[DEV-ADDON]DS7Ubuntu v1.0 --- Text Based Ubuntu 11.04 running on Dell Streak 7! - Dell Streak 7

First of all, I need to give my thanks to great DevGhostofNet for his excellent work on getting Ubuntu 11.01 running on Xoom. I borrowed his template on this instruction page as I really don't have my template and using this way to show my appreciation to his work.
Second, I figured though I am not big dev by any means, hopefully any time I spent on such things can add some value to owners of either DS7 or Xoom, especially DS7, which really needs any effort on it in addition to testing help.
So I would throw in my two-cent hours/efforts to get this started. I see huge potential in it, though now it is quite WIP, because the non-graphical version is running well but not Gnome sessions.
1.What is working?
Shell Ubuntu 11.04
I modified the installation scripts to mount DS7 partitions correctly and copy some modified script into original image.
2. What is not working?
Gnome Session
I can install necessary components up to a point where the wall paper is loaded, sidebar is loaded but the guest system did not take/register input properly yet.
3. Why we care?
It has huge potential in it. It uses a part of your sdcard to run a guest system, and you can literally install all those great Ubuntu apps in it in future when more dev effort makes this happen.
4. What is the impact to my existing Android OS?
Minimal. The impacts are:
1. there will be ubuntu scripts in /system/bin/
2. Loop7 device will be borrowed while ubuntu is mounted.
3. under /sdcard, there is a folder ubuntu which pretty much contains everything
4. in LOST.DIR of your /sdcard, there may be lots of temp files if you experimented a lot of install/uninstall of this guest system.
If you still want to take a crack now.........
DISCLAIMER: I will not responsible for any bricked device. Please although this experiment won't affect your other files at all, but **** happens all the time, please do backup and understand what you are trying to do before proceed.
[Before Installation:]
1. You should know what you are doing at this step.
2. You have rooted your device already
3. You configured adb and have a terminal apps in your DS7. (Terminal apps can be found in market. Android Terminal seems to work fine)
4. You have a VNC client. (Android-vnc in market seems fine)
1. Download the DS7Ubuntu files From my post at http://www.OpinionatedFool.com
2. Extract it into /sdcard/ubuntu folder
3. Open a terminal
cd /sdcard/ubuntu
sh ubuntu install
Just click yes when you are asked some questions. This process takes about 5 mins
reboot after installation
NOW after rebooting, you officially are running a text based Ubuntu 11.04
4. Open you terminal
ubuntu start
ubuntu shell
If you are interested to go further, I really encourage to because we need better devs to bring us further. I am willing to try more but it will take longer time as I have been away from Linux for a good 6 years.
5. After you are in Ubuntu Shell environment. you can do
vi /sbin/installubuntu
6. Inside installubuntu, the following are present:
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q update
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q upgrade
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install python-software-properties
#/usr/bin/add-apt-repository ppa:unity-2d-team/unity-2d-daily
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q update
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install tightvncserver xrdp
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install ca-certificates desktop-file-utils doc-base eog g
conf-editor gedit ghostscript-x gnome-about gnome-applets gnome-control-center g
nome-media gnome-menus gnome-nettool gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-session-can
berra gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes-select
ed gnome-themes-ubuntu gnome-utils gtk2-engines gtk2-engines-pixbuf gucharmap hu
manity-icon-theme indicator-applet-session inputattach language-selector launchp
ad-integration lftp libgd2-xpm libgnome2-perl libpam-ck-connector libsasl2-modul
es libxp6 nautilus nautilus-sendto notify-osd rarian-compat screen smbclient sof
tware-center synaptic software-properties-gtk ttf-dejavu-core ttf-freefont ubunt
u-artwork ubuntu-extras-keyring ubuntu-sounds unzip update-manager update-notifi
er x-ttcidfont-conf xterm yelp zenity zip maximus
/usr/bin/dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
/bin/ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl
I am good up to completion of this step in the script above
/usr/bin/apt-get -y -q install tightvncserver xrdp
Then the following bulk apt-get process will cause issues. The main course is on gconf2 as far as I know.
I tried to install them separately after install gconf2, but it is not stably working.
i.e. sometimes I did install them all correctly, but sometimes I am getting segmentation error, which is annoying and requires wipe ubuntu folder and reinstall ubuntu.
I am too rusty on Linux now that better devs may figure it out easily.
[How to Uninstall it?]
In case you want to get rid of it. Here is how:
Through ADB or Terminal Simulator in your DS7
adb shell
mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mmcblk3p3 /system
rm /system/bin/ubuntu*
mount -o remount,ro /dev/block/mmcblk3p3 /system
[Next Step]
Install and configure a working copy of Gnome-session on this successfully. Hopefully there will be Kernel Dev to have a Ubuntu kernel specifically for DS7? That will be the best.
We can then
1. Run Apache server and you will access your files through Dell Streak 7 as long as you are tethering in its own LAN. (or a lot more)
2. Run browsers in graphical version of Ubuntu on your DS7 so that you can do whatever with hulu or netflix or anything. Basically you are carrying a freaking DS7 laptop with you. with touch screen and huge mobility
1. pts need to mounted
2. use Unity-2d seems to be better than Unity
3. mtab need to be replace manually with the mtab I included in the zip file
4. kernel is not configured to have shared memory management ...

