Boot.img - Codes - LG Revolution

OK, so I have been at this for a while now, trying to figure out how to pull boot.img. We need this in order to get a custom recovery image made.
The problem is that most of the help that's out there refers to doing a dump based on identifying the proper /proc/MTD. It's never that simple though. This phone doesn't have it (and we don't have a map of where to go from here).
Here is the partition info:
major minor #blocks name
7 0 13545 loop0
7 1 202829 loop1
7 2 31217 loop2
7 3 18743 loop3
7 4 13545 loop4
179 0 15679488 mmcblk0
179 1 2048 mmcblk0p1
179 2 2048 mmcblk0p2
179 3 7168 mmcblk0p3
179 4 1 mmcblk0p4
179 5 28672 mmcblk0p5
179 6 204800 mmcblk0p6
179 7 4096 mmcblk0p7
179 8 24576 mmcblk0p8
179 9 8192 mmcblk0p9
179 10 4096 mmcblk0p10
179 11 4096 mmcblk0p11
179 12 1024000 mmcblk0p12
179 13 1572864 mmcblk0p13
179 14 12288 mmcblk0p14
179 15 12599296 mmcblk0p15
179 16 15622144 mmcblk1
179 17 15621120 mmcblk1p1
254 0 13545 dm-0
254 1 202828 dm-1
254 2 31216 dm-2
254 3 18742 dm-3
254 4 13545 dm-4
Can anyone with a few more years on me in this racket give me a heads up on this? Perhaps a mapping for us to get started? Yeah, I know I'm totally wet behind the ears, but someone has to get this thing rolling. Hopefully that doesn't mean I'll be the first to brick my phone (had a close call tonight).

See what's mounted by typing "mount" first. It'll show you what mmcblk0pX maps to what (mounted, that is).

thecubed said:
See what's mounted by typing "mount" first. It'll show you what mmcblk0pX maps to what (mounted, that is).
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ok, so here was the output (of what i assume is the relevant part):
rootfs / rootfs ro,relatime 0 0
tmpfs /dev tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755 0 0
devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,relatime,mode=600 0 0
proc /proc proc rw,relatime 0 0
sysfs /sys sysfs rw,relatime 0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 /system ext3 ro,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 /data ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,errors=continue,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 /cache ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,errors=continue,data=ordered 0 0
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 /persist ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,data=ordered 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/asec tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
tmpfs /mnt/extasec tmpfs rw,relatime,mode=755,gid=1000 0 0
So 12 is system, 13 is data, 6 is cache, and 5 is persist. What I'm not seeing is boot. Am I missing anything here?

To find unnamed partitions, you might want to dump them to your SD card and try mounting the partitions on your PC.
You can copy a partition to a file on your SD card by using "dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0pX of=/sdcard/mmcblk0pX.img bs=1024"
Then on your desktop, you can try running fdisk to see what the partition type is and issue a "mkdir /mnt/test" then "mount -o loop -t <type of partition from fdisk> /path/to/mmcblk0pX.img /mnt/test".
From there, you should be able to investigate what's in those partitions by poking around in /mnt/test on your desktop. Once you're done, "umount /mnt/test" to close the image file.
Referring to your list of partitions and sizes, partitions of 2048 blocks or less are probably not worth your time investigating, however I may be wrong.
Also, quick tip: mmcblk0 (with no pX) is the entire onboard storage as one unit. Don't bother dumping that to your SD card, since it contains all partitions, but will be a really big file and a big mess to figure out the partitions and mount it.
Good luck!

Outstanding, and THANKS A MILLION for the help. I've been banging my head against the wall here...
I should probably hit the sack, but I had started pulling those already, so I've got a head start.

Okay, good luck! I don't have this device, but a friend is getting one here soon (not sure how soon though) so I'm interested in getting CWM ported and some groundwork laid for CM7/etc on it.
Whenever you get time, I'm interested in seeing what you find the partitions are...

Went ahead and put a little more time into it...
used your method for dumping each individual partition.
A listing with file sizes:
2048 mmcblk0p1 4096 mmcblk0p11 2048 mmcblk0p2 4 mmcblk0p4 24576 mmcblk0p8
4096 mmcblk0p10 12288 mmcblk0p14 7168 mmcblk0p3 4096 mmcblk0p7 8192 mmcblk0p9
My common fdisk result (for all files) is:
fdisk -l mmcblk0p11
Disk mmcblk0p11: 0 MB, 0 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 0 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0xf6908d66
Disk mmcblk0p11 doesn't contain a valid partition table
Maybe I need to look at this again when I'm a little less tired, but this is the result of every image file.

P11 looks to be just a placeholder partition. Try p3, p8, p9, and p14.
Usually /boot is a lower number partition...
If you could upload the dumps of those partitions somewhere, I may be able to tell you which is which. (PM the link, don't post public- I'm not sure how XDA would feel about that).
This shouldn't be too hard to identify which is which. If you're well versed in hex editing, you could run those images through a hex dumper and check the file's magic numbers. I'm not too familiar with this device, but I'd say it can't be much different than the HTC boot.img format. Grab a boot.img from somewhere and see if the first couple of bytes match up on the dumps you've got.
From there, that should give you a clue with which is which. I'm betting you'll find which is the kernel by just doing a "strings" on the dumps and looking for things like "kernel" or "linux".
Good luck!
EDIT: after doing some reading, looks like some of the partitions are the fastboot type. Fastboot images = kernel + ramdisk. And, at least one of those partitions will be the Qualcomm AMSS partition for the radio chipset. Do a "strings <filename> | grep -i qualcomm" (or replace qualcomm with things like 'amss' or 'radio') to find which is which.

QualComm didn't turn up anything, so I changed the search to "comm." I don't have much time to look at this, but here's a quick dump:
mmcblk0p1 = radio?
mmcblk0p1 | grep -i comm
Device Transfer: Failed to queue the transfer command
DMOV Issue Cmd: Command issued
DMOV Request not Valid: Command list not on 64-bit boundary
DMOV Request not Valid: Invalid number of commands
DMOV Get Chan %d Error: Command error occured
DMOV Get Chan %d Error: Command-phase bus error occured
DMOV Stop Handler: cannot stop channel %d, commands pending
DMOV Stop Handler: cannot stop channel %d, issuing commands
DMOV Request not Valid: Boot and Tools should allocate their own command list memory
mmcblk0p2 = boot?
strings mmcblk0p2 | grep -i comm
ip_uint32 idev_comm_open( void )
dt_uint32 dt_CommOpen( void )
void idev_comm_close(ip_uint32 h)
void dt_CommClose(dt_uint32 h)
ip_commStatus_e idev_comm_queryCloseStatus(ip_uint32 h)
ip_commStatus_e idev_comm_queryConnectStatus(ip_uint32 h)
dt_CommStatus dt_QueryConnectStatus(dt_uint32 h)
const ip_int16 idev_comm_secureInitContext( void )
const dt_int16 dt_CommSecureInitContext( void )
void idev_comm_secureDeleteContext( void )
void dt_CommSecureDeleteContext( void )
EP0 command reply was not sent correctly %d [%d:%d]
Device Transfer: Failed to queue the transfer command
[AUE] update common code block (size):
[AUE] update common code block do_a_swap_ccb(size):
[AUE] Error: get common code block range
[AUE] Error: get common function block range
DMOV Issue Cmd: Command issued
DMOV Request not Valid: Command list not on 64-bit boundary
DMOV Request not Valid: Invalid number of commands
DMOV Get Chan %d Error: Command error occured
DMOV Get Chan %d Error: Command-phase bus error occured
DMOV Stop Handler: cannot stop channel %d, commands pending
DMOV Stop Handler: cannot stop channel %d, issuing commands
void idev_comm_connect(ip_uint32 h, ip_char* addr, ip_uint16 PortNum, ip_int32 TimeOut)
void dt_CommConnect(dt_uint32 h, dt_char* addr, dt_uint16 PortNum, dt_int32 TimeOut)
void idev_comm_send(ip_uint32 h, ip_char* SendBuf, ip_uint32 SendLen, ip_int32 TimeOut)
void dt_CommSend(dt_uint32 h, dt_char* SendBuf, dt_uint32 SendLen, dt_int32 TimeOut)
ip_commStatus_e idev_comm_querySendStatus(ip_uint32 h, ip_uint32* SentLen)
dt_CommStatus dt_QuerySendStatus(dt_uint32 h, dt_uint32* SentLen)
void idev_comm_recv(ip_uint32 h, ip_char* RecvBuf, ip_uint32 RecvLen, ip_int32 Timeout)
void dt_CommRecv(dt_uint32 h, dt_char* RecvBuf, dt_uint32 RecvLen, dt_int32 Timeout)
ip_commStatus_e idev_comm_queryRecvStatus(ip_uint32 h, ip_uint32* RecvLen)
dt_CommStatus dt_QueryRecvStatus(dt_uint32 h, dt_uint32* RecvLen)
const ip_int16 idev_comm_setSecureInfo( ip_int32 protocolID, ip_uint32 cipherSuites[], ip_int32 cipherSuitesSize, ip_char certificate[], ip_int32 certificateSize)
const dt_int16 dt_CommSetSecureInfo( dt_int32 protocolID, dt_uint32 cipherSuites[], dt_int32 cipherSuitesSize, dt_char certificate[], dt_int32 certificateSize)
ip_commStatus_e idev_httpTerminateAsync( ip_httpInterface_s *httpInterface )
CH9: Received vendor specific command for device, but no handlers registered
CH9: Received reserved command for device, but no handlers registered
[AUE] Info: no common code block, this is not ARM region, do zipping instead
Info: no common func block, this is not ARM region, do zipping instead
DMOV Request not Valid: Boot and Tools should allocate their own command list memory
EP0 command reply was not sent correctly %d [%d:%d]
CH9: Received vendor specific command for device, but no handlers registered
CH9: Received reserved command for device, but no handlers registered
The others returned nothing.

