15 Dollars Paypal If You Can Fix - TouchPad Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I definitely bricked my HP TouchPad. But, I really would hate to have to send it in, wait for them to send me a new one, etc.
So if you think that there is a possibility that I didn't brick my TouchPad, and you would like 15 dollars PayPal if you do, by chance, solve it - then add my EDITED OUT . If you prefer Skype, my Skype is EDIT OUT.
If multiple people add me, then it is the first person who fixes it that gets the money.
I'm not an idiot with technology, so it won't be a horrible process to talk to me about my TouchPad and to have me perform several steps.
I've done just about any guide that exists to fix it.
Also - please post saying you are going to add me if you are going to add me.

Plug it in..... Just kidding...
Well, lets start by you posting the problem you are having (description of what it is doing), then a description of what you did to get it to it's current state.
You never know, someone just may do it for free...

Trust me - it's really really hard to brick the Touchpad. I thought I had at one point, ok 3 points.
Rebuilding all the partitions works miracles.
If you give me what you've done, how you got to where you are - I can help you unbrick it... keep the 15.
PM me and we can work out a time to get you straight.

Since you offered the $15 to the first person, I think once your all fixed just send that cash to dalingrin or the cm team as a whole
Sent From Nexi - The Galaxy Nexus

Was there a happy ending, if so what was the fix?

I think plugging it in fixed it....
Just send the cash to Leo....
Your welcome.


Reward offered... ;)

Hi all.
Here's the deal! I, like many others, need to have the mic in the wired headset or bluetooth, working! So here is what I propose..... I will offer a "reward" of CASH to whoever works this issue out! I don't mean $10 or $20, I mean a decent sized reward! Anyone else want to jump in on this with me???
This is a necessary requirement for me and others, I am sure, as a speakerphone only is good, but not useable in my job situation due to privacy concerns!
I am serious about this! If you are too, just post here and let the community and cooks know.....
Nobody else? I start the "reward" at $100 USD.......
Heaven would be to have it work with a BT headset. I dont agree with the reward concept -going by that you are already in debt to cmonex/thaihugo who made phone calls possible on their own time and with little help/supportfrom anyone.
but will cheerfully donate to the person(s) that get us to this utopia...
Well, I have donated to their projects in the past and will continue to do so!
I just believe that a little extra "incentive" never hurts. BTW, either method of headset is important. I am not totally sure that bluetooth will be possible on the winmo side. So wired would be just as good for me and others, I am sure.
Well I am not in the shift project, so I didn't see any 'incentive' from you before
I'm not very found of the bounty system. It just create competition when we need to associate.
We waited that long for improvment because everybody was waiting for the shift project to release something. Putting a bounty will make sure everybody works on his own again...
Im joining!!! 50$ from me.
thaihugo said:
Well I am not in the shift project, so I didn't see any 'incentive' from you before
I'm not very found of the bounty system. It just create competition when we need to associate.
We waited that long for improvment because everybody was waiting for the shift project to release something. Putting a bounty will make sure everybody works on his own again...
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I didn't mean to create any issue with this idea :| .... I don't think that are that many people with the knowledge to overcome this issue on either your or the other true "devs" levels. I only mean this as a thank you to whomever conquers this problem.
It is true as you state, that you have not seen any of my previous donations on your end, but before I got a Shift, I didn't really know who you were, just as you probably did not know who I was.....
hdbueller said:
I didn't mean to create any issue with this idea :| .... I don't think that are that many people with the knowledge to overcome this issue on either your or the other true "devs" levels. I only mean this as a thank you to whomever conquers this problem.
It is true as you state, that you have not seen any of my previous donations on your end, but before I got a Shift, I didn't really know who you were, just as you probably did not know who I was.....
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i join hdbueller and willing to pay 50$ through paypal for such solution, i believe with hdbueller that this system works too, many people have knowledege to solve such a thing but none has the dedication nor the extended knowledege of our project team but those poeple are depending on cmonex and project team to come up with something since we actually got used to wait, am not in a hurry not because am actually not in a hurry but because this project took too long i learnt to be hmmmmmm........ rathar too patient
I think it's a good reason for all to reward others of solving this problem , because it's already so long that nobody can make the shift to become an usable calling phone / pda device , many have tried from day one ( Dec 2007 ) but until now it is still nothing solid yet , so let's see someone out there who is really a sifu in making this device to talk . Cheers everyone ...
jimmunsw said:
I think it's a good reason for all to reward others of solving this problem , because it's already so long that nobody can make the shift to become an usable calling phone / pda device , many have tried from day one ( Dec 2007 ) but until now it is still nothing solid yet , so let's see someone out there who is really a sifu in making this device to talk . Cheers everyone ...
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hum, I think you didn't understand phone calls are already enabled since a few weeks...
But I still don't get why GPS and Phone where so unimportant and why headset is now the "new" miracle thing it needs such a high reward...
thaihugo said:
hum, I think you didn't understand phone calls are already enabled since a few weeks...
But I still don't get why GPS and Phone where so unimportant and why headset is now the "new" miracle thing it needs such a high reward...
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Well, on my part, I did not have a Shift until recently...... but for me at least, the ability to use a headset is as crucial as the phone working was. I am in a business where privacy is a large concern.
Phone was the first "miracle" and all the work done by you, cmonex, Olipro, i00, and others to get it operating is GREATLY appreciated. That can not be said enough times! I just want to be able now to say "thank you" for the next miracle.....LOL (Also, the funds were not available to me before! I got lucky and sold something on fleabay and those are the funds that I am now offering. )
hehe I make a donation of 200$ for them, they enable really the SD Card slot and full Display resolution within the Windows Mobile side ) (no Joke)
i pay 100$ for BT stack to be enabled winmo side and become full fledge BT working on winmo, and you can hold me for that
PS. it hits me someone can write over the current bios with something think that would be compatible after some tries we might find something compatible or someone from HTC plz put the a mercy bullet to our heads and realese a usable BIOS with SD and BT
I noticed one thing regarding microphone of handfree in vista also not detected by the realtek HD Audio Manager even though handsfree having microphone. Is headphone jack doesn’t have mic connection or realtek driver doesn’t support it?
I agree with lots of what been said and go further to say, there's been lots of issues with the development of a full Rom, tragic illness, people leaving etc, and so I think it's totally valid to offer a reward such as this. It may attract people who would normally just wait for The project cooks to have a go.
The two most important things to me ave wife access and SD card access from win mo side.
It's the reason I may sell my shift and go back to the X7501!
So I'll certainly add $50 or more to this reward for wi fi

