Sudden full battery drain - Nexus One Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I am facing some weird issue with my Nexus One. At least once a day my phone shuts down all of a sudden! The battery drains out completely (0%). Actually I had fully charged the phone only sometime before the shutdown happened. It keeps on happening. Then I have to charge the phone for a long time. It is completely normal. This has happened even sometimes when the phone is in my pocket! It happens in air-conditioned rooms and when it shutsdown, the phone is not hot. Could it be a hardware problem? It happens consistently with every ROM and kernel (even with nandbackups which used to work properly a few months back). This is really annoying. My phone is out of support and I cannot send it back to Google as well.. Any help?

Did this problem start just recently? If so, you might be facing the same thing as nir0th and I, described in this thread.
My battery had always been quite good, and a few days ago it started draining very quickly. I've not been able to figure out what's causing it.

Drastic battery drain is different.. I am having something else.. The battery charge would be something like 60% to 65%.. The next second it becomes 0% and the phone shutsdown instantaneously.

That could mean that your battery is badly calibrated but I doubt it because one usually it won't be that major of a difference and two when you drop to 0% and charge back to 100% multiple times it should fix it so I will say it's hardware and it's dropping power somewhere either an internal part or the battery isn't holding a charge so I would get a new battery cause it's allot cheaper then if that doesn't work send it to htc.

Since the phone is no longer reliable, I started using another phone. Interestingly, the phone does not have any issues without SIM card! It just stays on for around 2 or 3 days without issue. Everytime I put the SIM card, the phone shutsdown in like 5 mins..
Could this be a problem with the battery or some other internal part? I have to tell one more thing. A few days before I started seeing this problem, I forget to take my phone with me from my car to office once. It was around lunch time when I came to pick it up. It was peak of summer (in New Jersey!) and the phone was like burning when I touched it. I wrapped it in a piece of cloth because it was so hot. I guess that is what is causing the problem....
I would be glad if this is only a battery problem

Thanks for all the comments.. Looks like it was a battery issue. I got my replacement battery yesterday. It's around 20 hours and the phone is running solid. Keeping my fingers crossed! I hope this is all for this issue...


Severe and strange battery issues - Please help!