Just for shoots and giggles
I expanded the search for the word boot on 02, and here is what it revealed:
strings mmcblk0p2 | grep -i boot
; Time Stamp unavailable from boot loader.
DMOV Request not Valid: Boot and Tools should allocate their own command list memory
smem_boot_init: version %x does not match all procs!
01, same search:
trings mmcblk0p1 | grep -i boot
DMOV Request not Valid: Boot and Tools should allocate their own command list memory
smem_boot_init: version %x does not match all procs!
02 - search for "home"
strings mmcblk0p2 | grep -i home
01 search for home
strings mmcblk0p1 | grep -i home
Remembering that factory reset is the sole function of the boot-loader on this device, I did a search for "factory"
mmcblk0p2 | grep -i factory
01 - no results
I think we have a winner? I'd *almost* place money on 2 being boot, but I need a little insight here.
I should be able to pass you these files tonight. I'm just limited right now as I'm at work and remoting in on a slow connection.

Great work!
A few possible corrections:
Thought #1: From what I've read, AMSS (the radio) has multiple 'nvram partitions' where configuration is stored. The partitions with size 2048 look like those.
My updated guess:
P1 = hardware bootloader (like HBOOT on a HTC device)
P2 = second stage bootloader (references to android and wm_ldr)
The actual AMSS firmware is usually above 10MB in size, so the radio firmware is most likely a larger partition.
Thought #2: /boot is quite possibly a fastboot image. Those are usually compressed, hence you will not find any strings in it. It would be all binary.
If you can, run "hexdump -n 32 <filename>" on each of the dumps, and paste the output here.
With that hexdump information, I can tell you which partitions have the fastboot magic number and which are AMSS configuration partitions or ext3 filesystems.
As a side note, I wonder if this device supports fastboot commands... you could potentially try something like "fastboot reboot recovery" which should be harmless to see. Of course, you'd need Google's fastboot tools on your machine first though. (
If it turns out that fastboot works, a nondestructive way of testing if the device is signed would be to extract the recovery image and replace it's ramdisk with one containing Clockwork. It may be as simple as "fastboot boot <newimage>" to boot the new image without actually changing anything on the phone.
Anyway, get those hex dumps, then we'll see where that leads...
Great work!

Alright - I'll get on that tonight when I get home (probably about another 2.5 hours from now including dinner).
The other thing that's been rattling around in my head, and I know I shouldn't be jumping this far ahead (nor do I want to derail this thread), is I (and the entire community) need to make some modifications to the android.policy.jar thus completing the migration from Bing on this phone. One string would make all the difference Unfortunately, it is odexed. I'm guessing this has many dependencies, and the best method to go about this would be to pretty much deodex the entire O.S.. Obviously, that's not something I feel comfortable with doing until we are completed with this, but my thought process is on track for what I need to do, right?
I also need to research if it is possible to dump my entire phone as an image as part of an Android AVM, so I don't end up bricking my phone. I had my entire phone lockup and go black last night. About had a heart attack.
Obviously, this takes precedence, but just wanted to throw all that out there while it was fresh in my mind (things get lost quickly - I have twenty browser windows open juggling about a dozen different thought processes).

Hex Dumps
0000000 dcd1 844b 1034 73d7 435a 7d0b ffff ffff
0000010 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
0000000 000b 0000 0003 0000 0000 0000 0000 0450
0000010 31f8 0013 31f8 0013 31f8 0463 0000 0000
I'll have to do the fastboot install at home.

majorpay said:
Alright - I'll get on that tonight when I get home (probably about another 2.5 hours from now including dinner).
The other thing that's been rattling around in my head, and I know I shouldn't be jumping this far ahead (nor do I want to derail this thread), is I (and the entire community) need to make some modifications to the android.policy.jar thus completing the migration from Bing on this phone. One string would make all the difference Unfortunately, it is odexed. I'm guessing this has many dependencies, and the best method to go about this would be to pretty much deodex the entire O.S.. Obviously, that's not something I feel comfortable with doing until we are completed with this, but my thought process is on track for what I need to do, right?
I also need to research if it is possible to dump my entire phone as an image as part of an Android AVM, so I don't end up bricking my phone. I had my entire phone lockup and go black last night. About had a heart attack.
Obviously, this takes precedence, but just wanted to throw all that out there while it was fresh in my mind (things get lost quickly - I have twenty browser windows open juggling about a dozen different thought processes).
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I believe I saw that it has been deodexed on stetsonaw's Twitter page. You may want to get in touch with him

Yeah, I saw he had claimed that over on androidforums. I should start checking that area more often. I put a post out to feel it out and see if he might be willing to throw it my way I think ultimately he is waiting patiently in the wings waiting for us to get done with this so he can release the ROM he is working on.

Just wanted to say keep up the good work. I plan to look into this more when I get home but sounds like you are definitely on the right track. Excited to see more progress soon.
I just got into the scene as this is my first droid phone but I have been reading up as quickly as possible to contribute to making roms.

OK, so I am back in the saddle.
I have run a ./fastboot reboot, and as expected, no response. (says waiting for device) I believe I still need to modify my hosts.
I expect you've seen my hex dumps. Any thoughts?
Edit: Phone went into "Download is in progress. Do not disconnect cable."
Real? I don't know, but this is hindering me from moving forward.

majorpay said:
0000000 dcd1 844b 1034 73d7 435a 7d0b ffff ffff
0000010 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
0000000 000b 0000 0003 0000 0000 0000 0000 0450
0000010 31f8 0013 31f8 0013 31f8 0463 0000 0000
I'll have to do the fastboot install at home.
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Great- now I just need hexdumps of the other partitions I listed: P3, P8, P9, and P14.
P1 and P2 are of little interest to us, we're looking for the one containing recovery and the main kernel+ramdisk.
As soon as we identify which is the recovery partition, we'll be super close to finding whether recovery is signed and one step closer to porting CWM.
PS: Fastboot reboot may have put your phone in download mode. If you're stuck in it, just try using "fastboot reboot recovery", then from there you should be able to select "reboot" and end up in Android again...

0000000 ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff ffff
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000000 4e41 5244 494f 2144 66ac 0038 8000 0020
0000010 fb21 002f 0000 0120 0000 0000 0000 0110
0000000 4e41 5244 494f 2144 66ac 0038 8000 0020
0000010 8cd9 0033 0000 0120 0000 0000 0000 0110
And ./fastboot devices consistently shows nothing. I added the device per Ubuntu guide, and restarted udev, but still nada.
Edit... I missed something on fastboot (I added the wrong device). I'll go back and recheck.
Edit 2: Still no luck.

As an update, it appears that holding the power button with the volume button up puts the device into what looks like a fastboot state (only when plugged into usb).
Edit: Maybe this is just a recovery mode / Emergency mode.
It is designated by a sign that reads: "Download is in progress. Do not disconnect cable."
According to my usb device information, it shows up as a LGE USB CDMA Modem.
Bus 001 Device 025: ID 1004:6200 LG Electronics, Inc.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666", OWNER="<my username>"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1004",ATTR{idProduct}=="6200", OWNER="<my username>"
"./fastboot devices" shows nothing


[Q] Completely Hosed - Recovery Impossible?

