ICS source now available - Galaxy Note GT-N7000 Android Development

Hi! We just released a bit of code we thought this group might be interested in.
Over at our Android Open-Source Project git servers, the source code
for Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is now available.
Here's how to get it:Follow the instructions at
http://source.android.com/source/downloading.htmlCheck out the
'ics-release' branch:repo init -u
https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-4.0.1_r1
That's it! However since this is a large push, please be aware that it
will take some time to complete. If you sync before it's done, you'll
get an incomplete copy that you won't be able to use, so please wait
for us to give the all-clear before you sync.
This is actually the source code for version 4.0.1 of Android, which
is the specific version that will ship on the Galaxy Nexus, the first
Android 4.0 device. In the source tree, you will find a device build
target named "full_maguro" that you can use to build a system image
for Galaxy Nexus. Build configurations for other devices will come
Unfortunately we still don't have our Gerrit code review servers back
online. That remains our top priority though, and we hope to have them
back soon.
This release includes the full history of the Android source code
tree, which naturally includes all the source code for the Honeycomb
releases. However, since Honeycomb was a little incomplete, we want
everyone to focus on Ice Cream Sandwich. So, we haven't created any
tags that correspond to the Honeycomb releases (even though the
changes are present in the history.)
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smaller aosp downloads- JBQ

groups for linaro source
current groups for aosp source
a miscellaneous reference
Would anyone have thoughts to add addtional group tags to the default manifest?
The default.xml could be organized and commented to break up
core (bare metal aosp)
omni (omnirom specific)
build (toolchain and things for compiling)
developer tools (I personally think things like eclipse and adt are fluff even for downloading since I'm probably downloading these types of things independently)
chipset (arm, x86, mips)
device (grouper, mako, etc)
host (ex: windows, mac, linux)
I could then repo init with
repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3 -g core,omni,build,arm,linux,mako
and pull down 4 GB instead of 10 GB
original announcement from JBQ
AOSP is big, and downloading and storing all of it consumes a fair
amount of bandwidth and space.
We've been investigating ways to make it smaller. One visible part of
that work is that the master tree is "only" 6.5GB, while Jelly Bean is
about 8.5GB.
We're aiming to go further. Today, I'm deploying an experiment that
can help shrink things.
Repo recently added a feature called "manifest groups" that allows to
restrict the list of projects being downloaded.
I've set up the manifest for the AOSP master branch to include a few
groups. Here are the groups I added:
"device": files that are specific to flagship devices but aren't
necessary to build a generic platform.
"darwin": files that are only necessary when building on a darwin host
(i.e. MacOS).
"linux": files that are only necessary when building on a linux host.
"arm": files that are only necessary when building for ARM targets.
"mips": files that are only necessary when building for MIPS targets.
"x86": files that are only necessary when building for IA targets.
Here's an example, which allows to build the ARM emulator on a linux
host. In this case, the download is 3.6GB, which is a significant
improvement over a full tree:
repo init -u [URI] -g default,-darwin,-device,-x86,-mips
The syntax is hopefully self-explanatory. Note that this is only
currently supported in the master branch.
I'm looking at the possible evolutions:
-marking the projects for individual device families (i.e. crespo,
tuna, stingray, panda), so that it's possible to download the files
for one specific device without getting them all.
-marking the projects that are necessary to work on the developer tools.
-marking the projects that are necessary to work on CTS.
There's also a possibility that repo will eventually know to
automatically ignore host-specific projects.
Longer-term, we're investigating the possibility of not downloading
the entire source history for projects where it's both large and
I'm open to feedback and suggestions. Please let me know whether
that's useful, whether that works, which of the future directions
would be useful... and which future features I've forgotten that'd
make life easier.
Jean-Baptiste M. "JBQ" Queru
Technical Lead, Android Open Source Project, Google.
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That would be wonderful, especially for people with bad connections or small SSDs. :good:
I'm going to experiment with the current groups and see if they yield a reasonable savings. It may just be a matter of a how-to on the wiki.
would be awesome for me
repo init -u https://github.com/omnirom/android.git -b android-4.3 -g default,-darwin,-device,-x86,-mips
gave me a .repo folder of 6.1GB and build works fine
what's the size without those -g switches?
i did the same with AOKP recently
if you want to have a look

