[Q] Should I get an HD7? - HD7 General

Okay I'll try to keep it short and sweet.
>Buy HD2 in 2010
>End of 2011 digitizer dies and phone gets permanent white screen brick (no clue how honestly)
>Now hate HTC because they're dicks about their faulty phones and repairs
>I'm due for an early upgrade from T-Mobile and I could get the new 710
>The Radar is nice but 8GB won't cut it for me plus I don't feel so good about a white phone, also much more expensive than say an used HD7 or a new 710.
>Seeing lots of cheap HD7's on eBay
>Getting boners
So the question: Considering that the HD2 and HD7 are such similar devices, are the digitizers as big of an issue as with the HD2's? I would literally burn the HD7 if I wake up one day the the digitizer goes off on me. Also, are there any popular/ common issues with the HD7 I should be aware of? Really considering the HD7 since I loved everything about its older brother the HD2.
Using a Samsung Comeback now and this phone is killing me, literally. I feel like I'm in 2006.
Input appreciated.

Samsung is better right now
I have had hd2 used for a year and now my cousin is using it. Then I bought an hd7 but really I would prefer hd2. Now I am using galaxy s2 and hd7 is as a spare phone.

If you can find a nice Schubert (HD7) cheap, get it...the memory can be upgraded and there are custom roms for it. I've had mine for over a year, the keyboard bug is the biggest problem but an update is coming.
Sent from The ACSyndicate Tower using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

similar situation
hey, guys. newbie here
since i wanted to basically ask this question, i thought i would just ask here and not bother opening a new thread.
all i want to know is: is this phone worth getting?
anybody happen to know if this will have any problems in flashing custom roms? (i really don't want to have to do gold card)
i hope i'm not hijacking this thread :\ but thank you to anyone who replies

hi bro
i have an iphone and recently bought a new hd7 (8GB) but the exiting point is felt in love with it!
for example in start menu microsoft used some exiting animatione
and somthing else that microsoft isn't like apple or other companies and they're helping hackers to make the best os ever
in my opinion if you want to have a wp7 device HD7 is like monster
and for flashing custom roms simply do these works:
-goto boot loader (by pressing vol down + power up)
-run ROMUpdateUtility.exe on your PC
-click update then wait
Note: don't download the wrong rom for your phone because it can seriously damage it

Don't buy WP7 phone, get an Android!
Your GPS will be useless, there is no app other than online downloading ones that require 3G. Get android and iGo with offline maps, be free!

segaodma said:
Don't buy WP7 phone, get an Android!
Your GPS will be useless, there is no app other than online downloading ones that require 3G. Get android and iGo with offline maps, be free!
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And see, I myself am an Android user/owner, for the past 2 years... and I'm over here looking to jump ship.
It all comes down to preference. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Android, but it gives me something to tinker with ALL DAY LONG. I find myself wasting 6-8 hours a day (at home and at work) tinkering with the phone, researching mods, flashing ROMs, reloading apps after flashes... I spend more time tinkering with the phone than I do actually using it!
I'm 39 years old for crying out loud - I don't need to be throwing a 3rd of my day away playing with this toy! LOL! I'd rather have something that looks great as is and just works!

segaodma said:
Don't buy WP7 phone, get an Android!
Your GPS will be useless, there is no app other than online downloading ones that require 3G. Get android and iGo with offline maps, be free!
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Navigon now uses offline maps. Also Nokia Drive. Upon first setup asks you what maps you want to download.
Sent from my HD7 T9292 using XDA Windows Phone 7 App

hi, in my opinion you should go for an htc hd7. right now its hardware is not quite up to par with the latest phones out there esp droids but its the combination of the fluid and smooth OS with respectable hardware performance that still makes the hd7 a joy to use ^_^

I'm getting one because I love windows phone 7, the ui is like melted butter! So smoothe, no lagg.
I also am personally switching from android, mostly because I cracked the screen on it.
Though android always seems to have a sluggish and laggy UI, even with the most top notch specs.
I played around with many of the WP7 phones on display, and I love them.
The only draw back idea have to say, is the lack of apps to choose from. The games from Xbox live are pretty fun though.