Yeah, yeah. Sounds like a million other posts. I am a unix/linux sort of guy, so I'm quite familiar with navigating and working in *nix based operating systems.
Here is the synopsis:
Without an SD card, the device will not boot. I can hear the USB cycle and I'm stuck at a black screen. Sounds normal so far.
After booting up CWM, I can adb in. My first step was to check devices.
/dev/block # cd /dev/block
cd /dev/block
/dev/block # ls
loop0 loop5 mmcblk0p2 ram10 ram15 ram6
loop1 loop6 mmcblk1 ram11 ram2 ram7
loop2 loop7 platform ram12 ram3 ram8
loop3 mmcblk0 ram0 ram13 ram4 ram9
loop4 mmcblk0p1 ram1 ram14 ram5
As you can see, there are a few missing block devices. I proceeded to mount each of these. Only mmcblk0p1 had anything on it: the boot partition, as I expected. Mmcblk1 was the device name for the SDCard, which deviates from what I would have expected. Blk0p2 contained nothing and was not mountable.
Next, I tried to do a 'mknod' to create the devices. This was successful to a degree, but did not actually create working devices. I attempted to mkfs.ext2 on them, that failed. For grins, I tried it on p1 and p2. The only one that worked was p1.
At this point, I decided to try and flash the boot.img I retrieved from here: "" and see what I could do to get the device up and running - any self booting would be an improvement, I thought. This too failed. The 'dd' was successful and the partition now contained boot info, but when i tried to boot up, I still received a black screen:
/dev/block # dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
dd if=/sdcard/boot.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p1
144522+0 records in
144522+0 records out
73995264 bytes (70.6MB) copied, 44.914978 seconds, 1.6MB/s
/dev/block #
When I try to flash ANY rom, I get failures - obviously because there's no place for them to flash to.
'dmesg' doesn't contain any useful information. The device seems hosed. The last rom I was running was Cyanogen nightly #69, which wouldn't allow me to mount SDCard or do anything useful. When I tried to install nightly #80, I found that the device was no longer usable.
Hopefully this was thorough enough, I refrained from typing out the obvious stuff, but please feel free to suggest things. I'm stumped. I still think it can be saved, but I don't have a ton of hope.
Thanks a lot for giving this a read. I really hope someone can help out.
Ill add you to the list with everyone else here of people who are more advanced than I. But one of the fist things I learned about the Nook is that its pretty much impossible to brick. I'm sure someone from the list will be by to help soon.
I really hope so.
Logically, if the device nodes can be recreated, I could flash a new mod in. Perhaps I'm going about that the wrong way.
sangandongo said:
Next, I tried to do a 'mknod' to create the devices. This was successful to a degree, but did not actually create working devices. I attempted to mkfs.ext2 on them, that failed. For grins, I tried it on p1 and p2. The only one that worked was p1.
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Have you verified that the partition table is actually intact/correct? No point trying to create device nodes if the underlying devices aren't there. What does "fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0" give you, and how does it compare to the standard layout?
Maybe check notes with the OP of this thread -- appears that both of you have essentially the same problem.
jll544 said:
Have you verified that the partition table is actually intact/correct? No point trying to create device nodes if the underlying devices aren't there. What does "fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0" give you, and how does it compare to the standard layout?
Maybe check notes with the OP of this thread -- appears that both of you have essentially the same problem.
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Sorry, I should have included that earlier. The partition table is b0rked. I also had attempted applying the zips from the [ZIP][RECOVERY] EMMC Recovery Repair thread to no avail.
~ # fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0
fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7944 MB, 7944011776 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 242432 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 15260 488312 b Win95 FAT32
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 15261 242432 7269504 83 Linux
Not to sounds like a smartass (or maybe a dumbass) but have you tried to restore back to stock?
Yes. In my initial post, I stated that no restoring via zip works.
Currently I am attempting to rebuild the partition table as mine is hosed. I get the following output though, which is troubling by comparison to what I should be seeing:
~ # busybox fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
busybox fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 242432.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7944 MB, 7944011776 bytes
4 heads, 16 sectors/track, 242432 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 64 * 512 = 32768 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 15260 488312 b Win95 FAT32
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 15261 242432 7269504 83 Linux
Command (m for help): d
Partition number (1-4):
Right, virtually all .zip restore files are filesystem-level recovery and assume that the partition table is unchanged.
Try forcing the geometry using "fdisk -H 255 -S 63 /dev/block/mmcblk0"
Before I write this, does the following look like what you'd expect? I mean, it makes sense considering...
~ # fdisk -H 255 -S 63 /dev/block/mmcblk0
fdisk -H 255 -S 63 /dev/block/mmcblk0
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7944 MB, 7944011776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 965 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 61 488312 b Win95 FAT32
Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
phys=(0, 1, 1) logical=(0, 0, 17)
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(1023, 3, 16) logical=(60, 202, 14)
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 61 966 7269504 83 Linux
Partition 2 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
phys=(1023, 3, 16) logical=(60, 202, 15)
Partition 2 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(1023, 3, 16) logical=(965, 205, 8)
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary
jll544 said:
Right, virtually all .zip restore files are filesystem-level recovery and assume that the partition table is unchanged.
Try forcing the geometry using "fdisk -H 255 -S 63 /dev/block/mmcblk0"
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What he said. Texas Instrumentss OMAP devices such as the nook require that media, whether sd, mmc, etc, be formatted with particular geometry. One that's set up, you can create the partitions normally and forget it ever happened. Remember that the first partition should be FAT, and this is where the kernel (uImage) and ramdisk (uRamdisk) as well as bootloader (u-boot.bin) and pre-bootloader (mlo) go.
See here for more info.
I believe the version of busybox available to me on this CWR SD image is too old to accomplish what the instructions on this post state:
I've been unable to find a bundle of the binaries yet, but I'm still looking. That being said, I changed the geometry of the partition table and wrote the changes, then tried to dd again - fail.
sangandongo said:
Before I write this, does the following look like what you'd expect? I mean, it makes sense considering...
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 61 488312 b Win95 FAT32
Partition 1 has different physical/logical beginnings (non-Linux?):
phys=(0, 1, 1) logical=(0, 0, 17)
Partition 1 has different physical/logical endings:
phys=(1023, 3, 16) logical=(60, 202, 14)
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
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You mean you wrote the partition table as shown above? That won't work. You need to run fdisk with the corrected geometry, delete the existing partitions, and create new ones. Those warnings say that your partition LBA's are still aligned to the incorrect geometry.
What happens when remove all if the partitioning on the emmc, format it, and repartition it? For some reason ive found linux has a tendency to corrupt storage bits of memory chips altogether and the only way to restore was to completely start over clean. Also, anyone tested for bad blocks? One of my laptops decided to take a **** and the only way I'm able to install an os on it is by installing ubuntu on half the hard drive. Maybe if it is bad blocks we could repartition around them?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
RileyGrant said:
What happens when remove all if the partitioning on the emmc, format it, and repartition it? For some reason ive found linux has a tendency to corrupt storage bits of memory chips altogether and the only way to restore was to completely start over clean. Also, anyone tested for bad blocks? One of my laptops decided to take a **** and the only way I'm able to install an os on it is by installing ubuntu on half the hard drive. Maybe if it is bad blocks we could repartition around them?
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Save the FUD for somewhere else....
RileyGrant said:
For some reason ive found linux has a tendency to corrupt storage bits of memory chips altogether and the only way to restore was to completely start over clean.
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LOL, just about any operating system will write an unsuitable partition table if the end user commands it to do so. No, the OP has omitted details about what he did to get into his situation, but there is no chance it just happened on its own (i.e., his partition layout is technically valid but unbootable by OMAP). If we're going to hazard wild guesses, I'd say he was trying to install Backtrack or some other non-Android Linux distribution.
Hahah I only used linux as an example because ubuntu its all I have run for a coupe years now. but you sir are completely oblivious too the fact that evo users, thunderbolt users and now nook users have reported the same issue and symptoms, always on gingerbread. A self corruption of internal memory.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
jll544 said:
LOL, just about any operating system will write an unsuitable partition table if the end user commands it to do so. No, the OP has omitted details about what he did to get into his situation, but there is no chance it just happened on its own (i.e., his partition layout is technically valid but unbootable by OMAP). If we're going to hazard wild guesses, I'd say he was trying to install Backtrack or some other non-Android Linux distribution.
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In this case, I believe it was caused either by "fixing permissions" while using Rom Manager, or by doing it in CWM. This was in an attempt to get out of CM7 nightly #69, which all but rendered my system inoperable.
I agree with you though: there's likely no reason why linux would cause corruption on a disk. If anything, an app might be to blame, but it would have to explicitly do so.
That aside, I am very close to getting my Nook fixed. I rebuilt the partition table this morning after loading busybox 1.18 onto my SD card. ran 'fdisk' with the proper geometry, deleted the existing partitions, built each out to standard specs, then changed the filesystem id for each. After that I did a mkfs.vfat and mke2fs on the appropriate partitions and wrote the configuration.
I rebooted, did a dd of a 1.0.1 boot image to mmcblk0p1 and of a system image to mmcblk0p5 and tried to boot, but I'm still getting a black screen.
Here is my current partition table after I resized it and marked the partitions with their respective types:
/busybox fdisk -l /dev/block/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7944 MB, 7944011776 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 965 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 9 72261 c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 10 18 72292+ c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 19 56 305235 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 57 965 7301542+ 5 Extended
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 57 114 465853+ 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 115 789 5421906 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 790 834 361431 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 835 965 1052226 c Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
I made the Fat32 Partitions using mk.vfat and the linux partitions with mke2fs -j -L <label>. Something still just isn't right.
Blah. I get so OCD about this sort of ****. I need to just go outside and play, this is driving me nuts.
sangandongo said:
Blah. I get so OCD about this sort of ****. I need to just go outside and play, this is driving me nuts.
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It's not booting because you're missing your /rom partition. There is no data in /mmcblk0p2, which init calls for all your device info. Hopefully you have a backup of that as well. Without it, you won't be able to run any roms with your nook color.
And unfortunately that is a partition that is not good to share with anyone else besides each individual nook owner because is contains all the unique Device identifiers for your Nook. If two people would have the same Device info and you're both logged into your B&N stock, it will error out on the B&N server side and de-register your device and the other person as well.
If you need further guidance, PM me and I'll see what I can do to help to resolve your /rom partition issue.
I DD'd every partition off my friend's Nook. Every one. Just to see if I could get this puppy running. Still black.