I'll definitely be following this thread with interest!

native ubuntu would be nicer rather than the crap of chrooted ones, they are just pointless IMHO as the device has to try and manage 2 oses at once, the 7 doesnt realy have the ram to manage that

Any updates on this project ?
Guess not :-(

Quick question to the op
Does wifi work so you can update / install packages?
If so, does it see the wifi cards chipset? I'm looking into getting aircrack-ng set up to tinker with. ( saves me from dragging out my laptop to test security on networks with my job )
Currently I'm using my Mac with kismac which does the job nicely , however, if I can use the ds7 under Ubuntu its one less reason to drag it along.
Can you copy the device information for me or does it act like a LAN card ?
Thanks !!

what is the latest development?

In a few weeks, i will tell my team to look at the cm7.1 things. I hope you will help us? I will send you a pm but remember me

is this still being worked on or attempted? or is there a ubuntu rom out already?

Is this anything like Ubuntu installer...


[HOW-TO] Run Debian Armel on your N1

Hi all!
I want to share the way i have to run Debian on Nexus One
I'm editing my own install of deb-armel and ill upload to everyone but first i need to finish it
By now, we will use a qemu image ready and edit it to your needs
You'll need a SD parted with Amon_RA recovery, few files i'll upload later and some skills with Debian, of course hehe
Partition could be user-alike but i recommend:
Im using a microsdhc 8gb class-2 from my magic
- EXT3: 2gb (nice for install a lot of stuff)
- SWAP: 150MB
- The rest as fat32
You need also a rom with app2sd or mount ETX3 partition under /system/sd, im using Modaco's 1.3
First of all, im working on archlinux but this can be done on windows too using the qemu version for windows
Install qemu on your machine.
NOTE: Also you can start a new installation from 0 using images (iso) and info found on google
Now we will use the following QEMU images:
We will download the followings Of course you can choose the small or normal version with X preinstalled (the X version preinstalled is not tested by me and i dont know if works)
debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 150M
initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile 2.1M
vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile 1.2M
Put they in your home folder or where u want.
Now, lets run it.
Use the following command (run it from the folder you have the downloaded files) :
qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -kernel vmlinuz-2.6.26-1-versatile -initrd initrd.img-2.6.26-1-versatile -hda debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1"
Wait a moment... Debian-armel running under qemu
Here are the configuration by default:
- Keyboard: British English
- Language: English
- Mirror: ftp.uk.debian.org
- Hostname: debian-armel
- Root password: root
- User account: user
- User password: user
Edit the system to fit your needs, im not going to explain how to do this, im asumming you know how to. If u don't, use the debian reference guide:
Of course, you'll need to edit basic things as locales, network, ssh preferences, etc...
Edit your system, update, configure packages, etc...
Once edited and configured, quit you virtual machine.
Now, we are going to convert the qemu image to a raw image, mount the fs and copy to your SD
Assuming you still in the same folder as the qcow2 image of debian (for windows, google a little, im sure there are something to do the same):
qemu-img convert -O raw debian_lenny_armel_small.qcow2 debian.raw
With this will obtain the qcow2 converted to a raw file (without touching the original qcow2 file)
Now mount it where u want or follow this steps:
sudo mkdir /media/debian
Before mount, lets see where start the partition on the raw file:
sfdisk -l -uS debian.raw
U will see a list of partions under the raw file, use the first, like this one:
debian.raw1 * 63 20225834 20225772 83 Linux
Now, we know the / starts at 63, mount this partition
sudo mount -o loop,offset=$((63*512)) debian.raw /media/debian
Ok, we have our partition mounted now, lets make a copy in our EXT3 partition on SD.
Use the USB Storage function from android, sd card reader... and mount the EXT3 partition
Once mounted, copy everything from /media/debian to /media/yourSDext3mounted
cd /media/debian
sudo cp -a * /media/yourSDext3mounted/
If everithing works as expected, umount the systems /media/debian/ and /media/yourSDext3mounted or use the Android notif to disconnect the USB storage function
Check if everything is now in the SD EXT3. Open a terminal and adb shell
adb shell
cd /system/sd
U'll see the Debian / extructure and the app & app-private
Of course dont worry about this, u can still using apps2sd and debian at the same time
Now, it's time to boot debian
We need some modded files from the G1 version to boot it:
Download from Megaupload: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q67SNOBC
Download from MediaFire: http://www.mediafire.com/?mxgcyk3whdt
Also, files attached to post (rename the extension to tar.gz)
Put the files into your FAT32 SD partition, no in a folder just in "/"
Now, it's time to give it a try
U have two ways:
Open a terminal window in your PC
adb shell
cd /sdcard/
sh installer.sh
sh bootdeb
Open up a terminal in your N1, like Terminal Emulator on Market
cd /sdcard/
sh installer.sh
sh bootdeb
Enjoy your debian-armel on your N1
For the next chapter, how to run X with VNC Viewer
Bye and thanks for reading!
Looks like Klingon to me.
I have Debian running too now
Nice! Cant wait to try it out!
nice, i've been looking for a n1 debian how-to
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
So, what's the reason or running debian on your phone?
Jst wondering
The reason by now is just fun hehe
But, if we can run it natively via fastboot, would be awesome hehe
Sorry for the delay guys, ill do it now, the last night was too late for me 4am here hehe
EDIT: Just give some time more, i going to try it with the Cm 5.0 beta 1
jairuncaloth said:
Installing debian is pretty much the same as running it on your g1. I had it working the day after I got mine using the g1 instructions.
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I couldnt get chmod or installer.sh from the g1 instructions to work. I tried it both with bacon and modaco 1.3. I skipped the jesusfreak part though so maybe thats why. Anyway seeing confirming instructions would be nice.
Because the g1 files need to be modded first
I have it running it under modaco 1.3 and now im going to try it with the new b1 from cyanogen
Guide ready
Enjoy it!
i have one question about debian. Is the network traffic routed trough android, or does debian has direct access to the wlan adapter for monitor mode and aircrack ?
it's using the same ip and mac, so is shared for both
If there are the apropiate drivers maybe, don't really know
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
Driskol said:
Calling Linux Experts!!! hehe
Is there any way to create a boot.img bootable via fastboot to run the ext3 partition of sdcard with debian?
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sorry for being noob in this matter but, why do i need debian on my phone? what does it give me?
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
Driskol said:
The answer is a choice, Android or a Full Desktop OS with Firefox, Thunderbird, OpenOffice, etc...
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How well does Firefox run?
Can anyone take some pics or video?
Any instructions for creating and mounting linux as an img file instead of using separate partitions?
tetlee said:
When its booting I'm getting an error:
/system/bin/bootdeb: line 61: chroot: command not found
Doing "find / -name chroot" only returns binaries within the debian image.
Any ideas?
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Maybe your rom doesn't have Busybox
EDIT: Im going to make a img version tutorial
Of course, this version was without the highmem kernel, now with more ram, more flawlessly