Hello, I've recieved my AT&T Tilt 8925 (Kais100) unit a week ago and ever since I've experienced awful battery performance. The item shipped new (not refurbished supposedly nor defective) and included a Samsung battery. I changed to Dutty's v3 ROM right away (flashing was successful, I also switched to radio version and last night switched to Q-Mobile v1.2 to see if the ROM was the problem, but it persisted.
My battery drains extremely fast, even when the unit is off it drops 10% after 8 hours (overnight and also throughout the day, I'm leaving the unit at home while I solve this issue and it's always off). The unit does not have a SIM card inserted and the Phone function remains off, so does WiFi, Bluetooth, Beam, 3G, etc. It's also muted and has no alarms activated, nor background programs running (I'm currently running a freshly flashed Q-Mobile v1.2 ROM with a hard reset done as well).
I've read about battery perfomance extensively but haven't ever read about the battery discharging while the unit is off, and given the fact that I'm NOT using the phone functions, I barely believe this can be normal behaviour. I purchased 2 units from the same source and both are having similar issues with battery perfomance.
I'm currently testing a borrowed OEM Dynapack battery from a friend's Tilt to see if it shows the same behaviour as well to discard the possibility of a faulty unit. Note that I'm using the OEM 1A charger and leave the unit charging for several hours.
If the battery proves to be defective I'd have to get one (or contact the seller to see if he'd respond to the issue). Can someone recommend a cheap/reliable battery that could be bought online (eBay, etc.)?
Thank you very much! I hope that someone has a clue on this issue.
Best regards
Just to clarify, is the phone actually OFF, or is it in standby? If it's in standby, 10% after 8 hours wouldn't be unreasonable at all.
Uhm, it's on standby I guess (when I turn it on again it's instantaneous, not like when you soft reset the unit)...
I'm new to PDA phones, I had an IPAQ RX3715 before with WM2003SE and I could leave the unit off for days without battery drainage. However I may not be too familiarised with these new units' standby/off functioning. If in standby and with the Phone function off (meaning that the device has "nothing to do" other than being off) it's normal for the device to drain the battery so much I would be disappointed.
As a sidenote, my friend's Tilt is not draining while it's on standby being on the same conditions other than the fact that his unit has the Dynapack battery.
Bat Drain
I have the same rom and the same problem. I was at the hospital all day i made two calls and about mid day my bat was at 30%. I think its duttys rom V3 causing the problems. Changing roms now.
I could be wrong, but I think your phone is fine, these devices just consume a lot of power. 10% over 8 hours would be totally normal in my opinion. Is that the main reason that leads you to think there is a problem with your phone? Have you ever had a pocket PC before that had better battery life? When I got my first PDA I thought the same thing, but I realized that they are not like normal cell phones, where you could just recharge once every couple of days. PDA's must be charged at least every night. If you use GPS or wi-fi a lot you're probably going to be charging sometime throughout the day as well. I just got into the habit of plugging it in every time I get into the car, and when I get home I plug it into either the computer or the wall charger. There are after market batteries available, but if you want a drastic increase in amp-hours, the battery is going to be bigger and it will require a new battery cover. This is totally unacceptable in my opinion, as the device is relatively large to begin with. My advice would be to only activate a radio if you are using it, and de-activate it when you are done. Also just get into a routine where you are charging it whenever possible. Another thing, I just flashed Dutty's V4 RTM, and I must say the increase in battery life was very noticeable. Don't let me confuse you, though. From the information you supplied, I really am not able to tell if there is a problem or not, so give some more information and examples of battery life so we can figure out if somethings wrong, or if you just aren't used to the amount of consumption of this type of device. Hope I could help. Cheers!
kevinniven said:
I have the same rom and the same problem. I was at the hospital all day i made two calls and about mid day my bat was at 30%. I think its duttys rom V3 causing the problems. Changing roms now.
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Yeah that's not normal. You got any radios besides phone running throughout the day?
Thanks for your thorough reply. Picking on what you mentioned, it's true that I'm new to PDA Phones, as I mentioned I also own an iPAQ rx3715 with WM2003SE and my idea was to replace it. Judging the fact that PDA-only devices, to my eyes, are nowadays dying I thought I'd get me the latest and most complete device available WITH GPS, since I was using my iPAQ together with a GPS Bluetooth Receiver with much delight.
What I experienced with my previous device was that battery performance was never an issue, it did consume power as any PDA, but I didn't find myself worrying about it, it never dropped when off and it would last me several days.
Since I'm using my Tilt with the Phone function off I _thought_ it wouldn't need any power for anything... but it might be that these new devices, or the new WM6 architecture is different to that of WM2003SE/PDA only devices... I don't know, but it just sounds strange to me, although if it's normal I'll live with it- as you say, I'll have to be charging it 1-2 times a day.
On the one hand it would be good for me to know that my device is ok, but on the other hand it means that battery life isn't even close to what I expected... I had read people complaining about it but in general I tend not to be overly critic about the defects of devices... but it seems that it's the case. I meant not to use the phone features and thus I thought it wouldn't be consuming power on standby seeing that the phone should not be running anything on background...
