisted through a hard reset, you have a hardware problem. The good news is that it might just be a bad battery - that is a thing which happens, and it's even fairly common on batteries a couple years old - in which case it's a good thing you have a phone with a user-replaceable battery! The way I'd test that is to swap your battery into somebody else's ATIV S and see if the problem persists. If so, it's the battery; if not, it's your phone. Alternatively, you could just buy a second battery and see if that helps.
One other thing to check: if the battery really is still working and the phone is draining it that fast, it'll be dissipating a lot of energy as heat. Does the phone stay abnormally warm while the battery drains like that? That would be a sign of a problem with the phone or the OS, as opposed to the battery itself.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure there are some battery diagnostics and charging statistics located in the Diagnosis app (##634# in the dialer). I forget the code for them but I have all of the codes written somewhere; alternatively, you could do some searching. You could compare the reported battery capacity there with the expected (design) capacity.
I reset my phone again, installed only Viber and till so far, the battery drain seems to have disappeared (or at least improved).
Some users on wpcentral reported that they had major issues with battery drain caused by Whatsapp.
I used Whatsapp for quite some time but never had any problems( till now).
Maybe the last update caused this, i dunno...
Anyway, thanks for your answer.
I will see how it goes and I will let you know.

Note 3 started to drain terribly fast

Hi all there. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which I think has started to drain terribly fast, so I go into the battery status to see what happened and it claimed the screen is draining most power. However I’ve turned down the screen all the time without auto brightness, but only one hour my phone has gone from full down to 80% without any use. I am into the slim mpj extended battery for troubleshooting but before I make the decision, are there any thing I can do to fix the problem? Thank you.
closera said:
Hi all there. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which I think has started to drain terribly fast, so I go into the battery status to see what happened and it claimed the screen is draining most power. However I’ve turned down the screen all the time without auto brightness, but only one hour my phone has gone from full down to 80% without any use. I am into the slim mpj extended battery for troubleshooting but before I make the decision, are there any thing I can do to fix the problem? Thank you.
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I would go to settings/connections/location services and make sure "Use wireless networks" is unchecked (it is a HUGE batt drain)-
XiphoneUzer said:
I would go to settings/connections/location services and make sure "Use wireless networks" is unchecked (it is a HUGE batt drain)-
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I'm having this same issue. I can't figure it out. I turned everything off. Location, Wifi, wireless network. My phone gets hot and drains battery fast. I factory reset twice and still the same.
closera said:
Hi all there. I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 which I think has started to drain terribly fast, so I go into the battery status to see what happened and it claimed the screen is draining most power. However I’ve turned down the screen all the time without auto brightness, but only one hour my phone has gone from full down to 80% without any use. I am into the slim mpj extended battery for troubleshooting but before I make the decision, are there any thing I can do to fix the problem? Thank you.
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It might be the battery
Note 3 with FireKat V7
Theres a good chance it might also be Lookout. After my last factory reset, when i set it up, it was set to auto virus scan every 48 hours. Its a MASSIVE battery drain and lookout doesnt seem to show up in my battery stats either for scheduled scans.

