[Game] High-Low -[R]- 3/9/11 -[V]- 1.0 - Windows Phone 7 Apps and Games

Name: High Low
Simple game, it is usually the 2nd or 3rd program someone makes when learning to program, with slight advancement.
You enter a range of number for the computer to pick a random number between. The computer picks the random number and you try and guess it, with the computer telling you if your guess is high or low. Simple, easy, small, fun to waste time with every now and then in bathroom. Somebody needed to make it!


GPS-lag: A misunderstood feature

I read a lot of threads about GPS-lag on the Diamond, and found no such effect on my device. Finally, I remembered one thing which I learned about GPS-devices a long time ago:
Most of them use a feature called "static navigation" which effects the behaviour at slow speeds or stand-still, especially when walking. This is a feature which the developers of the devices may choose to activate, but it is usually not at the user's discretion to enable or disable.
When static navigation is active, the device will give less information when it moves at low speeds, typically at least up to 6km/h (ca. 4mph). Above this fixed speed, it behaves normal, under this speed, it will not give speed- or directiondata, and will often average the location data, so not every movement will be reported to the software.
When static navigation is not enabled, the reading tends to "jump" when the device is standing still, like in front of a traffic light. I remember my first receiver which had no static navigation, and when I stood at a crossing, the software would reroute after some seconds. The reason: My GPS showed me on the wrong lane and in the wrong direction, and the software believed that I was on the wrong road and had to reroute.
While static navigation is a little annoying for pedestrians, it is a blessing for people who use their devices in a car or on a bike. Here, it will smoothen the operation with road-bound software a lot.
Fwiw: I can experience the same thing. When I move by foot, the reading in Google Maps will lag a little, however when I'm on my cycle or in my car, the reading is very accurate. I have no real problem with the lag in GMM, and prefer a device which works well with Route 66.
Have fun!
this information isn't new it's in most of the threads and your post is misleading. early on you claim you don't have a problem on your device. whereas what you mean is that your device behaves as everyone else's but it doesn't bother you.
edit: I see you have edited
i interpret that as,
"my device behaves as everyone elses, and here's why.."
my icon is shown about a block behind where i actually am while driving through nyc at 30mph. that's unacceptable. your big words and lengthy explanation don't make it no better lol
MY GPS works fine once it gets a lock. But it takes a while to getb that first lock. No real lag that is noticable.

If headphones pulled how to have no sound coming out?