Dualboot Phiremod/Honeycomb SD on Ebay

Dualboot Phiremod/Honeycomb SD on Ebay
Ok, I know this issue has been raised before. But this just isn't right. This person is profiting off the hard work of everyone here on the Nook Color Dev forums. I understand that some people are technically challenged and enjoy the fact that all they have to do is pop in the SDcard with the roms already loaded. But I've made that dualboot img so that any technically challenged person can do it. All you have to do is burn it to a card and you have a dualboot rom.
Not to mention all the devs that actually put work into making these roms how they are. And we do it all so everyone can benefit without being ripped off by said ebay poster.
Sorry for my rants, but even if the poster had even mentioned or give credit where credit is due, I wouldn't be as upset.
Oh and here is a youtube video where the person is explaining on how to use the dualboot menu by J4mm3r. You don't want to boot to "eemc". LOLOL
Just want to say thanks to the wonderful community here as well.
One half of me is happy to see that my Honeycomb SDK build was good enough to want to use. The other half of me is pissed off at stupid profiteers using it to make bouku bucks....
Sadly, i knew when i put it out there, i could not stop it from being used this way. And of course, it isn't just my effort being ripped off - it looks like they are using your work as well Racks.
Ah well... i just won't support the poor suckers who get said cards, and cannot figure out why they dont work.
Why dont you guys report the items on ebay. Since he deff does not have a license from google to SELL android os. Google lets you use android for free but have to have a license to sell it.
$50 Yikes! I could see spending maybe $10 or $20 to save the hassle, in fact I paid a local guy $20 off of Craigslist to do the CM7 install for me since I wasn't comfortable doing it myself. But $50?!?!? That's robbery.
You know, there's a whole wider point here about how forums, and the like, disseminate information.
I've had my Nook for all of a week. I'm on my second Android phone so am used to flashing ROM updates. BUT coming to this corner of XDA I hit a brick wall seriously hard.
The problem for this and many other fora is that no-one offically obsoletes and removes information. Some info is good and still current; some never worked and some has now become bad after Nook updates. As a noob I have no easy way of knowing which is which.
I've been following this forum daily but I've mainly been looking to Gingerbread and stock 1.2. I am astounded to discover there is a dual boot option on an SD card with Honeycomb. Where is it? Why didn't I see it? Where are the guides to doing it?
On to the eBay guy; you do get a tested 16Gb card for your money. Good luck to him! If he'd acknowledges software sources - all the eBay 'me toos' out there would have it too easy.
croques said:
You know, there's a whole wider point here about how forums, and the like, disseminate information.
I've had my Nook for all of a week. I'm on my second Android phone so am used to flashing ROM updates. BUT coming to this corner of XDA I hit a brick wall seriously hard.
The problem for this and many other fora is that no-one offically obsoletes and removes information. Some info is good and still current; some never worked and some has now become bad after Nook updates. As a noob I have no easy way of knowing which is which.
I've been following this forum daily but I've mainly been looking to Gingerbread and stock 1.2. I am astounded to discover there is a dual boot option on an SD card with Honeycomb. Where is it? Why didn't I see it? Where are the guides to doing it?
On to the eBay guy; you do get a tested 16Gb card for your money. Good luck to him! If he'd acknowledges software sources - all the eBay 'me toos' out there would have it too easy.
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Well you can find the dualboot SD here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=13092402&postcount=1
And it almost sounds like your condoning his actions? Be that as it may, yes when we put information out there on these forums, people are free to use them as they wish. Just wish people like said poster wouldn't benefit free from other peoples hard work that they put into it. Not to mention the community here that tested these roms and reported bugs and issues so that it would be tweaked to it's best ability to run on our Nooks.
How would anyone feel if they put hours and days or even months into a project so that they can help out a community only to have someone come by, take that project, package it up and make a profit off of it. It just aint right.
Again, I was just writing to vent. Don't take anything I write personal. I feel much better now!
racks11479 said:
...when we put information out there on these forums, people are free to use them as they wish. Just wish people like said poster wouldn't benefit free from other peoples hard work that they put into it. Not to mention the community here that tested these roms and reported bugs and issues so that it would be tweaked to it's best ability to run on our Nooks.
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I can totally understand where you are coming from; I have a paid app on the market and am sure some people download, get a refund but keep it on their system with Titanium Backup. I get mad too. But sometimes I pirate stuff and feel justified. Human beings are a funny mix - or at least I am.
