Steve Jobs dead at 56 - LG Thrill 4G

OK, I know we rip on iOS and Apple/Mac all the time but, I think it's appropriate we pay our respects to the man.
Everyone please post a R.I.P. Steve Jobs
R.I.P Steve Jobs

I actually have huge respect for Apple products, and especially Steve Jobs. The unified ecosystem from Mac to iPhone to iPad is amazing. As a fan of unix, I actually own a MBP and iMac. I also own an iPad2, and the wife has a couple iPod classics (she has a lot of music).
I am not a huge fan of the iPhone, screen size, iOS doesn't do it for me, etc. But it is one of the best phones ever made, and is perfect for many people.
As for Steve Jobs, guy was one of the most influential people of the last 30 years. He revolutionized the PC market, and had he not been ousted at Apple, the PC market likely would be more like 80% Mac and 20% Windows, if that for Windows. Guy was a genius, especially when it came down to leading a team and coming up with a single product that could solve a problem none of us knew we had, but was very real.
R.I.P. Steve Jobs

R.I.P Steve Jobs

I was never personally a huge fan of Apple products (bad luck with iPhone and iPod video). It is pretty obvious that the man had a huge impact on personal computers as well as the current state of smart phones in the world.

Well really when you look at the big picture, Steve Jobs is the reason smart phones came into being and blew up into what they are today. He started the tablet revolution which A LOT of other companies have been trying to do for over a decade. Some people acted like he was this evil figure head of some horrible company but, the man was an innovator and was there with Bill Gates way back in the beginning. He had a very large part in everything that we do as far as computers and communications go. So, tonight I drink a beer to Steve Jobs.

lol at those crazy Westboro baptists protesting at his funeral.
Apparently they sent out a mass text to their fellow lunatics from none other than an iPhone.
The irony is a thing of beauty really

Without Steve, I probably wouldn't be holding my android right now. He pushed technology forward. He created a device that most of us use everyday! And he WAS one of the best CEO's ever.
Sent from my Inspire 4 geee


Displeased with the cult yuppie social status symbolism of the iPhone...

I admit that I was a formerly proud owner of the first iPhone (2G) but have disliked the gradually cultish nature of iPhone users over the years. I have met a lot of iPhone users nowadays and strangely enough, a lot of them express a particular self-absorption and lack of interest in the well-being of others for some odd reason.
I know that there isn't a scientific reason/explanation for a device affecting the personality of the iPhone owners or the culture of them as a group, but how can such a device have an impact on the lifestyles of these people. So my question is why are such people who are iPhone users tend to be ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah?
Case in point: I was on a recent date with lady who owned an iPhone and she couldn't keep her eyes off her iPhone all the time. After all, I would be hoping that I would have a word in straightedgewise once in awhile...?
(Btw, I myself am mostly a Palm Pre Plus and Android user mostly. I do use an iPad and iPhone for my art studio work so I am probably guilty of some of these qualities too?)
Anyways, regardless of political orientation, what is the sociological explanation for the cult yuppish nature and type A personalities of the iPhone owners? Feel free to flame on, but I'm actually interested in reasoned explanations of this mystery.
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
Yuppies, aka, hipsters. They are invading my neighborhood, which used to be a nice quiet Polish area.
They don't like anything mainstream (that's why they dress like **** and listen to ****ty music) but LOVE anything apple. They are one of those people that if an Apple worker takes a crap, names it iCrap, they will buy it. I really think there is nothing special about an iPhone, well maybe except ending the call by touching the side of it. There is nothing my G2 can't do that an iPhone can.
Don't get me wrong, I own an iPad, but I barely use it, and I was thinking of using it for my photo biz, and used it for that a few times already. I only bought it because iPad competitors were nowhere to be found, except the Gtab
DirkGently1 said:
I think yuppie implies some sort of exclusivity or poshness. In an era where every man and his dog has an iphone i see it more as a commoners device
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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Most people on this planet are "non-tech-savvy". They don't know the difference between 1080p and 720p, RDP and VNC, what's a "VPN", etc. The folks from Apple perfectly know this - that's why they make the most straightforward devices I've ever seen. Total lack of design (I mean c'mon - a button and a screen?) + an elementary user interface (considered revolutionary) = the iPhone. It's for people who want "high tech" and ""usability"" (notice the doubled quotation marks), who wouldn't probably ever want to know what makes their device tick, or even if it's working correctly, because "they simply won't understand it". That actually makes the iPhone something I would gladly give to my 75-year-old grandpa, whose knowledge of modern computer hardware and software is on about the same level as my cat's. I guess this is the primal reason Apple managed to create an enormous fan base of people, who would buy everything with a bitten apple engraved on it and, of course, Steve Jobs has praised for ~2 hours straight (in their presentations) with hundreds of five-dollar words like "this time we exceeded ourselves" or "it's truly amazing, MAGICAL even". People, who would so fiercely protect Apple's creations, it's scares me.
Its not the device changing the people, its just the type of people and the demographic that actually considers using an iPhone over a different device. The device has not shaped them but the device has changed our perception of the device and who uses it
DirkGently1 said:
Actually, in my mind i see it as iphone=girls, Android=lads, Blackberry=Business, Anything Nokia=Simpletons, Palm=Non-conformist loners.
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iphone users are idiots , they pay about 4 times more for the same or less processing power , functions and ease of use that i can get from ebay
I don't think that that's the case unless all the people I see on the buses, subways, streets and schools tend to be "ego-obsessed, yuppie-like, megacapitalist, arrogant, etc. etc. blah blah."
Almost every person I see on a phone outside is on the iPhone 4, of course that's just NYC at the moment.
I always think of that Steve Mobs scene in the Simpsons every time i'm in a room full of people checking their iphone4's.
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
qipengart said:
True that although what to do if you use both Apple and Android?
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then you are a troubled man , with a bizarre dilemma to figure out , and need to find yourself