[SOLVED] How to restore damaged Internal SD card partition layout? Tried everything.

I did something really bad to my INTERNAL SD CARD partition layout, so now I have
I have the i8190N model
~ # cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 7634944 mmcblk0
179 1 7634936 mmcblk0p1
179 64 2048 mmcblk0boot1
179 32 2048 mmcblk0boot0
179 96 3866624 mmcblk1
179 97 3862528 mmcblk1p1
~ # df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 411756 48 411708 0% /dev
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,relatime)
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) print
Warning: /dev/block/mmcblk0 contains GPT signatures, indicating that it has a
GPT table. However, it does not have a valid fake msdos partition table, as it
should. Perhaps it was corrupted -- possibly by a program that doesn't
understand GPT partition tables. Or perhaps you deleted the GPT table, and are
now using an msdos partition table. Is this a GPT partition table?
As you can see, there is no /system, /cache and other stuff, that should be there.
My ClockWorkMod recovery tool can't mount anything (/cache, /system, nothing)
I really did everything I could. I tried: restore from backup (I have one, made with recovery tool), install new ROM (With recovery tool), install stock firmware and stock kernel in ODIN mode. I even tried some PIT file: nothing did absolutely nothing to my status.
Frankly I miss some important part in understanding of filesystem, partitions, images, what is ROM, what is stock kernel etc ...
What should I do?
Short answer: user right PIT file and burn it with Odin3. Long answer in post below.
Found interesting file:
~ # tail ./etc/recovery.fstab
/system ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p22
/cache ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p23
/data ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 length=-16384
/efs ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p11
/boot emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p20
/recovery emmc /dev/block/mmcblk0p21
/preload ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p24
/modem ext4 /dev/block/mmcblk0p12
/sdcard datamedia /dev/null
/external_sd vfat /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
~ # tail ./etc/fstab
/dev/block/mmcblk0p23 /cache ext4 rw
/dev/block/mmcblk0p25 /data ext4 rw
/dev/block/mmcblk0p22 /system ext4 rw
/dev/null /sdcard datamedia rw
And here is more info
~ # ls -la /dev/block/mmcblk*
brw------- 1 root root 179, 0 Jan 1 10:30 /dev/block/mmcblk0
brw------- 1 root root 179, 32 Jan 1 09:28 /dev/block/mmcblk0boot0
brw------- 1 root root 179, 64 Jan 1 09:28 /dev/block/mmcblk0boot1
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 16777216 Jan 1 10:07 /dev/block/mmcblk0p20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jan 1 10:07 /dev/block/mmcblk0p22
brw------- 1 root root 179, 96 Jan 1 09:28 /dev/block/mmcblk1
brw------- 1 root root 179, 97 Jan 1 09:28 /dev/block/mmcblk1p1
This is what kind of stuff I get in CWM:
-- Wiping cache...
Formatting /cache...
Need size of filesystem
E:format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on /dev/block/mmcblk0p23
Cache wipe complete.
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 (Block device required)
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 (Block device required)
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/last_log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/last_log
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 (Block device required)
W:Can't unlink /cache/recovery/command
Formatting /data...
warning: get_file_size: Computed filesystem size less than 0
Need size of filesystem
E:format_volume: make_extf4fs failed on /dev/block/mmcblk0p25
Error formatting /data!
W:failed to mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 (Block device required)
E:Can't mount /cache/recovery/log
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/log
Have you tried to flash stock firmware again with re partition ticked and the pit file? Using the pit file make sense only if you flash the whole firmware with it
Inviato dal mio GT-I8190 con Tapatalk 2
Byteater said:
Have you tried to flash stock firmware again with re partition ticked and the pit file? Using the pit file make sense only if you flash the whole firmware with it
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As I wrote in initial post - yes, I did. But maybe I used wrong pit file =\
Btw, looks like I have everything in console buffer (full history of distraction actions)
In the beginning I had this:
cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
7 0 2111 loop0
179 0 7634944 mmcblk0
179 1 128 mmcblk0p1
179 2 384 mmcblk0p2
179 3 1024 mmcblk0p3
179 4 1024 mmcblk0p4
179 5 512 mmcblk0p5
179 6 512 mmcblk0p6
179 7 512 mmcblk0p7
179 8 512 mmcblk0p8
179 9 1024 mmcblk0p9
179 10 1024 mmcblk0p10
179 11 16384 mmcblk0p11
179 12 16384 mmcblk0p12
179 13 16384 mmcblk0p13
179 14 51200 mmcblk0p14
179 15 64 mmcblk0p15
179 16 14336 mmcblk0p16
179 17 2048 mmcblk0p17
179 18 2048 mmcblk0p18
179 19 16384 mmcblk0p19
179 20 16384 mmcblk0p20
179 21 16384 mmcblk0p21
179 22 1228800 mmcblk0p22
179 23 860160 mmcblk0p23
179 24 327680 mmcblk0p24
179 25 4945920 mmcblk0p25
179 64 2048 mmcblk0boot1
179 32 2048 mmcblk0boot0
179 96 3872256 mmcblk1
179 97 3868160 mmcblk1p1
254 0 2110 dm-0
/ $ df
Filesystem Size Used Free Blksize
/dev 402.1M 84K 402M 4096
/mnt/asec 402.1M 0K 402.1M 4096
/mnt/obb 402.1M 0K 402.1M 4096
/dev/shm 402.1M 0K 402.1M 4096
/system 1.2G 414.5M 766.6M 4096
/modemfs 15.7M 4.3M 11.4M 4096
/cache 826.8M 84.8M 742M 4096
/efs 15.7M 4.5M 11.2M 4096
/preload 315M 64.2M 250.8M 4096
/data 4.6G 4G 699.2M 4096
/mnt/.lfs: Function not implemented
/storage/sdcard0 4.6G 4G 699.2M 4096
/mnt/asec/ 2M 888K 1.1M 4096
/storage/sdcard1 3.7G 905.7M 2.8G 32768
Even before everything went wrong I tried to use parted command and get an error
~ # parted /dev/block/mmcblk0
GNU Parted
Using /dev/block/mmcblk0
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) list
check NUMBER do a simple check on the file system
cp [FROM-DEVICE] FROM-NUMBER TO-NUMBER copy file system to another partition
copyright information of GNU Parted
(parted) print
Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition.
This is fdisk print before disaster
~ # fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 954368.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7818 MB, 7818182656 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 954368 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16 * 512 = 8192 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 954368 7634943+ ee EFI GPT
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
And then I deleted it
~ # fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 954368.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 7818 MB, 7818182656 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 954368 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16 * 512 = 8192 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 1 954368 7634943+ ee EFI GPT
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
Command (m for help): d
Selected partition 1
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table
fdisk: WARNING: rereading partition table failed, kernel still uses old table: Device or resource busy
To be honest, I've never seen a problem like that. In Odin there's an option to erase all nand. I don't know if this would help you, since you should have an efs backup and I don't know if it will bring consequences.
Inviato dal mio GT-I8190 con Tapatalk 2
Try firmware posted here, with pit-file.
It's worth a try. It has saved me a few times, but from other problems.
tys0n said:
Try firmware posted here, with pit-file.
It's worth a try. It has saved me a few times, but from other problems.
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I have "some" goldenxx.pit file already. And I took original firmware from some semi-official sources. Though I didn't have this CSC file. Also In original article (on they say NOT TO use this firmware with I8190N (which I have) ...
soswow said:
I have "some" goldenxx.pit file already. And I took original firmware from some semi-official sources. Though I didn't have this CSC file. Also In original article (on they say NOT TO use this firmware with I8190N (which I have) ...
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Oh sorry. My mistake. I missed it was i8190N.
Sent through time and space from my s3mini/CM10.
Found it!
I found it!
The answer was in PIT file, because as it says here:
you will only need to use this if a firmware update needs to change your partition layout (very very unlikely) or if you mess up you partition table (you don’t want to do this)
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Which is definitely my case.
So, I tried that GT-I8190N and GT-I8190 should be used with different PIT files (I tried to use for GT-I8190 one). So I found long list of PIT files here
Thank you everyone for help.

[Q] How do I edit/restore the mmcblk0 partition.