Would you really want to run a business selling formatted SD cards on eBay or would you prefer doing what you do and contributing to the community? Clearly for you, 'contribution' is an important part of your self-realization. I imagine monetizing everything you touch is not how you wish to live your life or see yourself. There are others who take a different world-view; the eBay guy being one of them.
As for condoning his actions, I think I recognise the world needs enterpreneurs as well as altruists; but I agree I do feel differently when it's me being ripped off
Thanks for the link but in a way it make the case for the eBay guy. The post has been updated and the steps one needs to take from scratch to get an SD card dual booting have become less clear. The words "Phiremod 6.2 and Madcat's Honeycomb Hybrid-RC1" may mean something to those that have been here a while; sadly in this madly hyper-linked world it means little to me yet.
I'm minded of a software Engineering lecturer who once asked 'Why is it that when software is updated the file size always grows". Thread updates via edits on XDA-developers always get larger - is there a good reason why?
croques said:
I can totally understand where you are coming from; I have a paid app on the market and am sure some people download, get a refund but keep it on their system with Titanium Backup. I get mad too. But sometimes I pirate stuff and feel justified. Human beings are a funny mix - or at least I am.
Would you really want to run a business selling formatted SD cards on eBay or would you prefer doing what you do and contributing to the community? Clearly for you, 'contribution' is an important part of your self-realization. I imagine monetizing everything you touch is not how you wish to live your life or see yourself. There are others who take a different world-view; the eBay guy being one of them.
As for condoning his actions, I think I recognise the world needs enterpreneurs as well as altruists; but I agree I do feel differently when it's me being ripped off
Thanks for the link but in a way it make the case for the eBay guy. The post has been updated and the steps one needs to take from scratch to get an SD card dual booting have become less clear. The words "Phiremod 6.2 and Madcat's Honeycomb Hybrid-RC1" may mean something to those that have been here a while; sadly in this madly hyper-linked world it means little to me yet.
I'm minded of a software Engineering lecturer who once asked 'Why is it that when software is updated the file size always grows". Thread updates via edits on XDA-developers always get larger - is there a good reason why?
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Well, firstly just want to say thanks for your understanding of my rants.
And yes you are correct in how the world works, people will be people.
Thread updates gets larger via edits so newcomers can see the progress of the work that has been done. And out there for anyone that wants to understand how it progressed from initial beta phase to current status of the app/software/rom being worked on.
Oh and regarding the software quote, well size of any particular software grows when you add additional modifications, tweaks and functions.
Take my horrible analogy for example:
"You can make scrambled eggs with just two eggs some oil and a pan. Wanna make make that scrambled egg even better? How bout an omelette, now we need previous ingredients, plus, cheese, mushrooms, etc...." you get my drift.
racks11479 said:
Dualboot Phiremod/Honeycomb SD on Ebay
Ok, I know this issue has been raised before. But this just isn't right. This person is profiting off the hard work of everyone here on the Nook Color Dev forums. I understand that some people are technically challenged and enjoy the fact that all they have to do is pop in the SDcard with the roms already loaded. But I've made that dualboot img so that any technically challenged person can do it. All you have to do is burn it to a card and you have a dualboot rom.
Not to mention all the devs that actually put work into making these roms how they are. And we do it all so everyone can benefit without being ripped off by said ebay poster.
Sorry for my rants, but even if the poster had even mentioned or give credit where credit is due, I wouldn't be as upset.
Oh and here is a youtube video where the person is explaining on how to use the dualboot menu by J4mm3r. You don't want to boot to "eemc". LOLOL
Just want to say thanks to the wonderful community here as well.
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Racks, I'm sorry to hear the profiting from your and other devs work. I personally am not a developer, and would consider myself fairly novice at the inner workings of my NCs, however I have rooted both of mine and bought the second one just to learn, to try the different mods, to try all of the neat things that have been done to this point so that I can learn. Great reason to have threads out there that are older...
I had someone here at the office offer me $ to root their nook and put MN on it, I declined, modded it for them anyway, and now she's happy, I don't have any extra money, but for some reason I feel better about it. Imagine that, and I expressly made it clear that I didn't do anything other than follow directions and take no credit for what they now had.