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple.,0,7184764.story
Also on Engadget.
I'm starting to wonder if his health is getting worse.
Don't care
Sad to see. I just hope that his health gets better.
Just think how much their stock would have plummeted if they hadn't bottled it and suspended trading beforehand.
I'm thinking his cancer has returned and he's nearing the end.
-Sent from my Droid Incredible-
xaccers said:
Just think how much their stock would have plummeted if they hadn't bottled it and suspended trading beforehand.
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I think Apple will be fine for the next few years. Good time to buy Apple stock.
The news is kind of sudden though, I hope Steve is okay.
bleach168 said:
I think Apple will be fine for the next few years. Good time to buy Apple stock.
The news is kind of sudden though, I hope Steve is okay.
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Oh as a company they'll be fine, but last time he took ill their stock dropped a fair bit.
With him actually leaving it would have dropped considerably, therefore temporarily devaluing the company.
I hope he gets well also, cancer is a very..very tough battle.
Though I'm not a big fan of Apple products still sad to see this happen, the type of things Apple produced during his time there were amazing.
Hope he gets better.
As much as im not a fan of crapple i wish Steve nothing but the best. "Maybe patent wars will stop now??" says the troll. The answer is no...Steve was just a puppet leader....sort of like Manchuria in the 40-70's. The decisions were made by the legal team so i've got nothing against him.
I don't agree with the way he goes about business, but I never wish harm upon another human being. Hope if his resignation is related to his health issues that they make a turn for the better without the responsibilities that come with a position like he was holding... it's amazing how detrimental a high stress job can be to your health.
Certainly one of the most iconic businessmen of his age. Hats off to Steve.
Always saw him as the soul behind Apple.
dont care.. but hope he gets better
YAY! Apple is doomed
without Steve, Apple is not much of a competition
Apple is going to slowly fade into the background just like Windows Mobile did, and PalmOS, and WebOS and all other that came before it
I wonder what would be the next big OS to challenge Android after this.
Steve rescued Apple from the blink of bankruptcy... actually they did, but it was thanks to Microsoft they stayed afloat
so Steve introduced the coloured toiled looking iMacs, and that was a crazy hit, then it came the iPod, that scored them big time, with the introduction to iTunes, to make music downloading easy for n00bs
with the success of iPod the went beyond to develop iPod touch, which was Apple's pre-staging to launch iPhone, they used iPod touch to sort out all the bugs, and get things close to perfect before releasing iPod touch
that was another big score for Apple, at that time there was no much competition from either front for music / phones
Apple's finally launched the iPhone, and well the world went wild after that, and with the introduction later to the AppStore, things got even more exiting, still no competition at the time.
That's how Apple surfed the big waves, and kept racking in money when no body else had good stuff in the market.
back at those times Windows Mobile was ... better than crap, PalmOS was dying, if not done for already. WebOS was barely born, and Android was just a pre beta/alpha stage.
Steve excelled at marketing ideas and presentation, but none of it was fresh or new, he just made it look better.
Everything that Apple released was already existing in the market, just never popularized by any marketing team of any company.
That's the power of marketing
get everyone hyped up, and you get tons of sales, specially target the young audiences, and make everything hip.
that's a good lesson that Google learned well and applied to their products and brand.
Completely agree, besides their company policy is really NASTY, so even if their products may be cool I would never buy/buyed any fruit products.
Apple: Learn to make fare competition or you will fail soon!
Doomed? Stop playing with your Nexus and do your homework son Gizmodo is covering this pretty well:
- The Life Of Steve Jobs - So Far
- Why Steve Jobs Chose the Perfect Time to Resign
- Apple without Steve Jobs Scares the **** out of Wall Street (Updated)
I am not a fan on jobs business practices or ios, but he saved apple and I respect him for that. I hope this move allows him to recover from his ailments.
Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk
Jobs lost his job ...... Too soon?
Sent from my ERIS using XDA App
End of an era. Great CEO, like him or not. Sad
I truly hope He gets well very soon. That being said, I don't approve of his business methods or his "my way or the highway" attitude about his of millions of reasons I won't buy fruit branded anything
All your OT are belong to Pipsqueak