I have used esfdisk and fdisk and determined my boot loops are caused by a corrupted partition: mmcblk0. The size is incorrect, 30539776 and should be 30535680. As a result other partitions are overlapped, e.i: e2fsck:
* Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?
* e2fsck: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...
2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p24
The size of all other partitions are correct but maligned. I believe if I can correct partition mmcblk0, the others will not overlap. Does anyone have the savvy to show me how? I've tried sdparted with no success. Thanks
davidrol said:
I have used esfdisk and fdisk and determined my boot loops are caused by a corrupted partition: mmcblk0. The size is incorrect, 30539776 and should be 30535680. As a result other partitions are overlapped, e.i: e2fsck:
* Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p37
Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program?
* e2fsck: Superblock invalid, trying backup blocks...
2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/block/mmcblk0p24
The size of all other partitions are correct but maligned. I believe if I can correct partition mmcblk0, the others will not overlap. Does anyone have the savvy to show me how? I've tried sdparted with no success. Thanks
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I think you need to be s-off in order to edit mmcblk artitions. If you are s-off you can push the partition with dd comand in fastboot but but you need non corrupted one
Seems logical. I've been trying to gain S-OFF for days, but on my mac, adb recognizes the device as offline, using various roms. I'm going to use a pc today and attempt to apply firewater or rumrunner. I suppose getting an uncorrupted partition wouldn't be difficult if I could get one donated here. Otherwise, a disk editor (sdparted) might also work.
Thanks for your interest.
davidrol said:
Seems logical. I've been trying to gain S-OFF for days, but on my mac, adb recognizes the device as offline, using various roms. I'm going to use a pc today and attempt to apply firewater or rumrunner. I suppose getting an uncorrupted partition wouldn't be difficult if I could get one donated here. Otherwise, a disk editor (sdparted) might also work.
Thanks for your interest.
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I could send you my partition, that's the least of your priblems. I had corrupted mmcblk09 and it took me around 1 minute to flash a good one with dd. But I'm s-off
Yes you can! Ican probably install it using sdparted without gaining s-off. If you could provide the mmcblk0, I'll at least have that to work with. I've installed mmcblk0p27 using sdparted with success. Thanks!
Here's the code from user harshdev in another forum: while in custom recovery:
adb push mmcblk0p19_repaired.img /tmp/
adb shell dd if=/tmp/mmcblk0p19_repaired.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p19
adb reboot bootloader
Here's my fdisk readout on mmcblk0. How does this compare to yours:
~ # fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk0
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 3817472.
There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
Warning: deleting partitions after 60
Command (m for help): u
Changing display/entry units to sectors
Command (m for help): p
Disk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.2 GB, 31272730624 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 3817472 cylinders, total 61079552 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
isk /dev/block/mmcblk0: 31.2 GB, 31272730624 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 3817472 cylinders, total 61079552 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/block/mmcblk0p1 * 1 256 128 4d Unknown
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 257 768 256 51 Unknown
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p3 769 262110 130671 5d Unknown
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 262111 61079550 30408720 5 Extended ------------------------------> should be 1mb
Partition 4 does not end on cylinder boundary
/dev/block/mmcblk0p5 262112 262143 16 5a Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p6 262145 262656 256 73 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p7 262658 293812 15577+ 5b Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p8 293814 294325 256 5c Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p9 294327 296374 1024 45 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p10 296376 296887 256 47 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p11 296889 300984 2048 46 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p12 300986 305146 2080+ 4c Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 305148 315387 5120 34 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p14 315389 317436 1024 36 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p15 317438 319485 1024 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p16 319487 442368 61441 50 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p17 442370 458750 8190+ 74 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p18 458752 524287 32768 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p19 524289 526333 1022+ 76 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p20 526335 534526 4096 4a Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p21 534528 542719 4096 4b Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p22 542721 583680 20480 19 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p23 583682 583689 4 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p24 583691 584202 256 23 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p25 584204 584235 16 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p26 584237 586797 1280+ 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p27 586799 586926 64 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p28 586928 588975 1024 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p29 588977 786431 98727+ 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p30 786433 894973 54270+ 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p31 894975 1048575 76800+ 77 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p32 1048577 1245182 98303 0 Empty
/dev/block/mmcblk0p33 1245184 1277951 16384 48 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p34 1277953 1310719 16383+ 71 Unknown
/dev/block/mmcblk0p35 1310721 5111806 1900543 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p36 5111808 6422526 655359+ 83 Linux
/dev/block/mmcblk0p37 6422528 60948479 27262976 83 Linux
No luck editing the size of mmcblk0p4. Edits won't stay and reverts back.
Anyone know how to do this?
davidrol said:
No luck editing the size of mmcblk0p4. Edits won't stay and reverts back.
Anyone know how to do this?
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I'm pretty sure you won't be able to change your partition layout without S-OFF, but aren't you jumping the gun a little? (and potentially bricking your device completely!!)
Why don't you first explain what the problem is.
BTW, on the m7_u/ul the only EXT partitions are
/dev/block/mmcblk0p35 /system
/dev/block/mmcblk0p36 /cache
/dev/block/mmcblk0p37 /data
so you can only use e2fsck on these partitions, all the others are RAW partitions.
please post a
1) "fastboot getvar all" (excluding IMEI and s/n)
2) what custom recovery (and version) you are using (cause looks like you're on CWM, and you should probably be using TWRP)
3) what ROM are you using/want to use
4) what is the problem
Right! I need to gain s-off for this to stick. The device was soft bricked when I acquired it and is unable to run sense and cm10.1 without boot looping. I have gained a only slight improvements. I've installed an original/compatible RUU sense and it boot loops like the others. Only cm11 (aosb_kk_1.3.6_m7) runs but with crippled resources, i.e., no gps, no phone radio, no google sync or location sync, widget won't stay after reboot, etc, etc. The version main: is not shown, the imei or phone hardversion is not present in phone info. I'm using the latest TWRP.
There are overlapping partitions in 1,2,3 and 4. I had hoped that parted would repair this, but returns the error: You can't have overlapping partitions.
Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary
Partition 1: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 2 does not end on cylinder boundary
Partition 2: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 3 does not end on cylinder boundary
Partition 3: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 5: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 6: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 7: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 8: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 9: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 10: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 11: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 12: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 13: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 14: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 16: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 17: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 19: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 20: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 21: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 22: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 24: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 31: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 33: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 34: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 35: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 36: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 37: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Partition 38: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 5 overlaps partition 38
Partition 39: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 6 overlaps partition 39
Partition 40: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 7 overlaps partition 40
Partition 41: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 8 overlaps partition 41
Partition 42: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 9 overlaps partition 42
Partition 43: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 10 overlaps partition 43
Partition 44: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 11 overlaps partition 44
Partition 45: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 12 overlaps partition 45
Partition 46: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 13 overlaps partition 46
Partition 47: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 14 overlaps partition 47
Partition 49: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 16 overlaps partition 49
Partition 50: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 17 overlaps partition 50
Partition 52: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 19 overlaps partition 52
Partition 53: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 20 overlaps partition 53
Partition 54: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 21 overlaps partition 54
Partition 55: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 22 overlaps partition 55
Partition 57: sector 0 greater than maximum 16
Warning: partition 24 overlaps partition 57
~ # cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 30539776 mmcblk0
179 1 128 mmcblk0p1
179 2 256 mmcblk0p2
179 3 130671 mmcblk0p3
179 4 1 mmcblk0p4
These are stock values:
179 0 30535680 mmcblk0
179 1 128 mmcblk0p1 sbl1
179 2 256 mmcblk0p2 sbl2
179 3 130671 mmcblk0p3 pg1fs
179 4 1 mmcblk0p4 ?
179 5 16 mmcblk0p5 board_info
I've managed to recover mmcblk0p4 since my previous posts. Here's my getvar:
INFOversion: 0.5
INFOversion-bootloader: 1.55.0000
INFOversion-baseband: 4A.19.3263.13
INFOversion-cpld: None
INFOversion-microp: None
INFOversion-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
INFOmeid: 00000000000000
INFOproduct: m7_ul
INFOplatform: HBOOT-8064
INFOmodelid: PN0712000
INFOcidnum: CWS__001
INFObattery-status: good
INFObattery-voltage: 4323mV
INFOpartition-layout: Generic
INFOsecurity: on
INFObuild-mode: SHIP
INFOcommitno-bootloader: dirty-2da61e5e88
INFOhbootpreupdate: 11
INFOgencheckpt: 0
Thanks for your reply. Admittedly, I'm no dev and I sometimes get lost trying to wrap my head around all this!
davidrol said:
INFOversion-bootloader: 1.55.0000
INFOversion-baseband: 4A.19.3263.13
INFOversion-misc: PVT SHIP S-ON
INFOproduct: m7_ul
INFOmodelid: PN0712000
INFOcidnum: CWS__001
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well, i haven't run parted/gparted/etc. too risky, way too easy to fully brick your device, but i can tell you that the Start/End/Size/Id of all your partitions are exactly the same as mine, except p4, which was due to the overall size difference (but which didn't affect all the other partitions!!!)
Have you tried this ruu:
Have to agree with nkk71 here. You have a normal AT&T phone, it should be easy to RUU back to stock from your current settings.
relock bootloader
fastboot oem lock
Run the 3.17.502.3 RUU and you should be all set
Installing an RUU didn't solve restoring all partitions, only a small portion. The upper (1-5) is where the overlap occurred and RUU's dont' effect those partitions, at all. I deleted mmcblk0p4, because it was way too large and should be 1MB. After, a few restarts and 3 attempts at gaining s-off with firewater, the phone now functions correctly! I have tested and confirm a working GPS, phone radio recognizing sim, google sync, etc, etc. The imei and broadband version show correctly in phone info. I cant explain or fully understand why it's fully working. I will examine the partitions again and post the results.
BTW, I haven't tried installing a sense rom (current Android Revolution) to check for the constant boot loops I was getting.
Next step would be to sim unlock and test phone reception and signal strength.
I thank you all for your assistance.
davidrol said:
Installing an RUU didn't solve restoring all partitions, only a small portion. The upper (1-5) is where the overlap occurred and RUU's dont' effect those partitions, at all. I deleted mmcblk0p4, because it was way too large and should be 1MB. After, a few restarts and 3 attempts at gaining s-off with firewater, the phone now functions correctly! I have tested and confirm a working GPS, phone radio recognizing sim, google sync, etc, etc. The imei and broadband version show correctly in phone info. I cant explain or fully understand why it's fully working. I will examine the partitions again and post the results.
BTW, I haven't tried installing a sense rom (current Android Revolution) to check for the constant boot loops I was getting.
Next step would be to sim unlock and test phone reception and signal strength.
I thank you all for your assistance.
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Click to collapse
hmm, interesting, I've never seen that done before, but just for info:
fdisk -ul
/dev/block/mmcblk0p4 262111 61071358 30404624 5 Extended
the rest are exactly like the ones you posted earlier.
but if you actually "dd" the partition, you'll get a 1KB (not MB) file, which starting ot offset 0x200 (ie 1 block) shows the HTC-BOARD-INFO from p5
so seems p4 is only 1 block plus some kind of container for the rest of the partitions.
Anyway, very glad that worked out for :good:
PS: and you were able to change the partition layout with S-ON.... didn't / don't think that's possible