Debian on the Vogue

I've been running Debian natively from my SD card for a while, so I decided I'd share the [relatively easy] instructions. First, though, here's the status of the hardware support...
* X11 is working quite nicely. 480x640 resolution is best for using E17.
* I'm trying to think up a solution for the 3D accelerator. LLVMpipe works but it's not much faster than classic Mesa. Maybe that's because I'm only testing performance with Mupen64Plus and SuperTux Ideally we would have an open-source OpenGL ES 1.0 driver with an OpenGL 1.3 wrapper/Gallium state tracker, but unfortunately Qualcomm closed it
* The hardware buttons don't generate input events (except the power button, which apparently makes SDL windows fullscreen).
* USB function ether works. This means you can SSH into it or update packages without a data connection (I don't think data even works).
* Sound doesn't work because Android doesn't use ALSA - or maybe because DZO hasn't written the proper driver...
* Camera(s) would need a Video4Linux driver; again, not my area
* Bluetooth is untested.
* GPS needs userspace work (gpsd?) - maybe the HTC Dream page at HTC-Linux.org has info...
* Calling - untested because: 1) I doesn't got the software, and 2) even if it worked, I have no one to call
If you're willing to wait indefinitely for those things to be fixed (or if you don't care), all you need is a Debian chroot on an EXT2-formatted SD card and my special NBH. The NAND should also work*, but Debian probably wouldn't fit on it. These instructions should also work for Ubuntu, Gentoo, FSO/OpenMoko, Angstrom, ARMedSlack, Fedora, or what have you - the only requirements are ARMv6 or lower and a semi-standard root filesystem layout (i.e. /sbin/init).
For those of you who don't trust binaries, I've uploaded my patches to the kernel and tinboot needed for Debian to boot. For everyone else, I have NBH files ready. Just flash the NBH, insert your SD card, and it should boot.
http://www.mediafire.com/?mnv2memddug (source)
http://www.mediafire.com/?immywzmmqjn (binaries)
*LogFS patch included and enabled in my NBH.
Interesting, i'm going to have to try it out, any chance of getting it bootable from within android, like haret is with windows?
what exactly is debian??
is it like ubuntu thats on my computer
jadenj5 said:
what exactly is debian??
is it like ubuntu thats on my computer
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little confused though, where do I get the debian root files though
Debian Root
Instructions to build your own RootFS follow. If you're lazy, Google for a pre-built one.
If you're on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install debootstrap
sudo debootstrap --arch armel --foreign unstable root/ http://http.us.debian.org/debian
Substituting "unstable" for "stable" or "testing", "root/" with the the path to the directory you want the rootfs in (probably your SD card mountpoint), and your country code in ftp.??.debian.org (or another mirror). You might also need to do
sudo mount -o remount,rw,dev,exec $MOUNTPOINT
to your SD card (which, again, should be ext2-formatted) for debootstrap to work.
Then to complete the bootstrap:
sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras-static
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static $ROOTFS/usr/bin/
sudo chroot $ROOTFS
From inside the chroot, do
/debootstrap/debootstrap --second-stage
Then, apt-get install whatever you want on the phone (after configuring /etc/apt/sources.list), exit the chroot, unmount the card, insert it in your phone, and boot!
You'll need - at the very least - xserver-xorg-video-fbdev and xserver-xorg-input-evdev *WITHOUT* installing the other video or input drivers. And a desktop/window manager. If you haven't used Debian before, try e17.
Thanks man, i'm going to go check it out
If you're lazy, Google for a pre-built one.
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can't find one.?
If you're on Ubuntu:
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ubuntu 10.04 debootstrap doesnt know about stable/testing/unstable names, but knows about lenny, squeeze, sid
okay, I maked Debian unstable rootfs - here it is (127MB tar.bz2). here is dpkg -l.
root password is "1", apt sources.list is configured to most close to me mirror. I also added /proc into fstab.
how to pack my rootfs into .img image now?
can you post a screenshots please ???
there is nothing to show now, really. we need to make working pack first.
google e17 screenshots, on device you will have same.
a note about the sound issue. You are correct in that the vogue kernel does not have alsa support at this time.
nice job on this
E: No such script: /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/stable
debootstrap installed with no errors but that's what I get when I try to run
sudo debootstrap --arch armel --foreign stable /media/79e9dd5a-174b-4324-a704-6aa06807fe35 http://http.us.debian.org/debianc
Try "lenny" instead of stable.
gTan64 said:
Try "lenny" instead of stable.
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progress but now i get
I: Retrieving Release
E: Failed getting release file http://http.us.debian.org/debianc/dists/lenny/Release
Look closely - the mirror URL doesn't contain "debianc", does it?
gTan64 said:
Look closely - the mirror URL doesn't contain "debianc", does it?
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I'm F-ing retarded
-Edit- any packages you would advise to install?
New problem
[email protected]:/$ sudo chroot /media/79e9dd5a-174b-4324-a704-6aa06807fe35_
chroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': Exec format error
Could it be because sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras-static had no packages and I had to install sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm-extras
sudo cp /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static $ROOTFS/usr/bin/
This step is essential - without qemu-arm-static in your chroot, you won't be able to run/emulate any ARM binaries (in this case, Debian-armel's /bin/bash).
Yes, you do need the static version. Last I checked it was actually in the Ubuntu repositories, so look again...
As far as what packages to install, here you go.
Essential packages: xserver-xorg-{video-fbdev,input-{mouse,keyboard}}
Essential desktop packages (pick one): e17 fluxbox lxde xfce4
Recommended packages: cellwriter xfce4-goodies
Suggested packages: Whatever floats your boat.
Packages I installed even though having no sound makes them useless: zynaddsubfx supertux sopwith bomberclone