So, thank you for all of your work, thanks to all of the other devs for their work as well, and to Hades with the guys that try to profit off of other people's hard work! LOL
I think the loser doing this gets away with it by claiming you are not buying Android but rather you are buying the memory card and his "service" - which is a BS way around the rules.
Theres always the guy that profits solely off the service.
Just because we "get it" doesnt mean the average end user does.
"Android will change the way we do things" been saying that since me G1.
Instead of the legal and moral issues (if exist) the seller doesn't mention anywhere what is the class of the sds. The photo from ebay is low quality so I couldn't spot it.
what about this scenario?
A coworker has played with my rooted (bootloader with CM7 on a 16g sd card - stock untouched) and is purchasing one soon. i've told her there might be some issue with rooting 'new' hardware - but I'm not exactly certain about that. she wants to pay me to set hers up the way mine is. she might give me money, or she might buy me a six-pack of fancy beer or who knows.
I've told her that it is all copied work from various folks on the boards - but she'll never know xda-developers much less the individuals who have made all this possible. (can I 'thank' you guys on your threads more than once - adding a thanks for her?)
If I accept any kind of remuneration, am I profiteering from your work?
What if I decide to upgrade to a 32 gig card, and she pays me the price of my 16gig card and I leave the setup on it?
just curious where the line is
kimberlim said:
A coworker has played with my rooted (bootloader with CM7 on a 16g sd card - stock untouched) and is purchasing one soon. i've told her there might be some issue with rooting 'new' hardware - but I'm not exactly certain about that. she wants to pay me to set hers up the way mine is. she might give me money, or she might buy me a six-pack of fancy beer or who knows.
I've told her that it is all copied work from various folks on the boards - but she'll never know xda-developers much less the individuals who have made all this possible. (can I 'thank' you guys on your threads more than once - adding a thanks for her?)
If I accept any kind of remuneration, am I profiteering from your work?
What if I decide to upgrade to a 32 gig card, and she pays me the price of my 16gig card and I leave the setup on it?
just curious where the line is
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There is no line crossed. Your not putting out an ad to get peoples nooks so you can root it for them.
Someone personally asked you to do this for them. And I see nothing wrong with it. Its the ones that mass produce software that isn't theirs for money. That's what irks me.
I say gofor it. Not to mention that you've told your co-worker about
XdA. Not every one is tech savvy. And I already said that I wouldn't be as upset if said poster would have given credit to all the devs that put work in for free so he can make money off burning not just one. But many sdcards to sell on eBay.
To each his own I guess.
Sent from my NookColor using Tapatalk
You developers amaze me with your talents and the products resulting from them.
Shame on the sellers. As mentioned above, I expect that they say they are only charging for the cards and service. Boo! Hiss!
I'm having a tad of trouble with the Phiremod/HC dual boot with menu. Could someone please tell me the correct forum to get help with it? (NC 1.2, 8gb class 4 San disk card)
You are awesome, all of you!
61-year-old noob typing from the HC rom
I can see your fustration Racks. If I dedicated so much of my own time to benefit my community then somebody comes in and profits off my hard work I would be pissed.
That being said for us users on xda we do appreciate the time you put in to make our devices that much more awesome. So I say thank you sir, and hopefully more people will come to the xda forums and do their work themselves or at least try.
And it is true that Android is "open sourced" for the most part. However, anything Google requires licensing. This includes Google apps and the Android market. These are closed sourced. Seeing how these sd cards have both Google apps and market preinstalled, I can see Google justified in taking action if they choose to. Even if the consumer is paying for the "device" (sd card) that devices is distributing Google's property. Food for thought.
Sent from my PG06100 using XDA App
Racks, thanks for the time you and the other devs put into the nook and cm7. I am fairly new to th android world but not to nix so the transition was not as rough for me as for some. I realize there wil always be folks out there who try to obtain other peoples work and profit from it and we, as a community, can only watch. What I propose, however rough around the edges it sounds, is that we, as a community, refer anyone who purchases these warz back to the source for assistance. I do realize that I sound harsh but the only way to prevent others from profiting from your work is to refuse to support the "pirated" software.
The whole AOSP thing has been a thorny issue from day one. As an old guy, I remember programming before monitors when keypunch cards were the norm but, even then, There were folks trying to profit from the hard work of others. Same thing applied then, if you have my work and did not get it from me then when you need support, go to the guy you got it from. Just sayin.....
Sent from my NexusOne using Tapatalk