A few days with my HD7

Just a mini review of my HD7 after 4 days use. Coming from an HD2 (with 6.5.5 & Android) and having had mobiles since the classic was the only phone on Cellnet you could get I've used most!
However the HD7 being a first version has it's issues. A couple I have noticed are just stupid - others annoying.
I won't go over how it looks or the tiles or anything like that; this is just my experience of the device as a "phone".
Call quality seems ok - but the moment you get a border line signal you're stuffed. Incoming call audio is fine they just cannot hear you at all. Nothing Nada! You need to get a bar on the signal meter or you've no hope of being heard. My 5800 & HD2 both hang on to a cell signal much longer than the HD7 does.
Phone book is nice however it has a trend to dial the last person called rather than the entry you want - especially if you've gone from call history to the phone book - I don't know how many times I phoned my mum recently (but I am sorry for being a phone pest!!). Again this seems to be a version 1 issues.
But my biggest two grips are that how do you save an email attachment? We've all got things on our phones we want to transfer - Nokia do a lovely app to BT all your old goodies to your new phone - please other phone people take note!
So emailed myself the file(s) I needed - they appear in the email - but no way to save them - I can open the media - just not save it! Great. No "right" finger or "hold" finger menu in email application.
OK then - lets BT the files over ... turn BT on - let's pair with the HD2 and get some files from it. Nope cannot pair with the HD2 in Android or WM6 - says "paired" but unable to connect. Fine. Let's try another way with BT push - nope - paired cannot connect... Bleeeeewwwhhh.
So there does not seem to be anyway to get something from someone on the move sent to your phone. Cannot save attachments and cannot pair with other phones to BT files. Maybe a v1 issue again?
Not too sure on the HD7 at the moment - the wow is nice and yes the interface seems to be working as expected. However loose a data connection and you cannot open the people hub until you restart the device for some odd reason after loading Facebook contacts, and worst still "Lists" no longer works and gives a message about a DLL missing. Great, cannot find a way to un-install it or re-install it. The only menu option is "share" which does not help much really.
I am going to see if there is anything on line about the issues it seems to have. But so far - yes good phone - but WP7 needs some work. Maybe a quick update is needed here Microsoft? HTC seem to have done well getting the units out - not sure if anyone else is seeing similar?
Oh and I would really like a some menus to give some more control over the phone! You criticise WM6.5 for not being very finger friendly - but at least you have some options to change! Where are they hidden in 7 LOL!
So far hardware 10/10 but OS? 2 maybe 3 /10.
Oh and HTC you're being bloody cheap not sending out your top of the range phone with out a sleeve to keep it in, the HD2 has a lovely sleeve and that has saved it many a time - the HD7 I had to spend another £15.00 ($20) on a bumper to keep it safe as no one has the sleeves yet!
So far my HD2 is with me the HD7 is at home - not sure yet if I can rely on it 24/7 as my primary phone.
I would not go as far as to say it is poor - WP7 that is - but I am for one not impressed considering that people must have tried at least once to BT each other something?
You are missing the point of this phone. While I agree on some of your good points (but few) this is supposed to be the Zune phone , the equivalent of the iPhone, basically an eye-candy multimedia-device which should also do basic comunication in a fast and easy way. I also came a long way over the years playing with Symbian & WM 5-6.5 and I loved all the tweeking and extra customization you had BUT to be honest I got bored with it.
As years passed I saw mobile phones becoming the substituent of the PC but also a substiuent of its problems.Just look at the past 2-3 years. Now we have discussions about freckin RAM and GHz when the whole point of the phone was JUST to run smooth and work fine ,not to mention the fact that battery development has been left with the same batteries from 2006 or so.
Basically it just got stucked.I was freckin tired of walking in a mobile shop and seing a bunch of touchscreen with a zillion icons as wallpaper.
Where was the excitement of actually buying a phone for having something new?
That was the main reason since I never bought a touchscreen phone and I have sticked with my (g)old E71 for the time being.
Android is IMO a laggy joke. Yes , it's still lagy and that is why I didn't buy a high-end smartphone untill now , the HD7.
I don't want to pay 400 euros for a laggy interface.
It's been 3 years already since the iPhone and it has still been the fastest OS with no lag until WP7.
Why my view may be a little off-topic I think this was the main idea of the WP7.Getting ridd of those "Really?!" moments.
I want a phone in 2010 which runs fast,smoooth and adds the basic customization(it's where WP7 currently lacks but it's not terrible).
For I-can't-find-my-sfnag.dll-complaiment people should buy/use their laptops
I hope WP7 rises as remembers this "high-end competition" what the purpose of a (multimedia) phone really is
I think yly3 has a point - one of the main features of WM7 (for better or worse) was the increased reliance on cloud storage. Maybe this was why most of the phones we're seeing are only 8Gb.
I think anyone coming from WM6.5 expecting WP7 to be an incremental upgrade, including existing functionality is likely to be disappointed.
What I foresee is mainly 3rd party apps making use of an opened up Bluetooth stack to gain access to your skydrive as if it were local storage. Similarly, having the option to save email attachments to your skydrive would be neat (I believe .docs can be saved)
For me, this is either genius, or a disaster - if you're away from a signal, your files are inaccessible, which is frustrating. That said, I'm rarely away from a signal these days, so maybe it's a non-issue.
Time will tell.
I have been using my HD7 for 2 weeks now, I love it and hate it at the same time. I love it for its smooth, flawless and simple user interface, but hate cause its just too simple... I know and expected that this was a locked up phone before I bought it but.. even some basic functions that I was used to doing on my HD2 was missing. Functions like sending files thru BT from my phone to any BT device. Even some basic configuration like adjusting the volume of the ringer is not clear on configuration page. its just a toggle on/off and not to mention that i can't use custom ringtones? I loved using custom mp3 for ringtones.. cause in a crowded place.. I would now that my phone was the one ringing. And just like steve said...the phone didn't come with a nice leather pouch to keep it safe, for a pricy phone like this. I just wish they would improve wp7 much sooner so I could enjoy using this phone more and get my money's worth.
The first update is due early 2011, so don't get your hopes up for ANY updates untill then. Rumours are that Copy/paste, BT, & Camera are all big factors in the first update.
I can't really complain after a solid 3 weeks of owning the phone. Yes there are a few niggles, but it's MUCH better than Iphones OS v1 was. So looking good imo.
Also all the comments i've seen on this thread appear to be on WP7, not the HD7 itself. Slightly confusing by the Thread title.
well thats good news i don't mind the wait.. but i hope they do fix it with the update... but those are for WP7. the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones ...it will take time here before i could buy a protective sleeve or rubber whatever. i just hope i don't drop or scratch it with my coins and keys in my pocket. also the camera button is hard to press... wish there was configuration where i could use the touch sensitive keys to take a picture. and speaking of wich.. the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
clarkdevlin said:
the comment i have for the device itself (with HTC HD7) is that it didnt came with a pouch like my HD2, as all new phones ...
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I've always been of the opinion that if a phone needs a case, it's a badly designed phone.
clarkdevlin said:
the search key (bing key) really bugs me. i kept miss touching it for no reason.. and bing keeps getting in my way even when i'm playing games
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My first purchase was Need for Speed, and the number of times I've been about to complete a circut, only to nudge the 'serach' button, which kicks me out of the race and I need to start again, is a real pain in the 'a**'.
It would be great if this button could be disabled while gaming, it's just too sensative and close to where you need to hold the phone....
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
I see what you mean but again this was named Windows Phone 7 , not Windows Mobile 7 and Microsoft stated many times it's something new , build completely from zero.
The main problem of WP7 would be, as you pointed, the lack of choice. Honestly, I don't know how many really use copy-paste. I don't know if I barely used it 4-5 times the last couple of years but that's just me not the whole world. And I am very surprised people still use MMS.
This is also a strategy to have your product upgraded and keep interest in it just like Apple has done it in the last years.
