[Q] Galaxy Tab enable phone - Galaxy Tab Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I didn't see this particular possible route ventured.
I am new to linux/android but not remotely to IT. Did anyone look at coding? I started looking at code (Decompiled apk etc) and it appears that in Verizon's CDMA version is strictly blocked by the apk itself. I don't see references to anything else ( policy, permissions etc) at this time but I am not finished.
So if infact this is the case, should it not be as simple as:
decompile rom
decompile apk
fix permissions in androidmanifest.xml for phone and voip
recompile apk
recompile rom
Or did I just oversimplify this?
GSM units use firmware however when looking at code files in the tab it noted that CDMA version is all software (Java).

I am currently using voip on my Verizon tablet, but am wondering if suppose this coding worked; won't the carrier know that phone minutes are being used and not effect the plan?
Sent from my SCH-I800 using XDA

Of course it would. My question was not directed regarding the plan. Seperate issue. I was simply asking if it would work or f I over simplified it.
Doesn't mean Verizon or other carrier will allow as phone. Just if it would work.

Please use the Q&A Forum for questions &
Read the Forum Rules Ref Posting
Thanks ✟
Moving to Q&A

even thought the rules are clear etc. there is grey area as to where some of these posts can be started. Not all of us are experts which is why we come HERE to learn.
Please remember that . Even if it is standard template etc. read forum rules. .c .. move this here. templates are basicly RUDE. if you have to move threads CONSISTENTLY from a specific member of the forum. It would be understandable. If not, Please take into consideration and get off auto pilot. Accidents and lapse in judgements happen. Personally would love to see change in wording but that is just me.
My apologies sin se' (sp) young grass hopper will learn one day the very subtlties of this forum.

I have a verizion sch-i800 running cyanogenmod 9, is there any way to make phone calls? apk? modem? sacrifice a goat...?


HELP! HTC Video Share Cab Needed...

Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
Mods-Please delete, this thread moves the discussion backwards if anywhere, I will create a new thread...Thanks, and Sorry.
Calling all Chefs, esp. Att users...help please?
Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
Mods-(please delete if neccassary)
I realise this is probably not the best way to appraoch this but i have posted questions in the Att thread, and PMed ATW. Since i haven't recieved any responses, I thought I would post here because this is usually the only thread i check regularly.
Is there a older version avaliable?
Moving to software forum.
I suggest changing the name. You are much more likely to recieve help using a title more suited to your goal, i.e. "Looking for Video Share cab".
how to make a cab file, first search first result.
Thanks for the Advice GEleon....
After i posted it I realized it looks a little shwag, If i make a new topic can you move this there? It won't let edit the Title...
And, by the way...other guy...I meant i searched for the cab, not for how to create a cab...I have downloaded Alex's Rom Kitchen, with all the intentions of "cooking" my first rom, but....uh....yeah...I am retarded. I majored in Philosophy and then went to law school, needless to say any computer knowledge i have is completley self taught....ok enough of my bull$hit excuses for being lazy...I just wanted to clarify that I do my due diligence when it comes to searching for material i am intersted in...I just can't, or won't take the time to learn how to download a rom, extract the data, and create a cab file for a program i thought for sure other users would have an interst in....ok, enough of that...
in a wierd way, i like how it is cut throat in here, and how after 5-6 posts on a subject, i have gotten 1 move, 3 complaints, and 1 I would like it too...It instills an efficency standard where "If you have something to say...you better be sure!"
I guess so...
SH4YD33 said:
Is there a older version avaliable?
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Apparently, the Rom that contained the radio from hell had the first version, and it has since been updated, according to the release notes from the newest Att Rom version...This brings me back to my initial skepticism, I thought for sure there would have been atleast a mention of it, if not a cab file floating around..???
exzist78 said:
Can someone please create a cab file for the HTC Video SHare (Version 1, Build 31407). This is in the newest Att release from 6/15/08, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=400276
I have no idea how to do this, and I an frankly surprised that no other Att user is interested.
I appreciate any help...oh, and yes, I searched for it!
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As far as I know AT$T Video Share is not supported by the Kaiser (or visa versa ).
Also the thread you noted does not contain an official AT$T release. It is a leaked test rom. Which is why AT$T was no help, and why more AT$T stock rom users are not more interested.
Looking for Video Share Calling Cab
This is the Rom that contains the application, I know next to nothing about interdepedancies, so sorry if this request seems retarded or whatever...I am hoping there is atleast 1 other Att user interested...I know the service is a Rip off, but I have allways wanted to try it...
You are correct, but they are evidently implimenting it
I worked for Att during my undergrad, about 2 years ago; my brother is a manager for a couple stores owned by an Authorized Agent, so i have some close relationships...regardless, i have the video share calling on my ohone now because I put that Rom on it; however, i would love to take it off so if i have a cab file then i would feel more secure in it....
So, if there are any users who currently running this rom, and live in the Chicago Area, I can add the video share calling (either pay per use, or whatever) to your account so we can test this
exzist78 said:
This is the Rom that contains the application, I know next to nothing about interdepedancies, so sorry if this request seems retarded or whatever...I am hoping there is atleast 1 other Att user interested...I know the service is a Rip off, but I have allways wanted to try it...
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So How many threads asking the same thing are you going to post?
I personally think one is plenty.
JimmyMcGee said:
So How many threads asking the same thing are you going to post?
I personally think one is plenty.
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Get em jimmy
Man...I feel so Gotten :-(
How many threads are required before 1 user posts anything useful? What is a less efficient use of this sites resources, asking a question in multiple places, or 9 smug filled "hardcore" senior members setting a n00b straight by commenting with attitude! Bring the flames, I posted the same question all over the place and still haven't gotten 1 credible response, I am going crazy, maybe next I will drive without a seatbelt, or worse ask a question to an online communitiy that not a single person is required to view, only to be subjected to weak criticism..."dwah...how many times are you gonna post this (imagining baby Huey)....dwah"....yeah...get'em.....i mean come on, who is wasting their time to be so damn lame...the dreaded "senior" member....
Can we atleast look into the cab file, i would rather someone post the file with a password, share it with everyone except me, and atleast move this waste of my life forward....Kewllll
exzist78 said:
How many threads are required before 1 user posts anything useful? What is a less efficient use of this sites resources, asking a question in multiple places, or 9 smug filled "hardcore" senior members setting a n00b straight by commenting with attitude! Bring the flames, I posted the same question all over the place and still haven't gotten 1 credible response, I am going crazy, maybe next I will drive without a seatbelt, or worse ask a question to an online communitiy that not a single person is required to view, only to be subjected to weak criticism..."dwah...how many times are you gonna post this (imagining baby Huey)....dwah"....yeah...get'em.....i mean come on, who is wasting their time to be so damn lame...the dreaded "senior" member....
Can we atleast look into the cab file, i would rather someone post the file with a password, share it with everyone except me, and atleast move this waste of my life forward....Kewllll
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Oh, How wise. Let's criticize someone who was going to help you. But you know what. NO. I don't want to now. I'm going to stop digging through the Packages I have and Not Make you a CAB. There, Happy?
You need only post it once. THEN, Wait. Cluttering up the forum is a no-no. It makes it harder to search and find stuff. I could tell you wanted the CAB so I was using my resources and connections to help. Because that's what I do.
If you are going to act all holy, now I don't want to. And its not because you made fun of me. I don't care. Its your "I don't like the customs of the forum so I'm not going to follow" them attitude. When you come to a forum treat it like a good friends house. Repect people.
Remember we are all volunteers here. We don't owe you anything. And Being rude is not going to convinece anyone to help you. Read these while your at it. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=681487&postcount=1
Not sure if that's what you want. I found the stock HTC6.1 disable videoshare by default and I can enable it by changing the registry as follow:
We'll 2 things Confirmed...
1. I used the Video Share Calling today and successfully placed and recieved video share calls. As expected, the payoff was hardly worth all of the commotion; even considering I had been expecting some form of Video Calling since the TyTn was released with a front facing camera, only to be dissapointed when the US version launched without it. Then, after Cingular (Att) launched the Video Share Calling Service, I was certain they would bring the Kaiser across the pond with the front facing camera...after all that build up it was pretty weak, but I still would rather have the option than not. So, it is confrimed that it works, but not very consistantly. However, it is not a "ship" rom..so maybe they can work out the final bugs
2. The other confirmed phenomenon seems to be the i have offended all of the people who's work i have appreciated over the last year. It really wasn't my intention, but I do think too many people are quick to complain about the length, size, location, and ripeness of nearly any question (can you hear me Pureskillz); but such is the nature of the premier source of all things XDA. So, I apologize to the other Att users that this may have benfitted, but after so many "flame" style posts, I start to find the ridiculous "My keyboard is mapped incorrectly" bug reports to be quite funny...To everyone else, sorry if I offended any of you, but maybe we all can take it easy...
Yup I'm an asshole what can you do?
Is that really what you took form that?
Seriously, i have no beef with you...My comments are aimed braodly at many individuals that have an extremely narrow view of what a "proper" post is, or should be; thus, they feel inclined, no, obligated to bash any slight deviation. Unfortunatly, you happen to be the one that said how many threads are you going to create. I know you probably were unaware that i created 3 threads, in 3 different places and i left instructions for a mod to move to a proper thread...Subsequently, Gleason moved one other thread to this particular forum, and then recomended I modified the Title. So, I attempted to do just that, then realised that i was unable to modify the title so I asked him to delete the thread, and I would create a new one with the proper title he suggested...Long story short, there is defintly a sort of harshness that detracts from the community spirit that this site is based on. Further, I find it ironic that the fundamental reason for having a policy of restricted postings is to maximize efficency; yet, there tends to be just as many if not more "negetive," or "harsh" posts as there are unqualified ones...

