I need 60 cents - Off-topic

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone could donate 60 cents to me on paypal out of the goodness of their hearts. If this kind of thread violates the rules, please tell me and I'll ask for it to be removed right away.

Yes it does violate the rules, and there's no need to ask for it to be removed
Thread closed.


Important! Read this before you post!!!

Here is a warning to all members.
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained.
If you violate this rule in any way I will remove the link, close the thread and issue a permanent ban to the member(s) involved and issue a 1 week ban to anyone that downloads it!
This is your first and final warning!
Any links or files posted will be reviewed by myself and other members of the moderation and administrative staff.
So it is YOUR responsibility, as a member and contributer to ensure that this rule is enforced at all times! This will not be up for debate.
What do you do if you see a questionable post?
You can either report the post or you can send me a private message and it will be dealt with immediately. You will be completely anonymous.
What do you do if you post a thread and attach a paid app (to include crack, keygen, key, serial, etc)
You remove your post immediately and report the post or send me a private message immediately with details explaining the mistake. We will review the post and more than likely no correctable action will be taken upon you.
What if you make a mistake by posting a paid app and not know it?
Too bad... so sad. You had your warning. I know that this is harsh but I don't want any excuses or lies and I must be fair and rule everyone the same. No exception.
Are you a develeper and want to sample your app here?
Great! We always welcome productivity and development! That is, after all what we're all about.
Please attach your file and your contact information such as website, details of your app and screenshots if possible.
If you have any other questions feel free to contact me or another moderator.
I will be keeping this thread open for 72 hours for Q&A regarding this already existing policy.
Thanks for your cooperation.
This topic has had almost a hundred views and not one person had a question or statement about it. I find that interesting because I know that in a few days some poor soul will send an e-mail to XDA-Developers with something like:
"Why did I get banned? I didn't know that wasn't a rule. Can I get a second chance? I won't do it again."
And do you know what we will do? We will post it for the moderation team to review, I will post this link to this topic and say only three words "They were warned" and case close. Then we'll probably have a laugh about it.
So again... DO NOT DO IT!
This topic will be closed by nights end (that is in about four hours from now) so you have until then to say your piece.
Alright, 122 views and not one reply in the 72 hours that this has been posted.
Topic closed and rule is now in full effect.
I'm going to start going through now and removing posts and banning members if applicable.


Warez request removed, thread closed
Either buy it or stop requesting warez. Read the rules of the forum. Can you shut this one down please M_T_M
Sorry My Bad Im A Newbie
Well now you know.

Forum Moderator

Hi dudes and dudettes
Today, I have been appointed as the moderator for this forum.
Dont worry, I am not here to write a bible of rules for you.
Well, just 4
1 - Please search before you post a new thread, a question, or a suggestion.
2 - Please be tolerant towards other members. Don't forget you were a noob yourself.
3 - Please donot take matters in your hands. PM me or another mod with the link to the post and why you think it should be reported.
4 - And please, use ENGLISH
This site is a learn from everyone site. I have learnt a lot in the last 4 years I have been on it.
And last, not be any means the least... a little fun doesnt hurt anyone
Feel free to PM me at anytime with whatever you need or want or discuss or even a hello.
Cheers guys!

My plead for my daughter

Please take a moment to read and feel free to ask anything. Thank you for your time.
So sorry about this, but unfortunately crowd fund raising threads are against the xda rules, so I had to close this thread.

Peer Review!

Okay before anything else, not sure if this is permitted by the forum rules, so let me mention the mods, @dottat, @Sloth, @Stephen, @SynisterWolf and apologize to you guys in advance if Im breaking the rules here. Please delete this thread if this is not allowed, but bear no malice towards me for it was unintentional
I'm one of the top 60 selected out of 15,282 applicants to conduct a peer review of the OnePlus 3. I have been active here on the Samsung forums, and you can see my posts/contributions thru my profile. If you are willing and able to, I would very much appreciate your vote for my essay on the OnePlus Lab page. The 30 with the most votes will get a chance to conduct an early review of the phone at launch.
My plan for the review is to focus on experiences because the usual technical benchmarks and such will follow immediately anyway. If you have any specific requests or ideas that you would like me to take up IF I get a phone for review, please let me know here. Thanks in advance to anybody who votes for me and shares my essay on their social networks. And once again, apologies to the mods if I broke the rules!