People bricking thier phones and tablets

I must say to the people who brick thier phones and tablets... shame on you!
You dont read or follow full directions before doing something, or you really arent techincal minded and cant admit you shouldnt be doing these things to your phones/tablets. and then go and brick them.
Now this isnt the problem I have (i fell bad for those who have).
My problem is with the people who then lie and call up the maker of the phone and make up some bull to get a new one, or return it to the store and lie to get a new one.
YOu people are the reason why more equipment makers wont lower thier prices and wont open thier systems up to people who accually know what they are doing.
You make it more expensive on everyone. I read post after post of people who return thier phones/tablets they have bricked for new ones. post after post of people just buying every tablet in site to "TRY IT OUT" and then return them before the dead line.
YOU people are why these things are so exspensive.
MY local best buy I kid you not had more tablets and ipads as open box buys then they had new ones. salesman told me all people are doing is buying screwing with them for a few days and then returning. then no one wants the open box ones because you dont know what people did to them.
Grow up if you break something its your fault not the manufactures why should they replace it? if you dont want something DONT BUY IT!!! dont buy it with the intention of playing with it then returning it thats just wrong.
You are one hundred per cent correct.
I'll use your thread as a bit of a chance to vent, this is not directed at you and apologies in advance
I am sick and tired of God-damn kiddies popping up here, loading software onto their phones, cocking it up because they haven't done the reading or just have no f*cking idea, then demanding a f*cking walkthrough on how to pull themselves out of the sh*t step-by-step, or as you stated (and worse) returning their devices to get a new one, driving up prices and promoting manufacturers to lock their devices up tighter and tighter. It's an absolute disgrace.
So many users these days seem to have a God complex, an over-bundance of self-righteousness and an expectation that they deserve everything on a bloody silver platter.
Never ceases to amaze me that these idiots are willing to try everything posted here at the drop of a hat without waiting for bugs to pop up or even seeing if it bricks a device. Everyone wants the best right now, and then wants top-notch support to go with it. Just because it f*cking looks pretty.
Motorola have the right idea. Lock everything up tight, offer the option of unlocking, and void the warranty immediately. That's a damn good business practice. Keeps Developers happy (they can start work immediately without all the unlocking/S-OFF bullsh*t), and, you would think, would make people think twice about what they're doing before they unlock their bootloaders. Still doesn't seem to work this way though, hey?
It's for this reason I have absolutely no problem with manufacturers locking their devices. It's a dickhead deterrent. Doesn't phase a good Developer, but the idiots and general masses (myself included) are stuck, and they don't have to replace our phones because we didn't read or didn't understand, or wanted the best without doing anything to deserve it.
Noone wants to take responsibility for their own actions. If a Dev's ROM doesn't work for someone, all of a sudden it's the Devs fault. Nevermind they didn't read the instructions, FAQs and whatever else may have been there. Christ I saw someone create a thread to demand a step-by-step walkthrough and download of ADB just before. What the f*ck? More importantly, what the f*ck are you doing here without doing any reading or research at all?
Again mate, my apologies. I just agree with you, and I like the fact you've got 20-odd posts and 4 thanks already. You can have another one for your troubles!
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
PoXFreak said:
The biggest issue I have is when a dev. writes an unlock code for a newer phone and it gets released to the public, freeing that phone from being locked down, but also opening it up to a whole slew of idiots that should't be allowed to have a miniUSB cable in their home.
I can honestly say that I have NEVER bricked a phone. I will say I have had issues come up, but never enough to consider the phone an expensive paperweight.
Currently I am working on porting the Android 1.6 rom from the Dream G1 to the HTC Raphael, a perfect example of software being the main contributor to sales volume.
The Dream has less RAM and NAND memory, less keys on the keyboard and a lower resolution screen than the Raphael, but since it has Android installed it sold quite a bit more than the more feature-laden Raphael.
If I brick the Raphael there's no big loss, It was a free phone...
I tend to cover every aspect when looking into cooking or building roms and anroid installs, unlike most who will flash their phone with something completely wrong for their device.
To any of the "kiddies" reading this, RESEARCH your device, RESEARCH the phone you're about to flash it to and RESEARCH known problems after install so you don't post flames to the OP of the ROM/build! Most good cooks will post known problems with their ROMs' and even tell you if you need to flash a different radio or not.
I hate seeing 300+ replies to a ROM posting... Most of the info is in the FIRST or SECOND post, unless otherwize stated by the OP.
(I needed to rant... sorry if I offended anyone)
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Firstly, good luck with your project. I have an old Raphael here so if I can be of help testing or whatever, let me know.
Second, you're exactly right. If you do the research, the issues you run into generally aren't overwhelming, and because you've read you already know what to do if you run into them. It's the kids that come in with their new toy, try and flash **** and **** it up, then expect the whole forum to bend over backwards to provide everything they need to fix their f*ck up. If they'd done what they should have done in the first place, we wouldn't be having this conversation!
First off let me say thanks for the support on my forum topic. I was a "noob" as well at one time. Heck we are all "noobs" with each new rom,tablet,sdk,phone,o.s. that hits the streets as each one has its own set of issues and work arounds.