[FAQ] Answers for Noobs who like to ask questions. READ THIS BEFORE ASKING ANYTHING.

Ok. I don't know if this will get stickied or not, I hope it will. Mods can feel free to change the title of the post if need be. Here's a stab at answering a few questions which are asked repeatedly.
First and foremost:
Don't even bother asking for help if you've screwed up a ROM install and don't have a backup. The only advice you'll get is to use the RUU (which can be found here).
Having gotten that out of the way here are some of the typical questions and answers.
#1. What's the fastest/best/most interesting/etc ROM out there.
Answer: Try them all and see. If you read the first page of each ROM thread the bugs/fixes are posted. If you see a thread without the bugs/fixes, READ THE THREAD FOR THAT ROM AND ASK YOUR QUESTIONS IN IT. Do not create a new thread to ask questions like: Does everything work in <INSERT ROMNAME HERE> rom?
#2. How do I...?
Answer: The answer to your question is probably http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=CDMA%20Hero%20Guides. If it's not there, it's almost definitely under search. Stop asking. Stop creating new threads. It just makes people mad and clutters up the forums.
#3. I think I bricked/broke/messed up my phone
Answer: Did you flash a GSM radio on top of a CDMA phone (or vice versa)? Then probably not. Pull your battery, restore from the NANDROID BACKUP I'm certain you made when you first rooted your phone and try again. Almost all bad ROM flashes can be fixed by wiping and reinstalling your ROM. Check your battery level. Never flash a ROM if the level is below 30%.
#4. I'm getting an error after using the RUU (110, etc)
Answer: Check the wiki guides above. There is a thread which tells you how to recover. If you are too lazy to read through the fixes, here is the thread.
#5. The Sprint 2.x upgrade is coming soon! I have pr00f!
Answer: No, you don't. Stop posting new threads to draw attention to yourself. The ROM upgrade will be out when it's out and not before Sprint is ready to release. Any release date you might have heard is tentative at best and flat out wrong in most cases. Stop creating threads about it, we don't care where you got your information.
#6. Audio doesn't work in my custom 2.x ROM
Answer: Try here. There are two fixes in this thread for it.
#7. I just flashed <INSERT ROMNAME HERE> ROM and everything's all screwed up.
Answer: Wipe everything and start over. In your nandroid recovery, select 'Wipe Data/Factory Reset'. When that's done wipe 'Dalvik-Cache'. Then when that's done (if you have installed a2sd (apps2sd)) wipe SD:EXT. Then reflash the ROM. 9 times out of 10 this will fix it. The 10th time, ask in the ROM thread, do NOT create a new thread for your issue.
#8. My battery life sucks. Or: What's the battery life on this ROM?
Search. There are a lot of threads about battery life already. If your answer's not there, ask in the ROM thread (after searching that thread of course).
Android Terms:
a2sd/apps2sd: The process of moving user installed applications from internal storage to the SD card
Rosie: Typically used as a term describing certain graphical characteristics of the Android operating system, primarily the 'bottom bar' of the phone. Example: Stock Rosie is curved, espresso Rosie is not, with rounded edges.
"For the record, with 2.1 we CAN NOT just alter the rosie launcher or the taskbar or the HTC lockbar. The files are all tied up together. This means that, if you have installed someones taskbar mods, and then later you decide you want a different rosie, when you flash the new rosie it WILL undo some of the taskbar mods....UNLESS you have a themer do a custom just for you and provide them a link to the taskbar that you are using. I cannot stress the part about providing them a link enough. That is just common courtesy. There are plenty of folks out here willing to help you. Many will even help you learn to do it yourself. Just ask nice and be patient. This is a hobby for us, too, and we often have our own projects that we are working on." - tejasrichard
There is a way to do both, however:
"And a little correction about changing only the rosie or taskbar, you can if you use metamorph [/QUOTE]
You can find metamorph in the Android Market." -danaff37
JIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalvik_virtual_machine Also see the following URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation.
LWP: Live Wallpapers. Animated wallpapers that run on your home screen. Until recently, not available in the HTC Sense UI.
MNS: Mobile Network Sharing. The act of using your cell phone as a USB or WIFI connected internet router. Example: Connecting your desktop/latop to the internet via your cell phone's mobile internet.
AOSP: Android Open Source Project http://source.android.com/
PRI: Profile of your phone. Used by your carrier to set up your network/internet settings.
PRL: Preferred Roaming List. List of cell towers close to your present location. This allows the phone to roam more easily since it has a built-in database of towers, rather than having to search for one.
This is getting too long, so I'm going to summarize:
No one likes reading the same questions over and over. If you can't be bothered to at least search for the answers, do us all a favor and don't say anything.