Maybe I am over-excited for finally having something new and fresh offered and according to the constant praise and support of Steve Ballmer this platform will get more updates than we have seen on any other mobile OS so far (it is Microsoft after all) thus having the first update 2 months after the release date.
So, basically I won't go further and maybe I don't have a strong argument against what you said but what I tend to see in nowadays reviews is that most of the people don't seem to get the whole picture and analyze a new phone only by checking their personal list of must-have features (again , agreeing that most of them really are a must).
Steve_Walker said:
Don't get me wrong @poopilot I do like the phone but the omission of a simple sleeve for the phone smacks of cheapness. And anything with a screen this large needs some protection in a pocket or on the desk, all to easy to scratch.
And yes the thread title @Audio could be more specific - but these are my view of WP7 on an HD7 - so it is pretty on topic for HD7 General. The comments would be the same for WP7 for all devices as they are all the same. I am just saying that it is a shame for something so late in the game that all the i & t's were not dotted and crossed before we got our hands on it.
And to @yly3 - your analagy is flawed. If Windows 7 is the succesor to Vista in the way WM7 is to 6.5 - how would you feel if Windows 7 had no control panel, you could not save locally and the only network you could use was Microsofts? I am pretty darn sure you'ld feel agrived. But say if I don't want to share pictures on skydrive - I want to BT or MMS or Twitter or Facebook I want to choose - I don't want to be limited to a single option.
If you play with a Desire you get loads of options for most things - hell I cannot even change the MMS picture size! LOL! Bring on regedit that's all I can say! I must be crazy but you cannot see MS's usability labs having an iphone 1 and thinking "this is all people need, they wont cut and paste or want to do anything other than gaze at the UI"! If you are going to call a phone a smartphone it does in fact need to be smart. Not average.
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There are definitely things that are missing, no question, but I think they've got it right for a first release. If they waited to get everything done then we'd never see the OS. It's completely different to Android, and indeed WM6.5 I'm pretty sure I'm right in saying that WM6.5 will be continued alongside WP7. I like the fact that it's all simple to use (and I'm a tech head). Sure it can occasionally be irritating where I want to get into the bluetooth settings for example to configure it more closely, but ultimately I can completely understand why they've done it. All you have to do is go in and turn it on, then choose a device to pair with. It involves very few steps which was exactly the spec for this OS.
I'm sure that in time there will be options to configure things more closely, but they will be hidden away so that you have to consciously choose to go into the advanced settings. Android was real fun for a while, something different, but I actually think that it's far too techy. After a while I got bored of everything being a bit clunky and hidden behind too many menus etc... To use everyday, it's just not that usable, not when you compare it to something like WP7.
I'm really looking forward to writing some apps for WP7 as I think it provides a different challenge - to make your app consistent with the UI and make it as user-friendly as possible. I think the possibilities are massive with WP7, and as long as MS really commits to it, rolls out regular updates to keep on improving the UI - crucially without breaking what it already does - then it could be a huge hit.
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
kromosto said:
Steve_Walker totally agreed with you. WM6.5 has something different but with looking at WP7 ???
I am asking myself why should i get a wp7 phone instead of iphone? And the only reason i can find is 4.3" display .
Microsoft really needs to think clearly and understand they must make something different not a ios kind os.
MS will going to loose much
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1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
jz9833 said:
1) The media player is alot better.
2) Zune Pass.
3) WP7 is alot faster than any iPhone. My entire family has 3GSs and iPhone 4s and they will even admit my phone is alot faster to do anything. I havent even turned my lag fixed Vibrant on this I got this HD7 also.
4) App intergeneration. WP7 really does take this to a different level.
You'd be a fool to say WP7 doesnt have its flaws and bugs, but you'd also be a fool to ignore everything GREAT it does. Android does alot of things well but is anything great? iOS does some great things, but honestly I prefer WP7 over iOS.
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1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
kromosto said:
3) That is about hardware not wp7
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iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
Sultan1993 said:
iPhone 4 has better hardware! A4 is better than Snapdragon, and iPhone 4 has dedicated GPU - PowerVGR 535! which is faster than Adreno!
iPhone 3Gs also has dedicated PowerVGR GPU, but don't which model exactly!
So, it's not hadware! it's the OS
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i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
kromosto said:
1) OK
2) I dont care about zune pass
3) That is about hardware not wp7
4) So what? How many wp7 apps out there?
Sorry but as we see you have strong feelings on wp7 and want to defend it too much but even you cant write more then 4 not meaning too much advantages. Because even MS designed it to be a is imitation.
I had hope on wp7 was thinking to sell my hd2 and buy a hd7 because ios and iphone is not a phone for me (dont like them), Android is just what you said does alot of thing but not anything great. But WP7 is worse then both at least for now. Because MS just looked ios and android and copy them with removing all the good features on wm6.5 all the good features i prefer a wm6.5 phone over iphone that is nonsense. most of the users may not care about this but i care.
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You might not care about Zune Pass but for anyone who wanted an mp3 player / phone this is the biggest selling factor. In fact I'd say zune integration is the best thing WP7 has going for it right now.
I am not really defending it that much also. Look my profile and see the last thread I made. I clearly pointed several huge glaring flaws in WP7. In that same thread I said more than 4 good things about it also. Before calling someone out, look at their previous posts; especially when trying to call out their position on things .
Here is a link:
WP7 is missing features 6.5 had but that was a matured and dying (dead now) OS, this is a completely new start. I am not over critical of it becasue i knew going in it was a first iteration OS. And for a first iteration OS it is far better than what iOS and android were. It actually does some things far better than them right now too. It has flaws, but ignoring strength and focusing only on flaws is wrong in my opinion.
I am also confused about your position on the speed of WP7. First you say its the hardware, which android and the iphone 4 have better hardware, and then you say its the OS and that backs up the statement i originally made. The OS is optimized to be faster than both iOS and android. That is a HUGE plus for WP7. It's doing more with less, don't over look that.
Again let me repeat my statement, it does have limitations but everything it does, it does the best. More features will be added with updates.
kromosto said:
i am not comparing iphone vs hd7 hardware. i am saying that with suitable hardware every os can be fast.
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(10 char)
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
kromosto said:
About speed i am saying that every os can be very fast with suitable hardware. Think like this a wp7 phone with nokia n61 hardware can it be fast ofcourse no. is this wp7s fault ofcourse not so as you cant blame an os for not suitable hardware also you cant say os is good because it runs good on suitable hardware.
also i agree with you about wp7 being a new os and 6.5 is dying but why not use 6.5s good features on a new starting os from the beginning. They are the things which you did better then ios and android so ms should glorify them with using them in the new os.
this is my idea ofcourse i dont except everyone or even anyone to agree with me. wm6.5 with htc sense and cht nearly got all i need. some more social network integration with a really working pptp vpn is all i need with my current setup.
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Because 6.5 and 7 are built on completely different platforms. You can not just pull features from 6.5 and put them in 7 because the programming language is different.
6.5 was good for its time, but do you know the main reason why I hear why people do not want to buy WP7 phones? All the headaches they got from 6.5 devices...
WM left a bad taste in ALOT of peoples mouths and that is still showing in WP7. Yes 6.5 might of been good for some but for most it was complete and utter crap.
Will alot of these features eventually be built into WP7 if enough people want them? I think so, but they will be built and coded to meet WP7's standards.