Steve Jobs has passed away at 56

Say what you will about Steve Jobs and his flagship company, Apple, but I think we all must admit some form of loss on the matter. For all the bad things that we love to rip on about Apple, it is no big secret that this company with this man at the helm drove our precious smartphone market into the spotlight we all share today.
Rewind the clock a few years and the only "smartphones" on the market, called Pocket PC or PPC, were Windows Mobile devices. That operating system once ruled the PDA/mobile device sector with an iron grip. Granted that back then it was less than 5% of cell phone owners that actually had a PPC. We were all business users with different tastes making our devices work for us, one way or another. we all dealt with the poor WM UI for so long that we knew nothing else. It was commonplace to install Today Screen plug-ins like SPB or HTC Home to give it a slightly more attractive appeal.
The game all changed when Apple, with Steve Jobs at the helm, released the original iPhone. Hardware-wise it was particularly unimpressive. It utilized the average hardware from the time. The thing that made it stand out over anything was the intuitive UI, iOS. This new operating system brought smartphones out of the strictly geek circles, and introduced a new mobile gadget to millions of people who thought touch-screens were only used in Star Trek. It ushered in a whole new era of thinking.
Manufacturers took immediate notice of this and changed their way of doing things to keep up with Apple. Google purchased Android, Inc. and pushed forward with development of it's Android OS platform. RIM began ramping up production and released version five of their Blackberry operating system. Even Microsoft, who had previously dominated the PPC market began to back away from its aging UI and began working on WP7.
The impact that this man has had on our community, for better or worse, is one that every member has felt at one point or another. Without him pushing the market forward, you would probably still be stuck waiting on that Netflix DVD to arrive rather than queuing it up on your device. Whether you're an Android fan, an Apple fan, or even an aging Windows Mobile die-hard, like myself, today is a sad day for us, and one in which we should all pay our respects.
If anyone has anything else to add, this is the thread to do it.
Don't matter how Android, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone 7 users hate Apple, they can't say that Steve Jobs was a visionary and a great man, which changed the way we think about technology
Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built
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You summed it up nicely, yourself.
But yeah, love or hate him, he did ALOT for technology in general, whether you used Apple products or not, they impacted the market greatly and most of the things you use may have never come to pass without Apple being pushed ahead helmed by Steve Jobs.
keep it in 1 topic plz

Discussion on Steve Job's legacy

@MODS: I know that there's a condolence thread for Mr Jobs, so I started this one to discuss his legacy, and what people think about him here instead.
#warning: No profanity, no tasteless jokes, minimal snark, no flaming. <- mods help me.
I'll start:
While I disagreed with how he handled iPhone 4 and iOS in general, you can't deny that he did have a tremendous impact on the way smartphone and smartphone OS is designed.
Taking a look at Android's history and you'll realize that as the iPhone got popular, Android phones start to look more and more like an iPhone, but we finally eclipsed both the iPhone an iOS by the Gingerbread era. Without the competition, Android certainly would not have moved in this direction, and so fast. I have said this many times before, and it warrants a repetition; I wished iPhone 5 came out so that Android manufacturers up their game.
Another area is the design aesthetics that Jobs pioneered in Apple. Look around and you'll realize that Dell, Lenovo and Samsung are building laptops that compete with the MacBook Air.
Now, onto the bad part... I hated him for making the Mac a walled garden, and for imposing a "Mac Tax" on all Apple products. Towards the end of his life/career, even Apple got nervous and started to push for litigation instead of innovation.
In the end, I have nothing but respect for the man, and I hope that there will be more innovators like him.
Didn't he half ass run apple into the ground prior to leaving and coming back when the iPod got big?
I don't entirely agree with apples business practices but you have to give them credit for selling their products for much more than their worth while creating a cult following around their products.
He knew how to play on people's love of a pretty UI. Steve Jobs has my respect.
Sent from my rooted and debloated X2!
T3HBR1AN said:
Didn't he half ass run apple into the ground prior to leaving and coming back when the iPod got big?
I don't entirely agree with apples business practices but you have to give them credit for selling their products for much more than their worth while creating a cult following around their products.
He knew how to play on people's love of a pretty UI. Steve Jobs has my respect.
Sent from my rooted and debloated X2!
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iMac; "pretty" computers for "creative" people, buy one and you too can feel like you're a special "creative" person. Share in the magic(TM) that is iMac
It was the start of the "lets see how much we can rip saps off for" project that apple ran after cancelling it's "lets try and help those in need" projects in 1994.
They found there were a hell of a lot of saps which could be ripped off a hell of a lot, often with the help of other saps which had been ripped off by Apple and apparently grateful for it.