How I fixed my bricked Nexus 5 (corrupted userdata, bootlooping)

Hi everyone,
First of all - apologies if this is in the wrong forum. First time I post something, so not too sure if this is the right place.
I've been struggling with my Nexus 5 for the past 3 days after I attempted a factory reset. After trying everything I could find, I managed to combine some strategies from different threads, and got some help from a friend who is a linux specialist. As it has been REALLY HARD for me to fix this, I thought I would post the solution in case anyone is seeing the same issue.
Summary of my issue:
I attempted a factory reset to cleanup the phone. That was really all I intended to do.
The factory reset got stuck on "erasing". After 30 minutes waiting, I forced the phone to reboot. Then everything went downhill.
My Nexus 5 started bootlooping. It wouldn't even get in recovery mode.
I've flashed ClockWorkMod Recovery, and tried to format everything and start again. The processes to wipe partitions would fail.
Flashing stock also failed, as things would hang on "erasing cache".
I found references on multiple threads about things to try - from flashing other ROMs, to formatting the file system manually, and basically trying every step of a flashing a stock installation manually.
The bottom line is everything would hang because the system could not mount the /data partition.
When I tried to use "e2fsck" to check /userdata partition, it would give me an error about the file system being corrupted, and suggesting to use a different superblock.
Some threads here in XDA suggested to use CWM and TWRP to format the partition, as that would usually fix the problem. It didn't work in my case.
The system would basically hang when trying to format /data, with any method I tried.
When using the "dmesg" command, I would also see lots of errors with superblocks when trying to mount "/data".
I considered it could be a hardware issue, but I was not seeing problems with the other partitions (/cache, /system, /recovery, and so on).
I fixed the problem by removing the partition, recreating it with "ext2" file system, then upgrading to "ext4" manually, and finally flashing the system images again WITHOUT flashing userdata.
Every time I flash "userdata", the partition just gets corrupted.
This is the step by step on how I did it:
1) Start the phone on bootloader by holding power button + volume down. Flash CWM recovery through fastboot.
Download CWM recovery from here:
I'm using windows, so I opened a command prompt on the "Android SDK\platform-tools" folder.
run: "fastboot flash recovery <CWM_Recovery_Folder>\recovery-clockwork-"
2) Reboot in recovery mode, so that it would load ADB. In the command prompt I ran "adb shell" so I could use the linux tools
Use "parted /dev/block/mmcblk0" to open the parted tool for the mmc block.
Use command "print" to list all partitions. You should see something like this:
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 524kB 67.6MB 67.1MB fat16 modem
2 67.6MB 68.7MB 1049kB sbl1
3 68.7MB 69.2MB 524kB rpm
4 69.2MB 69.7MB 524kB tz
5 69.7MB 70.3MB 524kB sdi
6 70.3MB 70.8MB 524kB aboot
7 70.8MB 72.9MB 2097kB pad
8 72.9MB 73.9MB 1049kB sbl1b
9 73.9MB 74.4MB 524kB tzb
10 74.4MB 75.0MB 524kB rpmb
11 75.0MB 75.5MB 524kB abootb
12 75.5MB 78.6MB 3146kB modemst1
13 78.6MB 81.8MB 3146kB modemst2
14 81.8MB 82.3MB 524kB metadata
15 82.3MB 99.1MB 16.8MB misc
16 99.1MB 116MB 16.8MB ext4 persist
17 116MB 119MB 3146kB imgdata
18 119MB 142MB 23.1MB laf
19 142MB 165MB 23.1MB boot
20 165MB 188MB 23.1MB recovery
21 188MB 191MB 3146kB fsg
22 191MB 192MB 524kB fsc
23 192MB 192MB 524kB ssd
24 192MB 193MB 524kB DDR
25 193MB 1267MB 1074MB ext4 system
26 1267MB 1298MB 31.5MB crypto
27 1298MB 2032MB 734MB ext4 cache
28 2032MB 31.3GB 29.2GB ext4 userdata
29 31.3GB 31.3GB 5632B grow
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
3) Remove the existing data partition by running command "rm 28" .
4) Recreate the partition and the file system with "mkpartfs". I didn't use all parameters at once, but just informed the proper values as requested by the tool:
(parted) mkpartfs
Partition name? []? userdate
File system type? [ext2]? ext2
Start? 2032MB
End? 31.3GB
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
5) The partition should now be recreated as "ext2" file system. I've set the partition name with:
(parted) name 28 userdata
name 28 userdata
name 28 userdata
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
If you print again, you should see the new partition as ext2 file system:
28 2032MB 31.3GB 29.2GB ext2 userdata
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
6) Upgrade the FS from ext2 to ext4 by using make_ext4fs:
make_ext4fs -l 29236371456 -b 4096 -g 32768 -i 8192 -I 256 -j 32768 -L msdos -a /data /dev/block/mmcblk0p28
Now here is the interesting part. When I tried to run "flash-all" from the google stock image, this is what I would see when it ran the format script on the userdata partition:
OKAY [ 13.186s]
formatting 'userdata' partition...
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 29236371456
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 32768
Blocks: 7137786
Block groups: 218
Reserved block group size: 1024
Created filesystem with 11/1785856 inodes and 156120/7137786 blocks
sending 'userdata' (139109 KB)...
writing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 16.625s]
finished. total time: 29.811s
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
When I manually ran the make_ext4fs, the only difference was I added a label "msdos" and this was the result:
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 29236371456
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 48
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 32768
Label: msdos
Blocks: 7137786
Block groups: 218
Reserved block group size: 1024
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Almost the same thing, but with a difference in "Inodes per group": stock script shows 8192, and running manually it shows 48.
I have no idea why is that. Honestly I know very little about linux and its file systems, so I don't know what that means.
After I did this, I was FINALLY able to mount the "/data" partition.
8) Checked the file system with e2fsck. It now worked fine:
~ # e2fsck /dev/block/mmcblk0p28
e2fsck /dev/block/mmcblk0p28
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
msdos: clean, 11/10464 files, 45158/7137786 blocks
~ #
9) Manually flash google stock system, cache, boot, and bootloader.
I was using this image: hammerhead-ktu84p-factory-35ea0277.tgz
I uncompressed this to a folder, and also uncompressed the
So I ran:
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot flash cache cache.img
fastboot flash boot boot.img
After this, I rebooted the system and it loaded, after loooooong 3 days reading through everything I could on XDA!
These were some of the threads that helped me in one way or another to get to this solution:
I really hope no one else had the same "luck" as I did, since this problem has been a nightmare.
But in case you unfortunately do... hope this helps!
Great guide. Might become handy for other users. It should be stickied
Why would you force reboot while factory resetting in the first place lol
Sent from my Nexus 5
Good guide but a bricked phone is rendered useless, hence the name 'bricked.' If your phone can still power on, it is not bricked. You said your self you got it out of a bootloop. That's essentially all you had, a bootloop, and you were able to figure out what was wrong with it.
Just a heads up so we don't throw that term around loosely since a lot of people do so.
You can't bring a phone back from a brick. I think JTAG is an option but its for Samsung phones only. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
dicecuber said:
Why would you force reboot while factory resetting in the first place lol
Sent from my Nexus 5
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Click to collapse
Yeap, I know it sounds stupid but the factory reset was hanging, lol.
I tried multiple times and it would hang every time. I left it running for more than 3h once and nothing happened.
jayRokk said:
Good guide but a bricked phone is rendered useless, hence the name 'bricked.' If your phone can still power on, it is not bricked. You said your self you got it out of a bootloop. That's essentially all you had, a bootloop, and you were able to figure out what was wrong with it.
Just a heads up so we don't throw that term around loosely since a lot of people do so.
You can't bring a phone back from a brick. I think JTAG is an option but its for Samsung phones only. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)
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Thanks for clarifying! I thought bricked also meant "the phone is about to go useless, but there is a tiny hope", lol.
Is there a way to correct the thread name?
You're right - it was only bootlooping.
There's soft-brick and hard-brick.
Wysłane z mojego Nexus 5
rm 28
3) Remove the existing data partition by running command "rm 28": im getting a error on this step .
need help..
How did the phone become bricked? What was the phone doing before trying to unbrick?
audit13 said:
How did the phone become bricked? What was the phone doing before trying to unbrick?
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Click to collapse
dont know how it got morning when i wake up its suddenly start showing the boot only for hours. I've tried flashig it.evertime got flash write failure for bootloader and other images except boot.img .i've checked for emmc its fine and showing the device partion.
I'm using nexus 5 16gb device.pls anyone help
I assume the bootloader is unlocked since you are able to flash the boot.img. Try this: re-lock the bootloader, reboot to fastboot and see if the bootloader remains locked. If the bootloader unlocks itself, this is an indication that the memory chip is damaged. Also try flashing the older stock ROM available.
audit13 said:
I assume the bootloader is unlocked since you are able to flash the boot.img. Try this: re-lock the bootloader, reboot to fastboot and see if the bootloader remains locked. If the bootloader unlocks itself, this is an indication that the memory chip is damaged. Also try flashing the older stock ROM available.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
havn't tried to lock the bootloader but tried all these after reading too many posts but dont't what the issue is?...pls have a look into this..
C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data>adb shell
~ # list users
/sbin/sh: list: not found
~ # df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 949780 128 949652 0% /dev
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /storage
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /mnt/secure
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /mnt/fuse
~ # cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 15388672 mmcblk0
179 1 65536 mmcblk0p1
179 2 1024 mmcblk0p2
179 3 512 mmcblk0p3
179 4 512 mmcblk0p4
179 5 512 mmcblk0p5