[How To] ssh, the quick and dirty way

So you've rooted your phone, hacked your webtop, but then you realize that your Ubuntu doesn't have ssh. Wait, what? What the hell is *nix for if you don't have ssh?!
Time to fix that.
Based upon the existing packages, the Ubuntu installation is Jaunty/9.04. In this case, the packages to install for clean dependencies are these:
For each package, you want to download the package that's listed as Published to /mnt/sdcard-ext (before you complain that I'm using old packages, when starting up, I prefer to have a consistent OS, rather than picking and choosing packages from several different versions).
Installation ended up being simpler than I expected, although I ended up remounting /mnt/sdcard-ext as /osh/mnt/sdcard-ext so that I could have a decent work area in my chroot. Here were the commands I used (including the remount) after downloading the three .deb files into /mnt/sdcard-ext:
Settings→SD card & phone storage→Unmount SD card
From the Android terminal:
mkdir /osh/mnt/sdcard-ext
mount -t vfat /dev/block/vold/179:33 /osh/mnt/sdcard-ext
From LXTerminal:
sudo chroot /osh
dpkg -i *.deb
Settings→SD card & phone storage→Mount SD card (this will forcibly unmount the SD card from the other directory and mount it in the normal directory)
Congratulations! ssh has just been installed.
Is this the process people are using to install other. deb packages? Apt-get isn't working for me.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
edounn said:
Is this the process people are using to install other. deb packages? Apt-get isn't working for me.
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I'm actually not sure what other people are doing.
Personally, I'm reluctant at the moment to use the second-layer package management tools, since there really isn't much free space in /osh, and I'd rather not trigger a domino effect of package installation by accident. As such, I'd prefer to be a lot more precise in what packages I'm installing.
Besides of which, the custom Motorola Ubuntu packages do cause some issues. For example, they shipped a version of Awn that normally ships with Ubuntu 9.10, so it's difficult to touch (if you want to go back to that version but stock, it starts an upgrade loop that becomes difficult to manage). But, you can try setting your depot to launchpad.net, which might work out for you.
some static linked binaries i built
I built a few static binaries today as I too don't really want to screw with trying to force some packages in alongside the base system.
I included a tarball (seems like the forums won't take a tar.gz) with scp, sftp, ssh, and wget in it. They are all static linked arm binaries so you shouldn't have any dependency issues. They're not built with anything special, I just grabbed the latest openssh and wget and built them.
I've only tested the ssh and wget, but I would assume that both scp and sftp also work. If there is enough interest I can post the rest of the openssh suite, I got the entire suite to build (didn't test it though).
Let me know if things work, I may build other things as a bunch of static linked binaries, or just setup a chroot to run more stuff from the webtop.
If anyone is looking for an SSH daemon on the android side of the device, this is an excellent guide to do it:
Also, I've uploaded the compiled binaries for 2.2.1 (Dropbear Telsa v0.52) and the stock ssh client that comes with the android 2.2.1 SDK (Dropbear v0.49)
would this help with xsession i.e. ssh -X [email protected]
I believe xauth is all you need for X11 forwarding via SSH, and that's included in the webtop os.