Thank you again for your reply. If anybody else has a word on this I'd appreciate it.
Best regards
Just as an aside you will notice the battery life getting better after a couple weeks it seems the battery has to be conditioned so to speak. Also do you have any kind of push email on your phone as if you do that does use quite a bit of power, you might want to set it up as a pop3 account and set it to check emails every so often instead of getting them as soon as they come in.But I have amde it a habit to always use my charger whenever I am able to as these batteries seem to be happiest when topped off whenever possible.
Hello again, I'm still experiencing this problem and it seems not normal.
Simply put, I fully charge the device. I turn it off. It discharges by itself with all wireless functions off.
Today I did a hard suspend (keeping off pressed) with battery at 60%... when I turn the unit on 7 hours later the battery was at 6% with a critical warning sign.
I'm NOT using the device, I turn it on, use WiFI for 3-5 minutes then switch it off and put the device to suspend. I turn it on after a couple of hours, play with the menus and turn it off again. Just by doing that the battery drains by 10% every 5 hours or so, sometimes it won't even turn on due to battery drainage.
Is this NORMAL? I need to know if my unit or my battery is defective so I can return it to the seller in time...
Thanks, best regards
Battery life DOES seem to improve with time. The first day my battery wouldn't last for 5 hours! Keep charging your battery and letting it drain as much as you can (whether or not to let it fully drain is debatable), and I bet you'll see some guaranteed performance.
Also, what would help a lot is if you found and installed the Today plugin BatteryStatus and checked the "Show More indicators" option, and see what your battery drain was. The normal is between 150mA and 300mA when you're on the Today screen. Any more than that, and you most likely have a problem, assuming connections besides phone are off.
sounds normal to me, turning off you mean by pressing the button on the right side of unit? if so, mine is the same way
I'd say that was definitely not normal performance. On average, I use mine for at least an hour worth of talk time, an hour or two running TomTom, numerous SMSs, and at least a couple of hours reading books. I charge it every night, and the battery is generally running at around 50 to 60% by that time. I'm surprised at how quickly yours is draining.
I have an RX3715 inhabiting a drawer, and, while the battery life was a lot longer on that device, the battery was a lot larger, and the screen lower quality. The fact that it is not connected to a mobile network gives the battery a much longer life too. When I used it purely for TomTom, connecting to a bluetooth receiver, the battery faded very fast.
I've had a Kaiser since day one. I have found that adding a comm manager that allows forcing the phone to Edge give huge battery savings. In standby with the phone radio On and BT radio ON, WiFi OFF, my phone drops 4% over night very consistant. On Edge battery lasts days.
The only time I get fairly high battery consumption is streaming with 3G. Edge is so much more efficient on the battery, so if you don't need the speed, throttle down!
The only time I've ever found the phone Dead or close to dead after only a few hours on standby was when I had WiFi ON and the phone in standby. I can't pinpoint what exactly causes the condition, but when it occurs, the phone is HOT and the battery heavily drained in a short time. This has happened with both Hermes and Kaiser. I never leave WiFi ON when not needed, and have never seen severe battery drain since.
I do sometimes turn off all radios except WiFi, and then use wired ear buds and stream Slingbox video to the phone over my home WiFi LAN. I can get almost 4 hours of watching on a charge.
The battery should not be draining when powered off, but not much at all when put in sleep mode. Get yourself a replacement Testing.
As an aside, Alex's WM 6.1 BETA 2 has given me the best battery life of any rom. Only about 25% of the battery drains per day. With most other roms it's 50-100% per day.
Hello, thanks to everyone for your replies. It's strange because I've been doing lots of test, switching batteries (I have 4 units to test now) and I get inconsistent results... the 2 most problematic units were bought from the same eBay seller and got their ROMs changed the first day, the 3rd unit still has the AT&T ROM and was apparently not draining as fast. The problem is that the 2 first units seem to get battery drains overnight in flight mode of 10% and 2 times one of them got a 0% critical battery status just by being in standby and not in use (none of them are working as phones and have the function off)
The odd part is that for some reason this happens only sometimes, now I've switched to Sleuth's WM6.1 ROM and the problem is gone for now, I'm still at 90% since 2 nights ago having turned on GPS and WIFI for 5 minutes each 2-3 times... the other 2 units have been in standby from 100% charge and they haven't dropped either! And they're using the AT&T ROM and Q-Mobile v1.2 respectively... what kills me is that I cannot say what's wrong, cause I've swapped batteries, swapped chargers, swapped ROMs but cannot trace which is the problem (or if there's a problem at all)...
Perhaps it's normal for the unit to sometimes drain 10% after 8 hours of standby in flight mode and on other times remain at 90% for 2-3 days if not in use...
Thanks everyone for the read, I'd appreciate any comments
What radios are u using. Try changing radios
10% loss overnight in standby would be normal.
Does the unit get warm when you notice rapid drain?
I wonder about the "old" active sync problem - does the device show any running programs when you turn on?
In general you should expect to get a days worth of power using it for the odd call, perhaps an hour of wifi and perhaps an hour of prgram use. Of course all taht is very variable but I generally get away with a charge once a day. Occasionally, I take it from it's holder and it's warm to touch, but usually it's 'cos I've forgotten and left something like tomtom running.