For example when I went to root my dell streak 7 I read up on it, I read about all the options and how they worked , looked for what problems others had, if it was even a good option for me at the time. Then i took what seemed the most popular option and what seemed to work best for others. and while reading up on the process i came across the adb stuff as mentioned before.
I was like holy crap whats all that I have to do. Well at least I have a back ground in modding and computer repaires going back years so I have the means to understand what i am reading.
But like mentioned before most of these people have no idea what adb is or how to set it up or even use it, they just jump right in with the first half ass'd wrote tutorial that useually leaves a set out and bingo they brick thier device.
Then go and return or send it in for replacement jacking up the cost for everyone else.
All I can say is read read read read read read read oh and READ some more before you go and think your a hacker and mess with your 500 dollar phone or tablet. then go cry and want a free replacement when YOU screw it up.
IM not perfect I bricked the hell out of a nook color BUT If you calm down go on the net and look chances are someone else has done the same thing and the information is out there to undo it just like i found and now my nook is all happy.
IT is very rare that these devices are UNFIXABLE almost 98% of any thing you do to it can be undone if you dont have the knowledge to undo what you have done then you should not be messing with it in the first place period.
and if you have screwed it up dont go run to the store or the warrenty hot line with a bag full of lies. Cowboy up and take the blame dont expect others to bail you out and put even more ecnomic hardships and tighter lock downs on the rest of us becasue that is all your doing.
On the lighter side LOL please excuse my grammer,puctuation,spelling and so forth I get so into my posts sometimes I dont pay any attention lol. Then when I se the post I go wow I look like an idiot but a lazy one I dont bother to fix it .
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
Agree 110% that users should read, read, read and ask questions to be sure they fully understand what they are doing and the consequences before trying modifications. They should be held responsible for their actions. Hard-working developers waste far too much time bailing out fools from their own foolishness.
There should be far more posts like in this thread all over the internet.
papo said:
sorry, but you are completely wrong. This is absolutely not how market works.
The price is not calculated and is not at all based on how many of devices get broken - which is how they are classified.
If all, then on contrary, the price may be reduced to reflect percentage of returned pieces. But again there is no dependence here.
Moreover, those devices will get reused, and will add on statistics to show problem with flashing, based on which they may try to make flashing more easy and foolproof. Yes maybe they'll decide to close some holes and make it more difficult to customize, but they might also decide to loose security here a little.
Look at HTC, you probably would agree they know about custom rom reflashing and I would say they even pulled some ropes to make it possible or easier.
It's market again, people who put custom ROM in their phone are more like pda freaks, specialist and their friends know them as such and when buying a phone asks them for opinion. So it's good for them to keep us, pda freaks, happy and allow us to tamper with their phones to be so.
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Hum ... maybe you are right but maybe you are wrong. let me tell you my opinion of why I think you are wrong.
You say that all these returned devices that people jack up dont affect the market but somehow help the numbers?
OK I myself and most other people I know, if you go into a best buy lets say for the sake of argument and they have 2 tablets on the self One is brand new never been owned sealed up at 299.99. and the other is 10% off (I thinkthat is thier standard drop for open box) open box buy. what one are you gonna chose? knowing what people do with these things I dont know about you but to me the 30 bucks savings isnt worth the hassle of returning it when it doesnt work or to find out someone monkeyed with it. And i feel i am not alone and why there are so many open box buys sitting around on shelves.
Walmart doesnt restock returned tablets or phones doesnt matter if they are working or not they return everything to the manufacturer.
Manufacturers by law cannot resell a used item as new it has to be listed as refurbished.
so where do all these refurbished tablets go??? I dont see them. does anyone here have one? No they go to sleasy civic center electronics shows for resell at nearkly full retail and who buys them? no one at that pric people would rather have a new one. not to mention by the time the refubished junk makes its rounds to be resold its outdated and everyone wants the new thing.
Dont believe me there are stil factory refubished sega dreamcasts for sale on the internet... thats like form what 12 years ago.
all this material sitting arund DOES affect the prices we pay manufactures cant have 300 million in feurbished items sitting arund unsold with out it affecting its bottom line. so who pays for it... we do with higher prices.
also with that many items comming in defective they know which ones were hacked and messed up and which ones where manufacturing defects. when you get 100's of millions in loses do to people messing around with and screwing up your product YES you will lock it down more to make it harder.
Lets put this into a laymans terms.. lets say you own and run a chair store yes all you make are chairs. this month you made 100 chairs. well lets say 50 of them came back for refunds because people used them as something to stand on and broke them. so now your company is running at a greater then 60% loss. not only are you out the retail money for the chairs, your out the labor, the material, and the cost of now doing something with all the broken chairs. whicj included fixing them and then resellig them on a secondary market for less then the original retail. at this point your out a wad of cash and no body wants to buy your once broken chairs.