WebTopScripts - Fixing apt-get dependencies on WebTop

After using webtop2sd app the next step on using my webtop on motorola atrix was to start using programs like aptitude, synaptic or command line apt-get to install much more useful programs to use offline on this motorola modified ubuntu jaunty distribution.
The first problem faced was that motorola had left a lot of broken dependencies that would break webtop system if someone just try to use any automatic solution.
To help on this task i developed a bash script that fix those broken dependencies using three different approaches:
1 - The first logical step is just install the missing packages from ubuntu jaunty, taking care to not overwrite any original packages developed from motorola
2 - Since some packages were made from motorola and were already installed on webtop, the second step was creating FAKE packages to just tell apt-get that the package is already installed leaving the original motorola installed package intacted.
3 - Somehow, there is one fake package that breaks the system if is installed. For this package, the idea was backup all files provided from the package developed from motorola and install ubuntu jaunty package overwriting motorola's files. After installation restore the original files on top of ubuntu jaunty files to maintain maximum motorola original system.
After fixing apt-get broken dependencies the use of apt-get could upgrade original motorola`s file. To avoid that there is another script that mark to HOLD version installed. Doing that, it is more difficult to normal users to upgrade packages that would overwrite motorola packages.
Now let's explain how to use WebTopScripts.
* Rooted Atrix.
* Working WebTop after webtop2sd modifications.
* webtop configurator running and preliminaries fix applied from this program (most of all corrections are related to sources.list).
* basic skills to run bash scripts and commands from terminal command line
* working lxterminal program on webtop
Install Script on your Atrix:
* Download file from this thread and save on your download folder (/mnt/sdcard/download)
* run these commands on lxterminal:
Until version 1.6:
cp /mnt/sdcard/download/webtopscripts-1.4.tar ~/
cd ~
sudo tar -xvf ~/webtopscripts-1.4.tar
sudo chmod -R 777 WebTopScripts
bash WebTopScripts/setup.sh
After version 1.7:
cp /mnt/sdcard/download/webtopscripts-1.7.tar ~/
cd ~
sudo tar -Pxvf ~/webtopscripts-1.7.tar
cd /osh/usr/share/
sudo chmod -R 777 WebTopScripts
bash WebTopScripts/setup.sh
Run Scripts to fix apt-get:
Until version 1.6:
cd ~
bash WebTopScripts/fix-apt-get.sh
After version 1.7 execute this command and choose options from menu:
Just use this script with care, and at your own risk, because apt-get may break your system.
Using webtop2sd you may easily recover from original webtop but since your are on a rooted device all caution is needed.
Good luck and enjoy.
New repository for updated versions on: webtopscripts google code
Version 1.5 released 10/01/2012
Version 1.6 released 11/01/2012
Version 1.7 released 24/01/2012
Many thanks to donation made by:
Please feel free to contribute on WebTopScripts Project on Google Code
Install script to help use of dpkg -i xx.deb command
If you want to use some functions provided from WebTopScrips to install packages directly from deb files like command "sudo /usr/bin/dpkg -i --root=/osh <<package_deb_file.deb>>", you may run the code:
cd ~
bash WebTopScripts/scripts/install.sh <<package_name>>
Just need to make sure to write proper settings on file:
cd ~
leafpad WebTopScripts/scripts/config.txt
Example of config.txt (You just need to include dependencies that are not on webtop yet) :
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To install gksu you just need to run:
cd ~
bash WebTopScripts/scripts/install.sh gksu
You may contribute with more config text for installing more packages on this thread to share with others users that do not want to use apt-get easy installation process.
Visit site bellow to find path for armel jaunty deb files on web:
Hope to have your contribution soon.
Programs Installed after apt-get fix from WebTopScripts
I will list here all applications that were installed and how I did it after fixing apt-get.
=== Reserved ===
You my friend, have to much time on your hands.
This is freaking wicked GOD like.
Thank you !
very nice I had been working on getting dependencies t work for days and kept breaking the webtop.