179 6 512 mmcblk0p6
179 7 2048 mmcblk0p7
179 8 1024 mmcblk0p8
179 9 512 mmcblk0p9
179 10 512 mmcblk0p10
179 11 512 mmcblk0p11
179 12 3072 mmcblk0p12
179 13 3072 mmcblk0p13
179 14 512 mmcblk0p14
179 15 16384 mmcblk0p15
179 16 16384 mmcblk0p16
179 17 3072 mmcblk0p17
179 18 22528 mmcblk0p18
179 19 22528 mmcblk0p19
179 20 22528 mmcblk0p20
179 21 3072 mmcblk0p21
179 22 512 mmcblk0p22
179 23 512 mmcblk0p23
179 24 512 mmcblk0p24
179 25 1048576 mmcblk0p25
179 26 30720 mmcblk0p26
179 27 716800 mmcblk0p27
179 28 13404138 mmcblk0p28
179 29 5 mmcblk0p29
179 32 4096 mmcblk0rpmb
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,seclabel,relatime)
selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux type selinuxfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /storage type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=050,gid=1028)
tmpfs on /mnt/secure type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=700)
tmpfs on /mnt/fuse type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=775,gid=1000)
~ # mount -o,rw /system
~ # mount
rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)
tmpfs on /dev type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,nosuid,relatime,mode=755)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=600)
proc on /proc type proc (rw,relatime)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,seclabel,relatime)
selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux type selinuxfs (rw,relatime)
tmpfs on /storage type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=050,gid=1028)
tmpfs on /mnt/secure type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=700)
tmpfs on /mnt/fuse type tmpfs (rw,seclabel,relatime,mode=775,gid=1000)
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system on /system type ext4 (rw,seclabel,
~ # moutn -o,rw /cah←[J
/sbin/sh: moutn: not found
~ # mount -o,rw /cache
mount: mounting /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache on /cache failed: I
nvalid argument
~ # mount -o,rw /data
mount: mounting /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata on /data failed:
Invalid argument
~ # mount -o,rw /sdcard
mount: can't find /sdcard in /etc/fstab
~ # ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 boot
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 cache
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 288392 Jan 1 00:00 charger
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 data
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 datadata
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3976 Jan 1 00:00 default.prop
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4480 Jan 1 09:39 dev
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 emmc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 external_sd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9375 Jan 1 00:00 file_contexts
-rw-r----- 1 root root 953 Jan 1 00:00 fstab.goldfish
-rw-r----- 1 root root 2653 Jan 1 00:00 fstab.hammerhead
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 179556 Jan 1 00:00 init
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root 2708 Jan 1 00:00 init.rc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 internal_sd
drwxrwxr-x 5 root system 0 Jan 1 09:39 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x 127 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 proc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2161 Jan 1 00:00 property_contexts
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 recovery
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 res
drwx------ 2 root root 0 Dec 1 2013 root
drwxr-x--- 2 root root 0 Jan 1 00:00 sbin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 sd-ext
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 11 Jan 1 09:39 sdcard -> /data/media
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 711 Jan 1 00:00 seapp_contexts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 74942 Jan 1 00:00 sepolicy
d---r-x--- 2 root sdcard_r 40 Jan 1 09:39 storage
dr-xr-xr-x 12 root root 0 Jan 1 09:39 sys
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Jan 1 00:00 system
drwxrwxr-x 2 root shell 0 Jan 1 09:39 tmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 272 Jan 1 00:00 ueventd.goldfish.rc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2204 Jan 1 00:00 ueventd.hammerhead.rc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5897 Jan 1 00:00 ueventd.rc
~ # cat recovery.fstab
cat: can't open 'recovery.fstab': No such file or directory
~ # cat recovery.fstab.bak
cat: can't open 'recovery.fstab.bak': No such file or directory
~ # system /bin
/sbin/sh: system: not found
~ # system/bin
/sbin/sh: system/bin: Permission denied
~ # e2fsck
Usage: e2fsck [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
[-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
[-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal]
[-E extended-options] device
Emergency help:
-p Automatic repair (no questions)
-n Make no changes to the filesystem
-y Assume "yes" to all questions
-c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list
-f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean
-v Be verbose
-b superblock Use alternative superblock
-B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock
-j external_journal Set location of the external journal
-l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list
-L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list
~ # -p
/sbin/sh: -p: not found
~ # p
/sbin/sh: p: not found
~ # e2fsck -p
Usage: e2fsck [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
[-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
[-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal]
[-E extended-options] device
Emergency help:
-p Automatic repair (no questions)
-n Make no changes to the filesystem
-y Assume "yes" to all questions
-c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list
-f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean
-v Be verbose
-b superblock Use alternative superblock
-B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock
-j external_journal Set location of the external journal
-l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list
-L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list
~ # c
/sbin/sh: c: not found
~ # e2fsckc
/sbin/sh: e2fsckc: not found
~ # e2fsck c
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
e2fsck: No such file or directory while trying to open c
Possibly non-existent device?
~ # e2fsck -c
Usage: e2fsck [-panyrcdfvtDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize]
[-I inode_buffer_blocks] [-P process_inode_size]
[-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal]
[-E extended-options] device
Emergency help:
-p Automatic repair (no questions)
-n Make no changes to the filesystem
-y Assume "yes" to all questions
-c Check for bad blocks and add them to the badblock list
-f Force checking even if filesystem is marked clean
-v Be verbose
-b superblock Use alternative superblock
-B blocksize Force blocksize when looking for superblock
-j external_journal Set location of the external journal
-l bad_blocks_file Add to badblocks list
-L bad_blocks_file Set badblocks list
~ # e2fsck -y /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist
e2fsck 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist: recovering journal
Superblock needs_recovery flag is clear, but journal has data.
Run journal anyway? yes
e2fsck: unable to set superblock flags on /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name
~ # cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name
179 0 15388672 mmcblk0
179 1 65536 mmcblk0p1
179 2 1024 mmcblk0p2
179 3 512 mmcblk0p3
179 4 512 mmcblk0p4
179 5 512 mmcblk0p5
179 6 512 mmcblk0p6
179 7 2048 mmcblk0p7
179 8 1024 mmcblk0p8
179 9 512 mmcblk0p9
179 10 512 mmcblk0p10
179 11 512 mmcblk0p11
179 12 3072 mmcblk0p12
179 13 3072 mmcblk0p13
179 14 512 mmcblk0p14
179 15 16384 mmcblk0p15
179 16 16384 mmcblk0p16
179 17 3072 mmcblk0p17
179 18 22528 mmcblk0p18
179 19 22528 mmcblk0p19
179 20 22528 mmcblk0p20
179 21 3072 mmcblk0p21
179 22 512 mmcblk0p22
179 23 512 mmcblk0p23
179 24 512 mmcblk0p24
179 25 1048576 mmcblk0p25
179 26 30720 mmcblk0p26
179 27 716800 mmcblk0p27
179 28 13404138 mmcblk0p28
179 29 5 mmcblk0p29
179 32 4096 mmcblk0rpmb
~ # df
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 949780 128 949652 0% /dev
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /storage
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /mnt/secure
tmpfs 949780 0 949780 0% /mnt/fuse
1033516 1020920 12596 99% /system
~ #
C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data>fastboot dev
034dd8de828dd06c fastboot
C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data>fastboot for
mat system
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 1073741824
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 8192
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 4096
Blocks: 262144
Block groups: 8
Reserved block group size: 63
Created filesystem with 11/65536 inodes and 8536/262144 blocks
target reported max download size of 1073741824 bytes
erasing 'system'...
OKAY [ 0.187s]
sending 'system' (18800 KB)...
OKAY [ 0.813s]
writing 'system'...
FAILED (remote: flash write failure)
finished. total time: 1.188s
C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data>fastboot for
mat cache
Creating filesystem with parameters:
Size: 734003200
Block size: 4096
Blocks per group: 32768
Inodes per group: 7472
Inode size: 256
Journal blocks: 2800
Blocks: 179200
Block groups: 6
Reserved block group size: 47
Created filesystem with 11/44832 inodes and 5813/179200 blocks
target reported max download size of 1073741824 bytes
erasing 'cache'...
FAILED (remote: failed to erase partition)
finished. total time: 0.219s
C:\Program Files (x86)\WugFresh Development\Nexus Root Toolkit\data>fastboot for
mat bootloader
Formatting is not supported for file system with type ''.
Try the suggestion about relocking there bootloader and checking to see if it stays locked. If it doesn't stay locked, I would replace the motherboard.
When trying to delete partition 28, I get:
Error: Input/output error during write on /dev/block/mmcblk0
Anybody else got this and found a way to solve it?
audit13 said:
I assume the bootloader is unlocked since you are able to flash the boot.img. Try this: re-lock the bootloader, reboot to fastboot and see if the bootloader remains locked. If the bootloader unlocks itself, this is an indication that the memory chip is damaged. Also try flashing the older stock ROM available.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks, I've been reading for quite some time looking for a solution to fix my Nexus 5 (I bought it brick just to fix it), and it does exactly what you mention here in your post. It recognize fastboot, it lock the bootloader but when the phone reboot, it display bootloader unlock. It doesn't let me flash the recovery img. by computer.
The motherboard's flash memory is defective which means you'll need to replace the motherboard to have functional phone.