OK so now how do you go about correcting the problem you have keep people from breaking your chairs so you get less returns and there fore have a better bottom line so now you have to buy stornger wood, stronger glue, and make a more robust chair that people cant break.
all of this drives your costs up and profits down so what do you do?? Thats right you increase the cost of the chair.
You maybe right I dont think I have any idea how a market works.
i agree, just like real life, things come with inscructions for a reason.
i mean, if you buy a peice of furniture from ikea...well, good luck even with the inscructions (i flipping hate ikea, to many parts to assemble)
but the point is, they are there to show you what do to, i managed to read them, and i got my skyraider (i want to flash to a 2.3 rom, but, due to bugs and reading alot of them are glitchy, gonna hold off on that for a while.
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long division...ie the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long division...ie the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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Damn right. You tell someone to go and do the 'hard' work themselves, all of a sudden these pr*cks step up and have the nerve to call you out. I'm sorry, but this place needs assholes, and lots of them. Kiddies will never learn if they're spoon-fed everything. Nothing teaches you something quicker than a smack on the ass.
I don't see anything at all wrong with calling out n00bs and serving a few idiots, provided it's done civilly. You'll always upset some people, but you can't be all things to all people, and I'd much rather be thought of as an asshole here and do my bit to cut down the bullsh*t, than sit idly by and watch this place die.
I can see it over in the desire hd forums too(and i bet it's the same situaion on other forums too). There are more and more people who are too stupid to read one of the guides in the dev section. We have dozens of threads on how to downgrade/ s-off. And these aren't just for the lulz.
It seems that they haven't even clicked one single time on the Dev-section before creating a new thread about a bootloop or anything else.
And last but no least: the search button.
It's the same story again. The forum is full of questions that were answered like a billion times in the past.
Guys, when will you realise it? It takes some effort to make our phones working as we want them to. And the most important thing to do is reading. Read the guides some users put a lot of effort in. Read them to understand your device better and read them just to hit the Thanks Button on the bottom of the guide.
Sent out of my Free Candy Van.
MacaronyMax said:
I'm not gonna lie, I bricked my first Android phone, However.. HTC Replaced the internals Not everyone that does this is a noob, it only takes 1 mistake or 1 panic to they do something and it breaks Mine bricked flashing a radio (I had read no instructions) I saw the phone with a triangle on when it rebooted and was like ahh?! Have I broke it and ripped the battery out.. Which did infact break it However rooting etc. where to even download the tools needed you have to read through very simple step by step instructions which are HARD not to do exactly as said Then maybe I don't see how people end up breaking them
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because noobs think they can do everything in one-shot and end up getting bit on the ass
plus one rom i had to go back and wipe it 4 times before it finally booted back the startup loop
so, trial and error and paitionce also is important.
Babydoll25 said:
I have issues with these noobs wanting one click, exploits for everything and then when you.. (okay, I) suggest maybe, they actually learn, how to do it by long division...ie the "long way"...I get told to "get with the times" and "I, don't need too"....No?, well don't come crying to, me when something goes, wrong....I'll be too busy playing around on MY device....THAT ACTUALLY WORKS....
Sent using two tin cans and some string.....
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no, those aren;'t noobs, those are lazy people. they think technology will be instant...no, sorry never will, people get new tv's and think that everything will be setup out of the box, sadly this is why they have techs who have to come out and set the thing up for you because you were too ****ing lazy to take 30 minutes to an hour and do it yourself and save a buttload of money.
and how I rooted and got my roms on there? i read inscructions.....and Cvbcbcmv's video :/
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
sakai4eva said:
Oh you poor OP. When will you learn?
Everyone was born unique. Therefore, everyone who was born falls on a different spot on the normal IQ curve. For everyone who is smart, quiet, listens to instructions, and respectful, there will be one d1ckwad on the other end of the equation (stupid, noisy, jumps the gun, and douchey).
From my experience, I know that I can only pray for these people and get the heck out of the dev section unless I need a new ROM.
But, all said and done, don't be discouraged by these id10ts, and continue to believe in humanity, or at least in me. I have never bricked my Desire, and the one time I was >< this close to bricking it, I knew what I did wrong and was prepared to fully accept the price of my stupidity. I have also read the instruction manual that came with my phone end to end (barring the index pages, anyway).
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Correction. Three dickwads
juzz86 said:
Correction. Three dickwads
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If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
sakai4eva said:
If XDA have this button called "follow", I'd click on it right now.
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Cheers mate.
Unfortunately, some clowns are even beyond prayers. Look at how many threads there are for the f*cking Photon 4G. You'd think someone would have a look first, hey?
I don't want to be a Senior Member anymore. I want my user tag to be 'Ban Hammer'. Then watch me go!
Juzz86 - Ban Hammer
EDIT: Nice t1ts
The quote is funnier when you finally get the innuendos.