When im in class I listen to my music on my diamond. But if my headphones are pulled from the device then it starts playing from the speakers from the diamond
Where can I change this option at?
I had this problem with the Touch Diamond from the beginning aswell. I originally used the stock 1.92xxx WWE rom and then flashed that with hardspl + aztor v8 and now shaks.p v3.2, this problem persisted throughout all roms though. Whenever I pulled out the headphone jack the music would play through the speakers, almost as if the headphones weren't plugged in. Very annoying.
I searched through these forums and google to no avail. Was very close to selling the phone and give up, as this glitch would cause a tremendous amount of struggle for me. As a last resort I looked in the instruction manual. On the diagram showing the music screen and how to utilize it there was a button with the function PLAY/PAUSE. I thought to myself "What the **** is play/pause?". Out of curiosity I opened up wikipedia and searched for 'play/pause' but the results were irrelevant to my problem.
I then went to my local police station and had a chat with a police officer. He was helpful enough to give me a hand in researching on this persistant problem. After 3 weeks of strenuous but exciting progress, we solved it! Me and Gary's conclusion was that this 'Pause' function was just what I needed. Apparently it stops the music with a single touch of a button, allowing me to withdraw the headphones without disturbing my surroundings!!! Eureka! Here is the entry for 'pause' at dictionary.com:
pause - 9 dictionary results
   /pɔz/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pawz] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, paused, paus⋅ing.
1. a temporary stop or rest, esp. in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
2. a cessation of activity because of doubt or uncertainty; a momentary hesitation.
3. any comparatively brief stop, delay, wait, etc.: I would like to make a pause in my talk and continue after lunch.
4. a break or rest in speaking or reading to emphasize meaning, grammatical relation, metrical division, etc., or in writing or printing by the use of punctuation.
5. Prosody . a break or suspension, as a caesura, in a line of verse.
6. Music . a fermata.
–verb (used without object)
7. to make a brief stop or delay; wait; hesitate: He paused at the edge of the pool for a moment. I'll pause in my lecture so we can all get some coffee.
8. to dwell or linger (usually fol. by on or upon ): to pause upon a particular point.
9. give pause, to cause to hesitate or be unsure, as from surprise or doubt: These frightening statistics give us pause.
1400–50; (n.) ME < L pausa < Gk paûsis a halt, equiv. to paú ( ein ) to stop + -sis -sis; (v.) deriv. of the n.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
Cite This Source
and a direct link if you need it:
If you need any more help I would be happy to help.
zippokc said:
I had this problem with the Touch Diamond from the beginning aswell. I originally used the stock 1.92xxx WWE rom and then flashed that with hardspl + aztor v8 and now shaks.p v3.2, this problem persisted throughout all roms though. Whenever I pulled out the headphone jack the music would play through the speakers, almost as if the headphones weren't plugged in. Very annoying.
I searched through these forums and google to no avail. Was very close to selling the phone and give up, as this glitch would cause a tremendous amount of struggle for me. As a last resort I looked in the instruction manual. On the diagram showing the music screen and how to utilize it there was a button with the function PLAY/PAUSE. I thought to myself "What the **** is play/pause?". Out of curiosity I opened up wikipedia and searched for 'play/pause' but the results were irrelevant to my problem.
I then went to my local police station and had a chat with a police officer. He was helpful enough to give me a hand in researching on this persistant problem. After 3 weeks of strenuous but exciting progress, we solved it! Me and Gary's conclusion was that this 'Pause' function was just what I needed. Apparently it stops the music with a single touch of a button, allowing me to withdraw the headphones without disturbing my surroundings!!! Eureka! Here is the entry for 'pause' at dictionary.com:
pause - 9 dictionary results
   /pɔz/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [pawz] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, paused, paus⋅ing.
1. a temporary stop or rest, esp. in speech or action: a short pause after each stroke of the oar.
2. a cessation of activity because of doubt or uncertainty; a momentary hesitation.
3. any comparatively brief stop, delay, wait, etc.: I would like to make a pause in my talk and continue after lunch.
4. a break or rest in speaking or reading to emphasize meaning, grammatical relation, metrical division, etc., or in writing or printing by the use of punctuation.
5. Prosody . a break or suspension, as a caesura, in a line of verse.
6. Music . a fermata.
–verb (used without object)
7. to make a brief stop or delay; wait; hesitate: He paused at the edge of the pool for a moment. I'll pause in my lecture so we can all get some coffee.
8. to dwell or linger (usually fol. by on or upon ): to pause upon a particular point.
9. give pause, to cause to hesitate or be unsure, as from surprise or doubt: These frightening statistics give us pause.
1400–50; (n.) ME < L pausa < Gk paûsis a halt, equiv. to paú ( ein ) to stop + -sis -sis; (v.) deriv. of the n.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
Cite This Source
and a direct link if you need it:
If you need any more help I would be happy to help.
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geez.. was a sarcastic response thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis long really necessary?
oh my ****ing god
Doesn't the Diamond stop music (atleast TF3D player/WMP) when headphones are plugged out in standby mode?
S2U2 plus S2P... when you use both you also have a headphone sensor... it will stop playing automatically...
listening to music in class? pay attention boy!

speed gun software

I doubt this is available but I thought i'd ask anyway, is there some kind of software that can measure the speed of something via the cam(aka; speed gun). I know there is a bowling program http://pba-bowling.en.softonic.com/pocketpc that uses the camera to measure the speed that you swing your phone and inputs that into the game as your ball speed, Wii like. I was just wondering because if someone can create something like that for golf to measure golf clubspeed on the course that would be awesome for clubmakers like me. for example, the user focuses the camera on the ball and somehow the software takes the time it takes the clubhead to enter, then exit the screen. It then calculates the m.p.h. sometimes i wish i had stayed in college LOL. I could've been smart enough to create something like that myself
Since the camera on the kaiser is so slow I doubt a program would be very accurate following the correct algorithims and all of that stuff and the bowling program is designed to use the -G-sensor(gravity sensor a.k.a. accelerometer) to detect the speed

