[Q] Help with status bar signal icon changing back - Motorola Droid 3

Hello... Ive changed my status bar icons with Ninjamorph but the stupid signal bar icon changes back to the original icon once 3g/1x kicks in. what am I missing. I see there are other png's for the signal bar do I need to change the others or is this something else?


status bar icons position

Hey, is there a way to change signal/wifi/battery icon position? Like instead of the right side, those icons are on the left of the status bar. Which xml file do I have to edit if its possible? Cheers.

Please help replace status bar

I cant seem to figure this out i want to use transparent status bar i used in my MIUI theme but it wont and throwing in the towel and hoping someone here could help
here is framework, systemUI and the new status bar ...TIA
Wait, what are you asking?
wanted to change status bar..anyways figured it out and didn't like it becasue it changed status bar for everything i just wanted new status bar for desktop

[Q] usb icon in status bar

I'm doing some theme changes and can't seem to find the status bar icon that shows when the USB is connected. Any ideas where this is stored on broken out?
I think it's stat_sys_data_usb.png in the framework-res.apk. After decompiling it should be in res\drawable-hdpi\

Is there any sare available for Note9?

I want get some themes could change status bar icon esp signal bar,
anyone can help me?

Status bar icon size mismatch

I'm on Android 9 and I can see the status bar icons for various things are not the same size.
Some examples:
The battery icon is shorter than the mobile data icon
The wifi icon is shorter than the battery icon
The refresh rate icon is shorter than the battery icon
I have searched on how to change these to be the same height on the status bar, and I have been trying to find the source files in framework-res.apk, to no avail. I have checked for apps that can change the icons, but most of the icons do not change. I have tried some Substratum themes, and some icons still do not get changed properly.
Does anyone have any other ideas on how these icons can be modified?
For anyone running Android 10, can you share this file?