Hawt Deal : Nook Color at $99 !

Guys check this out, Nook Color is just at 99 USD ! Isn't it an killer deal ?
But I don't know how reliable is the site. May be you guys can say
and thanks to archat68 for finding this deal.
PS - If site is unreliable or something like that, please report the thread or PM me, I will remove links.
EDIT : - DO NOT BUY ! found out it's scam site.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=lawson electronix
Readers might want to view this link first....
So it's a scam site
I used to think the U.S.A. is a great place with great people but day by day, I see more and more scumbags. I don't know why the government hasn't done anything to stop those kind of business. Why not hunt them down, lock them in the cell for a long time.
It's almost like they know the problem but they just let it be and don't care.
Why not just remove the link completely rather than include an edit disclaimer at the bottom, that way there's no chance someone will buy it without reading your whole post.
I'll admit I'm guilty of not reading posts all the way through.
I thought it other way, by putting link, thought it'd make members aware for future purchases.

Boss is taking my tools at work to give to someone else... what should I say or do?

I am a hardware support technician at my job. My boss wants to take the tablet (an iPad) I need to support the products and applications we create and give it to someone else in the company that needs it to demo our applications and hardware. I don't care about the tablet, as I care about needing it for custom application and product training, diagnostics, application and functionality testing. The problem, even though his budget paid for the item, is that I can't do my job without it and he now gets to give me grief for not being able to do my job regardless of his taking the equipment away. If these applications were written for Windows, I couldn't care less, but they were specifically written for the iPad (Android will come in phase 3 of the project), and specifically work with Apple's proprietary Bluetooth protocols.
He claims that he can't afford to purchase more equipment, and doesn't take the heat when I can't do my job which is suppose to reflect upon him when I cannot. I need to be able to argue the point to prevent him from doing this and would like some ideas. I have always had to be careful what to say to him because he has gone to his boss and used him as muscle to come into my office and try to intimidate me into compliance in the past. And though I'm working on leaving this company, I still need to do my job, keep the peace, and manage things as effectively as possible untl that times comes. Can't pay for life without a job, and they're too hard to come by these days.
Looking for advice.
PS Not on XDA, but I'm going to post this on a couple of other sites where I am a member as it is very important to me. So please excuse me if you see this somewhere else, or I delay in getting back to post replies. Newborns, painting the house, Boy Scouts, chasing a two year old that unlocks the front door and darts out to the neighbors, naked, and too much to list here, I may be somewhat slow to respond.
Be like "hey boss i need the equipment and its gotten pretty hard to do and there's some stuff that ain't fully developed and can cause some damage." I say you work harder and prove to him you can do the job and need the equipment at all times.
ya'll wish me luck
ask him when you can expect it back.
Try buying your own? <--------- Last resort
If their department paid for it then they get to have it when they want it. That is how every company I have ever worked at operates. If it is really essential and your job cannot be done without it, then you should tell your boss that and get your department to purchase one. In writing of course, no verbals on this type of stuff.
Tell him you need his advice and ask him how to do your job effectively without it. He either tells you how, in which case you've not got anything to complain about, or he admits that you can't. Either way you win.
ross231 said:
ask him when you can expect it back.
Try buying your own? <--------- Last resort
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It will be 2 to 3 weeks. As for buying one, don't have the extra $$$
mf2112 said:
If their department paid for it then they get to have it when they want it. That is how every company I have ever worked at operates. If it is really essential and your job cannot be done without it, then you should tell your boss that and get your department to purchase one. In writing of course, no verbals on this type of stuff.
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True, they can do what they want, but it counts against my productivity and he doesn't care.
Archer said:
Tell him you need his advice and ask him how to do your job effectively without it. He either tells you how, in which case you've not got anything to complain about, or he admits that you can't. Either way you win.
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I will be asking him this in my initial email to him tomorrow so that I can have a documented response.