I've also been working on this for days and am happy to confirm it works beautifully!
May god carry your soul to heaven when you die.
I am now completely satisfied in replacing my netbook with the lapdock
im installing gnome desktop now =D
youre the man
I think I may have just died! Awesome job.
You make my day
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Thank you everybody that tested the script. My pleasure to help and contribute.
I need your help on this issue:
Sometimes when you are installing programs, the program is not able to configute itself.
I found oout that the main problem is that some programs modified by motorola are preventing that since they don't have all functionalities that are expected from them.
For example program readlink can not be used with option -q, program sed can not be used with some optins, etc....
To fix that the only way is to overwrite motorola file with ubuntu original jaunty file. BUT that sometimes breaks the system.
Here is your possible contribuition: to find out with me wich files can be overwriting without problems.
Here is an example to how to overwrite readlink:
cd ~
bash WebTopScripts/scripts/install.sh coreutils
rm -R ~/tmp
dpkg-deb -x WebTopScripts/packages/coreutils_6.10-6ubuntu1_armel.deb ~/tmp/
sudo cp ~/tmp/bin/readlink /usr/bin/readlink
To overwrite grep we need to include this package on WebTopScripts like this:
cd ~
sudo tee -a WebTopScripts/scripts/config.txt <<EOF
bash WebTopScripts/scripts/install.sh grep
rm -R ~/tmp
dpkg-deb -x WebTopScripts/packages/grep_2.5.3~dfsg-6ubuntu1_armel.deb ~/tmp/
sudo cp ~/tmp/bin/grep /bin/grep
sudo cp ~/tmp/bin/egrep /bin/egrep
Finally, I am open to yours suggestions ....
This looks awesome! Can't wait to try it out today. has anyone installed a working chrome browser yet?
I am trying to find a working APT source for Jaunty to test against. Anyone have a working /etc/apt/sources.list I can use?
starrwulfe said:
I am trying to find a working APT source for Jaunty to test against. Anyone have a working /etc/apt/sources.list I can use?
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Use WebTop2SD & install webtop configurator. It will fix your apt source and keys.
If you're more advanced than that and just want repo, check out old-releases.ubuntu.com as your starting fqdn.
bb12489 said:
This looks awesome! Can't wait to try it out today. has anyone installed a working chrome browser yet?
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chromium ppa doesn't have jaunty binaries so this isn't possible. You might want to look at debian webtop for chromium.
_Alex_ said:
chromium ppa doesn't have jaunty binaries so this isn't possible. You might want to look at debian webtop for chromium.
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yea i tried debian, but no one can get chrome to work on it. Displays pages for a second then craps out :/
aaron.a said:
im installing gnome desktop now =D
youre the man
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did it work ???
Does any one have sources.list for any armel chromium? I had before for i386 one daily build that could work with jaunty since will not contains many dependencies on ubuntu stuff. But that was i386, i am not familiar with armel yet.
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this is outstanding. well done.
i am one of the many that seem to have been experimenting with this and constantly breaking it. i did find however, that overwriting most of the packages that contain binaries that were included in the original rootfs (coreutils, findutils, etc) helped fix missing arguments especially when trying to build from source using apt-get.
also force overwriting locales let you rebuild a locale for your own language and gets rid of errors and some awn-manager issues due to dependencies on the locale files.
but alas, my awn-launcher is broken so i am out of action for the time being.
arvati said:
Does any one have sources.list for any armel chromium? I had before for i386 one daily build that could work with jaunty since will not contains many dependencies on ubuntu stuff. But that was i386, i am not familiar with armel yet.
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You can find and add PPA ubuntu sources from www.launchpad.net. Unfortunately, there are no armel jaunty binaries for Chromium stable, dev or beta available.