[Q] Unreliable Battery!

I have noticed when I soft reset my phone the battery drops anywere from 5% up to about 70%! It varies from rom to rom. If i plug it in and softreset it a couple of times the battery goes up to around what it use to be. If it makes a difference I flash roms alot and don't usually install to many applications.
Is this normal at all or is my battery faulty? It's only about 8 months old.
Any ideas? Tips I could try?
you know, i have the same problem when installing, touch x legendary rom, battery is about 96,96% but when i install that rom, battery drops down to 8,7%, i just plug in power for second, and battery jumps to 98%, and then all working fine...
The way phones and other devices display their state of charge (%) isn't always accurate, hence why it jumps back up 5% after plugging it in. I don't think your battery is unreliable, it's just reporting the wrong percent of charge...
I see. Mine is more like 50% so I guess mine is just really wrong! any ideas for fixing this?
Also i have the typical xperia x1 problem were it thinks the headphones are plugged in for the last 4 days. I have plugging and unplugging the headphones in heaps but it doesn't seem to work
I have the same problem.
Phone has one year and 8 months.
Wine phone or battery?
I just got exact problem this morning
I agree with comment above, I think it just battery indicator not accurately represented battery state.
I also noticed the problem happened when I get my phone idle for a while
I was just going to start a new thread about this kind of thing. My phone's original battery has run out at anywhere between 0 and 30%... it tends to go for a couple of days if I don't use the phone much. I've tried recalibration and it doesn't really help. I thought that was bad, but I just bought a backup battery and it's even worse... yesterday it went from 100 to 50% over half a day on standby, then I used it for about ten minutes and it just went off! At 50%!
I was only expecting rubbish life from the cheap battery but at least report the charge properly so I have a chance! Old phones could always do it... why can't one that cost hundreds of pounds when it was new?
I take it there's nothing you can really do?

[Q] [HTC One M7] Battery Calibration/Dying battery?

I have an ATT M7 One that is a little under a year old and recently (Past month or so) I have been having really odd battery fluctuations. I’ll link to an imgur album with some of the battery level graphs that I’ve caught in the past few weeks to hopefully help you understand what I’m talking about more clearly since I don’t think I’ll be able to describe them very accurately on my own. So in the first case i’ve encountered I will charge the battery fully, and once the phone is running on battery it will last anywhere from 15 minutes to maybe an hour two and then just die. But when it dies, the battery level still displays 60%-70%.(Images 4,5,6,& 7) Then when I turn the phone back on the battery level will be anywhere from around 0%-20% and will last for another couple of minutes before dying again. There is another case of my battery acting really strange where the battery level will stay at around 50%-60% even though it’s being charged continuously (Right side of Image 1). I don’t know if it’s because my battery’s calibration is off or of the battery is just dying. I really hope the battery isn’t just outright dying; to get to this level of battery instability in under a year seems pretty shocking to me. I should add that i didn’t get any of these problems before I rooted my phone. I didn’t notice it while it was rooted with the stock rom. I initially started noticing the problem after I installed a GPE rom (not exactly sure which). I thought it was just the rom at first but I’ve switched around to different roms and have been getting the same problem. So does anyone know what the problem is or what could have caused it and if it is even fixable at all?
Thanks for any input!
imgur album :
UPDATE: I've performed a factory reset and used the phone as normal while watching battery life. The battery life lasted about an hour and a half, getting down to 80%. Throughout the battery life I was re-installing my apps and one of my restores required a restart. When I restarted my phone, the phone powered on with 60% battery life then died about a minute later.