Do You Like Your HD7? (And should I get one?)

Hi guys, I currently own a G2 (That I love) and you can see my device history in my sig, which clearly states that I'm an android fan.
However, I always love to try new things, and I'm really liking the simplicity of WP7 as well as the Zune music player.
So I was thinking, the HD7 is damn cheap on eBay right now, why not get one?
Please leave below why I should or should not get an HD7 to use along side my G2 (not at the same time of course).
(this thread is meant to be a reference for future buyers as well, so be critical!)
I am a Android user since the G1 as well. Since 2008: G1, MT3G, iPhone, HD2, Nexus One, HD2 (again) running Android, BB9700, Vibrant, MT4G now a HD7. So you can see we have similar experience.
That being said the HD7 is far better than any Android in the refinement/smoothness/response of the OS. As soon as you leave the native OS however that goes away. I have not found one app from the market that performs like the rest of the phone does. The market apps are slow, gittery and at this point not the most rewarding experience.
I am confident issues like these will improve with time; I am sure you remember looking at a black screen on the G1 alot of the time.
WP7 is a breeze to use and I actually like it. The keyboard is the best I have used period. WP7 is missing alot of key features but for a brand new OS that has been out only a couple months it is pretty good, much better than Android was in Oct 2008, remember waiting for "Cupcake"?
WP7 is due for a couple updates in the first half of 2011, I anticipate some major improvements if Microsoft plans of capturing market share.
So to answer your question should you get one? I would, thats exactly what I did. The Zune integration is great and if you like games XBOX is all over this phone. WP7 is Microsoft's iOS, it has its own eco system which makes for a nice experience.
i really really want to buy hd7 but i really really want atleast the ability to transfer photos by bluetooth... rest of the cons can be neglected as far as i am concerned. but i will wait for new devices and updates to the software. currently it can be said that hd7 is not the very best of the lot. its better to wait. rest depends from person to person
Love my HD7 too. Though I must admit I also miss my HD2
Looks pretty positive. Polar opposites of what the reviewers said.
I think WP7 has potential. I remember on the G1 how ridiculously awful every application was.
It will be great with an update.
I have been with t mobile for years. I have used a iphone, a g1, nexus one, hd2, and now on the hd7. I miss some things like, copy and paste, custom ringtones, and tethering, but I like the user interface better than anything I have used so far. I think an update, which is rumored to be hitting next month (1/11), would hopefully bring some of these things to the software and that will really make this phone tops in its class.
hiddengopher said:
Hi guys, I currently own a G2 (That I love) and you can see my device history in my sig, which clearly states that I'm an android fan.
However, I always love to try new things, and I'm really liking the simplicity of WP7 as well as the Zune music player.
So I was thinking, the HD7 is damn cheap on eBay right now, why not get one?
Please leave below why I should or should not get an HD7 to use along side my G2 (not at the same time of course).
(this thread is meant to be a reference for future buyers as well, so be critical!)
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I really like the phone. The OS makes it feel like an "adult" phone to me. I am coming from an iPhone 4 and Samsung Vibrant. I also like the aesthetics of the phone as well, although I am trying to see if I could ever get a peek at the Dell Venue Pro in person...
The only things I am missing are: Wifi calling and tethering.
Annoyances are: lack of skype, lack of twitter integration in the People hub, and inability to sync multiple Google Calendars.
However, I am more than happy to work around those things and I am enjoying the phone immensely. I am getting poor battery life, but I think that's because it's fresh eye candy and I'm playing with the phone alot.
Also, the Zune Pass saved me from buying two trashy albums already!!!
anyjah said:
I really like the phone. The OS makes it feel like an "adult" phone to me. I am coming from an iPhone 4 and Samsung Vibrant. I also like the aesthetics of the phone as well, although I am trying to see if I could ever get a peek at the Dell Venue Pro in person...
The only things I am missing are: Wifi calling and tethering.
Annoyances are: lack of skype, lack of twitter integration in the People hub, and inability to sync multiple Google Calendars.
However, I am more than happy to work around those things and I am enjoying the phone immensely. I am getting poor battery life, but I think that's because it's fresh eye candy and I'm playing with the phone alot.
Also, the Zune Pass saved me from buying two trashy albums already!!!
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Wow, sounds awesome, as I don't use those things.
The Venue Pro is a POS by the way. I used one at my Microsoft store and it was just terrible. It really felt like plastic. I'm sure you know what I mean if you're coming from a vibrant.
The hinge was pretty bad too. And the keyboard wasn't very nice. Plus, it looks awkward as hell.
Similar thread with poll already exist
I really like my hd7 and windows phone 7 because it fits my needs and daily usage. I mean yeah, it lacks a few things such as copy and paste, tethering and multitasking but what a lot of people don't understand that this a fresh, brand new operating system still in its infancy and with Microsoft's big updates coming next month and etc, I think that wp7 will give Android and IOS a run for its money. As for my personal opinion, my hd7 is fast and I can't wait for the upcoming update. Plus everything works out of the box. The email syncing is great, Facebook integration is amazing and the marketplace is really evolving. I have all the apps I really need and they were free.
The hd7 itself feels really sturdy and has a great build quality to it. I don't really care for the camera because I have my canon 5d mark II for that.
hiddengopher said:
Wow, sounds awesome, as I don't use those things.
The Venue Pro is a POS by the way. I used one at my Microsoft store and it was just terrible. It really felt like plastic. I'm sure you know what I mean if you're coming from a vibrant.
The hinge was pretty bad too. And the keyboard wasn't very nice. Plus, it looks awkward as hell.
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*lol* Thanks for the input... I've read differently in the reviews, but if it's anything close to the Vibrant, you're right, I want NO part of it... The RAM controversy with it is driving me away also... so we'll see.....
alesscam said:
Similar thread with poll already exist
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not similar at all. sorry.
i think the phone is worth it. I prefer it to android and ios simply because it is more visually elegant. the one thing that i really appreciate is the integration. All i did was log into gmail, facebook and live and the phone combined all my contacts correctly. there were a dozen names i had to manually set but that was due to them appearing as different contacts (i.e. different names and details).
There are a lot missing but what is there is delightful.
3rd party apps are hit and miss. Alot are not as elegant but some, like nyt app, are really elegant. my initial fear that most developers would not understand the design convention and principles seem to have been true; so far. Metro UI/design is much more abstract than the android/ios designs; which tend to be much more literal.
If you are into taking pictures with your phone, this phone is not the phone for you. If you can deal with blurry pictures it is a great phone
I miss Android only for it's amount of apps but this phone is the best to me on tmobile
What it lacks in functionality it makes up twice as more in User experience
and once it's functionality is onpar with Android, it will be even better
hey guys just placed my order for it.. should be in my hands in a couple of days.. really excited cos its my first windows phone rather than the a wp7 for that matter. i have been using a galaxy s from the past 4 months and got fed up of delayed updates.. and the whole fragmented system.. The metro UI although new looks more mature and more like one piece. Was actually waiting for a UI overhaul in Gingerbread but seems like that will appear in honeycomb.. but that still is no match fr WP7.. Btw i know this is a bit off topic but have any off you guys have any problems with the touch sensitivity of the screen of the HD7?
spankyu said:
hey guys just placed my order for it.. should be in my hands in a couple of days.. really excited cos its my first windows phone rather than the a wp7 for that matter. i have been using a galaxy s from the past 4 months and got fed up of delayed updates.. and the whole fragmented system.. The metro UI although new looks more mature and more like one piece. Was actually waiting for a UI overhaul in Gingerbread but seems like that will appear in honeycomb.. but that still is no match fr WP7.. Btw i know this is a bit off topic but have any off you guys have any problems with the touch sensitivity of the screen of the HD7?
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I have a problem with the program 'moBudget' in which there is a tiny 8pt font link that I have trouble getting to... But other than that, I haven't noticed many problems; although, I am certain I've had to double tap somethings since I have had the phone. Overall, probably 8/10...
anyjah said:
I have a problem with the program 'moBudget' in which there is a tiny 8pt font link that I have trouble getting to... But other than that, I haven't noticed many problems; although, I am certain I've had to double tap somethings since I have had the phone. Overall, probably 8/10...
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Cool thanks. hope all goes good with piece that i ordered
I posted this on another board a few days ago... Comparing a Desire HD to a HD7
Bought a Desire HD yesterday (£240 brand new from CEX - traded some stuff in) seems pretty nice, seems like an improvement over the Desire - some nice little tweaks across the whole Sense experiance.
Strangely my problem is not with the Desire HD itself, its with Andriod. Last month I had a WP7 - HD7 land in my lap. They are pretty much the same unit (except for the camera) same form factor with some different button placement. In recent months i've been taking a step back from my whole "Smartphone" experinence. Re evaluating what i use it for and how i use it.
PIM functions (calendar, mail etc)
A bit of Gaming
Access to the news (tech, local, National, International, Gaming, entertainment etc)
Music & Media
As long as i have those i'm happy. Its all well and good having 1,000,000 apps but if you only use 5 its pretty pointless. So what you need to know is do they have the ones you want?
My first impression of the DHD was what the hell did HTC do with the cover at the back? It doesn't fit properly. Its not flush at the sides - the Engadget review mentions it too so its not just my example. Seems a shame that after designing a beautiful flagship device you let it down with something so minor. Other than that though its pretty nice.
Once i turned it on i was impressed by the speed - how quick does this baby boot!! However, after that my problems returned. Problems might be the wrong word here, what struck me was the complexity of the Robot after a almost a month with WP7. Andriod feels bloated and fat and the handset can be a little sluggish at times which concidering the speed of the CPU is a disappointment. It took me a while to get it setup as i like it, so its now almost a a carbon copy of my old Desire (only its not rooted yet). WP7 "Metro UI" is like a breath of fresh air compared to Andriod. After all Andriod is pretty much iOS (minus the widgets) 4x4 icons across several screens with app icons to press. Granted the intergation of the OS is much more pronounced than iOS which is just an app launcher at the end day and works in Andriods favour, however it can make it an unweldy beast to setup. Metro works on an almost 3D layed effect using different images that scroll at different speeds. Its hard to explain you have ot se it. the IMDb app is beautiful to look at and looks better than any other version odf it i've seen. There is a lot of potential in "Metro". I will offer a word of caution though. It can have the habit of chopping of the end of words in some menus, your eiher going to like this or hate it.
WP7 is a breeze to setup but thats because there isn't much to setup. Instead of the usual "4x4" arrangment and screens that move left to right (or vice versa) WP7 opts for a vertical menu that is as long as you want it to be. instead of icons they arte callled "tiles" and some of them are "live tiles". This means that they constntly update with info. For example, if you place a contact tile on ou homescreen it will show a picture of them and their latest facebook update. You can add tiles for apps, contacts, albums, artists. Its a very nice way of doing things slightly differently from iOS and Andriod.
The one thing that Andriod does very badly is Music, yes it has lots of good music players but syncing music/podcasts etc is a pain compered to the iPhone. WP7 doesn't have this problem as it uses "Zune" and the streaming music service and it is lovely, very easy to use and very fast and is present across my whole network. The intergration with my PC, existing music collection and my Xbox 360 is pretty seemless. Andriod cant compete with that i'm afriad. I'd even go as far to say that anyone using a Windows PC would benefit from this over using iTunes and an iPhone 4. iTunes was always a dog on a PC. Zune is a very competent peice of software. It's fast and very easy to use, is fully featured and easily ass good at iTunes in terms of functionality.
It would be unfair not to mention "GAMING". The "Xbox Live" brand will have this one nailed in a very short space of time. The games i have so far are excellent, yes some of them have cost me money but hey you get what you pay for. Its been a buzz to get "Achievements" on the train on the way to work. Andriod is hampered by the broad tech base of the handsets - different resolutions etc.
So App stores? the Andriod market is dauting place i think most of us would agree it has a lot of diamonds in the rough and a lot of rubbish apps but i guess thats the nature of "open source". But it has most of the things you want. The WP7 "marketplace" is growing at around 150 apps a day and i have to say some of them are pretty impressive. Because M$ have choosen to follow apple with the walled garden approach the quality of the apps is very good. Its still got a very long way to go but what i've seen so far the quality will be threre
WP7 has a number of week spots mostly around calendars and PIM fuctions that are not good as Andriod, but that said i am a "Google" user I was disappointed to find out that the calendar cant handle multiple calendars (i had 11 different ones covering different aspects of my life) I'm sure they will fix this an fure updates as "outlook" calendars already work. I'm not sure if i will keep the DHD at this stage as i'm missing the simplicity of WP7 and its intergration with my home network/PC and xbox live. Its a very nice device but im not sure, i think M$ may have just won me back.
Before it came out i was very dismissive of WP7 "why are M$ bothering" "it will be rubbish". I was wrong, very wrong. Botton line, this is the best OS first release of an OS I've seen. It feels far more complete than either early Andriod or iPhone releases. Its an excellent effort. However, it still go some way to go before it catches up with iOS or the Robot. It will be one to watch in the coming years, be real interesting to see what its like in a couple of years.
I think discusing the hardware is a bit of moot point but if i had to pick, i'd like WP7 on the DHD hardware - the DHD is without doubt one of the finest peices of hardware i've ever used, its beautiful, i can see why DHD owners are so happy with it.
I predicted sometime ago that Andriod WILL be the dominant phone OS and see no reason to change that prediction. Wheather WP7 can catch up to iOS is hugely debatable going forward but this is a very solid start and i am totally smitten with it, there is a lot to love and even more to like. It nice to know that i will never have to install iTunes again as i have TWO solid choices for smartphone OS other than the dreaded fruit mobile and the guy with only one set of clothes.
I dont think its the finished article by a long way. But it really does show great promise. Indeed, right now i have HD7 and DHD on my desk and my chosen daily phone is the WP7 device. In many areas nowhere near as good as Andriod but I can overlook them because i just love how it works, it feels light and nimble to use. I dont want anyone to think i have a downer on the DHD or Andriod I love them both. But right now its WP7 thats floating my boat. Its going to be interesting to watch it develop in the coming years.
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Im in the same boat. Im a big Android guy but I love the look and feel of WP7. Every time i pass by the tmobile store i stop in and play with the HD7. Just saw one on craigslist for a good price, think i might finally dive in.
MvP77 said:
Im in the same boat. Im a big Android guy but I love the look and feel of WP7. Every time i pass by the tmobile store i stop in and play with the HD7. Just saw one on craigslist for a good price, think i might finally dive in.
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same...my G2 is great but WP7 is so sexy