[GUIDE]BackTrack 5 Chroot (Backtop2)

[Project dormant unless someone else picks it up]
NOTE: This is a chroot for the Webtop, not the Android+VNC chroot method.
Hi everyone, this is my first guide (I'm not sure I can call it that yet, or if this is in the right section) so bear with me.
I tried the Debian chroot guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1093790), and I really liked the idea, but I had too many apt-get issues and it often crashed my Webtop, so I tried building my own Ubuntu Lucid chroot using rootstock, but internet didn't work.
I later saw this: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1184161, but the links were dead and the scripts it referenced were out of date. I'll sort of combine the two guides here since Backtrack actually works surprisingly well.
Just on a side note though, I haven't fully tested the Backtrack tools, but the only thing I haven't found to work are the wireless tools.
Let's start!
-Rooted Atrix (with Blur based ROM)
-LXTerminal installed on Webtop
-Enough free space (around 4 GB just for room)
-Some Linux/Unix distro native or in a VM
1. Install the easy-signed.zip from the Debian chroot guide:
but the other files aren't needed.
Make a folder called WebTopMOD (case-sensitive) on either external or internal memory for later.
2. Look here for reference: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1184161, but the links are dead. Active links are here:
Part 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?x9cgxzdx84vc6uj
Part 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?xaoidipkg1o7vgo
Part 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?po3nznbxgvdipur
Use 7-Zip to uncompress the three files (called bt.7z.001,002,003) and you'll get a bt.img.
Full bt.img in a zip:
DL from Mega or from Google Drive
3. The image isn't usable in this state yet, since the image is formatted with ext2, and we need ext3.
Copy the image over to your Linux VM or computer on a easy-to-find directory, and open up a Terminal window (usually CTRL+ALT+T).
In Terminal, type this in:
cd <directory where you put bt.img>
mkdir tmp tmpbt
sudo mount -o loop bt.img tmpbt
dd if=/dev/zero of=linuxdisk count=0 bs=1MB seek=4096 (This is the size of the chroot image you want, in MB)
mkfs.ext3 linuxdisk (just type y when it asks)
sudo mount -o loop linuxdisk tmp
sudo cp -rf tmpbt/* tmp
sudo umount tmp
sudo umount tmpbt
[Sorry, made a mistake twice] Copy the newly made linuxdisk file to a directory named WebTopMOD on your internal memory or sdcard-ext (folder and file names are case-sensitive).
4. Start Webtop, then open LXTerminal, then start the chroot by typing in:
and after it loads for a bit, you'll get an xterm window with the shell for Backtrack!
If you want to quit the Gnome session, closing xterm doesn't work, since by issuing the commands to kill the webtop processes, it also kills the webtop window manager, and if you do close it there's some kind of weird glitch with a small popup window constantly disappearing and reappearing. (It'll be a WIP for now I guess, the only full solution is to reboot your Atrix). It seems to have to do with the way the linux command mounts the chroot disk under loop50, I'll try and make something to fix this later.
-----------------Extras moved below-----------------------
Chromium Running
BT Desktop (Gnome)
BT Desktop with AIW
k.taylor89 for the original Backtop Method
SystemR89 for the Debian chroot and scripts to make this work
The original developers of the Backtop chroot image
And any others I may have forgotten!
If you want a GUI (Gnome):
k.taylor89 said:
You first need to kill off all the webtop crap do this by typing the following in xterm.
"ps ax|grep awn|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill"
"ps ax|grep panel|awk '{print $1}'|xargs kill"
Then start gnome by typing "gnome-session" in xterm.
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If you want to take it step further and start Gnome after bootup, this isn't a full solution yet but you could edit your start-oshwt-1.sh and 2 scripts so that the chroot automatically starts on bootup without anything else in Webtop, and from there start gnome-session. I'm testing that now.
Installing Apps:
Since this is based off of Ubuntu Lucid, you can install anything from the Lucid repos, you just have to fix the sources list since the Backtrack sources don't seem to work.
sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.old (Backup just in case)
sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list
Comment out (#) any line with the backtrack servers, and uncomment any line with the Ubuntu repos.