Stop saying things like 'I didn't feel like reading 300 pages of <INSERT ROMNAME HERE>'s thread. How do I?'...USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION TO SEARCH THAT THREAD.
If you don't read the guides, and instruction posts, then screw up your phone, don't whine about it. It's your own fault. It's not the fault of the ROM dev, or the ROM, or anything else. It's YOUR FAULT. Accept responsibility.
Did someone at the Sprint Store piss you off by not accepting your water damaged phone for replacement? Are you mad because they gave you a refurb instead of a brand new phone? We don't care. This is a DEVELOPMENT FORUM. It's for development of roms/themes/etc and discussions of roms/themes/etc. It's not a place to whine that you're being treated badly by Sprint. Post about it on Sprint's forums.
I think that covers the basics. If you're new here, do us all a favor and read this post, follow what's inside it. If you're not new and are a chronic whiner, read this post, follow what's inside it. Just stop cluttering the forums and making it impossible to find any information in it at all.
Ok, so I am fairly new and broke 4 out of the 7 rules... But I am behaving now, and actually appreciate the basis of this Thread. That said. I didn't know what I didn't know and having this Thread at least gives new folks clear and pointed fair warning.
Great POST!!!!
It wasn't aimed at you specifically, or at anyone really. It's just a general set of guidelines designed to curb repetitive posting.
10 char
Thank you! Honestly it's sad you have to make a thread like this, but it was definitely needed. Wayyy too many noobs come here asking questions that have been answered many many times over.
great read! But you know the only ones who actually read this are those of us that actually follow the guidelines and it will simply pass by the 'others' without a second glance lol
yeah, maybe edit the title to official 2.1 sprint download... haha
nighteyes_wolf said:
great read! But you know the only ones who actually read this are those of us that actually follow the guidelines and it will simply pass by the 'others' without a second glance lol
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Perhaps. But if those of us who follow the guidelines refuse to ANSWER the noobs who don't read this, except for maybe a link to this thread, there will be fewer BS threads to have to deal with.
smw6180 said:
Perhaps. But if those of us who follow the guidelines refuse to ANSWER the noobs who don't read this, except for maybe a link to this thread, there will be fewer BS threads to have to deal with.
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+10000000 Don't respond to threads just paste links to this thread good idea.
J/K. Good idea.
Just bookmarked it to make linking easier!
How about this noob question? where can I find a dummies guide to terms? A really good one stop shop. Stuff noobs like me don't know like rosie, apps2..., you name it. If its out there I Want to know what it is. P.S. I checked both wiki s and did a search for the word "terms" in titles.
Re: Answers for Noobs who like to ask questions. READ THIS BEFORE ASKING ANYTHING.
There is already a thread like that actually... lol
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yamus08 said:
How about this noob question? where can I find a dummies guide to terms? A really good one stop shop. Stuff noobs like me don't know like rosie, apps2..., you name it. If its out there I Want to know what it is. P.S. I checked both wiki s and did a search for the word "terms" in titles.
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What terms specifically? I'll add them to the OP.
Edit: Added the two you listed.
Nothing specifically, at this very moment but, I come across new ones all the time when reading different posts. If it's cool, I'll just keep posting them here as I come to them and, if you think they should be in the op you can add them there or, if not, maybe just reply back down in the thread.
BTW. I know that I can google most terms and find them, and I have no problem whatsoever doing that, it's just nice when someone coming here to learn can expedite the process a lil with the help of some of the seniors.
well i'm a noob, i had no idea what the hell lwp was... it means live wallpaper right?
bigems said:
well i'm a noob, i had no idea what the hell lwp was... it means live wallpaper right?
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I'll answer to keep this thread on page 1...yes
MNS = mobile network sharing
JIT = Just-in-time compiler WIKI
tstack77 said:
I'll answer to keep this thread on page 1...yes
MNS = mobile network sharing
JIT = Just-in-time compiler WIKI
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Me too...
well i'm a noob, i had no idea what the hell lwp was... it means live wallpaper right?
REALLY????? 3 P I C F A I LLMGTFY.COM, Try That One....
Noob Tube
I am a noob, i like finding and searching for things, its awesome, thats ok though, i wont be a noob for long,...................
MagnusRagnarok said:
Me too...
well i'm a noob, i had no idea what the hell lwp was... it means live wallpaper right?
REALLY????? 3 P I C F A I LLMGTFY.COM, Try That One....
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Not helpful. The point here is not to create a thread full of *****ing, but to create a SINGLE thread so that we don't have 15000000 posts of the same thing. So if you can't help, stfu.
I'll add the other terms listed to the front page.