[Q] WP7 released for HD2, How do you feel about your HD7 now?

I sold my HD2 when i bought an HD7.
Last night I installed WP7 on my friend's HD2, and it was working just as smooth as the one on my HD7.
I even hacked the windows live system, (using ceesheim's guide) and it was working fine, so technically, it was fully functional, just like the one on HD7. (Did i mention that even the cam-corder was recording 720p videos?)
I was feeling kinda sad about this thing. I could've just kept my HD2, but i didnt.
HD7 is better for me in some areas: Display is way better, softkeys wont get spoiled by heavy usage (while hard-keys on HD2 do), and the phone just looks more stylish than HD2.
But lets not forget that HD2 has its own advantages as well (being capable of running multiple OS, having removable SD-card, etc), and now with the WP7 released, I'd like to hear your opinions about all this.
Do you think the purchase of HD7 was worthy, or it would be better if we could just keep/buy a HD2 instead so we could use multiple platforms, including WP7?
Please share your opinion. Thanks
I still have both, but I see no reason to use WP7 on my HD2.
MartyLK said:
I still have both, but I see no reason to use WP7 on my HD2. It's a featureless OS. You can't do so many things. Not only did MS launch a featureless OS, and then had the gall to shove any updates that would bring features to it till the end of the year, but they even removed features from it in the 2 months it has been out. I used the folder making function in the email apps....made 3 folders for various emails like eBay, Redbox receipts, banking institution correspondence and so forth rather than deleting them...which would delete them off the server...or keeping them on the main screen. Now MS even removes that useful function. What little features WP7 had, MS just removes them till the system is useless.
Not only will I not allow WP7 to stink up my HD2, but as soon as Android is developed for the HD7, WP7 is going to leave my HD7 so fast the water will splash out of the toilet.
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I do agree with you about WP7 lacking many key features; Its a known fact. But i don't want to touch the ever-ongoing war of "which os is better" in this thread.
What I'm trying to say is, WP7 was the reason behind the HD7's success; People wouldn't buy it otherwise, since its the same phone as the HD2. Now I'm asking, will people still buy this device when they can have WP7 on HD2?
Still have a bad feeling about Microsoft banning Live accounts that use this on their HD2
Shu. said:
I do agree with you about WP7 lacking many key features; Its a known fact. But i don't want to touch the ever-ongoing war of "which os is better" in this thread.
What I'm trying to say is, WP7 was the reason behind the HD7's success; People wouldn't buy it otherwise, since its the same phone as the HD2. Now I'm asking, will people still buy this device when they can have WP7 on HD2?
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Yes, mainly becuase the majority of people who want the phone either a) can't be bothered with the hastle of potentially bricking their HD2 to put WP7 on it, and b) they won't even know it's possible (after all, not every phone owner visits these forums).
I think most people get these types of phones on Contract anyway, so more reason why people will still go for HD7 if they want WP7.
thanks for the answers.
Something interesting that i noticed is the amount of new threads created in the windows phone 7 forum, in the last 24-48 hours; which is after the launch of WP7 on HD2.
Did anyone else noticed this increase of wp7 users during the last two days?
Although many of them are just asking the same basic questions over and over again; but i think its a good sign to see more activities going on in the windows phone section.
I don't mind at all. I love my HD7 and my HD2. Since I picked up my HD7 I was able to pass my HD2 with NAND Android down to my wife. Now she loves her new phone, I have a great new toy (and I do enjoy WP7), and my HD2 is still close by in case I need to play with it.
New products will always be released and old products will always find upgrades through XDA. It how the world goes.
What I really looking forward to are the OTA updates that WP7 will be getting that I would otherwise have to wait for on my HD2 Superphone.
Mr bother has the HD7 and I have the HD2. Quite honestly I don't really like WP7 AT ALL and would never even think of installing it on my HD2. I'll just stick to Android.
I order the HD7 the day wm7 was released for the hd2 not knowing that it was going to be released that night, my hd7 will arrive tomorrow and I have had the weekend using wp7 on the hd2. I really like wp7, I like that it is like no other operating system, very plain but everything seems to be quickly available. The lack, lack, lack of apps is a massive issue as I have an iPhone which does anything and everything so wp7 looks very primitive but I prefer using wp7, there just something about the clean lines and ease of use. Who knows after a week I may just be over it. I will most likely return the hd7 for the fact that it has half the memory of the hd2 being that I will order a 32gb card for it. I know I can do the same for the hd7 but I wouldn't like to be voiding the warranty on such a new and expensive phone.
I will let you know how I feel once I have had a play with the hd7.
shayne the kid said:
Mr bother has the HD7 and I have the HD2. Quite honestly I don't really like WP7 AT ALL and would never even think of installing it on my HD2. I'll just stick to Android.
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Why are you posting here? Go away.
Calm down....Just him opinion, I was expecting to have WP7 on my HD2, but I could not wait....now I have new HD7 and shoot HD2 out my hand...so dont think about that !!!
ok the only bonus with the HD7 is the screen is better colour. The HD7 arrived today and I have already packed it back in the box to return, there is no way I can justify the HD7 being $600 better than the HD2 just because it looks alittle better and has a clearer screen.
Just my opinion.
Hold up, when you put the OS7 on HD2, is it IDENTICAL to the OS running on HD7? or do you still have all the great features of HD2 with a face lift?
For example, do you still have your favorite ppl access tab?
Select all in emails and Sms?
Ability to view multiple email address from one window?
u know important things that HD7 lacks?
or once u upgrade u have an HD7 stuck in a HD2 body?
I will be receiving my HTC HD& today or tomorrow and am very excited. A new mobile OS is just what we need, all the great things that have ben done with previous OS's can now be attempted with mobile win 7. We have so great mind minds out there and I believe in time HD7 will be just as great as the HD2. After being hacked, and modded
rysky007 said:
Hold up, when you put the OS7 on HD2, is it IDENTICAL to the OS running on HD7? or do you still have all the great features of HD2 with a face lift?
For example, do you still have your favorite ppl access tab?
Select all in emails and Sms?
Ability to view multiple email address from one window?
u know important things that HD7 lacks?
or once u upgrade u have an HD7 stuck in a HD2 body?
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You are referring to the same operating system, so what you see on the HD7 is exactly what you will see on the HD2 with WP7.
ecyoral said:
mobile win 7
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I've heard of
"Windows Mobile" (with version numbers of 6.5.x, 6.5, 6.1, and lower)
"Windows Phone 7"
"Windows 7"
So what is "mobile win 7" -- some new OS from Microsoft?
From a youtube video I saw, there are some quirks on HD2 with WP7.
-Pinch to zoom doesn't work as well, like in the browser or in gallary app
-There are occasional instances where the phone stops responding for a few seconds
for full list of problems, go here:
i doubt these problems will be permanent; once a development community forms, I am sure people will be cooking roms and issuing fixes. just a matter of time.
I've had none of those problems thus far. I also like being able to run Android from the sd card. That is why I bought the HD2 a few months back because I knew I would be able to have both wp7 and android on the same phone.
Right ok... so the "known" problems the Devs are aware of due to the port are not occuring for you.
seal said:
ok the only bonus with the HD7 is the screen is better colour. The HD7 arrived today and I have already packed it back in the box to return, there is no way I can justify the HD7 being $600 better than the HD2 just because it looks alittle better and has a clearer screen.
Just my opinion.
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I just don't get why people who frequent these forums with a HD2 are complaining about getting a HD7. What were you expecting? Of course it's not going to be worth buying a HD7. Why would you waste your money upgrading when you can (for now) run WP7 (almost) fine on the HD2? Come on i thought us XDA members were at least a little bit brighter the the Apple community....