[APPz] Steve Jobs Timeline 1.0.0

Current Version:1.0.0
Requires Android:2.1 and up
V1.0.0 update:
initail version;
Thank you Mr. Steve Jobs, for making this world a better place. RIP Steve Jobs
This is a tribute to Steve Jobs from us. It contains all the fascinating facts from his birth to beyond.
Steve Jobs is the greatest visionary of modern times, we hope this would inspire you as it did to us. For those who doesn’t know Steve Jobs, he is the Co-Founder of Apple and responsible for creating Apple Computers, iPod, IPhone, iPad, Macbooks and possibly future products from Apple. He has also produced and inspired several Pixar Movies such as Toy Story, Up, Cars, Wall-E and more.
Steve Jobs’s time line includes founding of Apple, founding of Next, founding of Pixar, exit of Pixar and return to apple. Steve Job’s personal information is not being disclosed inside this application. Feel free to find more information on wikipedia at
The memorial page for Steve Jobs is located at Please feel free to pay your respect.
RIP Mr. Steve Jobs, you will be remembered
All photo credits goes to and
Trivia, what does app icon look like?
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
miztaken1312 said:
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
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He is a legend of technology! ... not just Apple or Android!!!
Yeah. He was an icon of our time. RIP.
We can still torment the OCD technophobe cult nutjobs though. It's our right, no trollin.
miztaken1312 said:
Can I just ask why? We use an ANDROID powered phone. We don't really like Apple around here...
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Just because we use android products does not mean we don't like apple. You might not but a lot of products apple created are great and did change technology. the phone you use right now is because of apple!
Glitch kernel let me OC to 1.4!
I'm greatful for all Steve Jobs inventions except for the last one , Patents
fuloplori said:
I'm greatful for all Steve Jobs inventions except for the last one , Patents
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That right!
The man and his people developed a technology that indirectly was the cause for the fevored development of Android. If it weren't for the desire to find a product that could compete with the iPhone/iPod, Android may not be what it is today.
He was a visionary, who was hand in hand with Bill Gates and Windows, his path took him in a different direction than Windows. He did what he did, very well, and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
Agree or not with him or his beliefs, I think we would all be best served to honor the impact anyone has on our lives
kangi26 said:
The man and his people developed a technology that indirectly was the cause for the fevored development of Android. If it weren't for the desire to find a product that could compete with the iPhone/iPod, Android may not be what it is today.
He was a visionary, who was hand in hand with Bill Gates and Windows, his path took him in a different direction than Windows. He did what he did, very well, and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
Agree or not with him or his beliefs, I think we would all be best served to honor the impact anyone has on our lives
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R.I.P Steve Jobs
I've never liked Apple products, never owned a single one, but even I see what Steve Jobs did for technology and the world. R.I.P.,, Mr. Jobs.
Sent from a state of Serendipity
kangi26 said:
and just because his iOS was locked down, didn't mean he had an inferior product.
We, in our own way here in XDA have become our own version of snobs. "If it's not open source so we can do what we want/when we want; it's no good"
I think we need to remember that there is a whole different world of folk who just want to use their devices, not hack the crap out of it; and that's ok too.
His products may not be for me, and like all things, have their own set of faults. But in the end his work has made a enormous impact on the development of hardware/software, which has impacted all of us.
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That's actually the reason for Apple's success with a large demographic, just not all. Every detail is designed with fewer things to think about. Locked down OS, fewer settings (what you hear as "cleaner interface"), no replacable battery or SD card, one mouse button (older Macs), etc. The out of sight out of mind philosophy flows throughout. I often joke about them being better for OCD/ADD and such, which actually has some truth to it.
People come in all shapes and sizes. Some want or even need simplicity and some want (and need) flexibility, expandability and programability. It's just hard for many to understand that what's good for them is not for good someone else.