[Question/Request] How to read active APNs system file

I would like to know if it is possible to read the active APN in a system file.
My objective: I would like to automate the timed swap of my two defined APNs: one for the corporate mail and one for the Internet. I am trying to do this through Tasker, which apparently allows the readout of some lines in certain files and some basic if-then-else loops.
Any other possible solutions are welcome.
Until the multiple PDP context issue will be solved by the OS, I would like to tell the device which APN it has to choose based on the active application.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Firstly, wrong section. At the top it states this is the dev section, not the Q&A section!! Seeing as this is your first post, I would recommend you read the rules, might keep your account longer.
As for the file you are looking for, it is /system/etc/apns-conf.xml. Don't know how reliably this will work for you for an on-the-fly change.. Where the actual live setting is stored, i do not know.
Hello again.
Yes, it is my first post. I am sorry if I have disturbed you by posting in the wrong section. If it really is at the wrong place I am asking the admin to move the post.
I want to say that I highly appreciate the work of all of you devs. I expressed it by also paying some of those whose work I am using on a daily basis.
But.... I must confess that I posted here on purpose. Because I thought this is the place where the most knowledge is concentrated.
Kindest regards.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App

[Q] Trick AT&T Re-Post

i know i previously opened this thread in the development section, and so many other members where complaining that i posted this in the wrong thread, so yeah maybe i did my bad it was my first opened thread so stop hating. I re-posted this so i can get some insight if this is possible.
"Alright guys so reason why i opened this thread is because do to the fact that AT&T is nothing but a pure monopolistic (wants to control everything) company and as we are all aware there is no unlimited data plans, i have always wanted to know how to "Trick" if i may say, AT&T to thinking were using a so-called "Dumb Phone" thus vise versa a smartphone such as the good old Samsung captivate. I have read other threads about similar issues and achievements on using one dumb phone to activate there data and then switching there SIM to the smartphone but to be fully honest no one has posted steps or a how-to tutorial on how to do this precisely."
If you happen to be one of those that knows how to do this, can you be kind enough to share us your knowledge and post to us some happiness once and for all Thank you!!
What you want to do involves changing your imei which is illegal and XDA does not allow instructions on how to do this. Please search as it would have showed you that all these threads are closed disscusing this.