How can I install wm6.5 to HD7

as titile,
if HD7 can runing wm6.5, this will be fast wm system, it's will be a good news!
The HD7 is almost identical hardware to the HTC HD2 which comes stock with WinMo 6.5. It would probably run slower on the HD7 if someone took the time to port it. But really, with the HD2 in existence and readily available on places like eBay and Craigslist (for under $200 I might add), why would you want this?
Not trying to say that someone won't attempt it, but it is probably very close to the bottom of their list. Windows Phone 7 was designed to run smoothly on the Snapdragon processor. That's why our phones fly. M$ strict control over specs has definitely paid off. Windows Mobile 6.5 would run the exact same on our phones as it does on the HD2.
I have just upgraded to the HD7 from the diamond 2. Even thou WP7 is faster. I would rather stick to WM6.5 if anyone can give me a link to a HD2 rom for the HD7 I would be very happy. I know the HD2 has 2 more face buttons, but all we need is [back] [windows] and [home/red] to work. either that or I’m going to have to see if someone wants to swap a brand new HD7 for a well looked after HD2 lol still using my diamond 2 at the mo cos HTC Sense rocks! Anyone can help I would much appreciate it. Thanks
djstujones said:
I have just upgraded to the HD7 from the diamond 2. Even thou WP7 is faster. I would rather stick to WM6.5 if anyone can give me a link to a HD2 rom for the HD7 I would be very happy. I know the HD2 has 2 more face buttons, but all we need is [back] [windows] and [home/red] to work. either that or I’m going to have to see if someone wants to swap a brand new HD7 for a well looked after HD2 lol still using my diamond 2 at the mo cos HTC Sense rocks! Anyone can help I would much appreciate it. Thanks
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Here you have all you need: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=912416
I can swap
Ech....lol at op.
Sent from my HD7
PanNet said:
Here you have all you need: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=912416
I can swap
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Thanks, I do appreciate people making the effort. But it’s the other way round I need it. I want to run the HD7 on Windows Mobile 6.5, don’t get me wrong. If win phone 7 becomes more customisable and if they make it compatible PDA OS I’ll move over. There’s all ready talk of there being 2 ver’s of phone. Phone 7 and phone 7 Classic (aka Windows Mobile 7). But till then I Want to stay Win Mobile 6.5 not Win Phone 7
Thank for taking the time to read
Bring back PDA-Phones! These Smart Phones Still Haven't caught up yet! LOL
djstujones said:
Thanks, I do appreciate people making the effort. But it’s the other way round I need it. I want to run the HD7 on Windows Mobile 6.5, don’t get me wrong. If win phone 7 becomes more customisable and if they make it compatible PDA OS I’ll move over. There’s all ready talk of there being 2 ver’s of phone. Phone 7 and phone 7 Classic (aka Windows Mobile 7). But till then I Want to stay Win Mobile 6.5 not Win Phone 7
Thank for taking the time to read
Bring back PDA-Phones! These Smart Phones Still Haven't caught up yet! LOL
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Okay it's simple, BUY A WM 6.5 phone.
@djstujones why the hell would you buy a Wp7 Device and downgrade to a lower OS?!?! Why didn't you just get a cheaper bloody phone that ran wm6.5?!?! this forum is already full of spam where people keep on asking "Can i get wm6.5 on h7? duuuuurp". SEARCH THE FORUM and READ UP A PHONE BEFORE YOU BUY IT.
Audio said:
@djstujones why the hell would you buy a Wp7 Device and downgrade to a lower OS?!?! Why didn't you just get a cheaper bloody phone that ran wm6.5?!?! this forum is already full of spam where people keep on asking "Can i get wm6.5 on h7? duuuuurp". SEARCH THE FORUM and READ UP A PHONE BEFORE YOU BUY IT.
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A. The phone was free (so I’m going to get the highest value handset)
B. When win phone gets more advanced I do plan to use it
C. I’ve had many custom rom’s ported from other windows devices to another, even different brands. So why is it so strange this device may? I do really like the handset
If it can’t be done, I plan to sell the HD7 on eBay and get a HD2 which will leave me up in money. But I am going to check first as the HD2 has no 720p Video, and yes I do look up facts, b4 it was the HD3/HD7 ppl where predicting it as the HTC Obsession (diamond 3). Looking things up is great, but it doesn’t hurt to ask now and then
djstujones said:
A. The phone was free (so I’m going to get the highest value handset)
B. When win phone gets more advanced I do plan to use it
C. I’ve had many custom rom’s ported from other windows devices to another, even different brands. So why is it so strange this device may? I do really like the handset
If it can’t be done, I plan to sell the HD7 on eBay and get a HD2 which will leave me up in money. But I am going to check first as the HD2 has no 720p Video, and yes I do look up facts, b4 it was the HD3/HD7 ppl where predicting it as the HTC Obsession (diamond 3). Looking things up is great, but it doesn’t hurt to ask now and then
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hd2 can't do 720p video because 6.5 can't do 720p video. It is an OS limitation, proven by the fact they have 720p video working on the h2 running android.
I agree with the others, sell the hd7, and find a hd2. I don't think the hd7 will be running winmo anytime soon.
benson_wu said:
as titile,
if HD7 can runing wm6.5, this will be fast wm system, it's will be a good news!
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i agree, it would be act of great honor, if some one could make hd7 running wm6.5.
bcoz after my hd2 i feel dire need to get some new mobile with wm6.5 os.
and i think xda developers soon make it possible.
hope for the best
.... buy a HD2, it's exactly the same but RUNS WM6.5 JUST LIKE YOU WANT. And hey, it'll be cheaper to buy too
Does anyone know how I can get a Nokia 3210 rom running on HD7? This is will was be goodz timez newz!
Correct me if im wrong!
Isnt this a developer site?...Its called XDA Developers right? So why on god's earth are people flaming people for creativity questions?...If someone wants windows mobile 6.5 on a WP7 device what do you care? Just because you don't think its a good idea doesn't give you the right to flame, I know personally I like having options on a device that is not locked down from exploring those options the very reason I chose windows mobile over apple devices in the past because of the ability to customize, take that away and in my opinion the device kind of sucks....If that was the case though and we couldn't mod our devices and ROM's and stuff then why would we even come to XDA?....Phones come with operational manuals in the box with the device, but nobody knocks people over and over for asking questions that are printed in the manual, To the people wanting a different operating system on your WP7 device don't let closed minded people stop you from exploring the capabilities of your Device....That's my opinion on the subject, I would like a Windows Mobile 6.5 Duty ROM and a Stock WP7 ROM and Android all on my device if possible I think that would be bad a$$ but that's my opinion, so don't let the trolls discourage you is all I'm saying...Not everybody has $200 to throw around, and some of us have wives that don't allow blowing money on stuff every time a new device hits the market, so the ability to customize is what makes a phone so fun in my opinion cause you can turn something old into something new.
I still have my HD2, it's sitting right next to my computer. I'm using a *cringe* Cliq 2 atm for work. But love my HD2 to pieces. It has the ability, thanks to devs here, to run WM6.5, WP7, Android, and actually a couple other OS. I'm patiently waiting for my HD7 to come in the mail. I'm sure it's possible to get WM6.5 on the HD7, but as others have said, it's probably on the bottom of the list for devs. Getting WP7 onto the HD2 was more of an "I told you so" to MS that it's possible to get it onto an unsupported device.
got stuck with win7 phone on t mo....android port to hd7 is the way to go. i hate hd7 no customizations, and very bland....got stuck with the hd7 due to hd2 bein stolen recently and the hd7 is the only phone close to hd2.
The thing that *really* annoys me, is these people who hate WP7 (yet buy/own a WP7 device (wtf?)) come to what i would like to consider a respectable developers forum, and ***** and moan... "oh no i can't customise it!", "oh no i can't flash another OS to it!", "Oh no I got it becuase it looks like/has the same HW as the HD2 but it's not a HD2 at all!"
If you *really* dislike the phone/OS, then don't bother wasting time (and other's) by posting repetative threads on here. Trade your phone for one that you want. Right now here in the UK the HD7 is selling on the bay for about £250, whereas the HD2, about £200. So sell your phone, buy a HD2, and make £50 in the process. And leave us happy owners who enjoy the phone/OS, to do just that and enable it to progress instead of go backwards. Simplez.
i got money
Audio said:
The thing that *really* annoys me, is these people who hate WP7 (yet buy/own a WP7 device (wtf?)) come to what i would like to consider a respectable developers forum, and ***** and moan... "oh no i can't customise it!", "oh no i can't flash another OS to it!", "Oh no I got it becuase it looks like/has the same HW as the HD2 but it's not a HD2 at all!"
If you *really* dislike the phone/OS, then don't bother wasting time (and other's) by posting repetative threads on here. Trade your phone for one that you want. Right now here in the UK the HD7 is selling on the bay for about £250, whereas the HD2, about £200. So sell your phone, buy a HD2, and make £50 in the process. And leave us happy owners who enjoy the phone/OS, to do just that and enable it to progress instead of go backwards. Simplez.
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i didnt get why people who write what they want annoy you. coz im one of them i got money so i buy what i like, and i preffer hf7 to hd2 coz hd7 looks more qualified. everyones like you says ''this phone is flying this phone is so smooth''. yes it is coz it has nothing. the different between nokia 3110 vs hd7 is wifi and 5mp camera. and nokia 3110 is faster as much as hdy while calling someone or sending sms.
so if i got professional phone being fast is not important, i must do whatever i want with my phone even washing dishes thats why i carry big cell phone which is 162gr
Audio said:
@djstujones why the hell would you buy a Wp7 Device and downgrade to a lower OS?!?! Why didn't you just get a cheaper bloody phone that ran wm6.5?!?! this forum is already full of spam where people keep on asking "Can i get wm6.5 on h7? duuuuurp". SEARCH THE FORUM and READ UP A PHONE BEFORE YOU BUY IT.
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The truth...
Buy a newer version and want to downgrade to lower version...
I never do that.
Windows 7 => Kick Ass Windows XP
Windows Phone 7 => Kick Ass Windows Mobile 6.5 => Kick Ass iOS=> Kick ass Symbian , quite same and little bit lower than Android because WP7 is still new.
I have used both HTC HD2, iPhone 3G,and now HTC HD7.
HD2 on eBay ...
I am looking at getting the HD7 and putting WM6.5 on it because I have hundreds of $$ invested in software that will NOT work in WP7.
On eBay the HD2 phones are over $500 in Canada, and shipping for me from the US always includes heavy duty charges, so the $200-$300 HD2 available in the US are not really an option for me.
I can get a HD7 from Bell for $99.
Don't tell me to "just get a cheaper HD2" because the HD7 is far cheaper for me.