COMPETITION - Pebble Air Drums

Hey all! My name is Alex Markley and I was ecstatic to have my app idea selected as a finalist for this app development challenge!
My app idea is simple: Strap a pebble onto your wrist, fire up the companion drum machine app, and go to town on your air drums! (Drum stick optional.)
I'm a tad behind on my announcement and setting up my project but I am an experienced Pebble developer (I made the semi-popular Roku Remote app) so I expect to deliver on time!
I'm looking forward to engaging with you, the XDA developer community, as the contest progresses!
XDA:DevDB Information
Pebble Air Drums, Device Specific App for the Pebble
Version Information
Status: Testing
Created 2014-08-21
Last Updated 2014-08-21
August 27th, 2014 -
I'm disappointed to report that in my testing the latency in the communication between the Pebble and the host device is far too high to allow my app idea to work. In order to play an instrument in real time you really need a latency of less than 10 milliseconds for a reasonable experience. Anything above 25 milliseconds is absolutely unworkable. In my tests with Pebble, I have routinely measured message ack times of well over 150-200 milliseconds, with spikes of almost 2000 milliseconds!
Now I freely grant that these numbers represent message round trip times, not one-way message times, but I don't know how to measure the actual time between message sending and message receiving between two separate devices. (Presumably the one-way time is roughly half of the round trip time, but the measured jitter is so high I have no idea how reliably that could be assumed.)
Because of this uncertainty, I did actually implement simple drum machine functionality, allowing me to trigger drum samples directly from the watch. Unfortunately, it was as I suspected. The drum sounds were so delayed as to result in a sad mess whenever I tried any kind of rhythm.
I have tried a number of things in my attempts to speed up the delivery of AppMessage dictionaries. I have reduced the size of the dictionary to a single uint8. I have set app_comm_set_sniff_interval(SNIFF_INTERVAL_REDUCED). None of that has even made a dent in the problem.
Unless somebody can suggest a way to dramatically improve this problem, I am afraid I must withdraw my app idea from the contest.
Thanks for reading!
--Alex Markley
@alexmarkley: Too bad. Your idea was my favorite. Pebble Corp should really make some effort to reduce the lag between the watch and the phone. I don't know the BlueTooth standard in details, but I doubt the lag would be its fault as I use BT tethering on a daily basis without any problem.
I was also looking forward to seeing your app work. I also ran into the variability of response time between messages when I tried blasting the titles and subtitles of 100 menu items from JS to C for my Food Trucks app. I did a timing of this yesterday and it took an average of 20 seconds to send over that amount of data to the watch. Since I was able to scroll down concurrently to data streaming, I inserted a little wait message until the actual text showed up.
I also experimented with SNIFF_INTERVAL_REDUCED and it maybe only helped 10%, if at all. I decided to leave it out of my app, as I wanted the app to be battery friendly.
Good luck next time.

Trying To Understand Android Radio Customizations Possibilities

I am new here and have no experience programming Android systems. I am looking at buying an Android platform in dash radio unit that has some hard key buttons and hard hey knobs.
I don't know if this differs from other Android platforms such as a cellular telephone or a tablet but here's what I am wanting to accomplish (I am under the impression anything is possible since it's just a computer program comprised of 1s and 0s but I'm sure all of you will set me straight).
Okay so essentially I would like to customize the interface, easy enough I know lot of people accomplish that, perhaps only rooting would be required... however I think my vision is more complicated than most. My intent is to create a vector cartoon image of my vehicle, during boot I would like to have the image load on the screen and as the booting phase is progressing (like a status indicator) different lights will turn on, and perhaps have some audio that plays. Then on the home screen I would like to have the same image (or similar) with different status indicators shown, which lights are on, if the vehicle is running, TPMS values, also time of day would be reflected with either a sun progressing across the sky from Sun rise to sun set, then the moon will come out with Northern Lights dancing in the sky. While driving perhaps the wheels could turn.
So yes to me it seems highly ambitious and very in-depth. All of that information will be available to the unit via other applications except for the lighting which I could route through separate circuitry (perhaps through a USB interface??) unless there's another?
My intent is not to open the unit or rebuild it physically. But rooting, reprogramming, flashing, and wiring outside of the unit I am comfortable with.
I believe that's a good start for now, I appreciate your time.
P.S. I don't mind learning and doing the work myself, I am starting from scratch though. Is this viable? Would it be expensive to pay someone? Is it even possible?
I have left out the brand and product because I'm assuming it wouldn't matter, it is running Android 8.0, 4G+32G, 8-core CPU, it has the hard buttons and is touch screen.
Sorry, there is another feature I was looking at having. It has a dedicated hard key "Navigation" button. I was hoping to have two or three specific navigation applications, that as I press that button, it will jump to the last used application, and with each button press it will cycle through all the other 'designated' gps applications.
Also I might want to customize some other hard key button functions, but that's the major one, so I am hoping/assuming it can be done in the first place.
Also simple default startup options, running programs, screens and layout.
Thank you for your time and knowledge.
No one even has any advice or help or anything constructive?
Am I posting this question in the right forum?
Usually forums aren't this quiet. ?
What your looking to do sounds like it would require a decent amount Android programing knowledge. If your starting from scratch with no experience in programing or building Android applications I do not think it's worth your time.
Yes the headunits run a mostly normal version of Android with some customization to do things like interact with the can bus and play Bluetooth audio.
Thank you for the reply, so for an experienced programmer, is this reasonably achievable?
Would it be with contacting someone to do this?