L720T sub forum petition

I am requesting an official Sub-Forum for the Sprint Galaxy S4 Tri-Band.
While most roms work from the original variant, None of them support the radio correctly. As an example, using any kernel on stock TW will kill the radio, and users have to search and wade through the SPH-L720 forums to find info/files for our device.
A sub forum with the requirement of supporting the Tri-band version would be helpful to the Sprint S4 community, as it would stop much of the confusion of using the same forum, when it is not the same device. I also believe it would help gather more attention for what is now the standard sprint S4.
P.S. I have posted this in the appropriate thread, I just want to see how much of you want the same thing.
in on this
zeruth said:
I am requesting an official Sub-Forum for the Sprint Galaxy S4 Tri-Band.
While most roms work from the original variant, None of them support the radio correctly. As an example, using any kernel on stock TW will kill the radio, and users have to search and wade through the SPH-L720 forums to find info/files for our device.
A sub forum with the requirement of supporting the Tri-band version would be helpful to the Sprint S4 community, as it would stop much of the confusion of using the same forum, when it is not the same device. I also believe it would help gather more attention for what is now the standard sprint S4.
P.S. I have posted this in the appropriate thread, I just want to see how much of you want the same thing.
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We have needed this for quite some time now... Just having a thread or a few is not enough, come on XDA Administration, don't you think it has been long overdue?
I would like a sub forum for it.
Agreed, I realize it is a pain to setup for a small(?) Amount of users, but it would be much more convenient to locate information on my phone.
Sorry guys. This will not happen. What needs to be done is ROM developers need to properly label in their titles or OPs whether the tri-band is properly supported. As stated the same ROMs flash and do not cause bricks so there is no danger therefore no needed extra forum.
It's not just ROMS, it's also T specific tweaks.
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VandyCWG said:
It's not just ROMS, it's also T specific tweaks.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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Which can be made into a flashable zip....point is, there is no danger to either version. This is a development site and people should understand what they are flashing on their phone. As mentioned...ask that developers properly label their OP or thread title whether or not tri-band is supported.
KennyG123 said:
Which can be made into a flashable zip....point is, there is no danger to either version. This is a development site and people should understand what they are flashing on their phone. As mentioned...ask that developers properly label their OP or thread title whether or not tri-band is supported.
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No disrespect to you, but I think you are missing the point as to why have a sub forum with-in this forum. There are so many questions throughout this forum now that are mixed in with other threads and digging through to find the information is a challenge for anyone new. A lot of the questions for the T version become un-answered. If there were a place where all the threads could be in one place that would be great! Besides it would not be hard for it to be added. The only reason I could think of is if no one wanted to mod the section to keep people in check.
Sezmar said:
No disrespect to you, but I think you are missing the point as to why have a sub forum with-in this forum. There are so many questions throughout this forum now that are mixed in with other threads and digging through to find the information is a challenge for anyone new. A lot of the questions for the T version become un-answered. If there were a place where all the threads could be in one place that would be great! Besides it would not be hard for it to be added. The only reason I could think of is if no one wanted to mod the section to keep people in check.
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Moderation is not an issue at all. It would just be included in the US Samsung team of 48 existing devices. I think the point is being missed that there is not enough differences in hardware to warrant it as 99% of the work is compatible and the only issues will be not taking full advantage of the tri-band spectrum. Look at the Galaxy Nexus forum. There is an international device and a Sprint CDMA device sharing the same forum just fine. The only difference is that the international ROMs WILL brick the Sprint device so another development subforum was added. In this case all you would need to do is flash a compatible ROM. Add to that this is not the place to ask for more device forums. It is here. But as I said, I can guarantee it will be denied based on the reasons I already stated.
The only T specific questions that I would expect to see are issues with tri-band connectivity (welcome to Sprint) and what ROMs are T-friendly. If the ROM threads are properly titled then there would be no need for the last question.
KennyG123 said:
Moderation is not an issue at all. It would just be included in the US Samsung team of 48 existing devices. I think the point is being missed that there is not enough differences in hardware to warrant it as 99% of the work is compatible and the only issues will be not taking full advantage of the tri-band spectrum. Look at the Galaxy Nexus forum. There is an international device and a Sprint CDMA device sharing the same forum just fine. The only difference is that the international ROMs WILL brick the Sprint device so another development subforum was added. In this case all you would need to do is flash a compatible ROM. Add to that this is not the place to ask for more device forums. It is here. But as I said, I can guarantee it will be denied based on the reasons I already stated.
The only T specific questions that I would expect to see are issues with tri-band connectivity (welcome to Sprint) and what ROMs are T-friendly. If the ROM threads are properly titled then there would be no need for the last question.
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The only problem with that theory is that MOST GS4 owners have the earlier version. So they can't add Tri Band support to their rom.
This sub forum would be a place where you KNOW everything has Tri Band.
It would actually push developers to support Tri Band because currently nobody does.
My main point being is that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It would only help those of us that have the upgraded model.
Also TW Kernels break the radio on stock. JS
zeruth said:
The only problem with that theory is that MOST GS4 owners have the earlier version. So they can't add Tri Band support to their rom.
This sub forum would be a place where you KNOW everything has Tri Band.
It would actually push developers to support Tri Band because currently nobody does.
My main point being is that it wouldn't hurt anyone. It would only help those of us that have the upgraded model.
Also TW Kernels break the radio on stock. JS
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I gave you the link to where you can post your request. My point is that devices with similar hardware do not get their own forum. It does not get done unless there is potential for damage to the other device...there isn't. You can flash any ROM on either device. If you realize you are one of the few with a tri-band phone and your LTE isn't working you would simply flash a ROM that does support it. Unless you can show that there is a potential for damage then you will have to read the OP of the ROMs you are choosing to flash on your $700 device..sounds like something everyone should be doing.
KennyG123 said:
I gave you the link to where you can post your request. My point is that devices with similar hardware do not get their own forum. It does not get done unless there is potential for damage to the other device...there isn't. You can flash any ROM on either device. If you realize you are one of the few with a tri-band phone and your LTE isn't working you would simply flash a ROM that does support it. Unless you can show that there is a potential for damage then you will have to read the OP of the ROMs you are choosing to flash on your $700 device..sounds like something everyone should be doing.
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Already posted in the thread for forum requests. Before I made this thread actually.
This is to spread awareness that it should be done, and by the poll i think most people agree.
It's like Cyanogenmod. you don't have an official build until EVERY hardware feature is supported.
I really don't get why anyone would have anything against this change. it doesn't hurt the website, it doesn't hurt the regular L720 forum.
It benefits the community. which i'm pretty sure is what this website is about.
zeruth said:
Already posted in the thread for forum requests. Before I made this thread actually.
This is to spread awareness that it should be done, and by the poll i think most people agree.
It's like Cyanogenmod. you don't have an official build until EVERY hardware feature is supported.
I really don't get why anyone would have anything against this change. it doesn't hurt the website, it doesn't hurt the regular L720 forum.
It benefits the community. which i'm pretty sure is what this website is about.
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Actually this is a development site created by developers for developers. It is not a support site. As for your poll of 13 votes, it is kind of biased as only people with that device are voting...not much difference in asking a teenager "Do you want your own room." I hardly think 13 people are going to sway admin to start a new precedent. You don't seem to understand that there are MANY devices with more than one release of a hardware variant. As it is now members go to the wrong S4 forum. Look at the big picture for once..imagine a site with another 1000 forums due to slight hardware vbariances...only requiring one thing..for the member to read. If you go to the Sprint HTC M8 forums there is 2 devices there...the original M8 release and the Harman-Kardon device. If you flash ROMs without the H-K files or firmware you will lose the Harman-Kardon features...that does not justify making their own forum...and guarantee you will get 13 votes if you had a similar poll there. This is not about fighting you on one small community of devices, this is about a site precedent and not spoon feeding members for every little thing. It is expected that members do the research before flashing anything...if they do not know to check for the proper support in a ROM then they should not be flashing ROMs. They should stay on stock and get the full support the manufacturer has provided.
The best thing that someone can do for development and the community is to make a thread in General of all the ROMs that support the T device. Keep it maintained with any updates and new work. THAT is how you help the community. I see one has been created...excellent! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2660866