[Q] Bricked or not bricked? That is the question!

I got one of those original HP 16GB WIFI TouchPad. I had the famous too-discharged-won't-boot-anymore ( question-mark-battery-logo issue ) 3 times which I managed to resolve through usage of this forum ( Thank you! ) This time, I don't know what to do. Nothing on screen at all, I can only 'see' something through looking at what device the TouchPad appears as on the USB port:
Product ID: 0x8070
Vendor ID: 0x0830 (Palm Inc.)
Version: 10.00
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: bootie
Location ID: 0xfa140000 / 6
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 500
The other mode I can start the TouchPad in is the 'QHSUSB_DLOAD'
Product ID: 0x9008
Vendor ID: 0x05c6 (Qualcomm, Inc)
Version: 0.00
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM
Location ID: 0xfa140000 / 6
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 2
Taken from @jcsullins toolbox script, with the TouchPad booted in 'Palm' mode I can enter a few commands and eventually able to establish a SSH connection with my TouchPad.
$ dfu-util -d 0830:8070 -R -D ./tpdebrick-v004/moboot-dfu-v004
$ fastboot flash bootmem ./tpdebrick-v004/TPToolbox-Headless-v004
$ ssh -i ssh-key [email protected]
I can connect to the TouchPad, I have access to pretty all devices ( although screen is still blank ). I've even backed up the entire 16GB flash ( as it is now )
[email protected](none):/mnt# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip -c | ssh [email protected] 'dd of=/Volumes/BACKUP_80GB/touchpad_full_image_backup20150124.gz'
Below is just ( for reference the list of the many parititions )
[email protected](none):/mnt# fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 15.9 GB, 15923675136 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 1943808 cylinders, total 31100928 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x6d6c6150
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/mmcblk0p1 1 204800 102400 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2 * 204801 205800 500 4d QNX4.x
/dev/mmcblk0p3 205801 208800 1500 51 OnTrack DM6 Aux1
/dev/mmcblk0p4 208801 30969855 15380527+ 5 Extended
/dev/mmcblk0p5 262144 263143 500 47 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p6 393216 394715 750 45 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p7 524288 529287 2500 4c Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p8 655360 675839 10240 48 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p9 786432 789431 1500 46 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p10 917504 923647 3072 4a Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p11 1048576 1054719 3072 4b Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p12 1054720 1062911 4096 f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot
/dev/mmcblk0p13 1062912 1128447 32768 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p14 1179648 30969855 14895104 8e Linux LVM
That great! Now what?
Is my TouchPad really dead?
Can I use it still for Android?
How can I reflash or put back 'Web OS Recovery' ?
With all of the access I feel I have, do I need 'WebOS Recovery' at all?
Can't I just 'DD' one or more of the 14 partitions ?
Rastikan said:
I got one of those original HP 16GB WIFI TouchPad. I had the famous too-discharged-won't-boot-anymore ( question-mark-battery-logo issue ) 3 times which I managed to resolve through usage of this forum ( Thank you! ) This time, I don't know what to do. Nothing on screen at all, I can only 'see' something through looking at what device the TouchPad appears as on the USB port:
Product ID: 0x8070
Vendor ID: 0x0830 (Palm Inc.)
Version: 10.00
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: bootie
Location ID: 0xfa140000 / 6
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 500
The other mode I can start the TouchPad in is the 'QHSUSB_DLOAD'
Product ID: 0x9008
Vendor ID: 0x05c6 (Qualcomm, Inc)
Version: 0.00
Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
Manufacturer: Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM
Location ID: 0xfa140000 / 6
Current Available (mA): 500
Current Required (mA): 2
Taken from @jcsullins toolbox script, with the TouchPad booted in 'Palm' mode I can enter a few commands and eventually able to establish a SSH connection with my TouchPad.
$ dfu-util -d 0830:8070 -R -D ./tpdebrick-v004/moboot-dfu-v004
$ fastboot flash bootmem ./tpdebrick-v004/TPToolbox-Headless-v004
$ ssh -i ssh-key [email protected]
I can connect to the TouchPad, I have access to pretty all devices ( although screen is still blank ). I've even backed up the entire 16GB flash ( as it is now )
[email protected](none):/mnt# dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip -c | ssh [email protected] 'dd of=/Volumes/BACKUP_80GB/touchpad_full_image_backup20150124.gz'
Below is just ( for reference the list of the many parititions )
[email protected](none):/mnt# fdisk /dev/mmcblk0
Disk /dev/mmcblk0: 15.9 GB, 15923675136 bytes
1 heads, 16 sectors/track, 1943808 cylinders, total 31100928 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x6d6c6150
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/mmcblk0p1 1 204800 102400 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/mmcblk0p2 * 204801 205800 500 4d QNX4.x
/dev/mmcblk0p3 205801 208800 1500 51 OnTrack DM6 Aux1
/dev/mmcblk0p4 208801 30969855 15380527+ 5 Extended
/dev/mmcblk0p5 262144 263143 500 47 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p6 393216 394715 750 45 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p7 524288 529287 2500 4c Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p8 655360 675839 10240 48 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p9 786432 789431 1500 46 Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p10 917504 923647 3072 4a Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p11 1048576 1054719 3072 4b Unknown
/dev/mmcblk0p12 1054720 1062911 4096 f0 Linux/PA-RISC boot
/dev/mmcblk0p13 1062912 1128447 32768 83 Linux
/dev/mmcblk0p14 1179648 30969855 14895104 8e Linux LVM
That great! Now what?
Is my TouchPad really dead?
Can I use it still for Android?
How can I reflash or put back 'Web OS Recovery' ?
With all of the access I feel I have, do I need 'WebOS Recovery' at all?
Can't I just 'DD' one or more of the 14 partitions ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Try to (just) load this version of moboot-dfu instead:
Do you see small text appear on the screen after loading it?
If so, are there two lines with "a6_test"? If so, what do they say. If not, what does it say on the screen.
If nothing appears on screen, does it show up when you run "fastboot devices" ?
If so, does it allow you to run "fastboot oem klogs 2>&1"? If so, upload the output and give link here.
jcsullins said:
Try to (just) load this version of moboot-dfu instead:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ok, from the 'Palm mode' ( POWER + HOME + VOLUME-UP ) for about 30 seconds ...
dfu-util -d 0830:8070 -R -D moboot-dfu-20150128
jcsullins said:
Do you see small text appear on the screen after loading it?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes!!! Thank you! I was beginning to think something was damaged as I didn't see anything on screen for long time ( although I was getting some access through SSH )
jcsullins said:
If so, are there two lines with "a6_test"? If so, what do they say. If not, what does it say on the screen.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
(bootloader) [2100] a6_test: batt valid=1 percent=0 voltage=3225680
(bootloader) [2110] a6_test: batt temp=19 current=-312 coulombs=0
Although it does says 0 percent, I did let it charge the whole night ( as your tpdebrick tool suggests )
jcsullins said:
If nothing appears on screen, does it show up when you run "fastboot devices" ?
If so, does it allow you to run "fastboot oem klogs 2>&1"? If so, upload the output and give link here.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, I see ( finally) stuff on the screen! Again, Thank you! I was beginning to think something was damaged as I didn't see anything on screen for long time.
Now can I go ahead and load-up or run your full toolbox software and reformat/setup the entire flash device for Android ?