new to WP7...should i get an HD7?

i was thinking of getting an HD7 from craigslist for $275. first of all, and most importantly, is this a fair price? second, i was wondering if you guys can tell me what the HD7 can do in terms of hacking/jailbreak/root (whatever you call it for WP7) and custom roms. also, i want to know if the phone can be unlocked easily. i'm a complete noob on WP, but know my way around android and ios, so thought i might try something different. thanks.
isoDUB said:
i was thinking of getting an HD7 from craigslist for $275. first of all, and most importantly, is this a fair price? second, i was wondering if you guys can tell me what the HD7 can do in terms of hacking/jailbreak/root (whatever you call it for WP7) and custom roms. also, i want to know if the phone can be unlocked easily. i'm a complete noob on WP, but know my way around android and ios, so thought i might try something different. thanks.
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275 isn't bad for a 2 month old phone. As for unlocking, the only form of unlocking, besides SIM, is developer unlocking to sideload any xap you want. At the moment the HD7 is damn near fully functional. Just the other day the guys on here unlocked the secret to tethering on HTC WP7s. We've got registry editors, file explorers, mass storage hack, custom colors for any part of the theme, custom ringtones/alarms/alerts, desktop-device file transfer, copy and paste (coming in the update)...so were doin well. No custom Roms as far as I know though. Unnecessary really. Don't wanna end up with buggy, laggy crap like Android...
eternalemb said:
275 isn't bad for a 2 month old phone. As for unlocking, the only form of unlocking, besides SIM, is developer unlocking to sideload any xap you want. At the moment the HD7 is damn near fully functional. Just the other day the guys on here unlocked the secret to tethering on HTC WP7s. We've got registry editors, file explorers, mass storage hack, custom colors for any part of the theme, custom ringtones/alarms/alerts, desktop-device file transfer, copy and paste (coming in the update)...so were doin well. No custom Roms as far as I know though. Unnecessary really. Don't wanna end up with buggy, laggy crap like Android...
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Android is fully functional right now..It runs better than WM7 if you ask me..
hello00 said:
Android is fully functional right now..It runs better than WM7 if you ask me..
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Don't know what WM7 is but WP7 is much smoother and is faster in general than Android, thanks in part to a GPU accelerated UI. Android has a few features that WP7 doesn't have at the moment but its also 3 years older than the 2 month old WP7.
Android is a fantastic UI, no way you can knock it and the application market is now as huge as the mighty Apples, but I can't see where the development is going on Android, seems the next big step will be not gingerbread with its small additions, but a form of Honeycomb for non tabs, I feel that Android for me seems ever so slightly old, comfortable and roomy, where as WP7 is young, sporty and ready for more and the UI maybe basic, but its fresh and lively to use which makes using it a joy, so I would say going for any WP7 phone at the moment is a good choice.
hello00 said:
Android is fully functional right now..It runs better than WM7 if you ask me..
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HAHA Brilliant! Even the Desire HD is laggy as hell compared to any WP7. What are you smoking and where can I buy it
Audio said:
HAHA Brilliant! Even the Desire HD is laggy as hell compared to any WP7. What are you smoking and where can I buy it
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+1. Although I don't smoke...
you should deffo get a HD7 as thus far it is the best phone out. I really wanted the samsung omnia 7 but was forced down the hd7 route instead and since doing so i have used the omnia and can say it was the right path for me. Though the phone is quite massive it actually feels very slim and much nicer in the hand as well as looking much sexier.
Correct or not, an HD7 sounds better, as the letter H is pronounced 'aitch'. Since you make the A sound, it seems natural to throw an in front of it.
275 isn't a bad deal. Worst case you could sell it to a third party type phone company. I know of one that currently pays 200 for HD7's.
get multi os device..get an hd2 !!!
sagarjawaress said:
get multi os device..get an hd2 !!!
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must watch the above video
that HD2 is running the updated ROM coming out next week, of course it'll be faster.
Are you on t mobile? If so and you aren't rushed to get one right away I would say to wait and see for the rumored HTC Mozart that supposedly is coming out very soon. That's what I'm waiting on.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
the Dell Venue Pro (tmo) looks quite nice as well.
jimbonics said:
the Dell Venue Pro (tmo) looks quite nice as well.
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I've only heard about defects with that phone. Never played with one in person though.
$275 is a great deal considering I bought my fiance an HD7 for $300 off craigslist a few weeks ago.
the Venue Pro not the regular Venue?
Nevermind... I trotted on over to the DVP forum...
yeesh. just bought my boss an 8 gig model earlier today... let's hope it doesn't have these issues!!
The venue is android, the venue pro is windows phone 7 with a portrait keyboard.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
jimbonics said:
Nevermind... I trotted on over to the DVP forum...
yeesh. just bought my boss an 8 gig model earlier today... let's hope it doesn't have these issues!!
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All the issues and the size of the phone are reasons why I want to look elsewhere for windows phone 7 phone. Otherwise, I do like the phone.
Sent from my Nexus S using Tapatalk
I would say, that you should go for the HD7. It's without any doubt the WP7 device at the moment. Great, big screen, fast OS and much, much more things. I'm totally satisfied with the HD7 although games load a little bit slow. But with the NoDO-Update, games should get a boost from what I've seen. And the HD2-thing: I can't hear it anymore! "Buy a HD2", "If you want a good phone, then buy the HD2". The only good OS that you can have on the HD2 is WP7, 'cause Android on the HD2 is laggy and WM is pretty crappy anyways. And WP7 is the HD7's stock-OS. So, why should one buy the HD2?