I appreciate your passion for this request but you really are not seeing beyond your own needs here. You have to look at the big picture and how this site is set up and run....not that we are failing to grant you this "small" request. And did you not think that this would mean developers would have to support 2 threads in 2 forums rather than one thread in one forum and have a flashable zip to make it T compatible. Developers time is valuable as they do this for free, as a hobby and with great cost to their personal and family time. Most do not want to create and support an additional thread and ROM for such a minor variance. If there is ever a firmware upgrade that causes bricks between these variants I am sure Admin will look at this request more closely.
KennyG123 said:
Actually this is a development site created by developers for developers. It is not a support site. As for your poll of 13 votes, it is kind of biased as only people with that device are voting...not much difference in asking a teenager "Do you want your own room." I hardly think 13 people are going to sway admin to start a new precedent. You don't seem to understand that there are MANY devices with more than one release of a hardware variant. As it is now members go to the wrong S4 forum. Look at the big picture for once..imagine a site with another 1000 forums due to slight hardware vbariances...only requiring one thing..for the member to read. If you go to the Sprint HTC M8 forums there is 2 devices there...the original M8 release and the Harman-Kardon device. If you flash ROMs without the H-K files or firmware you will lose the Harman-Kardon features...that does not justify making their own forum...and guarantee you will get 13 votes if you had a similar poll there. This is not about fighting you on one small community of devices, this is about a site precedent and not spoon feeding members for every little thing. It is expected that members do the research before flashing anything...if they do not know to check for the proper support in a ROM then they should not be flashing ROMs. They should stay on stock and get the full support the manufacturer has provided.
The best thing that someone can do for development and the community is to make a thread in General of all the ROMs that support the T device. Keep it maintained with any updates and new work. THAT is how you help the community. I see one has been created...excellent! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2660866
I appreciate your passion for this request but you really are not seeing beyond your own needs here. You have to look at the big picture and how this site is set up and run....not that we are failing to grant you this "small" request. And did you not think that this would mean developers would have to support 2 threads in 2 forums rather than one thread in one forum and have a flashable zip to make it T compatible. Developers time is valuable as they do this for free, as a hobby and with great cost to their personal and family time. Most do not want to create and support an additional thread and ROM for such a minor variance. If there is ever a firmware upgrade that causes bricks between these variants I am sure Admin will look at this request more closely.
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I get it, I really do, but a sub-forum really wouldn't get in the way of anything. i'm not really asking for a whole new forum. That thread just says what works, none of them support the radio itself. But is a sub forum where we can take care of each other easier really spoon feeding?
Like under the theme and apps forum have our 720T specific forum.
zeruth said:
I get it, I really do, but a sub-forum really wouldn't get in the way of anything. i'm not really asking for a whole new forum. That thread just says what works, none of them support the radio itself. But is a sub forum where we can take care of each other easier really spoon feeding?
Like under the theme and apps forum have our 720T specific forum.
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I really don't think you do. If you did, then you would realize that making a seperate subforum for people who cannot be bothered to read an OP IS spoon-feeding. If there is no damage to the phone then simply properly labeling the thread title resolves this. Also as mentioned, a proper flashable zip with radio and support files will also make all ROMs compatible.
After lurking for years, I will make my first post in support of this idea.
I am in favor of this I have an 720 and a 720t would make it a little easier.
Sent from my SPH-L720T using XDA Free mobile app
I really get what Kenny is saying .... but it isn't just the roms. Many of the xposed modules do not work for example. And I am not sure whether its being 4.4.2 or 720T. I can't get tethering to work without paying for an app (which I did). There is a 66 page thread about 720T related stuff because its just different enough to be a pia. At the very least we should all maybe try to label every 720t post with [720T] so that its easily searchable. Still means we have to do a search every time, but would be a little better in the meantime. Also, I had no idea there was such a thing as a 720T until I got this one as an insurance replacement. Perhaps this thread will at least let others in the forums know that such a thing exists and encourage everyone to specify 720 vs 720T when they are making posts so as to avoid confusion.
Yes, absolutely. I was thinking the same exact thing. This is a unique device that needs a sub forum.
Sent from my SPH-L720T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app