weird battery overheating

I recently posted about battery draining in a few hours after installing CM11. I was wrong. The shutdown was caused by overheating and not by a flat battery. I have now tried both the original samsung battery and a hi-power battery and swapped between the two. When I put an overheated battery back in, after it has cooled down, there is still 50% charge or thereabouts left.
The weird thing is that the overheating only seems to occur if the phone is in my shirt or jacket pocket. I can leave it on overnight on the bedside chest and in the morning there is no sign of overheating and virtually a full charge left. Put it in my pocket and within an hour it has overheated and shut down but still seems to carry on getting hotter until I take the battery out. I have uninstalled all the apps installed since CM11 apart from Viber and Virgin Smartcall and still the same problem. I am getting error messages about location and media. could this be the cause?
Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions gratefull received as I cannot continue to use the phone if it keeps shutting down on me.
steveob said:
I recently posted about battery draining in a few hours after installing CM11. I was wrong. The shutdown was caused by overheating and not by a flat battery. I have now tried both the original samsung battery and a hi-power battery and swapped between the two. When I put an overheated battery back in, after it has cooled down, there is still 50% charge or thereabouts left.
The weird thing is that the overheating only seems to occur if the phone is in my shirt or jacket pocket. I can leave it on overnight on the bedside chest and in the morning there is no sign of overheating and virtually a full charge left. Put it in my pocket and within an hour it has overheated and shut down but still seems to carry on getting hotter until I take the battery out. I have uninstalled all the apps installed since CM11 apart from Viber and Virgin Smartcall and still the same problem. I am getting error messages about location and media. could this be the cause?
Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions gratefull received as I cannot continue to use the phone if it keeps shutting down on me.
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well this is really awkward bro.

[Q] battery drain, random reboot and other issues

I got my (used) note 1 about a year and a half ago. I've installed alliance rom from the get go and experienced some battery drain. At first I thought maybe it's the battery, so I got a new one. This also didn't help but as the drain wasn't significant (I wasn't even 100% sure it really was a problam), I just continued using the device. After about a year the drain got worse (wasn't a battery issue, as I checked with an almost un-used battery). I figured changing a rom might help, so I moved to CM11, after installing an official version and re-rooting the phone. It made no difference, but I continued using the phone anyway. The battery drain got worse and today it drained 80% in 7 hours with almost no use (talk for about 5 min. and maybe 30 min. screen time with wi-fi on but no GPS). Also, the phone started heating a lot (it got to a point where it was uncomfortable touching the top of the screen due to heat. But it didn't shut down). Then the phone started rebooting itself or just freezing until I had to do a hard reset about once a day. I think it's only when it's in use but can't be sure. another issue is that when I try to take more than 2-3 pictures with flash on, the phone reboots (flash off - no problem). The heating was solved by underclocking the device, but the other issues persist.
I thought about changing ROMs again, but as it didn't help last time, I decided to ask for advice here first.
Any thoughts?
Taking pictures on low battery or bad battery with flash can cause the phone to power off. It could be either.
Install wake lock detector from the app store and check what's draining your battery.. Then either paste a screen shot to get more help.
Thanks, I'll do that.
But just to clarify, the phone shuts down (abruptly) when using flash event if the battery is charged. Also, there's no such issue when using the led as a flashlight.
OK, the drain in the last few days was due to a game I installed and forgot to greenify, so let's put the battery drain aside for the meanwhile.
Question is, what can cause rebooting?