Press Control+X, Y, then Enter, then run apt-get update to update the repos.
Apps like Chromium install and run without a hassle (just run apt-get install chromium-browser), but I actually get the error "Bus error" for some reason when Chromium remains idle, it seems to be an unsolved bug in the version of Chromium for armel devices in the Lucid repos, if anyone else has a fix, please do tell.
I think its only for lapdock ..........
3n3rg1c said:
I think its only for lapdock ..........
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Oh sorry yeah I forgot to mention that. I mean I guess if you have the mod that lets you use Webtop anywhere, that'll work too.
The "Part 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?po3nznbxgvdipu" doesn't work.
Could you fix it.
Thank you.
sintoo said:
The "Part 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?po3nznbxgvdipu" doesn't work.
Could you fix it.
Thank you.
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Oh sorry I copied the link incorrectly, updated in OP.
i've gotten it running on my ubuntop model, when i ran it from the terminal it would not give me any issues when closing it back up. is there a way to only launch the gnome panel? running: gnome-panel in the terminal didn't work
etruj said:
i've gotten it running on my ubuntop model, when i ran it from the terminal it would not give me any issues when closing it back up. is there a way to only launch the gnome panel? running: gnome-panel in the terminal didn't work
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I'm not sure if there is a way to start just gnome panel because of the way the chroot is implemented, since to run gnome-panel, an X session must already be running within the chroot and I need to figure that out.
My first two times i lUnched the session the wallpaper would flicker and then just the panels would come up. Now i get hit with the errors and loop pop ups. Maybe there is a way to launch the session then kill everything but the panel?
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etruj said:
My first two times i lUnched the session the wallpaper would flicker and then just the panels would come up. Now i get hit with the errors and loop pop ups. Maybe there is a way to launch the session then kill everything but the panel?
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The workaround I found worked so far was to modify the start-oshwt-2 script so that it would run a very slightly modified version of the script that automatically starts gnome-session (gnome-panel alone is really stubborn, still haven't figured that out) and doesn't start whatever window manager in WebTop to avoid flickering errors and panel only errors (but of course you don't have access to anything from the actual WebTop, but you could also have start-oshwt open a Terminal window from WebTop too).
Can you attach the script?
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etruj said:
Can you attach the script?
Sent from my MB860 using xda app-developers app
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Just rename it to linux, and copy it to wherever you like on your Atrix. You can also copy it to a directory within your terminal path.
This isn't my script, it's from the Debian chroot, just modified to automatically start gnome-session (credit to SystemR89)
You might need to chmod +x the file.
Also, if you want to start it automatically from start-oshwt-2.sh, make sure you copy the file to a directory within the terminal path, and add the line
sfalv -i "linux"
and comment out any other line that starts a different X window manager.
running "sudo gnome-panel" gives me the panel while staying inside the original ubuntop. i think i can just swap out that one line in your script to get it working. thanks! also noticed my chrome crashes after a few minutes, ill post the error code and screen grabs soon but was wondering if you ever experienced anything like it?
etruj said:
running "sudo gnome-panel" gives me the panel while staying inside the original ubuntop. i think i can just swap out that one line in your script to get it working. thanks! also noticed my chrome crashes after a few minutes, ill post the error code and screen grabs soon but was wondering if you ever experienced anything like it?
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Yes, in fact. It's a bus error, and I tried to fix it, but the fix doesn't work (and it only seems to affect Chromium).
Sorry for bumping such an old thread, but I was wondering if anyone wanted to take this project over, since I don't have an Atrix anymore and don't have anything to work with.