Building cm or aosp for chagalllte

I get an increasing amount of pms asking me how to build for chagalllte. If I would answer all that questinons en detail I could stop developing, and just answer emails. So I decided to publish some of the most basic and detailed answers I gave here in this forum.
I also hope, that people trying to build for chagalllte can find each other and build up a team for the task of getting cm to chagalllte. TEAM: together everybody achieves more...
Hope, this helps:
Devices are said to be equal... As t700 and t800 are being equal but screen size. That's NOT true. They differ verry subtile. (t700 vs. t800 i.e. differ in sound and touchscreen drivers...).
That being said I would start like this:
learn git - not github, but git on the command line
get both: most current sammy rom for t800 and t805 and put them both untared side by side to you disc
compare them thoroughly - learn the differences
from opensource.samsung.com get kernel sources for both devices: again - learn the differences
start from my gits (device, vendor, kernel) - fork them on github, clone locally
put the differences to the three gits: step by step - commit every change with long comments (wil save your as)
before flashing your first build take a look at /system/etc/wifi of running device with sammy rom, take a look at updater-script of flashable sammy-rom zip, take a look at my git repackrom.sh and use it on your flashable zip.
don't be frutrated, iron out my errors, sammy errors and your errors - build next time...
Good morning,
to get this straight: driver refers to kernel code (statically build in or build as module), blobs (or prorietary binaries) refers to already build binaries from sammy rom: these are libs (i.e. libGLES_mali.so), compiled executables (i.e. gpsd, sswap), loadable firmware for hardware (i.e. /system/etc/wifi/*), some ascii files (some keymaps if I remember right) and all that I forgot...
Of course the mali drive (kernel) interacts ditectly and closly with some of the blobs (in this case libGLES_mali.so, and some people refer to leb_GLES_mail.so as mali driver. This doesn't matter for most people - for you IT DOES MATTER to know of which part I'm speaking...
I recommend usimg the kernel sour8ce from opensource.samsung.com fot T805, but cherry-pick at least the commits from my git or crpalmers picassowifi to make it build inline cm (so if you haven't learned git you are lost here the first time).
For the versions: yeah, you make with sammy's 4.4.2 blobs a cm-11.0 (aka 4.4.4) build. We have to take what we we get - we have no 4.4.4 blobs and propably nver wil get... Sorry.
For cm-12.0 I build at the moment with a mix of sammy 4.4.2, widevine 5.0 (taken from manta) and a hexedit patched libGLRS_mali.so from picassowifi - thats fun, mage. But relax, for cm-11.0 you will come along with the blobs from sammy 4.4.2 rom. You have to find out which blobs you need in addition to the ones I have taken from 800 rom to get modem running.
For the build environment: there are several setup guides for cm. Use google. I use gentoo amd64 build from scratch - but I think you won't want that... *lol*
Add this
lg1 = log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white) %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
lg2 = log --graph --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold cyan)%aD%C(reset) %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n'' %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(bold white) %an%C(reset)' --abbrev-commit
lg = !"git lg1"
to the end of /etc/gitconfig, clone my three gits, cd to them (one after the other) and type each time "git lg1"... "git show [hash]" will show you a single commit. I know it must be boring and anoying for you, but: learn git.
May the source be with you, Nvertigo
thanks so much for posting this, i just hope someone with skills can pick this up
TheLoverMan said:
thanks so much for posting this, i just hope someone with skills can pick this up
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Just did a quick count: got 27 pms from 8 different people regarding this subject. So if we calculate that only half of this are really interested in giving up their sparetime, partnerships and all other activities, there could be a team of 4 people...
Code long and prosper, Nvertigo
Im also going to try cm forums see if anyone has come up with something
I will try to build and see if i can use your help, if needed. Thanks for the tutorial though.
I would be so grateful for CM12 on LTE model. I don't have knowledge myself, but I thouht maybe we all users of T805 could donate for NVertigo to collect money for him to buy LTE variant? What do you guys think?

[NOTICE/URGENT] Repository ownership transfer from Alphapixels -> Alphasquare.us

Hello all,
As an effort to unify all our productions under our own brand, Alphasquare, we have transferred all Android development-related repositories to https://github.com/Alphasquare.
So change all your local manifests or clone origins to point to that URL, should be a simple CTRL-H.
Or, if you'd like to grab a pre-cooked roomservice, which I update accordingly to development, very frequently, go ahead and visit the repository https://github.com/Alphasquare/build-extras.
That's it for all, also remember that all Android 4.4 branches in the Alphasquare repository have been EOL'd. I merged the last commits to device and kernel repos from the Lollipop bringup, so that is the last update since we now switched to the lollipop branch.
Device tree EOL commit:
Kernel EOL commit:
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Lollipop is bleeding-edge though, exercise caution
That's all devs!
Signed-off-by: Jelixis (sergio[at]alphasquare.us)
Jelixis said:
Hello all,
As an effort to unify all our productions under our own brand, Alphasquare, we have transferred all Android development-related repositories to https://github.com/Alphasquare.
So change all your local manifests or clone origins to point to that URL, should be a simple CTRL-H.
Or, if you'd like to grab a pre-cooked roomservice, which I update accordingly to development, very frequently, go ahead and visit the repository https://github.com/Alphasquare/build-extras.
That's it for all, also remember that all Android 4.4 branches in the Alphasquare repository have been EOL'd. I merged the last commits to device and kernel repos from the Lollipop bringup, so that is the last update since we now switched to the lollipop branch.
Lollipop is bleeding-edge though, exercise caution
That's all devs!
Signed-off-by: Jelixis (sergio[at]alphasquare.us)
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thnx for your hard work

Building ICS from source

Hey everyone,
I have my dev environment setup on my Linux machine, and am interested in starting an AOSP build of 4.0.4 (remove touchwiz and keep it stock), and have been following the guides for building from source, but I am stuck.
-setup dev environment
-downloaded source
-ensured I have all packages
where do I go from here?
In http://xda-university.com/as-a-developer/getting-started-building-android-from-source it tells me to setup a device target. I have pulled down the Samsung source files from their open source site. Where do I deposit these? Just a bit confused on how to keep rolling on this.

[Lineage OS] Build instructions

I am trying to make my own build of Lineage OS so that I can learn more about howto enable I2C devices so that they are available in SensorManager.
I browsed through the repos at https://github.com/lineage-rpi but could not find instructions on how to perform a build from scratch.
The repo looks like it is the right place to go and it seems like android_local_manifest/manifest_bcrm_rpi.xml has all the right links to the other repos (kernel source, proprietary and android_device). However I do not see any reference to the android source code. Or do I need to get the android source code from source.android.com?
Can someone share the "repo" commands so that I can pull all of the source code? I will work out howto build it form there.

